974 resultados para Congenital malformation


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Two daughters of a nonconsanguineous couple are described. Both present mental retardation, epileptic seizures, congenital atrichia, histologically anomalous skin and abnormal EEG pattern. From a discussion of the literature on atrichia, the forms without involvement of teeth, nails and hidrosis, among which recessive inheritance prevails, are distinguished from each other. None of them coincide with the syndrome described here.


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Hearing loss is one of the most common clinical findings in subjects with malformations of the ear. Treatment consists of surgery and/or adapt a hearing aid amplification by bone (HA VO). Early intervention is critical to auditory stimulation and development of speech and language. OBJECTIVE: To characterize the audiological profile of subjects with congenital malformation of the external ear and/or middle and evaluate the benefit and satisfaction of using HA VO. METHOD: A descriptive study, subjects with bilateral congenital malformations of the external ear and/or middle, conductive or mixed hearing loss, moderate or severe and HA VO users. Evaluation of the benefit test using sentence recognition in noise and measures of functional gain and satisfaction assessment questionnaire using international IQ - HA. RESULTS: 13 subjects were evaluated, 61% were male and 80% with moderate conductive hearing loss or severe. There was better performance in the evaluation proposal, provided with HA when compared to the condition without HA. CONCLUSION: HA VO showed advantages for the population studied and should be considered as an option for intervention. Satisfaction was confirmed by elevated scores obtained in IQ - HA.


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Aberrant origin of a pulmonary artery from the ascending aorta is an uncommon congenital vascular malformation with poor survival without surgery. In this case report, we describe the unusual late diagnosis of this congenital malformation in an otherwise asymptomatic young man presenting with mild hemoptysis. We review the natural and modified history of this defect and the relevant aspects of follow-up in adult life.


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Greig cephalopolysyndactyly syndrome (GCPS) is a multiple congenital malformation characterised by limb and craniofacial anomalies, caused by heterozygous mutation or deletion of GLI3. We report four boys and a girl who were presented with trigonocephaly due to metopic synostosis, in association with pre- and post-axial polydactyly and cutaneous syndactyly of hands and feet. Two cases had additional sagittal synostosis. None had a family history of similar features. In all five children, the diagnosis of GCPS was confirmed by molecular analysis of GLI3 (two had intragenic mutations and three had complete gene deletions detected on array comparative genomic hybridisation), thus highlighting the importance of trigonocephaly or overt metopic or sagittal synostosis as a distinct presenting feature of GCPS. These observations confirm and extend a recently proposed association of intragenic GLI3 mutations with metopic synostosis; moreover, the three individuals with complete deletion of GLI3 were previously considered to have Carpenter syndrome, highlighting an important source of diagnostic confusion.


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A neonatal case of umbilical evagination of the bladder combined with a small omphalocele is presented. This rare congenital malformation has previously been described in only three cases. Umbilical evagination can be understood as a disturbance of development of both the vitelline and allantoic ducts, resulting in a non-descended but otherwise normal bladder opening to the inferior margin of a small omphalocele. Diagnosis is made by clinical inspection and ultrasound. Since other malformations are not present, this entity may be regarded as a minor form of a lower midline defect with excellent prognosis.


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PURPOSE: We sought to identify causative nongenetic and genetic risk factors for the bladder exstrophy-epispadias complex. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 237 families with the bladder exstrophy-epispadias complex were invited to participate in the study, and information was obtained from 214 families, mainly from European countries. RESULTS: Two families showed familial occurrence. Male predominance was found among all subgroups comprising epispadias, classic bladder exstrophy and cloacal exstrophy, with male-to-female ratios of 1.4:1, 2.8:1 and 2.0:1, respectively (p = 0.001). No association with parental age, maternal reproductive history or periconceptional maternal exposure to alcohol, drugs, chemical noxae, radiation or infections was found. However, periconceptional maternal exposure to smoking was significantly more common in patients with cloacal exstrophy than in the combined group of patients with epispadias/classic bladder exstrophy (p = 0.009). Only 16.8% of mothers followed the current recommendations of periconceptional folic acid supplementation, and 17.6% had started supplementation before 10 weeks of gestation. Interestingly, in the latter group mothers of patients with cloacal exstrophy were more compliant with folic acid supplementation than were mothers of the combined group of patients with epispadias/classic bladder exstrophy (p = 0.037). Furthermore, mothers of children with cloacal exstrophy knew significantly more often prenatally that their child would have a congenital malformation than did mothers of children with epispadias/classic bladder exstrophy (p <0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Our study corroborates the hypothesis that epispadias, classic bladder exstrophy and cloacal exstrophy are causally related, representing a spectrum of the same developmental defect, with a small risk of recurrence within families. Embryonic exposure to maternal smoking appears to enforce the severity, whereas periconceptional folic acid supplementation does not seem to alleviate it. There is a disproportional prenatal ultrasound detection rate between severe and mild phenotypes, possibly due to the neglect of imaging of full bladders with a focus on neural tube defects.


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OBJECTIVE: The mental health of children living in low-income countries remains a neglected research area despite the high burden of disease. This study is one of the first that examines the effects of long-term physical health problems on child mental health disorders in a low-income country and investigates whether this association is modified by the socio-economic status of the child's family. METHODS: Community-based cross-sectional survey of 975 eight-year-old children from 20 sites in Vietnam. Long-term physical health problems were measured by a caregiver report and included conditions such as anaemia, congenital malformation, physical disability and skin problems. Child mental disorders were assessed using the strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ). Generalised estimating equations models were fitted to explore the association between long-term physical health problems and child mental disorders. RESULTS: Vietnamese children who suffer from long-term physical health problems have odds 2:1 times greater than children without long-term physical health problems of having a mental disorder (95% CI 1.2 to 3.6, p = 0.006). No significant interaction with socio-economic status was found. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed a high burden of mental disorders among physically ill children, re-enforcing the idea that there is "no health without mental health". While this association needs to be explored longitudinally, children with long-term health problems may be a visible group for targeted mental-health interventions.


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OBJECTIVE To provide information on pregnancy outcomes in women receiving certolizumab pegol (CZP). METHODS The UCB Pharma safety database was searched for pregnancies through to September 1, 2014. Reports for maternal and paternal CZP exposure were included and outcomes examined, and data on CZP exposure, pregnancy, comorbidities, and infant events were extracted by 2 independent reviewers. Concomitant medications and disease activity were reviewed for clinical trial patients. RESULTS Of 625 reported pregnancies, 372 (59.5%) had known outcomes. Paternal exposure pregnancies (n = 33) reported 27 live births, 4 miscarriages, 1 induced abortion, and 1 stillbirth. Maternal exposure pregnancies (n = 339) reported 254 live births, 52 miscarriages, 32 induced abortions, and 1 stillbirth. Almost all reported pregnancies had exposure to CZP in the first trimester, when organogenesis takes place, and a third of them continued the drug into the second and/or third trimesters. The most frequent indications for maternal CZP use were Crohn disease (192/339) and rheumatic diseases (118/339). Twelve cases of congenital malformation and a single neonatal death were reported. CONCLUSION Analysis of pregnancy outcomes after exposure to CZP supports previous reports, suggesting a lack of harmful effect of maternal CZP exposure on pregnancy outcomes. However, additional data from a larger number of outcomes after exposure and studies including an unexposed comparison group are required to fully evaluate CZP safety and tolerability in pregnancy.


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The following analyses covered two main objectives focused on the prevention of and identification of risk factors for birth defects, the leading cause of infant mortality. All analyses utilized data from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study (NBDPS), an ongoing, population-based, case-control study of major structural birth defects. ^ The first objective was to identify predictors of folic acid supplementation among women of reproductive age. To meet this objective, a previous analysis of potential predictors of periconcecptional folic acid use in the NBDPS was repeated using data from more recent years (1997-2000 versus 2001-2005). The results of these analyses were consistent with the initial analyses, indicating that folic acid use is associated with maternal race/ethnicity, age, education, pregnancy awareness, smoking status, first prenatal care visit, previous live births, and fertility treatments). In addition, data from NBDPS controls were used to identify predictors of preconceptional folic acid use, since supplementation is optimally initiated prior to pregnancy (rather than after conception). These analyses indicated that maternal race/ethnicity, education, age, nativity, employment status, income, number of dependents, smoking, and birth control are significantly associated with preconceptional folic acid supplementation. Ultimately the results of these analyses can be used to guide the development of targeted interventions for preconceptional folic acid use. ^ The second objective was to investigate the association between parental Hispanic acculturation and the risk of gastroschisis, a congenital malformation of the abdominal wall, in offspring. Significant association were not observed for mothers < 20 years of age at conception. Among mothers ≥ 20 years of age, white parents were at a decreased risk of having a child with gastroschisis as compared to Hispanic parents who were born in the United States (US) [odd ratios (ORs) ranging from 0.60 to 0.55] and Hispanics parents who predominantly spoke English (ORs ranging from 0.65 to 0.58). Compared to Hispanic mothers born in the US, the risk of gastroschisis was lower among Hispanic mothers who had lived in the US < 5 years (OR=0.36, 95% CI: 0.42, 0.81) at the time of delivery and Hispanic mothers who migrated to the US at ≥ 20 years of age (OR=0.48, 95% CI: 0.26, 0.89). The results of these analyses provide further evidence that the risk of gastroschisis in offspring is associated with parent Hispanic ethnicity and, among Hispanics, with the degree of parental acculturation. Future studies should focus on characteristic differences between less and more acculturated parents to better understand the relationship between acculturation and gastroschisis.^


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Atresia coli is a congenital defect with disruption of the intestinal flow. Its etiopathogenesis is still unknown and the prognosis is reserved. This paper describes the case of a one week old Holstein Friesian calf that was referred to the HCVC, and was diagnosed with atresia coli. This confirmation was made by contrast radiography and the lesion was detected in dorsal portion of the spiral colon. A cecostomy was performed followed by a marsupialization of the intestinal cecum to the abdominal wall. After 36 hours of surgery, calf’s state worsens dramatically and for reasons of welfare, it was proceeded to sacrifice. The post-operative recovery is possible, even though the mortality rate is high. As in this case, this mortality rate increases when early diagnosis of atresia coli does not take place and there is peritonitis.


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As anomalias dentárias podem ocorrer como resultado de fatores genéticos e ambientais. Estas são geralmente causadas por defeitos em genes específicos, no entanto, eventos pré e pós-natais têm também sido implicados em diferentes tipos de anomalias dentárias. Quando comparados com a população geral, os indivíduos que apresentam fenda labial (FL) e fenda palatina (FP) demonstraram ter uma maior prevalência de anomalias dentárias, tais como variações de número, posição e tamanho, que na sua maioria se localizavam na área do defeito da fenda. Com este trabalho, pretendeu-se então, realizar uma revisão narrativa sobre as várias anomalias dentárias que podem estar associadas a FL ou FP, a sua prevalência e as opções terapêuticas recomendadas. Durante os meses de Dezembro de 2012 e Janeiro de 2013 foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica na base de dados Pubmed atendendo às seguintes palavras chave “dental anomalies” AND “cleft lip and palate”; “oral health” AND “cleft lip and palate”. Na pesquisa empregaram-se os seguintes limites, artigos publicados nos últimos cinco anos, estudos em humanos, abstract disponível e artigos disponíveis em português, inglês e espanhol. Nesta pesquisa obteve-se um total de 50 artigos. Os artigos encontrados foram seleccionados primeiramente pelo título, seguidamente pela leitura cuidadosa dos abstracts e, finalmente, do artigo por inteiro, daí resultando um total de 17 artigos. Para o melhor entendimento do tema a ser desenvolvido, foram ainda considerados artigos de referência publicados em anos anteriores e livros de Odontopediatria e Genética Orofacial. As crianças com FL ou FP apresentam maior prevalência de anomalias dentárias de forma, número, posição, erupção e estrutura dentária, com localização privilegiada na área do defeito da fenda. Os pacientes portadores desta malformação congénita necessitam de intervenção precoce e acompanhamento continuado ao longo de toda a infância e adolescência, por uma equipa multidisciplinar que deverá incluir o pediatra, cirurgião maxilofacial, médico dentista, terapeuta da fala, psicólogo e cirurgião plástico.


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Objetivo Determinar la prevalencia de las malformaciones congénitas y las características de las madres y de los recién nacidos malformados en el Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso. Metodología Se realizó un estudio de tipo descriptivo (se determinó la prevalencia por año), se revisaron las historias clínicas de las madres con recién nacidos entre el periodo del 2010 al 2014. Para recolectar la información se empleó un formulario pre elaborado, los datos se agruparon según la clasificación del CIE-10 y se tabularan usando Microsoft Excel. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizó el software estadístico SPSS versión 15. Se describieron las variables del estudio de acuerdo a las medidas estadísticas apropiadas. Resultados La prevalencia de las malformaciones congénitas fue de 1.70 por cada 100 recién nacidos. Las mujeres entre 20 a 24 años, presentaron el mayor porcentaje de recién nacidos malformados con un 34.95%. Los recién nacidos malformados fueron mayoritariamente del sexo masculino con 53.83%. El grupo de malformación más frecuente fueron las malformaciones y deformidades congénitas del sistema osteomuscular con 18.88%, de las cuales la gastrosquisis fue la más frecuente, representada por el 4.85%. El síndrome polimalformativo fue el tipo de malformación congénita con el mayor porcentaje con un 10.71%. Conclusiones El presente estudio revela que la prevalencia encontrada de recién nacidos con malformaciones congénitas, fue similar a investigaciones previas a nivel regional y local. Se incluyeron únicamente las malformaciones que constituyen alteraciones morfológicas evidentes, encontrándose una mayor frecuencia del síndrome polimalformativo