558 resultados para EPIDERMIS


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We propose and mathematically examine a theory of calcium profile formation in unwounded mammalian epidermis based on: changes in keratinocyte proliferation, fluid and calcium exchange with the extracellular fluid during these cells' passage through the epidermal sublayers, and the barrier functions of both the stratum corneum and tight junctions localised in the stratum granulosum. Using this theory, we develop a mathematical model that predicts epidermal sublayer transit times, partitioning of the epidermal calcium gradient between intracellular and extracellular domains, and the permeability of the tight junction barrier to calcium ions. Comparison of our model's predictions of epidermal transit times with experimental data indicates that keratinocytes lose at least 87% of their volume during their disintegration to become corneocytes. Intracellular calcium is suggested as the main contributor to the epidermal calcium gradient, with its distribution actively regulated by a phenotypic switch in calcium exchange between keratinocytes and extracellular fluid present at the boundary between the stratum spinosum and the stratum granulosum. Formation of the extracellular calcium distribution, which rises in concentration through the stratum granulosum towards the skin surface, is attributed to a tight junction barrier in this sublayer possessing permeability to calcium ions that is less than 15 nm/s in human epidermis and less than 37 nm/s in murine epidermis. Future experimental work may refine the presented theory and reduce the mathematical uncertainty present in the model predictions.


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Species of fleshy-fruited Myrtaceae are generally associated with humid environments and their vegetative anatomy is mainly mesophytic. Myrceugenia rufa is an endemic and rare species from arid zones of the coast of central Chile and there are no anatomical studies regarding its leaf anatomy and environmental adaptations. Here we describe the leaf micromorphology and anatomy of the species using standard protocols for light and scanning electron microscopy. The leaf anatomy of M. rufa matches that of other Myrtaceae, such as presence of druses, schizogenous secretory ducts and internal phloem. Leaves of M. rufa exhibit a double epidermis, thick cuticle, abundant unicellular hairs, large substomatal chambers covered by trichomes and a dense palisade parenchyma. Leaf characters of M. rufa confirm an anatomical adaptation to xerophytic environments.


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Although species of Syzygium are abundant components of the rainforests in Queensland and New South Wales, little is known about the anatomy of the Australian taxa. Here we describe the foliar anatomy and micromorphology of Syzygium floribundum (syn: Waterhousea floribunda) using standard protocols for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and light microscopy. Syzygium floribundum possesses dorsiventral leaves with cyclo-staurocytic stomata, single epidermis, internal phloem, rhombus-shaped calcium oxalate crystals and complex-open midrib. In general, leaf anatomical and micromorphological characters are common with some species of the tribe Syzygieae. However, this particular combination of leaf characters has not been reported in a species of the genus. The anatomy of the species is typical of mesophytic taxa.


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The family Myrtaceae in Chile comprises 26 species in 10 genera. The species occur in a diverse rangeof environments including humid temperate forests, swamps, riparian habitats and coastal xeromorphicshrublands. Most of these species are either endemic to Chile or endemic to the humid temperate forestsof Chile and Argentina. Although many taxa have very restricted distributions and are of conservationconcern, little is known about their biology and vegetative anatomy. In this investigation, we describe andcompare the leaf anatomy and micromorphology of all Chilean Myrtaceae using standard protocols forlight and scanning electron microscopy. Leaf characters described here are related to epidermis, cuticle,papillae, stomata, hairs, mesophyll, crystals, secretory cavities and vascular system. Nearly all the specieshave a typical mesophytic leaf anatomy, but some species possess xerophytic characters such as doubleepidermis, hypodermis, pubescent leaves, thick adaxial epidermis and straight epidermal anticlinal walls,which correlate with the ecological distribution of the species. This is the first report on leaf anatomyand micromorphology in most of these species. We identified several leaf characters with potential tax-onomic and ecological significance. Some combinations of leaf characters can reliably delimitate genera,while others are unique to some species. An identification key using micromorphological and anatomicalcharacters is provided to distinguish genera and species.


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The structures and manner with which Pseudocercospora macadamiae penetrates, colonises and proliferates from the pericarp of macadamia fruit was studied using scanning electron microscopy and fluorescence light microscopy. Germ tubes arising from conidia penetrated open stomata within 20 h of inoculation, without observation of specialised infection structures such as appressoria. Colonisation of the pericarp was intercellular, without observation of specialised intracellular infection structures such as haustoria, and was complete from the epidermis to the mesocarp. The fungus proliferated at the epidermis by the formation of conidiophores and conidia on substomatal and protuberant subepidermal stromata. These structures were not observed on the mesocarp surface. The onset of visual husk spot symptoms coincided with an increase in pathogen biomass on the pericarp surface. The progression of symptoms from tan-coloured spots to larger red-brown lesions coincided with the production of conidiophores from substomatal and protuberant subepidermal stromata. The darker the colour of the husk spot lesion, the more frequently protuberant subepidermal stromata were observed. These findings are discussed in the context of observation of other cercosporoid fungi.


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Basement membranes are specialized sheets of extracellular matrix found in contact with epithelia, endothelia, and certain isolated cells. They support tissue architecture and regulate cell behaviour. Laminins are among the main constituents of basement membranes. Due to differences between laminin isoforms, laminins confer structural and functional diversity to basement membranes. The first aim of this study was to gain insights into the potential functions of the then least characterized laminins, alpha4 chain laminins, by evaluating their distribution in human tissues. We thus created a monoclonal antibody specific for laminin alpha4 chain. By immunohistochemistry, alpha4 chain laminins were primarily localized to basement membranes of blood vessel endothelia, skeletal, heart, and smooth muscle cells, nerves, and adipocytes. In addition, alpha4 chain laminins were found in the region of certain epithelial basement membranes in the epidermis, salivary gland, pancreas, esophagus, stomach, intestine, and kidney. Because of the consistent presence of alpha4 chain laminins in endothelial basement membranes of blood vessels, we evaluated the potential roles of endothelial laminins in blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and carcinomas. Human endothelial cells produced alpha4 and alpha5 chain laminins. In quantitative and morphological adhesion assays, human endothelial cells barely adhered to alpha4 chain-containing laminin-411. The weak interaction of endothelial cells with laminin-411 appeared to be mediated by alpha6beta1 integrin. The alpha5 chain-containing laminin-511 promoted endothelial cell adhesion better than laminin-411, but it did not promote the formation of cell-extracellular matrix adhesion complexes. The adhesion of endothelial cells to laminin-511 appeared to be mediated by Lutheran glycoprotein together with beta1 and alphavbeta3 integrins. The results suggest that these laminins may induce a migratory phenotype in endothelial cells. In lymphatic capillaries, endothelial basement membranes showed immunoreactivity for laminin alpha4, beta1, beta2, and gamma1 chains, type IV and XVIII collagens, and nidogen-1. Considering the assumed inability of alpha4 chain laminins to polymerize and to promote basement membrane assembly, the findings may in part explain the incomplete basement membrane formation in these vessels. Lymphatic capillaries of ovarian carcinomas showed immunoreactivity also for laminin alpha5 chain and its receptor Lutheran glycoprotein, emphasizing a difference between normal and ovarian carcinoma lymphatic capillaries. In renal cell carcinomas, immunoreactivity for laminin alpha4 chain was found in stroma and basement membranes of blood vessels. In most tumours, immunoreactivity for laminin alpha4 chain was also observed in the basement membrane region of tumour cell islets. Renal carcinoma cells produced alpha4 chain laminins. Laminin-411 did not promote adhesion of renal carcinoma cells, but inhibited their adhesion to fibronectin. Renal carcinoma cells migrated more on laminin-411 than on fibronectin. The results suggest that alpha4 chain laminins have a counteradhesive function, and may thus have a role in detachment and invasion of renal carcinoma cells.


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Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease characterized by abnormal keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation, neoangiogenesis and inflammation. Its etiology is multifactorial, as both the environmental and genetic factors have an important role in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. The exact disease mechanism behind psoriasis still remains unknown. The most important genetic susceptibility region for psoriasis has been located to PSORS1 locus in chromosome 6. The area includes multiply good candidate genes but the strong linkage disequilibrium between them has made genetic studies difficult. One of the candidate genes in PSORS1 is CCHCR1, which has a psoriasis-associated gene form CCHCR1*WWCC. The aim of the study was to elucidate the function of CCHCR1 and its potential role in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. In this study, transgenic mice expressing either the healthy or psoriasis-associated gene form of CCHCR1 were engineered and characterized. Mice were phenotypically normal but their gene expression profiles revealed many similarities to that observed in human psoriatic skin. In addition, the psoriasis-associated gene form had specific impacts on the expression of many genes relevant to the pathogenesis of psoriasis. We also challenged the skin of CCHCR1 transgenic mice with wounding or 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA). The experiments revealed that CCHCR1 impacts on keratinocyte proliferation by limiting it. In addition, we demonstrated that CCHCR1 has a role in steroidogenesis and showed that both CCHCR1 forms promote synthesis of steroids. Also many agents relevant either for steroidogenesis or cell proliferation were shown to regulate the expression level of CCHCR1. The present study showed that CCHCR1 has functional properties relevant in the context of psoriasis. Firstly, CCHCR1 affects proliferation of keratinocytes as it may function as a negative regulator of keratinocyte proliferation. Secondly, CCHCR1 also has a role in steroidogenesis, a function relevant both in the pathogenesis of psoriasis and regulation of cell proliferation. This study suggests that aberrant function of CCHCR1 may lead to abnormal keratinocyte proliferation which is a key feature of psoriatic epidermis.


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Plasma polymerisation was used to deposit thin oligomeric films of terpinen-4-ol on a range of substrates. The coatings were examined in terms of their chemical properties and surface architecture to ascertain the changes in chemical composition as a result of exposure to the plasma field. The antifouling and antimicrobial activity of oligomeric terpinen-4-ol coatings were then examined against such human pathogens as Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus epidermis. The bacterial adhesion patterns were investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM).


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Radio frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition is currently used to fabricate a broad range of functional coatings. This work described fabrication and characterization of a novel bioactive coating, polyterpenol, for encapsulation of three-dimensional indwelling medical devices. The materials are synthesized from monoterpene alcohols under different input power conditions. The chemical composition and structure of the polyterpenol thin films were determined by Xray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, contact angle measurements, and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The application of polyterpenol coating to the substrate reduced surface roughness from 1.5 to 0.4 of a nanometer, and increased the water contact angle from to 9 to 72 degrees. The extent of attachment and extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) production of two medically relevant pathogens, Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermis were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM). Application of polyterpenol coating fabricated at 10 W significantly inhibited attachment and growth of both pathogens compared to unmodified substrates, whilst addition of 50 W films resulted in an increased attachment, proliferation and EPS production by both types of bacteria when compared to unmodified surface. Marked dissimilarity in bacterial response between two coatings was attributed to changes in surface chemistry, nano-architecture and surface energy of polymer thin films deposited under different input power conditions.


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'Honey Gold' mango is a relatively new cultivar in Australia, with an appealing skin colour and a sweet fibre-free flesh. However, fruit can develop 'under-skin browning' (USB), which appears several days after packing as a distinct 'bruise'-like discolouration under the epidermis and can affect large areas of the fruit surface. We investigated the anatomy of USB and the impact of post-harvest fruit handling conditions on the disorder. Starch accumulated around the resin canals and discoloured cells in the affected area, with no visible change to the cuticle or epidermis. Delays of 1 d at ambient temperature (27 degrees - 35 degrees C) before packing, and 2 d at 18 degrees - 20 degrees C (after packing), before placing fruit at 12 degrees - 14 degrees C and road transportation, reduced the incidence of USB by 83% compared to placing fruit at 12 degrees - 14 degrees C within 13 h of picking. The incidence of USB was 88 100% higher in fruit that were cooled to 12 degrees - 14 degrees C within 13 h of picking, then commercially road-freighted for 4 d at 12 degrees - 14 degrees C, than in fruit held under similar temperature conditions, but not road-freighted. Wrapping each fruit in bubble-wrap to minimise direct contact with other fruit, with the plastic insert, or with the cardboard tray, reduced the incidence of USB by 84% after road-freight compared to not using bubble-wrap. These results suggest that USB is a unique disorder of mango skin associated with a rapid post-harvest reduction in temperature, from high ambient temperatures to 12 degrees - 14 degrees C, and with physical damage during road-freight.


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Adoptive T cell therapy uses the specificity of the adaptive immune system to target cancer and virally infected cells. Yet the mechanism and means by which to enhance T cell function are incompletely described, especially in the skin. In this study, we use a murine model of immunotherapy to optimize cell-mediated immunity in the skin. We show that in vitro - derived central but not effector memory-like T cells bring about rapid regression of skin-expressing cognate Ag as a transgene in keratinocytes. Local inflammation induced by the TLR7 receptor agonist imiquimod subtly yet reproducibly decreases time to skin graft rejection elicited by central but not effector memory T cells in an immunodeficient mouse model. Local CCL4, a chemokine liberated by TLR7 agonism, similarly enhances central memory T cell function. In this model, IL-2 facilitates the development in vivo of effector function from central memory but not effector memory T cells. In a model of T cell tolerogenesis, we further show that adoptively transferred central but not effector memory T cells can give rise to successful cutaneous immunity, which is dependent on a local inflammatory cue in the target tissue at the time of adoptive T cell transfer. Thus, adoptive T cell therapy efficacy can be enhanced if CD8+ T cells with a central memory T cell phenotype are transferred, and IL-2 is present with contemporaneous local inflammation. Copyright © 2012 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc.


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Plants are rooted to their growth place; therefore it is important that they react adequately to changes in environmental conditions. Stomatal pores, which are formed of a pair of guard cells in leaf epidermis, regulate plant gas-exchange. Importantly, guard cells protect the plant from desiccation in drought conditions by reducing the aperture of the stomatal pore. They serve also as the first barrier against the major air pollutant ozone, but the behaviour of guard cells during ozone exposure has not been sufficiently addressed. Aperture of the stomatal pore is regulated by the influx and efflux of osmotically active ions via ion channels and transporters across the guard cell membrane, however the molecular identity of guard cell plasma membrane anion channel has remained unknown. In the frame of this study, guard cell behaviour during ozone exposure was studied using the newly constructed Arabidopsis whole-rosette gas-exchange system. Ozone induced a Rapid Transient Decrease (RTD) in stomatal conductance within 10 min from the start of exposure, which was followed by a recovery in the conductance within the next 40 min. The decrease in stomatal conductance was dependent on the applied ozone concentration. Three minutes of ozone exposure was sufficient to induce RTD and further ozone application during the closure-recovery process had no effect on RTD, demonstrating that the whole process is programmed within the first three minutes. To address the molecular components responsible for RTD, the ozone response was measured in 59 different Arabidopsis mutants involved in guard cell signalling. Four of the tested mutants slac1 (originally rcd3), ost1, abi1-1 and abi2-1 lacked RTD completely. As the ozone sensitive mutant slac1 lacked RTD, the next aim of this study was to identify and characterize SLAC1. SLAC1 was shown to be a central regulator in response to all major factors regulating guard cell aperture: CO2, light/darkness transitions, ozone, relative air humidity, ABA, NO, H2O2, and extracellular Ca2+. It encodes the first guard cell plasma membrane slow type anion channel to be identified at the molecular level. Interestingly, the rapid type anion conductance was intact in slac1 mutant plants. For activation, SLAC1 needs to be phosphorylated. Protein kinase OST1 was shown to phosphorylate several amino acids in the N-terminal tail of SLAC1, Ser120 was one of its main targets, which led to SLAC1 activation. The lack of RTD in type 2C protein phosphatase mutants abi1-1 and abi2-1, suggests that these proteins have a regulatory role in ozoneinduced activation of the slow type anion channel.


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Various intrinsic and external factors are constantly attacking the cells causing damage to DNA and to other cellular structures. Cells in turn have evolved with different kinds of mechanisms to protect against the attacks and to repair the damage. Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is one of the major environmental genotoxic carcinogens that causes inflammation, mutations, immunosuppression, accelerated aging of the skin and skin cancers. Epidermis is the outermost layer of the skin consisting mostly of keratinocytes, whose primary function is to protect the skin against e.g. UV radiation. LIM domain proteins are a group of proteins involved in regulation of cell growth, damage signalling, cell fate determination and signal transduction. Despite their two zinc fingers, LIM domains do not bind to DNA, but rather mediate protein-protein interactions and function as modular protein binding interfaces. We initially identified CSRP1 as UVR-regulated transcript by using expression profiling. Here we have further studied the regulation and function of CRP1, a representative of cysteine rich protein- family consisting of two LIM domains. We find that CRP1 is increased by UVR in primary human keratinocytes and in normal human skin fibroblasts. Ectopic expression of CRP1 protected the cells against UVR and provided a survival advantage, whereas silencing of CRP1 rendered the cells more photosensitive. Actinic keratosis is a premalignant lesion of skin caused by excess exposure to sunlight and sunburn, which may lead to formation of squamous cell carcinoma. The expression of CRP1 was increased in basal keratinocytes of Actinic keratosis patient specimens suggesting that CRP1 may be increased by constant exposure to UVR and may provide survival advantage for the cells also in vivo. In squamous cell carcinoma, CRP1 was only expressed in the fibroblasts surrounding the tumour. Moreover, we found that ectopic expression of CRP1 suppresses cell proliferation. Transforming growth factor beta (TGFbeta) is a multifunctional cytokine that regulates several functions in cell including growth, apoptosis and differentiation, and plays important roles in pathological disorders like cancer and fibrosis. We found that TGFbeta-signalling pathway regulates CRP1 at protein, but not at transcriptional level. The increase was mediated both through Smad and non-Smad signalling pathways involving MAPK/p38. Furthermore, we found that TGFbeta-mediated increase in CRP1 was associated with myofibroblast differentiation, and that CRP1 was significantly more expressed in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis as compared to normal lung specimens. Since cell contractility is a distinct feature of myofibroblasts, and CRP1 is associated with actin cytoskeleton, we studied the role of CRP1 in cell contractility. CRP1 was found to localize to stress fibres that mediate contractility and to mediate myofibroblast contraction. These studies identify CRP1 as a stress responsive and cytokine regulated cytoskeletal protein that participates in pathological processes involved in fibrotic diseases and cancer.


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Shock waves are one of the most efficient mechanisms of energy dissipation observed in nature. In this study, utilizing the instantaneous mechanical impulse generated behind a micro-shock wave during a controlled explosion, a novel nonintrusive needleless vaccine delivery system has been developed. It is well-known that antigens in the epidermis are efficiently presented by resident Langerhans cells, eliciting the requisite immune response, making them a good target for vaccine delivery. Unfortunately, needle-free devices for epidermal delivery have inherent problems from the perspective of the safety and comfort of the patient. The penetration depth of less than 100 mu m in the skin can elicit higher immune response without any pain. Here we show the efficient utilization of our needleless device (that uses micro-shock waves) for vaccination. The production of liquid jet was confirmed by high-speed microscopy, and the penetration in acrylamide gel and mouse skin was observed by confocal microscopy. Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium vaccine strain pmrG-HM-D (DV-STM-07) was delivered using our device in the murine salmonellosis model, and the effectiveness of the delivery system for vaccination was compared with other routes of vaccination. Vaccination using our device elicits better protection and an IgG response even at a lower vaccine dose (10-fold less) compared to other routes of vaccination. We anticipate that our novel method can be utilized for effective, cheap, and safe vaccination in the near future.


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Background and purpose of the study: Herbal enhancers compared to the synthetic ones have shown less toxis effects. Coumarins have been shown at concentrations inhibiting phospoliphase C-Y (Phc-Y) are able to enhance tight junction (TJ) permeability due to hyperpoalation of Zonolous Occludense-1 (ZO-1) proteins. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of ethanolic extract of Angelica archengelica (AA-E) which contain coumarin on permeation of repaglinide across rat epidermis and on the tight junction plaque protein ZO-1 in HaCaT cells. Methods: Transepidermal water loss (TEWL) from the rat skin treated with different concentrations of AA-E was assessed by Tewameter. Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) on were performed on AA-E treated rat skin portions. The possibility of AA-E influence on the architecture of tight junctions by adverse effect on the cytoplasmic ZO-1 in HaCaT cells was investigated. Finally, the systemic delivery of repaglinide from the optimized transdermal formulation was investigated in rats. Results: The permeation of repaglinide across excised rat epidermis was 7-fold higher in the presence of AA-E (5% w/v) as compared to propylene glycol:ethanol (7:3) mixture. The extract was found to perturb the lipid microconstituents in both excised and viable rat skin, although, the effect was less intense in the later. The enhanced permeation of repaglinide across rat epidermis excised after treatment with AA-E (5% w/v) for different periods was in concordance with the high TEWL values of similarly treated viable rat skin. Further, the observed increase in intercellular space, disordering of lipid structure and corneocyte detachment indicated considerable effect on the ultrastructure of rat epidermis. Treatment of HaCaT cell line with AA-E (0.16% w/v) for 6 hrs influenced ZO-1 as evidenced by reduced immunofluorescence of anti-TJP1 (ZO-1) antibody in Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy studies (CLSM) studies. The plasma concentration of repaglinide from transdermal formulation was maintained higher and for longer time as compared to oral administration of repaglinide. Major conclusion: Results suggest the overwhelming influence of Angelica archengelica in enhancing the percutaneous permeation of repaglinide to be mediated through perturbation of skin lipids and tight junction protein (ZO-1).