942 resultados para Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)


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Premature infants are at risk for adverse motor outcomes, including cerebral palsy and developmental coordination disorder. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of antenatal, perinatal, and postnatal risk factors for abnormal development of the corticospinal tract, the major voluntary motor pathway, during the neonatal period. In a prospective cohort study, 126 premature neonates (24-32 weeks' gestational age) underwent serial brain imaging near birth and at term-equivalent age. With diffusion tensor tractography, mean diffusivity and fractional anisotropy of the corticospinal tract were measured to reflect microstructural development. Generalized estimating equation models examined associations of risk factors on corticospinal tract development. The perinatal risk factor of greater early illness severity (as measured by the Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology-II [SNAP-II]) was associated with a slower rise in fractional anisotropy of the corticospinal tract (P = 0.02), even after correcting for gestational age at birth and postnatal risk factors (P = 0.009). Consistent with previous findings, neonatal pain adjusted for morphine and postnatal infection were also associated with a slower rise in fractional anisotropy of the corticospinal tract (P = 0.03 and 0.02, respectively). Lessening illness severity in the first hours of life might offer potential to improve motor pathway development in premature newborns.


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El trastorno del desarrollo de la coordinación se reconoce por dificultades motoras que afectan el rendimiento en actividades cotidianas y escolares; por tanto, se hace necesario un diagnóstico precoz para iniciar una intervención oportuna. Un cuestionario para diagnosticar es el Developmental coordination disorder questionnaire’07, DCDQ’07. Objetivo: realizar la traducción y adaptación transcultural al español del DCDQ’07. Materiales y métodos: tres traductores independientes tradujeron el cuestionario, clasificando sus ítems como equivalentes, con problemas en algunas palabras y sin equivalencia, y desde su equivalencia experiencial, semántica, conceptual e idiomática. Resultados: el artículo presenta los resultados preliminares de la investigación, la cual culminó su primera fase de traducción de los quince ítems del cuestionario. Ocho de ellos fueron clasificados como equivalentes, seis con problemas en algunas palabras y uno sin equivalencia. Diez ítems correspondieron a traducción por equivalencia experiencial, cuatro se clasificaron como equivalentes semánticas y uno se consideró con doble equivalencia. La autora del cuestionario original valoró positivamente la versión en español. La percepción de los padres frente al cuestionario fue positiva. Conclusiones: la mayoría de los ítems del cuestionario no tuvo dificultad en su traducción, facilitando su adaptación transcultural al español y la continuidad del proceso de validación y confiabilidad.


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Existen importantes pruebas de valoración que miden habilidades o competencias motoras en el niño; a pesar de ello Colombia carece de estudios que demuestren la validez y la confiabilidad de un test de medición que permita emitir un juicio valorativo relacionado con las competencias motoras infantiles, teniendo presente que la intervención debe basarse en la rigurosidad que exigen los procesos de valoración y evaluación del movimiento corporal. Objetivo. El presente estudio se centró en determinar las propiedades psicométricas del test de competencias motoras Bruininiks Oseretsky –BOT 2- segunda edición. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó una evaluación de pruebas diagnósticas con 24 niños aparentemente sanos de ambos géneros, entre 4 y 7 años, residentes en las ciudades de Chía y Bogotá. La evaluación fue realizada por 3 evaluadores expertos; el análisis para consistencia interna se realizó utilizando el Coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach, el análisis de reproducibilidad se estableció a través del Coeficiente de Correlación Intraclase –CCI- y para el análisis de la validez concurrente se utilizó el Coeficiente de Correlación de Pearson, considerando un alfa=0.05. Resultados. Para la totalidad de las pruebas, se encontraron altos índices de confiabilidad y validez. Conclusiones. El BOT 2 es un instrumento válido y confiable, que puede ser utilizado para la evaluación e identificación del nivel de desarrollo en que se encuentran las competencias motoras en el niño.


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We undertook this study to explore the degree of impairment in movement skills in children with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) and a wide IQ range. Movement skills were measured using the Movement Assessment Battery for Children (M-ABC) in a large, well defined, population-derived group of children (n=101: 89 males,12 females; mean age 11y 4mo, SD 10mo; range 10y-14y 3mo) with childhood autism and broader ASD and a wide range of IQ scores. Additionally, we tested whether a parent-completed questionnaire, the Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire (DCDQ), was useful in identifying children who met criteria for movement impairments after assessment (n=97 with complete M-ABCs and DCDQs). Of the children with ASD, 79% had definite movement impairments on the M-ABC; a further 10% had borderline problems. Children with childhood autism were more impaired than children with broader ASD, and children with an IQ less than 70 were more impaired than those with IQ more than 70. This is consistent with the view that movement impairments may arise from a more severe neurological impairment that also contributes to intellectual disability and more severe autism. Movement impairment was not associated with everyday adaptive behaviour once the effect of IQ was controlled for. The DCDQ performed moderately well as a screen for possible motor difficulties. Movement impairments are common in children with ASD. Systematic assessment of movement abilities should be considered a routine investigation.


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O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar se crianças com dificuldades motoras apresentariam baixos níveis de aptidão física relacionada à saúde em relação aos seus pares sem dificuldades. Dezesseis crianças com dificuldades motoras com aproximadamente oito anos foram pareadas em gênero e idade com outras 16 sem dificuldades motoras. Os participantes completaram os testes de aptidão física (sentar e alcançar, salto em distância parado, puxada em suspensão na barra modificado, abdominal e corrida de 9 minutos) e os de coordenação motora (MABC-2). Os resultados indicaram diferenças significativas no salto em distância parado, puxada em suspensão na barra modificado, abdominal, mas não para sentar e alcançar e corrida de 9-m. Os resultados são semelhantes aos publicados na literatura internacional, com exceção da corrida de 9 minutos. A ideia de que em algum grau a coordenação é necessária para executar tarefas de aptidão física e pode impactar no desempenho da aptidão física é discutida no presente trabalho.


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Thematic focus: The motor abnormalities may be part of so-called comorbidities that can coexist with autistic disorder. Objective: To characterize the motor profile of students with autistic disorder. Method: the study included six children with years and 9 months. After signing the consent form by parents or guardians, the students were submitted to the Motor Development Scale for assessment of fine motor, gross motor performance, balance, body scheme, spatial organization, temporal organization and laterality. Results: The results revealed a significant difference between the motor age and chronological age. According to the classification of the Scale of Motor Development, students in this study showed motor development lower than expected for age. Conclusion: The students with autistic disorder in this study presented a profile of Developmental Coordination Disorder in comorbidity, showing that participants of this research presented difficulties in activities that required skills such as handwriting. Thus, motor and psychomotor needs of these students were focused on educational and clinical environment to reduce the impact of behavioral and social manifestations.


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The aim of the present study was to examine whether children with motor difficulties would show levels of health-related components of physical fitness lower than children without such difficulties. Sixteen children with motor difficulties with approximately 8 years of age were age-and gender-matched with other 16 children without motor difficulties. Participants completed the test batteries for physical fitness (seat and reach, standing long jump, sit-up, modified pull-up and 9-minute run) and for motor coordination (MABC-2). The results indicated significant differences in standing long jump, sit-up, modified pull-up tests, but not for the seat and reach and the 9-minute run tests. Overall, the results are similar to those published in the international literature, with the exception of cardiorespiratory fitness. The idea that at to some degree coordination is required to perform physical fitness tasks and might impact on physical fitness performance is further discussed in the present work.


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O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar se crianças com dificuldades motoras apresentariam baixos níveis de aptidão física relacionada à saúde em relação aos seus pares sem dificuldades. Dezesseis crianças com dificuldades motoras com aproximadamente oito anos foram pareadas em gênero e idade com outras 16 sem dificuldades motoras. Os participantes completaram os testes de aptidão física (sentar e alcançar, salto em distância parado, puxada em suspensão na barra modificado, abdominal e corrida de 9 minutos) e os de coordenação motora (MABC-2). Os resultados indicaram diferenças significativas no salto em distância parado, puxada em suspensão na barra modificado, abdominal, mas não para sentar e alcançar e corrida de 9-m. Os resultados são semelhantes aos publicados na literatura internacional, com exceção da corrida de 9 minutos. A ideia de que em algum grau a coordenação é necessária para executar tarefas de aptidão física e pode impactar no desempenho da aptidão física é discutida no presente trabalho.


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Children with developmental co-ordination disorder (DCD) face evident motor difficulties in activities of daily living (ADL). Assessment of their capacity in ADL is essential for diagnosis and intervention, in order to limit the daily consequences of the disorder. The aim of this study is to systematically review potential instruments for standardized and objective assessment of children's capacity in ADL, suited for children with DCD. As a first step, databases of MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL and PsycINFO were searched to identify studies that described instruments with potential for assessment of capacity in ADL. Second, instruments were included for review when two independent reviewers agreed that the instruments: (1) are standardized and objective; (2) assess at activity level and comprise items that reflect ADL, and; (3) are applicable to school-aged children that can move independently. Out of 1507 publications, 66 publications were selected, describing 39 instruments. Seven of these instruments were found to fulfil the criteria and were included for review: the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Performance-2 (BOT2); the Do-Eat (Do-Eat); the Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 (MABC2); the school-Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (schoolAMPS); the Tuffts Assessment of Motor Performance (TAMP); the Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD); and the Functional Independence Measure for Children (WeeFIM). As a third step, for the included instruments, suitability for children with DCD was discussed based on the ADL comprised, ecological validity and other psychometric properties. We concluded that current instruments do not provide comprehensive and ecologically valid assessment of capacity in ADL as required for children with DCD.


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Background Accessing services for children with developmental co-ordination disorder (DCD) is frequently difficult for parents who have to navigate both health and education systems to find a diagnosis and appropriate interventions. Method A qualitative study design incorporating a phenomenological perspective was utilized to understand the nature of the experiences of these parents in attempting to access support for their children with DCD. Twelve parents, whose children attended the Kids Skills Clinic at the University of Western Ontario and were identified as having DCD, were interviewed by the second author. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed using constant comparative method. Member checking, peer checking and code-recoding were carried out to enhance rigour in data analysis. Results A number of themes emerged focusing on the common problems experienced leading to occupational therapy referral. Parents' journeys to seek and access services for their children with DCD were characterized by a sense of maternal knowing, experience of frustration, trivialization of the problem, a sense of 'going it alone', and 'getting the run around'. Conclusions Implications for health and educational professionals working with children, in terms of recognition of DCD and referral for services, are described.


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Play is the primary occupation of childhood and provides a potentially powerful means of assessing and treating children with autistic disorder. This study utilized a cross-sectional comparison design to investigate the nature of play engagement in children with AD (n = 24), relative to typically developing children (n = 34) matched for chronological age. Play behaviours were recorded in a clinical play environment. Videotapes comprising 15 minutes of the children's spontaneous play behaviour were analysed using time-interval analysis. The particular play behaviours observed and play objects used were coded. Differences in play behaviours (p < 0.0001) and play object preferences (p < 0.0001) were identified between the groups. Findings regarding play behaviour contribute to contention in the literature surrounding functional and symbolic play. Explanations for play object preferences are postulated. Recommendations are made regarding clinical application of findings in terms of enhancing assessment and intervention by augmenting motivation.


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Developmental speech disorder is accounted for by theories derived from psychology, psycholinguistics, linguistics and medicine, with researchers developing assessment protocols that reflect their theoretical perspective. How theory and data analyses lead to different therapy approaches, however, is sometimes unclear. Here, we present a case management plan for a 7 year old boy with unintelligible speech. Assessment data were analysed to address seven case management questions regarding need for intervention, service delivery, differential diagnosis, intervention goals, generalization of therapeutic gains, discharge criteria and evaluation of efficacy. Jarrod was diagnosed as having inconsistent speech disorder that required intervention. He pronounced 88% of words differently when asked to name each word in the 25 word inconsistency test of the Diagnostic Evaluation of Articulation and Phonology three times, each trial separated by another activity. Other standardized assessments supported the diagnosis of inconsistent speech disorder that, according to previous research, is associated with a deficit in phonological assembly. Core vocabulary intervention was chosen as the most appropriate therapy technique. Its nature and a possible protocol for implementation is described.


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Here we use two filtered speech tasks to investigate children’s processing of slow (<4 Hz) versus faster (∼33 Hz) temporal modulations in speech. We compare groups of children with either developmental dyslexia (Experiment 1) or speech and language impairments (SLIs, Experiment 2) to groups of typically-developing (TD) children age-matched to each disorder group. Ten nursery rhymes were filtered so that their modulation frequencies were either low-pass filtered (<4 Hz) or band-pass filtered (22 – 40 Hz). Recognition of the filtered nursery rhymes was tested in a picture recognition multiple choice paradigm. Children with dyslexia aged 10 years showed equivalent recognition overall to TD controls for both the low-pass and band-pass filtered stimuli, but showed significantly impaired acoustic learning during the experiment from low-pass filtered targets. Children with oral SLIs aged 9 years showed significantly poorer recognition of band pass filtered targets compared to their TD controls, and showed comparable acoustic learning effects to TD children during the experiment. The SLI samples were also divided into children with and without phonological difficulties. The children with both SLI and phonological difficulties were impaired in recognizing both kinds of filtered speech. These data are suggestive of impaired temporal sampling of the speech signal at different modulation rates by children with different kinds of developmental language disorder. Both SLI and dyslexic samples showed impaired discrimination of amplitude rise times. Implications of these findings for a temporal sampling framework for understanding developmental language disorders are discussed.


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As crianças que apresentam uma função motora significativamente abaixo da sua idad cronológica, com comprometimento motor, que interfere significativamente com as atividade da vida diária, o qual não esteja relacionado com uma condição médica, são diagnosticada com tendo “desordem coordenativa no desenvolvimento” (DCD) (APA, 1994). Pretendemos realizar um despiste de crianças com provável DCD e em risco de DCD nos jardin de infância do concelho de Santarém, analisar a prevalência de lateralidade, bem com analisar o padrão de equilíbrio nestas crianças. Foi empregue a banda 1 do teste MABC-2 (Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2) e método de análise de recorrência (RQA) (Riley, Balasubramaniam, & Turvey, 1999). A nossa amostra foi constituída por 239 crianças e apresentou uma percentagem de 8,4 crianças com provável DCD, mostrou que a maior incidência recaí nos rapazes, 65%. Est mesmo grupo, crianças com provável DCD, é o que apresenta maior número de sinistrómana com uma percentagem de 7,7% para os rapazes e de 28,6% nas raparigas. A criança com provável DCD, no somatório da pontuação da bateria de testes MABC-2 criança apresenta-se como provável DCD, no entanto quando foi avaliada apenas no teste d equilíbrio não manifestou problemas.