953 resultados para COST ACCOUNTING


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Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia toimintolaskennan ja toimintojohtamisen käyttöä sekä hyödyntämistä prosessijohtamisen tukena. Työssä keskitytään tarkastelemaan ilmiötä julkisen sektorin terveydenhuoltoalalla. Tutkielmassa sovelletaan kvalitatiivista eli laadullista tutkimusmenetelmää. Tutkielma koostuu kahdesta osasta. Teoriaosassa käsitellään alan kirjallisuutta tieteellisten artikkelien valossa. Empiriaosassa selvitettiin tutkittavan organisaation kustannus- ja toimintolaskennan hyödyntämisestä prosessijohtamisen tukena. Aineistonkeruu empiirisen osion osalta toteutettiin avoimina ja strukturoimattomina haastatteluina. Tutkielman tuloksina muodostui ymmärrys organisaation kustannuslaskennan nykytilanteesta ja hyödyntämismahdollisuuksista prosessienkehittämisessä. Kustannus- ja toimintolaskentaa hyödynnetään nykyisin pääasiassa hinnoittelupäätöksiin. Kustannustietoja ei systemaattisesti hyödynnetä prosessienkehittämisessä eikä arvioitaessa potentiaalisia kehitys- ja parannuskohteita. Toimintolaskennan erityispiirteet tukevat kuitenkin sitä, että toimintolaskenta sopii terveydenhuolto-organisaatioon kustannuslaskentamalliksi. Voidaan todeta kustannuslaskennan tukevan Lean- kehitystyön kohdentamista ja tuloksien arviointia.


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Las asociaciones cooperativas han tenido mayor auge en nuestro país en los últimos años, siendo indispensables para el desarrollo de la economía nacional, en tal sentido el cooperativismo moderno ha diversificado las áreas de producción de las cooperativas, pasando de producir para el sector primario de la economía, al secundario y terciario; es decir, de la producción agrícola, al de agroindustria comercial hasta la prestación de servicios, con el fin último de satisfacer las diferentes necesidades de los usuarios del sistema cooperativo, sin perder de vista que desempeñan un papel importante en el ámbito social, convirtiéndose así en entidades de economía solidaria. En El Salvador, el departamento de Cabañas pertenece a una zona geográfica de gran importancia para el sector agroindustrial ya que de acuerdo al 4º Censo Agropecuario realizado por la Dirección General de Estadísticas y Censos (DIGESTYC) 2007-2008, de los 9 municipios del departamento el 27.17% de cabezas de ganado bovino pertenecen al municipio de Sensuntepeque, volviéndose así un mercado propicio para COPIGAC dedicada a la producción agroindustrial y comercialización de concentrado para ganado bovino. El Instituto Salvadoreño de Fomento Cooperativo (INSAFOCOOP) ha generado legislación especial denominada Norma de Información Financiera Para Asociaciones Cooperativas de El Salvador (NIFACES), con la finalidad de normar la constitución, funcionamiento y administración del sector cooperativo y que obtengan certeza de reflejar en su información financiera contable el cumplimiento de los requerimientos que demanda el organismo que las fiscaliza, a la vez que adopta uniformidad en la presentación de los datos contables en relación con los demás sectores. Debido a la importancia de la Asociación Cooperativa de Producción Agroindustrial y Comercialización Ganadera en el municipio de Sensuntepeque, el propósito principal que busca la ejecución del presente trabajo de investigación es diseñar una ORGANIZACIÓN FINANCIERA CONTABLE que sirva como un instrumento para estructurar, ordenar, clasificar y resumir la información que se genere de sus actividades; a fin de establecer resultados confiables, que sirvan a la administración para la toma de decisiones. La Organización Financiera Contable es regida por leyes y reglamentos generales, especiales, mercantiles, tributarios, y de previsión y seguridad social las cuales son fundamentales para su diseño, está compuesta por el Control Interno y el Sistema Contable y de Costos con base a la Norma de Información Financiera Para Asociaciones Cooperativas de El Salvador (NIFACES). El documento final que contiene la Organización Financiera Contable fue elaborado utilizando metodología que permitió la recolección de información bibliográfica de elementos teóricos sobre el cooperativismo, contabilidad general, contabilidad de costos y el control interno, se utilizaron como instrumentos de recolección de datos, la entrevista, la observación directa a las actividades ejecutadas por la cooperativa y listas de cotejo, los cuales permitieron el análisis e interpretación de los resultados. Así mismo al analizar e interpretar los resultados obtenidos en la investigación se lograron determinar las conclusiones y recomendaciones con el propósito de brindar solución a la problemática resultante, posteriormente se diseñó un plan de intervención para elaborar la Organización Financiera Contable. Es necesario mencionar que debido a la importancia de las asociaciones cooperativas ante un mundo globalizado y competitivo, deben mantener la uniformidad en la presentación de la información financiera contable en comparación con otros sectores económicos, por ello es beneficioso para la cooperativa en estudio aplicar los lineamientos que establece la normativa de información financiera especial. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Cooperative associations have had the greatest boom in our country in recent years, being indispensable for the development of the national economy, in this sense the modern cooperative has diversified production areas of cooperatives, from producing for the primary sector economy, secondary and tertiary; ie agricultural production, commercial agribusiness to provide services, with the ultimate aim to meet the different needs of users of the cooperative system, without losing sight of that play an important role in the social field, thus becoming in solidarity economy entities. In El Salvador Cabañas department belongs to a geographical area of great importance for the agribusiness sector since according to the 4th Census of Agriculture conducted by the Department of Statistics and Census (DIGESTYC) 2007-2008 of 9 municipalities in the department 27.17% of the heads of cattle belonging to the municipality of Sensuntepeque, thus becoming an enabling market for COPIGAC dedicated to the agroindustrial production and marketing of concentrate for cattle. The Salvadoran Institute for Cooperative Development (INSAFOCOOP) has created special legislation called Financial Reporting Standard for Cooperative Associations of El Salvador (NIFACES), in order to regulate the establishment, operation and administration of the cooperative sector and obtain certainty to reflect on their financial accounting information meeting the requirements demanded by the body that oversees, while adopting uniformity in the presentation of financial data relating to other sectors. Because of the importance of the Cooperative Production Association Agroindustrial and Marketing Livestock in the municipality of Sensuntepeque, the main purpose that seeks the implementation of this research is to design a STOCKHOLDERS financial organization that serves as an instrument to structure, order, classify and summarize the information generated by its activities; to establish reliable results that serve the administration for decision-making. Financial Organization Accounting is governed by laws and general, special, commercial, tax regulations, and welfare and social security which are fundamental to its design, it is made by the Internal Control and Accounting System and Cost based on the Standard Financial Information for Cooperative Associations of El Salvador (NIFACES). The final document containing the Financial Organization Accounting was developed using methodology that allowed the collection of bibliographic information theoretical elements on cooperativism, general accounting, cost accounting and internal control, were used as instruments of data collection, interview, direct observation of the activities carried out by the cooperative and checklists, which allowed the analysis and interpretation of results. Also to analyze and interpret the results of the investigation are able to determine the conclusions and recommendations in order to provide a solution to the resulting problem, then an intervention plan designed to develop the Financial Accounting Organization. It should be mentioned that because of the importance of cooperative associations in a globalized and competitive world, should maintain uniformity in the presentation of accounting and financial information compared with other economic sectors, it is beneficial for the cooperative study apply the guidelines which establishes special rules of financial information.


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A evidente competitividade de mercado que se regista na atualidade no meio empresarial, promove o esforço por parte dos organismos do Estado em controlar os seus gastos e maximizar a eficiência dos serviços, mantendo o nível de satisfação por parte do cliente. A Contabilidade Analítica tem a capacidade de custear os produtos ou as atividades de uma organização recorrendo a métodos de custeio como sejam, o método das Secções Homogéneas ou o Activity Based Costing. A presente dissertação, seguindo a metodologia de investigação em Ciências Socias, produz um modelo de custeio dos produtos e atividades de um organismo da Marinha Portuguesa, a Direção de Abastecimento. A construção do modelo, com recurso ao método de investigação estudo de caso, requere um estudo aprofundado da entidade e dos processos que realiza. A análise realizada permitiu definir o modelo de Secções Homogéneas com custeio acessório das atividades como o mais apropriado à organização em estudo. A constituição do modelo teórico permitiu a recolha dos procedimentos necessários à sua implementação, tendo sido verificada a exequibilidade do mesmo em SIGDN, com resultados positivos. Realizou-se acessoriamente um teste em condições reais ao modelo sendo possível obter resultados do custeio dos produtos e das atividades da Direção de Abastecimento. A investigação permitiu dar resposta a todas as questões enunciadas, cumprir os objetivos propostos e solucionar a problemática evidenciada. Foi assim possível, verificar a importância dada pela Marinha ao desenvolvimento da Contabilidade Analítica, efetuar uma análise profunda da organização da Direção de Abastecimento e criar um modelo de custeio dos produtos e atividades, capaz de acrescentar valor no suporte à tomada de decisão.


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El presente trabajo tiene como propósito realizar un estudio de todos los costos de operación en que incurre el sector de transporte urbano en la ciudad de Cuenca para prestar su servicio, mediante la aplicación del sistema de costeo estándar, con el fin de determinar una tarifa que sirva como guía o base para la fijación del precio que los usuarios deberían pagar por la utilización del transporte. Se está generando la problemática de incrementar los pasajes de $0,25 centavos a $0,41 centavos debido a que los propietarios del transporte no están de acuerdo con la tarifa vigente. Por lo que es necesario efectuar un análisis apropiado para determinar el precio que debe pagar la población por el uso del transporte urbano; aplicando técnicas y conocimientos propios de la contabilidad de costos. Para llevar a cabo el estudio de los costos operativos se considera un muestreo estratificado de todas las compañías de transporte urbano con el fin de efectuar encuestas a los transportistas; además, obtener información proporcionada por la Cámara de Transporte de Cuenca, Consorcio SIR y las compañías de transporte, identificando costos variables, fijos, de capital, kilómetros recorridos, número de usuarios que utilizan este servicio y número de vueltas.


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Preparar a mudança é uma necessidade que se impõe à Administração Pública a fim de melhorar a qualidade da informação e do controlo sobre a gestão dos seus recursos humanos, financeiros e materiais. Na senda da melhoria contínua, o Exército Português tem procurado equiparar-se aos seus congéneres, explorando as tecnologias disponíveis, tendo como objetivo para 2016 dar continuidade ao desenvolvimento do projeto de implementação da Contabilidade Analítica através do Sistema Integrado de Gestão do Ministério da Defesa Nacional. A Contabilidade Analítica surge revigorada no recente Decreto-Lei nº 192/2015 - Sistema de Normalização Contabilística para as Administrações Públicas - visando satisfazer diversas necessidades de informação no processo de tomada de decisão. No entanto, este tipo de ferramenta deve ser concebida em colaboração com os decisores, no sentido de se ajustarem às reais necessidades da organização. A presente investigação aplicada tem como objetivo verificar se o Sistema Integrado de Gestão do Ministério da Defesa Nacional tem capacidade e potencialidade para disponibilizar informação analítica relevante para apoiar o processo de tomada de decisão dos Órgãos Centrais de Comando do Exército Português. Numa primeira fase, além da pesquisa bibliográfica e análise documental, foram feitas entrevistas exploratórias aos principais intervenientes que estiveram presentes nos projetos de implementação da Contabilidade Analítica levados a cabo no Exército. Posteriormente, foram entrevistados em cada Órgão Central de Comando, os Comandantes/Diretores/Chefes e os principais conselheiros na área financeira. Os resultados apontam para a existência de um considerável interesse por parte dos entrevistados relativamente à utilidade da informação analítica no apoio à tomada de decisão. Contudo, este tipo de informação não se encontra atualmente disponível, sendo necessário o reforço ou organização de um núcleo afeto em exclusividade à Contabilidade Analítica, bem como proceder à formação e mentalização dos utilizadores desta ferramenta aos vários níveis da hierarquia.


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Organisations are constantly seeking efficiency improvements for their business processes in terms of time and cost. Management accounting enables reporting of detailed cost of operations for decision making purpose, although significant effort is required to gather accurate operational data. Business process management is concerned with systematically documenting, managing, automating, and optimising processes. Process mining gives valuable insight into processes through analysis of events recorded by an IT system in the form of an event log with the focus on efficient utilisation of time and resources, although its primary focus is not on cost implications. In this paper, we propose a framework to support management accounting decisions on cost control by automatically incorporating cost data with historical data from event logs for monitoring, predicting and reporting process-related costs. We also illustrate how accurate, relevant and timely management accounting style cost reports can be produced on demand by extending open-source process mining framework ProM.


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A lack of appropriate measurement techniques has constrained full cost environmental accounting (FCEA) experimentation. Yet, there has been little research on the applicability of valuation techniques recently developed by environmental economists within FLEA frameworks. This paper examines a reporting experiment using these valuation techniques that was undertaken by an Australian Government Department managing publicly owned forests. The FCEA experiment was ultimately not successful. However, the implementation experiences of the Department including the reactions of its managers and stakeholders provide an opportunity to critically reflect on the experimental outcomes to extend the current empirical knowledge of corporate social responsibility reporting. Such critical reflection has not been common in past FCEA experimentation. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Researching administrative history is problematical. A trail of authoritative documents is often hard to find; and useful summaries can be difficult to organise, especially if source material is in paper formats in geographically dispersed locations. In the absence of documents, the reasons for particular decisions and the rationale underpinning particular policies can be confounded as key personnel advance in their professions and retire. The rationale for past decisions may be lost for practical purposes; and if an organisation’s memory of events is diminished, its learning through experience is also diminished. Publishing this document tries to avoid unnecessary duplication of effort by other researchers that need to venture into how policies of charging for public sector information have been justified. The author compiled this work within a somewhat limited time period and the work does not pretend to be a complete or comprehensive analysis of the issues.----- A significant part of the role of government is to provide a framework of legally-enforceable rights and obligations that can support individuals and non-government organisations in their lawful activities. Accordingly, claims that governments should be more ‘business-like’ need careful scrutiny. A significant supply of goods and services occurs as non-market activity where neither benefits nor costs are quantified within conventional accounting systems or in terms of money. Where a government decides to provide information as a service; and information from land registries is archetypical, the transactions occur as a political decision made under a direct or a clearly delegated authority of a parliament with the requisite constitutional powers. This is not a market transaction and the language of the market confuses attempts to describe a number of aspects of how governments allocate resources.----- Cost recovery can be construed as an aspect of taxation that is a sole prerogative of a parliament. The issues are fundamental to political constitutions; but they become more complicated where states cede some taxing powers to a central government as part of a federal system. Nor should the absence of markets be construed necessarily as ‘market failure’ or even ‘government failure’. The absence is often attributable to particular technical, economic and political constraints that preclude the operation of markets. Arguably, greater care is needed in distinguishing between the polity and markets in raising revenues and allocating resources; and that needs to start by removing unhelpful references to ‘business’ in the context of government decision-making.


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This paper examines the role of powerful entities and coalitions in shaping international accounting standards. Specifically, the focus is on the process by which the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) developed IFRS 6, Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources. In its Issues Paper, the IASB recommended that the successful efforts method be mandated for pre-production costs, eliminating the choice previously available between full cost and successful efforts methods. In spite of the endorsement of this view by a majority of the constituents who responded to the Issues Paper, the final outcome changed nothing, with choice being retained. A compelling explanation of this disparity between the visible inputs and outputs of the standard setting process is the existence of a “black box”, in which powerful extractive industries entities and coalitions covertly influenced the IASB to secure their own ends and ensure that the status quo was maintained


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Since the 1960s, the value relevance of accounting information has been an important topic in accounting research. The value relevance research provides evidence as to whether accounting numbers relate to corporate value in a predicted manner (Beaver, 2002). Such research is not only important for investors but also provides useful insights into accounting reporting effectiveness for standard setters and other users. Both the quality of accounting standards used and the effectiveness associated with implementing these standards are fundamental prerequisites for high value relevance (Hellstrom, 2006). However, while the literature comprehensively documents the value relevance of accounting information in developed markets, little attention has been given to emerging markets where the quality of accounting standards and their enforcement are questionable. Moreover, there is currently no known research that explores the association between level of compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the value relevance of accounting information. Motivated by the lack of research on the value relevance of accounting information in emerging markets and the unique institutional setting in Kuwait, this study has three objectives. First, it investigates the extent of compliance with IFRS with respect to firms listed on the Kuwait Stock Exchange (KSE). Second, it examines the value relevance of accounting information produced by KSE-listed firms over the 1995 to 2006 period. The third objective links the first two and explores the association between the level of compliance with IFRS and the value relevance of accounting information to market participants. Since it is among the first countries to adopt IFRS, Kuwait provides an ideal setting in which to explore these objectives. In addition, the Kuwaiti accounting environment provides an interesting regulatory context in which each KSE-listed firm is required to appoint at least two external auditors from separate auditing firms. Based on the research objectives, five research questions (RQs) are addressed. RQ1 and RQ2 aim to determine the extent to which KSE-listed firms comply with IFRS and factors contributing to variations in compliance levels. These factors include firm attributes (firm age, leverage, size, profitability, liquidity), the number of brand name (Big-4) auditing firms auditing a firm’s financial statements, and industry categorization. RQ3 and RQ4 address the value relevance of IFRS-based financial statements to investors. RQ5 addresses whether the level of compliance with IFRS contributes to the value relevance of accounting information provided to investors. Based on the potential improvement in value relevance from adopting and complying with IFRS, it is predicted that the higher the level of compliance with IFRS, the greater the value relevance of book values and earnings. The research design of the study consists of two parts. First, in accordance with prior disclosure research, the level of compliance with mandatory IFRS is examined using a disclosure index. Second, the value relevance of financial statement information, specifically, earnings and book value, is examined empirically using two valuation models: price and returns models. The combined empirical evidence that results from the application of both models provides comprehensive insights into value relevance of accounting information in an emerging market setting. Consistent with expectations, the results show the average level of compliance with IFRS mandatory disclosures for all KSE-listed firms in 2006 was 72.6 percent; thus, indicating KSE-listed firms generally did not fully comply with all requirements. Significant variations in the extent of compliance are observed among firms and across accounting standards. As predicted, older, highly leveraged, larger, and profitable KSE-listed firms are more likely to comply with IFRS required disclosures. Interestingly, significant differences in the level of compliance are observed across the three possible auditor combinations of two Big-4, two non-Big 4, and mixed audit firm types. The results for the price and returns models provide evidence that earnings and book values are significant factors in the valuation of KSE-listed firms during the 1995 to 2006 period. However, the results show that the value relevance of earnings and book values decreased significantly during that period, suggesting that investors rely less on financial statements, possibly due to the increase in the available non-financial statement sources. Notwithstanding this decline, a significant association is observed between the level of compliance with IFRS and the value relevance of earnings and book value to KSE investors. The findings make several important contributions. First, they raise concerns about the effectiveness of the regulatory body that oversees compliance with IFRS in Kuwait. Second, they challenge the effectiveness of the two-auditor requirement in promoting compliance with regulations as well as the associated cost-benefit of this requirement for firms. Third, they provide the first known empirical evidence linking the level of IFRS compliance with the value relevance of financial statement information. Finally, the findings are relevant for standard setters and for their current review of KSE regulations. In particular, they highlight the importance of establishing and maintaining adequate monitoring and enforcement mechanisms to ensure compliance with accounting standards. In addition, the finding that stricter compliance with IFRS improves the value relevance of accounting information highlights the importance of full compliance with IFRS and not just mere adoption.


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The alliance project delivery method is used for approximately one third of all Australian government infrastructure projects representing $8-$10 billion per annum. Despite its widespread use, little is known about the differences between estimated project cost and actual cost over the project lifecycle. This paper presents the findings of research into 14 Australian government alliance case studies investigating the observed cost uplift over each project’s lifecycle. I find that significant cost uplift is likely and that this uplift is greater than that afflicting traditional delivery methods. Furthermore, most of the cost uplift occurs at a different place in the project lifecycle, namely between Business Case and Contractual Commitment.