946 resultados para Crítica cultural
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A ideologia da cultura no Brasil, abordada do ponto de vista de uma cultura mais e mais administrada e burocratizada. Os problemas decorrentes da falta de integração cultural do país — integração esta obstaculizada a nível da ideologia — e a necessidade de se formular uma teoria que dê conta dos mecanismos ideológicos engendrados nesse processo, e que atuem a nível do cotidiano, destruindo as possibilidades integradoras do processo cultural.
This article aims to show elements based on historical-cultural psychology, which are reiterative of historically systematized scientific knowledge transmission as condition of human development and essential function of school education. In that way, it points the sign appropriation as decisive mark in the natural psychic basis overcoming towards to culturally established psychophysical properties formation, characterizing the psychism as an interfuncional system answerable for the constitution of the subjective image of objective reality. In the face of such presuppositions, it firms the role of school education in the mentioned image formation, highlighting the qualitative differences resultant of education based to quotidian and spontaneous concepts, as well as scientific ones. It pleads that the defense of sign quality offered to appropriation by school education is the main intersection point between the historical-cultural psychology and the historical-critical pedagogy.
This article presents the theoretical and methodological unity between the historical-critical pedagogy and cultural-historical psychology. It highlights, in addition to the membership of both theories to historical-dialectical materialism, the basic premises that point toward the affirmation of school education as a condition of humanization of individuals, as well as the transmission of historically systematized knowledge as one of the requirements for the achieving this purpose. In this direction, we aim to demonstrate that the historical-critical pedagogy contains, in its innerness, a solid psychological foundation, consistently built by a cultural-historical conception of man, society and educative nature that guides the relationship between them through the human vital activity, that is, through the work. It is in the core of those fundamentals that the alliance between this pedagogical theory and cultural-historical psychology is evident.
This article highlights the theoretical and methodological unity existing between the culturalhistorical psychology and the historical-critical pedagogy, taking the category of mediation as a central element of analysis. This fact is justified since that category is emerging as an essential premise of the historical-materialist dialectical method; and this method, in turn, is the foundation of both the historicalcultural psychology and the pedagogy historical-critical. For achieving the stated aim, the text is organized around two themes. The first goes back to the historical-cultural conception of psychism, highlighting of internalization of signs as a condition for the development of that psychism; the second brings into focus the relationship between internalization of signs and concept formation, in order to demonstrate that the quality of the concepts in the training school is the intervening variable in the psychological development. By the way of concluding remarks, it is said the internalization of signs as a central element of mediation between historical-cultural psychology and historical-critical pedagogy.
431 p.
Resumen: Desde la identificación de algunos trazos distintivos de la autoconciencia posmoderna prevalente (Vattimo-Rorty), el A. aborda la implicación de ésta en lo que H. Arendt denomina „la crisis de la educación‟, como incapacidad teorizada de transmisión propositivo-crítica de sentido. El A. aborda luego el pasaje de esa crisis, en la que el „yo‟ desaparece, a las condiciones ontológico-gnoseológicas del encuentro del „yo‟ en el vínculo vivo presente-pasado, inherente a la relación educativa como gestación del futuro en el presente. A partir del concepto de „testamento‟ (H. Arendt) y de „tradicionalidad‟ (P. Ricoeur), el A. desarrolla la dialéctica entre reconocimiento y transmisión crítica del sentido. El contenido ético de tal dialéctica de la historicidad concreta, asume y traspasa el concepto de tradicionalidad como transmisión de un discurso cultural, para acceder al concepto de „natalidad‟, en cuanto esclarece el renacimiento del „yo‟ en la relación educativa H.Arendt-Luigi Giussani), ahora entendida como creación de personalidad y de historia, bajo la guía del „principio de realidad‟, constitutivo de la identidad abierta propia de la tradición dramática de Occidente (Rémi Brague).
499 p. (Bibliogr. 443-474)