722 resultados para Dalton, Becky
The present study investigated the effects of 8 week of resistance training (RT) on hemodynamic and ventricular function on cardiac myosin ATPase activity, and on contractility of papillary muscles of rats. Groups: control (CO), electrically stimulated (ES), trained at 60% (TR 60%) and 75% of one repetition maximum (1RM) (TR 75%). Exercise protocol: 5 sets of 12 repetitions at 60 and 75% of 1RM, 5 times per week. The CO and ES groups had similar values for parameters analyzed (P > 0.05). Blood pressure (BP), heart rate (13%), left ventricle systolic pressure (LVSP 13%) decreased and cardiac myosin ATPase activity increased in the TR 75% group (90%, P < 0.05). The contractile performance of papillary muscles increased in trained rats (P < 0.05). Eight weeks of RT was associated with lowering of resting BP, heart rate and LVSP, improvements in contractility of the papillary muscle and an increase of cardiac myosin ATPase activity in rats.
Exposure to mercury at nanomolar level affects cardiac function but its effects on vascular reactivity have yet to be investigated. Pressor responses to phenylephrine (PHE) were investigated in perfused rat tail arteries before and after treatment with 6 nM HgCl2 during 1 h,,in the presence (E+) and absence (E-) of endothelium, after L-NAME (10(-4) M), indomethacin (10(-5) M), enalaprilate (1 mu M), tempol (1 mu M) and deferoxamine (300 mu M) treatments. HgCl2 increased sensitivity (pD(2)) without modifying the maximum response (Em) to PHE, but the pD(2) increase was abolished after endothelial damage. L-NAME treatment increased pD(2) and Emax. However, in the presence of HgCl2, this increase was smaller, and it did not modify Emax. After indomethacin treatment, the increase of pD(2) induced by HgCl2 was maintained. Enalaprilate, tempol and deferoxamine reversed the increase of pD(2) evoked by HgCl2. HgCl2 increased the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) activity explaining the result obtained with enalaprilate. Results suggest that at nanomolar concentrations HgCl2 increase the vascular reactivity to PHE. This response is endothelium mediated and involves the reduction of NO bioavailability and the action of reactive oxygen species. The local ACE participates in mercury actions and depends on the angiotensin 11 generation. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of knowledge of results (KR) frequency and task complexity on motor skill acquisition. The task consisted of throwing a bocha ball to place it as close as possible to the target ball. 120 students ages 11 to 73 years were assigned to one of eight experimental groups according to knowledge of results frequency (25, 50, 75, and 100%) and task complexity (simple and complex). Subjects performed 90 trials in the acquisition phase and 10 trials in the transfer test. The results showed that knowledge of results given at a frequency of 25% resulted in an inferior absolute error than 50% and inferior variable error than 50, 75, and 100 I frequencies, but no effect of task complexity was found.
This article documents the addition of 229 microsatellite marker loci to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database. Loci were developed for the following species: Acacia auriculiformis x Acacia mangium hybrid, Alabama argillacea, Anoplopoma fimbria, Aplochiton zebra, Brevicoryne brassicae, Bruguiera gymnorhiza, Bucorvus leadbeateri, Delphacodes detecta, Tumidagena minuta, Dictyostelium giganteum, Echinogammarus berilloni, Epimedium sagittatum, Fraxinus excelsior, Labeo chrysophekadion, Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi, Paratrechina longicornis, Phaeocystis antarctica, Pinus roxburghii and Potamilus capax. These loci were cross-tested on the following species: Acacia peregrinalis, Acacia crassicarpa, Bruguiera cylindrica, Delphacodes detecta, Tumidagena minuta, Dictyostelium macrocephalum, Dictyostelium discoideum, Dictyostelium purpureum, Dictyostelium mucoroides, Dictyostelium rosarium, Polysphondylium pallidum, Epimedium brevicornum, Epimedium koreanum, Epimedium pubescens, Epimedium wushanese and Fraxinus angustifolia.
The effectiveness of overt tobacco advertising and sponsorship bans is well established. The industry has responded to these bans by implementing “buzz” or “viral” marketing techniques, such as nightclub and dance party promotions. This paper analyses possible tobacco industry content on the burgeoning consumer generated media website, YouTube. Tobacco control efforts need to embrace this new medium in order to counter pro-smoking messages and maximize media advocacy opportunities.
The National Health and Medical Research Council has funded Professor Wayne Hall (University of Queensland) and Professor Simon Chapman (University of Sydney) for three years 2006-2008, to research aspects of the future of tobacco control, particularly in nations with advanced tobacco control programs like Australia. Dr Coral Gartner (UQ) and Ms Becky Freeman (USyd) are also working on the project. The University of Queensland's eSpace site provides links to papers and data appendices produced by the University of Queensland team on the project. Materials relevant to this project produced by the University of Sydney group are available at the link provided.
Pink is a favourite colour of marketers targeting the coveted purchasing power of girls and young women. It is used to sell everything from mobile telephones to golf clubs and pop music. Tobacco companies have also cashed in on this stereotypical colour with products such as Pink Dreams cigarettes.
The Mellow and Autler-Townes probe absorption spectra of a three-level atom in a cascade configuration with the lower transition coherently driven and also coupled to a narrow bandwidth squeezed-vacuum field are studied. Analytical studies of the modifications caused by the finite squeezed-vacuum bandwidth to the spectra are made for the case when the Rabi frequency of the driving field is much larger than the natural linewidth. The squeezed vacuum center frequency and the driving laser frequency are assumed equal. We show that the spectral features depend on the bandwidth of a squeezed vacuum field and whether the sources of the squeezing field are degenerate (DPA) or nondegenerate (NDPA) parametric amplifiers. In a broadband or narrow bandwidth squeezed vacuum generated by a NDPA, the central component of the Mellow spectrum can be significantly narrower than that in the normal vacuum. When the source of the squeezed vacuum is a DPA, the central feature is insensitive to squeezing. The Rabi sidebands, however, can be significantly narrowed only in the squeezed vacuum produced by the DPA. The two lines of the Autler-Townes absorption spectrum can be narrowed only in a narrow bandwidth squeezed vacuum, whereas they are independent of the phase and are always broadened in a broadband squeezed vacuum.
Squeezed light is of interest as an example of a non-classical state of the electromagnetic field and because of its applications both in technology and in fundamental quantum physics. This review concentrates on one aspect of squeezed light, namely its application in atomic spectroscopy. The general properties, detection and application of squeezed light are first reviewed. The basic features of the main theoretical methods (master equations, quantum Langevin equations, coupled systems) used to treat squeezed light spectroscopy are then outlined. The physics of squeezed light interactions with atomic systems is dealt with first for the simpler case of two-level atoms and then for the more complex situation of multi-level atoms and multi-atom systems. Finally the specific applications of squeezed light spectroscopy are reviewed.
We present numerical and analytical results for the Mollow probe absorption spectrum of a coherently driven two-level system in a narrow bandwidth squeezed vacuum field. The spectra are calculated for the case where the Rabi frequency of the driving field is much larger than the natural linewidth and the squeezed vacuum carrier frequency is detuned from the driving laser frequency. The driving laser is on resonance. We show that in a detuned squeezed vacuum the standard Mellow features are each split into triplets. The central components of each triplet are weakly dependent on the squeezing phase but the sidebands strongly depend on the phase and can have dispersive or absorptive/emissive profiles. We also derive approximate analytical expressions for the spectral features and find that the multi-peak structure of the spectrum can be interpreted either via the eigenfrequencies of a generalized Floquet Hamiltonian or in terms of three-photon transitions between dressed stales involving a probe field photon and a correlated photon pair from the squeezed vacuum field.
A new Sciophilinae-Azana atlantica, sp. n. - is described from the Atlantic Forest in southeastern Brazil. The species has a number of distinctive apomorphic features, including loss of the mid ocellus, reduced mouthparts, Sc short and incomplete, first section of Rs missing, r-m elongated, longitudinal in position, aligned with the second section of Rs ( R(5)), unforked medial and cubital veins, R(4) missing, M(4) entirely absent, gonostyle triangular, with an inner row of elongated spines and a basal, digitiform inner projection. Some of these features are shared with other genera of the Azana-group of Sciophilinae. The shape of the scutum and the strong spines on the gonostyle make it clear that the species belongs in Azana, despite the features that are distinctive from the remaining species in the genus. There are ten species described in Azana to date, from United States, Europe, Sri Lanka, Canary Islands, tropical Africa and Baltic amber. This is the first Neotropical species belonging to the genus. The complete loss of M(4) and the separated gonocoxites suggest that Azana atlantica, sp. n. forms a monophyletic group with the Afrotropical species of the genus. Azana, Morganiella, Neoaphelomera, Neotrizygia, and Trizygia are shown to compose a small clade within the Azana-group of genera. The division of the genus into two subgenera - A. ( Azana) and A. ( Jugazana) - most probably renders A. ( Azana) paraphyletic and it is suggested that this should be for the time being abandoned.
Chetoneura shennonggongensis Amorim & Niu, sp. n., inhabiting caves in East China, is described based on the adult male and female, plus larva. Chetoneura Colless, previously associated with Orfelia and known from a single species from caves in Malaysia, is formally transferred to the Keroplatini. This is the first description of the larva and of the general biology of the genus. The larva of this new species is suspended in a roughly horizontal hammock of silken threads amidst mucous coated snare threads from the roof of caves, but is not bioluminescent as some species of other genera in Keroplatidae ( e. g., Arachnocampa, Keroplatus, and Orfelia). A key to separate both species of the genus is provided. The position of the genus within the Keroplatini is considered. Chetoneura is considered to be closely related to a clade containing Heteropterna and Ctenoceridion.
Paratrizygia Tonnoir was originally described for P. conformis, from Australia, and since then only four species have been added to the genus, from Chile and Southern Argentina. We add four new species to the genus Paratrizygia-P. balbii sp. nov., P. alvesi sp. nov., P. camargoi sp. nov., and P. albidens sp.nov.-from the southern part of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Comments are made about the possible relationships of the Brazilian and other Neotropical species of the genus. An identification key to the Neotropical species of the genus is provided.
A second species of the genus Eratomyia Amorim & Rindal-E. risaralda, sp. n.-is described from Risaralda, Colombia, based on one male and three females. The female of Eratomyia is described for the first time. A number of striking modifications in the female terminalia shared with Chiletricha Chandler support the hypothesis that they are sister genera within the Rangomaramidae. The position of Chiletricha and Eratomyia within the Chiletrichinae is discussed.
Five New World species of Chrysotus Meigen are redescribed, four of them herein transferred from Diaphorus Meigen: C. angustifrons (Robinson), comb.nov., C. maculatus (Parent), comb.nov. (= D. maculipennis Robinson), C. robustus(Robinson), comb. nov., C. spectabilis (Loew) and C. wirthi (Robinson), comb. nov. The female of C. maculatus is described for the first time. Terminalia of both males and females are illustrated. The previous suggestion that C. angustifrons, C. robustus, C. wirthi, and C. spectabilis and the Neotropical genus Lyroneurus Loew are closely related based on wing venation similarities is analyzed and rejected.