994 resultados para Dioxide Reaction


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A new type of the catalyst, LaNiAl11O19, for the methane reforming with carbon dioxide was synthesized and evaluated. LaNiAl11O19 has a hexaaluminate structure and can keep large surface and heat resistance against sintering at high reaction temperature. As compared with La2O3-Ni/SrAl12O19, in the CH4 + CO2 reaction, LaNiAl11O19 catalyst displays a higher catalytic activity, lower coking amount and excellent sintering resistance of Ni particle, due to its stable structure.


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The dye C.I. Acid Blue 80 (AB80) was easily degraded by TiO2-P25 assisted photocatalysis in aqueous dispersion under irradiation of sunlight. The optimal reaction conditions were [TiO2] = 2.0 g/L, pH = 10, [H2O2] = 5 mmol/L. The photocatalytic reaction followed pseudo-first order kinetics. The adsorption of AB80 onto TiO2 was in accord with Langmuir equation.


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CH4-CO2-O-2 reforming to syngas in a never Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3.delta oxygen-permeable membrane reactor using LiLaNiO/gamma-Al2O3 as catalyst was successfully reported. Excellent reaction performance was achieved with around 92% methane conversion efficiency, 95% CO2 conversion rate, and nearly 8.5mL/min.cm(2) oxygen permeation flux. In contrast to the oxygen permeation model with the presence of large concentration of CO2 (under such condition the oxygen permeation flux deteriorates with time), the oxygen permeation flux is really stable under the CH4CO2-O-2 reforming condition.


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A convenient preparation of substituted benzoic acids from Grignard additions to solid carbon dioxide. Students create a library of carboxylic acids by using differentially substituted, commercially available aryl bromides, which can be used as the starting materials for a multistep synthesis. This is a modification and improvement of a very popular undergraduate organic chemistry experiment.


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The concomitant recycling of waste and carbon dioxide emissions is the subject of developing technology designed to close the industrial process loop and facilitate the bulk-re-use of waste in, for example, construction. The present work discusses a treatment step that employs accelerated carbonation to convert gaseous carbon dioxide into solid calcium carbonate through a reaction with industrial thermal residues. Treatment by accelerated carbonation enabled a synthetic aggregate to be made from thermal residues and waste quarry fines. The aggregates produced had a bulk density below 1000 kg/m3 and a high water absorption capacity. Aggregate crushing strengths were between 30% and 90% stronger than the proprietary lightweight expanded clay aggregate available in the UK. Cast concrete blocks containing the carbonated aggregate achieve compressive strengths of 24 MPa, making them suitable for use with concrete exposed to non-aggressive service environments. The energy intensive firing and sintering processes traditionally required to produce lightweight aggregates can now be augmented by a cold-bonding, low energy method that contributes to the reduction of green house gases to the atmosphere.


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A supported ionic liquid phase (SILP) catalyst prepared from [PrMIM][Ph2P(3-C6H4SO3)] (PrMIM = 1-propyl-3-methylimidazolium), [Rh(CO)(2)(acac)] (acacH = 2,4-pentanedione) [OctMIM]NTf2 (OctMIM = 1-n-octyl-3-methylimidazolium, Tf = CF3SO2) and microporous silica has been used for the continuous flow hydroformylation of 1-octene in the presence of compressed CO2. Statistical experimental design was used to show that the reaction rate is neither much affected by the film thickness (IL loading) nor by the syngas: substrate ratio. However, a factor-dependent interaction between the syngas: substrate ratio and film thickness on the reaction rate was revealed. Increasing the substrate flow led to increased reaction rates but lower overall yields. One of the most important parameters proved to be the phase behaviour of the mobile phase, which was studied by varying the reaction pressure. At low CO2 pressures or when N-2 was used instead of CO2 rates were low because of poor gas diffusion to the catalytic sites in the SILP. Furthermore, leaching of IL and Rh was high because the substrate is liquid and the IL had been designed to dissolve in it. As the CO2 pressure was increased, the reaction rate increased and the IL and Rh leaching were reduced, because an expanded liquid phase developed. Due to its lower viscosity the expanded liquid allows better transport of gases to the catalyst and is a poorer solvent for the IL and the catalyst because of its reduced polarity. Above 100 bar (close to the transition to a single phase at 106 bar), the rate of reaction dropped again with increasing pressure because the flowing phase becomes a better and better solvent for the alkene, reducing its partitioning into the IL film. Under optimised conditions, the catalyst was shown to be stable over at least 40 h of continuous catalysis with a steady state turnover frequency (TOF, mol product (mol Rh)(-1)) of 500 h(-1) at low Rh leaching (0.2 ppm). The selectivity of the catalyst was not much affected by the variation of process parameters. The linear: branched (1:b) ratios were ca. 3, similar to that obtained using the very same catalyst in conventional organic solvents.


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Twenty eight films of titanium dioxide of varying thickness were synthesised by using atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition (CVD) of titanium(IV) chloride and ethyl acetate onto glass and titanium substrates. Fixed reaction conditions at a substrate temperature of 660 degrees C were used for all depositions, with varying deposition times of 5-60 seconds used to control the thickness of the samples. A sacrificial electron acceptor system composed of alkaline sodium persulfate was used to determine the rate at which these films could photo-oxidise water in the presence of 365 nm light. The results of this work showed that the optimum thickness for CVD films on titanium substrates for the purposes of water oxidation was approximate to 200 nm, and that a platinum coating on the reverse of such samples leads to a five-fold increase in the observed rate of water oxidation.


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Atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition of titanium dioxide coatings on glass substrates was achieved by the reaction of TiCl4 and a co-oxygen source (MeOH, EtOH, (PrOH)-Pr-i or H2O) at 500-650degreesC. The coatings show excellent uniformity, surface coverage and adherence. Growth rates were of the order of 0.3 mum min(-1) at 500degreesC. All films are crystalline and single phase with XRD showing the anatase TiO2 diffraction pattern; a = 3.78(1), c = 9.51(1) Angstrom. Optically, the films show minimal reflectivity from 300-1600 nm and 50-80% total transmission from 300-800 nm. Contact angles are in the range 20-40degrees for as-prepared films and 1-10degrees after 30 min irradiation at 254 nm. All of the films show significant photocatalyic activity as regards the destruction of an overlayer of stearic acid.


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Ultrasound promotes the reduction of hexacyanoferrate(III) by thiosulfate ions mediated by RuO2 . xH(2)O under diffusion-controlled conditions. There is a strong correlation between the measured first-order rate constant and the absorbance of the dispersion, which, in turn, is closely related to the specific surface area of the catalyst. The enhancement in rate with ultrasonic irradiation appears to be largely associated with the dispersive action of the ultrasound on the aggregated particles of RuO2 . xH(2)O. The rate of reaction increases with increasing %duty cycle and ultrasonic intensity. The measured overall activation energies for the reaction with and without ultrasound, i.e. 18 +/- 1 and 20 +/- 1 kJ mol(-1), respectively, are very similar to those expected for a diffusion-controlled reaction. The homogeneous reaction is not promoted by ultrasound.


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The kinetics of reduction of hexacyanoferrate(III) by excess thiosulfate, mediated by RuO2.xH2O, are investigated. At high concentrations of S2O32- (0.1 mol dm-3) the kinetics of Fe(CN)63- reduction are first order with respect to [Fe(CN)63-] and [RuO2.xH2O] and independent of [Fe(CN)64-], [S2O32-] and [S4O62-]. At relatively low concentrations Of S2O32- (0.01 mol dm-3) and in the presence of appreciable concentrations of Fe(CN)64- and S4O62- (0.01 mol dm-3) the kinetics depend directly upon [Fe(CN)63-] and [RuO2.xH2O] and inversely upon [Fe(CN)64-]. Both sets of kinetics can be rationalised using an electrochemical model of redox catalysts in which a reversible reduction reaction [Fe(CN)63- + e- --> Fe(CN)64-] is coupled to an irreversible oxidation reaction (s2O32- - e- --> 1/2S4O62-), by a dispersion of RuO2.xH2O microelectrodes. At high concentrations Of S2O32- this model predicts that the kinetics of Fe(CN)63- reduction are controlled by the rate of diffusion of the Fe(CN)63- ions to the RuO2.xH2O particles. The kinetics observed at low concentrations of S2O32- are predicted by the electrochemical model, assuming that the Tafel slope for the oxidation Of S2O32- to S4O62- on the RuO2.xH2O particles is 56.4 mV decade-1.


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The results of a kinetic study of the bleaching of the photostable dye rhodamine 6G by dissolved oxygen, photosensitized by TiO2, are reported. The observed variations in the initial rate of dye photobleaching as a function of the O2 percentage, temperature, incident light intensity and concentrations of rhodamine 6G and sacrificial electron donor are described and the results are rationalized using a proposed photochemical reaction scheme. The photosensitized bleaching of rhodamine 6G dye by TiO2 has a formal quantum yield of 2.65 X 10(-3), but the rate of complete photomineralization is about twofold slower. The overall activation energy for the semiconductor-sensitized dye photobleaching process is 15.0 +/- 1.5 kJ mol-1.


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The kinetics of the oxidation of Ru(bpy)32+ to Ru(bpy)33+ by T13+ ions, catalyzed by a dispersion of RuO2-xH2O in 3 mol dm-3 HNO3, are reported as a function of [Ru(bpy)32+], [Tl3+], [Tl+], [RuO2.xH2O], and temperature. The kinetics of Ru(bpy)32+ oxidation fit an electrochemical model of redox catalysis involving electron transfer between the two electrochemically reversible redox couples, i.e. Ru(bpy)33+/Ru(bpy)32+ and Tl3+/Tl+, mediated by the dispersion of microelectrode particles of RuO2.xH2O. In this model, the rate of reaction is assumed to be controlled by the diffusion of Ru(bpy)32+ toward, and Ru(bpy)33+ away from, the catalyst particles. The Arrhenius activation energy for the catalyzed reaction is 25.9 +/- 0.7 kJ mol-1, and the changes in enthalpy and entropy for the reaction are 36 +/- 2 kJ mol-1 and 127 +/- 6 J mol-1 K-1, respectively. This work describes a rare example of reversible heterogeneous redox catalysis.


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The method of preparation of a novel plastic thin-film sensor that incorporates the fluorescent dye 8-hydroxypryrene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid is described; the shelf-life of the film is over 6 months. The results of a study on the equilibrium response of the sensor towards different levels of gaseous CO2 fit a model there is a 1 + 1 equilibrium reaction between the deprotonated form of the dye (present in the film as an ion pair) and the concentration of gaseous CO2 present. In contrast to the situation in aqueous solution, in the plastic film the pK(a) of the excited form of the dye appears close to that of the ground-state form, although this does not interfere with its use as 8 CO2 sensor. The 0 to 90% response and recovery times of the film when exposed to an alternating atmosphere of air and 5% CO2 are typically 4.3 and 7.1 s, respectively.


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The results of a kinetic study of the oxidative dissolution of ruthenium dioxide hydrate to ruthenium tetroxide by periodate ions, IO4-, in acidic solution are described. The kinetics of dissolution give a good fit to a 'soft-centre' model in which the particles of RuO2.xH2O are assumed to be monodispersed, spherical but inhomogeneous in composition, comprising a difficult-to-corrode outer shell and a more easy-to-corrode inner core. In this work metaperiodate appears to act as a two-electron oxidant. The observed kinetics fit a reaction scheme in which the rate-determining step is the reaction between a surface site and an adsorbed IO4 ion and there is competitive adsorption by any IO3- present. In the absence and presence of an excess of IO3- ions, the overall activation energy for the corrosion reaction was determined to be 38 +/- 2 and 54 +/- 4 kJ mol-1, respectively.


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The equilibrium responses of three new colorimetric plastic film sensors for CO2 as a function of % CO2 and temperature are described. The results fit a model in which there is a 1:1 equilibrium reaction between the deprotonated form of the dye (present in the film as an ion pair) and CO2. The 0-50% and 0-90% response and recovery times of each of these films when exposed to an alternating atmosphere of air and 5% CO2 are determined and in two cases are typically less than 3 s. The shelf life of the films is long (many months); however, prolonged use of the films leads to the permanent generation of the protonated form of the dye over a period of 20-100 h. A possible cause of this latter effect is discussed.