877 resultados para Cellular signalling


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AIMS: Cardiac myopathies are the second leading cause of death in patients with Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy, the two most common and severe forms of a disabling striated muscle disease. Although the genetic defect has been identified as mutations of the dystrophin gene, very little is known about the molecular and cellular events leading to progressive cardiac muscle damage. Dystrophin is a protein linking the cytoskeleton to a complex of transmembrane proteins that interact with the extracellular matrix. The fragility of the cell membrane resulting from the lack of dystrophin is thought to cause an excessive susceptibility to mechanical stress. Here, we examined cellular mechanisms linking the initial membrane damage to the dysfunction of dystrophic heart. METHODS AND RESULTS: Cardiac ventricular myocytes were enzymatically isolated from 5- to 9-month-old dystrophic mdx and wild-type (WT) mice. Cells were exposed to mechanical stress, applied as osmotic shock. Stress-induced cytosolic and mitochondrial Ca(2+) signals, production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and mitochondrial membrane potential were monitored with confocal microscopy and fluorescent indicators. Pharmacological tools were used to scavenge ROS and to identify their possible sources. Osmotic shock triggered excessive cytosolic Ca(2+) signals, often lasting for several minutes, in 82% of mdx cells. In contrast, only 47% of the WT cardiomyocytes responded with transient and moderate intracellular Ca(2+) signals. On average, the reaction was 6-fold larger in mdx cells. Removal of extracellular Ca(2+) abolished these responses, implicating Ca(2+) influx as a trigger for abnormal Ca(2+) signalling. Our further experiments revealed that osmotic stress in mdx cells produced an increase in ROS production and mitochondrial Ca(2+) overload. The latter was followed by collapse of the mitochondrial membrane potential, an early sign of cell death. CONCLUSION: Overall, our findings reveal that excessive intracellular Ca(2+) signals and ROS generation link the initial sarcolemmal injury to mitochondrial dysfunctions. The latter possibly contribute to the loss of functional cardiac myocytes and heart failure in dystrophy. Understanding the sequence of events of dystrophic cell damage and the deleterious amplification systems involved, including several positive feed-back loops, may allow for a rational development of novel therapeutic strategies.


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Monocarboxylate Transporter 2 (MCT2) is a major pyruvate transporter encoded by the SLC16A7 gene. Recent studies pointed to a consistent overexpression of MCT2 in prostate cancer (PCa) suggesting MCT2 as a putative biomarker and molecular target. Despite the importance of this observation the mechanisms involved in MCT2 regulation are unknown. Through an integrative analysis we have discovered that selective demethylation of an internal SLC16A7/MCT2 promoter is a recurrent event in independent PCa cohorts. This demethylation is associated with expression of isoforms differing only in 5'-UTR translational control motifs, providing one contributing mechanism for MCT2 protein overexpression in PCa. Genes co-expressed with SLC16A7/MCT2 also clustered in oncogenic-related pathways and effectors of these signalling pathways were found to bind at the SLC16A7/MCT2 gene locus. Finally, MCT2 knock-down attenuated the growth of PCa cells. The present study unveils an unexpected epigenetic regulation of SLC16A7/MCT2 isoforms and identifies a link between SLC16A7/MCT2, Androgen Receptor (AR), ETS-related gene (ERG) and other oncogenic pathways in PCa. These results underscore the importance of combining data from epigenetic, transcriptomic and protein level changes to allow more comprehensive insights into the mechanisms underlying protein expression, that in our case provide additional weight to MCT2 as a candidate biomarker and molecular target in PCa.


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Cytokines are secreted proteins that regulate important cellular responses such as proliferation and differentiation(1). Key events in cytokine signal transduction are well defined: cytokines induce receptor aggregation, leading to activation of members of the JAK family of cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases. In turn, members af the STAT family of transcription factors are phosphorylated, dimerize and increase the transcription of genes with STAT recognition sites in their promoters(1-4). Less is known of how cytokine signal transduction is switched off. We have cloned a complementary DNA encoding a protein SOCS-1, containing an SH2-domain, by its ability to inhibit the macrophage differentiation of M1 cells in response to interleukin-6. Expression of SOCS-1 inhibited both interleukin-6-induced receptor phosphorylation and STAT activation. We have also cloned two-relatives of SOCS-1, named SOCS-2 and SOCS-3, which together with the previously described CIS (ref. 5) form a new family of proteins. Transcription of all four SOCS genes is increased rapidly in response to interleukin-6, in vitro and in vivo, suggesting they may act in a classic negative feedback loop to regulate cytokine signal transduction.


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Eph receptor tyrosine kinases and ephrins regulate morphogenesis in the developing embryo where they effect adhesion and motility of interacting cells. Although scarcely expressed in adult tissues, Eph receptors and ephrins are overexpressed in a range of tumours. In malignant melanoma, increased Eph and ephrin expression levels correlate with metastatic progression. We have examined cellular and biochemical responses of EphA3-expressing melanoma cell lines and human epithelial kidney 293T cells to stimulation with polymeric ephrin-A5 in solution and with surfaces of defined ephrin-A5 densities. Within minutes, rapid reorganisation of the actin and myosin cytoskeleton occurs through activation of RhoA, leading to the retraction of cellular protrusions, membrane blebbing and detachment, but not apoptosis. These responses are inhibited by monomeric ephrin-A5, showing that receptor clustering is required for this EphA3 response. Furthermore, the adapter CrkII, which associates with tyrosine-phosphorylated EphA3 in vitro, is recruited in vivo to ephrin-A5-stimulated EphA3. Expression of an SH3-domain mutated CrkII ablates cell rounding, blebbing and detachment. Our results suggest that recruitment of CrkII and activation of Rho signalling are responsible for EphA3-mediated cell rounding, blebbing and de-adhesion, and that ephrin-A5-mediated receptor clustering and EphA3 tyrosine kinase activity are essential for this response.


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Developmental Biology


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Programa Doutoral em Biologia Molecular e Ambiental


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Continuous turnover of epithelia is ensured by the extensive self-renewal capacity of tissue-specific stem cells. Similarly, epithelial tumour maintenance relies on cancer stem cells (CSCs), which co-opt stem cell properties. For most tumours, the cellular origin of these CSCs and regulatory pathways essential for sustaining stemness have not been identified. In murine skin, follicular morphogenesis is driven by bulge stem cells that specifically express CD34. Here we identify a population of cells in early epidermal tumours characterized by phenotypic and functional similarities to normal bulge skin stem cells. This population contains CSCs, which are the only cells with tumour initiation properties. Transplants derived from these CSCs preserve the hierarchical organization of the primary tumour. We describe beta-catenin signalling as being essential in sustaining the CSC phenotype. Ablation of the beta-catenin gene results in the loss of CSCs and complete tumour regression. In addition, we provide evidence for the involvement of increased beta-catenin signalling in malignant human squamous cell carcinomas. Because Wnt/beta-catenin signalling is not essential for normal epidermal homeostasis, such a mechanistic difference may thus be targeted to eliminate CSCs and consequently eradicate squamous cell carcinomas.


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En el cor embrional, la senyalització de mort cel•lular apoptòtica iniciada per receptors de mort i les caspases executores 3 i 7 exerceixen un paper important durant el desenvolupament cardíac no relacionat amb la mort cel•lular, i posteriorment són silenciats en l’adult, on les vies independents de caspases estan implicades en la mort cel•lular patològica. Resultats previs del nostre grup han contribuït a entendre com es regula i silencia en el cor l’expressió dels gens de la via apoptòtica depenent de caspases durant el desenvolupament; a més, resultats no publicats demostren que les caspases regulen el procés d’expressió de gens en el cor i, contràriament a la maquinària depenent de caspases, TatD, una nucleasa, ’expressa abundantment al cor postnatal. Es desconeixen les funcions de la senyalització apoptòtica durant el desenvolupament cardíac, tot i que són essencials per al desenvolupament, a més, la senyalització independent de caspases implicada al dany cel•lular en els miòcits només es coneix parcialment, el nostre objectiu és contribuir al coneixement d’ambdós fenòmens. Creiem que les caspases podrien processar proteïnes reguladores de l’expressió de gens musculars alterant la seva activitat, mentre que TatD té un paper rellevant en el dany cel•lular però també en la funció cardíaca normal. Volem caracteritzar la contribució de les caspases 3 i 7 en el desenvolupament cardíac, utilitzant models in vivo (estem finalitzant els creuaments necessaris per a disposar dels animals amb el genotip desitjat) i in vitro (pràcticament hem preparat tot el material i hem optimitzat els protocols per a tirar-ho endavant). També volem caracteritzar la funció de TatD durant el desenvolupament i fisiologia del cor i conèixer-ne la seva funció utilitzant models in vitro i in vivo.


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Les proteïnes associades a la mielina (MAIS), Nogo-A, MAG i OMgp, són molècules que presenten una capacitat inhibitòria molt important per el recreixement axonal i la neuroreparació després de lesió. No obstant des de fa anys les seves funcions han estat ampliades i s’han involucrat en diferents processos degeneratius del sistema nerviós o en processos neuroinflamatoris del sistema nerviós central i el perifèric com ara l'Escleresi Múltiple (MS). La base neurobiològica d’indicadors moleculars que són responsables del dany axonal en MS segueixen sense estar plenament descrits. Recentment s’ha publicat que el mecanisme de senyalització Nogo-A pot regir els primers canvis de la desmielinització immunomediada del sistema nerviós central en el model animal de MS, l’encefalomielitis autoimmune experimental (EAE). De la mateixa forma la proteïna priònica cel•lular és una proteïna que s’ha associat majoritàriament a malalties espongiformes, però que recentment s’ha vinculat (no sense controvèrsia) amb la seva possible relació amb la Malaltia d'Alzheimer (AD), ja que seria capaç de reclutar els oligòmers d’Aβ (ADDLs), els quals correlacionen millor amb el grau de demència, i amb els que interacciona directament, actuant així com un possible mediador de la fosforilació de tau en la malaltia. No obstant, les funcions de les MAIS i de la PrPc en aquests models de la malaltia no estan clarament definits i, per altra banda, es desconeixen els mecanismes de senyalització implicats, no descartant de forma clara el component neural i l’immune.


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Résumé: Chez les mammifères, les intestins sont les organes ayant le plus haut taux de renouvellement cellulaire dans l'organisme. L'épithélium intestinal se renouvelle complètement en moins d'une semaine. Il se compose de projections (villosités) et d'invaginations (cryptes) qui ont toutes deux des fonctions bien distinctes. Les cellules de l'intestin sont constamment produites à partir de cellules souches, situées dans la crypte, qui se différencient en cellules proliférantes transitoires, puis en cellules caliciformes, de Paneth, entéroendocrine ou en entérocytes. Ces cellules migrent dans leurs lieux spécifiques pour accomplir leur fonction physiologique pour finalement mourir. A cours de mon travail de thèse, j'ai étudié le rôle de la voie de signalisation de Notch dans le renouvellement cellulaire et dans le processus de l'homéostase des cellules de l'intestin marin en utilisant le système Cre-loxP pour induire la délétion des gènes Notch1, Notch2, Jaggedl et RBP-Jk. Bien que l'inactivation de Notch1 avec ou sans Jagged1, ou celle de Notch2, n'aboutissent à aucun phénotype, une déficience pour RBP-Jk, ou pour Notch1 et Notch2 simultanément, conduit au développement d'un impressionnant phénotype. Au niveau de la crypte, une rapide et importante modification des cellules apparaît: les cellules proliférantes sont devenues des cellules caliciformes qui ont perdu la capacité de se renouveler. Ces résultats impliquent la voie Notch en tant que nouvelle clé de voûte dans le maintien des cellules qui s'auto-renouvellent dans l'épithélium intestinal. Un rôle similaire a été proposé pour la voie Wnt, laquelle n'est cependant, pas affectée dans nos souris. C'est pourquoi ces deux voies sont essentielles dans le maintien de la prolifération dans les cryptes intestinales. Ce travail a aussi proposé un mécanisme par lequel la voie Notch contrôlerait l'intégrité du cycle cellulaire dans les cellules de la crypte intestinale, ceci en inhibant la transcription d'un inhibiteur du cycle cellulaire, la protéine p27KIP1. De plus, l'inactivation de RBP-Jk dans les adénomes développés par les souris APCmin induisent la différenciation de cellules tumorales en cellules caliciformes. Comme autre effet, la localisation histologique des cellules de Paneth est également affectée par la délétion de RBP-Jk ou de Notch1/Notch2, suggérant un rôle pour la voie Notch dans le compartiment des cellules de Paneth. Finalement, ce travail démontre que les cellules progénitrices de l'intestin ont besoin d'une convergence fonctionnelle des voie Wnt et Notch. Ces résultats préliminaires peuvent être considérés comme un concept pour l'utilisation d'inhibiteurs de secrétase-γ (inhibiteurs de Notch) à des fins thérapeutiques pour les cancers colorectaux. Summary The mammalian intestine has one of the highest cellular turnover rates in the body. The complete intestinal epithelium is renewed in less than a week. It is divided into spatially distinct compartments in the form of finger-like projections (villi) and flask-shaped invaginations (crypts) that are dedicated to specific functions. Intestinal cells are constantly produced from a stem cell reservoir that gives rise to proliferating transient amplifying cells, which subsequently differentiate and home to their specific compartments before dying after having fulfilled their physiological function. In this thesis project, the physiological role of the Notch signalling cascade in the marine intestine was studied. Inducible tissue specific inactivation of Notch1, Notch2, Jagged1 and RBP-Jk genes was applied to assess their role in the maintenance of intestinal homeostasis and cell fate determination. The analysis unequivocally revealed that Notch1, Notch1 and Jagged1 combined as well as Notch2 are dispensable for intestinal homeostasis and lineage differentiation. However, deficiency of RBP-Jk as well as the simultaneous inactivation of both Notch1 and Notch2 receptors unveiled a striking phenotype. In these mice, a rapid and massive conversion of proliferative crypt cells into post-mitotic goblet cells was observed. These results identify the Notch pathway as a key player for the maintenance of the proliferative crypt compartment. A similar role was implicated for the Wnt cascade, which, however, was not affected in the different tissue specific Notch signalling deficient mice. Thus, the Wnt and Notch signalling pathways are essential for the self-renewal capacity of the intestinal epithelium. Furthermore, our results suggest a molecular mechanism for Notch signalling mediated control of cell cycle regulation within the crypt. The Notch cascade inhibits expression of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27KIP1 and thereby maintains proliferation of the intestinal progenitor cells. In addition, the inactivation of RBP-Jk in adenomas developed by APCmin mice resulted in the differentiation of tumour cells into goblet cells. Finally, Notch deficiency affected differentiated Paneth cells, suggesting that Notch may play a role in the Paneth cell compartment. In summary, this work clearly demonstrates that undifferentiated, proliferative cells in intestinal crypts require the concerted activation of the RBP-Jk-mediated Notch signalling and the Wnt cascade. In addition, our preliminary results can be considered as a "proof-of-principle" for the use of γ-secretase inhibitors for therapeutic modalities for colorectal cancer.


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An accurate assessment of the rising ambient temperature by plant cells is crucial for the timely activation of various molecular defences before the appearance of heat damage. Recent findings have allowed a better understanding of the early cellular events that take place at the beginning of mild temperature rise, to timely express heat-shock proteins (HSPs), which will, in turn, confer thermotolerance to the plant. Here, we discuss the key components of the heat signalling pathway and suggest a model in which a primary sensory role is carried out by the plasma membrane and various secondary messengers, such as Ca(2+) ions, nitric oxide (NO) and hydrogen peroxide (H(2) O(2) ). We also describe the role of downstream components, such as calmodulins, mitogen-activated protein kinases and Hsp90, in the activation of heat-shock transcription factors (HSFs). The data gathered for land plants suggest that, following temperature elevation, the heat signal is probably transduced by several pathways that will, however, coalesce into the final activation of HSFs, the expression of HSPs and the onset of cellular thermotolerance.


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The widely expressed protein Fas is a member of the tumour necrosis factor receptor family which can trigger apoptosis. However, Fas surface expression does not necessarily render cells susceptible to Fas ligand-induced death signals, indicating that inhibitors of the apoptosis-signalling pathway must exist. Here we report the characterization of an inhibitor of apoptosis, designated FLIP (for FLICE-inhibitory protein), which is predominantly expressed in muscle and lymphoid tissues. The short form, FLIPs, contains two death effector domains and is structurally related to the viral FLIP inhibitors of apoptosis, whereas the long form, FLIP(L), contains in addition a caspase-like domain in which the active-centre cysteine residue is substituted by a tyrosine residue. FLIPs and FLIP(L) interact with the adaptor protein FADD and the protease FLICE, and potently inhibit apoptosis induced by all known human death receptors. FLIP(L) is expressed during the early stage of T-cell activation, but disappears when T cells become susceptible to Fas ligand-mediated apoptosis. High levels of FLIP(L) protein are also detectable in melanoma cell lines and malignant melanoma tumours. Thus FLIP may be implicated in tissue homeostasis as an important regulator of apoptosis.


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Estrogen deprivation is associated with delayed healing, while Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) accelerates acute wound healing and protects against development of chronic wounds. Estrogen exerts its effects on healing via numerous cell types by signalling through the receptors ERα and ERβ, which bind to the Estrogen Responsive Element (ERE) and initiate gene transcription. The ERE-luciferase transgenic mouse model has been influential in assessing real-time in vivo estrogen receptor activation across a range of tissues and pathologies. Using this model we demonstrate novel temporally regulated peri-wound activation of estrogen signalling in female mice. Using histological methods we reveal that this signal is specifically localised to keratinocytes of the neoepidermis and wound margin dermal cells. Moreover using pharmacological agonists we reveal that ERβ induces ERE-mediated signal in both epidermal and dermal cells while ERα induces ERE-mediated signal in dermal cells alone. Collectively these novel data demonstrate rapid and regional activation of estrogen signalling in wounded skin. A more complete understanding of local hormonal signalling during repair is essential for the focussed development of new therapies for wound healing.


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Summary SLAM (signalling lymphocyte activation molecule, CD150) serves as a cellular receptor for different morbiliviruses, including measles virus and canine distemper virus. Laboratory cell lines that do not express dog SLAM are therefore quite refractory to infection by wildtype CDV. SLAM expression is not only required for CDV virion attachment, but also for the establishment of cytolytic infection characterized by syncytia formation. In order to determine if SLAM has a direct influence on CDV replication, we compared wild-type and mutated SLAM variants for their capacity to influence viral polymerase activity and syncytia formation. Deletion of immunoreceptor tyrosine-based signalling motif (ITSM) in the cytoplasmic tail of SLAM did not seem to influence viral replication, viral polymerase activity or cell-to cell fusion. Instead, it was the level of cell surface expression of SLAM, which was important. Additional experiments corroborated the importance of SLAM for efficient cell-to cell fusion: Both SLAM, as well as viral fusion (F) and attachment (H) glycoproteins, were found to be required for efficient cell-to-cell fusion, which, in turn, enhanced the activity of the viral polymerase and, viral replication. Wild-type A75/17 canine distemper virus (CDV) strain is known to induce a persistent infection in the central nervous system and in dog footpad keratinocytes in vivo. Recently, it has been shown that the A75/17 virus could also infect canine footpad keratinocytes (CFKs) in vitro. CFK infection with A75/17 was initially inefficient and produced very little virus progeny, however, after only three passages the adapted virus produced more progeny and induced limited syncytia formation. Sequence comparison between the A75/17 and the CFKadapted A75/17-K virus revealed three amino acid differences, one in the phosphoprotein (P), one in the matrix protein (M) and one in the H protein. In order to identify viral determinants of A75/17-K adaptation, recombinant viruses containing one, two or three nucleotides substitutions were analyzed. The amino acid substitution in the M protein was without effect on viral particle formation. In contrast, the amino acid substitution in the cytoplasmic tail of H protein was clearly important for syncytia formation. Concerning the mutation in the P protein, it led to an increase in viral replication. However, we cannot rule out that the observed effect is due to the amino acid substitutions in the overlapping accessory proteins C and V, also affected by the P mutation. The adaptation of wild-type CDV strains to cell culture almost always involves modifications of M protein. In order to understand the influence of these modifications, we tested recombinant A75/17 viruses bearing different M proteins. Preliminary results demonstrated that the M protein from the Vero-adapted strain reduced syncytia formation. Future studies will focus on the M mRNA and protein stability, its expression level, localisation and its effect on viral particles formation and on the phenotype of infection. Résumé La protéine SLAM (signalling lymphocyte activation molecule ou CD150) est utilisée comme récepteur cellulaire par les morbillivirus parmi lesquels on trouve le virus de la rougeole (VR) ainsi que le virus de la maladie de Carré (CDV). Les lignées cellulaires qui n'expriment pas la protéine SLAM du chien à leur surface sont réfractaires à l'infection par les souches sauvages de CDV. Le récepteur SLAM n'est pas seulement requis pour l'attachement du virion à la surface de la cellule, mais il participe également de façon active à l'établissement d'une infection cytolytique à travers la formation de syncytia. Afin de déterminer si la protéine SLAM exerce une influence directe sur la réplication virale du virus de la maladie de Carré, nous avons généré différentes protéines tronquées de SLAM et comparé leurs capacités à influencer l'activité de la polymérase ainsi que la formation de syncytia. Nos résultas ont montré que la réplication virale, l'activité de la polymérase ainsi que la fusion cellulaire ne semblent pas être influencées par les délétions dans les régions cytoplasmiques du récepteur SLAM. Cependant, ces délétions agissent sur l'expression de la protéine SLAM à la surface des cellules. Les expériences additionnelles ont permis de souligner l'importance de la protéine SLAM dans le phénomène de fusion entre cellules. En effet, la protéine SLAM ainsi que les deux glycoprotéines virales F et H sont requises pour la formation de syncytia, laquelle induit une augmentation de l'activité de la polymérase ainsi que de la réplication virale. La souche virulente A75/17 du virus, de la Maladie de Carré est connue pour induire une infection persistante au niveau du système nerveux central ainsi que dans les kératinocytes de pattes chez le chien. Des études récentes ont montré que des cultures primaires de kératinocytes de chien pouvaient aussi êtres infectées par la souche A75/17 de CDV. En effet, le virus induit une infection persistante en produisant très peu de progéniture. Cependant, trois passages du virus sauvage A75/17 dans ces cultures aboutissent à la sélection d'un virus produisant plus de progéniture et favorisant la formation limitée de syncytia. La comparaison des séquences génomique entre la souche A75/17 et la souche adaptée A75/17-K montre une différence de trois nucléotides. La première mutation, située dans le gène P, modifie la phosphoprotéine (P) ainsi que les protéines V et C. La deuxième se situe dans le gène de la protéine matricielle (M) et la dernière dans celui de la protéine d'attachement (H). Afin de déterminer les facteurs viraux impliqués lors de l'adaptation virale dans la culture primaire de kératinocytes, des virus recombinants contenant une, deux ou trois de ces mutations ont été analysés. La substitution d'un acide aminé dans la protéine M reste sans effet sur la production de particules virales. En revanche, la substitution d'un acide aminé dans la queue cytoplasmique de la protéine H s'avère clairement importante pour la formation de syncytia. Quant à la mutation dans le gène P, elle permet une augmentation de la réplication virale. Cependant, nous ne pouvons pas écarter l'hypothèse que l'augmentation de la réplication virale soit due aux substitutions d'un acide aminé dans les protéines accessoires V et C qui sont, elles aussi, affectées par la mutation dans le gène P. L'adaptation des souches sauvages de CDV aux cultures de cellules induit presque toujours des modifications de la protéine matricielle M. Afin de comprendre l'influence de ces modifications, nous avons testé 'des virus A75/17 recombinants contenant différentes protéines M. Les résultats préliminaires ont démontré que la protéine M de la souche adaptée aux cellules Vero réduisait la formation de syncytia. Les études futures seront axées sur la stabilité de l'ARN messager, celle de la protéine M, de son niveau d'expression, de sa localisation cellulaire et de son effet sur la formation de particules virale ainsi que sur le phénotype de l'infection.