418 resultados para Diaphragmatic hernia
Objectives-The purpose of this study was to predict perinatal outcomes using fetal total lung volumes assessed by 3-dimensional ultrasonography (3DUS) in primary pleural effusion. Methods-Between July 2005 and July 2010, total lung volumes were prospectively estimated in fetuses with primary pleural effusion by 3DUS using virtual organ computer-aided analysis software. The first and last US examinations were considered in the analysis. The observed/expected total lung volumes were calculated. Main outcomes were perinatal death (up to 28 days of life) and respiratory morbidity (orotracheal intubation with mechanical respiratory support >48 hours). Results-Twelve of 19 fetuses (63.2%) survived. Among the survivors, 7 (58.3%) had severe respiratory morbidity. The observed/expected total lung volume at the last US examination before birth was significantly associated with perinatal death (P < .01) and respiratory morbidity (P < .01) as well as fetal hydrops (P < .01) and bilateral effusion (P = .01). Conclusions-Fetal total lung volumes may be useful for the prediction of perinatal outcomes in primary pleural effusion.
The objective of this study was to observe possible interactions between the renin-angiotensin and nitrergic systems in chronic hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension in newborn piglets. Thirteen chronically instrumented newborn piglets (6.3 +/- 0.9 days; 2369 +/- 491 g) were randomly assigned to receive saline (placebo, P) or the AT(1) receptor (AT(1)-R) blocker L-158,809 (L) during 6 days of hypoxia (FiO(2) = 0.12). During hypoxia, pulmonary arterial pressure (Ppa; P < 0.0001), pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR; P < 0.02) and the pulmonary to systemic vascular resistance ratio (PVR/SVR; P < 0.05) were significantly attenuated in the L (N = 7) group compared to the P group (N = 6). Western blot analysis of lung proteins showed a significant decrease of endothelial NOS (eNOS) in both P and L animals, and of AT(1)-R in P animals during hypoxia compared to normoxic animals (C group, N = 5; P < 0.01 for all groups). AT(1)-R tended to decrease in L animals. Inducible NOS (iNOS) did not differ among P, L, and C animals and iNOS immunohistochemical staining in macrophages was significantly more intense in L than in P animals (P < 0.01). The vascular endothelium showed moderate or strong eNOS and AT(1)-R staining. Macrophages and pneumocytes showed moderate or strong iNOS and AT(1)-R staining, but C animals showed weak iNOS and AT(1)-R staining. Macrophages of L and P animals showed moderate and weak AT(2)-R staining, respectively, but the endothelium of all groups only showed weak staining. In conclusion, pulmonary hypertension induced by chronic hypoxia in newborn piglets is partially attenuated by AT(1)-R blockade. We suggest that AT(1)-R blockade might act through AT(2)-R and/or Mas receptors and the nitrergic system in the lungs of hypoxemic newborn piglets.
OBJECTIVE: We sought to investigate the effects of antenatal retinoic acid on the pulmonary vasculature and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and VEGF receptors (VEGFR) expression in a nitrofen-induced congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) model. STUDY DESIGN: Rat fetuses were exposed to nitrofen at gestational day 9.5 and/or all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) at gestational days 18.5-20.5. We assessed lung growth, airway, and vascular morphometry. VEGF, VEGFR1, and VEGFR2 expression was analyzed by Western blotting and immunohistochemistry. Continuous data were analyzed by analysis of variance and Kruskal-Wallis test. RESULTS: CDH decreased lung to body weight ratio, increased mean linear intercept and mean transection length/airspace, and decreased mean airspace cord length. ATRA did not affect lung growth or morphometry. CDH increased proportional medial wall thickness of arterioles while ATRA reduced it. ATRA recovered expression of VEGF and receptors, which were reduced in CDH. CONCLUSION: Retinoic acid and VEGF may provide pathways for preventing pulmonary hypertension in CDH.
Obbiettivo. Analizzare la funzionalità polmonare e diaframmatica dopo interventi di plicatura del diaframma con rete di rinforzo peri-costale eseguiti per relaxatio e riparazione di ernia transdiaframmatica cronica mediante riduzione e sutura diretta. Metodi. Dal 1996 al 2010, 10 pazienti con relaxatio unilaterale del diaframma e 6 pazienti con ernia transdiaframmatica cronica misconosciuta sono stati sottoposti a chirurgia elettiva. Gli accertamenti preoperatori e al follow-up di 12 mesi includevano prove di funzionalità respiratoria, misura della pressione massimale inspiratoria alla bocca in clino e ortostatismo, emogasanlisi, TC del torace e dispnea score. Risultati. I pazienti dei due gruppi non differivano in termini di funzionalità respiratoria preoperatoria nè di complicanze postoperatorie; al follow-up a 12 mesi il gruppo Eventrazione mostrava un significativo aumento del FEV1% (+18,2 – p<0.001), FVC% (+12,8 – p<0.001), DLCO% (+6,84 – p=0,04) e pO2 (+9,8 mmHg – p<0.001). Al contrario nrl gruppo Ernia solo il miglioramento della pO2 era significativo (+8.3 – p=0.04). Sebbene la massima pressione inspiratoria (PImax) fosse aumentata in entrambi i gruppi al follow-up, i pazienti operati per ernia mostravano un miglioramento limitato con persistente caduta significativa della PImax dall’ortostatismo al clinostatismo (p<0.001). Il Transitional dyspnoea score è stato concordante con tali miglioramenti pur senza differenze significative tra i due gruppi. La TC del torace ha evidenziato una sopraelevazione dell’emidiaframma suturato, senza recidiva di ernia, mentre i pazienti sottoposti a plicatura hanno mantenuto l’ipercorrezione. Conclusioni. L’utilizzo di un rinforzo protesico è sicuro e sembra assicurare risultati funzionali migliori a distanza in termini di flussi respiratori e di movimento paradosso del diaframma (valutato mediante PImax). Lacerazioni estese del diaframma coinvolgenti le branche principali di suddivisione del nervo frenico si associano verosimilmente a una relaxatio che può quindi ridurre il guadagno funzionale a lungo termine se non adeguatamente trattata mediante l’utilizzo di un rinforzo protesico.
Fetal echocardiography was initially used to diagnose structural heart disease, but recent interest has focused on functional assessment. Effects of extracardiac conditions on the cardiac function such as volume overload (in the recipient in twin-twin transfusion syndrome), a hyperdynamic circulation (arterio-venous malformation), cardiac compression (diaphragmatic hernia, lung tumours) and increased placental resistance (intrauterine growth restriction and placental insufficiency) can be studied by ultrasound and may guide decisions for intervention or delivery. A variety of functional tests can be used, but there is no single clinical standard. For some specific conditions, however, certain tests have shown diagnostic value.
BACKGROUND: Sepsis is a threatening postoperative complication especially in small infants. Regarding the advances in perinatal medicine, its incidence is unknown to date. We aimed to investigate the incidence, risk factors, laboratory findings and outcome of postoperative sepsis in infants younger than 6 months old. METHODS: We examined postoperative sepsis in babies below 6 months of age during a 4-year period at a tertiary pediatric institution. RESULTS: The rate of postoperative sepsis was 6.9%. Laparotomy with enterotomy, thoracotomy and diaphragmatic hernia repair (P<0.05, respectively) as well as low postnatal age and long operation time (P<0.001, respectively) were correlated with the incidence of sepsis. Significant independent predictors for the development of sepsis were the presence of a central venous catheter and perioperative antibiotic treatment (P<0.001, respectively). Coagulase negative Staphylococci were the major infecting organism associated with postoperative sepsis, accounting for 53% of monomicrobial infections. Complete blood counts with differential were not different between infants with sepsis and controls, who had undergone the same surgical procedures. Outcome was favorable in all cases; however, the length of hospital stay was significantly longer in sepsis patients (P<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Postoperative sepsis syndrome is a frequent complication in infants below 6 months of age and causes significant prolongation of hospital stay. Adequate prevention and therapeutic strategies warrant further prospective investigations.
BACKGROUND: Incidental appendectomy remains a controversial issue. We aimed to collect experience using a modified surgical technique that could be applied securely in infants. METHODS: We performed aseptic intussuscepted incidental appendectomy (AIIA) in three patients using a technique that is thought to assure appendix necrosis along with intact cecal wall. RESULTS: There was no perioperative morbidity due to AIIA in the three patients. In two infants the necrotic appendix was found in the diaper. One infant died secondary to diaphragmatic hernia. Autopsy with histological examination revealed that the cecum was intact along with appendix necrosis. CONCLUSIONS: Modified AIIA could securely be performed in the 3 reported cases. We advocate prospective evaluation of the method.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Introduzione La pneumonectomia su modello animale potrebbe essere un’utile piattaforma di studio per approfondire i meccanismi della risposta compensatoria al danno polmonare. Scopo dello studio è determinare la presenza di variazioni morfologiche e di espressione del trascrittoma dopo pneumonectomia. Materiali e metodi Undici suini sono stati sottoposti a pneumonectomia sinistra. Sono stati eseguiti prelievi sito-specifici intraoperatori su polmone sinistro e successivamente confrontati con prelievi sito-specifici su polmone destro dopo eutanasia a 60 giorni. I prelievi degli animali con decorso regolare sono stati sottoposti a RNA-sequencing e successiva analisi computazionale per valutare il peso funzionale del singolo gene o di clusters di geni. Risultati Un animale è stato escluso per insorgenza di ernia diaframmatica. In 7/10 è stata riscontrata apertura della pleura mediastinica con parziale erniazione del polmone controlaterale e shift mediastinico. L’istologia ha mostrato dilatazione degli spazi aerei, rottura dei setti interalveolari, lieve infiammazione, assenza di fibrosi, stiramento radiale dei bronchi e riduzione del letto capillare. L’analisi di bulk RNA-sequencing ha identificato 553 geni espressi in modo differenziale (DEG)(P<0,001) tra pre e post-pneumonectomia. I primi 10 DEG up-regolati: Edn1, Areg, Havcr2, Gadd45g, Depp1, Cldn4, Atf3, Myc, Gadd45b, Socs3; i primi 10 geni down-regolati: Obscn, Cdkn2b, ENSSSCG00000015738, Prrt2, Amer1, Flrt3, Efnb2, Tox3, Znf793, Znf365. Tra i DEG è stata riscontrata una predominanza di geni specifici dei macrofagi. L’analisi di gene ontology basata su DAVID ha mostrato un significativo arricchimento della "via di segnalazione apoptotica estrinseca"(FDR q=7,60x10 -3), della via di “Risposta all’insulina”(FDR q=7,60x10 -3) ed un arricchimento di geni “Regolatori negativi del segnale DDX58/IFIH1”(FDR q=7.50x10 -4). Conclusioni Il presente studio conferma la presenza di variazioni macroscopiche e microscopiche fenotipiche dopo pneumonectomia. L’RNA sequencing e lo studio di genomica traslazionale hanno mostrato l’esistenza di geni singoli e di network di geni disregolati dopo pneumonectomia, prevalentemente in determinate popolazioni cellulari.
Preoperative progressive pneumoperitoneum (PPP) is a safe and effective procedure in the treatment of large incisional hernia (size > 10 cm in width or length) with loss of domain (LIHLD). There is no consensus in the literature on the amount of gas that must be insufflated in a PPP program or even how long it should be maintained. We describe a technique for calculating the hernia sac volume (HSV) and abdominal cavity volume (ACV) based on abdominal computerized tomography (ACT) scanning that eliminates the need for subjective criteria for inclusion in a PPP program and shows the amount of gas that must be insufflated into the abdominal cavity in the PPP program. Our technique is indicated for all patients with large or recurrent incisional hernias evaluated by a senior surgeon with suspected LIHLD. We reviewed our experience from 2001 to 2008 of 23 consecutive hernia surgical procedures of LIHLD undergoing preoperative evaluation with CT scanning and PPP. An ACT was required in all patients with suspected LIHLD in order to determine HSV and ACV. The PPP was performed only if the volume ratio HSV/ACV (VR = HSV/ACV) was a parts per thousand yen25% (VR a parts per thousand yen 25%). We have performed this procedure on 23 patients, with a mean age of 55.6 years (range 31-83). There were 16 women and 7 men with an average age of 55.6 years (range 31-83), and a mean BMI of 38.5 kg/m(2) (range 23-55.2). Almost all patients (21 of 23 patients-91.30%) were overweight; 43.5% (10 patients) were severely obese (obese class III). The mean calculated volumes for ACV and HSV were 9,410 ml (range 6,060-19,230 ml) and 4,500 ml (range 1,850-6,600 ml), respectively. The PPP is performed by permanent catheter placed in a minor surgical procedure. The total amount of CO(2) insufflated ranged from 2,000 to 7,000 ml (mean 4,000 ml). Patients required a mean of 10 PPP sessions (range 4-18) to achieve the desired volume of gas (that is the same volume that was calculated for the hernia sac). Since PPP sessions were performed once a day, 4-18 days were needed for preoperative preparation with PPP. The mean VR was 36% (ranged from 26 to 73%). We conclude that ACT provides objective data for volume calculation of both hernia sac and abdominal cavity and also for estimation of the volume of gas that should be insufflated into the abdominal cavity in PPP.
Complications related to renal transplants have been widely reported in the literature. The most common complications include acute tubular necrosis, rejection, perirenal fluid collections, vascular complications, and urinary tract obstruction, which are promptly identified by imaging studies. Here we report a case of a patient with a rare cause of obstruction: a ureteral inguinal hernia. This is the sixth report of this condition, and, to our knowledge, no previous case has been reported in which sonography played an important role in promptly identifying the underlying condition and allowing additional less hazardous studies, therefore aiding case management.
Purpose - To verify the results of a diaphragmatic breathing technique (DBT) on diaphragmatic range of motion in healthy subjects. Methods - A total of 51 healthy subjects (10 male; 41 female), mean age 20 years old and a body mass index (BMI) ranging from 15.6 to 34.9 kg/m2, were enrolled in this study. Diaphragmatic range of motion was assessed by M-mode ultrasound imaging. Measurements were made before and after the DBT implementation in a standard protocol, based on 3 seconds of inspiration starting from a maximum expiration. Differences between assessments were analyzed by descriptive statistics and t-test (p < 0.05). Results - Mean value range of motion before DBT was 55.3 ± 13.4 mm and after DBT was 63.8 ± 13.2 mm showing a significant improvement of 8.5 ± 14.7 mm (p < 0.001). A strong correlation between the slope and the range of motion was found (r = 0.71, p < 0.001). Conclusions - Based on ultrasound measurements, it has been proved that DBT really contributes to a higher diaphragmatic range of motion. Future studies are needed in order to understand the influence of protocol parameters (e.g. inspiration time). Clinical implications - In the contest of evidence-based practice in physiotherapy, it has been showed by objective measurements that DBT improves the diaphragm range of motion, translating into a more efficient ventilatory function and thus can be used in clinical setting. To our knowledge this is the first study to assess the effects of DBT on range of motion of diaphragm muscle with ultrasound imaging.
A 6-month-old girl with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, multiple haemangiomas (axillary, laryngeal, pulmonary and hepatic) and diaphragmatic eventration was reported. All tumours responded to treatment with propranolol. The surgical correction of diaphragmatic eventration was crucial to a better outcome.
PURPOSE: Our previous studies demonstrated structural and quantitative age-related changes of the elastic fibers in transversalis fascia, which may play a role in inguinal hernia formation. To verify whether there were differences in the extracellular matrix between direct and indirect inguinal hernia, we studied the amount of collagen and elastic fibers in the transversalis fascia of 36 male patients with indirect inguinal hernia and 21 with direct inguinal hernia. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Transversalis fascia fragments were obtained during surgical intervention and underwent histological quantitative analysis of collagen by colorimetry and analysis of elastic fibers by histomorphometry. RESULTS: We demonstrated significantly lower amounts of collagen and higher amounts of elastic fibers in transversalis fascia from patients with direct inguinal hernia compared to indirect inguinal hernia patients. The transversalis fascia from direct inguinal hernia patients showed structural changes of the mature and elaunin elastic fibers, which are responsible for elasticity, and lower density of oxytalan elastic fibers, which are responsible for resistance. These changes promoted loss of resiliency of the transversalis fascia. CONCLUSION: These results improve our understanding of the participation of the extracellular matrix in the genesis of direct inguinal hernia, suggesting a relationship with genetic defects of the elastic fiber and collagen synthesis.