995 resultados para Calcium dependent
After a traumatic injury to the central nervous system, the distal stumps of axons undergo Wallerian degeneration (WD), an event that comprises cytoskeleton and myelin breakdown, astrocytic gliosis, and overexpression of proteins that inhibit axonal regrowth. By contrast, injured neuronal cell bodies show features characteristic of attempts to initiate the regenerative process of elongating their axons. The main molecular event that leads to WD is an increase in the intracellular calcium concentration, which activates calpains, calcium-dependent proteases that degrade cytoskeleton proteins. The aim of our study was to investigate whether preventing axonal degeneration would impact the survival of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) after crushing the optic nerve. We observed that male Wistar rats (weighing 200-400 g; n=18) treated with an exogenous calpain inhibitor (20 mM) administered via direct application of the inhibitor embedded within the copolymer resin Evlax immediately following optic nerve crush showed a delay in the onset of WD. This delayed onset was characterized by a decrease in the number of degenerated fibers (P<0.05) and an increase in the number of preserved fibers (P<0.05) 4 days after injury. Additionally, most preserved fibers showed a normal G-ratio. These results indicated that calpain inhibition prevented the degeneration of optic nerve fibers, rescuing axons from the process of axonal degeneration. However, analysis of retinal ganglion cell survival demonstrated no difference between the calpain inhibitor- and vehicle-treated groups, suggesting that although the calpain inhibitor prevented axonal degeneration, it had no effect on RGC survival after optic nerve damage.
Please consult the paper edition of this thesis to read. It is available on the 5th Floor of the Library at Call Number: Z 9999 B56 M68 2007
L’angiogenèse, caractérisée par la formation de nouveaux vaisseaux sanguins à partir de vaisseaux préexistants, est un processus accompagné par l’inflammation, impliquant la synthèse et la relâche de différents facteurs de croissance par les cellules inflammatoires. Parmi ces facteurs, seuls le vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) et les angiopoïétines (Ang1 et Ang2) peuvent participer à la régulation de l’inflammation et de l’angiogenèse. La famille des angiopoïétines comporte quatre membres, desquels l’Ang1 et l’Ang2 ont été les plus étudiés. Ces deux médiateurs inflammatoires sont capables d’activer le récepteur Tie2, dont l’expression a initialement été rapportée sur les cellules endothéliales (CE). Notre laboratoire a été le premier à démontrer l’expression de Tie2 à la surface des neutrophiles, ainsi que sa capacité, suite à son activation par l’Ang1 ou l’Ang2, à induire la synthèse du facteur d’activation plaquettaire (PAF), l’activation de la β2-intégrine, la migration des neutrophiles ainsi que leur adhésion aux CE. D’autres études ont montré que les CE emmagasinent et relâchent le VEGF et l’Ang2, tandis que les péricytes et les cellules musculaires lisses contiennent l’Ang1. Puisque les neutrophiles relâchent le VEGF et que les deux angiopoïétines ont la capacité d’activer Tie2 sur ces derniers, nous avons voulu déterminer si les neutrophiles contiennent l’Ang1 et/ou l’Ang2 et si elles peuvent être relâchées suite à une stimulation avec des agonistes proinflammatoires. Nous avons découvert que l’Ang1, mais pas l’Ang2 est présente dans les neutrophiles, et qu’elle est relâchée suite à une stimulation au phorbol myristate acetate (PMA). De plus, nous avons démontré que l’Ang1 est localisée au niveau du cytosol et que sa relâche est calcium-indépendante, contrairement au VEGF, qui est localisé dans les granules β et sa relâche est calcium-dépendante. Cette étude démontre pour la première fois l’expression et la localisation de l’Ang1 dans les neutrophiles. Une récente étude effectuée dans notre laboratoire a démontré que les angiopoïétines induisent la migration des neutrophiles en activant le récepteur Tie2 et la voie de la PI3K. De plus, les angiopoïétines ont potentialisé la migration induite par l’IL-8. Ainsi, nous avons émis l’hypothèse que l’Ang1 et/ou l’Ang2 seraient capables d’induire la relâche et/ou la synthèse de l’IL-8 par les neutrophiles. Nous avons démontré pour la première fois, la capacité de l’Ang1 à induire l’expression de l’ARNm, ainsi que la synthèse et la relâche d’IL-8 par les neutrophiles. Cependant, un traitement avec l’Ang2 seule ou en combinaison avec l’Ang1 n’a eu aucun effet sur les activités mentionnées ci-dessus. Nous avons aussi observé que la synthèse et la relâche d’IL-8 induite par l’Ang1 requièrent la transcription de l’ADN en ARNm, suivie par la stabilisation de ce dernier, qui ultimement induit la traduction de l’ARNm de l’IL-8 en sa protéine. Finalement, nous avons démontré que la stimulation des neutrophiles avec l’Ang1 induit ces activités en activant la voie de la p42/44 MAPK, tout en étant indépendantes de la p38 MAPK et la PI3K/Akt. Ces résultats sont en lien direct avec une récente étude dans laquelle nous avons observé que l’Ang1, mais pas l’Ang2 est capable d’augmenter la survie des neutrophiles via la relâche d’IL-8.
La transglutaminase tissulaire est une enzyme dépendante du calcium qui catalyse la formation de liens isopeptidiques, entre les chaînes latérales de résidus glutamine et lysine, permettant, par le fait même, la réticulation des protéines dans les systèmes biologiques. Elle joue un rôle, entre autres, dans l’endocytose, la régulation du développement des cellules, et même dans l’apoptose. Néanmoins, une dérégulation de l’activité biologique de cette enzyme peut entrainer différentes pathologies, comme la formation de cataractes, de plaques amyloïdes dans la maladie d’Alzheimer, ou encore peut mener au développement de la maladie céliaque. C’est pourquoi une meilleure connaissance du mécanisme d’action de cette enzyme et la possibilité de réguler son action à l’aide de substrats ou d’inhibiteurs sont nécessaires. Dans cette optique, une méthode d’expression et de purification de la transglutaminase humaine a été développée, permettant de travailler directement avec la cible pharmacologique désirée. De plus, une étude du mode d’inhibition et de liaison d’une classe d’inhibiteurs réversibles précédemment découverte dans le groupe, soit la famille des trans-cinnamoyles, a permis d’identifier que la puissance de ces molécules est influencée par la présence du calcium et qu’une inhibition dépendante du temps est observée, en lien avec un potentiel équilibre conformationnel lent de la transglutaminase. D’un autre côté, la susceptibilité à une attaque nucléophile par des thiols de cette classe de molécule rend leur potentiel pharmacologique grandement diminué, et c’est pourquoi une nouvelle famille de molécules a été identifiée, basée sur un squelette ynone, avec une valeur d’IC50 très prometteuse de 2,6 μM, en faisant un des meilleurs inhibiteurs réversibles de la transglutaminase développés à ce jour. Finalement, une stratégie de photomarquage jumelée à une analyse de spectrométrie de masse en tandem a été développée pour la découverte du site de liaison du substrat dérivé de la lysine, dans le but de mieux comprendre le mécanisme complexe de cette enzyme.
Ähnlich wie in Säugerzellen ist das neutrale Postlysosom in Dictyostelium discoideum von einem Coat aus filamentösem Actin umgeben. In dieser Arbeit wurde der Frage nach der Funktion dieses Actin-Cytoskeletts am späten Endosom nachgegangen. Hierzu wurde zunächst eine Analyse der Domänen des Vacuolin B durchgeführt, das als bisher spätester bekannter Marker im Endocytoseweg in Dictyostelium discoideum das neutrale, postlysosomale Kompartiment dekoriert. In einer Yeast Two Hybrid-Analyse wurden die Bereiche des Vacuolin B identifiziert, die für eine Selbst-Interaktion des Proteins notwendig und ausreichend sind. Es handelt sich dabei um die coiled-coil-Domäne und einen daran anschließenden, 18 Aminosäuren langen, alpha-helicalen Abschnitt. Diesem helicalen Bereich scheint die Funktion einer modifizierenden, die coiled-coil-Ausbildung vermittelnden oder initiierenden Faltungseinheit zuzukommen. Sie weist jedoch nicht die typischen Merkmale einer trigger-Helix auf. Lokalisationsuntersuchungen mit GFP-Deletionskonstrukten zeigten, dass es einen Zusammenhang zwischen Interaktionsfähigkeit und Bindung des Vacuolin an die Oberfläche später Endosomen gibt: Eine korrekte Lokalisation und Membranassoziation waren nur dann zu beobachten, wenn in der Yeast Two Hybrid-Analyse eine Interaktion nachgewiesen werden konnte. Es wurden die für die Lokalisation und Assoziation mit der vacuolären Membran notwendigen Sequenzbereiche identifiziert; diese waren jedoch nicht hinreichend. Vermutlich sind hierfür auch Sequenzen des N-Terminus notwendig. Die erhobenen Daten legen weiterhin eine Bedeutung der hydrophoben Domäne des Vacuolin B für die korrekte Faltung des Proteins nahe. Im Anschluss an die Domänenanalyse wurde Vacuolin dazu benutzt, durch Herstellung von Hybridproteinen Actin-interagierende Proteine gezielt an das späte Endosom zu transportieren. Es wurde deren Einfluss auf den lokalen Actin Coat und den endocytotischen Transit untersucht. Zwei Actin-bindende Proteine mit depolymerisierender Wirkung konnten im Rahmen dieser Arbeit getestet werden, nämlich Severin und Cofilin. Die Schwächung des lokalen Actin Coats durch das Vorhandensein von Severin an der späten Vacuole war nicht eindeutig festzustellen. Severin am Postlysosom führte nicht zu einer Veränderung der Transitkinetik von Flüssigphasenmarker. Allerdings konnte ein Defekt in der Phagocytose festgestellt werden. Es könnte hierbei ein Zusammenhang zwischen der Mobilisierung von intrazellulärem Calcium während der Partikelaufnahme und der Calcium-abhängigen Regulation der Severin-Aktivität bestehen. Das Hybridprotein aus Vacuolin und Cofilin zeigte neben einer Assoziation mit der vacuolären Membran auch eine Lokalisation im Cytoplasma und Cortex der Zellen. Mit der Lokalisation im Cytoplasma und Cortex korrelierte eine Veränderung der endocytotischen Aktivität. Das Vacuolin-Cofilin-Fusionsprotein am Postlysosom rief einen Verlust des lokalen Actin Coats hervor. Dies führte zu einer traubenförmigen Assoziation der späten Endosomen; exocytotische Parameter blieben jedoch unbeeinflusst. Aufgrund der hier erhobenen Daten kann vermutet werden, dass der Actin Coat am Postlysosom dazu dient, eine Agglutination dieser Endosomen zu inhibieren. Dies könnte ein Schutzmechanismus zum Ausschluss von Docking- und Fusionsereignissen sein.
Methods for recombinant production of eukaryotic membrane proteins, yielding sufficient quantity and quality of protein for structural biology, remain a challenge. We describe here, expression and purification optimisation of the human SERCA2a cardiac isoform of Ca2+ translocating ATPase, using Saccharomyces cerevisiae as the heterologous expression system of choice. Two different expression vectors were utilised, allowing expression of C-terminal fusion proteins with a biotinylation domain or a GFP- His8 tag. Solubilised membrane fractions containing the protein of interest were purified onto Streptavidin-Sepharose, Ni-NTA or Talon resin, depending on the fusion tag present. Biotinylated protein was detected using specific antibody directed against SERCA2 and, advantageously, GFP-His8 fusion protein was easily traced during the purification steps using in-gel fluorescence. Importantly, talon resin affinity purification proved more specific than Ni-NTA resin for the GFP-His8 tagged protein, providing better separation of oligomers present, during size exclusion chromatography. The optimised method for expression and purification of human cardiac SERCA2a reported herein, yields purified protein (> 90%) that displays a calcium-dependent thapsigargin-sensitive activity and is suitable for further biophysical, structural and physiological studies. This work provides support for the use of Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a suitable expression system for recombinant production of multi-domain eukaryotic membrane proteins.
Thimet oligopeptidase (EC; EP24.15) was originally described as a neuropeptide-metabolizing enzyme, highly expressed in the brain, kidneys and neuroendocrine tissue. EP24.15 lacks a typical signal peptide sequence for entry into the secretory pathway and is secreted by cells via an unconventional and unknown mechanism. In this study, we identified a novel calcium-dependent interaction between EP24.15 and calmodulin, which is important for the stimulated, but not constitutive, secretion of EP24.15. We demonstrated that, in vitro, EP24.15 and calmodulin physically interact only in the presence of Ca(2+), with an estimated K(d) value of 0.52 mu m. Confocal microscopy confirmed that EP24.15 colocalizes with calmodulin in the cytosol of resting HEK293 cells. This colocalization markedly increases when cells are treated with either the calcium ionophore A23187 or the protein kinase A activator forskolin. Overexpression of calmodulin in HEK293 cells is sufficient to greatly increase the A23187-stimulated secretion of EP24.15, which can be inhibited by the calmodulin inhibitor calmidazolium. The specific inhibition of protein kinase A with KT5720 reduces the A23187-stimulated secretion of EP24.15 and inhibits the synergistic effects of forskolin with A23187. Treatment with calmidazolium and KT5720 nearly abolishes the stimulatory effects of A23187 on EP24.15 secretion. Together, these data suggest that the interaction between EP24.15 and calmodulin is regulated within cells and is important for the stimulated secretion of EP24.15 from HEK293 cells.
The calcium-dependent proline-rich tyrosine kinase (Pyk2), a nonreceptor protein activated by tyrosine phosphorylation, links G protein-coupled receptors to vascular responses. We tested the hypothesis that enhanced vascular reactivity in deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)-salt hypertensive mice is due to increased activation of Pyk2. Aorta and small mesenteric arteries from DOCA-salt and uninephrectomized (UNI) male C57B1/6 mice were used. Systolic blood pressure (mm Hg) was higher in DOCA (126 +/- 3) vs. UNI (100 +/- 4) mice. Vascular responses to phenylephrine (1 nM to 100 mu M) were greater both in aorta and small mesenteric arteries from DOCA-salt than UNI, but treatment with Tyrphostin A-9 (0.1 mu M, Pyk2 inhibitor) abolished the difference among the groups. Pyk2 levels, as well as phospho-Pyk2(Tyr402), paxillin, and phospho-paxillin(Tyr118) were increased in DOCA-salt aorta. Incubation of vessels with Tyrphostin A-9 restored phosphorylation of Pyk2 and paxillin. Increased activation of Pyk2 contributes to increased vascular contractile responses in DOCA-salt mice. J Am Soc Hypertens 2008;2(6): 431-438. (C) 2008 American Society of Hypertension. All rights reserved.
In the behavioral paradigm of discriminative avoidance task, both short and long-term memories have been extensively investigated with behavioral and pharmacological approaches. The aim of the present study was to evaluate, using the abovementioned model, the hippocampal expression of zif-268 - a calcium-dependent immediate early gene involved with synaptic plasticity process - throughout several steps of memory formation, such as acquisition, evocation and extiction. The behavioral apparatus consisted of a modified elevaated plus-maze, with their enclosed arms disposed in "L". A pre-exposure to the maze was made with the animal using all arms enclosed, for 30 minutes, followed by training and test, during 10 minutes each. The between sections interval was 24h. During training, aversive stimuli (bright light and loud noise) were actived whenever the animals entered one of the enclosed armas (aversive arm). Memory acquisiton, retention and extinction were evaluated by the percentage of the total time spent exploring the aversive arm. The parameters evaluated (time spent in the arms and total distance traveled) were estimated with an animal tracking software (Anymaze, Stoelting, USA). Learning during training was estimated by the decrease of the time spent exploring the aversive arm. One hour after the beginning of each section, animals were anaesthetized with sodium-thiopental (i.p.) and perfused with 0.9% heparinized saline solution followed by 4% paraformaldehyde. Brains were cryoprotected with 20% sucrose, separeted in three blocks and frozen. The middle block, containing the hippocampus, was sectioned at 20 micro meters in the coronal plane and the resutant sections were submitted to zif-268 immunohistochemistry. Our results show an increased expression of zif-268 in the dentate gyrus (DG) during the evocation and extinction stages. There is a distinct participation of the DG during the memory evocation, but not during its acquisition. Inaddition, all hippocampal regions (CA1, CA3 and DG) presented an increased zif-268 expression during the process of extinction.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Mutations in the protein alpha-tropomyosin (Tm) can cause a disease known as familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. In order to understand how such mutations lead to protein dysfunction, three point mutations were introduced into cDNA encoding the human skeletal tropomyosin, and the recombinant Tms were produced at high levels in the yeast Pichia pastoris. Two mutations (A63V and K70T) were located in the N-terminal region of Tm and one (E180G) was located close to the calcium-dependent troponin T binding domain. The functional and structural properties of the mutant Tms were compared to those of the wild type protein. None of the mutations altered the head-to-tail polymerization, although slightly higher actin binding was observed in the mutant Tm K70T, as demonstrated in a cosedimentation assay. The mutations also did not change the cooperativity of the thin filament activation by increasing the concentrations of Ca2+. However, in the absence of troponin, all mutant Tms were less effective than the wild type in regulating the actomyosin subfragment 1 Mg2+ ATPase activity. Circular dichroism spectroscopy revealed no differences in the secondary structure of the Tms. However, the thermally induced unfolding, as monitored by circular dichroism or differential scanning calorimetry, demonstrated that the mutants were less stable than the wild type. These results indicate that the main effect of the mutations is related to the overall stability of Tm as a whole, and that the mutations have only minor effects on the cooperative interactions among proteins that constitute the thin filament.
In vitro rates of overall proteolysis and the activities of four different proteolytic pathways (lysosomal, Ca2+ dependent, ATP dependent, and ATP independent), as well as rates of protein synthesis, were measured in soleus and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles from streptozotocin- diabetic rats. In the acute phase (1-3 days) of diabetes, there was an increase in overall proteolysis that coincided with an increased activity of the Ca2+-dependent pathway in both soleus and EDL and of the ATP-dependent pathway in EDL. After longer periods (5-10 days) of diabetes, the overall rate of protein degradation decreased and reached values similar to or even lower than those of controls as a result of a reduction in the activities of Ca2+-dependent and ATP-dependent pathways. No change was detected at any time interval in the activity of the intralysosomal proteolytic system in muscles from diabetic animals. Rates of protein synthesis were already reduced 24 h after diabetes induction and decreased further thereafter. Insulin treatment restored to normal the activities of the proteolytic pathways and rates of protein synthesis.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
There has been tremendous progress in understanding neural stem cell (NSC) biology, with genetic and cell biological methods identifying sequential gene expression and molecular interactions guiding NSC specification into distinct neuronal and glial populations during development. Data has emerged on the possible exploitation of NSC-based strategies to repair adult diseased brain. However, despite increased information on lineage specific transcription factors, cell-cycle regulators and epigenetic factors involved in the fate and plasticity of NSCs, understanding of extracellular cues driving the behavior of embryonic and adult NSCs is still very limited. Knowledge of factors regulating brain development is crucial in understanding the pathogenetic mechanisms of brain dysfunction. Since injury-activated repair mechanisms in adult brain often recapitulate ontogenetic events, the identification of these players will also reveal novel regenerative strategies. Here, we highlight the purinergic system as a key emerging player in the endogenous control of NSCs. Purinergic signalling molecules (ATP, UTP and adenosine) act with growth factors in regulating the synchronized proliferation, migration, differentiation and death of NSCs during brain and spinal cord development. At early stages of development, transient and time-specific release of ATP is critical for initiating eye formation; once anatomical CNS structures are defined, purinergic molecules participate in calcium-dependent neuron-glia communication controlling NSC behaviour. When development is complete, some purinergic mechanisms are silenced, but can be re-activated in adult brain after injury, suggesting a role in regeneration and self-repair. Targeting the purinergic system to develop new strategies for neurodevelopmental disorders and neurodegenerative diseases will be also discussed.