701 resultados para Education, Primary.


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Physical activity (PA) is essential for human health and wellbeing across all age, socioeconomic and ethnic groups. Engagement with the natural world is a new defining criterion for enhancing the benefits of PA particularly for children and young people. Interacting with nature benefits children’s social and emotional wellbeing, develops resilience and reduces the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes across all population groups. Governments around the world are now recognising the importance of children spending more active time outdoors. However, children’s outdoor activities, free play and nature-related exploration are often structured and supervised by adults due to safety concerns and risks. In this context schools become more accessible and safe options for children to engage in PA outdoors with the presence of nature features. Research on school designs involving young children has revealed that children prefer nature-related features in school environments. Affordances in nature may increase children’s interest in physically active behaviours. Given that present school campuses are designed for operational efficiency and economic reasons there is a need to re-design schools responding to the positive role of nature on human health. If schools were re-designed to incorporate diverse natural features children’s PA and consequent health and wellbeing would likely improve markedly.


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This thesis investigated how a year-4 teacher used a pedagogical approach referred to as the Gradual Release of Responsibility (GRR) model of instruction for teaching Science Inquiry Skills in a primary classroom. Through scaffolding her students' learning using the GRR, the teacher guided her students towards developing an understanding about Scientific Inquiry leading to the foundations of scientific literacy. A learning environment was established in which students engaged in rich conversations, designed and conducted experiments using fair testing procedures, analysed and offered justifications for results, and negotiated knowledge claims in ways similar to some of those in the scientific community.


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In dem Bildungsbericht [von Dessau-Roßlau] wurden thematische Schwerpunkte festgelegt, die sich weitestgehend auf das formale Lernen in Institutionen beziehen. Thematisch hat der Bildungsbericht die folgenden Schwerpunkte: Elementare Bildung, Allgemeinbildende Schulen, Berufsbildungssystem – Berufsbildende Schulen, Hochschulbildung, Erwachsenenbildung, Weiterbildung und informelles Lernen. Da insbesondere die Übergänge zwischen den Institutionen wichtige Punkte in der Bildungsbiographie sind, werden sie in den jeweiligen Kapiteln kurz anhand ihrer Besonderheiten und Auffälligkeiten beschrieben. Neben der allgemeinen Darstellung der Teilbereiche werden alle Bereiche in Bezug auf drei Einflussfaktoren untersucht: Demographischer Wandel, Soziale Ungleichheit, Geschlechtsspezifische Ungleichheit. Diese drei Themenkomplexe sind als Querschnittsthemen allen Schwerpunkten vorangestellt und beschreiben, welchen Einfluss die jeweiligen Faktoren haben bzw. wie groß ihr Einfluss auf die Teilbereiche ist. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Mit dem vorliegenden kommunalen Bildungsbericht 2013 legt die Stadt Dessau-Roßlau nach 2011 zum zweiten Mal eine Bestandsaufnahme der Bildungslandschaft Dessau-Roßlau vor. Damit ist die Bildungsberichterstattung im Programm „Lernen vor Ort“ zu einem wichtigen Baustein und Planungsinstrument geworden. Der Bildungsbericht ist gleichzeitig eine Einladung an alle Interessierten durch die konstruktive Auseinandersetzung mit den Ergebnissen die nächsten Schritte in eine zukunftsfähige Bildungslandschaft mitzugestalten. (DIPF/Orig.)


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As orientações curriculares do Ensino Básico português recomendam um ensino balizado no movimento Ciência-Tecnologia-Sociedade (CTS). Face à insuficiência de recursos didáticos e de formação de professores que respondam a estas orientações, desenvolveu-se um courseware didático intitulado energiza.te® para alunos do 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico (CEB), num processo guiado pela questão de investigação “Quais os contributos do processo de desenvolvimento de um courseware didático e de um programa de formação contínua para a promoção de práticas pedagógicodidáticas de orientação CTS por professores do Ensino Básico?”, e pelos objetivos (1) Conceber, produzir, implementar e avaliar um courseware didático balizado num quadro teórico de Educação CTS; (2) Conceber, produzir, implementar e avaliar um programa de formação de professores do Ensino Básico com vista à sua preparação didática para a implementação do courseware didático; (3) Avaliar os contributos do programa de formação e da implementação do courseware didático para a dinamização de práticas pedagógico-didáticas de orientação CTS por professores do Ensino Básico. Para cumprir os objetivos 1 e 2, (i) concebeu-se o courseware com base num referencial sobre ensino CTS nos primeiros anos de escolaridade, (ii) produziu-se o protótipo do courseware com a colaboração de uma empresa e com base na avaliação de um painel de peritos, (iii) desenvolveu-se um programa de formação (PF) contínua de professores promotor de uma Educação CTS, que foi implementado com professores de ciências do Ensino Básico, (iv) implementaram-se atividades do courseware no âmbito do PF, (v) avaliou-se o courseware através de um estudo de caso com a colaboração de 3 professores do 1.ºCEB que participaram no PF. Para cumprir o objetivo 3, organizou-se um estudo de caso de natureza qualitativa onde se recolheram dados por inquérito, análise documental e observação de aulas e se procedeu a uma análise de conteúdo com base nas dimensões de um instrumento de caracterização de práticas pedagógicodidáticas de orientação CTS. Dois dos três professores evidenciaram práticas pedagógico-didáticas de orientação CTS de acordo com algumas das dimensões de análise previstas, como resultado da sua participação no programa de formação e da implementação de atividades do courseware energiza.te®. Considera-se que este processo se configurou numa intervenção que impulsionou a Educação CTS no Ensino Básico através do desenvolvimento de um recurso didático fundamentado e de um programa de formação que promoveram inovações nas práticas pedagógico-didáticas dos professores.


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O presente relatório surge no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada, requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, e remete para a ação desenvolvida nos dois contextos de estágio: em Pré- Escolar e no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, do Mestrado em Educação Pré- Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Este integra uma análise reflexiva da ação em contexto de estágio, exercida pela formanda, numa turma de terceiro ano, com idades compreendidas entre os 8 e 11 anos, na Escola Básica de Santegãos do Agrupamento de Escolas de Pedrouços e uma breve referência à prática pedagógica supervisionada em Educação Pré-Escolar. A análise reflexiva integra aspetos específicos de situações pedagógicas vivenciadas, como ilustração da formação pedagógica desenvolvida pela mestranda, e da aquisição e construção das competências gerais e específicas exigidas pelo perfil duplo do mestrado em questão, em consonância com práticas de supervisão que tinham como função a orientação da formanda durante o tempo de formação prática em contexto. Este documento visa demonstrar a utilização da metodologia de investigação-ação presente no percurso de estágio da formanda, onde a busca e análise de informações e a atitude indagativa e reflexiva sistemáticas foram estratégias para a progressão do percurso profissional da mesma, sem descorar também do percurso educativo das crianças. Espelha-se, assim, também a perspetiva de coconstrução de saberes na qual as crianças são o centro dos processos de ensino e aprendizagem


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This qualitative study focuses on the role of play in primary education, and was designed to determine and understand the perceptions of play among primary educators who are teachers in kindergarten and grade one classrooms. In attempting to understand how primary educators use play in their classrooms, the following findings emerged. Educators struggle in primary grades to support play in the classroom because of a lack of a clear understanding of what play is. Further, teachers face several oppositions to using play in the classroom. Much of the opposition arises from a concern for classroom management as well as negative parental views towards play. Additionally, the teachers from this study feel that there is limited support available for them to implement a curriculum that includes play. Despite support from academic research, indicating that children, particularly in the primary grades, benefit greatly from play, the place for play in the curriculum is not secure. In this study, strategies that would assist and support primary educators in using play in their classrooms are suggested.


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The intent of this study was to investigate .the effectiveness of teaching thirty-five Grade One children a variety of effective spelling strategies in comparison to tradit~onal spelling instruction. Strategy instruction included training in phonology, imagery and analogy. In addition, the type of instruction pro~ided (implicit versus explicit) was also examined. Children were seen in small groups of four or five, for four, twenty-five minute sessions. All children were tested prior and immediately following the training sessions, as well as at 14-day follow-ups. Pretest and posttest measures included a dictated spelling test (based on words used in training), a developmental spelling test and a sample of each child's writing. In addition, children completed a metacognitive spelling test as a measure of their strategy awareness. Performance scores on the pretest and posttest measures were compared to determine if any differences existed between the three spelling instruction groups using the Dunn-Bonferroni and Dunnett procedures. Findings revealed that explicit strategy instruction was the most effective spelling program for improving Grade One children's invented spellings. Children who received this instruction were able to spell targeted words more accurately, even after a 14-day follow-up, and were able to recall more effective spelling strategies than children who received either implicit strategy instruction or traditional strategy instruction.


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En aquesta tesi es fa una valoració dels elements que incideixen en les creences dels mestres d'educació infantil i primària i dels professionals dels EAP respecte la detecció dels alumnes amb altes capacitats i les principals mesures d'intervenció educativa. Els instruments utilitzats són els propis de les metodologies naturalistes i quasi experimentals. L'anàlisi de resultats obtinguts llarg de tres cursos escolars recull les creences dels mestres i EAP a partir de diferents fonts d'informació: entrevistes, descripció de casos, anàlisi de dades, valoració de normativa i dos qüestionaris, un per a mestres i l'altre per a EAP. Els resultats posen en evidència una molt baixa detecció, insuficiència de regulació legal, eines de diagnòstic febles, dispersió documental i falta de formació. Es detecten contradiccions entre les creences i les pràctiques. Finalment es proposa una redefinició del concepte Altes Capacitats-superdotació des dels àmbits de l'eficàcia, del perfil i del rendiment escolar.


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The research aimed at investigating the dimensions and the universe of social representations of environmental education, as well as identifying the senses and meanings Environmental Education. This study admitted as presumption the education and environment dimensions. In this investigation was adopted as reference the dimension or representation scope of Moscovici. One hundred and twenty (120) students from Public Schools of Basic Education participated of this study and moreover three hundred and twenty-three (323) from Higher Education in the area of the UPE-FACETEG. The following questions were admitted: 1) What are the dimensions/categories that exist in the semantic scope of social representations of the environmental education? 2) What are the senses and meanings of environmental education? 3) The student s representations of Basic Education are similar or different from the Higher Education? The software EVOC helped in the organization of semantic scope for construction of the categories, with support of the contents analysis. The justifications are sorted on lexical classes using the software ALCESTE, through of the speech analyses. The free association of words answered the question dimension/categories and its semantic scope, being: a) Nature/Environment; b) values; c) Attitudes; d) Actions; e) Implications; f) Mediation. Six lexical classes were found with its meanings enumerated in this way: 1.Awareness, as a factor of belief for the preservation of nature and society. The students are clamoring for environmental education in the school, emphasizing the importance of awareness in the development of the respect to the environment linking the education and family; 2. The consciousness-knowledge relationship for the environment-nature preservation. 3. The environment and human interventions, in search of indicators of solutions. 4. Nature /background/ environment and its constituting elements, a thinking of values and an acting for mediation. 5. The human-nature interaction in social representations of environmental education and the symbolic-life size. 6. Nature / environment /, values, attitudes, actions, implications, and mediation in nature-man relationships. The groups more representatives according to these lexical classes were, the Basic Education in the class-4, represented exclusively by the Primary and Secondary Education and the class-6 represented by both two the Basic Education (47,37%) and the Higher Education (52,63%) - History, Pedagogy, Psychology, Mathematics, Language and Literature. The classes 4 and 6 are related to the class-3 which in turn is formed by students of Higher Education (Mathematics, Biology, Pedagogy, Psychology, Language and Literature) and Basic Education (Primary and Secondary Education). The Higher Education is most represented by the lexical classes (1, 2 and 5). The class 2 corresponded to 80% of the researched groups. In the class-1 the biggest representation was concerning to the Psychology, Geography, Biology and Language and Literature courses, whereas the class-5 was best represented by Psychology, Biology, Pedagogy, Language and Literature, Geography and History. From the results, one may conclude that the imagery is nature/environment; that life is the symbolic dimension that permeates the whole imaginary, and that preservation, awareness and respect are inserted in the speech that circulate to protect life


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Investigou-se a adequação da opinião materna sobre o peso de crianças menores de dois anos, submetidas à monitorização do crescimento em unidades básicas de saúde. Foram entrevistadas 180 mães e, com base nas respostas, anotadas na íntegra e codificadas a posteriori, as crianças foram classificadas em desnutridas ou em risco, eutróficas ou com sobrepeso. Esta classificação foi comparada com a condição nutricional dos infantes, definida de acordo com os critérios antropométricos adotados pelos serviços de saúde. Segundo os resultados, como instrumento para o diagnóstico precoce da desnutrição e do sobrepeso, a opinião materna apresentou baixa sensibilidade e alta especificidade. A freqüência de adequação do parecer das mães não se relacionou com a idade, escolaridade e posição da mãe em relação ao trabalho. Conclui-se que a maior parte das mães de crianças com problemas relacionados à alimentação não apresentava condições para participar ativamente das ações de prevenção/recuperação por desconhecerem o estado nutricional de seus filhos.