882 resultados para Cognitive-development


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Ez da arraroa, egungo eskolan, nolabaiteko aukera eza aurkitzea Haur Hezkuntzako haurraren sormena garatzeko. Aukera eza honi erantzuna emateko asmoz sortu da proiektu hau. Hiru bitarteko nagusi uztartzea proposatzen da: alde batetik, musika, sormenaren garapenerako aukera anitz eskaintzen dituelako; bestetik, mugimendua, haurraren garapenen fisiko eta kognitiboan berebiziko garrantzia duen funtzioa; eta, azkenik, jolasa elementu integratzaile bezala, gizakiok haurtzaroan dugun oinarrizko jarduera. Ondoren proposatzen diren jolasak zehazki sortuak, aukeratuak eta moldatuak izan dira sormena era ludikoan garatzeko. Barakaldoko Alkartu Ikastola Publikoan praktikan jarri eta gero, esan dezakegu haurrek ia mugarik gabeko sormena garatu dezaketela, irakasleak bitarteko egokiak eskura jartzen badizkie.


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É da natureza do ser humano encantar-se, ao menos em determinada fase da vida, pela narrativa de um conto de fadas, deixando-se levar pela fantasia da Literatura, acreditando que nas páginas de um livro tudo é possível. Essa crença na fantasia, no entanto, pode não lhes acompanhar a vida toda, uma vez que a passagem da infância para a adolescência e a fase adulta, bem como as exigências do mundo moderno, cerceiam essa capacidade de fantasiar, ao mesmo tempo inata e necessária ao homem. A escola, então, teria o papel fundamental de preservá-la, perpetuando nos alunos o gosto pela fantasia, tão essencial ao seu desenvolvimento cognitivo e psicológico, além da percepção estética; afinal, Literatura é arte. Nem sempre é isso o que ocorre, e o ambiente escolar torna-se um espaço de reprodução de conhecimentos, com o ensino focado na norma gramatical, na historiografia literária, sendo o texto relegado ao simples papel de pretexto para análises dissociadas do que realmente importa: o texto e os recursos que o compõem. No caso da Literatura, arte da palavra, parte-se do pressuposto de que um dos recursos essenciais para sua concepção sejam as metáforas, instaurando a fantasia. Chega-se, então, a um ponto crucial desse trabalho: as metáforas são componentes essenciais da fantasia, mas ambas são relegadas pela escola, que não se pauta por um ensino produtivo. Ao invés de compreenderem o potencial metafórico, aos alunos cabe a simplória tarefa de reconhecê-las e classificá-las. Essas constatações despertaram o desejo de entender melhor a relação existente entre fantasia, metáfora e literatura infantil, gerando alguns questionamentos: afinal, o que é fantasia? É o mesmo que fantástico? A fantasia caracteriza, apenas, a Literatura infantil? Essas indagações propiciaram reflexões acerca da importância do texto literário na sala de aula e no trabalho feito com ele. Assim, lançando à teoria um olhar docente, empreende-se uma análise do livro A casa da madrinha, de Lygia Bojunga, verificando a fantasia presente na obra perfeita fusão entre o real e imaginário e como ela se instaura: pelas metáforas


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Mesmo antes das crianças começarem a falar, elas utilizam gestos, como dar, mostrar e apontar. O início da comunicação gestual pode ser percebido muito cedo na infância humana, mas ainda não está claro como ocorre a progressão deste desenvolvimento. O presente estudo investiga o papel e as características do desenvolvimento gestual no primeiro ano de vida. Um bebê de sexo masculino e sua mãe foram observados longitudinalmente, a cada semana, do nascimento aos 12 meses de idade. A díade foi filmada em casa enquanto realizava atividades de rotina. Nas idades de 9 a 12 meses, uma vez ao mês a mãe foi solicitada a brincar com seu bebê em situação estruturada. Os vídeos foram analisados qualitativa e quantitativamente em termos da percentagem de ocorrência de categorias de gestos comunicativos de ambos os parceiros e de seus comportamentos. Cenários comunicativos foram identificados. O aparecimento de diferentes comportamentos e suas trajetórias de desenvolvimento foram registrados. As possíveis relações com o surgimento posterior de gestos foram discutidas, analisando comportamentos que se tornaram ou não precursores e o modo como eles tenderam a apresentar mudanças com o tempo. Alguns resultados interessantes foram observados: pré-apontar foi identificado desde os primeiros meses e apresentou declínio de ocorrência. Pré-alcançar foi identificado aos 5 meses de idade e declinou no mesmo período em que foi observado o aparecimento do gesto de alcançar, o qual tendeu a aumentar com o tempo. Virar a cabeça enquanto rejeição foi observado aos 4 meses. Conforme o bebê foi se tornando mais velho, ele passou mais tempo engajado com sua mãe e com objetos de forma coordenada. Desde o início do primeiro ano, a mãe exibiu gestos de mostrar objetos e apontar proximal declarativo. Comportamentos de atenção conjunta foram observados e tenderam a aumentar no período de 9 a 12 meses de idade. Gestos proximais e declarativos realizados pelo bebê ocorreram mais precocemente se comparados a gestos imperativos e distais. As transições observadas a partir dos cenários comunicativos não compartilhados rumo aos de natureza simbólica foram identificadas. Percentagens de tempo de cenários comunicativos não-compartilhados e atencionais primários diminuíram enquanto as de cenários atencionais secundários aumentaram, tornando-se predominantes no final do primeiro ano. Neste período, cenários convencionais e simbólicos surgiram, apresentando breve duração. Embora estes resultados não sejam conclusivos, podem contribuir para a compreensão das primeiras modalidades de comunicação mãe-bebê, ajudando a fornecer suportes para a discussão sobre a existência de precursores gestuais precoces.


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Esta tese analisa a concepção de uma professora sobre o processo ensino-aprendizagem de uma criança com Síndrome de Down incluída em uma classe comum de Educação Infantil. Também foi objeto de estudo a busca, junto à referida professora, de procedimentos favoráveis ao desenvolvimento social, afetivo e cognitivo da aluna. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, combinando um estudo de caso de cunho etnográfico com uma pesquisa-ação. Como procedimentos de coletas de dados foram utilizadas entrevistas abertas e semiestruturadas, observação participante e a autoscopia. A análise dos dados foi feita com base na análise de conteúdo, conforme proposta por Bardin (1977). Os dados obtidos, que vêm ao encontro com outros estudos, mostraram as dificuldades de implementação das políticas públicas de inclusão no âmbito do sistema educacional, em geral, e especificamente no caso da escola foco. O processo de inclusão torna-se complexo em virtude de variáveis como: despreparo dos professores em lidar com alunos com deficiência, ausência de conhecimento por parte de professores sobre flexibilização de estratégias de ensino aprendizagem e de organização escolar que não levam em conta a diversidade do alunado. Vimos que a presença da aluna na classe não garantia sua participação nas atividades e que seu processo de escolarização era dificultado pela falta de conhecimentos da professora sobre o desenvolvimento de sujeitos com deficiência intelectual e práticas pedagógicas alternativas. A partir da pesquisa-ação, constatamos mudanças positivas por parte da menina com relação ao desenvolvimento social e afetivo e que a professora, mesmo diante de limitações pedagógicas, contribuiu para esses avanços. Os dados revelaram que os conhecimentos pedagógicos que a professora demonstrava ter, com base nas atividades propostas para os alunos, estavam baseados no ensino tradicional, com uma concepção de educação infantil voltada para a prontidão para a alfabetização, evidenciando uma dificuldade em desenvolver o trabalho pedagógico numa perspectiva sócio-histórica.


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O movimento humano, que é o tema dessa tese, teve e tem um papel extraordinário na história do homem no planeta, e na sua própria história de vida. Essa pesquisa, que situa-se em um campo epistemológico comum à Educação e à Educação Física, tem o objetivo geral de definir o papel do movimento humano no processo de letramento, com vistas à formação do licenciado em Educação Física. Para isso, lança mão de uma metodologia que se utiliza da pesquisa científica de base teórico-conceitual, valendo-se do método de investigação de caráter qualitativo e teórico, para sua construção. Como estratégia para o seu desenvolvimento, opto por uma construção singular onde já na introdução discuto e defino os conceitos básicos que darão suporte à tese, por isso essa parte toma um encorpamento maior em volume e importância. Os capítulos são construídos em formato de artigos que, ao mesmo tempo em que se encerram em si mesmos, eles conduzem na direção do objetivo maior da tese, o que se torna claro na conclusão geral da tese onde construo as amarras entre os temas que foram discutidos. Assim, ao investigar o movimento humano, a partir de sua ação para o desenvolvimento cognitivo do sujeito, com o objetivo de dar sustentação à teoria que afirma existirem interfaces entre movimento humano e letramento, foi possível debater vários assuntos ligados ao corpo, à cultura, aos modos de pensamento, à Educação Física e, logicamente ao movimento humano e ao letramento. Finalmente essa pesquisa conclui a existência de uma ligação direta entre movimento humano e desenvolvimento cognitivo do sujeito, o que leva também a possuir interfaces claras e objetivas entre o movimento humano com o processo de letramento, na medida em que a essência do letramento é ser um processo de desenvolvimento cognitivo constante, instalado em uma determinada cultura. Finalmente, visto como um objetivo interdisciplinar, o letramento se apresenta como um tema que também deve ser considerado e buscado pelo professor de Educação Física escolar, se tornando assim um agente de letramento na escola


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Self-regulation has recently become an important topic in cognitive and developmental domain. According to previous theories and experimental studies, it is shown that self-regulation consist of both a personality (or social) aspect and a behavioral cognitive aspect of psychology. Self-regulation can be divided into self-regulation personality and self-regulation ability. In the present study researches have been carried out from two perspectives: child development and individual differences. We are eager to explore the characteristics of self-regulation in terms of human cognitive development. In the present study, we chose two groups of early adolescences one with high intelligence and the other with normal intelligence. In Study One Questionnaires were used to compare whether the highly intelligent group had had better self-regulation personality than the normal group. In Study Two experimental psychology tasks were used to compare whether highly intelligent children had had better self-regulation cognitive abilities than their normal peers. Finally, in Study Three we combined the results of Study One and Study Two to further explore the neural mechanisms for highly intelligent children with respect to their good self-regulation abilities. Some main results and conclusions are as follows: (1) Questionnaire results showed that highly intelligent children had better self-regulation personalities, and they got higher scores on the personalities related to self-regulation such as, self-reliance, stability, rule-consciousness. They also got higher scores on self-consciousness which meant that they could know their own self better than the normal children. (2) Among the three levels of cognitive difficulties in self-regulation abilities, the highly intelligent children had faster reaction speed than normal children in the primary self-regulation tasks. In the intermediate self-regulation tasks, highly intelligent children’s inhibition processing and executive processing were both better than their normal peers. In the advanced self-regulation tasks, highly intelligent children again had faster reaction speed and more reaction accuracy than their normal peers when facing with conflict and inconsistency experimental conditions,. Regression model’s results showed that primary and advanced self-regulation abilites had larger predictive power than intermediate self-regualation ability. (3) Our neural experiments showed that highly intelligent children had more efficient neural automatic processing ability than normal children. They also had better, faster and larger neural reaction to novel stimuli under pre-attentional condition which made good and firm neural basis for self-regualation. Highly intelligent children had more mature frontal lobe and pariental functions for inhibition processing and executive processing. P3 component in ERP was closely related to executive processing which mainly activated pariental function. There were two time-periods for inhibition processing—first it was the pariental function and later it was the coordination function of frontal and pariental lobes. While conflict control task had pariental N2 and frontal-pariental P3 neural sources, highly intelligent children had much smaller N2 and shorter P3 latency than normal children. Inconsistency conditions induced larger N2 than conditions without inconsistency, and conditions without inconsistency (or Conflict) induced higher P3 amplitudes than with Inconsistency (or Conflict) conditions. In conclusion, the healthy development of self-regulation was very important for children’s personality and cognition maturity, and self-regulation had its own specific characteristics in ways of presentation and ways of development. Better understanding of self-regulation can further help the exploration of the nature of human intelligence and consciousness.


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There is a debate in cognitive development theory on whether cognitive development is general or specific. More and more researchers think that cognitive development is domain specific. People start to investigate preschoolers' native theory of human being's basic knowledge systems. Naive biology is one of the core domains. But there is argument whether there is separate native biological concepts among preschoolers. The research examined preschoolers' cognitive development of naive biological theory on two levels which is "growth" and "aliveness", and it also examined individual difference and factors that lead to the difference. Three studies were designed. Study 1 was to study preschoolers' cognition on growth, which is a basic trait of living things, and whether children can distinguish living and non-living things with the trait and understanding the causality. Study 2 was to investigate preschoolers' distinction between living things and non-living things from an integrated level. Study 3 was to investigate how children make inferences to unfamiliar things with their domain specific knowledge. The results showed the following: 1. Preschoolers gradually developed naive theory of biology on growth level, but their naive theory on integrated level has not developed. 2 Preschoolers' naive theory of biology is not "all or none", 4- and 5-year-old children showed some distinction between living and non-living things to some extent, they use non-intentional reason to explain the cause of growth and their explanation showed coherence. But growth has not been a criteria of ontological distinction of living and non-living things for 4- and 5-year-old children, most 6-year-old children can distinguish between living and non-living things, and these show the developing process of biological cognition. 3. Preschoolers' biological inference is influenced by their domain-specific knowledge, whether they can make inference to new trait of living things depends on whether they have specific knowledge. In the deductive task, children use their knowledge to make inference to unfamiliar things. 4-year-olds use concrete knowledge more often while the 6-year-old use generalized knowledge more frequency. 4. Preschoolers' knowledge grow with age, but individuals' cognitive development speed at different period. Urban and rural educational background affect cognitive performance. As time goes by, the urban-rural knowledge difference to distinguish living and nonliving things reduces. And preschoolers' are at the same developmental stage because the three age groups have similar causal explanation both in quantity and quality. 5. There is intra-individual difference on preschoolers' naive biological cognition. They show different performance on different tasks and domains, and their cognitive development is sequential, they understand growth earlier than they understand "alive", which is an integrated concept. The intra-individual differences decrease with age.


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As a key issue in spatial cognitive developmental research, the coding of object location plays an important role in children's cognitive development. The development of location coding is a precondition for children's adaptation to their environments, and the development of corresponding ability could enhance children's adaptation ability and improve their synthetic diathesis. In this paper, under the improved paradigm of object searching, 7-, 9- and 11-year-olds of urban primary school students were involved in two studies including the total of four experiments. The children were examined upon the ability to encode target location in terms of the distance between two landmarks, three points on a line, the intersection of two lines, or the corresponding points on two parallel lines. The experiments were designed to explore the primary school children's cognitive developmental process upon spatial object location and the correlative restricting factors. From the studies, the following conclusions were drawn: 1)The ability of 7-year-olds to represent target location in terms of the relationships of points and lines is in the inceptive stage and appears unstable. Meanwhile, the same ability of 9-year-olds is in a state of fast developing. The 9-year-olds' performance depends on how difficult the task is. It is stable when task is easy while unstable when task becomes difficult. The ability of 11-year-olds reaches much-developed state and the group's performance is independent of the difficulty of tasks. 2) The correlate coefficient is significant between Raven Standard Inference ability levels and the performance of representing target location in terms of the relationships of points. Those children with good performance in Raven Standard Inference Test have good performance in target location coding. The case is true for all different age groups. As of the task in terms of the relationships of lines, the correlate coefficient between Raven Standard Inference ability levels and children's performance of representing target location is found significant only for the 7-year-olds' group. The case is not true for the groups of 9- and 11-year-olds. It is also found that the correlate coefficient is significant between the sum of performance and Raven Standard Inference ability levels, and that is true for all age groups. 3) Effects from task variable exist upon children's above-mentioned cognitive performance. The effects are different according to different difficulty levels of tasks. Also, they are different according to the different ages. 4) The subjects who failed in the 'no cues for encoding given' situation were able to improve their performances when the cues of encoding were given. Therefore it is possible to improve the primary school children's corresponding cognitive performance by providing the cues of encoding. 5) Two kinds of efficient strategies were used to solve the problem. They are trial-comparison strategy and anticipation-directed strategy.


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M.H. Lee, Q. Meng and F. Chao, 'Staged Competence Learning in Developmental Robotics', Adaptive Behavior, 15(3), pp 241-255, 2007. the full text will be available in September 2008


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Q. Meng and M. H Lee, Automated cross-modal mapping in robotic eye/hand systems using plastic radial basis function networks, Connection Science, 19(1), pp 25-52, 2007.


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Q. Meng and M.H. Lee, 'Biologically inspired automatic construction of cross-modal mapping in robotic eye/hand systems', IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2006,) ,4742-49, Beijing, 2006.


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My Portfolio of Exploration tackles the difficult question as to whether adult mental development can be accelerated and if so how. Rooted in constructive-developmental ideas, adult mental development is explained as an evolutionary unfolding of human capability. Going beyond this I look at the possibility of advancing development as transformational growth in adulthood in the belief that a broader perspective leads to increased effectiveness in professional life. Initially I explored my own meaning making, to make sense of my experiences, knowledge, relationships and my own motivations. This exploration has provided me with a ‘developmental bridge’ between my current way of knowing and a new more enlightened way. I have come to view my way of making meaning in the world as an evolving and progressive sequence of emotional and cognitive development. Through the formation of new stretching experiences, increased self - awareness and reflection my previous perspective has been overtaken by a more complex form of being aware of myself, others and the world. I refer to this process of growth as transformation. As part of my own transformational work I have conducted an inquiry into transformational growth and learning in the early academic life of university undergraduates. The result shows how accelerated adult mental development can be achieved in an academic environment ably preparing students for the workplace. This new model of education is part of a truly unique and exciting model signalling ground-breaking change for the undergraduate experience. The overhaul of a traditional BA degree in Economics into a world-class transformational programme is discussed through-out my Portfolio. Central to my broadening awareness is the challenge and nurturing required to awaken the student’s ‘internal authority’ . This involves stimulating students to take ownership for their own thinking, steering them away from the passivity and complacency of thinking through the minds of others. In doing so, the ultimate aim of renewing the BA is to narrow the developmental ‘mismatch’ which exists for m any college students between them and the world of work, by encouraging and inviting them to take on the challenge of thinking independently. Mindfulness, awareness, and personal authority are treated with reverence throughout the exploration as I consider them core parts of the students engaging with development. Engagement is construed as an active and open-minded process of awareness involving planning and reviewing one’s own goals and performance, engaging in constructive feedback, reflection and new action. I conclude with a view that the journey of adult mental development is relentless and that undergraduate education represents a crucial beginning. The value and relevance of transformational education rooted in developmental principles provides a significant opportunity in advancing development and perspectives at the start of adult life.


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Adult humans, infants, pre-school children, and non-human animals appear to share a system of approximate numerical processing for non-symbolic stimuli such as arrays of dots or sequences of tones. Behavioral studies of adult humans implicate a link between these non-symbolic numerical abilities and symbolic numerical processing (e.g., similar distance effects in accuracy and reaction-time for arrays of dots and Arabic numerals). However, neuroimaging studies have remained inconclusive on the neural basis of this link. The intraparietal sulcus (IPS) is known to respond selectively to symbolic numerical stimuli such as Arabic numerals. Recent studies, however, have arrived at conflicting conclusions regarding the role of the IPS in processing non-symbolic, numerosity arrays in adulthood, and very little is known about the brain basis of numerical processing early in development. Addressing the question of whether there is an early-developing neural basis for abstract numerical processing is essential for understanding the cognitive origins of our uniquely human capacity for math and science. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) at 4-Tesla and an event-related fMRI adaptation paradigm, we found that adults showed a greater IPS response to visual arrays that deviated from standard stimuli in their number of elements, than to stimuli that deviated in local element shape. These results support previous claims that there is a neurophysiological link between non-symbolic and symbolic numerical processing in adulthood. In parallel, we tested 4-y-old children with the same fMRI adaptation paradigm as adults to determine whether the neural locus of non-symbolic numerical activity in adults shows continuity in function over development. We found that the IPS responded to numerical deviants similarly in 4-y-old children and adults. To our knowledge, this is the first evidence that the neural locus of adult numerical cognition takes form early in development, prior to sophisticated symbolic numerical experience. More broadly, this is also, to our knowledge, the first cognitive fMRI study to test healthy children as young as 4 y, providing new insights into the neurophysiology of human cognitive development.


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Studies in sensory neuroscience reveal the critical importance of accurate sensory perception for cognitive development. There is considerable debate concerning the possible sensory correlates of phonological processing, the primary cognitive risk factor for developmental dyslexia. Across languages, children with dyslexia have a specific difficulty with the neural representation of the phonological structure of speech. The identification of a robust sensory marker of phonological difficulties would enable early identification of risk for developmental dyslexia and early targeted intervention. Here, we explore whether phonological processing difficulties are associated with difficulties in processing acoustic cues to speech rhythm. Speech rhythm is used across languages by infants to segment the speech stream into words and syllables. Early difficulties in perceiving auditory sensory cues to speech rhythm and prosody could lead developmentally to impairments in phonology. We compared matched samples of children with and without dyslexia, learning three very different spoken and written languages, English, Spanish, and Chinese. The key sensory cue measured was rate of onset of the amplitude envelope (rise time), known to be critical for the rhythmic timing of speech. Despite phonological and orthographic differences, for each language, rise time sensitivity was a significant predictor of phonological awareness, and rise time was the only consistent predictor of reading acquisition. The data support a language-universal theory of the neural basis of developmental dyslexia on the basis of rhythmic perception and syllable segmentation. They also suggest that novel remediation strategies on the basis of rhythm and music may offer benefits for phonological and linguistic development.


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The capacity to attribute beliefs to others in order to understand action is one of the mainstays of human cognition. Yet it is debatable whether children attribute beliefs in the same way to all agents. In this paper, we present the results of a false-belief task concerning humans and God run with a sample of Maya children aged 4–7, and place them in the context of several psychological theories of cognitive development. Children were found to attribute beliefs in different ways to humans and God. The evidence also speaks to the debate concerning the universality and uniformity of the development of folk-psychological reasoning.