73 resultados para Cutoffs
To ensure the integrity of an intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) treatment, each plan must be validated through a measurement-based quality assurance (QA) procedure, known as patient specific IMRT QA. Many methods of measurement and analysis have evolved for this QA. There is not a standard among clinical institutions, and many devices and action levels are used. Since the acceptance criteria determines if the dosimetric tools’ output passes the patient plan, it is important to see how these parameters influence the performance of the QA device. While analyzing the results of IMRT QA, it is important to understand the variability in the measurements. Due to the different form factors of the many QA methods, this reproducibility can be device dependent. These questions of patient-specific IMRT QA reproducibility and performance were investigated across five dosimeter systems: a helical diode array, radiographic film, ion chamber, diode array (AP field-by-field, AP composite, and rotational composite), and an in-house designed multiple ion chamber phantom. The reproducibility was gauged for each device by comparing the coefficients of variation (CV) across six patient plans. The performance of each device was determined by comparing each one’s ability to accurately label a plan as acceptable or unacceptable compared to a gold standard. All methods demonstrated a CV of less than 4%. Film proved to have the highest variability in QA measurement, likely due to the high level of user involvement in the readout and analysis. This is further shown by how the setup contributed more variation than the readout and analysis for all of the methods, except film. When evaluated for ability to correctly label acceptable and unacceptable plans, two distinct performance groups emerged with the helical diode array, AP composite diode array, film, and ion chamber in the better group; and the rotational composite and AP field-by-field diode array in the poorer group. Additionally, optimal threshold cutoffs were determined for each of the dosimetry systems. These findings, combined with practical considerations for factors such as labor and cost, can aid a clinic in its choice of an effective and safe patient-specific IMRT QA implementation.
Natural mixing processes modeled by Markov chains often show a sharp cutoff in their convergence to long-time behavior. This paper presents problems where the cutoff can be proved (card shuffling, the Ehrenfests' urn). It shows that chains with polynomial growth (drunkard's walk) do not show cutoffs. The best general understanding of such cutoffs (high multiplicity of second eigenvalues due to symmetry) is explored. Examples are given where the symmetry is broken but the cutoff phenomenon persists.
The lack of standardized tests of central auditory processing disorder (CAPD) in South Africa (SA) led to the formation of a SA CAPD Taskforce, and the interim development of a "low linguistically loaded" CAPD test protocol using test recordings from the 'Tonal and Speech Materials for Auditory Perceptual Assessment Disc 2.0'. This study inferentially compared the performance of 16 SA English first, and 16 SA English second, language adult speakers on this test protocol, and descriptively compared their performances to previously published American normative data. Comparisons between the SA English first and second language speakers showed a poorer right ear performance (p < .05) by the second language speakers on the two-pair dichotic digits test only. Equivalent performances (p < .05) were observed on the left ear performance on the two pair dichotic digits test, and the frequency patterns test, the duration patterns test, the low-pass filtered speech test, the 45% time compressed speech test, the speech masking level difference test, and the consonant vowel consonant (CVC) binaural fusion test. Comparisons between the SA English and the American normative data showed many large differences (up to 37.1% with respect to predicted pass criteria as calculated by mean-2SD cutoffs), with the SA English speakers performing both better and worse depending on the test involved. As a result, the American normative data was not considered appropriate for immediate use as normative data in SA. Instead, the preliminary data provided in this study was recommended as interim normative data for both SA English first and second language adult speakers, until larger scale SA normative data can be obtained.
Background: Body mass index ( BMI) is used to diagnose obesity. However, its ability to predict the percentage fat mass (% FM) reliably is doubtful. Therefore validity of BMI as a diagnostic tool of obesity is questioned. Aim: This study is focused on determining the ability of BMI- based cut- off values in diagnosing obesity among Australian children of white Caucasian and Sri Lankan origin. Subjects and methods: Height and weight was measured and BMI ( W/H-2) calculated. Total body water was determined by deuterium dilution technique and fat free mass and hence fat mass derived using age- and gender- specific constants. A % FM of 30% for girls and 20% for boys was considered as the criterion cut- off level for obesity. BMI- based obesity cut- offs described by the International Obesity Task Force ( IOTF), CDC/ NCHS centile charts and BMI- Z were validated against the criterion method. Results: There were 96 white Caucasian and 42 Sri Lankan children. Of the white Caucasians, 19 ( 36%) girls and 29 ( 66%) boys, and of the Sri Lankans 7 ( 46%) girls and 16 ( 63%) boys, were obese based on % FM. The FM and BMI were closely associated in both Caucasians ( r = 0.81, P < 0.001) and Sri Lankans ( r = 0.92, P< 0.001). Percentage FM and BMI also had a lower but significant association. Obesity cut- off values recommended by IOTF failed to detect a single case of obesity in either group. However, NCHS and BMI- Z cut- offs detected cases of obesity with low sensitivity. Conclusions: BMI is a poor indicator of percentage fat and the commonly used cut- off values were not sensitive enough to detect cases of childhood obesity in this study. In order to improve the diagnosis of obesity, either BMI cut- off values should be revised to increase the sensitivity or the possibility of using other indirect methods of estimating the % FM should be explored.
Introduction: Detection of the ALK rearrangement in a solid tumor gives these patients the option of crizotinib as an oral form of anticancer treatment. The current test of choice is fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), but various cheaper and more convenient immunohistochemical (IHC) assays have been proposed as alternatives.
Methods: Fifteen FISH-positive cases from patients, seven with data on crizotinib therapy and clinical response, were evaluated for the presence of ALK protein using three different commercially available antibodies: D5F3, using the proprietary automated system (Ventana), ALK1 (Dako), and 5A4 (Abcam). A further 14 FISH-negative and three uncertain (<15% rearrangement detected) cases were also retrieved. Of the total 32 specimens, 17 were excisions and 15 were computed tomography-guided biopsies or cytological specimens. All three antibodies were applied to all cases. Antibodies were semiquantitatively scored on intensity, and the proportion of malignant cells stained was documented. Cutoffs were set by receiver operating curve analysis for positivity to optimize correct classification.
Results: All three IHC assays were 100% specific but sensitivity did vary: D5F3 86%, ALK 79%, 5A4 71%. Intensity was the most discriminating measure overall, with a combination of proportion and intensity not improving the test. No FISH-negative IHC-positive cases were seen. Two FISH-positive cases were negative with all three IHC assays. One of these had been treated with crizotinib and had failed to show clinical response. The other harbored a second driving mutation in the EGFR gene.
Conclusions: IHC with all three antibodies is especially highly specific (100%) although variably sensitive (71%-86%), specifically in cases with scanty material. D5F3 assay was most sensitive in these latter cases. Occasional cases are IHC-positive but FISH-negative, suggesting either inaccuracy of one assay or occasional tumors with ALK rearrangement that do not express high levels of ALK protein.
O presente estudo teve como objectivo principal conhecer melhor aspectos relacionados com a sexualidade na 3ª idade. A escala utilizada foi construída por nós, tornando-se num elemento chave para esta pesquisa. A escala de atitudes face à sexualidade no idoso foi relacionada com algumas características sociodemográficas: género, idade, estado civil, escolaridade e religião. Da análise realizada ressaltam evidências de uma atitude conservadora face às questões da sexualidade na 3ª idade. Através de uma amostra de 120 idosos com idades compreendidas entre os 60 e os 97 anos de idade, constatámos que os homens e as mulheres distinguem-se significativamente no que respeita às atitudes face à sexualidade, exibindo os homens uma atitude global mais positiva e liberal (M = 25.82). Os resultados evidenciaram um efeito significativo da variável escolaridade sobre o nível cognitivo, revelando que quanto maior a escolaridade do idoso na nossa amostra, maior é o nível cognitivo. Relativamente ao estado civil, os casados revelaram uma atitude global mais positiva perante a sua sexualidade (M = 31.98) comparativamente aos viúvos (M = 27.26) e aos divorciados (M = 23.67). A religião apenas se mostrou associada com a escala de atitudes face ao cristianismo, evidenciando aqueles que são praticantes, uma atitude mais positiva em relação ao cristianismo. Na nossa amostra, também podémos constatar que quanto maior é o nível cognitivo, mais positiva é a atitude face à sexualidade. Com base nos pontos de corte do MMSE verificou-se que 75% dos idosos da nossa amostra não apresentava qualquer défice cognitivo. Comparados os grupos, sem e com défice cognitivo, constatou-se que o grupo de idosos sem défice cognitivo exibe uma atitude mais positiva face à sexualidade que o grupo com défice cognitivo. Pretendemos que de alguma forma este estudo contribua para dar a conhecer as atitudes dos idosos face à sua sexualidade bem como esperamos que os nossos resultados permitam uma reflexão sobre possíveis estratégias de intervenção no sentido de promover uma sexualidade bem vivida por esta faixa etária. / The present study aimed to better understand the main aspects related to sexuality in the 3rd age. The scale used was built by us, becoming a key element in this research. The scale of attitudes towards sexuality in the elderly was related to sociodemographic characteristics: gender, age, marital status, education and religion. From the analysis point out evidence of a conservative approach in relation to issues of sexuality in the 3rd age. Using a sample of 120 elderly aged 60 and 97 years old, found that men and women differ significantly with regard to attitudes towards sexuality, men showing a more positive overall attitude and liberal (M = 25.82). The results showed a significant effect on the education variable cognitive level, revealing that the higher the education of the elderly in our sample, the higher the cognitive level. With regard to marital status, married people showed a more positive overall attitude towards their sexuality (M = 31.98) compared to widowed (M = 27.26) and divorced (M = 23.67). The only religion was associated with the scale of attitudes to Christianity, showing those who are practitioners, a more positive attitude toward Christianity. In our sample, we can also see that the higher the cognitive level, the more positive attitude towards sexuality. Based on the MMSE cutoffs found that 75% of older people in our sample did not show any cognitive deficit. Comparing the groups with and without cognitive impairment, it was found that the group of elderly people without cognitive impairment display a more positive attitude towards sexuality that the group with cognitive impairment. We intend that somehow this study contributes to publicize the attitudes of the elderly compared to their sexuality and we expect our results allow a discussion on possible intervention strategies to promote a sexuality lived well by this age group.
OBJECTIVE: Intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) is an MRI technique with potential applications in measuring brain tumor perfusion, but its clinical impact remains to be determined. We assessed the usefulness of IVIM-metrics in predicting survival in newly diagnosed glioblastoma. METHODS: Fifteen patients with glioblastoma underwent MRI including spin-echo echo-planar DWI using 13 b-values ranging from 0 to 1000 s/mm2. Parametric maps for diffusion coefficient (D), pseudodiffusion coefficient (D*), and perfusion fraction (f) were generated for contrast-enhancing regions (CER) and non-enhancing regions (NCER). Regions of interest were manually drawn in regions of maximum f and on the corresponding dynamic susceptibility contrast images. Prognostic factors were evaluated by Kaplan-Meier survival and Cox proportional hazards analyses. RESULTS: We found that fCER and D*CER correlated with rCBFCER. The best cutoffs for 6-month survival were fCER>9.86% and D*CER>21.712 x10-3mm2/s (100% sensitivity, 71.4% specificity, 100% and 80% positive predictive values, and 80% and 100% negative predictive values; AUC:0.893 and 0.857, respectively). Treatment yielded the highest hazard ratio (5.484; 95% CI: 1.162-25.88; AUC: 0.723; P = 0.031); fCER combined with treatment predicted survival with 100% accuracy. CONCLUSIONS: The IVIM-metrics fCER and D*CER are promising biomarkers of 6-month survival in newly diagnosed glioblastoma.
Introdução – A frequência de dislipidemia em crianças e adolescentes tem vindo a aumentar rapidamente nos últimos anos, estando o seu aparecimento associado a fatores genéticos e ambientais. Este indicador, associado a outras doenças como a obesidade, constituem a síndrome metabólica e são considerados fatores de risco para doença cardiovascular e diabetes, que quando presentes na infância podem conduzir precocemente ao aparecimento destas doenças. Objetivos – Avaliar o perfil de indicadores de saúde de crianças no início de um Programa de Educação Contínua; Verificar os efeitos do Programa de Educação Contínua aplicado durante 36 meses (ginástica funcional, brincadeiras de rua e das aulas de natação), sobre os resultados dos exames iniciais de colesterol, triglicerídeos e do IMC. Métodos - Estudo quantitativo, exploratório e descritivo de corte transversal, realizado entre 2012 e 2015 numa amostra não probabilística por conveniência de 165 crianças, 70,0% da população-alvo. As crianças tinham entre 7 a 12 anos de idade, 40,59% entre 11 e 12 anos e 54% eram do sexo feminino. Eram beneficiárias de um plano de saúde que integrava um programa de intervenção (educação contínua e atividade física), designado Crescendo com Saúde e foram selecionadas através de critérios, como: dislipidemia (colesterol total e/ou triglicerídeos elevados), sobrepeso e/ou obesidade, e história familiar de HAS e DM. Os dados clínicos foram obtidos na consulta de enfermagem, utilizando-se a recolha de sangue para dosemanento do perfil lipídico no início do programa e a cada 6 meses e avaliação do IMC na fase inicial do programa e semanalmente. Para classificação do estado nutricional foram utilizados os pontos de corte da OMS (2007). Resultados – no início do programa 69% das crianças apresentavam hipercolesterolémia, 32% aumento do colesterol, 45% tinham excesso de peso (sobrepeso e obesidade) e 12% risco de sobrepeso. Após o programa de intervenção, das 53% crianças que participaram de forma regular, 29% apresentaram redução do colesterol, 16% dos triglicerídeos e o excesso de peso reduziu em 9%, aumentando contudo o risco de sobrepeso para 22%. Das que participaram de forma irregular, apenas 3% reduziram o perfil lipídico e 1% o estado nutricional. Conclusões – O programa de intervenção permitiu uma redução dos fatores de risco de doença metabólica e permitiu melhorar os hábitos das crianças estudadas e suas famílias. Estes resultados comprovam a eficácia a curto e médio prazo dos programas de intervenção na comunidade, e realçam o papel das intervenções preventivas de educação contínua e de atividade física regular, para o processo de redução dos indicadores de risco metabólico desde a infância. Palavra-chave: Crianças; Perfil lipídico; Obesidade; Programa de intervenção .
International audience
In the study of the spatial characteristics of the visual channels, the power spectrum model of visual masking is one of the most widely used. When the task is to detect a signal masked by visual noise, this classical model assumes that the signal and the noise are previously processed by a bank of linear channels and that the power of the signal at threshold is proportional to the power of the noise passing through the visual channel that mediates detection. The model also assumes that this visual channel will have the highest ratio of signal power to noise power at its output. According to this, there are masking conditions where the highest signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) occurs in a channel centered in a spatial frequency different from the spatial frequency of the signal (off-frequency looking). Under these conditions the channel mediating detection could vary with the type of noise used in the masking experiment and this could affect the estimation of the shape and the bandwidth of the visual channels. It is generally believed that notched noise, white noise and double bandpass noise prevent off-frequency looking, and high-pass, low-pass and bandpass noises can promote it independently of the channel's shape. In this study, by means of a procedure that finds the channel that maximizes the SNR at its output, we performed numerical simulations using the power spectrum model to study the characteristics of masking caused by six types of one-dimensional noise (white, high-pass, low-pass, bandpass, notched, and double bandpass) for two types of channel's shape (symmetric and asymmetric). Our simulations confirm that (1) high-pass, low-pass, and bandpass noises do not prevent the off-frequency looking, (2) white noise satisfactorily prevents the off-frequency looking independently of the shape and bandwidth of the visual channel, and interestingly we proved for the first time that (3) notched and double bandpass noises prevent off-frequency looking only when the noise cutoffs around the spatial frequency of the signal match the shape of the visual channel (symmetric or asymmetric) involved in the detection. In order to test the explanatory power of the model with empirical data, we performed six visual masking experiments. We show that this model, with only two free parameters, fits the empirical masking data with high precision. Finally, we provide equations of the power spectrum model for six masking noises used in the simulations and in the experiments.
Introducción: La IVU es muy frecuenten en la (FCI - IC), Alrededor el 60% de los pacientes con diagnóstico de IVU nosocomial corresponden a gérmenes resistente, Desde el año 2010 el CLSI disminuyó los puntos de corte de sensibilidad en las enterobacteriaceae y removió la necesidad de tamizaje y confirmación de (BLEE), en el presente trabajo se pretende determinar el perfil epidemiológico de la formulación antibiótica en pacientes con IVU nosocomial. Diseño: Se realizó un estudio observacional analítico de corte transversal. Métodos: Se realizó un análisis univariado, bivariado y multivariado. El análisis bivariado y multivariado se realizó para determinar la medida de asociación teniendo en cuenta la formulación de Carbapenemico la variable dependiente, evaluándose mediante chi cuadrado. Resultados: Se revisaron 131 urocultivos, se incluyeron 116. Los aislamientos microbiológicos más frecuentemente encontrados fueron E. Coli y K. Pneumoniae, el 43.4% de los aislamientos, presentaron expresión de BLEE, 90% de los aislamientos fueron sensibles a Cefepime. La mayoría de los modelos obtenidos mostraron una fuerte asociación entre el reporte de BLEE en antibiograma con la formulación de carbapenémicos como terapia final OR 33,12 IC 95% (2,90 – 337,4). Conclusión: La epidemiologia de la IVU nosocomial en la FCI-IC no difiere de las referencias internacionales, no hay adherencia a las guías de manejo intrahospitalario y el reporte de la palabra BLEE en el antibiograma predice la formulación de antibiótico carbapenémico por el médico que lee el urocultivo
OBJECTIVES: The aims of this study were to establish a Colombian smoothed centile charts and LMS tables for tríceps, subscapular and sum tríceps+subscapular skinfolds; appropriate cut-offs were selected using receiver operating characteristic analysis based in a populationbased sample of schoolchildren in Bogota, Colombia and to compare them with international studies. METHODS: A total of 9 618 children and adolescents attending public schools in Bogota, Colombia (55.7% girls; age range of 9–17.9 years). Height, weight, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, triceps and subscapular skinfold measurements were obtained using standardized methods. We have calculated tríceps+subscapular skinfold (T+SS) sum. Smoothed percentile curves for triceps and subscapular skinfold thickness were derived by the LMS method. Receiver operating characteristics curve (ROC) analyses were used to evaluate the optimal cut-off point of tríceps, subscapular and sum tríceps+subscapular skinfolds for overweight and obesity based on the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) definitions. Data were compared with international studies. RESULTS: Subscapular, triceps skinfolds and T+SS were significantly higher in girls than in boys (P <0.001). The median values for triceps, subscapular as well as T+SS skinfold thickness increased in a sex-specific pattern with age. The ROC analysis showed that subscapular, triceps skinfolds and T+SS have a high discrimination power in the identification of overweight and obesity in the sample population in this study. Based on the raw non-adjusted data, we found that Colombian boys and girls had high triceps and subscapular skinfolds values than their counterparts from Spain, UK, German and US. CONCLUSIONS: Our results provide sex- and age-specific normative reference standards for the triceps and subscapular skinfold thickness values in a large, population-based sample of 3 schoolchildren and adolescents from an Latin-American population. By providing LMS tables for Latin-American people based on Colombian reference data, we hope to provide quantitative tools for the study of obesity and its complications.
In this study, we carried out a comparative analysis between two classical methodologies to prospect residue contacts in proteins: the traditional cutoff dependent (CD) approach and cutoff free Delaunay tessellation (DT). In addition, two alternative coarse-grained forms to represent residues were tested: using alpha carbon (CA) and side chain geometric center (GC). A database was built, comprising three top classes: all alpha, all beta, and alpha/beta. We found that the cutoff value? at about 7.0 A emerges as an important distance parameter.? Up to 7.0 A, CD and DT properties are unified, which implies that at this distance all contacts are complete and legitimate (not occluded). We also have shown that DT has an intrinsic missing edges problem when mapping the first layer of neighbors. In proteins, it may produce systematic errors affecting mainly the contact network in beta chains with CA. The almost-Delaunay (AD) approach has been proposed to solve this DT problem. We found that even AD may not be an advantageous solution. As a consequence, in the strict range up ? to 7.0 A, the CD approach revealed to be a simpler, more complete, and reliable technique than DT or AD. Finally, we have shown that coarse-grained residue representations may introduce bias in the analysis of neighbors in cutoffs up to ? 6.8 A, with CA favoring alpha proteins and GC favoring beta proteins. This provides an additional argument pointing to ? the value of 7.0 A as an important lower bound cutoff to be used in contact analysis of proteins.