994 resultados para Equation prediction


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reduce costs and labor associated with predicting the genotypic mean (GM) of a synthetic variety (SV) of maize (Zea mays L.), breeders can develop SVs from L lines and s single crosses (SynL,SC) instead of L+2s lines (SynL). The objective of this work was to derive and study formulae for the inbreeding coefficient (IC) and GM of SynL,SC, SynL, and the SV derived from (L+2s)/2 single crosses (SynSC). All SVs were derived from the same L+2s unrelated lines whose IC is FL, and each parent of a SV was represented by m plants. An a priori probability equation for the IC was used. Important results were: 1) the largest and smallest GMs correspond to SynL and SynL,SC, respectively; 2) the GM predictors with the largest and intermediate precision are those for SynL and SynL,SC, respectively; 3) only when FL=1, or m is large, SynL and SynSC are the same population, but only with SynSC prediction costs and labor undergo the maximum decrease, although its prediction precision is the lowest. To determine the SV to be developed, breeders should also consider the availability of lines, single crosses, manpower and land area; besides budget, target farmers, target environments, etc.


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Nowadays, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) solvers are widely used within the industry to model fluid flow phenomenons. Several fluid flow model equations have been employed in the last decades to simulate and predict forces acting, for example, on different aircraft configurations. Computational time and accuracy are strongly dependent on the fluid flow model equation and the spatial dimension of the problem considered. While simple models based on perfect flows, like panel methods or potential flow models can be very fast to solve, they usually suffer from a poor accuracy in order to simulate real flows (transonic, viscous). On the other hand, more complex models such as the full Navier- Stokes equations provide high fidelity predictions but at a much higher computational cost. Thus, a good compromise between accuracy and computational time has to be fixed for engineering applications. A discretisation technique widely used within the industry is the so-called Finite Volume approach on unstructured meshes. This technique spatially discretises the flow motion equations onto a set of elements which form a mesh, a discrete representation of the continuous domain. Using this approach, for a given flow model equation, the accuracy and computational time mainly depend on the distribution of nodes forming the mesh. Therefore, a good compromise between accuracy and computational time might be obtained by carefully defining the mesh. However, defining an optimal mesh for complex flows and geometries requires a very high level expertize in fluid mechanics and numerical analysis, and in most cases a simple guess of regions of the computational domain which might affect the most the accuracy is impossible. Thus, it is desirable to have an automatized remeshing tool, which is more flexible with unstructured meshes than its structured counterpart. However, adaptive methods currently in use still have an opened question: how to efficiently drive the adaptation ? Pioneering sensors based on flow features generally suffer from a lack of reliability, so in the last decade more effort has been made in developing numerical error-based sensors, like for instance the adjoint-based adaptation sensors. While very efficient at adapting meshes for a given functional output, the latter method is very expensive as it requires to solve a dual set of equations and computes the sensor on an embedded mesh. Therefore, it would be desirable to develop a more affordable numerical error estimation method. The current work aims at estimating the truncation error, which arises when discretising a partial differential equation. These are the higher order terms neglected in the construction of the numerical scheme. The truncation error provides very useful information as it is strongly related to the flow model equation and its discretisation. On one hand, it is a very reliable measure of the quality of the mesh, therefore very useful in order to drive a mesh adaptation procedure. On the other hand, it is strongly linked to the flow model equation, so that a careful estimation actually gives information on how well a given equation is solved, which may be useful in the context of _ -extrapolation or zonal modelling. The following work is organized as follows: Chap. 1 contains a short review of mesh adaptation techniques as well as numerical error prediction. In the first section, Sec. 1.1, the basic refinement strategies are reviewed and the main contribution to structured and unstructured mesh adaptation are presented. Sec. 1.2 introduces the definitions of errors encountered when solving Computational Fluid Dynamics problems and reviews the most common approaches to predict them. Chap. 2 is devoted to the mathematical formulation of truncation error estimation in the context of finite volume methodology, as well as a complete verification procedure. Several features are studied, such as the influence of grid non-uniformities, non-linearity, boundary conditions and non-converged numerical solutions. This verification part has been submitted and accepted for publication in the Journal of Computational Physics. Chap. 3 presents a mesh adaptation algorithm based on truncation error estimates and compares the results to a feature-based and an adjoint-based sensor (in collaboration with Jorge Ponsín, INTA). Two- and three-dimensional cases relevant for validation in the aeronautical industry are considered. This part has been submitted and accepted in the AIAA Journal. An extension to Reynolds Averaged Navier- Stokes equations is also included, where _ -estimation-based mesh adaptation and _ -extrapolation are applied to viscous wing profiles. The latter has been submitted in the Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering. Keywords: mesh adaptation, numerical error prediction, finite volume Hoy en día, la Dinámica de Fluidos Computacional (CFD) es ampliamente utilizada dentro de la industria para obtener información sobre fenómenos fluidos. La Dinámica de Fluidos Computacional considera distintas modelizaciones de las ecuaciones fluidas (Potencial, Euler, Navier-Stokes, etc) para simular y predecir las fuerzas que actúan, por ejemplo, sobre una configuración de aeronave. El tiempo de cálculo y la precisión en la solución depende en gran medida de los modelos utilizados, así como de la dimensión espacial del problema considerado. Mientras que modelos simples basados en flujos perfectos, como modelos de flujos potenciales, se pueden resolver rápidamente, por lo general aducen de una baja precisión a la hora de simular flujos reales (viscosos, transónicos, etc). Por otro lado, modelos más complejos tales como el conjunto de ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes proporcionan predicciones de alta fidelidad, a expensas de un coste computacional mucho más elevado. Por lo tanto, en términos de aplicaciones de ingeniería se debe fijar un buen compromiso entre precisión y tiempo de cálculo. Una técnica de discretización ampliamente utilizada en la industria es el método de los Volúmenes Finitos en mallas no estructuradas. Esta técnica discretiza espacialmente las ecuaciones del movimiento del flujo sobre un conjunto de elementos que forman una malla, una representación discreta del dominio continuo. Utilizando este enfoque, para una ecuación de flujo dado, la precisión y el tiempo computacional dependen principalmente de la distribución de los nodos que forman la malla. Por consiguiente, un buen compromiso entre precisión y tiempo de cálculo se podría obtener definiendo cuidadosamente la malla, concentrando sus elementos en aquellas zonas donde sea estrictamente necesario. Sin embargo, la definición de una malla óptima para corrientes y geometrías complejas requiere un nivel muy alto de experiencia en la mecánica de fluidos y el análisis numérico, así como un conocimiento previo de la solución. Aspecto que en la mayoría de los casos no está disponible. Por tanto, es deseable tener una herramienta que permita adaptar los elementos de malla de forma automática, acorde a la solución fluida (remallado). Esta herramienta es generalmente más flexible en mallas no estructuradas que con su homóloga estructurada. No obstante, los métodos de adaptación actualmente en uso todavía dejan una pregunta abierta: cómo conducir de manera eficiente la adaptación. Sensores pioneros basados en las características del flujo en general, adolecen de una falta de fiabilidad, por lo que en la última década se han realizado grandes esfuerzos en el desarrollo numérico de sensores basados en el error, como por ejemplo los sensores basados en el adjunto. A pesar de ser muy eficientes en la adaptación de mallas para un determinado funcional, este último método resulta muy costoso, pues requiere resolver un doble conjunto de ecuaciones: la solución y su adjunta. Por tanto, es deseable desarrollar un método numérico de estimación de error más asequible. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo estimar el error local de truncación, que aparece cuando se discretiza una ecuación en derivadas parciales. Estos son los términos de orden superior olvidados en la construcción del esquema numérico. El error de truncación proporciona una información muy útil sobre la solución: es una medida muy fiable de la calidad de la malla, obteniendo información que permite llevar a cabo un procedimiento de adaptación de malla. Está fuertemente relacionado al modelo matemático fluido, de modo que una estimación precisa garantiza la idoneidad de dicho modelo en un campo fluido, lo que puede ser útil en el contexto de modelado zonal. Por último, permite mejorar la precisión de la solución resolviendo un nuevo sistema donde el error local actúa como término fuente (_ -extrapolación). El presenta trabajo se organiza de la siguiente manera: Cap. 1 contiene una breve reseña de las técnicas de adaptación de malla, así como de los métodos de predicción de los errores numéricos. En la primera sección, Sec. 1.1, se examinan las estrategias básicas de refinamiento y se presenta la principal contribución a la adaptación de malla estructurada y no estructurada. Sec 1.2 introduce las definiciones de los errores encontrados en la resolución de problemas de Dinámica Computacional de Fluidos y se examinan los enfoques más comunes para predecirlos. Cap. 2 está dedicado a la formulación matemática de la estimación del error de truncación en el contexto de la metodología de Volúmenes Finitos, así como a un procedimiento de verificación completo. Se estudian varias características que influyen en su estimación: la influencia de la falta de uniformidad de la malla, el efecto de las no linealidades del modelo matemático, diferentes condiciones de contorno y soluciones numéricas no convergidas. Esta parte de verificación ha sido presentada y aceptada para su publicación en el Journal of Computational Physics. Cap. 3 presenta un algoritmo de adaptación de malla basado en la estimación del error de truncación y compara los resultados con sensores de featured-based y adjointbased (en colaboración con Jorge Ponsín del INTA). Se consideran casos en dos y tres dimensiones, relevantes para la validación en la industria aeronáutica. Este trabajo ha sido presentado y aceptado en el AIAA Journal. También se incluye una extensión de estos métodos a las ecuaciones RANS (Reynolds Average Navier- Stokes), en donde adaptación de malla basada en _ y _ -extrapolación son aplicados a perfiles con viscosidad de alas. Este último trabajo se ha presentado en los Actas de la Institución de Ingenieros Mecánicos, Parte G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering. Palabras clave: adaptación de malla, predicción del error numérico, volúmenes finitos


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We study the renormalization group flow of the average action of the stochastic Navier-Stokes equation with power-law forcing. Using Galilean invariance, we introduce a nonperturbative approximation adapted to the zero-frequency sector of the theory in the parametric range of the Hölder exponent 4−2 ɛ of the forcing where real-space local interactions are relevant. In any spatial dimension d, we observe the convergence of the resulting renormalization group flow to a unique fixed point which yields a kinetic energy spectrum scaling in agreement with canonical dimension analysis. Kolmogorov's −5/3 law is, thus, recovered for ɛ=2 as also predicted by perturbative renormalization. At variance with the perturbative prediction, the −5/3 law emerges in the presence of a saturation in the ɛ dependence of the scaling dimension of the eddy diffusivity at ɛ=3/2 when, according to perturbative renormalization, the velocity field becomes infrared relevant.


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The estimation of power losses due to wind turbine wakes is crucial to understanding overall wind farm economics. This is especially true for large offshore wind farms, as it represents the primary source of losses in available power, given the regular arrangement of rotors, their generally largerdiameter and the lower ambient turbulence level, all of which conspire to dramatically affect wake expansion and, consequently, the power deficit. Simulation of wake effects in offshore wind farms (in reasonable computational time) is currently feasible using CFD tools. An elliptic CFD model basedon the actuator disk method and various RANS turbulence closure schemes is tested and validated using power ratios extracted from Horns Rev and Nysted wind farms, collected as part of the EU-funded UPWIND project. The primary focus of the present work is on turbulence modeling, as turbulent mixing is the main mechanism for flow recovery inside wind farms. A higher-order approach, based on the anisotropic RSM model, is tested to better take into account the imbalance in the length scales inside and outside of the wake, not well reproduced by current two-equation closure schemes.


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In the last few years there has been a heightened interest in data treatment and analysis with the aim of discovering hidden knowledge and eliciting relationships and patterns within this data. Data mining techniques (also known as Knowledge Discovery in Databases) have been applied over a wide range of fields such as marketing, investment, fraud detection, manufacturing, telecommunications and health. In this study, well-known data mining techniques such as artificial neural networks (ANN), genetic programming (GP), forward selection linear regression (LR) and k-means clustering techniques, are proposed to the health and sports community in order to aid with resistance training prescription. Appropriate resistance training prescription is effective for developing fitness, health and for enhancing general quality of life. Resistance exercise intensity is commonly prescribed as a percent of the one repetition maximum. 1RM, dynamic muscular strength, one repetition maximum or one execution maximum, is operationally defined as the heaviest load that can be moved over a specific range of motion, one time and with correct performance. The safety of the 1RM assessment has been questioned as such an enormous effort may lead to muscular injury. Prediction equations could help to tackle the problem of predicting the 1RM from submaximal loads, in order to avoid or at least, reduce the associated risks. We built different models from data on 30 men who performed up to 5 sets to exhaustion at different percentages of the 1RM in the bench press action, until reaching their actual 1RM. Also, a comparison of different existing prediction equations is carried out. The LR model seems to outperform the ANN and GP models for the 1RM prediction in the range between 1 and 10 repetitions. At 75% of the 1RM some subjects (n = 5) could perform 13 repetitions with proper technique in the bench press action, whilst other subjects (n = 20) performed statistically significant (p < 0:05) more repetitions at 70% than at 75% of their actual 1RM in the bench press action. Rate of perceived exertion (RPE) seems not to be a good predictor for 1RM when all the sets are performed until exhaustion, as no significant differences (p < 0:05) were found in the RPE at 75%, 80% and 90% of the 1RM. Also, years of experience and weekly hours of strength training are better correlated to 1RM (p < 0:05) than body weight. O'Connor et al. 1RM prediction equation seems to arise from the data gathered and seems to be the most accurate 1RM prediction equation from those proposed in literature and used in this study. Epley's 1RM prediction equation is reproduced by means of data simulation from 1RM literature equations. Finally, future lines of research are proposed related to the problem of the 1RM prediction by means of genetic algorithms, neural networks and clustering techniques. RESUMEN En los últimos años ha habido un creciente interés en el tratamiento y análisis de datos con el propósito de descubrir relaciones, patrones y conocimiento oculto en los mismos. Las técnicas de data mining (también llamadas de \Descubrimiento de conocimiento en bases de datos\) se han aplicado consistentemente a lo gran de un gran espectro de áreas como el marketing, inversiones, detección de fraude, producción industrial, telecomunicaciones y salud. En este estudio, técnicas bien conocidas de data mining como las redes neuronales artificiales (ANN), programación genética (GP), regresión lineal con selección hacia adelante (LR) y la técnica de clustering k-means, se proponen a la comunidad del deporte y la salud con el objetivo de ayudar con la prescripción del entrenamiento de fuerza. Una apropiada prescripción de entrenamiento de fuerza es efectiva no solo para mejorar el estado de forma general, sino para mejorar la salud e incrementar la calidad de vida. La intensidad en un ejercicio de fuerza se prescribe generalmente como un porcentaje de la repetición máxima. 1RM, fuerza muscular dinámica, una repetición máxima o una ejecución máxima, se define operacionalmente como la carga máxima que puede ser movida en un rango de movimiento específico, una vez y con una técnica correcta. La seguridad de las pruebas de 1RM ha sido cuestionada debido a que el gran esfuerzo requerido para llevarlas a cabo puede derivar en serias lesiones musculares. Las ecuaciones predictivas pueden ayudar a atajar el problema de la predicción de la 1RM con cargas sub-máximas y son empleadas con el propósito de eliminar o al menos, reducir los riesgos asociados. En este estudio, se construyeron distintos modelos a partir de los datos recogidos de 30 hombres que realizaron hasta 5 series al fallo en el ejercicio press de banca a distintos porcentajes de la 1RM, hasta llegar a su 1RM real. También se muestra una comparación de algunas de las distintas ecuaciones de predicción propuestas con anterioridad. El modelo LR parece superar a los modelos ANN y GP para la predicción de la 1RM entre 1 y 10 repeticiones. Al 75% de la 1RM algunos sujetos (n = 5) pudieron realizar 13 repeticiones con una técnica apropiada en el ejercicio press de banca, mientras que otros (n = 20) realizaron significativamente (p < 0:05) más repeticiones al 70% que al 75% de su 1RM en el press de banca. El ínndice de esfuerzo percibido (RPE) parece no ser un buen predictor del 1RM cuando todas las series se realizan al fallo, puesto que no existen diferencias signifiativas (p < 0:05) en el RPE al 75%, 80% y el 90% de la 1RM. Además, los años de experiencia y las horas semanales dedicadas al entrenamiento de fuerza están más correlacionadas con la 1RM (p < 0:05) que el peso corporal. La ecuación de O'Connor et al. parece surgir de los datos recogidos y parece ser la ecuación de predicción de 1RM más precisa de aquellas propuestas en la literatura y empleadas en este estudio. La ecuación de predicción de la 1RM de Epley es reproducida mediante simulación de datos a partir de algunas ecuaciones de predicción de la 1RM propuestas con anterioridad. Finalmente, se proponen futuras líneas de investigación relacionadas con el problema de la predicción de la 1RM mediante algoritmos genéticos, redes neuronales y técnicas de clustering.


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The diffusion equation method of global minimization is applied to compute the crystal structure of S6, with no a priori knowledge about the system. The experimental lattice parameters and positions and orientations of the molecules in the unit cell are predicted correctly.


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Numerous studies in the last 60 years have investigated the relationship between land slope and soil erosion rates. However, relatively few of these have investigated slope gradient responses: ( a) for steep slopes, (b) for specific erosion processes, and ( c) as a function of soil properties. Simulated rainfall was applied in the laboratory on 16 soils and 16 overburdens at 100 mm/h to 3 replicates of unconsolidated flume plots 3 m long by 0.8 m wide and 0.15 m deep at slopes of 20, 5, 10, 15, and 30% slope in that order. Sediment delivery at each slope was measured to determine the relationship between slope steepness and erosion rate. Data from this study were evaluated alongside data and existing slope adjustment functions from more than 55 other studies from the literature. Data and the literature strongly support a logistic slope adjustment function of the form S = A + B/[1 + exp (C - D sin theta)] where S is the slope adjustment factor and A, B, C, and D are coefficients that depend on the dominant detachment and transport processes. Average coefficient values when interill-only processes are active are A - 1.50, B 6.51, C 0.94, and D 5.30 (r(2) = 0.99). When rill erosion is also potentially active, the average slope response is greater and coefficient values are A - 1.12, B 16.05, C 2.61, and D 8.32 (r(2) = 0.93). The interill-only function predicts increases in sediment delivery rates from 5 to 30% slope that are approximately double the predictions based on existing published interill functions. The rill + interill function is similar to a previously reported value. The above relationships represent a mean slope response for all soils, yet the response of individual soils varied substantially from a 2.5-fold to a 50-fold increase over the range of slopes studied. The magnitude of the slope response was found to be inversely related ( log - log linear) to the dispersed silt and clay content of the soil, and 3 slope adjustment equations are proposed that provide a better estimate of slope response when this soil property is known. Evaluation of the slope adjustment equations proposed in this paper using independent datasets showed that the new equations can improve soil erosion predictions.


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Gray's Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory (RST) consists of the Behavioural Activation System (BAS) which is the basis of Impulsivity, and Behavioural Inhibition System (BIS) which is the basis of Anxiety. In this study, Impulsivity and Anxiety were used as distal predictors of attitudes to religion in the prediction of three religious dependent variables (Church attendance, Amount of prayer, and Importance of church). We hypothesised that Impulsivity would independently predict a Rewarding attitude to the Church and that Anxiety would independently predict an Anxious attitude to the church, and that these attitudes would be proximal predictors of our dependent variables. Moreover, we predicted that interactions between predictors would be proximal. Using structural equation modelling, data from 400 participants supported the hypotheses. We also tested Eysenck's personality scales of Extraversion and Neuroticism and found a key path of the structural equation model to be non-significant. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: In paediatric clinical practice treatment is often adjusted in relation to body size, for example the calculation of pharmacological and dialysis dosages. In addition to use of body weight, for some purposes total body water (TBW) and surface area are estimated from anthropometry using equations developed several decades previously. Whether such equations remain valid in contemporary populations is not known. Methods: Total body water was measured using deuterium dilution in 672 subjects (265 infants aged < 1 year; 407 children and adolescents aged 1-19 years) during the period 1990-2003. TBW was predicted (a) using published equations, and (b) directly from data on age, sex, weight, and height. Results: Previously published equations, based on data obtained before 1970, significantly overestimated TBW, with average biases ranging from 4% to 11%. For all equations, the overestimation of TBW was greatest in infancy. New equations were generated. The best equation, incorporating log weight, log height, age, and sex, had a standard error of the estimate of 7.8%. Conclusions: Secular trends in the nutritional status of infants and children are altering the relation between age or weight and TBW. Equations developed in previous decades significantly overestimate TBW in all age groups, especially infancy; however, the relation between TBW and weight may continue to change. This scenario is predicted to apply more generally to many aspects of paediatric clinical practice in which dosages are calculated on the basis of anthropometric data collected in previous decades.


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Background. Exercise therapy improves functional capacity in CHF, but selection and individualization of training would be helped by a simple non-invasive marker of peak VO2. Peak VO2 in these pts is difficult to predict without direct measurement, and LV ejection fraction is a poor predictor. Myocardial tissue velocities are less load-dependent, and may be predictive of the exercise response in CHF pts. We sought to use tissue velocity as a predictor of peak VO2 in CHF pts. Methods. Resting 2D-echocardiography and tissue Doppler imaging were performed in 182 CHF pts (159 male, age 62±10 years) before and after metabolic exercise testing. The majority of these patients (129, 71%) had an ischemic cardiomyopathy, with resting EF of 35±13% and a peak VO2 of 13.5±4.7 ml/kg/min. Results. Neither resting EF (r=0.15) nor peak EF (r=0.18, both p=NS) were correlated with peak VO2. However, peak VO2 correlated with peak systolic velocity in septal (Vss, r=0.31) and lateral walls (Vsl, r=0.26, both p=0.01). In a general linear model (r2 = 0.25), peak VO2 was calculated from the following equation: 9.6 + 0.68*Vss - 0.09*age + 0.06*maximum HR. This model proved to be a superior predictor of peak VO2 (r=0.51, p=0.01) than the standard prediction equations of Wasserman (r= -0.12, p=0.01). Conclusions. Resting tissue Doppler, age and maximum heart rate may be used to predict functional capacity in CHF patients. This may be of use in selecting and following the response to therapy, including for exercise training.


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Purpose: Phonological accounts of reading implicate three aspects of phonological awareness tasks that underlie the relationship with reading; a) the language-based nature of the stimuli (words or nonwords), b) the verbal nature of the response, and c) the complexity of the stimuli (words can be segmented into units of speech). Yet, it is uncertain which task characteristics are most important as they are typically confounded. By systematically varying response-type and stimulus complexity across speech and non-speech stimuli, the current study seeks to isolate the characteristics of phonological awareness tasks that drive the prediction of early reading. Method: Four sets of tasks were created; tone stimuli (simple non-speech) requiring a non-verbal response, phonemes (simple speech) requiring a non-verbal response, phonemes requiring a verbal response, and nonwords (complex speech) requiring a verbal response. Tasks were administered to 570 2nd grade children along with standardized tests of reading and non-verbal IQ. Results: Three structural equation models comparing matched sets of tasks were built. Each model consisted of two 'task' factors with a direct link to a reading factor. The following factors predicted unique variance in reading: a) simple speech and non-speech stimuli, b) simple speech requiring a verbal response but not simple speech requiring a non-verbal-response, and c) complex and simple speech stimuli. Conclusions: Results suggest that the prediction of reading by phonological tasks is driven by the verbal nature of the response and not the complexity or 'speechness' of the stimuli. Findings highlight the importance of phonological output processes to early reading.


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Motivation: The immunogenicity of peptides depends on their ability to bind to MHC molecules. MHC binding affinity prediction methods can save significant amounts of experimental work. The class II MHC binding site is open at both ends, making epitope prediction difficult because of the multiple binding ability of long peptides. Results: An iterative self-consistent partial least squares (PLS)-based additive method was applied to a set of 66 pep- tides no longer than 16 amino acids, binding to DRB1*0401. A regression equation containing the quantitative contributions of the amino acids at each of the nine positions was generated. Its predictability was tested using two external test sets which gave r pred =0.593 and r pred=0.655, respectively. Furthermore, it was benchmarked using 25 known T-cell epitopes restricted by DRB1*0401 and we compared our results with four other online predictive methods. The additive method showed the best result finding 24 of the 25 T-cell epitopes. Availability: Peptides used in the study are available from http://www.jenner.ac.uk/JenPep. The PLS method is available commercially in the SYBYL molecular modelling software package. The final model for affinity prediction of peptides binding to DRB1*0401 molecule is available at http://www.jenner.ac.uk/MHCPred. Models developed for DRB1*0101 and DRB1*0701 also are available in MHC- Pred


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Abstract Phonological tasks are highly predictive of reading development but their complexity obscures the underlying mechanisms driving this association. There are three key components hypothesised to drive the relationship between phonological tasks and reading; (a) the linguistic nature of the stimuli, (b) the phonological complexity of the stimuli, and (c) the production of a verbal response. We isolated the contribution of the stimulus and response components separately through the creation of latent variables to represent specially designed tasks that were matched for procedure. These tasks were administered to 570 6 to 7-year-old children along with standardised tests of regular word and non-word reading. A structural equation model, where tasks were grouped according to stimulus, revealed that the linguistic nature and the phonological complexity of the stimulus predicted unique variance in decoding, over and above matched comparison tasks without these components. An alternative model, grouped according to response mode, showed that the production of a verbal response was a unique predictor of decoding beyond matched tasks without a verbal response. In summary, we found that multiple factors contributed to reading development, supporting multivariate models over those that prioritize single factors. More broadly, we demonstrate the value of combining matched task designs with latent variable modelling to deconstruct the components of complex tasks.


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The annotation of Business Dynamics models with parameters and equations, to simulate the system under study and further evaluate its simulation output, typically involves a lot of manual work. In this paper we present an approach for automated equation formulation of a given Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) and a set of associated time series with the help of neural network evolution (NEvo). NEvo enables the automated retrieval of surrogate equations for each quantity in the given CLD, hence it produces a fully annotated CLD that can be used for later simulations to predict future KPI development. In the end of the paper, we provide a detailed evaluation of NEvo on a business use-case to demonstrate its single step prediction capabilities.


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AIMS: Renal dysfunction is a powerful predictor of adverse outcomes in patients hospitalized for acute coronary syndrome. Three new glomerular filtration rate (GFR) estimating equations recently emerged, based on serum creatinine (CKD-EPIcreat), serum cystatin C (CKD-EPIcyst) or a combination of both (CKD-EPIcreat/cyst), and they are currently recommended to confirm the presence of renal dysfunction. Our aim was to analyse the predictive value of these new estimated GFR (eGFR) equations regarding mid-term mortality in patients with acute coronary syndrome, and compare them with the traditional Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD-4) formula. METHODS AND RESULTS: 801 patients admitted for acute coronary syndrome (age 67.3±13.3 years, 68.5% male) and followed for 23.6±9.8 months were included. For each equation, patient risk stratification was performed based on eGFR values: high-risk group (eGFR<60ml/min per 1.73m2) and low-risk group (eGFR⩾60ml/min per 1.73m2). The predictive performances of these equations were compared using area under each receiver operating characteristic curves (AUCs). Overall risk stratification improvement was assessed by the net reclassification improvement index. The incidence of the primary endpoint was 18.1%. The CKD-EPIcyst equation had the highest overall discriminate performance regarding mid-term mortality (AUC 0.782±0.20) and outperformed all other equations (ρ<0.001 in all comparisons). When compared with the MDRD-4 formula, the CKD-EPIcyst equation accurately reclassified a significant percentage of patients into more appropriate risk categories (net reclassification improvement index of 11.9% (p=0.003)). The CKD-EPIcyst equation added prognostic power to the Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE) score in the prediction of mid-term mortality. CONCLUSION: The CKD-EPIcyst equation provides a novel and improved method for assessing the mid-term mortality risk in patients admitted for acute coronary syndrome, outperforming the most widely used formula (MDRD-4), and improving the predictive value of the GRACE score. These results reinforce the added value of cystatin C as a risk marker in these patients.