966 resultados para Cultural liquid energy


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Sleep deprivation leads to increased subsequent sleep length and depth and to deficits in cognitive performance in humans. In animals extreme sleep deprivation is eventually fatal. The cellular and molecular mechanisms causing the symptoms of sleep deprivation are unclear. This thesis was inspired by the hypothesis that during wakefulness brain energy stores would be depleted, and they would be replenished during sleep. The aim of this thesis was to elucidate the energy metabolic processes taking place in the brain during sleep deprivation. Endogenous brain energy metabolite levels were assessed in vivo in rats and in humans in four separate studies (Studies I-IV). In the first part (Study I) the effects of local energy depletion on brain energy metabolism and sleep were studied in rats with the use of in vivo microdialysis combined with high performance liquid chromatography. Energy depletion induced by 2,4-dinitrophenol infusion into the basal forebrain was comparable to the effects of sleep deprivation: both increased extracellular concentrations of adenosine, lactate, and pyruvate, and elevated subsequent sleep. This result supports the hypothesis of a connection between brain energy metabolism and sleep. The second part involved healthy human subjects (Studies II-IV). Study II aimed to assess the feasibility of applying proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H MRS) to study brain lactate levels during cognitive stimulation. Cognitive stimulation induced an increase in lactate levels in the left inferior frontal gyrus, showing that metabolic imaging of neuronal activity related to cognition is possible with 1H MRS. Study III examined the effects of sleep deprivation and aging on the brain lactate response to cognitive stimulation. No physiologic, cognitive stimulation-induced lactate response appeared in the sleep-deprived and in the aging subjects, which can be interpreted as a sign of malfunctioning of brain energy metabolism. This malfunctioning may contribute to the functional impairment of the frontal cortex both during aging and sleep deprivation. Finally (Study IV), 1H MRS major metabolite levels in the occipital cortex were assessed during sleep deprivation and during photic stimulation. N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA/H2O) decreased during sleep deprivation, supporting the hypothesis of sleep deprivation-induced disturbance in brain energy metabolism. Choline containing compounds (Cho/H2O) decreased during sleep deprivation and recovered to alert levels during photic stimulation, pointing towards changes in membrane metabolism, and giving support to earlier observations of altered brain response to stimulation during sleep deprivation. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that sleep deprivation alters brain energy metabolism. However, the effects of sleep deprivation on brain energy metabolism may vary from one brain area to another. Although an effect of sleep deprivation might not in all cases be detectable in the non-stimulated baseline state, a challenge imposed by cognitive or photic stimulation can reveal significant changes. It can be hypothesized that brain energy metabolism during sleep deprivation is more vulnerable than in the alert state. Changes in brain energy metabolism may participate in the homeostatic regulation of sleep and contribute to the deficits in cognitive performance during sleep deprivation.


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The measured specific heat of normal liquid 3He shows a plateau for 0.15<1 K; below 0.15 K and above 1 K, it rises linearly with temperature. However, the slope on the high-temperature side is very much reduced compared with the free-Fermi-gas value. We explain these features through a microscopic, thermal spin- and density-fluctuation model. The plateau is due to spin fluctuations which have a low characteristic energy in 3He. Because of the low compressibility, the density fluctuations are highly suppressed; this leads to a reduced slope for CV(T) for high temperatures.


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A rate equation is developed for the liquid phase hydrogenation of aniline over cylindrical catalyst pellets of 30% nickel deposited on clay in a trickle bed reactor. The equation takes into account external and internal diffusional limitations, and describes the experimental data adequately. The hydrogenation reaction is first order with respect to hydrogen and zero order with respect to aniline. Effectiveness factors are in the range 0.003-0.03. Apparent activation energy of the reaction is 12.7 kcal/mol and true activation energy is 39.6 kcal/mol.


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A rate equation is developed for the liquid-phase oxidation of propionaldehyde with oxygen in the presence of manganese propionate catalyst in a sparged reactor. The equation takes into account diffusional limitations based on Brian's solution for mass transfer accompanied by a pseudo m-. nth-order reaction. Sauter-mean bubble diameter, gas holdup, interfacial area, and bubble rise velocity are measured, and rates of mass transfer within the gas phase and across the gas-liquid interface are computed. Statistically designed experiments show the adequacy of the equation. The oxidation reaction is zero order with respect to oxygen concentration, 3/2 order with respect to aldehyde concentration, and order with respect to catalyst concentration. The activation energy is 12.1 kcal/g mole.


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A universal relation between the cohesive energy and the particle size has been predicted based on the liquid-drop model. The universal relation is well supported by other theoretical models and the available experimental data. The universal relations for intermediate size range as well as for particles with very few atoms are discussed. A comparison of onset temperature of evaporation also establishes a universal relation.


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We study the current produced in a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid by an applied bias and by weak, pointlike impurity potentials which are oscillating in time. We use bosonization to perturbatively calculate the current up to second order in the impurity potentials. In the regime of small bias and low pumping frequency, both the dc and ac components of the current have power-law dependences on the bias and pumping frequencies with an exponent 2K-1 for spinless electrons, where K is the interaction parameter. For K < 1/2, the current grows large for special values of the bias. For noninteracting electrons with K=1, our results agree with those obtained using Floquet scattering theory for Dirac fermions. We also discuss the cases of extended impurities and of spin-1/2 electrons.


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Vibrational density of states (VDOS) in a supercooled polydisperse liquid is computed by diagonalizing the Hessian matrix evaluated at the potential energy minima for systems with different values of polydispersity. An increase in polydispersity leads to an increase in the relative population of localized high-frequency modes. At low frequencies, the density of states shows an excess compared to the Debye squared-frequency law, which has been identified with the boson peak. The height of the boson peak increases with polydispersity and shows a rather narrow sensitivity to changes in temperature. While the modes comprising the boson peak appear to be largely delocalized, there is a sharp drop in the participation ratio of the modes that exist just below the boson peak indicative of the quasilocalized nature of the low-frequency vibrations. Study of the difference spectrum at two different polydispersity reveals that the increase in the height of boson peak is due to a population shift from modes with frequencies above the maximum in the VDOS to that below the maximum, indicating an increase in the fraction of the unstable modes in the system. The latter is further supported by the facilitation of the observed dynamics by polydispersity. Since the strength of the liquid increases with polydispersity, the present result provides an evidence that the intensity of boson peak correlates positively with the strength of the liquid, as observed earlier in many experimental systems.


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Within the Grassmannian U(2N)/U(N) x U(N) nonlinear sigma-model representation of localization, one can study the low-energy dynamics of both a free and interacting electron gas. We study the crossover between these two fundamentally different physical problems. We show how the topological arguments for the exact quantization of the Hall conductance are extended to include the Coulomb interaction problem. We discuss dynamical scaling and make contact with the theory of variable range hopping. (C) 2005 Pleiades Publishing, Inc.


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The activity of gallium in liquid Ga-Te alloys has been measured at 1120 K using a solid state galvanic cell incorporating yttria-stabilized thoria as the solid electrolyte. The cell can be schematically represented as (−) W,Re,Ga(1)+Ga2O3(s)|(Y2O3) ThO2|Ga-Te(1) + Ga2O3(s), Re, W (+) The activity of tellurium was derived by Gibbs-Duhem integration. The activity of gallium shows negative deviation from Raoult's law for XGa < 0.6 and positive deviation from ideality for XGa > 0.6. The activity of gallium was constant in the composition range 0.73 < XGa < 0.89, indicating liquid state immiscibility in this region. The Gibbs energy of mixing and the concentration-concentration structure factor at long wavelength limit show a minimum at XGa ≈ 0.4, suggesting strong interactions in the liquid phase with formation of ‘Ga2Te3‘-type complexes


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A microscopic theory of equilibrium solvation and solvation dynamics of a classical, polar, solute molecule in dipolar solvent is presented. Density functional theory is used to explicitly calculate the polarization structure around a solvated ion. The calculated solvent polarization structure is different from the continuum model prediction in several respects. The value of the polarization at the surface of the ion is less than the continuum value. The solvent polarization also exhibits small oscillations in space near the ion. We show that, under certain approximations, our linear equilibrium theory reduces to the nonlocal electrostatic theory, with the dielectric function (c(k)) of the liquid now wave vector (k) dependent. It is further shown that the nonlocal electrostatic estimate of solvation energy, with a microscopic c(k), is close to the estimate of linearized equilibrium theories of polar liquids. The study of solvation dynamics is based on a generalized Smoluchowski equation with a mean-field force term to take into account the effects of intermolecular interactions. This study incorporates the local distortion of the solvent structure near the ion and also the effects of the translational modes of the solvent molecules.The latter contribution, if significant, can considerably accelerate the relaxation of solvent polarization and can even give rise to a long time decay that agrees with the continuum model prediction. The significance of these results is discussed.


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The associated model for binary systems has been modified to include volume effects and excess entropy arising from preferential interactions between the associate and the free atoms or between the free atoms. Equations for thermodynamic mixing functions have been derived. An optimization procedure using a modified conjugate gradient method has been used to evaluate the enthalpy and entropy interaction energies, the free energy of dissociation of the complex, its temperature dependance and the size of the associate. An expression for the concentration—concentration structure factor [Scc (0)] has been deduced from the modified associated solution model. The analysis has been applied to the thermodynamic mixing functions of liquid Ga-Te alloys at 1120 K, believed to contain Ga2Te3 associates. It is observed that the modified associated solution model incorporating volume effects and terms for the temperature dependance of interaction energies, describes the thermodynamic properties of Ga-Te system satisfactorily.


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A unified treatment of polarization relaxation, dielectric dispersion and solvation dynamics in a dense, dipolar liquid is presented. It is shown that the information of solvent polarization relaxation that is obtained by macroscopic dielectric dispersion experiments is not sufficient to understand dynamics of solvation of a newly created ion or dipole. In solvation, a significant contribution comes from intermediate wave vector processes which depend critically on the short range (nearest‐neighbor) spatial and orientational order that are present in a dense, dipolar liquid. An analytic expression is obtained for the time dependent solvation energy that depends, in addition to the translational and rotational diffusion coefficients of the liquid, on the ratio of solute–solvent molecular sizes and on the microscopic structure of the polar liquid. Mean spherical approximation (MSA) theory is used to obtain numerical results for polarization relaxation, for wave vector and frequency dependent dielectric function and for time dependent solvation energy. We find that in the absence of translational contribution, the solvation of an ion is, in general, nonexponential. In this case, the short time decay is dominated by the longitudinal relaxation time but the long time decay is dominated by much slower large wave vector processes involving nearest‐neighbor molecules. The presence of a significant translational contribution drastically alters the decay behavior. Now, the long‐time behavior is given by the longitudinal relaxation time constant and the short time dynamics is controlled by the large wave vector processes. Thus, although the continuum model itself is conceptually wrong, a continuum model like result is recovered in the presence of a sizeable translational contribution. The continuum model result is also recovered in the limit of large solute to solvent size ratio. In the opposite limit of small solute size, the decay is markedly nonexponential (if the translational contribution is not very large) and a complete breakdown of the continuum model takes place. The significance of these results is discussed.


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Theoretical expressions for the time-dependent solvation energy of an ion and of a dipole in a dense dipolar liquid are derived from microscopic considerations. We show that in contradiction to the prediction of the continuum models, the dynamics of these two species are significantly different from each other. Especially, the zero wavevector contribution, which is significant for ions, is totally absent for dipoles. Dipolar solvation may be profoundly influenced by the translational modes of the host solvent.


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We study the elasticity, topological defects, and hydrodynamics of the recently discovered incommensurate smectic (AIC) phase, characterized by two collinear mass density waves of incommensurate spatial frequency. The low-energy long-wavelength excitations of the system can be described by a displacement field u(x) and a ��phason�� field w(x) associated, respectively, with collective and relative motion of the two constituent density waves. We formulate the elastic free energy in terms of these two variables and find that when w=0, its functional dependence on u is identical to that of a conventional smectic liquid crystal, while when u=0, its functional dependence on w is the same as that for the angle variable in a slightly anisotropic XY model. An arbitrariness in the definition of u and w allows a choice that eliminates all relevant couplings between them in the long-wavelength elastic energy. The topological defects of the system are dislocations with nonzero u and w components. We introduce a two-dimensional Burgers lattice for these dislocations, and compute the interaction between them. This has two parts: one arising from the u field that is short ranged and identical to the interaction between dislocations in an ordinary smectic liquid crystal, and one arising from the w field that is long ranged and identical to the logarithmic interaction between vortices in an XY model. The hydrodynamic modes of the AIC include first- and second-sound modes whose direction-dependent velocities are identical to those in ordinary smectics. The sound attenuations have a different direction dependence, however. The breakdown of hydrodynamics found in conventional smectic liquid crystals, with three of the five viscosities diverging as 1/? at small frequencies ?, occurs in these systems as well and is identical in all its details. In addition, there is a diffusive phason mode, not found in ordinary smectic liquid crystals, that leads to anomalously slow mechanical response analogous to that predicted in quasicrystals, but on a far more experimentally accessible time scale.


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The regular associated solution model for binary systems has been modified by incorporating the size of the complex as an explicit variable. The thermodynamic properties of the liquid alloy and the interactions between theA ?B type of complex and the unassociated atoms in anA-B binary have been evaluated as a function of relative size of the complex using the activity coefficients at infinite dilution and activity data at one other composition in the binary. The computational procedure adopted for determining the concentration of clusters and interaction energies in the associated liquid is similar to that proposed by Lele and Rao. The analysis has been applied to the thermodynamic mixing functions of liquid Al-Ca alloys believed to contain Al2Ca associates. It is found that the size of the cluster significantly affects the interaction energies between the complex and the unassociated atoms, while the equilibrium constant and enthalpy change for the association reaction exhibit only minor variation, when the equations are fitted to experimental data. The interaction energy between unassociated free atoms remains virtually unaltered as the size of the complex is varied between extreme values. Accurate data on free energy, enthalpy, and volume of mixing at the same temperature on alloy systems with compound forming tendency would permit a rigorous test of the proposed model.