938 resultados para DID
In Canada, it is young rural based men who are at the greatest risk for suicide. While there is no consensus on the reasons for this, evidence points to contextual social factors including isolation, lack of confidential services and pressure to uphold restrictive norms of rural masculinity. In this article we share findings drawn from an instrumental photo voice case study to distil factors contributing to the suicide of a young Canadian rural based man. Integrating photo voice methods and in-depth qualitative we conducted interviews with 7 family members and close friends of the deceased. The interviews and image data were analyzed using constant comparative methods to discern themes related to participants’ reflections on and perceptions about rural male suicide. Three inductively derived themes, “Missing the signs”, “Living up to his public image” and “Down in Rural Canada ” reflect the challenges that survivors and young rural men can experience in attempting to be comply with restrictive dominant ideals of masculinity. We conclude that community based suicide prevention efforts would benefit from gender-sensitive and place specific approaches to advancing men’s mental health by making tangibly available and affirming an array of masculinities to foster the well-being of young rural based men.
Drawing on Joke Hermes’ (2006) account of a troubling interview, this article reproduces and reflects on passages from a qualitative interview with a user of a social networking site that was experienced as uncomfortable by both interviewee and interviewer (myself). The psychoanalytic concept of (counter-)transference is used to analyse the possible processes that led to the emergence of two narratives by the interviewee and interviewer and resulted in an unsuccessful research encounter. It is suggested that the analysis of the interview narratives may contribute to Wanda S. Pillow’s (2003) notion of an ‘uncomfortable reflexivity’. It may further add to methodological discussions of the interview in media research by placing an emphasis on a complex theory of the subject and intersubjective dynamics.
Background: Blood pressure (BP) is strongly associated with body weight and there is concern that the pediatric overweight epidemic could lead to an increase in children's mean BP. Objectives: We analyzed BP trends from 1998 to 2006 among children of the Seychelles, a rapidly developing middle-income country in Africa. Methods: Serial school-based surveys of weight, height and BP were conducted yearly between 1998-2006 among all students of the country in four school grades (kindergarten, 4th, 7th and 10th years of compulsory school). We used the CDC criteria to define "overweight" (BMI _95th sex-, and age-specific percentile) and the NHBPEP criteria for "elevated BP" (BP _95th sex-, age-, and height specific percentile). Methods for height, weight, and BP measurements were identical over the study period. The trends in mean BMI and mean systolic/diastolic BP were assessed with linear regression. Results: 27,703 children aged 4-18 years (participation rate: 79%) contributed 43,927 observations on weight, height, and BP. The prevalence of overweight increased from 5.1% in 1998-2000 to 8.1% in 2004-2006 among boys, and from 6.1% to 9.1% among girls, respectively. The prevalence of elevated BP was 8.4% in 1998-2000 and 6.9% in 2004-2006 among boys; 9.8% and 7.8% among girls, respectively. Over the 9-years study period, age-adjusted body mass index (BMI) increased by 0.078 kg/m2/year in boys and by 0.083 kg/m2/year in girls (both sexes, P_0.001). Age- and height-adjusted systolic BP decreased by -0.37 mmHg/year in boys and by -0.34 mmHg/year in girls (both sexes, P_0.001). Diastolic BP did not change in boys (-0.02 mmHg/year, P: 0.40) and slightly increased in girls (0.07 mmHg/year, P: 0.003). These trend estimates were altered modestly upon further adjustment for BMI or if analyses were based on median rather than mean values. Conclusion: Although body weight increased markedly between 1998 and 2006 in this population, systolic BP decreased and diastolic BP changed only marginally. This suggests that population increases in body weight are not necessarily associated with corresponding rises in BP in children.
The ill effects of second-hand smoke are now well documented. To protect the population from exposure to tobacco smoke, comprehensive smoking bans are necessary as expressed in the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and its guidelines. Switzerland has only a partial smoking ban full of exceptions which has been in effect since 2010, which reproduces the so-called Spanish model. In September 2012, the Swiss citizens refused a proposal for a more comprehensive ban. This case study examines the reasons behind this rejection and draws some lessons that can be learnt from it.
BACKGROUND: Earlobe crease (ELC) has been associated with cardiovascular diseases (CVD) or risk factors (CVRF) and could be a marker predisposing to CVD. However, most studies studied only a small number of CVRF and no complete assessment of the associations between ELC and CVRF has been performed in a single study. METHODS: Population-based study (n = 4635, 46.7 % men) conducted between 2009 and 2012 in Lausanne, Switzerland. RESULTS: Eight hundred six participants (17.4 %) had an ELC. Presence of ELC was associated with male gender and older age. After adjusting for age and gender (and medication whenever necessary), presence of ELC was significantly (p < 0.05) associated with higher levels of body mass index (BMI) [adjusted mean ± standard error: 27.0 ± 0.2 vs. 26.02 ± 0.07 kg/m(2)], triglycerides [1.40 ± 0.03 vs. 1.36 ± 0.01 mmol/L] and insulin [8.8 ± 0.2 vs. 8.3 ± 0.1 μIU/mL]; lower levels of HDL cholesterol [1.61 ± 0.02 vs. 1.64 ± 0.01 mmol/L]; higher frequency of abdominal obesity [odds ratio and (95 % confidence interval) 1.20 (1.02; 1.42)]; hypertension [1.41 (1.18; 1.67)]; diabetes [1.43 (1.15; 1.79)]; high HOMA-IR [1.19 (1.00; 1.42)]; metabolic syndrome [1.28 (1.08; 1.51)] and history of CVD [1.55 (1.21; 1.98)]. No associations were found between ELC and estimated cardiovascular risk, inflammatory or liver markers. After further adjustment on BMI, only the associations between ELC and hypertension [1.30 (1.08; 1.56)] and history of CVD [1.47 (1.14; 1.89)] remained significant. For history of CVD, further adjustment on diabetes, hypertension, total cholesterol and smoking led to similar results [1.36 (1.05; 1.77)]. CONCLUSION: In this community-based sample ELC was significantly and independently associated with hypertension and history of CVD.
The central hypothesis to be tested is the relevance of gold in the determination of the value of the US dollar as an international reserve currency after 1971. In the first section the market value of the US dollar is analysed by looking at new forms of value (financial derivative products), the dollar as a safe haven, the choice of a standard of value and the role of SDRs in reforming the international monetary system. Based on dimensional analysis, the second section analyses the definition and meaning of a numéraire for international currency and the justification for a variable standard of value based on a commodity (gold). The second section is the theoretical foundation for the empirical and econometric analysis in the third and fourth sections. The third section is devoted to the specification of an econometric model and a graphical analysis of the data. It is clear that an inverse relation exists between the value of the US dollar and the price of gold. The fourth section shows the estimations of the different specifications of the model including linear regression and cointegration analysis. The most important econometric result is that the null hypothesis is rejected in favour of a significant link between the price of gold and the value of the US dollar. There is also a positive relationship between gold price and inflation. An inverse statistically significant relation between gold price and monetary policy is shown by applying a dynamic model of cointegration with lags.
Se presenta experiencia educativa que propone la realizaci??n de fichas de trabajo para atender a la diversidad entre el alumnado. Se realiza en el IES Alfaguara en Loja, Granada. Los objetivos son: dar respuesta a las necesidades que se plantean en el aula teniendo en cuenta la diversidad del alumnado; adaptar los contenidos a los distintos niveles de competencia curricular; incluir a todos los discentes en el proceso de ense??anza-aprendizaje; crear materiales did??cticos que se adapten a diversos contextos y metodolog??as de trabajo; aumentar la autoestima del alumnado; desarrollar la capacidad de aprender a aprender.
El objetivo principal favorecer el desarrollo e incorporaci??n de la dimensi??n europea como parte esencial del quehacer educativo del profesorado de la regi??n de Murcia, tomando muy en cuenta las vivencias, experiencias y expectativas de los j??venes. Esta propuesta de formaci??n europeista surge de la colaboraci??n a lo largo de m??s de dos cursos acad??micos del CEP de Murcia con la Universidad y con profesores de ciencias sociales del segundo ciclo de EGB, de BUP y de FP. Como consecuencia de la realizaci??n durante el a??o acad??mico 1991-92 de un curso sobre formaci??n europeista destinado a profesores de Ense??anza Secundaria Obligatoria, se ha elaborado una unidad did??ctica centrada en la formaci??n europea. En esta unidad did??ctica se plantean los siguientes objetivos: facilitar la comprensi??n sobre los elementos del proceso europeo m??s directamente relacionados con los propios alumnos, convirtiendo la experiencia de la adolescencia en cauce para la adquisici??n de conceptos fundamentados cient??ficamente. Las hip??tesis que gu??an el desarrollo de la unidad did??ctica han sido entre otras, las siguientes: existe entre los adolescentes una gran infravaloraci??n hacia los elementos culturales europeos y tambi??n desconocimiento del proyecto pol??tico de unidad europea.
El cuaderno despierta la curiosidad sobre las norias como patrimonio natural, cultural e hist??rico, aparte de ser un bien social y una m??quina ecol??gica. En la regi??n de Murcia se encuentra el conjunto m??s importante de norias funcionales de todo el territorio nacional, formado por siete aparatos, cuatro de ellos en el municipio de Abar??n. Con ellas siguen regando los agricultores como hace cientos de a??os y se han convertido en elementos indiscutibles de nuestro patrimonio hist??rico-cultural.
Comunicaciones y ponencias presentadas en el V Congresos Internacional sobre Investigaci??n en la Did??ctica de las Ciencias celebrado en Murcia en 1997. Las comunicaciones y ponencias se han distribuido segun las tres tem??ticas centrales: formaci??n y desarrollo profesional del profesorado de ciencias, estrategias para la ense??anza-aprendizaje de las ciencias y modelos de desarrollo curricular. Al mismo tiempo se han establecido distintos grupos seg??n el contenido espec??fico de los trabajos. Las comunicaciones seleccionadas son aqu??llas que desde el punto de vista de la investigaci??n, en relaci??n con las ense??anzas de las ciencias, plantean las propuestas m??s renovadoras.
El cuaderno de campo est?? pensado para ser utilizado en el propio monte. Cada alumno debe disponer de un cuaderno. Las actividades propuestas son para desarrollar en el aula antes y despu??s de la salida. Aparecen tambi??n actividades para el itinerario. La duraci??n de la salida es de un d??a. Los contenidos son: historia geol??gica, geomorfolog??a, vegetaci??n, fauna, f??siles, rese??a hist??rica y situaci??n ecol??gica. Adem??s incluye un plano de ruta, un gui??n de campo, actividades y fichas de campo.
Documento que recoge un total de diez propuestas dise??adas con encuadres curriculares, materiales de apoyo, valoraciones did??cticas y un soporte justificativo y documental. Contempla aspectos significativos y relevantes de la realidad del noroeste murciano, incluyendo propuestas de visitas o desplazamientos a algun municipio de los que integran la comarca, recogiendo sesiones de trabajo previo en el aula. Los objetivos que se persiguen con este trabajo son promover la dinamizaci??n educativa del ??mbito mediante modelos de actuaci??n que supongan la concreci??n y el desarrollo de actividades adecuadas para el conocimiento del noroeste murciano y aportar al profesorado de la zona los recursos pedag??gicos y documentales que puedan contribuir a la mejora de sus pr??cticas docentes y de la dinamizaci??n educativa. Como objetivo complementario pretende contribuir a la tarea social y colectiva de profundizaci??n y arraigo en la pertenecia a una determinada comarca natural a trav??s del mayor conocimiento de la misma.