86 resultados para Deacetylation
"Silent mating type information regulation 2 Type" 1 (SIRT1), das humane Homolog der NAD+-abhängigen Histondeacetylase Sir2 aus Hefe, besitzt Schlüsselfunktionen in der Regulation des Metabolismus, der Zellalterung und Apoptose. Letztere wird vor allem durch die Deacetylierung von p53 an Lys382 und der dadurch verringerten Transkription proapoptotischer Zielgene vermittelt. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die SIRT1 Regulation im Zusammenhang mit der DNA-Schadensantwort untersucht.rnIn der Apoptoseregulation übernimmt die Serin/Threonin-Kinase "Homeodomain interacting protein kinase" 2 (HIPK2) eine zentrale Rolle und daher wurde die SIRT1 Modifikation und Regulation durch HIPK2 betrachtet. Durch Phosphorylierung des Tumorsuppressorproteins p53 an Ser46 aktiviert HIPK2 das Zielprotein und induziert die Transkription proapoptotischer Zielgene von p53. Es wurde beschrieben, dass HIPK2 nach DNA-Schädigung über einen bisher unbekannten Mechnismus die Acetylierung von p53 potenzieren kann.rnIn der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass SIRT1 von HIPK2 in vitro und in Zellen an Serin 27 und 682 phosphoryliert wird. Weiterhin ist die Interaktion von SIRT1 mit HIPK2 sowie die SIRT1 Phosphorylierung an Serin 682 durch DNA-schädigende Adriamycinbehandlung erhöht. Es gibt Hinweise, dass HIPK2 die Expression von SIRT1 reguliert, da HIPK2 RNA-Interferenz zur Erniedrigung der SIRT1 Protein- und mRNA-Mengen führt.rnEin weiterer interessanter Aspekt liegt in der Beobachtung, dass Ko-Expression von PML-IV, welches SIRT1 sowie HIPK2 in PML-Kernkörper rekrutiert, die SIRT1 Phosphorylierung an Serin 682 verstärkt. Phosphorylierung von SIRT1 an Serin 682 interferiert wiederum mit der SUMO-1 Modifikation, welche für die Lokalisation in PML-Kernkörpen wichtig ist.rnBemerkenswerterweise reduziert die DNA-schadendsinduzierte SIRT1 Phosphorylierung die Bindung des SIRT1 Ko-Aktivators AROS, beeinflusst aber nicht diejenige des Inhibitors DBC1. Dies führt zur Reduktion der enzymatischen Aktivität von SIRT1 und der darausfolgenden weniger effizienten Deacetylierung des Zielproteins p53.rnDurch die von mir in der vorliegenden Promotionsarbeit erzielten Ergebnisse konnte ein neuer molekularer Mechanismus entschlüsselt werden, welcher die durch HIPK2 modulierte Acetylierung von p53 und die daran anschließende Induktion der Apoptose beschreibt.rnHIPK2-vermittelte SIRT1 Phosphorylierung resultiert in einer verminderten Deacetylasefunktion von SIRT1 und führt so zu einer verstärkten acetylierungsinduzierten Expression proapoptotischer p53 Zielgene.
Somatic angiotensin-converting enzyme (sACE) is crucial in cardiovascular homeostasis and displays a tissue-specific profile. Epigenetic patterns modulate genes expression and their alterations were implied in pathologies including hypertension. However, the influence of DNA methylation and chromatin condensation state on the expression of sACE is unknown. We examined whether such epigenetic mechanisms could participate in the control of sACE expression in vitro and in vivo. We identified two CpG islands in the human ace-1 gene 3 kb proximal promoter region. Their methylation abolished the luciferase activity of ace-1 promoter/reporter constructs transfected into human liver (HepG2), colon (HT29), microvascular endothelial (HMEC-1) and lung (SUT) cell lines (p < 0.001). Bisulphite sequencing revealed a cell-type specific basal methylation pattern of the ace-1 gene -1,466/+25 region. As assessed by RT-qPCR, inhibition of DNA methylation by 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine and/or of histone deacetylation by trichostatin A highly stimulated sACE mRNA expression cell-type specifically (p < 0.001 vs. vehicle treated cells). In the rat, in vivo 5-aza-cytidine injections demethylated the ace-1 promoter and increased sACE mRNA expression in the lungs and liver (p = 0.05), but not in the kidney. In conclusion, the expression level of somatic ACE is modulated by CpG-methylation and histone deacetylases inhibition. The basal methylation pattern of the promoter of the ace-1 gene is cell-type specific and correlates to sACE transcription. DNMT inhibition is associated with altered methylation of the ace-1 promoter and a cell-type and tissue-specific increase of sACE mRNA levels. This study indicates a strong influence of epigenetic mechanisms on sACE expression.
Immobilization of biologically important molecules on myriad nano-sized materials has attracted great attention. Through this study, thermophilic esterase enzyme was obtained using recombinant DNA technology and purified applying one-step His-Select HF nickel affinity gel. The synthesis of chitosan was achieved from chitin by deacetylation process and degree of deacetylation was calculated as 89% by elemental analysis. Chitosan nanoparticles were prepared based on the ionic gelation of chitosan with tripolyphosphate anions. The physicochemical properties of the chitosan and chitosan nanoparticles were determined by several methods including SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy), FT-IR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) and DLS (Dynamic Light Scattering). The morphology of chitosan nanoparticles was spherical and the nanospheres’ average diameter was 75.3 nm. The purified recombinant esterase was immobilized efficiently by physical adsorption onto chitosan nanoparticles and effects of various immobilization conditions were investigated in details to develope highly cost-effective esterase as a biocatalyst to be utilized in biotechnological purposes. The optimal conditions of immobilization were determined as follows; 1.0 mg/mL of recombinant esterase was immobilized on 1.5 mg chitosan nanoparticles for 30 min at 60°C, pH 7.0 under 100 rpm stirring speed. Under optimized conditions, immobilized recombinant esterase activity yield was 88.5%. The physicochemical characterization of enzyme immobilized chitosan nanoparticles was analyzed by SEM, FT-IR and AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy).
The identification of 15N-labeled 3-nitrotyrosine (NTyr) by gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy in protein hydrolyzates from activated RAW 264.7 macrophages incubated with 15N-L-arginine confirms that nitric oxide synthase (NOS) is involved in the nitration of protein-bound tyrosine (Tyr). An assay is presented for NTyr that employs HPLC with tandem electrochemical and UV detection. The assay involves enzymatic hydrolysis of protein, acetylation, solvent extraction, O-deacetylation, and dithionite reduction to produce an analyte containing N-acetyl-3-aminotyrosine, an electrochemically active derivative of NTyr. We estimate the level of protein-bound NTyr in normal rat plasma to be approximately 0-1 residues per 10(6) Tyr with a detection limit of 0.5 per 10(7) Tyr when > 100 nmol of Tyr is analyzed and when precautions are taken to limit nitration artifacts. Zymosan-treated RAW 264.7 cells were shown to have an approximately 6-fold higher level of protein-bound NTyr compared with control cells and cells treated with N(G)-monomethyl-L-arginine, an inhibitor of NOS. Intraperitoneal injection of F344 rats with zymosan led to a marked elevation in protein-bound NTyr to approximately 13 residues per 10(6) Tyr, an approximately 40-fold elevation compared with plasma protein of untreated rats; cotreatment with N(G)-monomethyl-L-arginine inhibited the formation of NTyr in plasma protein from blood and peritoneal exudate by 69% and 53%, respectively. This assay offers a highly sensitive and quantitative approach for investigating the role of reactive byproducts of nitric oxide in the many pathological conditions and disease states associated with NO(X) exposure such as inflammation and smoking.
A convenient methodology has been developed for the selective removal of the anomeric acyl group of carbohydrate derivatives using HCI04-Si02 under acidic reaction conditions. Anomeric benzoyl groups can also be removed selectively following similar reaction conditions. The yields were excellent in all cases.
The considerable search for synergistic agents in cancer research is motivated by the therapeutic benefits achieved by combining anti-cancer agents. Synergistic agents make it possible to reduce dosage while maintaining or enhancing a desired effect. Other favorable outcomes of synergistic agents include reduction in toxicity and minimizing or delaying drug resistance. Dose-response assessment and drug-drug interaction analysis play an important part in the drug discovery process, however analysis are often poorly done. This dissertation is an effort to notably improve dose-response assessment and drug-drug interaction analysis. The most commonly used method in published analysis is the Median-Effect Principle/Combination Index method (Chou and Talalay, 1984). The Median-Effect Principle/Combination Index method leads to inefficiency by ignoring important sources of variation inherent in dose-response data and discarding data points that do not fit the Median-Effect Principle. Previous work has shown that the conventional method yields a high rate of false positives (Boik, Boik, Newman, 2008; Hennessey, Rosner, Bast, Chen, 2010) and, in some cases, low power to detect synergy. There is a great need for improving the current methodology. We developed a Bayesian framework for dose-response modeling and drug-drug interaction analysis. First, we developed a hierarchical meta-regression dose-response model that accounts for various sources of variation and uncertainty and allows one to incorporate knowledge from prior studies into the current analysis, thus offering a more efficient and reliable inference. Second, in the case that parametric dose-response models do not fit the data, we developed a practical and flexible nonparametric regression method for meta-analysis of independently repeated dose-response experiments. Third, and lastly, we developed a method, based on Loewe additivity that allows one to quantitatively assess interaction between two agents combined at a fixed dose ratio. The proposed method makes a comprehensive and honest account of uncertainty within drug interaction assessment. Extensive simulation studies show that the novel methodology improves the screening process of effective/synergistic agents and reduces the incidence of type I error. We consider an ovarian cancer cell line study that investigates the combined effect of DNA methylation inhibitors and histone deacetylation inhibitors in human ovarian cancer cell lines. The hypothesis is that the combination of DNA methylation inhibitors and histone deacetylation inhibitors will enhance antiproliferative activity in human ovarian cancer cell lines compared to treatment with each inhibitor alone. By applying the proposed Bayesian methodology, in vitro synergy was declared for DNA methylation inhibitor, 5-AZA-2'-deoxycytidine combined with one histone deacetylation inhibitor, suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid or trichostatin A in the cell lines HEY and SKOV3. This suggests potential new epigenetic therapies in cell growth inhibition of ovarian cancer cells.
Inflammation is a key process in cardiovascular diseases. The extracellular matrix (ECM) of the vasculature is a major target of inflammatory cytokines, and TNFalpha regulates ECM metabolism by affecting collagen production. In this study, we have examined the pathways mediating TNFalpha-induced suppression of prolyl-4 hydroxylase alpha1 (P4Halpha1), the rate-limiting isoform of P4H responsible for procollagen hydroxylation, maturation, and organization. Using human aortic smooth muscle cells, we found that TNFalpha activated the MKK4-JNK1 pathway, which induced histone (H) 4 lysine 12 acetylation within the TNFalpha response element in the P4Halpha1 promoter. The acetylated-H4 then recruited a transcription factor, NonO, which, in turn, recruited HDACs and induced H3 lysine 9 deacetylation, thereby inhibiting transcription of the P4Halpha1 promoter. Furthermore, we found that TNFalpha oxidized DJ-1, which may be essential for the NonO-P4Halpha1 interaction because treatment with gene specific siRNA to knockout DJ-1 eliminated the TNFalpha-induced NonO-P4Halpha1 interaction and its suppression. Our findings may be relevant to aortic aneurysm and dissection and the stability of the fibrous cap of atherosclerotic plaque in which collagen metabolism is important in arterial remodeling. Defining this cytokine-mediated regulatory pathway may provide novel molecular targets for therapeutic intervention in preventing plaque rupture and acute coronary occlusion.
The LAZ3/BCL6 (lymphoma-associated zinc finger 3/B cell lymphomas 6) gene frequently is altered in non-Hodgkin lymphomas. It encodes a sequence-specific DNA binding transcriptional repressor that contains a conserved N-terminal domain, termed BTB/POZ (bric-à-brac tramtrack broad complex/pox viruses and zinc fingers). Using a yeast two-hybrid screen, we show here that the LAZ3/BCL6 BTB/POZ domain interacts with the SMRT (silencing mediator of retinoid and thyroid receptor) protein. SMRT originally was identified as a corepressor of unliganded retinoic acid and thyroid receptors and forms a repressive complex with a mammalian homolog of the yeast transcriptional repressor SIN3 and the HDAC-1 histone deacetylase. Protein binding assays demonstrate that the LAZ3/BCL6 BTB/POZ domain directly interacts with SMRT in vitro. Furthermore, DNA-bound LAZ3/BCL6 recruits SMRT in vivo, and both overexpressed proteins completely colocalize in nuclear dots. Finally, overexpression of SMRT enhances the LAZ3/BCL6-mediated repression. These results define SMRT as a corepressor of LAZ3/BCL6 and suggest that LAZ3/BCL6 and nuclear hormone receptors repress transcription through shared mechanisms involving SMRT recruitment and histone deacetylation.
Accumulative evidence suggests that more than 20 neuron-specific genes are regulated by a transcriptional cis-regulatory element known as the neural restrictive silencer (NRS). A trans-acting repressor that binds the NRS, NRSF [also designated RE1-silencing transcription factor (REST)] has been cloned, but the mechanism by which it represses transcription is unknown. Here we show evidence that NRSF represses transcription of its target genes by recruiting mSin3 and histone deacetylase. Transfection experiments using a series of NRSF deletion constructs revealed the presence of two repression domains, RD-1 and RD-2, within the N- and C-terminal regions, respectively. A yeast two-hybrid screen using the RD-1 region as a bait identified a short form of mSin3B. In vitro pull-down assays and in vivo immunoprecipitation-Western analyses revealed a specific interaction between NRSF-RD1 and mSin3 PAH1-PAH2 domains. Furthermore, NRSF and mSin3 formed a complex with histone deacetylase 1, suggesting that NRSF-mediated repression involves histone deacetylation. When the deacetylation of histones was inhibited by tricostatin A in non-neuronal cells, mRNAs encoding several neuronal-specific genes such as SCG10, NMDAR1, and choline acetyltransferase became detectable. These results indicate that NRSF recruits mSin3 and histone deacetylase 1 to silence neural-specific genes and suggest further that repression of histone deacetylation is crucial for transcriptional activation of neural-specific genes during neuronal terminal differentiation.
Amphibian metamorphosis is marked by dramatic, thyroid hormone (TH)-induced changes involving gene regulation by TH receptor (TR). It has been postulated that TR-mediated gene regulation involves chromatin remodeling. In the absence of ligand, TR can repress gene expression by recruiting a histone deacetylase complex, whereas liganded TR recruits a histone acetylase complex for gene activation. Earlier studies have led us to propose a dual function model for TR during development. In premetamorphic tadpoles, unliganded TR represses transcription involving histone deacetylation. During metamorphosis, endogenous TH allows TR to activate gene expression through histone acetylation. Here using chromatin immunoprecipitation assay, we directly demonstrate TR binding to TH response genes constitutively in vivo in premetamorphic tadpoles. We further show that TH treatment leads to histone deacetylase release from TH response gene promoters. Interestingly, in whole animals, changes in histone acetylation show little correlation with the expression of TH response genes. On the other hand, in the intestine and tail, where TH response genes are known to be up-regulated more dramatically by TH than in most other organs, we demonstrate that TH treatment induces gene activation and histone H4 acetylation. These data argue for a role of histone acetylation in transcriptional regulation by TRs during amphibian development in some tissues, whereas in others changes in histone acetylation levels may play no or only a minor role, supporting the existence of important alternative mechanisms in gene regulation by TR.
Recent evidence suggests that the Myc and Mad1 proteins are implicated in the regulation of the gene encoding the human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT), the catalytic subunit of telomerase. We have analyzed the in vivo interaction between endogenous c-Myc and Mad1 proteins and the hTERT promoter in HL60 cells with the use of the chromatin immunoprecipitation assay. The E-boxes at the hTERT proximal promoter were occupied in vivo by c-Myc in exponentially proliferating HL60 cells but not in cells induced to differentiate by DMSO. In contrast, Mad1 protein was induced and bound to the hTERT promoter in differentiated HL60 cells. Concomitantly, the acetylation of the histones at the promoter was significantly reduced. These data suggest that the reciprocal E-box occupancy by c-Myc and Mad1 is responsible for activation and repression of the hTERT gene in proliferating and differentiated HL60 cells, respectively. Furthermore, the histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A inhibited deacetylation of histones at the hTERT promoter and attenuated the repression of hTERT transcription during HL60 cell differentiation. In addition, trichostatin A treatment activated hTERT transcription in resting human lymphocytes and fibroblasts. Taken together, these results indicate that acetylation/deacetylation of histones is operative in the regulation of hTERT expression.
Histone deacetylase HDA1, the prototype for the class II mammalian deacetylases, is likely the catalytic subunit of the HDA1-containing complex that is involved in TUP1-specific repression and global deacetylation in yeast. Although the class I RPD3-like enzymatic complexes have been well characterized, little is known about the identity and interactions of the factors that associate to form the HDA1 complex. In this paper, we identify related HDA2 and HDA3 proteins that are found in the HDA1 complex and show that HDA1 interacts with itself and with the HDA2-HDA3 subcomplex to form a likely tetramer. These interactions are necessary for catalytic activity because mutations in any of the three components disrupt activity both in vitro and in vivo. In this respect the HDA1 complex differs from yeast RPD3, which has components such as SIN3 that are not essential for activity in vitro, and yeast HOS3, which has intrinsic in vitro activity as a homodimer in the absence of other subunits.
Background: Acetylation and deacetylation at specific lysine (K) residues is mediated by histone acetylases (HATs) and deacetylases (HDACs), respectively. HATs and HDACs act on both histone and non-histone proteins, regulating various processes, including cardiac impulse propagation. Aim of the present work was to establish whether the function of the Ca2+ ATPase SERCA2, one of the major players in Ca2+ reuptake during excitation-contraction coupling in cardiac myocytes (CMs), could be modulated by direct K acetylation. Materials and methods: HL-1 atrial mouse cells (donated by Prof. Claycomb), zebrafish and Streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat CMs were treated with the pan-inhibitor of class I and II HDACs suberanilohydroxamic acid (SAHA) for 1.5 hour. Evaluation of SERCA2 acetylation was analyzed by co-immunoprecipitation. SERCA2 activity was measured on microsomes by pyruvate/NADH coupled reaction assay. SERCA2 mutants were obtained after cloning wild-type and mutated sequences into the pCDNA3 vector and transfected into HEK cells. Ca2+ transients in CMs (loading with Fluo3-AM, field stimulation, 0.5 Hz) and in transfected HEK cells (loading with FLUO-4, caffeine pulse) were recorded. Results: Co-Immunoprecipitation experiments performed on HL-1 cells demonstrated a significant increase in the acetylation of SERCA2 after SAHA-treatment (2.5 µM, n=3). This was associated with an increase in SERCA2 activity in microsomes obtained from HL-1 cells, after SAHA exposure (n=5). Accordingly, SAHA-treatment significantly shortened the Ca2+ reuptake time of adult zebrafish CMs. Further, SAHA 2.5 nM restored to control values the recovery time of Ca2+ transients decay in diabetic rat CMs. HDAC inhibition also improved contraction parameters, such as fraction of shortening, and increased pump activity in microsomes isolated from diabetic CMs (n=4). Notably, the K464, identified by bioinformatic tools as the most probable acetylation site on human SERCA2a, was mutated into Glutamine (Q) or Arginine (R) mimicking acetylation and deacetylation respectively. Measurements of Ca2+ transients in HEK cells revealed that the substitution of K464 with R significantly delayed the transient recovery time, thus indicating that deacetylation has a negative impact on SERCA2 function. Conclusions: Our results indicate that SERCA2 function can be improved by pro-acetylation interventions and that this mechanism of regulation is conserved among species. Therefore, the present work provides the basis to open the search for novel pharmacological tools able to specifically improve SERCA2 activity in diseases where its expression and/or function is impaired, such as diabetic cardiomyopathy.
Este trabalho teve como principal objetivo produzir membranas porosas de carboximetilquitosana e hidrogéis de quitosana com propriedades físico-químicas e mecânicas adequadas para aplicações em Engenharia de Tecidos. Para isso, quitosanas com diferentes graus de acetilação (4,0%<GA<40%) e de elevada massa molar média viscosimétrica (Mv>750.000 g.mol-1) foram produzidas através da aplicação de processos consecutivos de desacetilação assistida por irradiação de ultrassom de alta intensidade (DAIUS) à beta-quitina extraída de gládios de lulas Doryteuthis spp. A carboximetilação de quitosana extensivamente desacetilada (Qs-3; GA=4%) foi realizada pela reação com ácido monocloroacético em meio isopropanol/solução aquosa de NaOH, gerando a amostra CMQs-0 (GS≈0,98; Mv≈190.000 g.mol-1). A irradiação de ultrassom de alta intensidade foi empregada para tratar solução aquosa de CMQs-0 durante 1 h e 3 h, resultando nas amostras CMQs-1 (Mv≈94.000 g.mol-1) e CMQs-3 (Mv≈43.000 g.mol-1), respectivamente. Para a produção de membranas reticuladas, genipina foi adicionada em diferentes concentrações (1,0x10-4 mol.L-1, 3,0x10-4 mol.L-1 ou 5,0x10-4 mol.L-1) às soluções aquosas das CMQs, que foram vertidas em placas de Petri e a reação de reticulação procedeu por 24 h. Em seguida, as membranas reticuladas (M-CMQs) foram liofilizadas, neutralizadas, lavadas e liofilizadas novamente, resultando em nove amostras, que foram caracterizadas quanto ao grau médio de reticulação (GR), grau médio de hidratação (GH), morfologia, propriedades mecânicas e quanto à susceptibilidade à degradação por lisozima. O grau médio de reticulação (GR) foi tanto maior quanto maior a concentração de genipina empregada na reação, variando de GR≈3,3% (M-CMQs-01) a GR≈17,8% (M-CMQs-35). As análises de MEV revelaram que as membranas reticuladas M-CMQs são estruturas porosas que apresentam maior densidade de poros aparentes quanto maiores os valores de Mve GR. Entretanto, as membranas preparadas a partir de CMQs de elevada massa molar (Mv>94.000 g.mol-1) e pouco reticuladas (GR<10%), apresentaram propriedades mecânicas superiores em termos de resistência máxima à tração (>170 kPa) e elongação máxima à ruptura (>40%). Por outro lado, as membranas mais susceptíveis à degradação enzimática foram aquelas preparadas a partir de CMQs de baixa massa molar (Mv≈43.000 g.mol-1) e que exibiram baixos graus de reticulação (GR<11%). Hidrogéis estáveis de quitosana sem o uso de qualquer agente de reticulação externo foram produzidos a partir da gelificação de soluções aquosas de quitosana com solução de NaOH ou vapor de NH3. Os hidrogéis produzidos a partir de soluções de quitosana de elevada massa molar média ponderal (Mw≈640.000 g.mol-1) e extensivamente desacetilada (DA≈2,8%) em concentrações poliméricas acima 2,0%, exibiram melhores propriedades mecânicas com o aumento da concentração polimérica, devido à formação de numerosos emaranhamentos físicos das cadeias poliméricas em solução. Os resultados mostram que as propriedades físico-químicas e mecânicas dos hidrogéis de quitosana podem ser controladas variando a concentração do polímero e o processo de gelificação. A avaliação biológica de tais hidrogéis para a regeneração de miocárdio infartado de ratos revelou que os hidrogéis de quitosana preparados a partir de soluções de polímero a 1,5% foram perfeitamente incorporados sobre a superfície do epicárdio do coração e apresentaram degradação parcial acompanhada por infiltração de células mononucleares.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06