979 resultados para ERP implementation


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Este documento constitui-se em uma dissertação de mestrado, requisito parcial para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão Empresaria e Pública. Este estudo procura mostrar que a adoção dessa nova tecnologia através de projetos de implantação de sistema de ERP não só mudam processos administrativos como também produtos, serviços e estruturas organizacionais e que a sua implantação se constitui em um grande projeto que envolve um número considerável de recursos e tempo das organizações. Este estudo procurar mostrar também que os impactos que tais projetos trazem, são mais fortemente sentidos ou não pela organização de acordo com uma série de fatores, entre eles, a resistência à mudança e o quanto a organização está preparada para enfrentar essas mudanças, o medo da perda do emprego pela adoção de uma nova tecnologia, problemas com a falta de comunicação das mudanças, questões relacionadas à cultura organizacional vigente, a falta de envolvimento da alta administração, entre outras. Para gerenciar todas essas variáveis, as organizações modernas adotam técnicas para garantir o sucesso da implantação dessas novas tecnologias. o estudo aqui proposto tem como objetivo determinar até que ponto a utilização de metodologias e de técnicas de Project Management é o suficiente para que esses projetos alcancem o sucesso esperado pelas organizações. A quantidade de variáveis que influenciam o resultado de um projeto são muitas e cada uma delas possui um papel importante que deve ser avaliado. As conclusões desta pesquisa demonstram que o sucesso de um projeto nem sempre se resume a atingir os objetivos inicialmente propostos, relativos ao cumprimento do prazo, escopo e custo de um projeto, conforme define a metodologia de Project Management. Outros aspectos considerados por essa metodologia, se melhor ou pior aplicados, também contribuem para o sucesso ou fracasso de um projeto de implantação de um sistema de ERP sendo o seu fracasso traduzido ou não, no cumprimento do prazo, do escopo inicialmente previsto ou no custo inicialmente calculado. Outros aspectos que não apenas a aplicação correta da metodologia de Project Management contribuem para os resultados alcançados pelo projeto.


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Much has been researched and discussed in the importance played by knowledge in organizations. We are witnessing the establishment of the knowledge economy, but this "new economy" brings in itself a whole complex system of metrics and evaluations, and cannot be dissociated from it. Due to its importance, the initiatives of knowledge management must be continually assessed on their progress in order to verify whether they are moving towards achieving the goals of success. Thus, good measurement practices should include not only how the organization quantifies its knowledge capital, but also how resources are allocated to supply their growth. Thinking about the aspects listed above, this paper presents an approach to a model for Knowledge extraction using an ERP system, suggesting the establishment of a set of indicators for assessing organizational performance. The objective is to evaluate the implementation of projects of knowledge management and thus observe the general development of the organization.


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Muitas empresas estão adotando Sistemas ERP devido a várias razões, tais como: decepção com sistemas incompatíveis, incapacidade do Departamento de Tecnologia de Informação em realizar a integração entre os sistemas existentes atualmente na empresa e outros motivos que influenciam diretamente a competitividade da Empresa. Neste contexto, este artigo apresenta as principais características de Sistemas ERP, suas vantagens e desvantagens, bem como os custos envolvidos na sua implementação. Finalmente, as tendências e o futuro de Sistemas ERP são comentados.


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Freqüentemente, a implantação de sistemas ERP é complexa e demorada, requerendo, em alguns casos, três ou quatro anos. em geral, um sistema ERP divide-se em módulos cujas implantações são feitas em vários estágios. Um problema sério é que os prazos para a implantação desses módulos são críticos e raramente são cumpridos. Esses atrasos geram insatisfação dos clientes, pois resultam em custos adicionais não previstos. A implantação de sistemas ERP depende de vários fatores, alguns dos quais têm muita influência nos prazos de implantação. Considera-se neste trabalho a técnica de planejamento de experimentos para a determinação dos principais fatores. Além disso, são usados métodos de caminhos críticos para a identificação das atividades que requerem mais investimentos para que haja redução no tempo total de implantação do projeto.


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This paper analyzes the impact of implementing an information system, Enterprise Resource Planning - ERP, in a small business of the furniture industry. The goal this is show the impacts felt during and after implementation, showing behavioral and technological changes made by the study. The paper concludes by citing about the importance of cultural and behavioral changes for the good use of the system, besides showing the need to adapt to new technologies and ways of working to adapt to today's world of constant change and eternal conflict of the market


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Management information systems such as ERP can bring to businesses many competitive advantages. There is a great demand for systems projects to consulting firms that have knowledge to manage this particular type of project. However, the rate of system projects that cannot achieve success is very high. The methodology of Project Management, standardized by the Project Management Institute, is a globally recognized standard and used even in projects involving information technology. In the present study, was made a case study of an ERP system implementation project in a large company, by a consulting firm. From this analysis and on contributions from the literature, recommendations were proposed for the project management, in order to better direct the PMI methodology in large projects involving systems like ERP


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During the selection, implementation and stabilization phases, as well as the operations and optimization phase of an ERP system (ERP-lifecycle), numerous companies consider to utilize the support of an external service provider. This paper analyses how different categories of knowledge influence the sourcing decision of crucial tasks within the ERP lifecycle. Based on a review of the IS outsourcing literature, essential knowledge-related determinants for the IS outsourcing decision are presented and aggregated in a structural model. It will be hypothesized that internal deficits in technological knowledge in comparison to external vendors as well as the specificity of the synthesis of special technological and specific business knowledge have a profound impact on the outsourcing decision. Then, a classification framework will be developed which facilitates the assignment of various tasks within the ERP lifecycle to their respective knowledge categories and knowledge carriers which might be internal or external stakeholders. The configuaration task will be used as an example to illustrate how the structural model and the classification framework may be applied to evaluate the outsourcing of tasks within the ERP lifecycle.


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This paper provides an account of the way Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems change over time. These changes are conceptualized as a biographical accumulation that gives the specific ERP technology its present character, attributes and historicity. The paper presents empirics from the implementation of an ERP package within an Australasian organization. Changes to the ERP take place as a result of imperatives which arise during the implementation. Our research and evidence then extends to a different time and place where the new release of the ERP software was being 'sold' to client firms in the UK. We theorize our research through a lens based on ideas from actor network theory (ANT) and the concept of biography. The paper seeks to contribute an additional theorization for ANT studies that places the focus on the technological object and frees it from the ties of the implementation setting. The research illustrates the opportunistic and contested fabrication of a technological object and emphasizes the stability as well as the fluidity of its technologic. Copyright © 2007 SAGE.


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This professional doctoral research reports on the relationship between Enterprise Systems, specifically Enterprise Resource Planning Systems, and enterprise structures. It offers insights and guidance to practitioners on factors for consideration in the implementation of ERP systems in organisations operating in modern enterprise structures. It reports on reflective ethnographic action research conducted in a number of companies from a diverse range of industries covering supply chains for both goods and services. The primary contribution is in highlighting areas in which clients, practitioners and ERP software vendors can bring a greater awareness of internet era enterprise structures and business requirements into the ERP arena. The concepts and insights have been explored in a focus group setting, comprised of practitioners from the enterprise systems implementation and consulting fraternity and revealed limitations and constraints in the implementation of enterprise systems. However, it also showed that current systems do not have the full capabilities required to support, in use, modern era enterprise structures, as required by practitioners and decision makers.


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The paper discusses both the complementary factors and contradictions of adoption ERP based systems with enterprise 2.0. ERP is well known as its' efficient business process management. Also the high failure rate the system implementation is famous as well. According to [1], ERP systems could achieve efficient business performance by enabling a standardized business process design, but at a cost of flexibility in operations. However, enterprise 2.0 supports flexible business process management, informal and less structured interactions [3],[4],[21]. Traditional researcher claimed efficiency and flexibility may seem incompatible in that they are different business objectives and may exist in different organizational environments. However, the paper will break traditional norms that combine ERP and enterprise 2.0 in a single enterprise to improve both efficient and flexible operations simultaneously. Based on the multiple cases studies, four cases presented different attitudes on usage ERP systems and enterprise social systems. Based on socio-technical theory, the paper presents in-depth analysis benefits of combination ERP with enterprise 2.0 for these firms.


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This research traces the implementation of an information system in the form of ERP modules covering tenant and contract management in a Chinese service company. Misalignments between the ERP system specification and user needs led to the adoption of informal processes within the organisation. These processes are facilitated within an informal organisational structure and are based on human interactions undertaken within the formal organisation. Rather than to attempt to suppress the emergence of the informal organisation the company decided to channel the energies of staff involved in informal processes towards organisational goals. The company achieved this by harnessing the capabilities of what we term a hybrid ERP system, combining the functionality of a traditional (formal) ERP installation with the capabilities of Enterprise Social Software (ESS). However the company recognised that the successful operation of the hybrid ERP system would require a number of changes in organisational design in areas such as reporting structures and communication channels. A narrative provided by interviews with company personnel is thematised around the formal and informal characteristics of the organisation as defined in the literature. This leads to a definition of the characteristics of the hybrid organisation and strategies for enabling a hybrid organisation, facilitated by a hybrid ERP system, which directs formal and informal behaviour towards organisational goals and provides a template for future hybrid implementations.


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This paper provides an account of the way Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems change over time. These changes are conceptualized as a biographical accumulation that gives the specific ERP technology its present character, attributes and historicity. The paper presents empirics from the implementation of an ERP package within an Australasian organization. Changes to the ERP take place as a result of imperatives which arise during the implementation. Our research and evidence then extends to a different time and place where the new release of the ERP software was being `sold' to client firms in the UK. We theorize our research through a lens based on ideas from actor network theory (ANT) and the concept of biography. The paper seeks to contribute an additional theorization for ANT studies that places the focus on the technological object and frees it from the ties of the implementation setting. The research illustrates the opportunistic and contested fabrication of a technological object and emphasizes the stability as well as the fluidity of its technologic.