988 resultados para Comunicação Aspectos políticos Rio de Janeiro (RJ)
OBJECTIVE To evaluate factors associated with users’ satisfaction in the Tuberculosis Control Program. METHODS A cross-sectional study of 295 patients aged ≥ 18 years, with two or more outpatient visits in the Tuberculosis Control Program, in five cities in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Southeastern Brazil, in 2010. Considering an estimated population of 4,345 patients, the sampling plan included 15 health care units participating in the program, divided into two strata: units in Rio de Janeiro City, selected with probability proportional to the monthly average number of outpatient visits, and units in the other four cities. In the units, four temporal clusters of five patients each were selected with equal probability, totaling 300 patients. A questionnaire investigating the users’ clinical and sociodemographic variables and aspects of care and service in the program relevant to user satisfaction was applied to the patients. Descriptive statistics about users and their satisfaction with the program were obtained, and the effects of factors associated with satisfaction were estimated. RESULTS Patients were predominantly males (57.7%), with a mean age of 40.9 and with low level of schooling. The mean treatment time was 4.1 months, mostly self-administered (70.4%). Additionally, 25.8% had previously been treated for tuberculosis. There was a high level of satisfaction, especially regarding medication provision, and respect to patients by the health professionals. Patients who were younger (≤ 30), those on self-administered treatment, and with graduate level, showed less satisfaction. Suggestions to improve the services include having more doctors (70.0%), and offering exams in the same place of attendance (55.1%). CONCLUSIONS Patient satisfaction with the Tuberculosis Control Program was generally high, although lower among younger patients, those with university education and those on self-administered treatment. The study indicates the need for changes to structural and organizational aspects of care, and provides practical support for its improvement.
Os estudos iniciais sobre a soroprevalncia de anticorpos anti-VIH-1 (Ac-VIH) em unidades de hemodilise no Estado do Rio de Janeiro (RJ) foram feitos em 1985. Os nmeros alarmantes, prximos a 14%, foram atribudos m qualidade do sangue obtido de "doadores profissionais" em troca de comida ou dinheiro. Recentemente uma srie de medidas foram adotadas na tentativa de reduzir o trfico de sangue. Nossa investigao objetivou avaliar o impacto destas na soroprevalncia de Ac-VIH em duas unidades satlites no RJ. A Clnica Segumed foi uma das unidades estudadas em 1985. Em 1987 realizamos um segundo levantamento no mesmo grupo estudado previamente. A Casa de Sade Graja, inaugurada em 1986 com a maioria dos pacientes novos em dilise, foi estudada em 1988. O teste ELISA HIV-1 foi utilizado como rastreamento. Os resultados positivos foram confirmados com Western blot. Os resultados na Segumed mostraram uma grande diferena entre os dois levantamentos (14,4% vs 3,6%). Os dois casos positivos em 1987 estavam entre os identificados em 1985. Nenhum paciente se infectou entre os dois levantamentos apesar de no se utilizarem medidas de isolamento para os portadores de VIH e do uso de transfuses ter aumentado no perodo. Na CS Graja apenas dois casos foram encontrados (soroprevalncia 2,4%) embora um j fosse conhecido desde 1985 quando vivia com um transplante. Uma reviso de estudos semelhantes no RJ e So Paulo parece revelar uma tendncia diminuio das taxas nos ltimos anos. Ns conclumos que a chance de contaminao com VIH atualmente reduzida nos centros estudados e pode estar caindo globalmente no RJ. possvel que a maior vigilncia, e at fechamento de bancos de sangue, tenha resultado na melhora da qualidade do sangue no RJ.
Loxosceles laeta a espcie de aranha-marrom de maior importncia mdica, causando acidentes de maior gravidade, alm de apresentar hbito sinantrpico. No presente trabalho, apresentado o primeiro registro sinantrpico de Loxosceles laeta no Municpio do Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, a partir de encontro e coleta ocasional de espcimes, no perodo de agosto de 2005 a junho de 2009. A espcie foi registrada em um prdio do Museu Nacional/UFRJ, localizado no parque da Quinta da Boa Vista, rea urbana na Zona Norte da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O foco foi considerado localizado e restrito. Loxosceles laeta adaptvel s condies climticas da regio metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, o que torna possvel o estabelecimento de novos focos da espcie e a ocorrncia de loxoscelismo na regio.
To characterize antibody binding to a panel of V3 loop peptides representing diverse HIV-1 neutralization epitopes, 149 HIV-1 infected individuals from Rio de Janeiro (RJ) were investigated. Results were analyzed with respect to risk factors for infection and other epidemiological and clinical data. Peptide reactivity was not associated with sex, clinical status, CD4 counts, antigenemia or 2-microglobulin serum level. A segregation of peptide reactivity according to route of infection was encountered. This finding suggests that more then one viral strain may be circulating in RJ, in subjects with different risk factors for HIV-1 infection. An investigation of prevalent HIV-1 genotypes, serotypes and immunotypes may be of importance for the design and selection of potential vaccines to be used in Brazil as well as for the selection of populations to be included in future vaccine efficacy trials.
A list of all type specimens of the Family Ceratopogonidae, present in the Entomological Collection of Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil is presented. This list includes the genera Bahiahelea, Culicoides, Dasyhelea, Downeshelea, Forcipomyia, Leptoconops, Mallochohelea, Monohelea, Neobezzia, Palpomyia and Sphaerohelea.
For more than 30 years temephos, an organophosphate insecticide, has been the sole larvicide used in Brazil in the control of Aedes aegypti. Organophosphates were also used for adult control, being replaced by pyrethroids since l999. In this same year, the Brazilian Health Foundation started the coordination of the Ae. aegypti Insecticide Resistance Monitoring Program. In the context of this program, our group was responsible for the detection of temephos resistance in a total of 12 municipalities in the states of Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Alagoas (AL), and Sergipe (SE) during 2001. In each municipality, a pool of mosquitoes collected from different districts was used, with the exception of Rio de Janeiro city, where eight districts have been separately evaluated. Exposure of larvae to the diagnostic dose of temephos revealed resistance in all localities examined, with mortality levels ranging from 4% (Pilares district, Rio de Janeiro, RJ) to 61.9% (Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ). Quantification of mortality showed resistance ratios from 6.1 (Aracaju, SE) to 16.8 (So Gonalo, RJ and Penha district, Rio de Janeiro, RJ). The national dengue control program is presently using these data to subside insecticide resistance management.
Streptococcus agalactiae isolates are more common among pregnant women, neonates and nonpregnant adults with underlying diseases compared to other demographic groups. In this study, we evaluate the genetic and phenotypic diversity in S. agalactiae strains from Rio de Janeiro (RJ) that were isolated from asymptomatic carriers. We analysed these S. agalactiae strains using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), serotyping and antimicrobial susceptibility testing, as well as by determining the macrolide resistance phenotype, and detecting the presence of the ermA/B, mefA/E and lnuB genes. The serotypes Ia, II, III and V were the most prevalent serotypes observed. The 60 strains analysed were susceptible to penicillin, vancomycin and levofloxacin. Resistance to clindamycin, chloramphenicol, erythromycin, rifampin and tetracycline was observed. Among the erythromycin and/or clindamycin resistant strains, the ermA, ermB and mefA/E genes were detected and the constitutive macrolides, lincosamides and streptogramin B-type resistance was the most prevalent phenotype observed. The lnuB gene was not detected in any of the strains studied. We found 56 PFGE electrophoretic profiles and only 22 of them were allocated in polymorphism patterns. This work presents data on the genetic diversity and prevalent capsular serotypes among RJ isolates. Approximately 85% of these strains came from pregnant women; therefore, these data may be helpful in developing future prophylaxis and treatment strategies for neonatal syndromes in RJ.
The lethality of malaria in the extra-Amazonian region is more than 70 times higher than in Amazonia itself. Recently, several studies have shown that autochthonous malaria is not a rare event in the Brazilian southeastern states in the Atlantic Forest biome. Information about autochthonous malaria in the state of Rio de Janeiro (RJ) is scarce. This study aims to assess malaria cases reported to the Health Surveillance System of the State of Rio de Janeiro between 2000-2010. An average of 90 cases per year had parasitological malaria confirmation by thick smear. The number of malaria notifications due to Plasmodium falciparum increased over time. Imported cases reported during the period studied were spread among 51% of the municipalities (counties) of the state. Only 35 cases (4.3%) were autochthonous, which represents an average of 3.8 new cases per year. Eleven municipalities reported autochthonous cases; within these, six could be characterised as areas of residual or new foci of malaria from the Atlantic Forest system. The other 28 municipalities could become receptive for transmission reintroduction. Cases occurred during all periods of the year, but 62.9% of cases were in the first semester of each year. Assessing vulnerability and receptivity conditions and vector ecology is imperative to establish the real risk of malaria reintroduction in RJ.
OBJETIVO: Este trabalho aborda as conseqncias de laudos necroscpicos incompletos de baleados, nos casos em que no foi possvel o uso de recursos radiolgicos para localizar os projteis de arma de fogo. MATERIAIS E MTODOS: Foram analisados 8.185 laudos necroscpicos do Instituto Mdico-Legal Afrnio Peixoto, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, referentes demanda total de cadveres no perodo de 1º de janeiro a 31 de dezembro de 2001, dos quais 3.122 casos corresponderam a necropsias de baleados. RESULTADOS: Desses casos, 309 corpos foram sepultados contendo ainda, no seu interior, projteis de arma de fogo, podendo suscitar futuras indagaes judiciais. No mesmo perodo foram solicitadas 23 exumaes, 12 delas com a finalidade de recolher projteis. Foram calculados os gastos relacionados realizao de necropsias de baleados - R$ 996,85 - e custos alusivos realizao de exumaes com a finalidade de recolher projteis de arma de fogo - R$ 1.155,40, visando a estabelecer o montante financeiro que poderia ser poupado pelos cofres pblicos, a ser alocado para finalidades outras, se a percia mdico-legal de baleados, no exame inicial, obtivesse sucesso. CONCLUSO: Os resultados permitiram concluir que todos os atos necroscpicos de baleados devem seguir protocolos especficos, uma vez que percias incompletas exigem exumao posterior, com gastos adicionais desnecessrios.
O objetivo da dissertao foi obter um modelo de previso para os preos dos imveis, praticados no mercado imobilirio da cidade do Rio de Janeiro no ano 2000, utilizando a Metodologia do Preo Hednico (HPM), que deve reponder a duas questes: a) Quais so as caractersticas relevantes; b) Qual a forma de relacionamento entre os preos e as caractersticas. O modelo de previso foi obtido, com base em procedimentos economtricos, e teve duas etapas distintas. Na primeira etapa, de formulao do modelo, foram realizadas regresses paras as formas funcionais mais utilizadas pelos estudos na rea, a saber, a forma funcional linear, dupla logartmica e semilogartmica. Em seguida foi utilizado o procedimento de seleo de modelos geral para especfico. A segunda etapa consistiu na previso fora da amostra. Isto , a partir das formas funcionais reduzidas e utilizando-se dos coeficientes das variveis significativas, obteve-se os preos estimados e em seguida foram comparados com os preos efetivamente praticados pelo mercado. Calculou-se, ento, os Erro Quadrtico Mdio (EQM) e o Erro Absoluto Mdio (EAM) e com o auxlio dos testes de diagnsticos e igualdade de varincia, escolheu-se a forma funcional que melhor se adequou aos dados Desta forma, para um nvel de significncia de 5%, a forma funcional que melhor se adequou aos critrios estabelecidos foi a dupla logartmica e apresentou como resultado da estimao um R2=92,63% e dentre as caractersticas mais relevantes para estimao do preo do imvel pode-se destacar, entre outras, o tamanho do imvel como caractersticas fsicas; a ocorrncia de roubos como caractersticas de segurana, a quantidade disponvel de bens e servios destinados ao lazer como caractersticas de vizinhana e a disponibilidade ou no de servios de hotelaria como caractersticas dummies.
Esta dissertao apresenta uma leitura do turismo cultural na cidade do Rio de Janeiro a partir da anlise da visitao de um equipamento cultural o Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro. Por meio de entrevistas realizadas com atores sociais envolvidos no turismo e na culturalocal, e da aplicao e anlise de uma pesquisa de perfil junto aos turistas que visitaram o teatro, pretendeu-se abordar a oportunidade e a necessidade da implantao de aes pblicas e privadas para o desenvolvimento do segmento de turismo cultural como uma forma de expanso do mercado turstico.
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo a implantao de um Programa de Histria Oral na Cmara Municipal do Rio de Janeiro, com a constituio de um acervo de entrevistas gravadas sobre a histria do Legislativo do novo municpio formado com a fuso dos antigos estados da Guanabara e Rio de Janeiro, em 1975.Esse acervo servir no s como fonte de informao sobre o papel da Cmara Municipal na histria da cidade, a trajetria de seus vereadores e a lgica do processo legislativo, mas tambm como importante ferramenta de preservao e divulgao do passado e da memria da instituio.
The Judicial Authority has more and more prominence for the principal place on the public discussion. His role performed as political institution and agency in charged of the jurisdiction installment has been object of discussion. Frequently diagnostics are made about a crisis that include the Judicial System. At the same way are made diverse changes, searching transform from formalities until the ritual of fill a job of Judge. Were certainly, by this point of view, far from the period that the judicial questions were corresponded to jurisconsult. The discussion has increased, calling to order not only jurisconsult but also members of Congress, press and of the civil organisms. Thus international organisms, despite their economic issues, entered at the discussion being watchful to the emergency reforms to be taken by the Judicial Authority. However, although the changes end the relative agreement of the emerging crisis, the Judicial System continue to be unknown. Still now with the beginning of the Juizados Especiais Criminais, the organizational form originated in 1995. The main core of the discussion about Juizados Especiais Criminais is centralized in isolated cases instead of a global analysis, resulting of the join between data and observations about historic series. The final object of this dissertation is centered on the analysis of the activities of the organizational variables of the Juizados Especiais Criminais da Comarca da Capital do Estado do Rio de Janeiro in its first years of functioning.
The Brazilian public administration must act with efficiency, developing its activities with readiness and minimizing the use of resources. However, it has not been being able to work with increasing demand in solve complex problems. Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (TCERJ) is the entity responsible for the operational audit of the public institutions of Rio de Janeiro State and its Municipals districts, except for the Capital. It has detected itself that the society demand is superior to its operational capacity of assistance. This dissertation tries to know if the public works audits system adopted by TCERJ could be considered a viable system. Considering that the systems approaches represents the key to work with a reality more and more complex, the Viable System Modelo (VSM) was adopted as reference, having been developed by Stafford Beer with cybernetics basis. Finally, taking VSM as reference in the normative level, it could be affirmed that the studied system is not a viable system to verify that, the studied system is not a viable system yet.
A importncia e a contribuio das empresas de pequeno porte para o desenvolvimento do pas so argumentos suficientes para que esse segmento empresarial seja considerado e tratado como estratgia de poltica pblica. No Brasil as dificuldades e os entraves para que os pequenos negcios produzam resultados de poltica esto expressos, sobretudo, na conceituao de pequeno porte, na forma de tributao e nos encargos sociais. Para vencer essas limitaes e sobreviver os pequenos empresrios adotam prticas gerenciais que visam sistematicamente burlar o fisco, trazendo conseqncias desfavorveis empresa. Prticas tais como a utilizao de caixa dois e o pagamento de salrios sem o devido registro so amplamente aplicadas nas pequenas empresas que preferem se expor ao risco da fiscalizao do que cumprir os requisitos definidos na legislao. Para reverter esse quadro, o posicionamento estratgico do governo face aos pequenos negcios deveria contemplar aes de incentivo a criao e desenvolvimento de uma classe empresarial, de melhoria da capacidade gerencial, de simplificao da legislao com reduo da carga tributria e de assimilao de mo de obra excedente no mercado de trabalho.