951 resultados para Constructional professional services


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En una reciente decisión, la Corte Suprema de Justicia Colombiana condenó a un médico por haber prestado sus servicios profesionales a personas pertenecientes a un grupo armado al margen de la Ley. En el presente escrito revisamos ese fallo a la luz de la teoría de la imputación objetiva para diferir de la opinión del Alto Tribunal, por cuanto entendemos que el ejercicio de la medicina jamás constituirá un riesgo desaprobado y éste es un elemento necesario para que pueda hablarse de un delito.


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El estudio “Evaluación del Modelo actual de Gestión en la Atención Fisioterapéutica Domiciliaria una IPS en la ciudad de Bogotá”, tiene como fin evaluar el modelo tradicional de Atención Primaria Domiciliaria y la labor de la fisioterapeuta en esta clase de servicios profesionales, y así constatar la calidad y eficiencia de la APD. En la primera parte, se plantean los objetivos, marcos de referencia, que lo complementan, metodología utilizada en un marco muestral, tabulación por un instrumento de recolección de datos Ramsés Likert, análisis de resultados y por último conclusiones y recomendaciones derivadas del Estudio.


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Las tecnologías de la información han empezado a ser un factor importante a tener en cuenta en cada uno de los procesos que se llevan a cabo en la cadena de suministro. Su implementación y correcto uso otorgan a las empresas ventajas que favorecen el desempeño operacional a lo largo de la cadena. El desarrollo y aplicación de software han contribuido a la integración de los diferentes miembros de la cadena, de tal forma que desde los proveedores hasta el cliente final, perciben beneficios en las variables de desempeño operacional y nivel de satisfacción respectivamente. Por otra parte es importante considerar que su implementación no siempre presenta resultados positivos, por el contrario dicho proceso de implementación puede verse afectado seriamente por barreras que impiden maximizar los beneficios que otorgan las TIC.


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Con la finalidad de mantener la mirada financiera equivalente entre las partes - lo que responde a la relación entre el derecho y la economía- no en vano la Ley 1150 de 2007 contempló dentro de su articulado el restablecimiento del equilibrio económico y financiero del contrato. Por su parte, el Decreto Nacional 0734 del 13 de abril de 2012 –hoy derogado por el Decreto 1510 de 2013- impuso la obligación a las entidades del Estado de incluir los riesgos previsibles en los estudios previos pero sólo aquellos que puedan afectar el equilibrio económico del contrato que pretenda celebrar la Entidad Pública contratante. Aunado a lo anterior, el Decreto Nacional 1510 del 17 de julio de 2013 también contempla la teoría de los riesgos dentro de su articulado. No obstante lo anterior, la normatividad legal pese a su esfuerzo, no puede regular todas las situaciones, prueba de ello, es que para los contratos de prestación de servicios profesionales la disposición legal en lo que respecta a los riesgos previsibles resulta ser innecesaria por la naturaleza misma de éstos y otras razones que se abordo a fondo. Es así como las actuaciones que se desplieguen en la contratación Estatal deben funcionar sobre una lógica económica, por ello, resulta pertinente investigar sobre la eficacia o no de incorporar los riesgos previsibles que puedan afectar el equilibrio económico en los contratos de prestación de servicios profesionales cuando la ejecución de éstos depende exclusivamente del desarrollo intelectual que corre por cuenta del contratista.


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Throughout the developed world, professional services play an increasingly important part in an economy, with many countries showing a substantial positive trade balance for services. Yet, there has been relatively little research on construction services (CS) and, in particular, how well professional service companies (PSFs) perform in the international arena. The method for collecting services export information differs to the way in which goods and products exports data are gathered because of the intangible nature of services. Organisational growth of companies aims to share risks across different regions and sectors, however, the rapidly changing business environment challenges companies with the increasing foreign ownership and changes in procurement. The complexity of today’s international construction services organisations raises two questions: how the organisations can successfully manage growth and what are their motives for international trade. The research focuses on top UK consulting engineering companies to understand their organisational strategy, their export strategy, and drivers for overseas activities. The data will feed a model of professional services exports, which can help to inform the way services export data could be collected to better reflect the industry’s performance.


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The aim of this paper is to stimulate discussion about how Chinese construction and professional service companies can best equip themselves and grow sustainably and profitably in a rapidly changing world. It identifies some of the issues and risks faced by Chinese construction and professional service companies operating domestically and overseas. China has experienced a period of rapid economic growth which is also reflected in the annual construction output. China’s population is the largest in the world, but the demographic profile is changing with an ageing population and a changing dependency ratio. The population is urbanising at a fast rate, putting pressure on housing, and infrastructure. The government must plan for the future and the construction sector must be involved in that planning. The paper considers the drivers shaping China’s construction market, how companies are responding by embracing change and internationalising by seeking to exploit their skills overseas. The drivers are globalisation, urbanisation, demographic change, sustainability, safety and health, and the evolution of professional services as a core part of construction activity. Clients/owners are driving change by demanding more certainty and more sustainable projects.


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Purpose – The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) has implemented a policy to expand its influence around the world. Quantity or construction surveyors had an established presence and history of working overseas, offering their services particularly in the Middle- and Far-East. Property surveyors found the transition to working in European Union (EU) countries relatively straightforward and numerous UK property consultancies have European, Asian, North American and Oceanic offices. Furthermore UK-based firms establishing partnerships with overseas real estate firms expanded significantly over the past decade. Building surveying (BS) is a different case. Small numbers work in commonwealth countries but it is limited and in many countries professional and academic qualifications are not recognised. This paper aims to consider the extent of the barriers and opportunities facing RICS chartered building surveyors (CBS) in Oceania (taken as Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and Fiji) and whether the gap is closing.
Design/methodology/approach – A desktop study reviewed the political, economic and sociological issues that affect the employment opportunities and professional services CBS offer throughout the world. Six opportunities and ten barriers were put to the RICS Oceania Building Surveying Faculty to ascertain their perceptions of these barriers and opportunities. No previous study had identified barriers and opportunities in Oceania for the BS and this research adopted a census survey of RICS practitioners currently employed in the region and the results form the most comprehensive picture of the current position.
Findings – Many respondents felt that stronger links and/or mergers with the different Oceania professional property and surveying bodies would open a large field of opportunities to the CBS. Some provided comments on future business opportunities, for example “leaky buildings,”"dilapidations/‘ make good’ work”, and seemed to be in general agreement that, as businesses came to know the benefits of protecting themselves from rogue tenants (and landlords) by using the services of a CBS, then opportunities would continue to rise. The principal barrier is communicating those skills and the value they add.
Research limitations/implications – The limitations that affected this research were time constraints and communicating with surveyors in Oceania, to whom the authors were not permitted direct access. The research methodology methods were, with hindsight, not ideal for the type and range of data that the researchers sought.
Originality/value – The research will be of use to building surveyors and providers of building-surveying education in Oceania.


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This research examined the impact of globalisation on building surveying in Europe. Globalisation has resulted in the emergence of three large trading blocs or a global economy depending on the view one takes. This has impacted on property in two ways, by creating transnational companies who operate in many countries but require branding of their property, and companies who wish to invest in property markets other than their country of origin.

Building Surveyors have professional expertise and knowledge valued in the UK since the 1960 and 1970s but until recently not recognised in Europe, partly due to poor awareness of Building Surveying (BS) expertise, legal constraints, and practises relating to the employment of professionals. This is changing with the establishment of European Surveying associations and the globalisation of the RICS.

The results showed four factors provided the reasons for the globalisation of BS skills. These were that Building Surveyors provided a consistent level of service for their clients. Secondly that English is the language of business. Thirdly, clients perceive Europe as a single trading bloc with a need for technical representation in each investment centre, providing them with a fast, knowledgeable service. Fourthly, clients perceive that UK Building Surveyors know what international, or transnational, investors want.

The finding on the current demand for the BS services in Europe is that though demand is large, few Building Surveyors are located in Europe. Secondly, both investors and occupiers require the services of Building Surveyors, and local companies / individuals are beginning to use their professional services. Finally, there is a diverse range of demand for the many BS skills.

Five key barriers to the practice of BS skills in Europe emerged from the research. Firstly, there was the problem of limited local legal and technical knowledge possessed by outsiders. Secondly, there are legal barriers to practice in some cases. Thirdly, other professionals can, and do, offer the services of the Building Surveyor. Fourthly, there can be cultural differences between ‘values’ and ‘norms’ required in business that constitute barriers. Finally there can be ‘communication’ problems when the Building Surveyor is not located in the country where the service is required.


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The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) the professional body representing surveyors in the UK, has implemented a policy to globalise in order to meet the challenges and opportunities the global marketplace was creating for its members as well as protecting and serving its interests (RICS, 1999). Quantity surveyors had a presence and history of employment outside the UK, particularly in the Middle and Far East. Real estate surveyors found the transition to working in European Union (EU) countries relatively straightforward and numerous UK real estate organisations have European, Asian, North American and Oceanic offices. Additionally UK based firms establishing partnerships with overseas real estate firms expanded significantly over the previous decade. Building Surveying is different. Small numbers worked in commonwealth countries but in most countries their professional and academic qualifications were not recognised. With the changes implemented by the RICS, this paper examines the barriers and opportunities facing RICS Chartered Building Surveyors (CBS) in Oceania (taken as Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and Fiji).

A desk top study reviewed the political, economic and sociological variables affecting employment opportunities and professional services which were put to the RICS Oceania Building Surveying Faculty. No previous study had been undertaken to identify the specific barriers and opportunities in Oceania for the BS and this research adopted a census survey of RICS practitioners currently employed in the region and the results form the most comprehensive picture of the current position. The findings are that some of the opportunities and barriers will change in significance over time. The main barriers to growth were perceived as lack of support from a Euro focussed RICS and the difficulties associated with being perceived as outsiders. Opportunities were perceived as emerging in new areas of professional services such as sustainability and energy efficiency.


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This publication presents estimates of health expenditure on disease and injury in Australia in 2000-01, classified by disease or injury group, age and sex. The estimates are available by area of expenditure - hospitals, high-level residential aged care, medical services, other professional services, pharmaceuticals and research.The 2000-01 disease expenditure estimates were based on the 176 disease and injury conditions used in the first Australian burden of disease study (AIHW: Mathers et al. 1999), with the inclusion of some additional sub-categories. This report aggregates these conditions into the 19 broad disease groups used by the burden of disease study. Disease expenditure estimates are also presented for selected conditions in the seven National Health Priority Areas and by age and sex.


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The objective of the study wasto identify factors associated with use of services for adolescent mental health problems in an Australian community-based sample. Logistic regression analysis was conducted on data collected from 636 parents and their adolescent child to identify individual and family variables predicting parent report of service use for mental health problems in the adolescent 12 months later. The services most reported by parents to have been accessed were schoolbased ones. Multivariate analysis found that the following were associated with service use 12 months later: the adolescent being female, parent report of peer problems and hyperactivity, single-parent household, the parent being Australian born, and prior service use by the adolescent. Parental overcontrol was associated with reducedlikelihood of service use at followup. No association was found between service use at follow-up and parent gender, socioeconomic status, number of siblings, parent psychopathology, family social connectedness, and prior service use by the parent. No association was also found for family environment factors, parental attachment, or for the adolescent’s emotional competence or use of social support. The results indicate that families provide a potential target for interventions aimed at increasing use of professional services for adolescent mental health problems.


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A teoria sobre a atividade de Compras argumenta que as empresas deveriam delegar para esta área a atividade de adquirir insumos e serviços. O objetivo é obter competitividade sem perder a qualidade, através da competência e especialidade desta área. Em muitas empresas, esta área não é envolvida em todas as situações de processos de contratação. Poucos artigos e trabalhos publicados estudam a relação do cliente interno com o Departamento de Compras. Esta tese de doutorado tem como objetivo identificar os problemas que interferem no envolvimento do departamento de Compras, em processos de aquisição de serviços profissionais. A Teoria da Agência é utilizada como suporte teórico, por ser uma relação de um Principal, o cliente interno, e um Agente, o departamento de Compras. As hipóteses testadas verificaram se o envolvimento do Departamento de Compras difere por categoria de Compras e se tem relação com as premissas da Teoria da Agência. A pesquisa quantitativa teve 519 respostas de empresas nacionais e multinacionais no Brasil, de diversos setores da Economia. (367 de clientes internos e 152 de profissionais de Compras). Escalas utilizadas em trabalhos anteriores foram validadas, e os dados foram analisados a partir dos resultados da Análise de variância e de Regressão múltipla. O questionário foi disponibilizado na internet para os clientes internos do Departamento de Compras, com objetivo de focar nas razões do não envolvimento do departamento. Os resultados indicam que, na percepção dos clientes internos o envolvimento do departamento de Compras difere por tipo de serviço profissional. A relação entre as dimensões de envolvimento com as premissas da Teoria da Agência foi confirmada. As respostas recebidas dos profissionais de Compras confirmam que as percepções sobre o envolvimento do departamento de Compras diferem, ao comparar com as respostas dos clientes internos. A contribuição teórica foi de utilizar a Teoria da agência para estudos de problemas na cadeia de suprimentos, além da validação das escalas e a produção de pesquisa especificamente em categorias não relacionadas à produção. No campo gerencial, os resultados obtidos explicam a relação existente entre as quatro dimensões do envolvimento e a Teoria da Agência e são apresentadas as diferenças do envolvimento pela categoria a ser contratada.


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A assistência psiquiátrica e as políticas de atenção à saúde mental passaram por diversas transformações, marcadas ora por avanços, ora por retrocessos centrados no estigma, desinteresse e preconceito que ainda permeiam a sociedade e o senso comum. Este estudo objetivou analisar o processo de reforma psiquiátrica e a política de saúde mental do Município de Natal/RN a partir dos papéis e funções dos profissionais de nível superior dos serviços substitutivos em saúde mental. Trata-se de uma pesquisa analítica, transversal, com dados quantitativos e qualitativos, realizada nos sete serviços substitutivos de saúde mental de Natal, entre os meses de março a agosto de 2013, após aprovação do estudo pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Parecer nº 217.808, CAAE: 10650612.8.1001.5537, em 01 de março de 2013. A amostra por conveniência compôs-se por 65 profissionais de nível superior das equipes de saúde mental. Utilizou-se um questionário com questões fechadas e semiabertas sobre o perfil socioeconômico, as políticas, as práticas e a formação em saúde mental. Tabularam-se e submeteram-se as respostas das questões fechadas do questionário no programa estatístico SPSS versão 20.0, analisando-os por meio de estatística descritiva, com a formulação de gráficos e tabelas. Para verificar o nível de significância, adotando-se p-valor<0,05, optou-se pela aplicação dos testes qui-quadrado e exato de Fisher. Submeteram-se os dados das questões semiabertas ao software ALCESTE e à luz da análise de conteúdo de Bardin. O perfil dos participantes caracterizou-se por maioria do sexo feminino (79%), faixa etária de 36 a 55 anos (52%), média de 42 anos, carga horária de 40 horas semanais (62%), tempo de conclusão da graduação de 6 a 15 anos (57%), trabalhavam na área de saúde mental há menos de 10 anos (72%) e na instituição pesquisada há 5 anos ou menos (52%). Da amostra estudada, 86% atendiam grupos de usuários, 97% realizavam atendimento individual, 94% observavam o comportamento do paciente, 92% realizavam atendimento familiar, utilizando, principalmente, a abordagem cognitiva (28%). Os dados qualitativos originaram cinco categorias: Formação acadêmica e atuação em saúde mental; Ausência de capacitação e supervisão em saúde mental; Dificuldades da prática profissional nos serviços substitutivos de saúde mental; Trabalho em equipe: entre acertos e conflitos; Política Nacional de Saúde Mental: uma realidade ainda distante. Detectou-se adequabilidade dos papéis e funções dos profissionais quanto ao tempo de trabalho na saúde mental e na instituição pesquisada; no atendimento e atividades individuais; na promoção de ações visando à autonomia do paciente; no atendimento em grupo de pacientes; e, em parte, à família/familiar dos portadores de transtorno mental, havendo inadequação quanto ao atendimento aos grupos de familiares (52.3%), à formação especializada em saúde mental (69.2%; p=0,02) e às dificuldades de trabalho nos serviços (87.7%). Evidenciou-se adequação nos papéis e nas funções d esenvolvidas pelos profissionais nos serviços substitutivos em saúde mental de Natal, embora convivendo em seu cotidiano com inúmeras dificuldades encontradas no desenvolvimento de suas práticas profissiona is frente às condições de trabalho


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The present investigation analyzes if it has, amongst the accountants of the city of Fortaleza-Ceará, a culture of Continued Professional Education, in the perspective of one future obligatoriness to garantee to the society best professional services in the terms of Resolution CFC nº 995/04 through the analysis of the activities played for the accountants in the city of Fortaleza, as well as through the analysis and detection of the factors that have motivated or made it difficult the search for the Continued Education and to inquire the attributes considered indispensable for the professional exercise. With this objective, the study presents a historical boarding of the development of the Accounting and the Countable Superior Education in Brazil, the approaches and the intentions of the Program of Continued Professional Education. The procedure used in the research was the inductive method with the use of a questionnaire applied to the accountants of the city of Fortaleza registered at the Regional Accountancy Council of Ceará-CRC-CE, of which it could evidence that if on one hand it is perceived that in the city of Fortaleza most of the accountants have a cocern for a continuous learning represented by 97,31% of the sample ; on the other hand it understands that some would have difficulties to accept the imposition, understanding that desmotivating factors exist as : expensive activities, few offers of courses and even though time lack


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