931 resultados para Container terminal, equipment , handling


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This article is from the International Journal for the Study of Animal Problems, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1980. The article focuses on the "behavior of different species of livestock as well as different breeds" to aid with the design of handling facilities.


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The contents of the pamphlet include: Handling Stress, Understanding Animal Psychology, Handling Facility Design Tips, Bruise Losses By Species, Preventing Bruises, Loading Chute Recommendations.


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The focus is on design, more specifically, "animal handling facilities which are labor saving and reduce bruise losses". The article studies: Unloading Chutes, Stockyard Design, Hog Plant Stockyard, General Purpose Small Stockyard, Beef Stockyard, Cattle Crowding Pens, Hog Crowding Pens, Slopes in Chutes and Crowding Pens, Single File Chutes General Recommendations, Single File Chutes for Cattle, Slaughter Restrainers,


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Pesticide use among smallholder coffee producers in Jamaica has been associated with significant occupational health effects. Research on pesticide handling practices, however, has been scarce, especially in eastern Jamaica. This explorative study aims at filling this gap and provides a first basis to develop effective interventions to promote a safer pesticide use. A random sample of 81 coffee farmers was surveyed. The majority of farmers reported to suffer from at least one health symptom associated with pesticide handling, but safety practices were scarcely adopted. There was also the risk that other household members and the wider local community are exposed to pesticides. The lack of training on pesticide management, the role of health services and the cost for protective equipment seemed to be the most significant factors that influence current pesticide handling practices in eastern Jamaica. Further research is recommended to develop a systemic understanding of farmer’s behaviour to provide a more solid basis for the development of future intervention programmes.


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En Colombia la dinámica poblacional ha experimentado cambios a través de los años; lo cual modifica las características epidemiológicas y los perfiles de morbimortalidad de la población, aumentando la incidencia y prevalencia de enfermedades crónicas de difícil pronóstico dentro de la población; siendo estos grupos etarios hacía quienes deben destinarse nuevas modalidades de atención y soporte paliativo. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de diversos artículos, clasificados con niveles de evidencia I y II; cuyas variables de análisis fueron: El lugar de fallecimiento del paciente, alivio de la sintomatología, nivel de satisfacción del paciente y sus cuidadores con los servicios recibidos, número de ingresos hospitalarios independientemente de la causa y días promedio de estancia hospitalaria. El 88% de los pacientes que fueron vinculados a la atención domiciliaria falleció en su hogar; el 68% refirió haber experimentado disminución en la intensidad de al menos 2 síntomas como resultado de la atención en casa. El nivel de satisfacción para el cuidado en casa puntuó 19 puntos porcentuales por encima de la calificación que obtuvo el manejo hospitalario. El 23% de los pacientes tratados en su hogar, requirió al menos una hospitalización durante el manejo; mostrando una disminución en el tiempo de estancia hospitalaria de 3.4 días promedio. El manejo paliativo domiciliario de pacientes crónicos en fase terminal, no sólo es una alternativa en la reducción de costos para el sistema de salud, sino que es un factor protector de tipo emocional que refleja también una importante disminución de los riesgos de la hospitalización.


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In this work, a fault-tolerant control scheme is applied to a air handling unit of a heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system. Using the multiple-model approach it is possible to identify faults and to control the system under faulty and normal conditions in an effective way. Using well known techniques to model and control the process, this work focuses on the importance of the cost function in the fault detection and its influence on the reconfigurable controller. Experimental results show how the control of the terminal unit is affected in the presence a fault, and how the recuperation and reconfiguration of the control action is able to deal with the effects of faults.


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Pesticide use among smallholder coffee producers in Jamaica has been associated with significant occupational health effects. Research on pesticide handling practices, however, has been scarce, especially in eastern Jamaica. This explorative study aims at filling this gap and provides a first basis to develop effective interventions to promote a safer pesticide use. A random sample of 81 coffee farmers was surveyed. The majority of farmers reported to suffer from at least one health symptom associated with pesticide handling, but safety practices were scarcely adopted. There was also the risk that other household members and the wider local community are exposed to pesticides. The lack of training on pesticide management, the role of health services and the cost for protective equipment seemed to be the most significant factors that influence current pesticide handling practices in eastern Jamaica. Further research is recommended to develop a systemic understanding of farmer’s behaviour to provide a more solid basis for the development of future intervention programmes.


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Injection metering systems are an important option for the development of pesticide application equipment, with advantages relating to minimising the need for disposal of unused pesticide, improving the ease of cleaning and optimising the accuracy of chemical application. For all injection systems, characteristics such as the steady-state accuracy of delivered dose, dose stability and the time response for dose step changes are related to the ability of the system to operate with different chemical formulations. A system designed to inject liquids should be able to accommodate changes in viscosity and density. The aim of this study was to develop a methodology for testing chemical injection systems using liquids with different viscosities. The experimental arrangement simulating applications with injection metering systems used dye and salt solutions as tracers. Tests were conducted to analyse the influence of salt on the characteristics of the water and a viscous solution. Results showed that the salt interfered with the dye stability in the water solution. In tests with a viscous test liquid, the salt was introduced at different steps during the mixing process, providing four different liquids to be analysed in terms of viscosity, density and pH. Some differences in liquid characteristics were found which could influence the performance of the injection systems.


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Le infrastrutture portuali rappresentano un elemento chiave come motore di crescita per l’economia globale. Il 74% delle merci importate ed esportate dall’UE transitano per porti. Per questo motivo sono necessari investimenti in infrastrutture e attrezzature portuali per far fronte alle previsioni di crescita del trasporto merci nel prossimo decennio. La crescita del transhipment, quindi di grossi scali chiamati hub, ha rivoluzionato la scelta delle tratte principali e la scelta degli scali. Nel corso del seguente elaborato ci si è concentrati sulla situazione dell’Alto Adriatico, analizzando lo stato attuale dei principali porti e i possibili sviluppi futuri. La situazione dell’Alto Adriatico è particolare, questi porti si trovano sulle rotte principali del trasporto globale ma vista la crescita di scambi commerciali con la Cina e l’estremo Oriente, per via dello spostamento verso Est del baricentro dell’economia, si trovano in posizione ottimale per diventare un grosso gateway. Questo è l’obbiettivo che si sono prefissati i porti del Nord Adriatico cioè far capire che risalire l’Adriatico, anche se fuori dalle rotte può risultare conveniente visto il risparmio di cinque giorni di navigazione, rispetto ai porti del Nord Europa, che si traduce in un risparmio di tempo e di costi. Per creare attrattiva sono stati svolti, e continuano, numerosi investimenti per lo sviluppo dei fondali e del retroporto, nel tentativo di potersi affermare all’interno del mercato europeo e globale. Nel corso dell’elaborato saranno analizzati i grossi vantaggi di cui godono i porti del Nord Adriatico grazie alla loro posizione geografica, e alcune delle problematiche che ostacolano la crescita.


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The recognition of an increasing and worldwide demand for high quality in fruits and vegetables has grown in recent years. Evidence of severe problems of mechanical damage is increasing, and this is affecting the trade of fruits in European and other countries. The potential market for fresh high-quality vegetables and fruits remains restricted by the lack of quality of the majority of products that reach consumers; this is the case for local as well as import/export markets, so a reduction in the consumption of fresh fruits in favour of other fixed-quality products (dairy in particular) may become widespread. In a recent survey (King, 1988, cited in Bellon, 1989), it appears that, for the moment, one third of the surveyed consumers are still continuing to increase their fresh produce consumption. The factors that appear as being most important in influencing the shopping behaviour of these consumers are taste/flavour, freshness/ripeness, appealing look, and cleanliness. Research on mechanical damage in fruit and vegetables has been underway for several years. The first research made on physical properties of fruits was in fact directed towards analysing the response to slow or rapid loading of selected fruits (Fridley et al, 1968; Horsefield et al., 1972). From that time on, research has expanded greatly, and different aspects of the problem have been approached. These include applicable mechanical models for the contact problem, the response of biological tissues to loading, devices for detecting damage causes in machines and equipment, and procedures for sensing bruises in grading and sorting. This chapter will be devoted to the study of actual research results relative to the cause and mechanisms of mechanical damage in fruits (secondarily in vegetables), the development of bruises in these commodities, the models that have been used up to now, and the different factors which have been recognized as influencing the appearance and development of mechanical damage in fruits. The study will be focused mainly on contact-damage - that is, slow or rapid loads applied to the surface of the products and causing bruises. (A bruise is defined as an altered volume of fruit tissues below the skin that is discoloured and softened.) Other types of mechanical damage, like abrasion and scuffing, punctures and cuts, will be also mentioned briefly.


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Son generalmente aceptadas las tendencias actuales de maximización de la automatización para la adaptación de las terminales marítimas de contenedores a las cada vez mayores exigencias competitivas del negocio de transporte de contenedores. En esta investigación, se somete a consideración dichas tendencias a través de un análisis que tenga en cuenta la realidad global de la terminal pero también su propia realidad local que le permita aprovechar sus fortalezas y minimizar sus debilidades en un mercado continuamente en crecimiento y cambio. Para lo cual se ha desarrollado un modelo de análisis en el que se tengan en cuenta los parámetros técnicos, operativos, económicos y financieros que influyen en el diseño de una terminal marítima de contenedores, desde su concepción como ente dependiente para generar negocio, todos ellos dentro de un perímetro definido por el mercado del tráfico de contenedores así como las limitaciones físicas introducidas por la propia terminal. Para la obtención de dicho modelo ha sido necesario llevar a cabo un proceso de estudio del contexto actual del tráfico de contenedores y su relación con el diseño de las terminales marítimas, así como de las metodologías propuestas hasta ahora por los diferentes autores para abordar el proceso de dimensionamiento y diseño de la terminal. Una vez definido el modelo que ha de servir de base para el diseño de una terminal marítima de contenedores desde un planteamiento multicriterio, se analiza la influencia de las diversas variables explicativas de dicho modelo y se cuantifica su impacto en los resultados económicos, financieros y operativos de la terminal. Un paso siguiente consiste en definir un modelo simplificado que vincule la rentabilidad de una concesión de terminal con el tráfico esperado en función del grado de automatización y del tipo de terminal. Esta investigación es el fruto del objetivo ambicioso de aportar una metodología que defina la opción óptima de diseño de una terminal marítima de contenedores apoyada en los pilares de la optimización del grado de automatización y de la maximización de la rentabilidad del negocio que en ella se desarrolla. It is generally accepted current trends in automation to maximize the adaptation of maritime container terminals to the growing competitive demands of the business of container shipping. In this research, is submitted to these trends through an analysis taking into account the global reality of the terminal but also their own local reality it could exploit its strengths and minimize their weaknesses in a market continuously growing and changing. For which we have developed a model analysis that takes into account the technical, operational, financial and economic influence in the design of a container shipping terminal, from its conception as being dependent to generate business, all within a perimeter defined by the market of container traffic and the physical constraints introduced by the terminal. To obtain this model has been necessary to conduct a study process in the current context of container traffic and its relation to the design of marine terminals, as well as the methodologies proposed so far by different authors to address the process sizing and design of the terminal. Having defined the model that will serve as the basis for the design for a container shipping terminal from a multi-criteria approach, we analyze the influence of various explanatory variables of the model and quantify their impact on economic performance, financial and operational of the terminal. A next step is to define a simplified model that links the profitability of a terminal concession with traffic expected on the basis of the degree of automation and the kind of terminal. This research is the result of the ambitious target of providing a methodology to define the optimal choice of designing a container shipping terminal on the pillars of automation optimizing and maximizing the profitability of the business that it develops.


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Experimental research on imposed deformation is generally conducted on small scale laboratory experiments. The attractiveness of field research lies in the possibility to compare results obtained from full scale structures to theoretical prediction. Unfortunately, measurements obtained from real structures are rarely described in literature. The structural response of integral edifices depends significantly on stiffness changes and constraints. The New Airport Terminal Barajas in Madrid, Spain provides with large integral modules, partially post?tensioned concrete frames, cast monolithically over three floor levels and an overall length of approx. 80 m. The field campaign described in this article explains the instrumentation of one of these frames focusing on the influence of imposed deformations such as creep, shrinkage and temperature. The applied monitoring equipment included embedded strain gages, thermocouples, DEMEC measurements and simple displacement measurements. Data was collected throughout construction and during two years of service. A complete data range of five years is presented and analysed. The results are compared with a simple approach to predict the long?term shortening of this concrete structure. Both analytical and experimental results are discussed.


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Mechanical damage to fruits results from a combination of fruit properties and of damage inflicting effects by the handling equipment. Treatments were applied to fruits which affect mechanical damage susceptibility: precooling for stone fruits and degreening to citrus fruits. Laboratory tests (compression, impact, tumbling, abrasion) and field tests (damage in the handling lines) were applied to (3) peach, (2) apricot, (2) orange and (1) lemon varieties. Hydroor-air-cooling influence positively peach and apricot firmness and cause a significant reduction in: number of bruised fruits, and size of visible bruise, when combined with a low level of loading during handling. Degreening also affects the resistance of citrus fruits to handling, when compared to green fruits.


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Fruit damage during harvesting and handling is a standing problem, particularly for susceptible fruits like peaches and apricots. The resulting mechanical damage is a combination of fruit properties and damage inflicting effects due to procedures and to the equipment. Nine packing lines in the region of Murcia (SE Spain) have been tested with the aid of two different-size electronic fruits IS-100. Probabilities of impacts above three preset thresholds (50 g's, 100 g's and 150 g's) were calculated for each transfer point. Interaction fruit-packing line tests have been also performed in order to study the real incidence of packing lines on natural produce: apricots (1 variety), peaches (3 v.), lemons (1 v.) and oranges (3 v.). Bruises of handled and not handled samples of fruits were compared.


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Damages -reduced in fruit packing lines is a major cause of grace reduction and quality loos in fresh marks: fruit. Fruit must be treated gently during in sir handling to improve their qualityin order to get a good price in a competitive market. The correct post-hardvest handling in fruit packing lines is a prerequisite to cut down the heavy post-harvest losses. Fruit packing lines must be evaluated, studying their design, the impacts applied to the fruits, the characteristics of the materials, etc. This study establishes the possibility of carrying out modifications and tests in a packing line during a long period of time. For this purpose, an experimental fruit packing line has been designed and located in the Agricultural Engineering Department of the Polythecnic University of Madrid with the aim of improving mechanical devices and fruit handling conditions to minimize damage to fruit. The experimental line consists of several transporting belts, one rollers transporter, one sizer, one elevator, one singularizer, and three trays to receive the calibrated fruit. The line has a length of 6.15 m and a width cf 1.9 m. Movement of the different components is regulated by electric motors with variable velocity electronically controlled. The height of the transfer points is variable and can be easily modified. The experimental line has been calibrated using two instrumented spheres IS 100 (8.8 cm Ø and6.2cm Ø). Average acceleration values obtained in all the transfers of the experimental line lay under 80 g's, although there is big variation for some of them being some values above 100 g's.