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Introducción: El glaucoma representa la tercera causa de ceguera a nivel mundial y un diagnóstico oportuno requiere evaluar la excavación del nervio óptico que está relacionada con el área del mismo. Existen reportes de áreas grandes (macrodiscos) que pueden ser protectoras, mientras otros las asocian a susceptibilidad para glaucoma. Objetivo: Establecer si existe asociación entre macrodisco y glaucoma en individuos estudiados con Tomografía Optica Coherente (OCT ) en la Fundación Oftalmológica Nacional. Métodos: Estudio transversal de asociación que incluyó 25 ojos con glaucoma primario de ángulo abierto y 74 ojos sanos. A cada individuo se realizó examen oftalmológico, campo visual computarizado y OCT de nervio óptico. Se compararon por grupos áreas de disco óptico y número de macrodiscos, definidos según Jonas como un área de la media más dos desviaciones estándar y según Adabache como área ≥3.03 mm2 quien evaluó población Mexicana. Resultados: El área promedio de disco óptico fue 2,78 y 2,80 mm2 glaucoma Vs. sanos. De acuerdo al criterio de Jonas, se observó un macrodisco en el grupo sanos y según criterio de Adabache se encontraron ocho y veinticinco macrodiscos glaucoma Vs. sanos. (OR=0,92 IC95%=0.35 – 2.43). Discusión: No hubo diferencia significativa (P=0.870) en el área de disco entre los dos grupos y el porcentaje de macrodiscos para los dos grupos fue similar, aunque el bajo número de éstos no permitió concluir en términos estadísticos sobre la presencia de macrodisco y glaucoma.


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Objective: The objective of this study is to conduct a description of the features of optic neuropathy associated with Human Immunodeficiency Virus in relation to their possible incidence within our population, regarding that there is no data in our population in terms of frequency of this pathology (1,2). Methodology: Descriptive cross-sectional study of a clinical series of patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus, but AIDS, and the thickness of optic nerve´s layer of fibers studied with OCT technology (optical coherence tomography), patients were cited once captured. OCT was performed by the same observer, by taking 3 shots and picking the one with better reliability. Patients were given personally to the Ophthalmologic Foundation of Santander to conduct the review called OCT (optical coherence tomography). Results: In terms of viral load variable, we found a clear correlation in which validates the hypothesis that lower viral load means a thicker layer of fibers finding statistically significant differences for the 6 hours in right eye and 12 and 6 hours in left eye. Comparison between the known nomogram of fiber layer thickness for the population of Bucaramanga, Santander and thickness found in our sample, we note a clear decrease in the upper and lower quadrants, specifically in 7 hours and 11 hours, being more important in 7 hours, showing statistically significant differences. Conclusions: The pattern  of thinning of the nerve fiber layer in HIV positive patients without AIDS, and antiretroviral treatment type HAART, showed a statistically significant thinning targeted at 7 hours and 11 hours, being higher in first. Viral load figures have a direct relation with loss fiber layer, showing a statistically significant difference for the 6 and 12 hours.


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PURPOSE. To better understand the relative contributions of rod, cone, and melanopsin to the human pupillary light reflex (PLR) and to determine the optimal conditions for assessing the health of the rod, cone, and melanopsin pathways with a relatively brief clinical protocol. METHODS. PLR was measured with an eye tracker, and stimuli were controlled with a Ganzfeld system. In experiment 1, 2.5 log cd/m(2) red (640 +/- 10 nm) and blue (467 +/- 17 nm) stimuli of various durations were presented after dark adaptation. In experiments 2 and 3, 1-second red and blue stimuli were presented at different intensity levels in the dark (experiment 2) or on a 0.78 log cd/m(2) blue background (experiment 3). Based on the results of experiments 1 to 3, a clinical protocol was designed and tested on healthy control subjects and patients with retinitis pigmentosa and Leber`s congenital amaurosis. RESULTS. The duration for producing the optimal melanopsin-driven sustained pupil response after termination of an intense blue stimulus was 1 second. PLR rod-and melanopsin-driven components are best studied with low-and high-intensity flashes, respectively, presented in the dark (experiment 2). A blue background suppressed rod and melanopsin responses, making it easy to assess the cone contribution with a red flash (experiment 3). With the clinical protocol, robust melanopsin responses could be seen in patients with few or no contributions from the rods and cones. CONCLUSIONS. It is possible to assess the rod, cone, and melanopsin contributions to the PLR with blue flashes at two or three intensity levels in the dark and one red flash on a blue background. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2011; 52: 6624-6635) DOI: 10.1167/iovs.11-7586


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PURPOSE. To evaluate electrically evoked phosphene thresholds (EPTs) in healthy subjects and in patients with retinal disease and to assess repeatability and possible correlations with common ophthalmologic tests. METHODS. In all, 117 individuals participated: healthy subjects (n = 20) and patients with retinitis pigmentosa (RP, n = 30), Stargardt's disease (STG, n = 14), retinal artery occlusion (RAO, n = 20), nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION, n = 16), and primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG, n = 17). EPTs were determined at 3, 6, 9, 20, 40, 60, and 80 Hz with 5+5-ms biphasic current pulses using DTL electrodes. Subjects were examined twice (test-retest range: 1-6 weeks). An empirical model was developed to describe the current-frequency relationship of EPTs. Visual acuity, visual field (kinetic + static), electrophysiology (RP, RAO, STG: Ganzfeld-electroretinography [ERG]/multifocal-ERG; POAG: pattern-ERG; NAION: VEP), slit-lamp biomicroscopy, fundus examination, and tonometry were assessed. RESULTS. EPTs varied between disease groups (20 Hz: healthy subjects: 0.062 +/- 0.038 mA; STG: 0.102 +/- 0.097 mA; POAG: 0.127 +/- 0.09 mA; NAION: 0.244 +/- 0.126 mA; RP: 0.371 +/- 0.223 mA; RAO: 0.988 +/- 1.142 mA). In all groups EPTs were lowest at 20 Hz. In patients with retinal diseases and across all frequencies EPTs were significantly higher than those in healthy subjects, except in STG at 20 Hz (P = 0.09) and 40 Hz (P = 0.17). Test-retest difference at 20 Hz was 0.006 mA in the healthy group and 0.003-0.04 mA in disease groups. CONCLUSIONS. Considering the fast, safe, and reliable practicability of EPT testing, this test might be used more often under clinical circumstances. Determination of EPTs could be potentially useful in elucidation of the progress of ophthalmologic diseases, either in addition to standard clinical assessment or under conditions in which these standard tests cannot be used meaningfully. (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00804102.) (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2012; 53: 7440-7448) DOI:10.1167/iovs.12-9612


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Type and frequency of systemic and neurologic manifestations of Beh double dagger et's disease (BD) vary with ethnicity. In Brazil, BD occurs as sporadic cases. We describe clinical and radiological features of 36 Brazilian patients of mixed ethnicity with neuro-Beh double dagger et's disease (NBD). Medical records of 178 BD patients were reviewed and 36 (20%) NBD patients were identified. Twenty-one NBD patients (58.3%) were female and 27 (75%) presented with parenchymal manifestations. Brainstem involvement was the most common neurologic syndrome (41.7%). Seizures (27.8%), isolated aseptic meningitis (16.7%), optic neuropathy (ON) (16.7%), cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) (8.3%), peripheral neuropathy (2.8%), and spinal cord involvement (5.6%) were other neurologic manifestations observed among Brazilian NBD patients. Eighteen (50%) had at least one relapse, and isolated aseptic meningitis was the most common relapsing manifestation. No significant differences concerning the number of relapses between parenchymal and non-parenchymal groups were found. A multivariate model including disease duration, cell count in spinal fluid, cyclosporine use, immunosuppressive use at disease onset, age at NBD onset, and ON did not reveal any significant associations with NBD relapse. There was a low frequency of CVT and an unexpected higher number of isolated aseptic meningitis. Brazilian NBD patients present more parenchymal and atypical manifestations, and relapse more often than NBD patients from other populations.


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Purpose: To quantify the risk of new diplopia in inferomedial orbital decompression performed for cosmetic reasons. Methods: Retrospective analysis of 114 patients with Graves orbitopathy who underwent an inferomedial orbital decompression. No patient had diplopia in any of the gaze positions or optic neuropathy. A single coronal slice 9 mm posterior to the lateral orbital rim was employed to quantify the muscular index of the extraocular recti and of the superior complex. A control group of 56 patients imaged for other reasons were also measured. After surgery the oculomotor status of all patients who complained of diplopia and of 51 patients free of diplopia was measured with the prism and cover test in the primary and secondary gaze positions. Results: The rate of new-onset diplopia was 14.0% (16 patients). Eye deviations were confirmed in 14 patients. Of these, 10 had significant strabismus that warranted surgical or prism treatment. Most patients had esotropia associated with small vertical deviations. The size of the medial and inferior recti was significantly associated with the development of diplopia. The estimated odds for the appearance of diplopia in patients with muscle enlargement was 12.76 (medial rectus) and 5.21 (inferior rectus). Small-angle deviations were also detected in 27.4% of patients who did not experience diplopia. Conclusions: Medial and inferior recti enlargement is a strong predictor of new-onset diplopia. A large number of patients who do not report diplopia also present with small-angle deviations. (Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg 2012;28:204-207)


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the efficacy of radiotherapy (RT) with total dose of 20 Gy (RT 20 Gy) in the treatment of Graves' ophthalmopathy. METHODS: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials was performed comparing RT 20 Gy with or without glucocorticoid to clinical treatments for Graves' ophthalmopathy. The MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Library databases and recent relevant journals were searched. Relevant reports were reviewed by two reviewers. Response to radiotherapy was defined as clinical success according to each trial. We also evaluated the quality of life and whether RT to produce fewer side effects than other treatments. RESULTS: A total of 8 randomized controlled trials (439 patients) were identified. In the subgroup analysis, the overall response to treatment rates was better for: RT 20 Gy plus glucocorticoid vs glucocorticoids alone, OR=17.5 (CI95% 1.85-250, p=0.04), RT 20 Gy vs sham RT, OR= 3.15 (CI95%1.59-6.23, p=0.003) and RT 20Gy plus intravenous glucocorticoid vs RT 20Gy plus oral glucocorticoid, OR=4.15(CI95% 1.34-12.87, p=0.01). There were no differences between RT 20 Gy versus other fractionations and RT 20 Gy versus glucocorticoid alone. RT 20 Gy with or without glucocorticoids showed an improvement in diplopia grade, visual acuity, optic neuropathy, lid width, proptosis and ocular motility. No difference was seen for costs, intraocular pressure and quality of life. CONCLUSION: Our data have shown that RT 20 Gy should be offered as a valid therapeutic option to patients with moderate to severe ophthalmopathy. The effectiveness of orbital radiotherapy can be increased by the synergistic interaction with glucocorticoids. Moreover, RT 20 Gy is useful to improve a lot of ocular symptoms, excluding intraocular pressure, without any difference in quality of life and costs.


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In this PhD thesis 3 projects were addressed focusing on the melanopsin retinal ganglion cells (mRGCs) system and its relevance for circadian rhythms and sleep in neurodegeneration. The first project was aimed at completing the characterization of mRGCs system in hereditary optic neuropathies (LHON and DOA). We confirmed that mRGCs are relatively spared also in post-mortem retinal specimens of a DOA case and pupillometric evaluation of LHON patients showed preservation of the pupillary light reflex, with attenuated responses compared to controls. Cell studies failed to indicate a protective role exerted by melanopsin itself. The second project was aimed at characterizing the possible occurrence of optic neuropathy and rest-activity circadian rhythm dysfunction in Alzheimer (AD) and Parkinson disease (PD), as well as, at histological level, the possible involvement of mRGCs in AD. OCT studies demonstrated a subclinical optic neuropathy in both AD and PD patients, with a different pattern involving the superior and nasal quadrants in AD and the temporal quadrant in PD. Actigraphic studies demonstrated a tendency towards an increased intradaily variability (IV) and reduced relative amplitude (RA) of rest-activity circadian rhythm in AD and a significant increased IV a reduced RA in PD. Immunohistochemical analysis of post-mortem retinal specimens and optic nerve cross-sections of neuropathologically confirmed AD cases demonstrated a significant loss of mRGCs and a nearly significant loss of axons in AD compared to controls. The mRGCs were affected in AD independently from age and magnitude of axonal loss. Overall these results suggest a role of the mRGCs system in the pathogenesis of circadian dysfunction in AD. The third project was aimed at evaluating the possible association between a single nucleotide polymorphism of the OPN4 gene and chronotype or SAD, failing to find any significant association with chronotype, but showing a non-significant increment of TT genotype in SAD.


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Glaucoma is a collection of diseases characterized by multifactorial progressive changes leading to visual field loss and optic neuropathy most frequently due to elevated intraocular pressure (IOP). The goal of treatment is the lowering of the IOP to prevent additional optic nerve damage. Treatment usually begins with topical pharmacological agents as monotherapy, progresses to combination therapy with agents from up to 4 different classes of IOP-lowering medications, and then proceeds to laser or incisional surgical modalities for refractory cases. The fixed combination therapy with the carbonic anhydrase inhibitor dorzolamide hydrochloride 2% and the beta blocker timolol maleate 0.5% is now available in a generic formulation for the treatment of patients who have not responded sufficiently to monotherapy with beta adrenergic blockers. In pre- and postmarketing clinical studies, the fixed combination dorzolamide-timolol has been shown to be safe and efficacious, and well tolerated by patients. The fixed combination dorzolamide-timolol is convenient for patients, reduces their dosing regimen with the goal of increasing their compliance, reduces the effects of "washout" when instilling multiple drops, and reduces the preservative burden by reducing the number of drops administered per day.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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The diagnosis and monitoring of ocular disease presents considerable clinical difficulties for two main reasons i) the substantial physiological variation of anatomical structure of the visual pathway and ii) constraints due to technical limitations of diagnostic hardware. These are further confounded by difficulties in detecting early loss or change in visual function due to the masking of disease effects, for example, due to a high degree of redundancy in terms of nerve fibre number along the visual pathway. This thesis addresses these issues across three areas of study: 1. Factors influencing retinal thickness measures and their clinical interpretation As the retina is the principal anatomical site for damage associated with visual loss, objective measures of retinal thickness and retinal nerve fibre layer thickness are key to the detection of pathology. In this thesis the ability of optical coherence tomography (OCT) to provide repeatable and reproducible measures of retinal structure at the macula and optic nerve head is investigated. In addition, the normal physiological variations in retinal thickness and retinal nerve fibre layer thickness are explored. Principal findings were: • Macular retinal thickness and optic nerve head measurements are repeatable and reproducible for normal subjects and diseased eyes • Macular and retinal nerve fibre layer thickness around the optic nerve correlate negatively with axial length, suggesting that larger eyes have thinner retinae, potentially making them more susceptible to damage or disease • Foveola retinal thickness increases with age while retinal nerve fibre layer thickness around the optic nerve head decreases with age. Such findings should be considered during examination of the eye with suspect pathology or in long-term disease monitoring 2. Impact of glucose control on retinal anatomy and function in diabetes Diabetes is a major health concern in the UK and worldwide and diabetic retinopathy is a major cause of blindness in the working population. Objective, quantitative measurements of retinal thickness. particularly at the macula provide essential information regarding disease progression and the efficacy of treatment. Functional vision loss in diabetic patients is commonly observed in clinical and experimental studies and is thought to be affected by blood glucose levels. In the first study of its kind, the short term impact of fluctuations in blood glucose levels on retinal structure and function over a 12 hour period in patients with diabetes are investigated. Principal findings were: • Acute fluctuations in blood glucose levels are greater in diabetic patients than normal subjects • The fluctuations in blood glucose levels impact contrast sensitivity scores. SWAP visual fields, intraocular pressure and diastolic pressure. This effect is similar for type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients despite the differences in their physiological status. • Long-term metabolic control in the diabetic patient is a useful predictor in the fluctuation of contrast sensitivity scores. • Large fluctuations in blood glucose levels and/or visual function and structure may be indicative of an increased risk of development or progression of retinopathy 3. Structural and functional damage of the visual pathway in glaucomatous optic neuropathy The glaucomatous eye undergoes a number of well documented pathological changes including retinal nerve fibre loss and optic nerve head damage which is correlated with loss of functional vision. In experimental glaucoma there is evidence that glaucomatous damage extends from retinal ganglion cells in the eye, along the visual pathway, to vision centres in the brain. This thesis explores the effects of glaucoma on retinal nerve fibre layer thickness, ocular anterior anatomy and cortical structure, and its correlates with visual function in humans. Principal findings were: • In the retina, glaucomatous retinal nerve fibre layer loss is less marked with increasing distance from the optic nerve head, suggesting that RNFL examination at a greater distance than traditionally employed may provide invaluable early indicators of glaucomatous damage • Neuroretinal rim area and retrobulbar optic nerve diameter are strong indicators of visual field loss • Grey matter density decreases at a rate of 3.85% per decade. There was no clear evidence of a disease effect • Cortical activation as measured by fMRI was a strong indicator of functional damage in patients with significant neuroretinal rim loss despite relatively modest visual field defects These investigations have shown that the effects of senescence are evident in both the anterior and posterior visual pathway. A variety of anatomical and functional diagnostic protocols for the investigation of damage to the visual pathway in ocular disease are required to maximise understanding of the disease processes and thereby optimising patient care.


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Purpose: To investigate whether regional long-term changes in peripapillary retinal flow, measured by scanning laser Doppler flowmetry (SLDF), occur in patients with primary open angle glaucoma (POAG). Methods: 31 healthy volunteers (mean age: 65 8.3 years) and 33 POAG patients (mean age: 71.2 7.6 years) were followed up every 4 months for 16 months. Using SLDF, three images of the superior and inferior optic nerve head were obtained for each subject. A 1010-pixel frame was used to measure blood flow, volume and velocity in the four quadrants of the peripapillary retina. Central 24-2 visual field testing was carried out at each visit. Repeated measures analysis of covariance was used to assess change over time between the normal and POAG groups for the SLDF parameters. Univariate linear regression analysis for mean deviation and glaucoma change probability (GCP) analysis were used to identify visual field progression. Results: Blood volume, flow and velocity measured in the inferior nasal quadrant of the peripapillary retina decreased significantly over time for the POAG group compared to the normal group (p=0.0073, 0.0097, 0.0095 respectively). Overall, 2 glaucoma patients showed a significantly deteriorating MD slope, while 7 patients showed visual field progression with GPA. All of the patients progressing with GPA, showed change in the superior hemifield and, of those, 14% showed change in the inferior hemifield. Conclusion: Glaucoma patients showed a decrease in blood flow, volume and velocity in the inferior nasal peripapillary retina. A regional variation in microvascular retinal capillary blood flow may provide insight into the pathogenesis of glaucomatous optic neuropathy. Keywords: 331 blood supply • 554 retina • 624 visual fields


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PURPOSE: Previous investigations have demonstrated a relative vascular autoregulatory inefficiency of the inferior compared to the superior retina in healthy subjects breathing increased CO2. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the superior and inferior visual field sensitivities of healthy eyes are similarly affected during mild hypercapnia. DESIGN: Experimental study. METHODS: Visual field analysis (Humphrey Field Analyser; SITA standard 24-2 program) was carried out on one randomly selected eye of 22 subjects (mean age, 27.7 ± 5 years) during normal room air breathing and isoxic hypercapnia. The Student paired t-tests were used to compare the visual field indices mean deviation (MD) and pattern standard deviation (PSD) for each breathing condition. A secondary, sectoral analysis of mean pointwise sensitivity was performed for each condition. In each case a P value of <.01 was considered statistically significant (Bonferroni corrected). RESULTS: Visual field MD was -0.23 ± 0.95dB during room air breathing and -0.49 ± 1.04dB during hypercapnia (P = .034). Sectoral pointwise mean sensitivity deteriorated by 0.46dB (P = .006) in the upper visual hemifield during hypercapnia, whereas no significant difference was observed for the lower hemifield (P = .331). CONCLUSIONS: The upper visual hemifield exhibited a significantly greater degree of deterioration in pointwise visual field mean sensitivity compared to the lower hemifield during hypercapnic conditions. This suggests that the upper visual hemifield and hence inferior retina is more susceptible to insult during hypercapnia than the superior retina in healthy individuals. A regional susceptibility of inferior retinal function to altered vascular or metabolic effects may account for the earlier and more frequent inferior nerve fibre damage associated with glaucomatous optic neuropathy. © 2003 by Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.