790 resultados para County school systems
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE
Busca analisar o uso da Modelagem em um sistema escolar organizado em ciclos de formação, no que refere a configuração das barreiras que foram citadas pela literatura a partir de reflexões e análises da utilização da Modelagem em sistemas escolares organizados em séries anuais. Visamos analisar se as barreiras se mantêm, se são minimizadas, eliminadas e ainda se surgem outras, na organização escolar em ciclos de formação. Diante de tal objetivo, optamos metodologicamente por uma abordagem qualitativa. Os dados foram obtidos, a partir de: leituras bibliográficas sobre os temas em questão; entrevistas semi-estruturadas; produções escritas e relatos orais dos alunos, obtidas nas atividades de Modelagem realizadas em uma escola da Rede Municipal de Belém, organizada oficialmente em ciclos de formação. Como resultado da análise dos dados a partir dessas fontes, construímos questionamentos, hipóteses, conclusões e sugestões em torno da configuração das barreiras, quando a Modelagem é utilizada na organização em ciclos de formação. Verificamos que a organização em ciclos é propícia ao uso da Modelagem de maneira ampla e efetiva, em suas diferentes maneiras de materialização, em virtude das medidas oficiais que esse sistema dispõe e suscita. Evidenciamos nesse sentido, o quanto essas medidas prescindem de consolidações e reformulações.
The purpose of this research is to show the types of violence committed by teachers that were experienced and/or witnessed by future teachers during their schooling history. It's a quantitative and qualitative research. The collection, organization, and analysis of data proceeded from Content Analysis (BARDIN, 1977) and the construction of Bernard Charlot and Pierre Bourdieu's works and specific literature on the theme. The subjects are 12 students that attended the Pedagogy undergraduate program in 2011 at the Faculty of Science and Arts of the city of Araraquara in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The data shows that the majority of the group of individuals claimed to have witnessed or experienced violence by teachers during their basic training. According to them, among the most recurring types of violence are those of symbolic nature. They attended, not equally, the public system and the private system. This enabled pointing out that violence, especially symbolic violence, occurred in both school systems. Therefore, this is a phenomenon that affects different fractions of social classes. Considering that the participants of this research are future teachers, it was established a relation with the notion of 'cycle of abuse', since there is a high possibility of them practicing the teaching function.
This article presents elements that make up the quality of education in the age group of zero to five years, offered by institutions of Early Childhood Education in Brazil, based on research results disseminated in theses and dissertations that focus on this theme. It was used as the methodological procedure outlined mapping Brazilian literature of academic research related to the Post-Graduate Education, which focus on the issue in the period between 1996 and 2012. The results of the study provide insights on funding, teacher training, family, quality of care in the school systems, institutional assessment, perceptions of quality and educational practices that allow discuss the quality of early childhood education offered in Brazilian institutions. Moreover, considering that not convenient to take the concept of quality of early childhood education as universal as this is linked to the context, the conceptions about children and their education.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
With the wide variety of content to be worked out what really is expected of students in curricular physical education component? And as teachers conduct and evaluate this learning? These processes occur in the same way in public and private institutions? What is the relationship of the assessment with the students, with content and with the school? These were questions that motivated this research, which aims to conduct a desk review involving different schools, and interview their teachers, in order to identify possible relationships between teachers, students and educational institutions when referring to the assessment of physical education, between schools in different school systems (private, state and municipal), specifically from 6th to 9th grade. The survey was conducted in three different schools in the city Bauru/SP, being a private school, a school hall and a state school, and their physical education teachers. As a methodological reference was used qualitative research, and documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews were the techniques used for data collection. The data collected were tabulated and analyzed separately, and after the first analysis were separated into four categories that related to the study of literature review, interviews of teachers and the political projects of schools teaching (the documents that were analyzed). After the analysis performed it was revealed that the ways teachers surveyed perform their assessments contradicts the main problems and difficulties found in the literature. And regardless of the demands made by the educational institution that really influences the evaluation in physical education classes is the commitment and professional commitment to his students and his principles
This paper intends to reflect on the search, in the process of teaching formation, of pre-defined contents for the teaching of Geography and History in the series of primary school. This desire for clarity about the appropriated contents for the various series often overshadows the real need to clarify what is the goal of teaching this or that content. It is necessary, in the teacher training, resume and historically contextualize this search for curriculum contents. The risk of prioritizing the discussion about contents is transforming the contents itself into the content goals of education. Reifying the contents contributes to the common process of disconnect teaching from learning. In this case, the educational process becomes a contest of teaching contents, not bothering if these contents were or not learned by the students, which makes education extremely conservative. This phenomenon has it origins in the 1970s, during the curriculum discussions of the various areas of school knowledge. Since then, the concept of didactic transposition has been questioned progressively, in which the curricula were designed as adapted teaching to lower levels of scientific knowledge produced in universities – the place for higher education. The school knowledge, since the 1970s, is considered as autonomous. In other words, knowledge in dialogue with university science, but with typical characteristics of education in school systems. If the curriculum of primary and secondary educations is not the result of the didactic transposition, what content it should be made of? The current paper touches this issue, but subordinates it to most relevant questions about the purposes of learning in inseparable connection with teaching.
Pós-graduação em Docência para a Educação Básica - FC
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Derivado de investigação mais ampla sobre a estrutura da escola fundamental, este trabalho apresenta e discute resultados de pesquisa de cunho qualitativo, realizada em escola pública de ensino fundamental, analisando questões relacionadas ao trabalho docente, com destaque para a assistência pedagógica, para as condições objetivas de trabalho na escola e para a gestão do tempo na prática docente cotidiana. O artigo se ampara num conceito de educação como prática democrática, construtora de personalidades humano-históricas, para sugerir a necessidade de transformação na estrutura da escola atual, e traz conclusões a respeito da necessidade de se considerar o caráter peculiar e único do trabalho docente, no encaminhamento de soluções e iniciativas visando à efetiva realização de um ensino de qualidade.
Diese Arbeit ist der Versuch einer Bestandsaufnahme der Diskussion um die Rolle des Fachs Eth¬nologie in den allgemeinbildenden Schulen. Eine solche Übersicht zu den im deutschsprachigen Raum veröffentlichten Beiträgen lag bis dahin noch nicht vor. Sie reicht zurück bis zum Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts. Im vorliegenden Papier wurden die grundlegenden Argumentationen dargelegt, mit denen Fachvertreter und -vertreterinnen ein völkerkundliches/ethnologisches Engagement in den Schulen, in Schulbüchern und bei der Lehrerausbildung forderten. Mit einem historisch vertieften Vergleich dieser Argumentationen wurde angestrebt, Kontinuitäten und Brüche in der Diskussion darzustellen. Diese Perspektive ermöglichte zum einen die Darstel¬lung von älteren und kaum mehr rezipierten Beiträgen in einem größeren Rahmen, zum anderen jedoch auch eine Kritik der vorliegenden, oft nur vordergründig verschiedenen Ansätze. Im Schlusskapitel stellte der Autor essentialistische/relativistische und universalistische Ansätze gegenüber und formulierte darauf basierend Ausgangspunkte eines weiteren schulischen Engagements im Rahmen einer vergleichenden Sozialwissenschaft Ethnologie. Im Anhang der Arbeit befindet sich eine chronologische Biblioghraphie all jener Beiträge, die Ethnologen und Ethnologinnen zur Integration ihres Fachs in die Schulen verfassten.
La ricerca si colloca all’interno di un complesso intervento di cooperazione internazionale realizzato in El Salvador tra il 2009 e il 2014. Il Progetto di cooperazione è stato promosso dal Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Educazione dell’Università di Bologna e finanziato dalla Cooperazione Italiana. L’esperienza studiata rappresenta un esempio di promozione dell’inclusione nei sistemi scolastici di Paesi del Sud del mondo e si propone due obiettivi: 1) analizzare il processo di cambiamento della prospettiva di intervento promossa dalla cooperazione internazionale, evidenziando la dimensione educativa che sostiene processi di empowerment e ownership delle istituzioni locali; 2) contribuire al dibattito sull’ “inclusive education”, sostenendo processi di inclusione scolastica e sociale rivolti a tutti coloro che si trovano in situazione di svantaggio psico-fisico e/o socio-culturale. Le politiche locali del Ministero dell’Educazione dal 2009 hanno promosso un modello educativo con l’obiettivo di garantire il diritto all’educazione per tutti nella scuola pubblica. Lo studio costituisce un'indagine di tipo valutativo sul processo di sviluppo della scuola inclusiva in El Salvador, supportato dall’intervento di cooperazione internazionale. La ricerca utilizza in modo integrato strumenti di natura quantitativa (questionari) e qualitativa (interviste). Dai dati raccolti emerge come il processo di cooperazione sia stato caratterizzato dal principio della pari dignità tra esperti internazionali e autorità politiche e tecniche locali. Inoltre, la ricerca ha consentito di verificare come la cultura dell'inclusione si sia radicata in modo diffuso nella percezione della missione della scuola e il suo ruolo tra i protagonisti del sistema scolastico. Alla luce dei risultati, appare fondamentale continuare a investire sulla formazione tecnica delle figure chiave del sistema educativo; facilitare il processo di inclusione dei disabili nelle scuole regolari con una parallela trasformazione delle scuole speciali in centri di supporto all’integrazione; promuovere una sinergia di azione formativa tra il ministero, mondo accademico e della formazione professionale.