973 resultados para EMITTING DIODES LEDS
Objectives: To investigate the potential of an active attachment biofilm model as a highthroughput demineralization biofilm model for the evaluation of caries-preventive agents. Methods: Streptococcus mutans UA159 biofilms were grown on bovine dentine discs in a highthroughput active attachment model. Biofilms were first formed in a medium with high buffer capacity for 24 h and then subjected to various photodynamic therapies (PACT) using the combination of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs, Biotable (R)) and Photogem (R). Viability of the biofilms was evaluated by plate counts. To investigate treatment effects on dentine lesion formation, the treated biofilms were grown in a medium with low buffer capacity for an additional 24 h. Integrated mineral loss (IML) and lesion depth (LD) were assessed by transversal microradiography. Calcium release in the biofilm medium was measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Results: Compared to the water treated control group, significant reduction in viability of S. mutans biofilms was observed when the combination of LEDs and Photogem (R) was applied. LEDs or Photogem (R) only did not result in biofilm viability changes. Similar outcomes were also found for dentine lesion formation. Significant lower IML and LD values were only found in the group subjected to the combined treatment of LEDs and Photogem (R). There was a good correlation between the calcium release data and the IML or LD values. Conclusions: The high-throughput active attachment biofilm model is applicable for evaluating novel caries-preventive agents on both biofilm and demineralization inhibition. PACT had a killing effect on 24 h S. mutans biofilms and could inhibit the demineralization process. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The objective of this work was to evaluate photodynamic therapy (PDT) by using a hematoporphyrin derivative as a photosensitizer and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as light source in induced mammary tumors of Sprague–Dawley (SD) rats. Twenty SD rats with mammary tumors induced by DMBAwere used. Animals were divided into four groups: control (G1), PDT only (G2), surgical removal of tumor (G3), and submitted to PDT immediately after surgical removal of tumor (G4). Tumors were measured over 6 weeks. Lesions and surgical were LEDs lighted up (200 J/cm2 dose). The light distribution in vivo study used two additional animals without mammary tumors. In the control group, the average growth of tumor diameter was approximately 0.40 cm/week. While for PDT group, a growth of less than 0.15 cm/week was observed, suggesting significant delay in tumor growth. Therefore, only partial irradiation of the tumors occurred with a reduction in development, but without elimination. Animals in G4 had no tumor recurrence during the 12 weeks, after chemical induction, when compared with G3 animals that showed 60 % recurrence rate after 12 weeks of chemical induction. PDT used in the experimental model of mammary tumor as a single therapy was effective in reducing tumor development, so the surgery associated with PDT is a safe and efficient destruction of residual tumor, preventing recurrence of the tumor.
Nanoscience aims at manipulating atoms, molecules and nano-size particles in a precise and controlled manner. Nano-scale control of the thin film structures of organic/polymeric materials is a prerequisite to the fabrication of sophisticated functional devices. The work presented in this thesis is a compilation of various polymer thin films with newly synthesized functional polymers. Cationic and anionic LC amphotropic polymers, p-type and n-type semiconducting polymers with triarylamine, oxadiazole, thiadiazole and triazine moieties are suitable materials to fabricate multilayers by layer-by-layer (LBL) self-assembly with a well defined internal structure. The LBL assembly is the ideal processing technique to prepare thin polymer film composites with fine control over morphology and composition at nano-scale thickness, which may have applications in photo-detectors, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), displays and sensors, as well as in solar cells. The multilayer build-up was investigated with amphotropic LC polymers individually by solution-dipping and spin-coating methods; they showed different internal orders with respect to layering and orientation of the mesogens, as a result of the liquid crystalline phase. The synthesized p-type and n-type semiconducting polymers were examined optically and electrochemically, suggesting that they are favorably promising as hole-(p-type) or electron-(n-type) transport materials in electronic and optoelectronic devices. In addition, we report a successful film deposition of polymers by the vacuum deposition method. The vapor deposition method provides a clean environment; it is solvent free and well suited to sequential depositions in hetero-structured multilayer system. As the potential applications, the fabricated polymer thin films were used as simple electrochromic films and also used as hole transporting layers in LEDs. Electrochemical and electrochromic characterizations of assembled films reveal that the newly synthesized polymers give rise to high contrast ratio and fast switching electrochromic films. The LEDs with vacuum deposited films show dramatic improvements in device characteristics, indicating that the films are promising as hole transporting layers. These are the result of not only the thin nano-scale film structures but also the combination with the high charge carrier mobility of synthesized semiconducting polymers.
Thiophene oligomers (OTs) and polymers (PTs) are currently attracting remarkable attention as organic materials showing semiconducting, fluorescent, nonlinear optical and liquid crystalline properties. All these properties can be fine-tuned through minor structural modifications. As a consequence, thiophene oligomers and polymers are among the most investigated compounds for applications in organic electronics, optoelectronics and thin film devices such as field effect transistors (FETs), light emitting diodes (LEDs) and photovoltaic devices (PVDs). Our research aims to explore the self-assembly features and the optical, electrical and photovoltaic properties of a class of thiophene based materials so far scarcely investigated, namely that of oligo- and polythiophenes head-to-head substituted with alkyl or S-alkyl chains. In particular, we synthesized these compounds in short reaction times, high yields, high purity and environmentally friendly procedures taking advantage of ultrasound (US) and microwave (MW) enabling technologies in Suzuki-Miyaura cross-couplings.
INTRODUCTION Light cure of resin-based adhesives is the mainstay of orthodontic bonding. In recent years, alternatives to conventional halogen lights offering reduced curing time and the potential for lower attachment failure rates have emerged. The relative merits of curing lights in current use, including halogen-based lamps, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), and plasma arc lights, have not been analyzed systematically. In this study, we reviewed randomized controlled trials and controlled clinical trials to assess the risks of attachment failure and bonding time in orthodontic patients in whom brackets were cured with halogen lights, LEDs, or plasma arc systems. METHODS Multiple electronic database searches were undertaken, including MEDLINE, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Oral Health Group's Trials Register, CENTRAL. Language restrictions were not applied. Unpublished literature was searched on ClinicalTrials.gov, the National Research Register, Pro-Quest Dissertation Abstracts, and Thesis database. Search terms included randomized controlled trial, controlled clinical trial, random allocation, double blind method, single blind method, orthodontics, LED, halogen, bond, and bracket. Authors of primary studies were contacted as required, and reference lists of the included studies were screened. RESULTS Randomized controlled trials and clinical controlled trials directly comparing conventional halogen lights, LEDs, or plasma arc systems involving patients with full arch, fixed, or bonded orthodontic appliances (not banded) with follow-up periods of a minimum of 6 months were included. Using predefined forms, 2 authors undertook independent extraction of articles; disagreements were resolved by discussion. The assessment of the risk of bias of the randomized controlled trials was based on the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool. Ten studies met the inclusion criteria; 2 were excluded because of high risk of bias. In the comparison of bond failure risk with halogen lights and plasma arc lights, 1851 brackets were included in both groups. Little statistical heterogeneity was observed in this analysis (I(2) = 4.8%; P = 0.379). There was no statistical difference in bond failure risk between the groups (OR, 0.92; 95% CI, 0.68-1.23; prediction intervals, 0.54, 1.56). Similarly, no statistical difference in bond failure risk was observed in the meta-analysis comparing halogen lights and LEDs (OR, 0.96; 95% CI, 0.64-1.44; prediction intervals, 0.07, 13.32). The pooled estimates from both comparisons were OR, 0.93; 95% CI, 0.74-1.17; and prediction intervals, 0.69, 1.17. CONCLUSIONS There is no evidence to support the use of 1 light cure type over another based on risk of attachment failure.
La óptica anidólica es una rama de la óptica cuyo desarrollo comenzó a mediados de la década de 1960. Este relativamente nuevo campo de la óptica se centra en la transferencia eficiente de la luz, algo necesario en muchas aplicaciones, entre las que destacamos los concentradores solares y los sistemas de iluminación. Las soluciones de la óptica clásica a los problemas de la transferencia de energía de la luz sólo son adecuadas cuando los rayos de luz son paraxiales. La condición paraxial no se cumple en la mayoría de las aplicaciones para concentración e iluminación. Esta tesis contiene varios diseños free-form (aquellos que no presentan ninguna simetría, ni de rotación ni lineal) cuyas aplicaciones van destinadas a estos dos campos. El término nonimaging viene del hecho de que estos sistemas ópticos no necesitan formar una imagen del objeto, aunque no formar la imagen no es una condición necesaria. Otra palabra que se utiliza a veces en lugar de nonimaging es la palabra anidólico, viene del griego "an+eidolon" y tiene el mismo significado. La mayoría de los sistemas ópticos diseñados para aplicaciones anidólicas no presentan ninguna simetría, es decir, son free-form (anamórficos). Los sistemas ópticos free-form están siendo especialmente relevantes durante los últimos años gracias al desarrollo de las herramientas para su fabricación como máquinas de moldeo por inyección y el mecanizado multieje. Sin embargo, solo recientemente se han desarrollado técnicas de diseño anidólicas capaces de cumplir con estos grados de libertad. En aplicaciones de iluminación el método SMS3D permite diseñar dos superficies free-form para controlar las fuentes de luz extensas. En los casos en que se requiere una elevada asimetría de la fuente, el objeto o las restricciones volumétricos, las superficies free-form permiten obtener soluciones de mayor eficiencia, o disponer de menos elementos en comparación con las soluciones de simetría de rotación, dado que las superficies free-form tienen más grados de libertad y pueden realizar múltiples funciones debido a su naturaleza anamórfica. Los concentradores anidólicos son muy adecuados para la captación de energía solar, ya que el objetivo no es la reproducción de una imagen exacta del sol, sino sencillamente la captura de su energía. En este momento, el campo de la concentración fotovoltaica (CPV) tiende hacia sistemas de alta concentración con el fin de compensar el gasto de las células solares multi-unión (MJ) utilizadas como receptores, reduciendo su área. El interés en el uso de células MJ radica en su alta eficiencia de conversión. Para obtener sistemas competitivos en aplicaciones terrestres se recurre a sistemas fotovoltaicos de alta concentración (HCPV), con factores de concentración geométrica por encima de 500x. Estos sistemas se componen de dos (o más) elementos ópticos (espejos y/o lentes). En los sistemas presentados a lo largo de este trabajo se presentan ejemplos de concentradores HCPV con elementos reflexivos como etapa primaria, así como concentradores con elementos refractivos (lente de Fresnel). Con la necesidad de aumentar la eficiencia de los sistemas HCPV reales y con el fin de proporcionar la división más eficiente del espectro solar, células conteniendo cuatro o más uniones (con un potencial de alcanzar eficiencias de más del 45% a una concentración de cientos de soles) se exploran hoy en día. En esta tesis se presenta una de las posibles arquitecturas de división del espectro (spectrum-splitting en la literatura anglosajona) que utilizan células de concentración comercial. Otro campo de aplicación de la óptica nonimaging es la iluminación, donde es necesario proporcionar un patrón de distribución de la iluminación específico. La iluminación de estado sólido (SSL), basada en la electroluminiscencia de materiales semiconductores, está proporcionando fuentes de luz para aplicaciones de iluminación general. En la última década, los diodos emisores de luz (LED) de alto brillo han comenzado a reemplazar a las fuentes de luz convencionales debido a la superioridad en la calidad de la luz emitida, elevado tiempo de vida, compacidad y ahorro de energía. Los colimadores utilizados con LEDs deben cumplir con requisitos tales como tener una alta eficiencia, un alto control del haz de luz, una mezcla de color espacial y una gran compacidad. Presentamos un colimador de luz free-form con microestructuras capaz de conseguir buena colimación y buena mezcla de colores con una fuente de LED RGGB. Una buena mezcla de luz es importante no sólo para simplificar el diseño óptico de la luminaria sino también para evitar hacer binning de los chips. La mezcla de luz óptica puede reducir los costes al evitar la modulación por ancho de pulso y otras soluciones electrónicas patentadas para regulación y ajuste de color. Esta tesis consta de cuatro capítulos. Los capítulos que contienen la obra original de esta tesis son precedidos por un capítulo introductorio donde se presentan los conceptos y definiciones básicas de la óptica geométrica y en el cual se engloba la óptica nonimaging. Contiene principios de la óptica no formadora de imagen junto con la descripción de sus problemas y métodos de diseño. Asimismo se describe el método de Superficies Múltiples Simultáneas (SMS), que destaca por su versatilidad y capacidad de controlar varios haces de rayos. Adicionalmente también se describe la integración Köhler y sus aplicaciones en el campo de la energía fotovoltaica. La concentración fotovoltaica y la iluminación de estado sólido son introducidas junto con la revisión de su estado actual. El Segundo y Tercer Capítulo contienen diseños ópticos avanzados con aplicación en la concentración solar principalmente, mientras que el Cuarto Capítulo describe el colimador free-form con surcos que presenta buena mezcla de colores para aplicaciones de iluminación. El Segundo Capítulo describe dos concentradores ópticos HCPV diseñados con el método SMS en tres dimensiones (SMS3D) que llevan a cabo integración Köhler en dos direcciones con el fin de proporcionar una distribución de irradiancia uniforme libre de aberraciones cromáticas sobre la célula solar. Uno de los diseños es el concentrador XXR free-form diseñado con el método SMS3D, donde el espejo primario (X) y la lente secundaria (R) se dividen en cuatro sectores simétricos y llevan a cabo la integración Köhler (proporcionando cuatro unidades del array Köhler), mientras que el espejo intermedio (X) presenta simetría rotacional. Otro concentrador HCPV presentado es el Fresnel-RXI (FRXI) con una lente de Fresnel funcionando como elemento primario (POE) y una lente RXI como elemento óptico secundario (SOE), que presenta configuración 4-fold con el fin de realizar la integración Köhler. Las lentes RXI son dispositivos nonimaging conocidos, pero su aplicación como elemento secundario es novedosa. Los concentradores XXR y FRXI Köhler son ejemplos académicos de muy alta concentración (más de 2,000x, mientras que los sistemas convencionales hoy en día no suelen llegar a 1,000x) preparados para las células solares N-unión (con N>3), que probablemente requerirán una mayor concentración y alta uniformidad espectral de irradiancia con el fin de obtener sistemas CPV terrestres eficientes y rentables. Ambos concentradores están diseñados maximizando funciones de mérito como la eficiencia óptica, el producto concentración-aceptancia (CAP) y la uniformidad de irradiancia sobre la célula libre de la aberración cromática (integración Köhler). El Tercer Capítulo presenta una arquitectura para la división del espectro solar basada en un módulo HCPV con alta concentración (500x) y ángulo de aceptancia alto (>1º) que tiene por objeto reducir ambas fuentes de pérdidas de las células triple unión (3J) comerciales: el uso eficiente del espectro solar y la luz reflejada de los contactos metálicos y de la superficie de semiconductor. El módulo para la división del espectro utiliza el espectro solar más eficiente debido a la combinación de una alta eficiencia de una célula de concentración 3J (GaInP/GaInAs/Ge) y una de contacto posterior (BPC) de concentración de silicio (Si), así como la técnica de confinamiento externo para la recuperación de la luz reflejada por la célula 3J con el fin de ser reabsorbida por la célula. En la arquitectura propuesta, la célula 3J opera con su ganancia de corriente optimizada (concentración geométrica de 500x), mientras que la célula de silicio trabaja cerca de su óptimo también (135x). El módulo de spectrum-splitting consta de una lente de Fresnel plana como POE y un concentrador RXI free-form como SOE con un filtro paso-banda integrado en él. Tanto POE como SOE realizan la integración Köhler para producir homogeneización de luz sobre la célula. El filtro paso banda envía los fotones IR en la banda 900-1,150nm a la célula de silicio. Hay varios aspectos prácticos de la arquitectura del módulo presentado que ayudan a reducir la complejidad de los sistemas spectrum-splitting (el filtro y el secundario forman una sola pieza sólida, ambas células son coplanarias simplificándose el cableado y la disipación de calor, etc.). Prototipos prueba-de-concepto han sido ensamblados y probados a fin de demostrar la fabricabilidad del filtro y su rendimiento cuando se combina con la técnica de reciclaje de luz externa. Los resultados obtenidos se ajustan bastante bien a los modelos y a las simulaciones e invitan al desarrollo de una versión más compleja de este prototipo en el futuro. Dos colimadores sólidos con surcos free-form se presentan en el Cuarto Capítulo. Ambos diseños ópticos están diseñados originalmente usando el método SMS3D. La segunda superficie ópticamente activa está diseñada a posteriori como una superficie con surcos. El diseño inicial de dos espejos (XX) está diseñado como prueba de concepto. En segundo lugar, el diseño RXI free-form es comparable con los colimadores RXI existentes. Se trata de un diseño muy compacto y eficiente que proporciona una muy buena mezcla de colores cuando funciona con LEDs RGB fuera del eje óptico como en los RGB LEDs convencionales. Estos dos diseños son dispositivos free-form diseñados con la intención de mejorar las propiedades de mezcla de colores de los dispositivos no aplanáticos RXI con simetría de revolución y la eficiencia de los aplanáticos, logrando una buena colimación y una buena mezcla de colores. La capacidad de mezcla de colores del dispositivo no-aplanático mejora añadiendo características de un aplanático a su homólogo simétrico sin pérdida de eficiencia. En el caso del diseño basado en RXI, su gran ventaja consiste en su menor coste de fabricación ya que el proceso de metalización puede evitarse. Aunque algunos de los componentes presentan formas muy complejas, los costes de fabricación son relativamente insensibles a la complejidad del molde, especialmente en el caso de la producción en masa (tales como inyección de plástico), ya que el coste del molde se reparte entre todas las piezas fabricadas. Por último, las últimas dos secciones son las conclusiones y futuras líneas de investigación. ABSTRACT Nonimaging optics is a branch of optics whose development began in the mid-1960s. This rather new field of optics focuses on the efficient light transfer necessary in many applications, among which we highlight solar concentrators and illumination systems. The classical optics solutions to the problems of light energy transfer are only appropriate when the light rays are paraxial. The paraxial condition is not met in most applications for the concentration and illumination. This thesis explores several free-form designs (with neither rotational nor linear symmetry) whose applications are intended to cover the above mentioned areas and more. The term nonimaging comes from the fact that these optical systems do not need to form an image of the object, although it is not a necessary condition not to form an image. Another word sometimes used instead of nonimaging is anidolic, and it comes from the Greek “an+eidolon” and has the same meaning. Most of the optical systems designed for nonimaging applications are without any symmetry, i.e. free-form. Free-form optical systems become especially relevant lately with the evolution of free-form tooling (injection molding machines, multi-axis machining techniques, etc.). Nevertheless, only recently there are nonimaging design techniques that are able to meet these degrees of freedom. In illumination applications, the SMS3D method allows designing two free-form surfaces to control very well extended sources. In cases when source, target or volumetric constrains have very asymmetric requirements free-form surfaces are offering solutions with higher efficiency or with fewer elements in comparison with rotationally symmetric solutions, as free-forms have more degrees of freedom and they can perform multiple functions due to their free-form nature. Anidolic concentrators are well suited for the collection of solar energy, because the goal is not the reproduction of an exact image of the sun, but instead the collection of its energy. At this time, Concentration Photovoltaics (CPV) field is turning to high concentration systems in order to compensate the expense of multi-junction (MJ) solar cells used as receivers by reducing its area. Interest in the use of MJ cells lies in their very high conversion efficiency. High Concentration Photovoltaic systems (HCPV) with geometric concentration of more than 500x are required in order to have competitive systems in terrestrial applications. These systems comprise two (or more) optical elements, mirrors and/or lenses. Systems presented in this thesis encompass both main types of HCPV architectures: concentrators with primary reflective element and concentrators with primary refractive element (Fresnel lens). Demand for the efficiency increase of the actual HCPV systems as well as feasible more efficient partitioning of the solar spectrum, leads to exploration of four or more junction solar cells or submodules. They have a potential of reaching over 45% efficiency at concentration of hundreds of suns. One possible architectures of spectrum splitting module using commercial concentration cells is presented in this thesis. Another field of application of nonimaging optics is illumination, where a specific illuminance distribution pattern is required. The Solid State Lighting (SSL) based on semiconductor electroluminescence provides light sources for general illumination applications. In the last decade high-brightness Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) started replacing conventional light sources due to their superior output light quality, unsurpassed lifetime, compactness and energy savings. Collimators used with LEDs have to meet requirements like high efficiency, high beam control, color and position mixing, as well as a high compactness. We present a free-form collimator with microstructures that performs good collimation and good color mixing with RGGB LED source. Good light mixing is important not only for simplifying luminaire optical design but also for avoiding die binning. Optical light mixing may reduce costs by avoiding pulse-width modulation and other patented electronic solutions for dimming and color tuning. This thesis comprises four chapters. Chapters containing the original work of this thesis are preceded by the introductory chapter that addresses basic concepts and definitions of geometrical optics on which nonimaging is developed. It contains fundamentals of nonimaging optics together with the description of its design problems, principles and methods, and with the Simultaneous Multiple Surface (SMS) method standing out for its versatility and ability to control several bundles of rays. Köhler integration and its applications in the field of photovoltaics are described as well. CPV and SSL fields are introduced together with the review on their background and their current status. Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 contain advanced optical designs with primarily application in solar concentration; meanwhile Chapter 4 portrays the free-form V-groove collimator with good color mixing property for illumination application. Chapter 2 describes two HCPV optical concentrators designed with the SMS method in three dimensions (SMS3D). Both concentrators represent Köhler integrator arrays that provide uniform irradiance distribution free from chromatic aberrations on the solar cell. One of the systems is the XXR free-form concentrator designed with the SMS3D method. The primary mirror (X) of this concentrator and secondary lens (R) are divided in four symmetric sectors (folds) that perform Köhler integration; meanwhile the intermediate mirror (X) is rotationally symmetric. Second HCPV concentrator is the Fresnel-RXI (FRXI) with flat Fresnel lens as the Primary Optical Element (POE) and an RXI lens as the Secondary Optical Element (SOE). This architecture manifests 4-fold configuration for performing Köhler integration (4 array units), as well. The RXI lenses are well-known nonimaging devices, but their application as SOE is novel. Both XXR and FRXI Köhler HCPV concentrators are academic examples of very high concentration (more than 2,000x meanwhile conventional systems nowadays have up to 1,000x) prepared for the near future N-junction (N>3) solar cells. In order to have efficient and cost-effective terrestrial CPV systems, those cells will probably require higher concentrations and high spectral irradiance uniformity. Both concentrators are designed by maximizing merit functions: the optical efficiency, concentration-acceptance angle (CAP) and cell-irradiance uniformity free from chromatic aberrations (Köhler integration). Chapter 3 presents the spectrum splitting architecture based on a HCPV module with high concentration (500x) and high acceptance angle (>1º). This module aims to reduce both sources of losses of the actual commercial triple-junction (3J) solar cells with more efficient use of the solar spectrum and with recovering the light reflected from the 3J cells’ grid lines and semiconductor surface. The solar spectrum is used more efficiently due to the combination of a high efficiency 3J concentration cell (GaInP/GaInAs/Ge) and external Back-Point-Contact (BPC) concentration silicon (Si) cell. By employing external confinement techniques, the 3J cell’s reflections are recovered in order to be re-absorbed by the cell. In the proposed concentrator architecture, the 3J cell operates at its optimized current gain (at geometrical concentration of 500x), while the Si cell works near its optimum, as well (135x). The spectrum splitting module consists of a flat Fresnel lens (as the POE), and a free-form RXI-type concentrator with a band-pass filter embedded in it (as the SOE), both POE and SOE performing Köhler integration to produce light homogenization. The band-pass filter sends the IR photons in the 900-1,150nm band to the Si cell. There are several practical aspects of presented module architecture that help reducing the added complexity of the beam splitting systems: the filter and secondary are forming a single solid piece, both cells are coplanar so the heat management and wiring is simplified, etc. Two proof-of-concept prototypes are assembled and tested in order to prove filter manufacturability and performance, as well as the potential of external light recycling technique. Obtained measurement results agree quite well with models and simulations, and show an opened path to manufacturing of the Fresnel RXI-type secondary concentrator with spectrum splitting strategy. Two free-form solid V-groove collimators are presented in Chapter 4. Both free-form collimators are originally designed with the SMS3D method. The second mirrored optically active surface is converted in a grooved surface a posteriori. Initial two mirror (XX) design is presented as a proof-of-concept. Second, RXI free-form design is comparable with existing RXI collimators as it is a highly compact and a highly efficient design. It performs very good color mixing of the RGGB LED sources placed off-axis like in conventional RGB LEDs. Collimators described here improve color mixing property of the prior art rotationally symmetric no-aplanatic RXI devices, and the efficiency of the aplanatic ones, accomplishing both good collimation and good color mixing. Free-form V-groove collimators enhance the no-aplanatic device's blending capabilities by adding aplanatic features to its symmetric counterpart with no loss in efficiency. Big advantage of the RXI design is its potentially lower manufacturing cost, since the process of metallization may be avoided. Although some components are very complicated for shaping, the manufacturing costs are relatively insensitive to the complexity of the mold especially in the case of mass production (such as plastic injection), as the cost of the mold is spread in many parts. Finally, last two sections are conclusions and future lines of investigation.
Development of transparent oxide semiconductors (TOS) from Earth-abundant materials is of great interest for cost-effective thin film device applications, such as solar cells, light emitting diodes (LEDs), touch-sensitive displays, electronic paper, and transparent thin film transistors. The need of inexpensive or high performance electrode might be even greater for organic photovoltaic (OPV), with the goal to harvest renewable energy with inexpensive, lightweight, and cost competitive materials. The natural abundance of zinc and the wide bandgap ($sim$3.3 eV) of its oxide make it an ideal candidate. In this dissertation, I have introduced various concepts on the modulations of various surface, interface and bulk opto-electronic properties of ZnO based semiconductor for charge transport, charge selectivity and optimal device performance. I have categorized transparent semiconductors into two sub groups depending upon their role in a device. Electrodes, usually 200 to 500 nm thick, optimized for good transparency and transporting the charges to the external circuit. Here, the electrical conductivity in parallel direction to thin film, i.e bulk conductivity is important. And contacts, usually 5 to 50 nm thick, are optimized in case of solar cells for providing charge selectivity and asymmetry to manipulate the built in field inside the device for charge separation and collection. Whereas in Organic LEDs (OLEDs), contacts provide optimum energy level alignment at organic oxide interface for improved charge injections. For an optimal solar cell performance, transparent electrodes are designed with maximum transparency in the region of interest to maximize the light to pass through to the absorber layer for photo-generation, plus they are designed for minimum sheet resistance for efficient charge collection and transport. As such there is need for material with high conductivity and transparency. Doping ZnO with some common elements such as B, Al, Ga, In, Ge, Si, and F result in n-type doping with increase in carriers resulting in high conductivity electrode, with better or comparable opto-electronic properties compared to current industry-standard indium tin oxide (ITO). Furthermore, improvement in mobility due to improvement on crystallographic structure also provide alternative path for high conductivity ZnO TCOs. Implementing these two aspects, various studies were done on gallium doped zinc oxide (GZO) transparent electrode, a very promising indium free electrode. The dynamics of the superimposed RF and DC power sputtering was utilized to improve the microstructure during the thin films growth, resulting in GZO electrode with conductivity greater than 4000 S/cm and transparency greater than 90 %. Similarly, various studies on research and development of Indium Zinc Tin Oxide and Indium Zinc Oxide thin films which can be applied to flexible substrates for next generation solar cells application is presented. In these new TCO systems, understanding the role of crystallographic structure ranging from poly-crystalline to amorphous phase and the influence on the charge transport and optical transparency as well as important surface passivation and surface charge transport properties. Implementation of these electrode based on ZnO on opto-electronics devices such as OLED and OPV is complicated due to chemical interaction over time with the organic layer or with ambient. The problem of inefficient charge collection/injection due to poor understanding of interface and/or bulk property of oxide electrode exists at several oxide-organic interfaces. The surface conductivity, the work function, the formation of dipoles and the band-bending at the interfacial sites can positively or negatively impact the device performance. Detailed characterization of the surface composition both before and after various chemicals treatment of various oxide electrode can therefore provide insight into optimization of device performance. Some of the work related to controlling the interfacial chemistry associated with charge transport of transparent electrodes are discussed. Thus, the role of various pre-treatment on poly-crystalline GZO electrode and amorphous indium zinc oxide (IZO) electrode is compared and contrasted. From the study, we have found that removal of defects and self passivating defects caused by accumulation of hydroxides in the surface of both poly-crystalline GZO and amorphous IZO, are critical for improving the surface conductivity and charge transport. Further insight on how these insulating and self-passivating defects cause charge accumulation and recombination in an device is discussed. With recent rapid development of bulk-heterojunction organic photovoltaics active materials, devices employing ZnO and ZnO based electrode provide air stable and cost-competitive alternatives to traditional inorganic photovoltaics. The organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) have already been commercialized, thus to follow in the footsteps of this technology, OPV devices need further improvement in power conversion efficiency and stable materials resulting in long device lifetimes. Use of low work function metals such as Ca/Al in standard geometry do provide good electrode for electron collection, but serious problems using low work-function metal electrodes originates from the formation of non-conductive metal oxide due to oxidation resulting in rapid device failure. Hence, using low work-function, air stable, conductive metal oxides such as ZnO as electrons collecting electrode and high work-function, air stable metals such as silver for harvesting holes, has been on the rise. Devices with degenerately doped ZnO functioning as transparent conductive electrode, or as charge selective layer in a polymer/fullerene based heterojunction, present useful device structures for investigating the functional mechanisms within OPV devices and a possible pathway towards improved air-stable high efficiency devices. Furthermore, analysis of the physical properties of the ZnO layers with varying thickness, crystallographic structure, surface chemistry and grain size deposited via various techniques such as atomic layer deposition, sputtering and solution-processed ZnO with their respective OPV device performance is discussed. We find similarity and differences in electrode property for good charge injection in OLEDs and good charge collection in OPV devices very insightful in understanding physics behind device failures and successes. In general, self-passivating surface of amorphous TCOs IZO, ZTO and IZTO forms insulating layer that hinders the charge collection. Similarly, we find modulation of the carrier concentration and the mobility in electron transport layer, namely zinc oxide thin films, very important for optimizing device performance.
We report on recent progress in the generation of non-diffracting (Bessel) beams from semiconductor light sources including both edge-emitting and surface-emitting semiconductor lasers as well as light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Bessel beams at the power level of Watts with central lobe diameters of a few to tens of micrometers were achieved from compact and highly efficient lasers. The practicality of reducing the central lobe size of the Bessel beam generated with high-power broad-stripe semiconductor lasers and LEDs to a level unachievable by means of traditional focusing has been demonstrated. We also discuss an approach to exceed the limit of power density for the focusing of radiation with high beam propagation parameter M2. Finally, we consider the potential of the semiconductor lasers for applications in optical trapping/tweezing and the perspectives to replace their gas and solid-state laser counterparts for a range of implementations in optical manipulation towards lab-on-chip configurations. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.
We report on conical refraction (CR) experiments with low-coherent light sources such as light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that demonstrated different CR patterns. The change of a pinhole size from 25 to 100 μm reduced the spatial coherence of the LED radiation and resulted in the disappearance of the dark Poggendorf ring in the Lloyd's plane. This is attributed to the interference nature of the Lloyd's distribution and is found to be in excellent agreement with the paraxial dual-cone model of CR.
The study of III-nitride materials (InN, GaN and AlN) gained huge research momentum after breakthroughs in the production light emitting diodes (LEDs) and laser diodes (LDs) over the past two decades. Last year, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded jointly to Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano and Shuji Nakamura for inventing a new energy efficient and environmental friendly light source: blue light-emitting diode (LED) from III-nitride semiconductors in the early 1990s. Nowadays, III-nitride materials not only play an increasingly important role in the lighting technology, but also become prospective candidates in other areas, for example, the high frequency (RF) high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) and photovoltaics. These devices require the growth of high quality III-nitride films, which can be prepared using metal organic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE). The main aim of my thesis is to study and develop the growth of III-nitride films, including AlN, u-AlGaN, Si-doped AlGaN, and InAlN, serving as sample wafers for fabrication of ultraviolet (UV) LEDs, in order to replace the conventional bulky, expensive and environmentally harmful mercury lamp as new UV light sources. For application to UV LEDs, reducing the threading dislocation density (TDD) in AlN epilayers on sapphire substrates is a key parameter for achieving high-efficiency AlGaNbased UV emitters. In Chapter 4, after careful and systematic optimisation, a working set of conditions, the screw and edge type dislocation density in the AlN were reduced to around 2.2×108 cm-2 and 1.3×109 cm-2 , respectively, using an optimized three-step process, as estimated by TEM. An atomically smooth surface with an RMS roughness of around 0.3 nm achieved over 5×5 µm 2 AFM scale. Furthermore, the motion of the steps in a one dimension model has been proposed to describe surface morphology evolution, especially the step bunching feature found under non-optimal conditions. In Chapter 5, control of alloy composition and the maintenance of compositional uniformity across a growing epilayer surface were demonstrated for the development of u-AlGaN epilayers. Optimized conditions (i.e. a high growth temperature of 1245 °C) produced uniform and smooth film with a low RMS roughness of around 2 nm achieved in 20×20 µm 2 AFM scan. The dopant that is most commonly used to obtain n-type conductivity in AlxGa1-xN is Si. However, the incorporation of Si has been found to increase the strain relaxation and promote unintentional incorporation of other impurities (O and C) during Si-doped AlGaN growth. In Chapter 6, reducing edge-type TDs is observed to be an effective appoach to improve the electric and optical properties of Si-doped AlGaN epilayers. In addition, the maximum electron concentration of 1.3×1019 cm-3 and 6.4×1018 cm-3 were achieved in Si-doped Al0.48Ga0.52N and Al0.6Ga0.4N epilayers as measured using Hall effect. Finally, in Chapter 7, studies on the growth of InAlN/AlGaN multiple quantum well (MQW) structures were performed, and exposing InAlN QW to a higher temperature during the ramp to the growth temperature of AlGaN barrier (around 1100 °C) will suffer a significant indium (In) desorption. To overcome this issue, quasi-two-tempeature (Q2T) technique was applied to protect InAlN QW. After optimization, an intense UV emission from MQWs has been observed in the UV spectral range from 320 to 350 nm measured by room temperature photoluminescence.
Solution-processed hybrid organic–inorganic lead halide perovskites are emerging as one of the most promising candidates for low-cost light-emitting diodes (LEDs). However, due to a small exciton binding energy, it is not yet possible to achieve an efficient electroluminescence within the blue wavelength region at room temperature, as is necessary for full-spectrum light sources. Here, we demonstrate efficient blue LEDs based on the colloidal, quantum-confined 2D perovskites, with precisely controlled stacking down to one-unit-cell thickness (n = 1). A variety of low-k organic host compounds are used to disperse the 2D perovskites, effectively creating a matrix of the dielectric quantum wells, which significantly boosts the exciton binding energy by the dielectric confinement effect. Through the Förster resonance energy transfer, the excitons down-convert and recombine radiatively in the 2D perovskites. We report room-temperature pure green (n = 7–10), sky blue (n = 5), pure blue (n = 3), and deep blue (n = 1) electroluminescence, with record-high external quantum efficiencies in the green-to-blue wavelength region.
Skin colour is an important quality parameter that influences mango fruit marketability. The mango industry is interested in controlled induction of skin blush in mangoes. It is desirable to understand the control of anthocyanin accumulation in mango skin. Among environmental factors known to induce anthocyanin accumulation in plants, light is the most studied. Light exposure induces pigmentation in various fruits, including apple, strawberry and grape. The effect of different light qualities on skin blush in mango fruit has received relatively little attention. The objective of this study was to assess anthocyanin accumulation and blush in response to blue, red and far red light from light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as applied to harvested mango fruit skin during storage at 12°C. Except for red light, the other wavelengths induced anthocyanin accumulation and skin blush as compared to the dark control treatment. Anthocyanin concentration and a∗ values were highest in blue light exposed fruit skin. This wavelength enhanced phenylalanine ammonia lyase activity in the mango skin, which may be associated with increased pigmentation. LED light treatment did not affect other fruit quality parameters at 21 days of storage, including firmness, total soluble solids and titratable acidity. Overall, the findings suggest that postharvest treatment with blue light can induce skin blush in mango fruit, which potentially may enhance their commercial value.
In the keynote, major reforestation challenges in Scandinavia will be highlighted. The following countries make up Scandinavia: Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark. For Iceland, with only a forest cover of 2%, a major reforestation challenge is the deforestation and overgrazing in combination with land degradation and extensive soil erosion. The challenges include the conflicts with livestock farmers. For centuries the commons were used for sheep and horse grazing. However, more and more of farmer grazing land have been fenced up, allowing the regeneration of birch and plantations of other species to increase. With a forest cover of 37% and 69% respectively, for decades a major reforestation challenge in Norway and Sweden has been the risk of seedling damages from the pine weevil. Unprotected seedlings can have a survival rate of less than 25% after being planted. Pine weevils feed on the bark of planted young seedlings at regeneration sites. If the seedling is girdled, it will not survive. In Sweden, and soon in Norway, pesticides have been forbidden. In the keynote, new methods and technology will be presented based on non-chemical protection. In Finland, with a forest cover of 75%, a major reforestation challenge is linked to the forest structure. The structure of Finnish forestry includes many private forests in combination with small regeneration sites. This implies a situation where logistics and methods for lifting and field storage provide a major challenge in order to preserve seedling quality until the planting date. Due to this situation, new logistic systems and technologies are being developed in Finland, including new seedling cultivation programs (including cultivation under Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)) to match the access of fresh planting stock to different planting dates. In Denmark, with a forest cover of 13%, a major reforestation challenge is the possibility of future plantations based on a wide range of relevant species. For this to become a realistic option, new methods and technology have to be developed in reforestation activities that support this possibility. These methods and technology should make it possible to not be limited to certain species due to problems and restrictions during field establishment. This due to the prospect of establishing stable, healthy, and productive stands of various forest species that can be adapted to future climate change.
Polyfluorenes are promising materials for the emitting layer of polymer light emitting devices (PLEDs) with blue emission. In this work, we report on PLEDs fabricated with Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films of a polyfluorene derivative, namely poly(9,9-di-hexylfluorenediyl vinylene-alt-1,4-phenylenevinylene) (PDHF-PV). Y-type LB films were transferred onto ITO substrates at a surface pressure of 35 mN m-1 and with dipping speed of 3 mm min -1. A thin aluminum layer was evaporated on top of the LB film, thus yielding a sandwich structure (ITO/PDHF-PV(LB)/Al). Current-voltage (I vs V) measurements indicate that the device displays a classical behavior of a rectifying diode. The threshold value is approximately 5 V, and the onset for visible light emission occurs at ca. 10 V. From the a.c. electrical responses we infer that the active layer has a typical behavior of PLEDs where the real component of ac conductivity obeys a power-law with the frequency. Cole-Cole plots (Im(Z) vs. Re(Z)) for the device exhibit a series of semicircles, the diameter of which decreases with increasing forward bias. This PLED structure is modeled by a parallel resistance and capacitance combination, representing the dominant mechanisms of charge transport and polarization in the organic layer, in series with a resistance representing the ITO contact. Overall, the results presented here demonstrate the feasibility of LEDs made with LB films of PDHF-PV.
Con el fin de establecer si es posible llevar a cabo el cultivo de microalgas empleando LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) y si el empleo de los mismos supone alguna ventaja, se llevaron a cabo cinco experiencias con el microalga Chlorella sorokiniana en las que se varió la cantidad y la calidad de la luz aplicada. En las dos primeras experiencias se empleó luz de un solo color, roja en la primera y azul en la segunda, ambas al 50 % de su intensidad. En las tres siguiente se ensayaron mezclas de ambas, aplicando en la tercera 50 % de luz roja y 50 % de luz azul, en la cuarta 70 % de luz roja y 30 % de luz azul y en la quinta 30 % luz roja y 70 % luz azul. En todos los casos se llevó a cabo simultáneamente el cultivo de un testigo en las mismas condiciones pero iluminado con una lámpara fluorescente. Diariamente se tomaron medidas de la densidad óptica, el pH y la conductividad eléctrica. El seguimiento de la temperatura se hizo por medio de sensores que tomaron muestras cada 60 segundos. La experiencia en la que se empleó luz roja y azul al 50 % de intensidad presentó las mayores diferencias con respecto al testigo. En el resto de los casos el ensayo y el testigo presentaron crecimientos similares. Además se evaluaron varias fuentes de luz de uso frecuente en laboratorio con el fin de conocer su espectro de emisión y su comportamiento al atravesar el medio de cultivo.