970 resultados para Communication Methodology


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Technical communication certificates are offered by many colleges and universities as an alternative to a full undergraduate or graduate degree in the field. Despite certificates’ increasing popularity in recent years, however, surprisingly little commentary exists about them within the scholarly literature. In this work, I describe a survey of certificate and baccalaureate programs that I performed in 2008 in order to develop basic, descriptive data on programs’ age, size, and graduation rates; departmental location; curricular requirements; online offerings; and instructor status and qualifications. In performing this research, I apply recent insights from neosophistic rhetorical theory and feminist critiques of science to both articulate, and model, a feminist-sophistic methodology. I also suggest in this work that technical communication certificates can be theorized as a particularly sophistic credential for a particularly sophistic field, and I discuss the implications of neosophistic theory for certificate program design and administration.


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This thesis examines digital technologies used by technical communicators in healthcare settings. I show that technical communicators, who function as users, advocators and evaluators, need a useable framework for ethical engagement with digital technologies, which integrally affect the physician-patient relationship. Therefore, I apply rhetorical methodology by producing useable knowledge and phenomenological methodology by examining lived experiences of technical communicators. Substantiation comes from theories spanning technical communication, philosophy, and composition studies. Evidence also emerges from qualitative interviews with communication professionals working in healthcare; my concerns arise from personal experiences with electronic recordkeeping in the exam room. This thesis anticipates challenging the presumed theory-practice divide while encouraging greater disciplinary reciprocity. Because technical communication infuses theory into productive capacity, this thesis presents the tripartite summons of the ethical technical communicator: to exercise critically-reflective action that safeguards the physician-patient relationship by ways of using digital technologies, advocating for audiences, and evaluating digital technologies.


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This document presents an innovative, formal educational initiative that is aimed at enhancing the development of engineering students' specific competences. The subject of project management is the common theoretical and practical framework that articulates an experience that is carried out by multidisciplinary groups. Full utilization of Web 2.0 platforms and Project Based Learning constitutes the applied methodology. More specifically, this study focuses on monitoring communication competence when working in virtual environments, providing an ad-hoc rubric as a final result.


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Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have shown their potentials in various applications, which bring a lot of benefits to users from both research and industrial areas. For many setups, it is envisioned thatWSNs will consist of tens to hundreds of nodes that operate on small batteries. However due to the diversity of the deployed environments and resource constraints on radio communication, sensing ability and energy supply, it is a very challenging issue to plan optimized WSN topology and predict its performance before real deployment. During the network planning phase, the connectivity, coverage, cost, network longevity and service quality should all be considered. Therefore it requires designers coping with comprehensive and interdisciplinary knowledge, including networking, radio engineering, embedded system and so on, in order to efficiently construct a reliable WSN for any specific types of environment. Nowadays there is still a lack of the analysis and experiences to guide WSN designers to efficiently construct WSN topology successfully without many trials. Therefore, simulation is a feasible approach to the quantitative analysis of the performance of wireless sensor networks. However the existing planning algorithms and tools, to some extent, have serious limitations to practically design reliable WSN topology: Only a few of them tackle the 3D deployment issue, and an overwhelming number of works are proposed to place devices in 2D scheme. Without considering the full dimension, the impacts of environment to the performance of WSN are not completely studied, thus the values of evaluated metrics such as connectivity and sensing coverage are not sufficiently accurate to make proper decision. Even fewer planning methods model the sensing coverage and radio propagation by considering the realistic scenario where obstacles exist. Radio signals propagate with multi-path phenomenon in the real world, in which direct paths, reflected paths and diffracted paths contribute to the received signal strength. Besides, obstacles between the path of sensor and objects might block the sensing signals, thus create coverage hole in the application. None of the existing planning algorithms model the network longevity and packet delivery capability properly and practically. They often employ unilateral and unrealistic formulations. The optimization targets are often one-sided in the current works. Without comprehensive evaluation on the important metrics, the performance of planned WSNs can not be reliable and entirely optimized. Modeling of environment is usually time consuming and the cost is very high, while none of the current works figure out any method to model the 3D deployment environment efficiently and accurately. Therefore many researchers are trapped by this issue, and their algorithms can only be evaluated in the same scenario, without the possibility to test the robustness and feasibility for implementations in different environments. In this thesis, we propose a novel planning methodology and an intelligent WSN planning tool to assist WSN designers efficiently planning reliable WSNs. First of all, a new method is proposed to efficiently and automatically model the 3D indoor and outdoor environments. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that the advantages of image understanding algorithm are applied to automatically reconstruct 3D outdoor and indoor scenarios for signal propagation and network planning purpose. The experimental results indicate that the proposed methodology is able to accurately recognize different objects from the satellite images of the outdoor target regions and from the scanned floor plan of indoor area. Its mechanism offers users a flexibility to reconstruct different types of environment without any human interaction. Thereby it significantly reduces human efforts, cost and time spent on reconstructing a 3D geographic database and allows WSN designers concentrating on the planning issues. Secondly, an efficient ray-tracing engine is developed to accurately and practically model the radio propagation and sensing signal on the constructed 3D map. The engine contributes on efficiency and accuracy to the estimated results. By using image processing concepts, including the kd-tree space division algorithm and modified polar sweep algorithm, the rays are traced efficiently without detecting all the primitives in the scene. The radio propagation model iv is proposed, which emphasizes not only the materials of obstacles but also their locations along the signal path. The sensing signal of sensor nodes, which is sensitive to the obstacles, is benefit from the ray-tracing algorithm via obstacle detection. The performance of this modelling method is robust and accurate compared with conventional methods, and experimental results imply that this methodology is suitable for both outdoor urban scenes and indoor environments. Moreover, it can be applied to either GSM communication or ZigBee protocol by varying frequency parameter of the radio propagation model. Thirdly, WSN planning method is proposed to tackle the above mentioned challenges and efficiently deploy reliable WSNs. More metrics (connectivity, coverage, cost, lifetime, packet latency and packet drop rate) are modeled more practically compared with other works. Especially 3D ray tracing method is used to model the radio link and sensing signal which are sensitive to the obstruction of obstacles; network routing is constructed by using AODV protocol; the network longevity, packet delay and packet drop rate are obtained via simulating practical events in WSNet simulator, which to the best of our knowledge, is the first time that network simulator is involved in a planning algorithm. Moreover, a multi-objective optimization algorithm is developed to cater for the characteristics of WSNs. The capability of providing multiple optimized solutions simultaneously allows users making their own decisions accordingly, and the results are more comprehensively optimized compared with other state-of-the-art algorithms. iMOST is developed by integrating the introduced algorithms, to assist WSN designers efficiently planning reliable WSNs for different configurations. The abbreviated name iMOST stands for an Intelligent Multi-objective Optimization Sensor network planning Tool. iMOST contributes on: (1) Convenient operation with a user-friendly vision system; (2) Efficient and automatic 3D database reconstruction and fast 3D objects design for both indoor and outdoor environments; (3) It provides multiple multi-objective optimized 3D deployment solutions and allows users to configure the network properties, hence it can adapt to various WSN applications; (4) Deployment solutions in the 3D space and the corresponding evaluated performance are visually presented to users; and (5) The Node Placement Module of iMOST is available online as well as the source code of the other two rebuilt heuristics. Therefore WSN designers will be benefit from v this tool on efficiently constructing environment database, practically and efficiently planning reliable WSNs for both outdoor and indoor applications. With the open source codes, they are also able to compare their developed algorithms with ours to contribute to this academic field. Finally, solid real results are obtained for both indoor and outdoor WSN planning. Deployments have been realized for both indoor and outdoor environments based on the provided planning solutions. The measured results coincide well with the estimated results. The proposed planning algorithm is adaptable according to the WSN designer’s desirability and configuration, and it offers flexibility to plan small and large scale, indoor and outdoor 3D deployments. The thesis is organized in 7 chapters. In Chapter 1, WSN applications and motivations of this work are introduced, the state-of-the-art planning algorithms and tools are reviewed, challenges are stated out and the proposed methodology is briefly introduced. In Chapter 2, the proposed 3D environment reconstruction methodology is introduced and its performance is evaluated for both outdoor and indoor environment. The developed ray-tracing engine and proposed radio propagation modelling method are described in details in Chapter 3, their performances are evaluated in terms of computation efficiency and accuracy. Chapter 4 presents the modelling of important metrics of WSNs and the proposed multi-objective optimization planning algorithm, the performance is compared with the other state-of-the-art planning algorithms. The intelligent WSN planning tool iMOST is described in Chapter 5. RealWSN deployments are prosecuted based on the planned solutions for both indoor and outdoor scenarios, important data are measured and results are analysed in Chapter 6. Chapter 7 concludes the thesis and discusses about future works. vi Resumen en Castellano Las redes de sensores inalámbricas (en inglés Wireless Sensor Networks, WSNs) han demostrado su potencial en diversas aplicaciones que aportan una gran cantidad de beneficios para el campo de la investigación y de la industria. Para muchas configuraciones se prevé que las WSNs consistirán en decenas o cientos de nodos que funcionarán con baterías pequeñas. Sin embargo, debido a la diversidad de los ambientes para desplegar las redes y a las limitaciones de recursos en materia de comunicación de radio, capacidad de detección y suministro de energía, la planificación de la topología de la red y la predicción de su rendimiento es un tema muy difícil de tratar antes de la implementación real. Durante la fase de planificación del despliegue de la red se deben considerar aspectos como la conectividad, la cobertura, el coste, la longevidad de la red y la calidad del servicio. Por lo tanto, requiere de diseñadores con un amplio e interdisciplinario nivel de conocimiento que incluye la creación de redes, la ingeniería de radio y los sistemas embebidos entre otros, con el fin de construir de manera eficiente una WSN confiable para cualquier tipo de entorno. Hoy en día todavía hay una falta de análisis y experiencias que orienten a los diseñadores de WSN para construir las topologías WSN de manera eficiente sin realizar muchas pruebas. Por lo tanto, la simulación es un enfoque viable para el análisis cuantitativo del rendimiento de las redes de sensores inalámbricos. Sin embargo, los algoritmos y herramientas de planificación existentes tienen, en cierta medida, serias limitaciones para diseñar en la práctica una topología fiable de WSN: Sólo unos pocos abordan la cuestión del despliegue 3D mientras que existe una gran cantidad de trabajos que colocan los dispositivos en 2D. Si no se analiza la dimensión completa (3D), los efectos del entorno en el desempeño de WSN no se estudian por completo, por lo que los valores de los parámetros evaluados, como la conectividad y la cobertura de detección, no son lo suficientemente precisos para tomar la decisión correcta. Aún en menor medida los métodos de planificación modelan la cobertura de los sensores y la propagación de la señal de radio teniendo en cuenta un escenario realista donde existan obstáculos. Las señales de radio en el mundo real siguen una propagación multicamino, en la que los caminos directos, los caminos reflejados y los caminos difractados contribuyen a la intensidad de la señal recibida. Además, los obstáculos entre el recorrido del sensor y los objetos pueden bloquear las señales de detección y por lo tanto crear áreas sin cobertura en la aplicación. Ninguno de los algoritmos de planificación existentes modelan el tiempo de vida de la red y la capacidad de entrega de paquetes correctamente y prácticamente. A menudo se emplean formulaciones unilaterales y poco realistas. Los objetivos de optimización son a menudo tratados unilateralmente en los trabajos actuales. Sin una evaluación exhaustiva de los parámetros importantes, el rendimiento previsto de las redes inalámbricas de sensores no puede ser fiable y totalmente optimizado. Por lo general, el modelado del entorno conlleva mucho tiempo y tiene un coste muy alto, pero ninguno de los trabajos actuales propone algún método para modelar el entorno de despliegue 3D con eficiencia y precisión. Por lo tanto, muchos investigadores están limitados por este problema y sus algoritmos sólo se pueden evaluar en el mismo escenario, sin la posibilidad de probar la solidez y viabilidad para las implementaciones en diferentes entornos. En esta tesis, se propone una nueva metodología de planificación así como una herramienta inteligente de planificación de redes de sensores inalámbricas para ayudar a los diseñadores a planificar WSNs fiables de una manera eficiente. En primer lugar, se propone un nuevo método para modelar demanera eficiente y automática los ambientes interiores y exteriores en 3D. Según nuestros conocimientos hasta la fecha, esta es la primera vez que las ventajas del algoritmo de _image understanding_se aplican para reconstruir automáticamente los escenarios exteriores e interiores en 3D para analizar la propagación de la señal y viii la planificación de la red. Los resultados experimentales indican que la metodología propuesta es capaz de reconocer con precisión los diferentes objetos presentes en las imágenes satelitales de las regiones objetivo en el exterior y de la planta escaneada en el interior. Su mecanismo ofrece a los usuarios la flexibilidad para reconstruir los diferentes tipos de entornos sin ninguna interacción humana. De este modo se reduce considerablemente el esfuerzo humano, el coste y el tiempo invertido en la reconstrucción de una base de datos geográfica con información 3D, permitiendo así que los diseñadores se concentren en los temas de planificación. En segundo lugar, se ha desarrollado un motor de trazado de rayos (en inglés ray tracing) eficiente para modelar con precisión la propagación de la señal de radio y la señal de los sensores en el mapa 3D construido. El motor contribuye a la eficiencia y la precisión de los resultados estimados. Mediante el uso de los conceptos de procesamiento de imágenes, incluyendo el algoritmo del árbol kd para la división del espacio y el algoritmo _polar sweep_modificado, los rayos se trazan de manera eficiente sin la detección de todas las primitivas en la escena. El modelo de propagación de radio que se propone no sólo considera los materiales de los obstáculos, sino también su ubicación a lo largo de la ruta de señal. La señal de los sensores de los nodos, que es sensible a los obstáculos, se ve beneficiada por la detección de objetos llevada a cabo por el algoritmo de trazado de rayos. El rendimiento de este método de modelado es robusto y preciso en comparación con los métodos convencionales, y los resultados experimentales indican que esta metodología es adecuada tanto para escenas urbanas al aire libre como para ambientes interiores. Por otra parte, se puede aplicar a cualquier comunicación GSM o protocolo ZigBee mediante la variación de la frecuencia del modelo de propagación de radio. En tercer lugar, se propone un método de planificación de WSNs para hacer frente a los desafíos mencionados anteriormente y desplegar redes de sensores fiables de manera eficiente. Se modelan más parámetros (conectividad, cobertura, coste, tiempo de vida, la latencia de paquetes y tasa de caída de paquetes) en comparación con otros trabajos. Especialmente el método de trazado de rayos 3D se utiliza para modelar el enlace de radio y señal de los sensores que son sensibles a la obstrucción de obstáculos; el enrutamiento de la red se construye utilizando el protocolo AODV; la longevidad de la red, retardo de paquetes ix y tasa de abandono de paquetes se obtienen a través de la simulación de eventos prácticos en el simulador WSNet, y según nuestros conocimientos hasta la fecha, es la primera vez que simulador de red está implicado en un algoritmo de planificación. Por otra parte, se ha desarrollado un algoritmo de optimización multi-objetivo para satisfacer las características de las redes inalámbricas de sensores. La capacidad de proporcionar múltiples soluciones optimizadas de forma simultánea permite a los usuarios tomar sus propias decisiones en consecuencia, obteniendo mejores resultados en comparación con otros algoritmos del estado del arte. iMOST se desarrolla mediante la integración de los algoritmos presentados, para ayudar de forma eficiente a los diseñadores en la planificación de WSNs fiables para diferentes configuraciones. El nombre abreviado iMOST (Intelligent Multi-objective Optimization Sensor network planning Tool) representa una herramienta inteligente de planificación de redes de sensores con optimización multi-objetivo. iMOST contribuye en: (1) Operación conveniente con una interfaz de fácil uso, (2) Reconstrucción eficiente y automática de una base de datos con información 3D y diseño rápido de objetos 3D para ambientes interiores y exteriores, (3) Proporciona varias soluciones de despliegue optimizadas para los multi-objetivo en 3D y permite a los usuarios configurar las propiedades de red, por lo que puede adaptarse a diversas aplicaciones de WSN, (4) las soluciones de implementación en el espacio 3D y el correspondiente rendimiento evaluado se presentan visualmente a los usuarios, y (5) El _Node Placement Module_de iMOST está disponible en línea, así como el código fuente de las otras dos heurísticas de planificación. Por lo tanto los diseñadores WSN se beneficiarán de esta herramienta para la construcción eficiente de la base de datos con información del entorno, la planificación práctica y eficiente de WSNs fiables tanto para aplicaciones interiores y exteriores. Con los códigos fuente abiertos, son capaces de comparar sus algoritmos desarrollados con los nuestros para contribuir a este campo académico. Por último, se obtienen resultados reales sólidos tanto para la planificación de WSN en interiores y exteriores. Los despliegues se han realizado tanto para ambientes de interior y como para ambientes de exterior utilizando las soluciones de planificación propuestas. Los resultados medidos coinciden en gran medida con los resultados estimados. El algoritmo de planificación x propuesto se adapta convenientemente al deiseño de redes de sensores inalámbricas, y ofrece flexibilidad para planificar los despliegues 3D a pequeña y gran escala tanto en interiores como en exteriores. La tesis se estructura en 7 capítulos. En el Capítulo 1, se presentan las aplicaciones de WSN y motivaciones de este trabajo, se revisan los algoritmos y herramientas de planificación del estado del arte, se presentan los retos y se describe brevemente la metodología propuesta. En el Capítulo 2, se presenta la metodología de reconstrucción de entornos 3D propuesta y su rendimiento es evaluado tanto para espacios exteriores como para espacios interiores. El motor de trazado de rayos desarrollado y el método de modelado de propagación de radio propuesto se describen en detalle en el Capítulo 3, evaluándose en términos de eficiencia computacional y precisión. En el Capítulo 4 se presenta el modelado de los parámetros importantes de las WSNs y el algoritmo de planificación de optimización multi-objetivo propuesto, el rendimiento se compara con los otros algoritmos de planificación descritos en el estado del arte. La herramienta inteligente de planificación de redes de sensores inalámbricas, iMOST, se describe en el Capítulo 5. En el Capítulo 6 se llevan a cabo despliegues reales de acuerdo a las soluciones previstas para los escenarios interiores y exteriores, se miden los datos importantes y se analizan los resultados. En el Capítulo 7 se concluye la tesis y se discute acerca de los trabajos futuros.


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New technologies such as, the new Information and Communication Technology ICT, break new paths and redefines the way we understand business, the Cloud Computing is one of them. The on demand resource gathering and the per usage payment scheme are now commonplace, and allows companies to save on their ICT investments. Despite the importance of this issue, we still lack methodologies that help companies, to develop applications oriented for its exploitation in the Cloud. In this study we aim to fill this gap and propose a methodology for the development of ICT applications, which are directed towards a business model, and further outsourcing in the Cloud. In the former the Development of SOA applications, we take, as a baseline scenario, a business model from which to obtain a business process model. To this end, we use software engineering tools; and in the latter The Outsourcing we propose a guide that would facilitate uploading business models into the Cloud; to this end we describe a SOA governance model, which controls the SOA. Additionally we propose a Cloud government that integrates Service Level Agreements SLAs, plus SOA governance, and Cloud architecture. Finally we apply our methodology in an example illustrating our proposal. We believe that our proposal can be used as a guide/pattern for the development of business applications.


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The usage of HTTP adaptive streaming (HAS) has become widely spread in multimedia services. Because it allows the service providers to improve the network resource utilization and user׳s Quality of Experience (QoE). Using this technology, the video playback interruption is reduced since the network and server status in addition to capability of user device, all are taken into account by HAS client to adapt the quality to the current condition. Adaptation can be done using different strategies. In order to provide optimal QoE, the perceptual impact of adaptation strategies from point of view of the user should be studied. However, the time-varying video quality due to the adaptation which usually takes place in a long interval introduces a new type of impairment making the subjective evaluation of adaptive streaming system challenging. The contribution of this paper is two-fold: first, it investigates the testing methodology to evaluate HAS QoE by comparing the subjective experimental outcomes obtained from ACR standardized method and a semi-continuous method developed to evaluate the long sequences. In addition, influence of using audiovisual stimuli to evaluate the video-related impairment is inquired. Second, impact of some of the adaptation technical factors including the quality switching amplitude and chunk size in combination with high range of commercial content type is investigated. The results of this study provide a good insight toward achieving appropriate testing method to evaluate HAS QoE, in addition to designing switching strategies with optimal visual quality.


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Evacuation route planning is a fundamental task for building engineering projects. Safety regulations are established so that all occupants are driven on time out of a building to a secure place when faced with an emergency situation. As an example, Spanish building code requires the planning of evacuation routes on large and, usually, public buildings. Engineers often plan these routes on single building projects, repeatedly assigning clusters of rooms to each emergency exit in a trial-and-error process. But problems may arise for a building complex where distribution and use changes make visual analysis cumbersome and sometimes unfeasible. This problem could be solved by using well-known spatial analysis techniques, implemented as a specialized software able to partially emulate engineer reasoning. In this paper we propose and test an easily reproducible methodology that makes use of free and open source software components for solving a case study. We ran a complete test on a building floor at the University of Alicante (Spain). This institution offers a web service (WFS) that allows retrieval of 2D geometries from any building within its campus. We demonstrate how geospatial technologies and computational geometry algorithms can be used for automating the creation and optimization of evacuation routes. In our case study, the engineers’ task is to verify that the load capacity of each emergency exit does not exceed the standards specified by Spain’s current regulations. Using Dijkstra’s algorithm, we obtain the shortest paths from every room to the most appropriate emergency exit. Once these paths are calculated, engineers can run simulations and validate, based on path statistics, different cluster configurations. Techniques and tools applied in this research would be helpful in the design and risk management phases of any complex building project.


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Both the current economic situation in the construction sector and the continuous normative changes in the building area imply the use of new methodologies to enhance students’ competences in the degree of Building Engineer. The aim of this paper is to present, analyse and discuss the development of constructive workshops as a new teaching methodology used in the subject of Construction of Structures I at the University of Alicante to complement the constructive and technical knowledge acquired by our students and to enhance their communicative and representation skills essential for their professional practice in the future. The used methodology is based on the development of three-dimensional construction details (in groups of 3 or 4 students) to be shown in two A1-pannels exposed in the corridors of the Polytechnic School. Thus, students’ work approaches constructive problems in a global way by discussing simultaneously with teachers and other groups about the most suitable solution on each case. This contribution has multiperspective results and improves criticism of students in different areas, encouraging new learning strategies and active participation. What is more, on-line information and web applications have been used to prepare and organize this kind of workshops, allowing students to use new technologies as a complementary learning methodology. In conclusion, the use of these new workshops in the Degree of Building Engineer stimulates an interactive class versus a traditional lecture where the participative groups´ attitude and the development of oral presentations dissolve the traditional boundaries regarding public communication skills of the students in the Degree.


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The subject of Construction of Structures I studies, from a constructive point of view and taking into account current legislation, reinforced concrete structures used in buildings, through the acquisition of knowledge and construction criteria required in the profession of a Technical Architect. The contents acquired in this course are essential for further professional development of technicians and are closely related to many of the subjects taught in the same or other courses of the Degree in Technical Architecture at the University of Alicante. The aim of this paper is to present, analyze and discuss the development of a new methodology proposed in the mentioned subject, as it supposed an important change in the traditional way of teaching Construction and Structures I. In order to incorporate new teaching tools in 2013-2014, the course has been implemented by using a Moodle software tool to promote blended learning with online exercises. Our Moodle community allows collaborative work within an open-source platform where teachers and students share a new and personalized learning environment. Students are easily used to the interface and the platform, value the constant connection with teachers or other fellows and completely agree with the possibility of making questions or share documents 24 hours a day. The proposed methodology consists of lectures and practical classes. In the lectures, the basics of each topic are discussed; class attendance, daily study and conducting scheduled exercises are indispensable. Practical classes allow to consolidate the knowledge gained in theory classes by solving professional exercises and actual construction problems related to structures, that shall be compulsorily delivered online. So, after the correction of the teacher and the subsequent feedback of students, practical exercises ensure lifelong learning of the student, who can download any kind of material at any time (constructive details, practical exercises and even corrected exams). Regarding the general evaluation system, goals achievement is assessed on an ongoing basis (65% of the final mark) along the course through written and graphic evidences in person and online, as well as a individual development of a workbook. In all cases, the acquisition of skills, the ability to synthesize, the capacity of logical and critical thinking are assessed. The other 35 % of the mark is evaluated by a complementary graphic exam. Participation in the computing platform is essential and the student is required to do and present, at least 90% of the practices proposed. Those who do not comply with the practices in each specific date could not be assessed continuously and may only choose the final exam. In conclusion, the subject of Construction of Structures I is essential in the development of the regulated profession of Technical Architect as they are considered, among other professional profiles, as specialists in construction of building structures. The use of a new communication platform and online teaching allows the acquisition of knowledge and constructive approaches in a continuous way, with a more direct and personal monitoring by the teacher that has been highly appreciated by almost 100% of the students. Ultimately, it is important to say that the use of Moodle in this subject is a very interesting tool, which was really well welcome by students in one of the densest and important subjects of the Degree of Technical Architecture.


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Purpose-The paper aims to analyse the nature of business communication and its influence on relationships development between Hong Kong Chinese intermediaries sourcing from Mainland Chinese sellers involved in manufacturing for sale to Western buyer firms. Design/methodology/approach-A case study-driven methodology with purposeful sampling is applied to yield maximum variation in the sampling to elicit underlying tendencies and generative mechanisms that exist within and across the multiple cases of relationships. Findings-The paper finds that Mainland Chinese sellers and Hong Kong Chinese intermediaries tend not to have the close ties that might be expected. Mainland Chinese sellers constrained their use of social information, requiring Hong Kong Chinese intermediaries to use commercial information transfers to evaluate the trustworthiness of their Mainland Chinese partners. An ingroup/outgroup bias exacerbates the modesty bias of the Mainland Chinese and also hinders learning through the transfer of technical information within these Chinese interactions. On the other hand, Western buyers tend not to prefer social information interactions with their Hong Kong Chinese intermediaries, requiring these intermediaries to emphasise commercial information interactions to evaluate the trustworthiness of their Western buyers. Research limitations/implications-This research uses a restricted sample of case study respondents. Representative sampling across multiple contexts will assist in testing the generality of the findings. Practical implications-For the West to source increasingly attractive manufactures from Mainland China, Hong Kong intermediaries will remain fundamentally important even though this creates further interactions. The aggregate of these multiple exchange arrangements is less problematic than would be the case if Western business were to deal directly with the Mainland Chinese. Originality/value-This article sheds light on the nature of business communication interactions in a group of relationships between Hong Kong Chinese intermediaries and Mainland sellers, and buyers from the West. Implications for relationships development among the Chinese and Western actors are identified with propositions framed to guide further investigation.


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In an exploding and fluctuating construction market, managers are facing a challenge, which is how to manage business on a wider scale and to utilize modern developments in information technology to promote productivity. The extraordinary development of telecommunications and computer technology makes it possible for people to plan, lead, control, organize and manage projects from a distance without the need to be on site on a daily basis. A modern management known as distance management (DM) or remote management is emerging. Physical distance no longer determines the boundary of management since managers can now operate projects through virtual teams that organize manpower, material and production without face-to-face communication. What organization prototype could overcome psychological and physical barriers to reengineer a successful project through information technology? What criteria distinguishes the adapted way of communication of individual activities in a teamwork and assist the integration of an efficient and effective communication between face-to-face and a physical distance? The entire methodology has been explained through a case application on refuse incineration plant projects in Taiwan.


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This thesis offers a methodology to study and design effective communication mechanisms in human activities. The methodology is focused in the management of complexity. It is argued that complexity is not something objective that can be worked out analytically, but something subjective that depends on the viewpoint. Also it is argued that while certain social contexts may inhibit, others may enhance the viewpoint's capabilities to deal with complexity. Certain organisation structures are more likely than others to allow individuals to release their potentials. Thus, the relevance of studying and designing effective organisations. The first part of the thesis offers a `cybernetic methodology' for problem solving in human activities, the second offers a `method' to study and design organisations. The cybernetics methodology discussed in this work is rooted in second order cybernetics, or the cybernetics of the observing systems (Von Foester 1979, Maturana and Varela 1980). Its main tenet is that the known properties of the real world reside in the individual and not in the world itself. This view, which puts emphasis in a, by nature, one sided and unilateral appreciation of reality, triggers the need for dialogue and conversations to construct it. The `method' to study and design organisations, it based on Beer's Viable System Model (Beer 1979, 1981, 1985). This model permits us to assess how successful is an organisation in coping with its environmental complexity, and, moreover, permits us to establish how to make more effective the responses to this complexity. These features of the model are of great significance in a world where complexity is perceived to be growing at an unthinkable pace. But, `seeing' these features of the model assumes an effective appreciation of organisational complexity; hence the need for the methodological discussions offered by the first part of the thesis.


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This research examines and explains the links between safety culture and communication. Safety culture is a concept that in recent years has gained prominence but there has been little applied research conducted to investigate the meaning of the concept in 'real life' settings. This research focused on a Train Operating Company undergoing change in a move towards privatisation. These changes were evident in the management of safety, the organisation of the industry and internally in their management. The Train Operating Company's management took steps to improve their safety culture and communications through the development of a cascade communication structure. The research framework employed a qualitative methodology in order to investigate the effect of the new system on safety culture. Findings of the research were that communications in the organisation failed to be effective for a number of reasons, including both cultural and logistical problems. The cultural problems related to a lack of trust in the organisation by the management and the workforce, the perception of communications as management propaganda, and asyntonic communications between those involved, whilst logistical problems related to the inherent difficulties of communicating over a geographically distributed network. An organisational learning framework was used to explain the results. It is postulated that one of the principal reasons why change, either to the safety culture or to communications, did not occur was because of the organisation's inability to learn. The research has also shown the crucial importance of trust between the members of the organisation, as this was one of the fundamental reasons why the safety culture did not change, and why safety management systems were not fully implemented. This is consistent with the notion of mutual trust in the HSC (1993) definition of safety culture. This research has highlighted its relevance to safety culture and its importance for organisational change.


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This thesis presents a large scale numerical investigation of heterogeneous terrestrial optical communications systems and the upgrade of fourth generation terrestrial core to metro legacy interconnects to fifth generation transmission system technologies. Retrofitting (without changing infrastructure) is considered for commercial applications. ROADM are crucial enabling components for future core network developments however their re-routing ability means signals can be switched mid-link onto sub-optimally configured paths which raises new challenges in network management. System performance is determined by a trade-off between nonlinear impairments and noise, where the nonlinear signal distortions depend critically on deployed dispersion maps. This thesis presents a comprehensive numerical investigation into the implementation of phase modulated signals in transparent reconfigurable wavelength division multiplexed fibre optic communication terrestrial heterogeneous networks. A key issue during system upgrades is whether differential phase encoded modulation formats are compatible with the cost optimised dispersion schemes employed in current 10 Gb/s systems. We explore how robust transmission is to inevitable variations in the dispersion mapping and how large the margins are when suboptimal dispersion management is applied. We show that a DPSK transmission system is not drastically affected by reconfiguration from periodic dispersion management to lumped dispersion mapping. A novel DPSK dispersion map optimisation methodology which reduces drastically the optimisation parameter space and the many ways to deploy dispersion maps is also presented. This alleviates strenuous computing requirements in optimisation calculations. This thesis provides a very efficient and robust way to identify high performing lumped dispersion compensating schemes for use in heterogeneous RZ-DPSK terrestrial meshed networks with ROADMs. A modified search algorithm which further reduces this number of configuration combinations is also presented. The results of an investigation of the feasibility of detouring signals locally in multi-path heterogeneous ring networks is also presented.


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to assess high-dimensional visualisation, combined with pattern matching, as an approach to observing dynamic changes in the ways people tweet about science topics. Design/methodology/approach - The high-dimensional visualisation approach was applied to three scientific topics to test its effectiveness for longitudinal analysis of message framing on Twitter over two disjoint periods in time. The paper uses coding frames to drive categorisation and visual analytics of tweets discussing the science topics. Findings - The findings point to the potential of this mixed methods approach, as it allows sufficiently high sensitivity to recognise and support the analysis of non-trending as well as trending topics on Twitter. Research limitations/implications - Three topics are studied and these illustrate a range of frames, but results may not be representative of all scientific topics. Social implications - Funding bodies increasingly encourage scientists to participate in public engagement. As social media provides an avenue actively utilised for public communication, understanding the nature of the dialog on this medium is important for the scientific community and the public at large. Originality/value - This study differs from standard approaches to the analysis of microblog data, which tend to focus on machine driven analysis large-scale datasets. It provides evidence that this approach enables practical and effective analysis of the content of midsize to large collections of microposts.