988 resultados para Droppin Knowledge Series
El Trabajo de Fin de Grado aborda el tema del Descubrimiento de Conocimiento en series numéricas temporales, abordando el análisis de las mismas desde el punto de vista de la semántica de las series. La gran mayoría de trabajos realizados hasta la fecha en el campo del análisis de series temporales proponen el análisis numérico de los valores de la serie, lo que permite obtener buenos resultados pero no ofrece la posibilidad de formular las conclusiones de forma que se puedan justificar e interpretar los resultados obtenidos. Por ello, en este trabajo se pretende crear una aplicación que permita realizar el análisis de las series temporales desde un punto de vista cualitativo, en contraposición al tradicional método cuantitativo. De esta forma, quedarán recogidos todos los elementos relevantes de la serie temporal que puedan servir de estudio en un futuro. Para abordar el objetivo propuesto se plantea un mecanismo para extraer de la serie temporal la información que resulta de interés para su análisis. Para poder hacerlo, primero se formaliza el conjunto de comportamientos relevantes del dominio, que serán los símbolos a mostrar en la salida de la aplicación. Así, el método que se ha diseñado e implementado transformará una serie temporal numérica en una secuencia simbólica que recoge toda la semántica de la serie temporal de partida y resulta más intuitiva y fácil de interpretar. Una vez que se dispone de un mecanismo para transformar las series numéricas en secuencias simbólicas, se pueden plantear todas las tareas de análisis sobre dichas secuencias de símbolos. En este trabajo, aunque no se entra en este post-análisis de estas series, sí se plantean distintos campos en los que se puede avanzar en el futuro. Por ejemplo, se podría hacer una medida de la similitud entre dos secuencias simbólicas como punto de partida para la tarea de comparación o la creación de modelos de referencia para análisis posteriores de las series temporales. ---ABSTRACT---This Final-year Project deals with the topic of Knowledge Discovery in numerical time series, addressing time series analysis from the viewpoint of the semantics of the series. Most of the research conducted to date in the field of time series analysis recommends analysing the values of the series numerically. This provides good results but prevents the conclusions from being formulated to allow justification and interpretation of the results. Thus, the purpose of this project is to create an application that allows the analysis of time series, from a qualitative point of view rather than a quantitative one. This way, all the relevant elements of the time series will be gathered for future studies. The design of a mechanism to extract the information that is of interest from the time series is the first step towards achieving the proposed objective. To do this, all the key behaviours in the domain are set, which will be the symbols shown in the output. The designed and implemented method transforms a numerical time series into a symbolic sequence that takes in all the semantics of the original time series and is more intuitive and easier to interpret. Once a mechanism for transforming the numerical series into symbolic sequences is created, the symbolic sequences are ready for analysis. Although this project does not cover a post-analysis of these series, it proposes different fields in which research can be done in the future. For instance, comparing two different sequences to measure the similarities between them, or the creation of reference models for further analysis of time series.
The binomial knowledge/action understood under the biunivocal relationship of both components is the basis of planning from a postmodern approach. Within this binomial, social communication gives appropriate information, nurtures the knowledge that leads to transformative action, promotes participation and enhances the community?s self-esteem and recognition; to deeply reflect on action is a source of new knowledge; and communication fosters the adoption of the new knowledge by the community with new actions that feed the process knowledge/action as a planning source. From this approach the project Radio Message is born as a new communication channel with the aim of offering Andean indigenous communities from the area of Cayambe (Ecuador), a series of multidisciplinary training programs that enable transformative action with a strong effect on the life quality in these communities and their importance as social actors. The contents are designed through participatory communication between the training authorities and the communities themselves, analyzing their opportunities and needs. In this research the impact of social media in the development of more than 100 indigenous communities in Cayambe is analyzed.
The representation of women in crime fiction has traditionally been a complicated one. Consistently forced into secondary characters (assistants, girlfriends, or damsels in distress) the most active role a female character could aspire to was that of the femme fatale, a pit of perdition, an unwelcome distraction for a man looking for truth and justice. This traditional approach to the genre has been challenged in the last decades by women acting as detectives, trusted with solving their cases in a hostile male world. Similarly, the traditional white male protagonist has been contested by fictions where ethnic minorities are not just consigned to the criminal world, but where detectives are members of ethnic groups, and can use their knowledge of the community to solve the case. This essay focuses on the crossroads of ethnic and women’s detective fiction, specifically the Gloria Damasco series by Chicana writer Lucha Corpi and the graphic novel Chicanos (Trillo and Risso, 1996). Both protagonists (Gloria Damasco, a Chicana clairvoyant detective, and “poor, ugly, and a detective” Alejandrina Yolanda Jalisco) must face both the dangers of investigating criminal cases and discrimination in their professional surroundings due to their gender and ethnicity. By contrasting these texts, the essay elucidates the importance of specific cultural products, their connection to (and defiance of) canonical forms of the genre, and their rejection of generic and gender expectations.
Performing Pedagogies was a week-long performance and exhibition series I organized that took place in Kingston, Ontario between March 15th - March 20th 2016. The motivation for this project came from a desire to explore performative modes of experiencing critical, embodied knowledge. The series featured five performances, a long distance collaboration between thirty-one Queen’s undergraduate students and a Vancouver artist-run free school (The School for Eventual Vacancy), a subsequent exhibition, a panel discussion, and a radical performance pedagogy workshop led by co-artistic director of the international performance art troupe, La Pocha Nostra. Artists featured included Golboo Amani, Basil AlZeri, Caitlin Chaisson, Justin Langlois, Saul Garcia-Lopez, Francisco-Fernando Granados, and Andrew Rabyniuk. By curating examples of performance art that variously incorporated embodied pedagogical interventions, I examined the processes of performance as pedagogy. Performing Pedagogies explored interventions into contemporary contours of neoliberal education paradigms through embodied encounters—fostering conversations about the meanings and limitations of knowledge dissemination and education today and posing questions about possibilities for radical pedagogies, embodied knowledge, and counter curricula.
Performing Pedagogies was a week-long performance and exhibition series I organized that took place in Kingston, Ontario between March 15th - March 20th 2016. The motivation for this project came from a desire to explore performative modes of experiencing critical, embodied knowledge. The series featured five performances, a long distance collaboration between thirty-one Queen’s undergraduate students and a Vancouver artist-run free school (The School for Eventual Vacancy), a subsequent exhibition, a panel discussion, and a radical performance pedagogy workshop led by co-artistic director of the international performance art troupe, La Pocha Nostra. Artists featured included Golboo Amani, Basil AlZeri, Caitlin Chaisson, Justin Langlois, Saul Garcia-Lopez, Francisco-Fernando Granados, and Andrew Rabyniuk. By curating examples of performance art that variously incorporated embodied pedagogical interventions, I examined the processes of performance as pedagogy. Performing Pedagogies explored interventions into contemporary contours of neoliberal education paradigms through embodied encounters—fostering conversations about the meanings and limitations of knowledge dissemination and education today and posing questions about possibilities for radical pedagogies, embodied knowledge, and counter curricula.
From the Introduction. Governor Romney’s statement that President Obama was trying to convert the United States into a European state actually served to point out the need for a much deeper understanding of both entities to make considerable progress in the future. The need for a close alliance is taken for granted. However, the link is riddled with confusion and stereotypes. This relationship is considered a normal fact forged by mutual historical legacies. Hence the frequent signs of awkward behaviour and misunderstandings under the cover of the notion that potential damage will be corrected by the force of the special relationship. If conflicts are detected, both parties are said to be condemned to agree. If a lack of knowledge is detected, it will be modified by accessible means. Mechanisms for an understanding and cooperation are within reach. Therefore, an effective relationship is not utopian. However, there are areas in which much work is needed to strengthen the alliance and correct its shortcomings. There is a need, not only for agreements in economic and political issues, but also for a deeper understanding of the essence of both entities.
Vol. 2, no. 7 (Mar. 1836)-v. 2, no. 12 (Aug. 1836) were edited anonymously by Nathaniel Hawthorne, who, with his sister, Elizabeth, wrote or revised almost the entire contents.
Vol. 31-32 also called 4th series, vol. 1-2.
Caption title: nos. 1-4, Atlantic journal, and firend of knowledge; a cyclopedic journal and review of universal science and knowledge: historical, natural, and medical arts and sciences. -- nos. 5-8, Atlantic journal and friend of knowledge; a quarterly journal of historical and natural sciences, useful knowledge, &c.
Publisher's catalog at end.
Shaw & Shoemaker
Bound in brown leather; stamped in red and gold; edges stained yellow.
The problem of Job.--The case of John Bunyan.--Tennyson and pessimism.--The knowledge of good and evil.--Natural law, ethics, and evolution.--The implications of self-consciousness.--Some observations on the anomalies of self-consciousness.--Self-consciousness, social consciousness and nature.--Originality and consciousness.--Meister Eckhart.--An episode of early California life: the squatter riot of 1850 in Sacramento.--Jean Marie Guyau.
First issued in 25 parts, July 15, 1836, to June 1, 1842.