982 resultados para Creative thinking


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The nature of creative and insightful thinking of Year 8 students in mathematics classes was studied through simultaneous examination of post-lesson video stimulated interviews and lesson video. One case is used to illustrate these findings. The concept of Space to Think emerged as a space manoeuvred by each of the five (out of eighty-six) students from Australia and the USA who creatively developed new knowledge. This Space to Think illuminates pedagogical moves that provide opportunities for creative thinking.


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Purpose: – The main aim of this paper is to stimulate more relevant and critical ideas about marketing and the wider management field by exploring the actual and potential contribution of metaphor to marketing theory and practice. The subsequent connections made can help contribute towards understanding and coping with the theory/practice gap.

– To date, the majority of metaphor application has tended to be literal and surface-level rather than theoretically grounded. This paper interrogates the literature surrounding metaphor in marketing and management fields, while also examining the contribution of other areas such as art. The paper constructs and debates the conceptual notion of the marketer as an artist.

Findings: – Incorporation of theoretically grounded metaphors into marketing theory can help develop a form of marketing which is capable of dealing with ambiguity, chaotic market conditions, creative thinking and practice.

– Adoption of a metaphorical approach to marketing research helps to instil a critical and creative ethos in the research process. Marketers are concerned with identification and exploitation of opportunities. Metaphor assists in the process by enhancing visualisation of these future directions. We live out our lives to a large degree through the making of metaphorical connections. We should therefore embrace more qualitative, creative associations in marketing theory, as well as practice.


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In the late 1980ˇ¦s, a realisation that the western education system bequeathed to Papua New Guinea at the time of Independence had functioned to devalue and marginalise many of the traditional beliefs, knowledge and skills students brought with them to education, led to a period of significant education reform. The Reform was premised on the report of a Ministerial Review Committee called A Philosophy of Education. This report made recommendations about how education in Papua New Guinea could respond to the issues and challenges this nation faced as it sought to chart a course to serve the needs of its citizens on its own terms. The issues associated with managing and implementing institutionalised educational change premised on importing western values and practices are a central theme of this thesis. The impact of importing foreign curriculum and associated curriculum officers and consultants to assist with curriculum change and development in the former Language and Literacy unit of the Curriculum Development Division, is considered in three related sections of this report: „P a critical review of the imported educational system and related practices and related issues since Independence „P narrative report of the experience of two colleagues in western education „P evidential research based on curriculum Reform in the Language and Literacy Unit. How Papua New Guinea has sought to come to terms with the issues and challenges that arose in response to a practice of importing western curriculum both at the time of Independence and currently through the Reform, are explored throughout the thesis. The findings issues reveal much about the capacity of individuals and institutions to respond to a post-colonial world particularly associated with an ongoing colonial legacy in the principle researcherˇ¦s work context. The thesis argues that the challenges Papua New Guinea curriculum officers face today, as they manage and implement changes associated with another imported curriculum are caught up in existing power relations. These power relations function to stifle creative thinking at a time when it is most needed. Further, these power relations are not well understood by the curriculum officers and remained hidden and unquestioned throughout the research project. The thesis also argues that in the researcherˇ¦s work context, techniques of surveillance were brought to bear and functioned to curtail critical thinking about how the reformed curriculum could be sensitive and respectful of those beliefs and traditions that had sustained life in Papua New Guinea for thousands of years. Consequently, many outmoded beliefs and practices associated with an uncritical and ongoing acceptance of the superiority of western imports have been retained, thereby effectively denying the collective voices of Paua New Guineans in the current curriculum Reform.


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Students’ early exposure to the fundamentals of business and Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), creation of a professional skill base, as well as, the gaining of practical experience in applying such knowledge and skills, are the determinants of success in their study and development as Information Systems (IS) professionals. This chapter argues that e-simulations, or computer-based and online simulations, can be effectively used to engage learners in interactive learning activities and provide them with real world practical experience in the safety of an educational setting. A research project is subsequently described. A suite of e-simulations were developed and deployed across two institutions to support teaching and learning of Information Systems. Using staff discussions and online surveys, quantitative and qualitative data were collected from the staff and students. The collected data were then analysed to evaluate and guide a sequence of curriculum and technology changes with a view to arriving at an optimum support model for students and teachers using the e-simulations. The findings of the study emphasise the usefulness of e-simulations to accommodate the learning styles of generation Y students, to stimulate their interest and creative thinking, and in meeting industry expectations of IS graduates’ ability to fulfil professional roles. Based on these insights, in its concluding remarks, the chapter outlines a conceptual framework for the inclusion of e-simulations in Information Systems curriculum development and teaching delivery.


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This article builds on the argument of a link between behaviours observed in persons with autism spectrum disorders and persons with anorexia nervosa. In describing these behaviours, a link is made between deficits in social cognition, lack of flexible and creative thinking, theory of mind, and deficits in early pretend play ability. Early pretend play ability is a strong avenue to the development and strengthening of social cognition, problem solving, language, logical sequential thought, and understanding social situations. Currently, there is no literature on the pretend play ability of persons who develop anorexia nervosa. This article argues for research into this area which may potentially contribute to developments in new intervention strategies for these persons.


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This article adds to the ongoing debate on the relationship between poverty reduction, profits, and environmental sustainability. Drawing from the literature, it presents a conceptual model with propositions to explain how social entrepreneurs can lead to sustainable development in developing countries. These propositions are further strengthened by using a descriptive case of Waste Concern—an initiative of social entrepreneurs—in Bangladesh. Findings illustrate that, despite contextual constraints in developing countries, it is possible to have sustainable development with no trade-off between poverty reduction and environmental sustainability. This win-win outcome is possible through the innovative approaches and creative thinking of social entrepreneurs who, rather than being hindered by contextual constraints, act as catalysts for sustainable development. The findings have implications for academics and policy-makers, highlighting the significance of supporting social entrepreneurs to come up with innovative methods for sustainable development.


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This study presents a novel and accompanying exegesis which explore the fool behind the Fool by stripping away his usual costume and arenas of power and folly to expose an essence – an impulse of potentiality – that helps explain the Fool’s perpetuity and argues his critical significance as a catalyst for creative thinking.


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This study investigates the contributions of reading literature for the development of creative thinking in childhood. Its relevance consists in exploring practices that contemplate the creative thinking development in apprentices at school space and understanding the literature like a significant way to promote the creative thinking. The study is connected to the qualitaty strand. The exploratory observation and the intervention were adopted as research techniques. The field diary and the audio and video recording of the reading sections were adopted as methodological instruments. The research was conducted in the application s college from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, in a 1th grade class, with 18 students between 6 and 7 years old. During the intervention, 8 readind class happened, with varied strategies and literary genres. The reading sessions were conducted through the principles of scaffolding, defended by Graves and Graves (1995). The corpus is made of speaks episodes, whose encoding semantics allowed the grouping into two central categories: divergent thinking and coauthoring of literary reader. It was taken as a theoretical framework the studies of Amarilha (2011; 2006; 2001; 1991; 1993; 1994), Alencar (2001), Coelho (2000; 1997), Culler (1999), De Masi (2005), Gallo (2000), Guilford (1977), Iser (1996), Jouve (2002), Kneller (1978), Martínez (1997), Smith (2003), Stierle (1979), Vigotski (2009; 1998), Wechsler; Nakano (2003; 2002). The analysis points to the formation of creative individuals in the classroom, through the reading of literature. Reposition the literary education front of the new social demands. Resizes the function of school in children s development, considering the children s skill in exploring, testing hypotheses and making use of their creative thinking, in climate of freedom mental. It signals, in this way, the teacher like a mediator, promoting a favorable to the development of creative thinking environment, a stimulating atmosphere, which enhances the expression of creative thinking in community


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After crossing several generations and countries, broader functions are being incorporated to origami than simply making art objects: the fold initiates a series of new buildings within the design and creation. Under the new repre- sentations and performances that the art of paper folding keeps, this article aims to investigate how the origami is configured nowadays and how it behaves while contemporary language applied to projective processes of diverse natures. To better understand the actual origami, relations are used inside branch of math, conceptual and projectual. Relating theorists, artists, designers, etc., can point out the relevance of each of these areas in the configuration of cientific and projectual origami. The modularity, the collective, the conscious build, the contemporary and the inno- vation are relationships intrinsic to the praxis projectual that shape a landscape adjacent and subordinate to the main structure governing. It bets on the essence of origami as a tangible functionality for creative thinking.


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This article aims to seek new forms of creative and artistic expression origami nowadays. After crossing many generations and countries, we noted that the functions of origami are much broader than simply making folding paper: the folding has promoted a number of new buildings within the hybrid design and creativity. Modularity, the collective, the build conscious, contemporary and innovation are intrinsic relations to artistic praxis that configure an adjacent scenario and subordinate to the main structure that govern this research project. We believe in the essence of origami as a tangible functionality for creative thinking.


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The purpose of this research is to contribute to the literature on organizational demography and new product development by investigating how diverse individual career histories impact team performance. Moreover we highlighted the importance of considering also the institutional context and the specific labour market arrangements in which a team is embedded, in order to interpret correctly the effect of career-related diversity measures on performance. The empirical setting of the study is the videogame industry, and the teams in charge of the development of new game titles. Video games development teams are the ideal setting to investigate the influence of career histories on team performance, since the development of videogames is performed by multidisciplinary teams composed by specialists with a wide variety of technical and artistic backgrounds, who execute a significant amounts of creative thinking. We investigate our research question both with quantitative methods and with a case study on the Japanese videogame industry: one of the most innovative in this sector. Our results show how career histories in terms of occupational diversity, prior functional diversity and prior product diversity, usually have a positive influence on team performance. However, when the moderating effect of the institutional setting is taken in to account, career diversity has different or even opposite effect on team performance, according to the specific national context in which a team operates.


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In the present study we introduce a novel task for the quantitative assessment of both originality and speed of individual associations. This 'BAG' (Bridge-the-Associative-Gap) task was used to investigate the relationships between creativity and paranormal belief. Twelve strong 'believers' and 12 strong 'skeptics' in paranormal phenomena were selected from a large student population (n > 350). Subjects were asked to produce single-word associations to word pairs. In 40 trials the two stimulus words were semantically indirectly related and in 40 other trials the words were semantically unrelated. Separately for these two stimulus types, response commonalities and association latencies were calculated. The main finding was that for unrelated stimuli, believers produced associations that were more original (had a lower frequency of occurrence in the group as a whole) than those of the skeptics. For the interpretation of the result we propose a model of association behavior that captures both 'positive' psychological aspects (i.e., verbal creativity) and 'negative' aspects (susceptibility to unfounded inferences), and outline its relevance for psychiatry. This model suggests that believers adopt a looser response criterion than skeptics when confronted with 'semantic noise'. Such a signal detection view of the presence/absence of judgments for loose semantic relations may help to elucidate the commonalities between creative thinking, paranormal belief and delusional ideation.


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An abnormal facilitation of the spreading activation within semantic networks is thought to under-lie schizophrenics' remote associations and referential ideas. In normal subjects, elevated magical ideation (MI) has also been associated with a style of thinking similar to that of schizotypal subjects. We thus wondered whether normal subjects with a higher MI score would judge "loose associations" as being more closely related than do subjects with a lower MI score. In two experiments, we investigated whether judgments of the semantic distance between stimulus words varied as a function of MI. In the first experiment, random word pairs of two word classes, animals and fruits, were presented. Subjects had to judge the semantic distance between word pairs. In the second experiment, sets of three words were presented, consisting of a pair of indirectly related, or unrelated nouns plus a third noun. Subjects had to judge the semantic distance of the third noun to the word pair The results of both experiments showed that higher MI subjects considered unrelated words as more closely associated than did lower MI subjects. We conjecture that for normal subjects high on MI "loose associations" may not be loose after all. We also note that the tendency to link uncommon, nonobvious, percepts may not only be the basis of paranormal and paranoid ideas of reference, but also a prerequisite of creative thinking.


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El presente trabajo es producto de la tesis doctoral titulada La generación de mundos de ficción en jóvenes sordos. La literatura como herramienta para el desarrollo del pensamiento creativo y del Proyecto de investigación: Estrategias pedagógico-didácticas para el desarrollo y aprendizaje de las habilidades sociales en escuelas públicas de enseñanza común y especial del gran Mendoza, dirigido por el Dr. Benito Parés.2 En dicho trabajo se pone en evidencia cómo a través de espacios de literatura se desarrollan las habilidades sociales de autoafirmación, entre otras, tal como la autoestima y la confianza en uno mismo a partir de la utilización de técnicas de creatividad literaria. En esta investigación nos interesó indagar respecto de las posibilidades de los jóvenes sordos para generar textos de ficción que permitieran desarrollar el pensamiento divergente, y pudimos advertir también, las habilidades sociales que se ponen en juego ante las tareas solicitadas a dichos jóvenes. A partir de las propuestas de trabajo realizadas por las Personas Sordas que participaron del proyecto, observamos por un lado el cambio de actitud frente a la tarea y por otro las manifestaciones de placer al realizar las actividades propuestas. En relación con los resultados, pudimos apreciar la presencia de habilidades sociales de autoafirmación, resolución de problemas, comunicacionales, de expresión de emociones y sentimientos entre otras, como consecuencia del trabajo con textos literarios.


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La materia se presenta ante nosotros en multiplicidad de formas o “apariencias”. A lo largo de la historia se ha reflexionado sobre la relación entre la materia y la forma en distintos campos desde la filosofía hasta la ciencia, pasando por el arte y la arquitectura, moviéndose entre disciplinas desde las más prácticas a las más artísticas, generando posicionamientos opuestos, como el materialismo-idealismo. El concepto de materia a su vez ha ido cambiando a medida que la conciencia humana y la ciencia han ido evolucionando, pasando de considerarse materia como un ente con “masa” a la materia vacía, donde la “masa” es una ilusión que se nos “aparece” dependiendo de la frecuencia con la que vibra su sistema energético. A partir del concepto de “matière” , Josef Albers desarrolla su metodología docente. La matière es más que el aspecto, la “apariencia” que va más allá de la forma cristalizada. Es la forma cambiante que puede adoptar la materia cuando es transformada por el ser humano, dejando su huella sobre ella. Las tres cualidades de la “matière” que el profesor Albers propone en sus ejercicios del Curso Preliminar para desarrollar la “visión” con la “matière” desde la Bauhaus hasta la Universidad de Yale son: Estructural, Factural y Textural. Al desarrollar la observación, teniendo en cuenta estas tres referencias, se descubriá la desvinculación entre lo material y su apariencia desde la honradez. “La discrepancia entre los hechos físicos y el efecto psíquico”. En un proceso constante de ensayo y error se desarrollará la sensibilización individual hacia el material y la evaluación y critica gracias a la dinámica del taller que permite por comparación, aprender y evolucionar como individuo dentro de una sociedad. Esa metodología inductiva regulada por la economía de recursos, promueve el pensamiento creativo, fundamental para producir a través de la articulación un nuevo lenguaje que por medio de la formulación visual exprese nuestra relación con el mundo, con la vida. La vida que constantemente fluye y oscila entre dos polos opuestos, generando interrelaciones que tejen el mundo. Esas interacciones son las que dan vida a la obra artísitica de Albers. PALABRAS CLAVE: materia y matière, estructural factural y textural, vision, hecho físico y efectos psiquico, pensamiento creativo, vida. The matter stands before us in multiple ways or "appearances". Throughout history the relationship between matter and form has been thought out from different fields, from philosophy to science, including art and architecture, moving between disciplines from the most practical to the most artistic generating positions opposites, as materialism-idealism . The concept of matter in turn has changed as the humna consciousness and science have evolved, from being considered as a matter of "mass" to the empty field where the "mass" is an illusion that we "appears" depending on the frequency with which vibrates its energy system. Using the concept of "matière", Josef Albers develops its teaching methodology. The matière is more than the look, the "appearance" that goes beyond the crystallized form. It is the changing form that may take the matter when it is transformed by humans, leaving their mark on it. The three qualities of "matière" that Professor Albers exercises proposed in the Preliminary Course to develop a "vision" with the "matière" from the Bauhaus to Yale are: Structural, Factural and Textural. To develop observation, taking into account these three references, the separation between the material and its appearance was discovered from honesty. "The discrepancy between physical fact and psychic effect." In an ongoing process by trial and error to develop individual sensitzing towards material and critical evaluation through dynamic workshop. The workshop allows for comparison, learn and evolve as an individual within a society. That inductive methodology regulated by the economy of resources, promotes creative thinking, essential to produce through articulation a new language through visual formulation expresses our relationship with the world, with life. Life constantly flowing, oscillates between two opposite poles, creating relationships that weave the world. These interactions are what give life to the artistic work of Albers. KEYWORDS: