986 resultados para Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objective of this paper is to show an alternative representation in time domain of a non-transposed three-phase transmission line decomposed in its exact modes by using two transformation matrices. The first matrix is Clarke's matrix that is real, frequency independent, easily represented in computational transient programs (EMTP) and separates the line into Quasi-modes alpha, beta and zero. After that, Quasi-modes a and zero are decomposed into their exact modes by using a modal transformation matrix whose elements can be synthesized in time domain through standard curve-fitting techniques. The main advantage of this alternative representation is to reduce the processing time because a frequency dependent modal transformation matrix of a three-phase line has nine elements to be represented in time domain while a modal transformation matrix of a two-phase line has only four elements. This paper shows modal decomposition process and eigenvectors of a nontransposed three-phase line with a vertical symmetry plane whose nominal voltage is 440 kV and line length is 500 km.
Predictability is related to the uncertainty in the outcome of future events during the evolution of the state of a system. The cluster weighted modeling (CWM) is interpreted as a tool to detect such an uncertainty and used it in spatially distributed systems. As such, the simple prediction algorithm in conjunction with the CWM forms a powerful set of methods to relate predictability and dimension.
Forecasting, for obvious reasons, often become the most important goal to be achieved. For spatially extended systems (e.g. atmospheric system) where the local nonlinearities lead to the most unpredictable chaotic evolution, it is highly desirable to have a simple diagnostic tool to identify regions of predictable behaviour. In this paper, we discuss the use of the bred vector (BV) dimension, a recently introduced statistics, to identify the regimes where a finite time forecast is feasible. Using the tools from dynamical systems theory and Bayesian modelling, we show the finite time predictability in two-dimensional coupled map lattices in the regions of low BV dimension. © Indian Academy of Sciences.
Neste trabalho, a decomposição em valores singulares (DVS) de uma matriz A, n x m, que representa a anomalia magnética, é vista como um método de filtragem bidimensional de coerência que separa informações correlacionáveis e não correlacionáveis contidas na matriz de dados magnéticos A. O filtro DVS é definido através da expansão da matriz A em autoimagens e valores singulares. Cada autoimagem é dada pelo produto escalar dos vetores de base, autovetores, associados aos problemas de autovalor e autovetor das matrizes de covariância ATA e AAT. Este método de filtragem se baseia no fato de que as autoimagens associadas a grandes valores singulares concentram a maior parte da informação correlacionável presente nos dados, enquanto que a parte não correlacionada, presumidamente constituída de ruídos causados por fontes magnéticas externas, ruídos introduzidos pelo processo de medida, estão concentrados nas autoimagens restantes. Utilizamos este método em diferentes exemplos de dados magnéticos sintéticos. Posteriormente, o método foi aplicado a dados do aerolevantamento feito pela PETROBRÁS no Projeto Carauari-Norte (Bacia do Solimões), para analisarmos a potencialidade deste na identificação, eliminação ou atenuação de ruídos e como um possível método de realçar feições particulares da anomalia geradas por fontes profundas e rasas. Este trabalho apresenta também a possibilidade de introduzir um deslocamento estático ou dinâmico nos perfis magnéticos, com a finalidade de aumentar a correlação (coerência) entre eles, permitindo assim concentrar o máximo possível do sinal correlacionável nas poucas primeiras autoimagens. Outro aspecto muito importante desta expansão da matriz de dados em autoimagens e valores singulares foi o de mostrar, sob o ponto de vista computacional, que a armazenagem dos dados contidos na matriz, que exige uma quantidade n x m de endereços de memória, pode ser diminuída consideravelmente utilizando p autoimagens. Assim o número de endereços de memória cai para p x (n + m + 1), sem alterar a anomalia, na reprodução praticamente perfeita. Dessa forma, concluímos que uma escolha apropriada do número e dos índices das autoimagens usadas na decomposição mostra potencialidade do método no processamento de dados magnéticos.
We point out a misleading treatment in the recent literature regarding confining solutions for a scalar potential in the context of the Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau theory. We further present the proper bound-state solutions in terms of the generalized Laguerre polynomials and show that the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions depend on the solutions of algebraic equations involving the potential parameter and the quantum number. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We present both analytical and numerical results on the position of partition function zeros on the complex magnetic field plane of the q=2 state (Ising) and the q=3 state Potts model defined on phi(3) Feynman diagrams (thin random graphs). Our analytic results are based on the ideas of destructive interference of coexisting phases and low temperature expansions. For the case of the Ising model, an argument based on a symmetry of the saddle point equations leads us to a nonperturbative proof that the Yang-Lee zeros are located on the unit circle, although no circle theorem is known in this case of random graphs. For the q=3 state Potts model, our perturbative results indicate that the Yang-Lee zeros lie outside the unit circle. Both analytic results are confirmed by finite lattice numerical calculations.
Sharp estimates for eigenvalues of integral operators generated by dot product kernels on the sphere
We obtain explicit formulas for the eigenvalues of integral operators generated by continuous dot product kernels defined on the sphere via the usual gamma function. Using them, we present both, a procedure to describe sharp bounds for the eigenvalues and their asymptotic behavior near 0. We illustrate our results with examples, among them the integral operator generated by a Gaussian kernel. Finally, we sketch complex versions of our results to cover the cases when the sphere sits in a Hermitian space.
We present quasi-Monte Carlo analogs of Monte Carlo methods for some linear algebra problems: solving systems of linear equations, computing extreme eigenvalues, and matrix inversion. Reformulating the problems as solving integral equations with a special kernels and domains permits us to analyze the quasi-Monte Carlo methods with bounds from numerical integration. Standard Monte Carlo methods for integration provide a convergence rate of O(N^(−1/2)) using N samples. Quasi-Monte Carlo methods use quasirandom sequences with the resulting convergence rate for numerical integration as good as O((logN)^k)N^(−1)). We have shown theoretically and through numerical tests that the use of quasirandom sequences improves both the magnitude of the error and the convergence rate of the considered Monte Carlo methods. We also analyze the complexity of considered quasi-Monte Carlo algorithms and compare them to the complexity of the analogous Monte Carlo and deterministic algorithms.
This research work aims to make a study of the algebraic theory of matrix monic polynomials, as well as the definitions, concepts and properties with respect to block eigenvalues, block eigenvectors and solvents of P(X). We investigte the main relations between the matrix polynomial and the Companion and Vandermonde matrices. We study the construction of matrix polynomials with certain solvents and the extention of the Power Method, to calculate block eigenvalues and solvents of P(X). Through the relationship between the dominant block eigenvalue of the Companion matrix and the dominant solvent of P(X) it is possible to obtain the convergence of the algorithm for the dominant solvent of the matrix polynomial. We illustrate with numerical examples for diferent cases of convergence.
The study of spectral behavior of networks has gained enthusiasm over the last few years. In particular, random matrix theory (RMT) concepts have proven to be useful. In discussing transition from regular behavior to fully chaotic behavior it has been found that an extrapolation formula of the Brody type can be used. In the present paper we analyze the regular to chaotic behavior of small world (SW) networks using an extension of the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble. This RMT ensemble, coined the deformed Gaussian orthogonal ensemble (DGOE), supplies a natural foundation of the Brody formula. SW networks follow GOE statistics until a certain range of eigenvalue correlations depending upon the strength of random connections. We show that for these regimes of SW networks where spectral correlations do not follow GOE beyond a certain range, DGOE statistics models the correlations very well. The analysis performed in this paper proves the utility of the DGOE in network physics, as much as it has been useful in other physical systems.
In random matrix theory, the Tracy-Widom (TW) distribution describes the behavior of the largest eigenvalue. We consider here two models in which TW undergoes transformations. In the first one disorder is introduced in the Gaussian ensembles by superimposing an external source of randomness. A competition between TW and a normal (Gaussian) distribution results, depending on the spreading of the disorder. The second model consists of removing at random a fraction of (correlated) eigenvalues of a random matrix. The usual formalism of Fredholm determinants extends naturally. A continuous transition from TW to the Weilbull distribution, characteristic of extreme values of an uncorrelated sequence, is obtained.
We present a novel array RLS algorithm with forgetting factor that circumvents the problem of fading regularization, inherent to the standard exponentially-weighted RLS, by allowing for time-varying regularization matrices with generic structure. Simulations in finite precision show the algorithm`s superiority as compared to alternative algorithms in the context of adaptive beamforming.
The A(n-1)((1)) trigonometric vertex model with generic non-diagonal boundaries is studied. The double-row transfer matrix of the model is diagonalized by algebraic Bethe ansatz method in terms of the intertwiner and the corresponding face-vertex relation. The eigenvalues and the corresponding Bethe ansatz equations are obtained.