973 resultados para CRITICAL-TEMPERATURE


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Copper oxide (CuO) is one of the most important transition metal oxides due to its unique properties. It is used in various technological applications such as high critical temperature, superconductors, gas sensors, in photoconductive applications and so on. Recently, it has been used as an antimicrobial agent against various pathogenic bacteria. In the present investigation, we studied the structural and antidermatophytic properties of CuO nanoparticles (NPs) synthesized by a precipitation technique. Copper sulfate was used as a precursor and sodium hydroxide as a reducing agent. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed flower-shaped CuO NPs and X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern showed the crystalline nature of CuO NPs. These NPs were evaluated against two prevalent species of dermatophytes, i.e. Trichophyton rubrum and T. mentagrophytes by using the broth microdilution technique. Further, the NPs activity was also compared with synthetic sertaconazole. Although better antidermatophytic activity was exhibited with sertaconazole as compared to NPs, being synthetic, sertaconazole may not be preferred, as it shows different adverse effects. Trichophyton mentagrophytes is more susceptible to NPs than T. rubrum. A phylogenetic approach was applied for predicting differences in susceptibility of pathogens.


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The molecular dynamics method is used to simulate microcrack healing during heating or/and under compressive stress. A centre microcrack in Cu crystal would be sealed under compressive stress or by heating. The role of compressive stress and heating in crack healing was additive. During microcrack healing, dislocation generation and motion occurred. When there were pre-existing dislocations around the microcrack, the critical temperature or compressive stress necessary for microcrack healing would decrease, and, the higher the number of dislocations, the lower the critical temperature or compressive stress. The critical temperature necessary for microcrack healing depended upon the orientation of the crack plane. For example, the critical temperature for the crack along the (001) plane was the lowest, i.e. 770K.


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An experimental investigation of the onset of Benard-Marangoni convection has been performed in a liquid layer of rectangular configuration. The critical temperature difference was measured via the detections of both temperature field pattern (IR-imaging) on the free surface and fluid convection (PIV) in the liquid layer. The critical temperature difference or the critical Marangoni number was given. The experiments were performed for a fixed depth of air layer and a changeable depth of the liquid layer, and then the influence of the thickness ratio of the air layer to liquid layer on the Marangoni instability was studied.


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An experimental investigation of Bénard-Marangoni convection has been performed in double immiscible liquid layers of rectangular configuration on the ground. The two kinds of liquid are 10cst silicon oil and FC-70 respectively. The size of rectangular chamber is 100mm×40mm in horizontal cross-section. The evolution processes of convection are observed in the differential thickness ratio of two liquid layers. The critical temperature difference was measured via the detections of fluid convection by a particle image velocimetry (PIV) in the vertical cross-section of the liquid layer. The critical temperature difference or the critical Marangoni number was given. And the influence of the thickness ratio of two liquid layers on the convection instability was discussed. The evolution processes of patterns and temperature distributions on the interface are displayed by using thermal liquid crystal. The velocity distributions on the interface were also obtained. In comparison with the thermocapillary effect, the effect of buoyancy convection will relatively increase when the depth of the liquid layer increases. Because of the coupling of buoyancy and thermocapillary effect, the convection instability is much more complex than that in the microgravity environment. And the critical convection depends on the change of the thickness of liquid layers and also the change of thickness ratio of two liquid layers.


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The heat transfer characteristics of China no. 3 kerosene were investigated experimentally and analytically under conditions relevant to a regenerative cooling system for scramjet applications. A test facility developed for the present study can handle kerosene in a temperature range of 300-1000 K, a pressure range of 2.6-5 MPa, and a mass How rate range of 10-100 g/s. In addition, the test section was uniquely designed such that both the wall temperature and the bulk fuel temperature were measured at the same location along the flowpath. The measured temperature distributions were then used to analytically deduce the local heat transfer characteristics. A 10-component kerosene surrogate was proposed and employed to calculate the fuel thermodynamic and transport properties that were required in the heat transfer analysis. Results revealed drastic changes in the fuel flow properties and heat transfer characteristics when kerosene approached its critical state. Convective heat transfer enhancement was also found as kerosene became supercritical. The heat transfer correlation in the relatively low-fuel-temperature region yielded a similar result to other commonly used jet fuels, such as JP-7 and JP-8, at compressed liquid states. In the high-fuel-temperature region, near and beyond the critical temperature, heat transfer enhancement was observed; hence, the associated correlation showed a more significant Reynolds number dependency.


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The superconducting and magnetic properties of splat cooled amorphous alloys of composition (La100-xGdx)80Au20 (0 ≤ x ≤ 100) have been studied. The La80Au20 alloys are ideal type II super-conductors (critical temperature Tc = 3.5° K ). The concentration range (x less than 1) where superconductivity and spin-glass freezing n1ight coexist has been studied in detail. The spin-glass alloys (0 less than x less than 70) exhibit susceptibility maxima and thermomagnetic history effects. In the absence of complications due to crystal field and enhanced matrix effects, a phenomenological model is proposed in which the magnetic clusters are treated as single spin entities interacting via random forces using the molecular field approach. The fundamental parameters (such as the strength of the forces and the size of clusters) can be deduced from magnetization measurements. The remanent magnetization is shown to arise from an interplay of the RKKY and dipolar forces. Magnetoresistivity results are found to be consistent with the aforementioned picture. The nature of magnetic interactions in an amorphous matrix is also discussed. The moment per Gd atom (7µB) is found to be constant and close to that of the crystalline value throughout the concentration range investigated. Finally, a detail study is made of the critical phenomena and magnetic properties of the amorphous ferromagnet: Gd80Au20. The results are compared with recent theories on amorphous magnetism.


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The problem of s-d exchange scattering of conduction electrons off localized magnetic moments in dilute magnetic alloys is considered employing formal methods of quantum field theoretical scattering. It is shown that such a treatment not only allows for the first time, the inclusion of multiparticle intermediate states in single particle scattering equations but also results in extremely simple and straight forward mathematical analysis. These equations are proved to be exact in the thermodynamic limit. A self-consistent integral equation for electron self energy is derived and approximately solved. The ground state and physical parameters of dilute magnetic alloys are discussed in terms of the theoretical results. Within the approximation of single particle intermediate states our results reduce to earlier versions. The following additional features are found as a consequence of the inclusion of multiparticle intermediate states;

(i) A non analytic binding energy is pre sent for both, antiferromagnetic (J < o) and ferromagnetic (J > o) couplings of the electron plus impurity system.

(ii) The correct behavior of the energy difference of the conduction electron plus impurity system and the free electron system is found which is free of unphysical singularities present in earlier versions of the theories.

(iii) The ground state of the conduction electron plus impurity system is shown to be a many-body condensate state for J < o and J > o, both. However, a distinction is made between the usual terminology of "Singlet" and "Triplet" ground states and nature of our ground state.

(iv) It is shown that a long range ordering, leading to an ordering of the magnetic moments can result from a contact interaction such as the s-d exchange interaction.

(v) The explicit dependence of the excess specific heat of the Kondo systems is obtained and found to be linear in temperatures as T→ o and T ℓnT for 0.3 T_K ≤ T ≤ 0.6 T_K. A rise in (ΔC/T) for temperatures in the region 0 < T ≤ 0.1 T_K is predicted. These results are found to be in excellent agreement with experiments.

(vi) The existence of a critical temperature for Ferromagnetic coupling (J > o) is shown. On the basis of this the apparent contradiction of the simultaneous existence of giant moments and Kondo effect is resolved.


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To understand mechanisms underlying laser-induced damage of BK7 and fused silica, we calculate the temperature field of the substrates with CO2 laser irradiating at a given laser power and beam radius. We find that the two glasses show different thermal behaviors. A model is developed for estimating the time t to heat the surface of the substrates up to a particular temperature T with cw CO2 laser irradiation. We calculate theoretically the duration t that the samples are irradiated, from the beginning to visual catastrophic damage, with the assumption of damage threshold determined by the critical temperature. The duration t that the samples are irradiated, from the beginning to visual catastrophic damage, is investigated experimentally as well. Here we take the melting point or softening point as the critical temperature, given the thermomechanical coupling properties, which is enough to cause damage for BK7. Damage features are characterized by the sound of visual cracks. Finally, we calculate stresses induced by laser heating. The analysis of stress indicates that the damage of BK7 is due to the stresses induced by laser heating. (c) 2005 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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To understand mechanisms underlying laser-induced damage of BK7 and fused silica, we calculate the temperature field of the substrates with CO2 laser irradiating at a given laser power and beam radius. We find that the two glasses show different thermal behaviors. A model is developed for estimating the time t to heat the surface of the substrates up to a particular temperature T with cw CO2 laser irradiation. We calculate theoretically the duration t that the samples are irradiated, from the beginning to visual catastrophic damage, with the assumption of damage threshold determined by the critical temperature. The duration t that the samples are irradiated, from the beginning to visual catastrophic damage, is investigated experimentally as well. Here we take the melting point or softening point as the critical temperature, given the thermomechanical coupling properties, which is enough to cause damage for BK7. Damage features are characterized by the sound of visual cracks. Finally, we calculate stresses induced by laser heating. The analysis of stress indicates that the damage of BK7 is due to the stresses induced by laser heating. (c) 2005 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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A tese de doutorado apresenta uma aplicação de técnicas de teoria de campos em um sistema da matéria condensada. Motivados por experimentos em gases atômicos, apresentamos um estudo sobre misturas binárias de gases atômicos na presença de uma interação do tipo Josephson. O foco principal é o estudo de um modelo de dois campos complexos não-relativisticos com simetria O(2). Esta simetria é quebrada por interações que produzem um desbalanço nas populações das duas espécies bosônicas. Estudamos o modelo na aproximação de campo médio mais flutuações gaussianas, usando o formalismo de teoria de campos a temperatura finita em tempo imaginário. Os resultados mostram que, num certo intervalo de temperaturas, as duas espécies bosônicas condensam à mesma temperatura crítica e a fase relativa do condensado é fixa, determinada pela fase do campo externo aplicado.


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Neste trabalho, utilizamos o formalismo de teorias quânticas de campos a temperatura finita, tal como desenvolvidas por Matsubara, aplicado a uma hamiltoniana de N campos escalares com autointeração quártica a N grande. Obtém-se uma expressão, na primeira aproximação quântica, para o coeficiente do termo quadrático da hamiltoniana ("massa quadrada"), renormalizado, como função da temperatura. A partir dela, estudamos o processo de quebra espontânea de simetria. Por outro lado, a mesma hamiltoniana é conhecida como modelo de Ginzburg-Landau na literatura de matéria condensada, e que permite o estudo de transições de fase em materiais ferromagnéticos. A temperatura é introduzida através do termo quadrático na hamiltoniana, de forma linear: é proporcional à diferença entre a variável de temperatura e a temperatura crítica. Tal modelo, porém, possui validade apenas na regi~ao de temperaturas próximas à criticalidade. Como resultado de nossos cálculos na teoria de campos a temperatura finita, observamos que, numa faixa de valores em torno da temperatura crítica, a massa quadrática pode ser aproximada por uma relação linear em relação à variável de temperatura. Isso evidencia a compatibilidade da abordagem de Ginzburg-Landau, na vizinhança da criticalidade, com respeito ao formalismo de campos a temperatura finita. Discutimos também os efeitos causados pela presença de um potencial químico no sistema.


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Crystal growth of melt-textured Nd-123 pseudo-crystals was investigated via an isothermal solidification with top-seeding technique under a 1%O2 in N2 atmosphere. Non-steady state solidification was observed at low undercooling, in contrast to an almost linear growth at higher undercooling. Similar to processing in air, the substitution of Nd/Ba was found to decrease from the seed position to the edge of the crystal. In addition, the volume fraction of Nd-422 particles decreased in the solid as solidification proceeded. As a result of these microstructural inhomogeneities, the critical temperature and the critical current density varied within the crystal even for samples processed isothermally, despite the narrow solid solution range of the Nd-123 phase under a reduced pO2 atmosphere.


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This paper reports the results of an experimental investigation of the performance of two types of magnetic screens assembled from YBa2Cu3O7-d (YBCO) coated conductors. Since effective screening of the axial DC magnetic field requires the unimpeded flow of an azimuthal persistent current, we demonstrate a configuration of a screening shell made out of standard YBCO coated conductor capable to accomplish that. The screen allows the persistent current to flow in the predominantly azimuthal direction at a temperature of 77 K. The persistent screen, incorporating a single layer of superconducting film, can attenuate an external magnetic field of up to 5 mT by more than an order of magnitude. For comparison purposes, another type of screen which incorporates low critical temperature quasi-persistent joints was also built. The shielding technique we describe here appears to be especially promising for the realization of large scale high-Tc superconducting screens.


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The thermal entanglement in a two-qutrit system with two spins coupled by exchange interaction is investigated in terms of the measure of entanglement called "negativity". It is found that the thermal entanglement is present and evolvements symmetrically between both ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic exchange couplings with the temperature. Moreover the critical temperature at which the negativity vanishes increases with the exchange coupling constant J. From the temperature and magnetic field dependences we demonstrate that the temperature and the magnetic field can affect the feature of the thermal entanglement significantly.


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The thermal entanglement in a two-qubit Spin-1 system with two spins coupled by exchange interaction is investigated in terms of the measure of entanglement called "negativity". It is found that the thermal entanglement exists and is symmetric for both ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic exchange couplings. Moreover, the critical temperature at which the negativity vanishes increases with the exchange coupling constant J. From the temperature and magnetic field dependences we demonstrate that the temperature and the magnetic field can affect the feature of the thermal entanglement significantly. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.