910 resultados para Congo River
Palynological records from the Congo fan reveal environmental change in equatorial Africa occurring 1.05 Ma ago, 100 k.y. before the mid-Pleistocene climatic shift at 0.9 Ma. Prior to 1.05 Ma, a glacial-interglacial rhythm is not obvious in the African vegetation variation. Afterwards, Podocarpus spread in the mountains of central Africa mainly during glacials and Congo River discharge decreased. The sequence of vegetation variation associated with the mid-Pleistocene glacials and interglacials differed from that observed during the late Pleistocene. Between 0.9 and 0.6 Ma, interglacials were characterized by warm dry conditions and glacials were characterized by cool humid conditions, while during the past 0.2 Ma glacials were cold and dry and interglacials warm and humid. Our data indicate that before the Northern Hemisphere ice caps dramatically increased in size (0.9-0.6 Ma), low-latitude climate forcing and response in the tropics played an important role in the initiation of 100 k.y. ice-age cycles. During the mid to late Pleistocene, however, the climate conditions in the tropics were increasingly influenced by the glacial-interglacial variations of continental ice sheets.
A multiproxy approach including the use of stable isotopes, magnetic characterization analyses, and organic geochemistry has been adopted to consider factors such as productivity and terrigenous input over the past 1.5 m.y. at two areas off the western coast of Africa. These factors can, in turn, be used to consider variability in ocean circulation and upwelling in addition to changes in climate on the African continent. In particular, studies focused on the influence of glacial-interglacial cycles and evidence for the mid-Pleistocene revolution (MPR), a complex change in climate that occurred at ~1 Ma. A comparison of the records from the two areas drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 175, the Congo Basin, at a latitude of 5°S (Holes 1076A and 1077A), and the Walvis Ridge, at 17°S (Hole 1081A), demonstrates that these sites are affected by different localized factors. The sites in the Congo Basin are strongly influenced by freshwater and sediment from the Congo River, whereas the site at the Walvis Ridge is located in the center of oceanic upwelling and contains a more marine signal. Evidence also suggests that the two sites responded differently to both long- and short-term climatic variations. In particular, the response at the Walvis Ridge to the MPR occurred over an extended period, from 1.1 to 0.8 Ma, and was associated with a change in the dominant source of terrigenous input to the site in conjunction with a change in the productivity signal. In the Congo Basin, the response to the MPR was more rapid, occurring between 0.9 and 0.8 Ma. During this period, the influence of the Congo River became significant. However, productivity records only began to respond toward the end of this interval, at 0.8 Ma.
Past hydrological changes in Africa have been linked to various climatic processes, depending on region and timescale. Long-term precipitation changes in the regions of northern and southern Africa influenced by the monsoons are thought to have been governed by precessional variations in summer insolation (Kutzbach and Liu, 1997, doi:10.1126/science.278.5337.440; Partridge et al., 1997, doi:10.1016/S0277-3791(97)00005-X). Conversely, short-term precipitation changes in the northern African tropics have been linked to North Atlantic sea surface temperature anomalies, affecting the northward extension of the Intertropical Convergence Zone and its associated rainbelt (Hastenrath, 1990, doi:10.1002/joc.3370100504, Street-Perrott and Perrott, 1990, doi:10.1038/343607a0). Our knowledge of large-scale hydrological changes in equatorial Africa and their forcing factors is, however, limited (Gasse, 2000, doi:10.1016/S0277-3791(99)00061-X). Here we analyse the isotopic composition of terrigenous plant lipids, extracted from a marine sediment core close to the Congo River mouth, in order to reconstruct past central African rainfall variations and compare this record to sea surface temperature changes in the South Atlantic Ocean. We find that central African precipitation during the past 20,000 years was mainly controlled by the difference in sea surface temperatures between the tropics and subtropics of the South Atlantic Ocean, whereas we find no evidence that changes in the position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone had a significant influence on the overall moisture availability in central Africa. We conclude that changes in ocean circulation, and hence sea surface temperature patterns, were important in modulating atmospheric moisture transport onto the central African continent.
Results of studies in two biogeochemically active zones of the Atlantic Ocean (the Benguela upwelling waters and the region influenced by the Congo River run-off) are reported in the book. A multidisciplinary approach included studies of the major elements of the ocean ecosystem: sea water, plankton, suspended matter, bottom sediments, interstitial waters, aerosols, as well as a wide complex of oceanographic studies carried out under a common program. Such an approach, as well as a use of new methodical solutions led to obtaining principally new information on different aspects of oceanology.
Late Quaternary fluctuations in the intensity of Congo River freshwater load were reconstructed using three different proxies (marine and freshwater diatoms, and the delta18O record of Globigerinoides ruber) preserved in the sediments of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1077, located at the northern rim of the Congo River fan (5°10'S, 10°26'E). An abrupt change in the diatom assemblage is evident at Termination II: a two- to four-fold increase in (a) the relative abundance of a marine planktonic diatom tolerant of low salinity conditions (Cyclotella litoralis), and (b) in the concentration of freshwater diatoms. The microfossil data suggest a change in the environmental conditions surrounding Site 1077 from predominantly marine to mixed marine/brackish/fresh. The delta18O record of the planktic foraminifera G. ruber (pink) revealed negative deviations from the global oxygen isotope signal since Termination II which occurred during warm stage 1 and substages 3.2, 5.1, 5.3, and 5.5. Comparison of the isotopic signal of ODP Site 1077 with the record from a pelagic location (core GeoB1041 at 3°48'S, 7°05'W) confirms these results. The construction of an artificial delta18O curve using alkenone-derived sea surface temperature (SST) data from a nearby core (GeoB1008 at 6°S, 10°E) allowed us to estimate salinity and temperature effects on the ODP Site 1077 isotopic signal. Although increased SSTs may account for lighter delta18O values during warmer periods, they do not explain the extremely light values documented in the sediments of Site 1077. We used the oxygen isotope difference (Delta delta18O) between our site and GeoB1041 as a proxy for freshwater input. A general trend in the Delta delta18O was observed, with more negative values since Termination II. In addition, conspicuous Delta delta18O negative pulses coincided with periods of northern hemisphere summer insolation maxima over the African continent, suggesting an increase in the freshwater discharge from the Congo River due to enhanced precipitation on the hinterland. Here we propose that the abrupt change in environmental conditions at Site 1077 since Termination II is a consequence of a major reorganization in the depositional environment of the Congo River delta. This reorganization involved sustained equatorward displacement of the Angola-Benguela Front causing a northward deflection of the Congo River plume thus moving plume waters further north than normal and over Site 1077.
Living (Rose Bengal stained) benthic foraminifera were collected with a multicorer from six stations between 2°N and 12°S off West Africa. The foraminiferal communities in the investigated area reflect the direct influence of different productivity regimes, and are characterized by spatially and seasonally varying upwelling activity. At five stations, foraminiferal abundance coincides well with the gradient of surface productivity. However, at one station off the Congo River, the influence of strong fresh water discharge is documented. Although this station lies directly in the center of an upwelling area, foraminiferal standing stocks are surprisingly low. It is suggested that the Congo discharge may induce a fractionation of the organic matter into small and light particles of low nutritional content, by contrast to the relatively fast-sinking aggregates found in the centers of high productivity areas. Quality and quantity of the organic matter seem to influence the distribution of microhabitats as well. The flux of organic carbon to the sea-floor controls the sequence of degradation of organic matter in sediment and the position of different redox fronts. The vertical foraminiferal stratification within sediment closely parallels the distribution of oxygen and nitrate in porewater, and reflects different nutritive strategies and adaptation to different types of organic matter. The epifauna and shallow infauna colonize oxygenated sediments where labile organic matter is available. The intermediate infauna (M. barleeanum) is linked to the zone of nitrate reduction in sediments where epifaunal and shallow infaunal species are not competitive anymore, and must feed on bacterial biomass or on metabolizable nutritious particles produced by bacterial degradation of more refractory organic matter. The deep infauna shows its maximum distribution in anoxic sediments, where no easily metabolizable organic matter is available.
Particle reactive elements are scavenged to a higher degree at ocean margins than in the open ocean due to higher fluxes of biogenic and terrigenous particles. In order to determine the influence of these processes on the depositional fluxes of 10Be and barium we have performed high-resolution measurements on sediment core GeoB1008-3 from the Congo Fan. Because the core is dominated by terrigenous matter supplied by the Congo River, it has a high average mass accumulation rate of 6.5 cm/kyr. Biogenic 10Be and Ba concentrations were calculated from total concentrations by subtracting the terrigenous components of10Be and Ba, which are assumed to be proportional to the flux of Al2O3. The mean Ba/Al weight ratio of the terrigenous component was determined to be 0.0045. The unusualy high terrigenous 10Be concentrations of 9.1 * 10**9 atoms/g Al2O3 are either due to input of particles with high10Be content by the Congo River or due to scavenging of oceanic 10Be by riverine particles. The maxima of biogenic 10Be and Ba concentrations coincide with maxima of the paleoproductivity rates. Time series analysis of the 10Be and of Ba concentration profiles reveals a strong dominance of the precessional period of 24 kyr, which also controls the rates of paleoproductivity in this core. During the maxima of productivity the flux of biogenic Ba is enhanced to a larger extent than that of biogenic 10Be. Applying a model for coastal scavenging, we ascribe the observed higher sensitivity of Ba to biogenic particle fluxes to the fact that the ocean residence time of Ba is approximately 10 times longer than that of 10Be.