983 resultados para Dspace
Introduction. The DRIVER I project drew up a detailed report of European repositories based on data gathered in a survey in which Spain's participation was very low. This created a highly distorted image of the implementation of repositories in Spain. This study aims to analyse the current state of Spanish open-access institutional repositories and to describe their characteristics. Method. The data were gathered through a Web survey. The questionnaire was based on that used by DRIVER I: coverage; technical infrastructure and technical issues; institutional policies; services created; and stimulators and inhibitors for establishing, filling and maintaining their digital institutional repositories. Analysis. Data were tabulated and analysed systematically according responses obtained from the questionnaire and grouped by coverage. Results. Responses were obtained from 38 of the 104 institutions contacted, which had 29 institutional repositories. This represents 78.3% of the Spanish repositories according to the BuscaRepositorios directory. Spanish repositories contained mainly full-text materials (journal articles and doctoral theses) together with metadata. The software most used was DSpace, followed by EPrints. The metadata standard most used was Dublin Core. Spanish repositories offered more usage statistics and fewer author-oriented services than the European average. The priorities for the future development of the repositories are the need for clear policies on access to scientific production based on public funding and the need for quality control indicators. Conclusions.This is the first detailed study of Spanish institutional repositories. The key stimulants for establishing, filling and maintaining were, in order of importance, the increase of visibility and citation, the interest of decision-makers, simplicity of use and search services. On the other hand the main inhibitors identified were the absence of policies, the lack of integration with other national and international systems and the lack of awareness efforts among academia.
[eng] This report is part of the research project, The effects of social changes in work and professional life of Spanish academics, partially financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (SEJ2006-01876), that has explored change in legislation, organisation, research schemes and so on, in the last thirty years. The main aim of this project is deepening our understanding of the impact of undergoing economic, social, cultural, technological and labour change in Spanish universities in the life and professional identity of the teaching and research staff, taking into account the national and european context. This paper gathers part of the results gained from the project, being its primary objective to contribute to an improved knowledge-base on professional knowledge and work experience in higher education institutions in Spain and, as a consequence, to understand how Spanish academics are coping with current changes.
La guía consta de un conjunto de documentos PDF y de una web (http://www.videoaccessible.udl.cat) que se complementan para dar pautas, recomendaciones y ejemplos necesarios para poder mostrar información en formato video digital accesible para las personas con diferentes discapacidades.
Esta guía es una introducción a la herramienta RELOAD y a las funcionalidades de SCORM en Moodle.
Este documento da las pautas básicas para incorporar vídeos incrustados en una página web codificada con HTML5, con un reproductor accesible. Así mismo, se da una introducción a la herramienta ccPlayer, reproductor de vídeos que está implementado como objeto SWF Flash y que permite añadir subtítulos. También para la herramienta JWPlayer que permite añadir subtítulos y audiodescripción.
[eng] This report is part of the research project, The effects of social changes in work and professional life of Spanish academics, partially financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (SEJ2006-01876), that has explored change in legislation, organisation, research schemes and so on, in the last thirty years. The main aim of this project is deepening our understanding of the impact of undergoing economic, social, cultural, technological and labour change in Spanish universities in the life and professional identity of the teaching and research staff, taking into account the national and european context. This paper gathers part of the results gained from the project, being its primary objective to contribute to an improved knowledge-base on professional knowledge and work experience in higher education institutions in Spain and, as a consequence, to understand how Spanish academics are coping with current changes.
[eng] This report is part of the research project, The effects of social changes in work and professional life of Spanish academics, partially financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (SEJ2006-01876), that has explored change in legislation, organisation, research schemes and so on, in the last thirty years. The main aim of this project is deepening our understanding of the impact of undergoing economic, social, cultural, technological and labour change in Spanish universities in the life and professional identity of the teaching and research staff, taking into account the national and european context. This paper gathers part of the results gained from the project, being its primary objective to contribute to an improved knowledge-base on professional knowledge and work experience in higher education institutions in Spain and, as a consequence, to understand how Spanish academics are coping with current changes.
Learning object repositories are a basic piece of virtual learning environments used for content management. Nevertheless, learning objects have special characteristics that make traditional solutions for content management ine ective. In particular, browsing and searching for learning objects cannot be based on the typical authoritative meta-data used for describing content, such as author, title or publicationdate, among others. We propose to build a social layer on top of a learning object repository, providing nal users with additional services fordescribing, rating and curating learning objects from a teaching perspective. All these interactions among users, services and resources can be captured and further analyzed, so both browsing and searching can be personalized according to user pro le and the educational context, helping users to nd the most valuable resources for their learning process. In this paper we propose to use reputation schemes and collaborative filtering techniques for improving the user interface of a DSpace based learning object repository.
Institutional digital repositories are a basic piece to provide preservation and reutilization of learning resources. However, their creation and maintenance is usually performed following a top-down approach, causing limitations in the search and reutilization of learning resources. In order to avoid this problem we propose to use web 2.0 functionalities. In this paper we present how tagging can be used to enhance the search and reusability functionalities of institutional learning repositories as well as promoting their usage. The paper also describes the evaluation process that was performed in a pilot experience involving open educational resources.
The aim of this work was to select an appropriate digital filter for a servo application and to filter the noise from the measurement devices. Low pass filter attenuates the high frequency noise beyond the specified cut-off frequency. Digital lowpass filters in both IIR and FIR responses were designed and experimentally compared to understand their characteristics from the corresponding step responses of the system. Kaiser Windowing and Equiripple methods were selected for FIR response, whereas Butterworth, Chebyshev, InverseChebyshev and Elliptic methods were designed for IIR case. Limitations in digital filter design for a servo system were analysed. Especially the dynamic influences of each designed filter on the control stabilityof the electrical servo drive were observed. The criterion for the selection ofparameters in designing digital filters for servo systems was studied. Control system dynamics was given significant importance and the use of FIR and IIR responses in different situations were compared to justify the selection of suitableresponse in each case. The software used in the filter design was MatLab/Simulink® and dSPACE's DSP application. A speed controlled Permanent Magnet Linear synchronous Motor was used in the experimental work.
Tässä diplomityössä tutustutaan sarjakytkentäisen taajuusmuuttajan rakenteeseen ja ohjaukseen. Työssä tarkastellaan myös hajautetun järjestelmän testaamista ja ohjelmointia. Työssä toteutettiin sarjakytkentäisen taajuusmuuttajan modulaattori hajautetusti FPGA-piireille. Lisäksi diplomityössä kehitettiin ja toteutettiin optinen JTAG-rajapinta hajautetun järjestelmän testaukseen ja ohjelmointiin. Laboratoriokoelaitteisto koostui yhdeksästä taajuusmuuttajan ohjauskortista, LUT Master -ohjausyksiköstä ja dSPACE-ohjausjärjestelmästä. Laboratoriomittaukset tehtiin Lappeenrannan teknillisen yliopiston Säätötekniikan laboratoriossa.
El aumento significativo de la inmigración en los últimos años supone un nuevo reto para la enfermería. Objetivos: conocer la situación actual de la formación de enfermería respecto a la inmigración, su interés por formarse y las dificultades y necesidades que tienen en materia de inmigración. Metodología: estudio descriptivo y transversal analizando una muestra representativa de todos los profesionales de enfermería colegiados en la provincia de Lleida. Para la recogida de datos se utilizó un cuestionario y el análisis estadístico se realizó con el programa informático SPSS versión 13.0. Resultados: más del 90% de los profesionales de enfermería de la provincia de Lleida son mujeres menores de 50 años y que mayoritariamente trabajan en atención hospitalaria. No obstante el interés expresado por temas relacionados con la inmigración, sólo el 24% ha realizado algún tipo de formación al respecto. La mayoría también reconoce tener problemas de comunicación con los inmigrantes. Las sugerencias recogidas en el cuestionario se categorizaron en modelos de integración y en formación. Conclusión: la formación de enfermería en inmigración es baja y se debe a su elevado coste y a que no se realiza en horario laboral. En términos generales, los profesionales de enfermería que se dedican a la Atención Primaria de salud, muestran mayor interés por formarse y mayor flexibilidad para modificar los protocolos y cuidados que sus homónimos hospitalarios.
El objetivo del estudio es describir el proceso de profesionalización de la enfermería en Lleida a partir de la llegada de las Hijas de la Caridad de San Vicente de Paúl en el Hospital de Santa María. MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: Estudio histórico mediante técnica de observación documental y análisis de documentos legislativos. Los documentos utilizados son: copia de la escritura del establecimiento de las Hijas de la Caridad en el Hospital de Santa María (1792) y las Constituciones para el gobierno del Santo Hospital General de la Ciudad de Lérida (1797). RESULTADOS: En la copia de la escritura se establece que las hermanas se encargarán del régimen y cuidados de los enfermos según las reglas de su instituto; y que tanto el gobierno y dirección interior y exterior de ellas dependerá de la Congregación. En las Constituciones del 1797 se acredita que han resultado beneficiosas tanto para la organización del hospital como para la atención sanitaria. Ponen énfasis en posibles divulgaciones negativas con respecto a ellas. CONCLUSIONES Y DISCUSIÓN: El establecimiento de las Hijas de la Caridad mejoró la atención sanitaria de los enfermos y la salubridad del centro. La contraprestación económica nos ayuda para que podamos hablar de profesionalización de enfermería.
El artículo analiza los elementos esenciales del nuevo delito de trata de personas que incorporado al CP mediante la reforma de 2010. Asimismo explora la tipificación de la trata de personas en Derecho comparado, los compromisos internacionales adquiridos por el Estado español acerca de la incriminación de esta conducta y su nivel de cumplimiento con el nuevo delito.
Las revueltas en el Maghreb y Mashrek entre otras consecuencias han promovido la diversificación de actores en el área mediterránea, de manera que la UE ya no es el único vecino con intereses en la región. Turquía, el eterno candidato a la adhesión, ha sido designada por académicos y políticos como un modelo de Estado secular y multipartidista donde la separación entre la religión y la política representa uno de sus pilares constitucionales. Además, el Primer Ministro Recep Tayyip Erdogan se ha erigido como un líder en la región Mediterránea debido al viraje de la política turca de asuntos exteriores. En otros términos, Turquía ya no es un país completamente aliado del mundo occidental para los árabes, sino que ha asumido su responsabilidad en la escena global. Sin embargo, dicha determinación se ha alcanzado a través de actuar como un poder blando asumiendo como propio la máxima aportación europea a las relaciones internacionales.