944 resultados para Collective work
It is intended to discuss the prospect of collective work in solidarity economy, from experiences with those of the Cooperative Riachao workers, located in a rural community in the municipality of Montes Claros, Minas Gerais / Brazil, this approximately 240 farming families extractive are benefited with the generation of jobs and income through initiatives grounded in associations, cooperatives and collectives. Among the 80 to 90 years, appeared inBrazil experiences of solidarity, resulting economy of the labor market crisis and rising unemployment, and an important response to the workers in relation to changes in the world of work. It is grounded in the organization of groups of workers, by way of solidarity, community, cooperation, and self-management reactions. In this sense, we intend to present the achievements, challenges and dilemmas of workers COOPERIACHAO, around a project that aims at empowerment of social actors and social transformation of the subject
La consolidación del modelo neoliberal en la Argentina de los años noventa, generó un fuerte impacto en los sectores subalternos y en sus formas históricas de dar sentido. Al mismo tiempo se abrieron espacios de disputa por la construcción de sentido y de acción colectiva con posibilidad de resignificar experiencias históricas, tal como es el caso de los movimientos desocupados. Estas nuevas formas de organización y participación política con anclaje barrial, caracterizadas por acciones de protesta mediante la modalidad de cortes de ruta, fueron paulatinamente constituyéndose en espacios de disputa del orden social relevantes hasta la actualidad. A razón de esto último, la siguiente investigación propone un análisis sobre los aspectos subjetivos de experiencias colectivas de trabajo de militantes y participantes de base al interior del Movimiento de Trabajadores Desocupados Aníbal Verón Barrio Malvinas de la ciudad de La Plata, 2009. Fundamentalmente, busca analizar cómo se constituyen y relacionan ambas subjetividades a partir de sus experiencias de trabajo colectivas y cotidianas, con el propósito de entender el proceso de conformación de subjetividad colectiva. En tal dirección, recorre el universo de representaciones, imaginarios, visión de futuro y proyecto colectivo puesto en locución en las prácticas colectivas del movimiento de desocupados en estudio. La presente investigación busca dar cuenta de los elementos de mediación subjetiva puestos en juego en experiencias de trabajo colectivo a razón de considerar la centralidad de la demanda laboral en la conformación de los movimientos desocupados. De este modo, el análisis contempla el contexto de crisis y transformación de la Argentina neoliberal en las últimas década, permitiéndonos pensar no sólo la relación entre orden social, subjetividad y acción dentro de la perspectiva de un movimiento social en concreto sino, también, abriendo preguntas de interés para otros estudios abocados a la misma problemática
It is intended to discuss the prospect of collective work in solidarity economy, from experiences with those of the Cooperative Riachao workers, located in a rural community in the municipality of Montes Claros, Minas Gerais / Brazil, this approximately 240 farming families extractive are benefited with the generation of jobs and income through initiatives grounded in associations, cooperatives and collectives. Among the 80 to 90 years, appeared inBrazil experiences of solidarity, resulting economy of the labor market crisis and rising unemployment, and an important response to the workers in relation to changes in the world of work. It is grounded in the organization of groups of workers, by way of solidarity, community, cooperation, and self-management reactions. In this sense, we intend to present the achievements, challenges and dilemmas of workers COOPERIACHAO, around a project that aims at empowerment of social actors and social transformation of the subject
El texto aborda el uso de la maqueta como herramienta en los procesos proyectuales de OMA. Lejos de entender el proyecto como una gran elucubración individual, mística, puntual y fugaz, se plantea su visión desde los procesos diarios y rutinarios del trabajo colectivo. El texto ofrece una aproximación crítica a los sistemas de trabajo de una de las oficinas más destacadas de la arquitectura contemporanea, la reconocida OMA, de Rem Koolhaas. Además de analizar su sistema de trabajo pone el enfasis principal en el estudio del uso de la maqueta como elemento vertebrador de su práctica arquitectónica y como elemento constituyente de un lenguaje que permite que OMA cree una arquitectura libre de ataduras formales y unicamente comprometida con el valor de las ideas. ABSTRACT. The text raises the use of the model as a tool in the OMA project processes. Far from understanding the project as a great personal lucubration, mystical, punctual and fleeting, a vision arises from the daily and routine processes of collective work. The text offers a critical approach to the work systems of one of the most important offices of contemporary architecture, the renowned OMA, directed by Rem Koolhaas. In addition to discussing their work system, the text puts the main emphasis on the study of the use of the model as the structuring element of his architectural practice and as a constitutive element of a language that allows OMA to create a formal untrammeled architecture and only committed to the value of ideas.
Applied colorimetry is an important module in the program of the elective subject "Colour Science: industrial applications”. This course is taught in the Optics and Optometry Degree and it has been used as a testing for the application of new teaching and assessment techniques consistent with the new European Higher Education Area. In particular, the main objective was to reduce the attendance to lessons and encourage the individual and collective work of students. The reason for this approach is based on the idea that students are able to work at their own learning pace. Within this dynamic work, we propose online lab practice based on Excel templates that our research group has developed ad-hoc for different aspects of colorimetry, such as conversion to different colour spaces, calculation of perceptual descriptors (hue, saturation, lightness), calculation of colour differences, colour matching dyes, etc. The practice presented in this paper is focused on the learning of colour differences. The session is based on a specific Excel template to compute the colour differences and to plot different graphs with these colour differences defined at different colour spaces: CIE ΔE, CIE ΔE94 and the CIELAB colour space. This template is implemented on a website what works by addressing the student work at a proper and organized way. The aim was to unify all the student work from a website, therefore the student is able to learn in an autonomous and sequential way and in his own pace. To achieve this purpose, all the tools, links and documents are collected for each different proposed activity to achieve guided specific objectives. In the context of educational innovation, this type of website is normally called WebQuest. The design of a WebQuest is established according to the criteria of usability and simplicity. There are great advantages of using WebQuests versus the toolbox “Campus Virtual” available in the University of Alicante. The Campus Virtual is an unfriendly environment for this specific purpose as the activities are organized in different sectors depending on whether the activity is a discussion, an activity, a self-assessment or the download of materials. With this separation, it is more difficult that the student follows an organized sequence. However, our WebQuest provides a more intuitive graphical environment, and besides, all the tasks and resources needed to complete them are grouped and organized according to a linear sequence. In this way, the student guided learning is optimized. Furthermore, with this simplification, the student focuses on learning and not to waste resources. Finally, this tool has a wide set of potential applications: online courses of colorimetry applied for postgraduate students, Open Course Ware, etc.
As inovações tecnológicas e as mudanças na forma de trabalho tornaram as equipes peças fundamentais no desempenho das organizações e no aprimoramento individual. A pesquisa teórica identifica que o conhecimento das características das equipes e de seus membros proporciona desempenho, desenvolvimento organizacional, determina as interações sociais e a maneira como serão realizadas as tarefas. O estudo tem por questão investigativa analisar as relações entre características dos integrantes de equipes que incluem as características sociodemográficas, competências individuais, tipos psicológicos, com as competências coletivas e o desempenho coletivo. O contexto da pesquisa é um curso de tecnologia em gastronomia de uma universidade privada, uma amostra de 131 alunos, dez equipes do quarto e onze do segundo semestres em atividades práticas no Laboratório de Alimentos. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva que emprega o método de correlação para os dados quantitativos, como competências individuais e coletivas e notas acadêmicas de desempenho coletivo, além de interpretações qualitativas por observação em doze encontros das equipes para trabalhos coletivos e uma análise quali-quantitativa dos dados. O estudo evidencia ausência de correlação entre as variáveis nas equipes de 2º semestre justificada por serem equipes bastante jovens e em fase de desenvolvimento acadêmico e profissional. Na turma do 4º semestre, o coeficiente de Pearson indica correlação significativa e comprova que as características dos integrantes influenciam positivamente nas competências coletivas e resultam em melhores desempenhos coletivos. Qualitativamente, as melhores equipes são gerenciadas por uma liderança feminina adulta que coordena as tarefas e os membros são contribuintes e colaboradores enquanto o líder é comunicador e desafiador. Desenvolvem um ritmo de trabalho dinâmico com forte presença da comunicação, tomada de decisões rápidas e criativas e atingem metas diferenciadas em gastronomia. Apesar dos resultados não poderem ser generalizados pelo fato da pesquisa ter sido realizada em apenas uma universidade e envolvendo 21 equipes, os conceitos teóricos o são e podem ser testados em outras realidades.
O sistema educacional vem sofrendo influência direta das modificações ocorridas na sociedade, que está cada vez mais exposta a uma gama de informações que nem sempre são transformadas em conhecimento. Essas transformações vão desde uma nova postura do professor em sala de aula até a própria função social da escola, que ainda não responde às necessidades da sociedade. Nesse novo cenário faz-se imprescindível um professor mais preparado para orientar o aluno, ajudando-o a interagir com o outro, a selecionar as informações a que está exposto e a transformá-las em conhecimento, bem como a interagir com seus semelhantes. É importante considerar que aprendizagem do aluno está diretamente relacionada aos métodos de ensino aos quais está submetido. E, para garantir tal aprendizagem é necessário haver uma equipe mais preparada, mais coesa, ciente do trabalho que está desenvolvendo. Por isso a parceria do trabalho entre a coordenação pedagógica e os professores se torna indispensável. Mas será que o coordenador tem esse olhar? Para saber como o coordenador pedagógico atua na formação continuada dos professores, a pesquisa foi desenvolvida com uma parte teórica e uma parte prática. No referencial teórico estão Álvaro Marchesi, Vitor Henrique Paro e José Carlos Libâneo, por sua grande contribuição na área da gestão; Antônio Nóvoa, Cleide Terzi, Laurinda Almeida e Vera Placco, por seus trabalhos sobre formação de professores e de coordenadores pedagógicos, além de dissertações de mestrado e teses de doutorado sobre o tema. Na parte prática a pesquisa se organiza na perspectiva da metodologia quali/quantitativa, com entrevistas com nove coordenadores pedagógicos. Como a ênfase da dissertação está na construção do perfil desse profissional, foram entrevistados coordenadores de diversos segmentos (Educação Infantil, Ensino Fundamental e Ensino Médio) de diferentes escolas (rede particular e pública). No aspecto quantitativo da pesquisa, foi aplicado um questionário a dezesseis professores, para saber da atuação do coordenador pedagógico no aspecto formador. Os resultados mostraram que o coordenador pedagógico também precisa de formação. Ele desempenha tarefas específicas e que não são tratadas nem nas universidades nem nos cursos de especialização; precisa haver a parceria entre o coordenador pedagógico e o diretor pedagógico, para juntos decidirem os caminhos a serem seguidos dentro da escola; precisa haver um olhar mais direcionado para a formação da equipe, com reuniões, encontros, leituras e atividades planejadas, intencionais; há necessidade de devolutivas aos professores com mais frequência, estar mais perto, mais atuante; o coordenador pedagógico precisa repensar o trabalho coletivo, dar a seus professores autonomia para atuarem, dentro do que for possível. Mesmo os coordenadores pedagógicos que não têm autonomia dentro da escola podem fazer algo para deixar o trabalho com a marca do seu direcionamento; somente com um trabalho de parceria será possível resolver os conflitos e as tensões existentes e fortalecer a liderança, a confiança de seus pares, o trabalho em equipe. Dessa forma, as limitações do trabalho pedagógico com certeza diminuirão.
O presente trabalho procura analisar e avaliar os mecanismos que favorecem ou dificultam a participação de famílias e outros atores que compõem o cenário educativo como coautores no processo de construção do projeto político pedagógico das instituições de educação infantil, bem como identificar e analisar práticas educacionais democráticas voltadas à garantia de uma escola pública de qualidade para a infância. O estudo bibliográfico apresenta reflexões sobre os impactos dos condicionantes sociais, culturais e econômicos da sociedade contemporânea na construção dos currículos escolares. Procura também analisar a contribuição da educação escolar na construção e na consolidação dos princípios da sociedade democrática. A pesquisa de campo lança mão de relato de quatro experiências concretas (denominadas "episódios") sobre trabalho coletivo, vivenciadas pela autora em diferentes espaços e tempos, todas na educação pública no município de São Paulo. Embora cada episódio esteja contextualizado em determinado tempo e espaço, envolvendo ainda a singularidade de seus atores sociais, são retomados neste trabalho os princípios convergentes que nortearam cada experiência a partir das categorias visão totalizadora, visão interdisciplinar, visão holística e visão heurística. Complementarmente, a análise documental utilizou as atas do Conselho de Escola do período 2007-2011 de uma Escola Municipal de Educação Infantil do município de São Paulo. A opção por estes documentos como instrumentos para análise justifica-se por se constituir o Conselho de Escola um dos espaços institucionalizados de discussão e tomada de decisões em que todos os segmentos da escola encontram-se representados. Assim, tendo como pano de fundo deste estudo a prática da gestão democrática, a análise de tais documentos permite melhor compreensão sobre as possibilidades e os limites que se estabelecem num colegiado de caráter deliberativo, diante de sua sujeição à administração pública. Os procedimentos metodológicos foram pensados no sentido de se identificar, compreender e compartilhar práticas que colaborem para a construção de uma pedagogia humanizadora, levando em conta as dimensões humanas em toda a sua complexidade.
Esta pesquisa teve como pano de fundo a história, as legislações e ações de âmbito nacional referentes ao tema das relações étnico-raciais. O foco central de estudo foram as práticas educativas de professores da Educação Básica, especificamente na realidade sócio-educacional de escolas públicas da rede municipal de ensino da cidade de São Bernardo do Campo. Para isso, à luz da lei 10.639/2003 que alterou a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional e incluiu a história e cultura afrobrasileira no currículo oficial de ensino, analisou-se o que justificou o desenvolvimento de projetos pedagógicos sobre essa temática por aproximadamente 400 professores nos anos de 2008 e 2009, período em que não havia investimentos significativos da Secretaria de Educação no que se refere ao tema. A partir de uma abordagem qualitativa de natureza interpretativa, foram aplicados questionários aos professores, para saber o que motivou a realização dos projetos e o papel da formação nesse contexto. Analisou-se, ainda, como as práticas docentes têm contribuído para a discussão do papel da escola (problematizadora /reprodutora) em relação à implementação da Lei 10639/03. A pesquisa constatou que os processos de formação em suas diferentes modalidades podem ser um importante disparador para o desenvolvimento de trabalhos significativos sobre a temática das relações étnico-raciais. Evidenciou, ainda, a importância das leis mencionadas, se não para resolver a questão da invisibilidade da história da África e suas contribuições para a história e cultura brasileira, para contribuir também na problematização das relações raciais e apontar novos caminhos para redução das grandes diferenças sociais existentes no interior das escolas brasileiras.
Purpose – Social loafing is described in the literature as a frequent problem reducing individuals' performance when working in groups. This paper aims to utilize the social identity approach and proposes that under conditions of heightened group salience social loafing can be reduced and turned into social laboring (i.e. increased performance). Design/methodology/approach – Two experimental studies are conducted to examine the impact of participant's group membership salience on task performance. In Study 1, school teachers work either in coactive or in collective working conditions on brainstorming tasks. In Study 2, participants perform both a brainstorming task and a motor task. Findings – The results show social laboring effects. As predicted, participants in the high salient group conditions outperform participants in the low salient group conditions and the coactive individual condition. Practical implications – The results indicate that rather than individuating group members or tasks to overcome social loafing, managers can increase group performance by focusing on group members' perceptions of their groups as important and salient. Originality/value – The studies presented in this paper show that social identity theory and self categorization theory can fruitfully be applied to the field of group performance. The message of these studies for applied settings is that collective work in groups must not necessarily negatively impact performance, i.e. social loafing. By heightening the salience of group memberships groups can even outperform coactively working individuals.
The school curriculum is a matter mandated by the educational system rather than determined by the school stakeholders of a community, as Freire (1993) suggests. At the present time, one significant vision of school is challenging the current order of curriculum practice. It focuses on school as a liberating agency grounded on the belief that the abilities to access information and to think critically about it will educate an individual capable of making independent decisions. This dissertation investigates teacher's beliefs concerning curriculum. It was assumed that there is a discrepancy between what has been the position proposed by critical theorists including Freire (1998a, 1993); Apple (1979); Giroux (1998), and the position on curriculum which school systems are typically advancing. ^ There were four purposes of this study. The major purpose of this study was to determine whether or not Brazilian and American Teachers believe that a school curriculum based on Freirean principles could be implemented in the schools in which they worked. Also, this study sought to determine the differences found between teachers' beliefs in the Brazilian and American contexts. Another purpose was to determine how Brazilian and American teachers justify their beliefs and actions when these may represent conflicting values. Finally, this study sought to determine if these teachers believe that the curriculum is in need of change or if they accept the current curriculum as adequate. This study consisted of quantitative and qualitative data collection through multiple methods involving surveys and interviews. The study involved 171 teachers (88 Brazilian and 83 American) from multiple settings with the majority working for public systems. Overall, it seems that Brazilian and American teachers believe that a curriculum based on Freirean principles of education can be implemented in their schools, if ongoing education is provided. The majority of Brazilian teachers believe a curriculum change is necessary while half of the American teachers believe a curriculum change is needed and the other half seems to believe curriculum is adequate. Teachers explain that it is hard to implement a curriculum they believe to be most appropriate for students because the current curriculum is mandated by the school system or by national guidelines. The majority of Brazilian teachers and those American teachers who believed a curriculum change is necessary explained their rationale for change in terms of social justice, problem-solving, collective work, student-centered and context-based curriculum. American teachers, who believed that the curriculum is adequate, explained that they are satisfied with their student's achievements. They stated that their students are doing well on tests and are learning what is required. ^
The field of experience and reflection in this dissertation is the Pau and Lata: Artisticpedagogical project and its activities in the field of music education It was created in 1996, by the Community School Sementes da Luz, located on Tabuleiro do Martins district, Maceió / AL. The work extended to the Rio Grande do Norte and later returned to Alagoas, keeping their activities in both states, involving approximately 280 people. The issues that moved us front the experience of Pau e Lata were: What are the main references and theoretical-methodological elements that constitute the formation of the musician in Pau e Lata? How members perceive this project and include themselves in the educational process of music formation? How it works and what is the meaning of the use of instruments and the learning of musical writing and reading? These questions lead us to undertake this dissertation, in order to deepen reflection on the processes of musical training on Pau e Lata, relating the experiences of its members in the process and the theoretical references governing their educational practice. In this sense, we outline the research objectives, which are: describe the Pau e Lata project, focusing on their context of action and their methodological processes; investigate the relationship between the effective participation of its members in the process of composition of the artistic and pedagogical repertoire and its performance in the field of cultural militancy in the environment where it operates. The writing process of this research is based on the phenomenological perspective. Therefore constitute our methodological research path two roads that communicate: 1) the organization and description of historical record of Pau e Lata (supporting documents, certificates, posters, etc.) and memories of the researcher and from other members of the group. 2) the formation of focal groups and writing and sending, via online, testimonials the participants of Pau and Lata relating to issues scrap and onomatopoeia, respectively. Participated in this process 11 components, adding the presence of the researcher, with the age between 21-45 years, all members of Pau e Lata, Core UFRN. The results of this research are focused on the discussion of three axes that describe and guide the work of the Pau e Lata: collective work, the use of the scrap as instrument and the onomatopoeia as base of a methodological process of musical training. This score was composed of three parts. The first part is presented from a collection of references from Pau e Lata, composed of printed and videographic records. The second part refers to the instrument used by Pau e Lata, and the perception of group members on these instruments, which occurs so that they are integrated in the training of the musician.The third axis tells how and what it means learning of music writing and reading, that occurs in two related aspects: the teaching-learning process and the body as a musical element in this process, associated with other actions characterized as studies and theoretical deepening
The configuration assumed by the institutional governance arrangement established in the cities of Fortaleza and Natal, and its influence on the implementation of the National Public Policy of Professional Learning that promotes the formation and integration into the labor market of teens and young people aged 14 to 24 years old and people with disabilities is the aim of this thesis. The interactive governance approach, proposed by Kooiman (2003.2008) was the mainstay of the epistemological construction of the investigative process, also supported by contributions from Draibe (2001) concerning the stages of implementation of public policies. In methodological terms, the approach used was qualitative, being performed descriptive bibliographical and documentary research, applying semi-structured interviews with 44 subjects. Data were based on Bardin (2011), having been pre-established two categories of analysis: governance and implementation. The results pointed, among other things, to greater diversity and dynamics of the arrangement in Fortaleza, highlighting the much larger number of accessions of Nonprofit Entities (ESFLs) to politics, more frequent interactions between stakeholders from different organizational levels of governance, better alignment between guiding governance images and spaces designed to encourage interactions among actors and also greater local government involvement. In both cities studied, on the other hand, the study indicated that the failure of institutional capacities adversely affect the interactions stimulation and the exercise of meta-governance. The thesis concluded that the shape and intensity of the interactions between the actors involved in the implementation of the National Public Policy of Professional Learning and the way images are shared results in greater understanding and dissemination of the policy and create a favorable environment for cooperation and dialogue needed to collective work and favors the modeling of a governance structure able to handle the demands and characteristics of organizations and their participants in order to accommodate the divergent interests, make room for the creation of innovations and convergence of actions to achieve the objectives of the policy. Thus, the results of the Professional Learning Policy in the cities of Natal and Fortaleza, in terms of levels of entering the labor market, can be understood from the differences found in the governance structure of the institutional arrangement used for its implementation.
The present research sought to comprehend what is the development perspective of a collective work of educational robotics with high school students. The work started from the development activities Mathematics Sub Project of PIBID (Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência, Institutional Program of Initiation to Teaching Scholarship) in a school network from the state of Minas Gerais. The production process of data of this research was done through the follow up of high school students that participated in workshops robotics at the mentioned public school and were selected to continue the project at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU). Subsequently, these students were involved in activities related to Robotics championships, elapsed through different spaces in public and private schools of basic education, University and Non-Governmental Organization. The data at the research were registered by photos, videos, field notes, documents produced by the participants and arising from internet like the social media Facebook, questionnaires and, mainly, interviews. At the analysis process of data the followed axes were constituted: Movement Learning Network with Robotics; The Different Roles at the Robotics Events and Experiences in Engineering and Technology. By this axes we understand what is the trajectory of the constitution process of a learning network in educational robotics that we find in expansion and consolidation. In this network the research participants performed different roles which left imprints responsible for their transformation. As a more evident imprint, we detected the robot construction and programming, which as for as they moved their studies forward, they developed the subject autonomy, collaboration, sharing and technological authorship.
As políticas de saúde e o direito à saúde em Portugal sofreram profundas transformações nas últimas décadas, muito contribuíram para estas transformações a crise económica e financeira mundial e a influência de políticas neoliberais. O interesse por esta temática surge de uma prática profissional num Gabinete do Cidadão do Serviço Nacional de Saúde e, pela falta de debate e posicionamento público dos Assistentes Sociais sobre as competências do Gabinete do Cidadão e, do papel dos Assistentes Sociais nesse serviço. Com este trabalho, pretende-se contextualizar: as principais transformações nas políticas de saúde e suas repercussões no direito à saúde nos últimos anos; analisar as alterações legislativas que ocorrem entre a criação do Gabinete do Utente e o Gabinete do Cidadão; analisar o trabalho que os Assistentes Sociais têm vindo a desenvolver no âmbito das competências do Gabinete do Cidadão e do direito à saúde. A investigação de cariz exploratório e qualitativo contou com os contributos de Assistentes Sociais que trabalham em Gabinetes do Cidadão da região norte do país e, que participaram através de inquérito por questionário. Da investigação efetuada concluiu-se que o Gabinete do Cidadão apenas garante o direito a reclamar e não o direito à saúde. As possibilidades que se abrem ao trabalho do Assistente Social no Gabinete do Cidadão, em prol da efetivação do direito à saúde parte do trabalho coletivo. As competências e habilidades do Serviço Social devem ter o intuito de promover a consciência crítica dos indivíduos. / Health policies and the right to health in Portugal underwent profound changes in recent decades, greatly contributed to these transformations the global economic and financial crisis and the influence of neoliberal policies. The interest in this subject arises from a professional practice in the Gabinete do Cidadão National Health Service, and by the lack of public debate and placement of Social Workers on the powers of the Gabinete do Cidadão and the role of social workers in this service. This work aims to contextualize: major changes in health policies and their impact on the right to health in recent years; consider legislative changes that occur between the creation of the Gabinete do Utente and the Gabinete do Cidadão; analyze the work that Social Workers have been developing within the competence of the Gabinete do Cidadão and the right to health. The exploratory research and qualitative nature featured contributions from Social Workers who work in Gabinetes do Cidadão of the northern region of the country, who participated via questionnaire survey. Research conducted it was concluded that the Gabinete do Cidadão only guarantees the right to complain and not the right to health. The possibilities that open to the Social Work Assistant in the Gabinete do Cidadão, for the sake of ensuring the right to health of the collective work. The skills and abilities of Social Work must have in order to promote critical awareness of individuals.