129 resultados para Chassis
This paper presents an investigation on the cause of severe vibration problem of a coach with four-cylinder engine running at an idle state using vibration and impact hammer modal experiments to obtain the main vibration frequency components and the natural characteristics of the coach. The vibration results indicate that the main vibration component comes from the vibration transmitted from the engine to the chassis frame, which is closely related with the engine idle speed. Based on structural simulation analysis of the coach’s chassis frame and comparison with modal testing, the coach severe vibration problem was due to coupling resonance between the engine idle frequency and the fourth natural frequency of the chassis frame. The solution to eliminate the vibration problem is provided by changing the local structure stiffness of the chassis frame. The contribution of this paper lies in providing a solution to solve similar problems.
Particle emission measurements from a fleet of 14 CNG and 5 Diesel buses were measured both for transient and steady state mode s on a chassis dynamometer with a CVS dilution system. Several transient DT80 cycles and 4 steady sate modes (0, 25, 50 100% of maximum load) were measured for each bus tested. Particle number concentration data was collected by three CPC’s (TSI 3022, 3010 3782WCPC) having D50 cut-offs set to 5, 10 and 20nm respectively. The size distributions were measured with a TSI 3080 SMPS with a 3025 CPC during the steady state modes. Particle mass emissions were measured with a TSI Dustrak. Particle mass emissions for Diesel buses were upto 2 orders of magnitude higher than for CNG buses. Particle number emissions during steady state modes for Diesel busses were 2 to 5 times higher than for CNG busses for all of the tested loads. On the other hand for the DT80 transient cycle particle number emissions were up to 3 times higher for the CNG buses. More detailed analysis of the transient cycles revealed that the reason for this was due to high particle number emissions from CNG busses during the acceleration parts of the cycles. Particles emitted by the CNG busses during acceleration were in the nucleation mode with the majority being smaller than 10nm. Volatility measurements have also shown that they were highly volatile.
Twenty-three non-methane hydrocarbons were captured from the exhaust of a car operating on unleaded petrol (ULP) and 10% ethanol fuels at steady speed on a chassis dynamometer. The compounds were identified and quantified by GC/MS/FID and their emission concentrations at 60 km/h, 80km/h and idle speed were evaluated. The most abundant compounds in the exhaust included n-hexane, n-heptane, benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, m- and p-xylenes, and methylcyclopentane. Because of the large number of compounds involved, no attempt was made to compare the emission concentrations of the compounds. Rather the sum of the emission concentrations for the suite of compounds identified was compared when the car was powered by ULP and 10% ethanol fuel. It was evident from the results that the emission concentrations and factors were generally higher with ULP than with 10% ethanol fuel. The total emission concentrations with the ULP fuel were 2.8, 4.2 and 2.6 times the corresponding values for the 10% ethanol fuel at 60km/h, 80km/h and idle speed, respectively. The implications of the results on the environment are discussed in the paper.
Exhaust emissions from motor vehicles vary widely and depend on factors such as engine operating conditions, fuel, age, mileage and service history. A method has been devised to rapidly identify high-polluting vehicles as they travel on the road. The method is able to monitor emissions from a large number of vehicles in a short time and avoids the need to conduct expensive and time consuming tests on chassis dynamometers. A sample of the exhaust plume is captured as each vehicle passes a roadside monitoring station and the pollutant emission factors are calculated from the measured concentrations using carbon dioxide as a tracer. Although, similar methods have been used to monitor soot and gaseous mass emissions, to-date it has not been used to monitor particle number emissions from a large fleet of vehicles. This is particularly important as epidemiological studies have shown that particle number concentration is an important parameter in determining adverse health effects. The method was applied to measurements of particle number emissions from individual buses in the Brisbane City Council diesel fleet operating on the South-East Busway. Results indicate that the particle number emission factors are gamma- distributed, with a high proportion of the emissions being emitted by a small percentage of the buses. Although most of the high-emitters are the oldest buses in the fleet, there are clear exceptions, with some newer buses emitting as much. We attribute this to their recent service history, particularly pertaining to improper tuning of the engines. We recommend that a targeted correction program would be a highly effective measure in mitigating urban environmental pollution.
This paper describes a lightweight, modular and energy efficient robotic vehicle platform designed for broadacre agriculture - the Small Robotic Farm Vehicle (SRFV). The current trend in farming is towards increasingly large machines that optimise the individual farmer’s productivity. Instead, the SRFV is designed to promote the sustainable intensification of agriculture by allowing farmers to concentrate on more important farm management tasks. The robot has been designed with a user-centred approach which focuses the outcomes of the project on the needs of the key project stakeholders. In this way user and environmental considerations for broadacre farming have informed the vehicle platform configuration, locomotion, power requirements and chassis construction. The resultant design is a lightweight, modular four-wheeled differential steer vehicle incorporating custom twin in-hub electric drives with emergency brakes. The vehicle is designed for a balance between low soil impact, stability, energy efficiency and traction. The paper includes modelling of the robot’s dynamics during an emergency brake in order to determine the potential for tipping. The vehicle is powered by a selection of energy sources including rechargeable lithium batteries and petrol-electric generators.
With the increasing need to adapt to new environments, data-driven approaches have been developed to estimate terrain traversability by learning the rover’s response on the terrain based on experience. Multiple learning inputs are often used to adequately describe the various aspects of terrain traversability. In a complex learning framework, it can be difficult to identify the relevance of each learning input to the resulting estimate. This paper addresses the suitability of each learning input by systematically analyzing the impact of each input on the estimate. Sensitivity Analysis (SA) methods provide a means to measure the contribution of each learning input to the estimate variability. Using a variance-based SA method, we characterize how the prediction changes as one or more of the input changes, and also quantify the prediction uncertainty as attributed from each of the inputs in the framework of dependent inputs. We propose an approach built on Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) decomposition to examine the prediction made in a near-to-far learning framework based on multi-task GP regression. We demonstrate the approach by analyzing the impact of driving speed and terrain geometry on the prediction of the rover’s attitude and chassis configuration in a Marsanalogue terrain using our prototype rover Mawson.
The study monitored the emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the exhaust of cars fuelled by liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and unleaded petrol (ULP). Six cars, four fuelled by LPG and two by ULP, were tested on a chassis dynamometer at two different cruising modes of operation (60 km h−1 and 80 km h−1) and idle. A total of 33 VOCs were identified in the exhaust of both types of fuels by the use of GC/MS. Due to the complexity of the dataset, Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) software PROMETHEE and GAIA was used to rank the least polluting mode and fuel. The 60 km h−1 driving speed was identified as the cleaner mode of driving as was LPG fuel. The Ozone Formation Potential (OFP) of the VOCs was also calculated by using the incremental reactivity scale. Priority VOCs leading to ozone formation were identified according to the three incremental reactivity scales: MIR, MOIR and EBIR. PROMETHEE was applied to assess the most preferred scale of reactivity for predicting ozone formation potential under different scenarios. The results enhance the understanding of the environmental value of using LPG to power passenger cars.
Terrain traversability estimation is a fundamental requirement to ensure the safety of autonomous planetary rovers and their ability to conduct long-term missions. This paper addresses two fundamental challenges for terrain traversability estimation techniques. First, representations of terrain data, which are typically built by the rover’s onboard exteroceptive sensors, are often incomplete due to occlusions and sensor limitations. Second, during terrain traversal, the rover-terrain interaction can cause terrain deformation, which may significantly alter the difficulty of traversal. We propose a novel approach built on Gaussian process (GP) regression to learn, and consequently to predict, the rover’s attitude and chassis configuration on unstructured terrain using terrain geometry information only. First, given incomplete terrain data, we make an initial prediction under the assumption that the terrain is rigid, using a learnt kernel function. Then, we refine this initial estimate to account for the effects of potential terrain deformation, using a near-to-far learning approach based on multitask GP regression. We present an extensive experimental validation of the proposed approach on terrain that is mostly rocky and whose geometry changes as a result of loads from rover traversals. This demonstrates the ability of the proposed approach to accurately predict the rover’s attitude and configuration in partially occluded and deformable terrain.
The Jansen mechanism is a one degree-of-freedom, planar, 12-link, leg mechanism that can be used in mobile robotic applications and in gait analysis. This paper presents the kinematics and dynamics of the Jansen leg mechanism. The forward kinematics, accomplished using circle intersection method, determines the trajectories of various points on the mechanism in the chassis (stationary link) reference frame. From the foot point trajectory, the step length is shown to vary linearly while step height varies non-linearly with change in crank radius. A dynamic model for the Jansen leg mechanism is proposed using bond graph approach with modulated multiport transformers. For given ground reaction force pattern and crank angular speed, this model helps determine the motor torque profile as well as the link and joint stresses. The model can therefore be used to rate the actuator torque and in design of the hardware and controller for such a system. The kinematics of the mechanism can also be obtained from this dynamic model. The proposed model is thus a useful tool for analysis and design of systems based on the Jansen leg mechanism. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
[EU]Proiektu honek lehiaketarako moto baten erditxasia garatzen du, baita txasira lotuta egongo den modua ere. Erditxasia pieza estruktural bat da eta nahiz eta agian beharrezkoa ez izan lehiaketako moto batean, izan ere hauetan pilotuek ipurdia oso aurrean kokatzen dute pisua txasira bideratuz, moto guztiek duten atal bat da eta pertsonaren pisua eta honek egiturari eragiten dizkion indar eta esfortzuak eusteko erabiltzen da. Kasu batzuetan txasiaren beraren barnean egoten da zati hau eta beraz dena pieza bat izaten da, baina gure kasuan biak, erditxasia eta txasia elkarri lotuta egongo dira. Hasteko erditxasi hau zein eratara fabrikatua izan daitekeen aztertuko da(hodi, txapa…), eta modu bakoitzaren abantailak eta desabantailak ikusi beharko dira azkenik nola egingo den aukeratzeko. Honela gure piezaren eboluzio bat emango da guk behar ditugun exijentzia teknikoak bete ditzan eta ekonomikoki ere bideragarria izan dadin. Amaitzeko pieza bere lekuan bermatzeko beharko diren elementu laguntzaileak ere kalkulatu edo aukeratu beharko dira, lehiaketan dugun portaera guk nahi duguna izan dadin.
[EU]Lan honetan lehiaketako motorraren txasisaren optimizazio erresistentea egin nahi da. Txasisaren hasierako diseinutik abiatuz, diseinua optimizatuko da zona konkretu batean, bertan eragina duten indarrak eutsi ditzan ahalik eta pisu gutxienarekin. Lana egin ahal izateko, Motostudent txapelketatik lortu diren datuak erabiliko dira, honenbestez, erabiliko diren datuak errealak izango dira eta beraz baita emaitzak ere. Diseinua eta bere analisi estatiko egiteko erabiliko den softwarea, Creo 2.0 izango da.
[EU]Lan honetan lehiaketako motozikleta baten txasisaren diseinu estrukturala egiten da. Zehazki esanda txasisaren aurreko aldea edo motorra inguratzen duena, sub-txasisa eta baskulatzailearekin bat egiten duen txapa kontuan hartu gabe. Lehenik sarreratxo bat egiten da txasisaren ezaugarri ezberdinak, mota ezberdinak azalduz eta zeintzuk diren lortu beharreko helburuak adieraziz. Hauek lortzeak ekarriko dituen onura zientifiko teknikoak zein ekonomikoak zeintzuk diren ere deskribatuko dira. Ondoren lana burutzeko ze metodologia jarraitu den agertzen da hasieratik bukaerara eman beharreko pausuak zeintzuk diren esanez. Gero metodologia hau aplikatuz egin diren diseinu ezberdinak jarriko dira bakoitza bere emaitzekin. Bukatzeko emaitza hauek konparatu eta konklusio batzuk aterako dira zein den diseinu egokiena jakiteko.
[ES]El objetivo principal de este proyecto se centra en conseguir las características mecánicas requeridas por los componentes del chasis de los vehículos con una reducción de peso y mejora de productividad, para ellos es necesario simular el proceso de templado que se da durante la estampación en caliente de una pieza de chapa mediante utillajes con conductos de refrigeración. Para ello se ha utilizado el programa de elementos finitos ANSYS hasta obtener un proceso de embutición simulado que represente con una desviación dentro de los límites aceptables el comportamiento real de la chapa en la etapa de refrigeración. Como objetivo secundario se encuentra el afianzamiento de las bases teóricas de ciencia de materiales y la adquisición de más conocimientos relacionados con la transmisión de calor entre cuerpos sólidos, centrándose sobre todo en la distribución de temperaturas sobre la superficie de éstos. En una primera parte se tratarán los conceptos generales de la estampación en caliente y sus posibles variantes. También se explicará la necesidad del uso de nuevos materiales para la industria automovilística, así como la razón por la cual se utilizan conductos de refrigeración. A continuación, se definirá la geometría de la chapa a analizar, tanto las consecuentes geometrías de los utillajes, que tendrán diferentes distribuciones de conductos de refrigeración. Además se establecerán los criterios para realizar el análisis térmico transitorio del conjunto troquel – chapa – matriz. Una vez seleccionado el tipo de análisis se profundizará en su estudio, aplicándolo a los diferentes utillajes ya citados. Se analizarán los resultados obtenidos y los errores y se buscarán posibles alternativas. Finalmente, se procederá a sacar las conclusiones de la simulación realizada y se procederá a comparar los resultados obtenidos con las diferentes distribuciones de conductos de refrigeración en los utillajes.
An articulated lorry was instrumented in order to measure its performance in straight-line braking. The trailer was fitted with two interchangeable tandem axle sub-chassis, one with an air suspension and the other with a steel monoleaf four-spring suspension. The brakes were only applied to the trailer axles, which were fitted with anti-lock braking systems (ABS), with the brake torque controlled in response to anticipated locking of the leading axle of the tandem. The vehicle with the air suspension was observed to have significantly better braking performance than the steel suspension, and to generate smaller inter-axle load transfer and smaller vertical dynamic tyre forces. Computer models of the two suspensions were developed, including their brakes and anti-lock systems. The models were found to reproduce most of the important features of the experimental results. It was concluded that the poor braking performance of the steel four-spring suspension was mainly due to interaction between the ABS and inter-axle load transfer effects. The effect of road roughness was investigated and it was found that vehicle stopping distances can increase significantly with increasing road roughness. Two alternative anti-lock braking control strategies were simulated. It was found that independent sensing and actuation of the ABS system on each wheel greatly reduced the difference in stopping distances between the air and steel suspensions. A control strategy based on limiting wheel slip was least susceptible to the effects of road roughness.
A mathematical model is developed to predict the energy consumption of a heavy vehicle. It includes the important factors of heavy-vehicle energy consumption, namely engine and drivetrain performances, losses due to accessories, aerodynamic drag, rolling resistance, road gradients, and driver behaviour. Novel low-cost testing methods were developed to determine engine and drivetrain characteristics. A simple drive cycle was used to validate the model. The model is able to predict the fuel use for a 371 tractor-semitrailer vehicle over a 4 km drive cycle within 1 per cent. This paper demonstrates that accurate and reliable vehicle benchmarking and model parameter measurement can be achieved without expensive equipment overheads, e.g. engine and chassis dynamometers.