986 resultados para Cumulative cultural evolution
En la actualidad la base de conocimientos de todo gestor cultural, al igual que el resto de ofertas de grado y postgrado en las universidades de los países acogidas al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) se encuentra en profunda transformación: conceptos como la formación a lo largo de la vida, los distintos ciclos universitarios y el sistema de competencias se presentan a una oferta formativa ya de por sí, históricamente heterogénea. Dada tanta diversidad, nuestro proyecto se va a centrar en: evolución del concepto de cultura en España en los últimos 30 años, contextualizar históricamente la evolución de la profesión de gestor cultural en España, analizar los agentes culturales principales que actúan en nuestro país, examinar los principales cambios que supone el proceso de Bolonia en las universidades españolas (itinerarios curriculares, competencias, etc.)
Technology (i.e. tools, methods of cultivation and domestication, systems of construction and appropriation, machines) has increased the vital rates of humans, and is one of the defining features of the transition from Malthusian ecological stagnation to a potentially perpetual rising population growth. Maladaptations, on the other hand, encompass behaviours, customs and practices that decrease the vital rates of individuals. Technology and maladaptations are part of the total stock of culture carried by the individuals in a population. Here, we develop a quantitative model for the coevolution of cumulative adaptive technology and maladaptive culture in a 'producer-scrounger' game, which can also usefully be interpreted as an 'individual-social' learner interaction. Producers (individual learners) are assumed to invent new adaptations and maladaptations by trial-and-error learning, insight or deduction, and they pay the cost of innovation. Scroungers (social learners) are assumed to copy or imitate (cultural transmission) both the adaptations and maladaptations generated by producers. We show that the coevolutionary dynamics of producers and scroungers in the presence of cultural transmission can have a variety of effects on population carrying capacity. From stable polymorphism, where scroungers bring an advantage to the population (increase in carrying capacity), to periodic cycling, where scroungers decrease carrying capacity, we find that selection-driven cultural innovation and transmission may send a population on the path of indefinite growth or to extinction.
El trabajo de investigación aborda la evolución de las prácticas etnobotánicas (PEB) tradicionales, la evolución reciente de estas prácticas en un contexto de mutaciones en China en las últimas décadas y su valor como marcador de la identidad cultural (IC) de las minorías étnicas de la provincia China de Yunnan. Se trata de evaluar la realidad de la utilización, la preservación y la evolución de la etnomedicina en esta región y especialmente de las PEB, aclarar las relaciones que se pueden establecer entre la IC y las PEB y por lo tanto se estudian los nexos de unión entre las PEB y la IC de las minorías étnicas de Yunnan (MEY).
Strong reciprocity, defined as a predisposition to help others and to punish those that are not helping, has been proposed as a potent force leading to the evolution of cooperation and altruism. However, the conditions under which strong reciprocity might be favored are not clear. Here we investigate the selective pressure on strong reciprocity by letting both limited dispersal (i.e., spatial structure) and recombination between helping and punishment jointly determine the evolutionary dynamics of strong reciprocity. Our analytical model suggests that when helping and punishment are perfectly linked traits (no recombination occurring between them), strong reciprocity can spread even when the initial frequency of strong reciprocators is close to 0 in the population (i.e., a rare mutant can invade). By contrast, our results indicate that when recombination can occur between helping and punishment (i.e., both traits coevolve) and is stronger than selection, punishment is likely to invade a population of defectors only when it gives a direct fitness benefit to the actor. Overall, our results delineate the conditions under which strong reciprocity is selected for in a spatially structured population and highlight that the forces behind its evolution involves kinship (be it genetic or cultural).
During the second half of the nineteenth century a major mineral water bottling industry appeared in Catalonia which vigorously lasted until the first third of the 20th century. The fact that the industry appeared in Catalonia and in other parts of Europe and the United States almost at the same time and had not existed before can be explained by a series of factors which coincided in time. This situation encouraged producers to pack, transport and sell bottled water from their respective sources. Among these factors there is the rise of hygienism, very influential in Catalonia, the declining water quality due to industrialization, the increase in population density, the improvement in transport, the emergence of thermal tourism or the invention of better containers used to store water. This project aims to explain thoroughly all the mentioned factors, and to give some light to why, when and how the Catalan bottled water industry appeared.
O presente trabalho visa estudar a importância de transformar os eventos culturais da ilha de São Vicente em produtos turísticos. Está mais do que provado que o turismo pode ser considerado o motor de desenvolvimento de qualquer economia, mas também que poderá levar a sérios problemas ambientais, sociais, culturais e até mesmo económicos com efeito a longo prazo, caso não for bem planeado. Dentro do turismo, o sector de eventos tem apresentado uma grande evolução, trazendo muitos benefícios e promoção para os destinos turísticos. Para além da importância que os eventos têm para os destinos turísticos, esta pesquisa também estudará o que é preciso ser feito a nível social, e em relação às infra-estruturas e serviços locais para serem transformados em produtos turísticos. Para efectuar essa transformação que poderá trazer muito mais benefícios tanto para a ilha como para a população local, será preciso que os eventos culturais da ilha sejam planeados e organizados, envolvendo todas as enti dades locais e a comunidade, de forma que possam criar soluções para desenvolver um turismo sustentável para São Vicente, e diminuir os impactos negativos no ambiente, na sociedade e na cultura. The goal of this Project is to study the importance of transforming the cultural events of São Vicente Island into touristic products. It is proved that tourism can be considered the development engine of any economy, but it can also lead to serious environmental, social, cultural end even economical problems with long term effects in case of bad planning. Within tourism, the events sector has seen a great evolution, bringing many benefits such as promotion to touristic destinations. Further to the importance that the events have to the touristic destinations, this research will also study what needs to be done concerning society and in relation to infrastructures and local services to be transformed into touristic products. To make these transformations come to life, something which can bring much more benefits to the island as well as to the local population, the cultural events of the island need to be planned and organized involving all the local entities, and the community, in the creation of solutions to develop a sustainable tourism for São Vicente and diminish the negative impacts on the environment, society and culture.
Esta dissertação visou compreender o caráter temático e discursivo de algumas crónicas literárias de dois autores cabo-verdianos, Dina Salústio e Daniel Medina, e provar o carácter pedagógico e humanitário das composições. Fez-se, num primeiro momento, um estudo de conteúdos teóricos sobre a cronística portuguesa, visando recensear aspetos relacionados com a evolução do género ao longo dos tempos, desde a Idade Média até à Contemporaneidade, sempre numa perspetiva pragmática, e discutiram-se as características enformadoras do género, sendo assinaláveis a subjetividade, versatilidade, objetividade, estilo entre o oral e o literário, quotidianidade e dialogismo. De seguida, em termos metodológicos, optou-se por convocar o ethos de Amossy e Maingueneau para o estudo das composições. Num segundo momento, através de dez crónicas literárias cabo-verdianas, sendo cinco de cada autor, procedeu-se à análise crítica das quais se confirmou, a partir da análise temática, uma preocupação pedagógica e humanitária uma vez que se notou uma certa inquietação com problemas que envolvem a idiossincrasia do homem cabo-verdiano, como a perda de valores em termos educacionais e instrucionais, quer no seio familiar como escolar, a preocupação com os mais desfavorecidos materialmente, onde se destacam crianças órfãs de pais vivos, o descaso com os doentes mentais e as crianças de rua, a gravidez precoce, a prostituição infantil, entre outros. O modo, como os cronistas se posicionam face à abordagem dos temas, permitiu-nos projetar o ethos discursivo de duas personalidades sensíveis, sérias e comprometidas com os valores mais nobres que enformam o ser humano. Do mesmo modo, pôde constatar como características relevantes das composições a subjetividade e pessoalidade discursivas, a brevidade, o diálogo no estilo indirecto livre, a quotidianidade e literariedade aliados a alguns recursos retóricos que nos permitiram apurar os tons sério e irónico do sujeito enunciador ao tratar as questões temáticas.
Rock-paper-scissors (RPS) dynamics, which maintain genetic polymorphisms over time through negative frequency-dependent (FD) selection, can evolve in short-lived species with no generational overlap, where they produce rapid morph frequency cycles. However, most species have overlapping generations and thus, rapid RPS dynamics are thought to require stronger FD selection, the existence of which yet needs to be proved. Here, we experimentally demonstrate that two cumulative selective episodes, FD sexual selection reinforced by FD selection on offspring survival, generate sufficiently strong selection to generate rapid morph frequency cycles in the European common lizard Zootoca vivipara, a multi-annual species with major generational overlap. These findings show that the conditions required for the evolution of RPS games are fulfilled by almost all species exhibiting genetic polymorphisms and suggest that RPS games may be responsible for the maintenance of genetic diversity in a wide range of species.
BACKGROUND: Along the chromosome of the obligate intracellular bacteria Protochlamydia amoebophila UWE25, we recently described a genomic island Pam100G. It contains a tra unit likely involved in conjugative DNA transfer and lgrE, a 5.6-kb gene similar to five others of P. amoebophila: lgrA to lgrD, lgrF. We describe here the structure, regulation and evolution of these proteins termed LGRs since encoded by "Large G+C-Rich" genes. RESULTS: No homologs to the whole protein sequence of LGRs were found in other organisms. Phylogenetic analyses suggest that serial duplications producing the six LGRs occurred relatively recently and nucleotide usage analyses show that lgrB, lgrE and lgrF were relocated on the chromosome. The C-terminal part of LGRs is homologous to Leucine-Rich Repeats domains (LRRs). Defined by a cumulative alignment score, the 5 to 18 concatenated octacosapeptidic (28-meric) LRRs of LGRs present all a predicted alpha-helix conformation. Their closest homologs are the 28-residue RI-like LRRs of mammalian NODs and the 24-meres of some Ralstonia and Legionella proteins. Interestingly, lgrE, which is present on Pam100G like the tra operon, exhibits Pfam domains related to DNA metabolism. CONCLUSION: Comparison of the LRRs, enable us to propose a parsimonious evolutionary scenario of these domains driven by adjacent concatenations of LRRs. Our model established on bacterial LRRs can be challenged in eucaryotic proteins carrying less conserved LRRs, such as NOD proteins and Toll-like receptors.
Flood effectiveness observations imply that two families of processes describe the formation of debris flow volume. One is related to the rainfall?erosion relationship, and can be seen as a gradual process, and one is related to additional geological/geotechnical events, those named hereafter extraordinary events. In order to discuss the hypothesis of coexistence of two modes of volume formation, some methodologies are applied. Firstly, classical approaches consisting in relating volume to catchments characteristics are considered. These approaches raise questions about the quality of the data rather than providing answers concerning the controlling processes. Secondly, we consider statistical approaches (cumulative number of events distribution and cluster analysis) and these suggest the possibility of having two distinct families of processes. However the quantitative evaluation of the threshold differs from the one that could be obtained from the first approach, but they all agree in the sense of the coexistence of two families of events. Thirdly, a conceptual model is built exploring how and why debris flow volume in alpine catchments changes with time. Depending on the initial condition (sediment production), the model shows that large debris flows (i.e. with important volume) are observed in the beginning period, before a steady-state is reached. During this second period debris flow volume such as is observed in the beginning period is not observed again. Integrating the results of the three approaches, two case studies are presented showing: (1) the possibility to observe in a catchment large volumes that will never happen again due to a drastic decrease in the sediment availability, supporting its difference from gradual erosion processes; (2) that following a rejuvenation of the sediment storage (by a rock avalanche) the magnitude?frequency relationship of a torrent can be differentiated into two phases, the beginning one with large and frequent debris flow and a later one with debris flow less intense and frequent, supporting the results of the conceptual model. Although the results obtained cannot identify a clear threshold between the two families of processes, they show that some debris flows can be seen as pulse of sediment differing from that expected from gradual erosion.
Individual learning (e.g., trial-and-error) and social learning (e.g., imitation) are alternative ways of acquiring and expressing the appropriate phenotype in an environment. The optimal choice between using individual learning and/or social learning may be dictated by the life-stage or age of an organism. Of special interest is a learning schedule in which social learning precedes individual learning, because such a schedule is apparently a necessary condition for cumulative culture. Assuming two obligatory learning stages per discrete generation, we obtain the evolutionarily stable learning schedules for the three situations where the environment is constant, fluctuates between generations, or fluctuates within generations. During each learning stage, we assume that an organism may target the optimal phenotype in the current environment by individual learning, and/or the mature phenotype of the previous generation by oblique social learning. In the absence of exogenous costs to learning, the evolutionarily stable learning schedules are predicted to be either pure social learning followed by pure individual learning ("bang-bang" control) or pure individual learning at both stages ("flat" control). Moreover, we find for each situation that the evolutionarily stable learning schedule is also the one that optimizes the learned phenotype at equilibrium.
Plagued for nearly a century by the perennial flooding of Indian Creek, the City begins construction on a massive channelization project designed to confine the creek to its banks. Funded largely through a grant from the recently established Public Works Administration (PWA), the Indian Creek Channel, upon its completion two years later, would become the largest PWA undertaking in the State of Iowa. Though it did not completely end flooding in Council Bluffs, construction of the Indian Creek Channel did substantially reduce both the number and severity of the city's subsequent floods. It also profoundly impacted the residential and commercial development of Council Bluffs, as well as the city's sanitary conditions. The effects of the Indian Creek channelization, both practical and historical, are still realized today. In 2009, plans for a City road and bridge construction project at the intersection of North Broadway Street and Kanesville Boulevard proposed to replace a 221-foot-long segment of the Indian Creek Channel with a concrete box culvert. In compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act, a cultural resources study was conducted at the proposed construction site, the findings of which concluded that the historic character of the Indian Creek Channel would be compromised by the impending construction. As a means of mitigating these damages, an agreement was reached among the City, the Iowa State Historic Preservation Office, and the Federal Highway Administration that resulted in detailed research and documentation of the historical significance of the Indian Creek Channel. The findings of that study are summarized in this publication.
Résumé: Le complexe du Mont Collon (nappe de la Dent Blanche, Austroalpin) est l'un des exemples les mieux préservés du magmatisme mafique permien des Alpes occidentales. Il est composé d'affleurements discontinus et d'une stratification magmatique en son centre (Dents de Bertol) et est composé à 95% de roches mafiques cumulatives (gabbros à olivine et/ou cpx, anorthositiques, troctolites, wehrlites et wehrlites à plagioclase) et localement de quelques gabbros pegmatitiques. Ces faciès sont recoupés par de nombreux filons acides (aphtes, pegmatites quartziques, microgranodiorites et filons anorthositiques) et mafiques tardifs (dikes mélanocrates riches en Fe et Ti). Les calculs thermométriques (équilibre olivine-augite) montrent des températures de 1070-1120 ± 6°C, tandis que le thermomètre amphibole-plagioclase indique une température de 740 ± 40°C à 0.5 GPa pour les amphiboles magmatiques tardives. La geobarométrie sur pyroxène donne des pressions moyennes de 0.3-0.6 GPa, indiquant un emplacement dans la croûte moyenne. De plus, les températures obtenues sur des amphiboles coronitiques indiquent des températures de l'ordre de 700 ± 40°C confirmant que les réactions coronitiques apparaissent dans des conditions subsolidus. Les âges concordants U/Pb sur zircons de 284.2 ± 0.6 et 282.9 ± 0.6 Ma obtenus sur un gabbro pegmatitique et une pegmatitique quartzique, sont interprétés comme des âges de cristallisation. Les datations 40Ar/39Ar sur amphiboles des filons mélanocrates donnent un âge plateau de 260.2 ± 0.7 Ma, qui est probablement très proche de l'âge de cristallisation. Ainsi, cet age 40Ar/39Ar indique un second évènement magmatique au sein du complexe. Les compositions des roches totales en éléments majeurs et traces montrent peu de variations, ainsi que le Mg# (75-80). Les éléments traces enregistrent le caractère cumulatif des roches (anomalie positive en Eu) et révèlent des anomalies négatives systématiques en Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf et Ti dans les faciès basiques. Le manque de corrélation entre éléments majeurs et traces est caractéristique d'un processus de cristallisation in situ impliquant une quantité variable de liquide interstitiel (L) entre les phases cumulus. Les distributions des éléments traces dans les minéraux sont homogènes, indiquant une rééquilibration .subsolidus entre cristaux et liquide interstitiel. Un modèle quantitatif basé sur les équations de cristallisation in situ de Langmuir reproduisent correctement les concentrations en terres rares légères des minéraux cumulatifs montrant la présence de 0 à 35% de liquide interstitiel L pour des degrés de différenciation F de 0 à 45%, par rapport au faciès les moins évolués du complexe. En outre, les valeurs de L sont bien corrélées avec les proportions modales d'amphibole interstitielle et les concentrations en éléments incompatibles des roches (Zr, Nb). Le liquide parental calculé des cumulats du Mont Collon est caractérisé par un enrichissement relatif en terres rares légères et Th, un appauvrissement en terres rares lourdes typique d'une affinité transitionnelle (T-MORB) et une forte anomalie négative en Nb-Ta. Les roches cumulatives montrent des compositions isotopiques en Nd-Sr proches de la terre globale silicatée (BSE), soit 0.6<εNdi<+3.2, 0.7045<87Sr/86Sri<0.7056. Les rapports initiaux en Pb indiquent une source dans le manteau enrichi subcontinental lithosphérique, préalablement contaminé par des sédiments océaniques. Les dikes mélanocrates Fe-Ti sont représentatifs de liquides et ont des spectres de terres rares enrichis, une anomalie positive en Nb-Ta et des εNdi de +7, des 87Sr/86Sri de 0.703 et des rapports initiaux en Pb, similaires à ceux des basaltes d'île océanique, indiquant une source asthénosphérique modérément appauvrie. Ainsi, la fusion partielle du manteau lithosphérique subcontinental est induite par l'amincissement post-orogénique et la remontée de l'asthénosphère. Les filons mélanocrates proviennent, après délamination du manteau lithosphérique, de la fusion de l'asthénosphère. Abstract The early Permian Mont Collon mafic complex (Dent Blanche nappe, Austroalpine nappe system) is one of the best preserved examples of the Permian mafic magmatism in the Western Alps. It is composed of discontinuous exposures and a well-preserved magmatic layering (the Dents de Bertol cliff) crops out in the center part of the complex. It mainly consists of cumulative mafic rocks, which represent 95 vol-% of the mafic complex (ol- and cpx-bearing gabbros and rare anorthositic layers, troctolites, wehrlites and plagioclase-wehrlites) and locally pegmatitic gabbros. All these facies are crosscut by widespread acidic (aplites, quartz-rich pegmatites, microgranodiorites) and late mafic Fe-Ti melanocratic dikes. Olivine-augite thermometric calculations yield a range of 1070-1120 ± 6°C, while amphibole-plagioclase thermometer yields a temperature of 740 ± 40°C at 0.5 GPa. Pyroxene geobarometry points to a pressure of 0.3-0.6 GPa, indicating a middle crustal level of emplacement. Moreover, temperature calculations on the Mont Conon coronitic amphiboles indicate temperatures of 700 ± 40°C, close to those calculated for magmatic amphiboles. These temperatures confirm that coronitic reactions occurred at subsolidus conditions. ID-TIMS U/Pb zircon ages of 284.2 ± 0.6 and 282.9 ± 0.6 Ma obtained on a pegmatitic gabbro and a quartz-pegmatitic dike, respectively, were interpreted as the crystallization ages of these rocks. 40Ar/39Ar dating on amphiboles from Fe-Ti melanocratic dikes yields a plateau age of 260.2 ± 0.7 Ma, which is probably very close to the crystallization age. Consequently, this 40Ar/P39Ar age indicates a second magmatic event. Whole-rock major- and trace-element compositions show little variation across the whole intrusion and Mg-number stays within a narrow range (75-80). Trace-element concentrations record the cumulative nature of the rocks (e.g. positive Eu anomaly) and reveal systematic Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf and Ti negative anomalies for all basic facies. The lack of correlation between major and trace elements is characteristic of an in situ crystallization process involving variable amounts of interstitial liquid (L) trapped between the cumulus mineral phases. LA-ICPMS measurements show that trace-element distributions in minerals are homogeneous, pointing to subsolidus re-equilibration between crystals and interstitial melts. A quantitative modeling based on Langmuir's in situ crystallization equation successfully reproduced the Rare Earth Element (REE) concentrations in cumulitic minerals. The calculated amounts of interstitial liquid L vary between 0 and 35% for degrees of differentiation F of 0 to 45%, relative to the least evolved facies of the intrusion. Furthermore, L values are well correlated with the modal proportions of interstitial amphibole and whole-rock incompatible trace-element concentrations (e.g. Zr, Nb) of the tested samples. The calculated parental melt of the Mont Collon cumulates is characterized by a relative enrichment in Light REE and Th, a depletion in Heavy REE, typical of a transitional affinity (T-MORB), and strong negative Nb-Ta anomaly. Cumulative rocks display Nd-Sr isotopic compositions close to the BSE (-0.6 < εNdi < +3.2, 0.7045 < 87Sr/86Sri < 0.7056). Initial Pb ratios point to an origin from the melting of an enriched subcontinental lithospheric mantle source, previously contaminated at the source by oceanic sediments. The contrasted alkaline Fe-Ti melanocratic dikes are representative of liquids. They display enriched fractionated REE patterns, a positive Nb-Ta anomaly and εNdi of +7, 87Sr/86Sri of 0.703 and initial Pb ratios, all reminiscent of Ocean Island Basalt-type rocks, pointing to a moderately
La diversidad cultural se ha incrementado notablemente en los centros escolares españoles por la llegada de alumnado de origen inmigrado y esto, más los discursos de toma en consideración de las diferencias culturales que han realizado la Unión Europea y las administraciones autonómicas, ha contribuido a la aparición del discurso intercultural. Este artículo presenta la evolución realizada hasta llegar al discurso dominante actual basándose en un trabajo empírico de análisis de documentación editada por la Generalitat de Cataluña sobre política de integración y de escolarización de los inmigrados y entrevistas en profundidad a políticos y técnicos de los diferentes niveles de la administración catalana. De ello se concluye la existencia de tres etapas en la política de integración de los inmigrados en Cataluña: un primer momento de mera observación del fenómeno; una segunda etapa en la que sin abandonar la observación se insiste en la organización vertical y horizontal de la administración para trabajar de forma coordinada un fenómeno que empieza a despertar preocupación; y, una tercera, en la que sin abandonar la necesaria observación y organización, el énfasis se sitúa en la intervención. Estas fases son el marco de lo realizado a nivel educativo donde observamos la dificultad de traducción del discurso intercultural a la práctica cotidiana de los centros escolares, de los noventa, es necesario incrementar los esfuerzos para incorporar al alumnado de origen inmigrado en el dominio de la creencia de que la educación intercultural (en contra de lo que esta implica) es cuestión que deben trabajar los centros con inmigrantes y, ante la presión existente en las aulas (por el incremento del alumnado, la matrícula viva, etc.), el retorno a prácticas potencialmente segregacionistas que nos recuerdan actuaciones implementadas para escolarizar a los gitanos años atrás. Sin negar los avances realizados desde mediados aulas y centros de Cataluña.
Tutkimuksen päätavoitteena on ollut selvittää miten kansallinen ja organisaatiokulttuuri, niihin liittyvät normit ja arvot edesauttavat tai vaikeuttavat luottamuksen kehittymistä monikulttuurisissa tiimeissä maailmanlaajuisessa organisaatiossa. Tutkimuksen avulla haluttiin myös selvittää miten luottamus kehittyy hajautetuissa monikansallisissa tiimeissä WorldCom Internationalissa. Empiirinen tutkimusmenetelmä perustuu kvalitatiivisiin teemahaastatteluihin, jotka tehtiin WorldComin työntekijöille. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, ettei yhteisten sosiaalisten normien merkitys luottamuksen syntymiselle ole niin merkittävä, koska WorldComin yhtenäiset toimintatavat sekä hallitseva amerikkalaisen emoyhtiön "kotikulttuuri" muodostavat yhtenäiset toimintalinjat tiimeissä. Tietokonevälitteisen kommunikoinnin jatkuva käyttö on edesauttanut työntekijöiden ns. sosiaalisen älyn kehittymistä, sillä henkilökohtaisen tapaamisen puuttuminen kehittää vastaavasti taitoja aistia ja tulkita sähköpostien tai puhelinneuvotteluiden aikana välittyviä vastapuolen "näkymättömiä" vihjeitä.