Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft [SFB 858]
Antitumor activities have been described in selol, a hydrophobic mixture of molecules containing selenium in their structure, and also in maghemite magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs). Both selol and MNPs were co-encapsulated within poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanocapsules for therapeutic purposes. The PLGA-nanocapsules loaded with MNPs and selol were labeled MSE-NC and characterized by transmission and scanning electron microscopy, electrophoretic mobility, photon correlation spectroscopy, presenting a monodisperse profile, and positive charge. The antitumor effect of MSE-NC was evaluated using normal (MCF-10A) and neoplastic (4T1 and MCF-7) breast cell lines. Nanocapsules containing only MNPs or selol were used as control. MTT assay showed that the cytotoxicity induced by MSE-NC was dose and time dependent. Normal cells were less affected than tumor cells. Cell death occurred mainly by apoptosis. Further exposure of MSE-NC treated neoplastic breast cells to an alternating magnetic field increased the antitumor effect of MSE-NC. It was concluded that selol-loaded magnetic PLGA-nanocapsules (MSE-NC) represent an effective magnetic material platform to promote magnetohyperthermia and thus a potential system for antitumor therapy.
Abstract Background Photodynamic therapy (PDT) using 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) is a skin cancer therapy that still has limitations due to the low penetration of this drug into the skin. We have proposed in this work a delivery system for 5-ALA based on liposomes having lipid composition similar to the mammalian stratum corneum (SCLLs) in order to optimize its skin delivery in Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) of skin cancers. Methods SCLLs were obtained by reverse phase evaporation technique and size distribution of the vesicles was determinated by photon correlation spectroscopy. In vitro permeation profile was characterized using hairless mouse skin mounted in modified Franz diffusion cell. Results Size exclusion chromatography on gel filtration confirmed vesicle formation. SCLLs obtained by presented a degree of encapsulation of 5-ALA around 5.7%. A distribution of vesicle size centering at around 500 nm and 400 nm respectively for SCLLs and SCLLs containing 5-ALA was found. In vitro 5-ALA permeation study showed that SCLLs preparations presented higher skin retention significantly (p < 0.05) on the epidermis without SC + dermis, with a decreasing of skin permeation compared to aqueous solution. Conclusions The in vitro delivery performance provided by SCLLs lead to consider this systems adequate for the 5-ALA-PDT of skin cancer, since SCLLs have delivered 5-ALA to the target skin layers (viable epidermis + dermis) to be treated by topical PDT of skin cancer.
Lo studio di cambiamenti strutturali inter o intramolecolari nei materiali polimerici può essere effettuato mediante la spettroscopia infrarossa associata a quella di correlazione bidimensionale (2D-COS, two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy). Questa tecnica, applicata a campioni del copolimero stirene-acrilonitrile (SAN) a diversa composizione, consente di interpretare variazioni spettrali riscontrate e l’andamento della temperatura di transizione vetrosa, Tg. L’applicazione della spettroscopia di correlazione bidimensionale (2D-COS) e l’analisi dell’intensità delle bande spettrali in funzione del contenuto di AN nel copolimero SAN, prevedono lo sviluppo di un metodo per correggere gli spettri IR da instabilità dovute alla linea di base e da variazioni derivanti dallo spessore dei film. A tal fine si sottopone lo spettro IR di ogni film di SAN alla correzione della linea di base e successivamente al processo di normalizzazione. La banda di vibrazione sottoposta ad analisi 2D-COS è quella corrispondente allo stretching del gruppo −C≡N in quanto presenta le maggiori variazioni in funzione della composizione del copolimero. La 2D-COS evidenzia che tali variazioni sono attribuibili alla variazione contemporanea di frequenza di assorbimento, larghezza e intensità di banda. A partire da questa osservazione si può dedurre la presenza nel materiale di un’interazione dipolo-dipolo di tipo intra-molecolare tra i gruppi nitrilici.
Zusammenfassung Kooperativität bei Atmungsproteinen bedeutet eine Änderung der O2-Affinität während der Beladung mit O2 und läßt sich durch die Wechselbeziehung zwischen O2-Beladung und Konformation beschreiben. In dieser Arbeit wurde das 24-mere Hämocyanin der Vogelspinne Eurypelma californicum bzgl. Beladung und Konformationen sowohl auf der Ensemble- wie auch auf der Einzel-Molekül-Ebene charakterisiert. EnsembleDie Bindung von O2 an Hämocyanine ist mit einer drastischen Abnahme der Fluoreszenz-Quantenausbeute verbunden. Durch Vergleich von theoretisch und experimentell bestimmten Quantenausbeuten konnte gezeigt werden, daß die Löschung auf Förster-Transfer zurückzuführen ist, und daß kein Einfluß der Oligomerisierung, Protein-Konformation, Beweglichkeit oder Tierart besteht. Die Konformation von Hämocyaninen konnte mit Crosslinkern im oxy- und deoxy-Zustand fixiert werden. Die Charakterisierung der Produkte führte zu einer neuen Vorstellung, wie unterschiedliche Affinitäten realisiert sein können. Hierbei kommt der Dynamik der Protein-Matrix eine entscheidende Rolle zu. Einzel-MoleküleMittels Zwei-Photonen-Anregung konnten erstmalig einzelne Proteine über ihre intrinsische Tryptophan-Fluoreszenz nachgewiesen werden. Zum einen gelang es, Modellsysteme mit nur 340 Trp abzubilden, andererseits konnte die Diffusion einzelner Hämocyanine (148 Trp) mit Hilfe der Fluoreszenz-Korrelationsspektroskopie nachgewiesen werden.Einzelne Hämocyanine konnten durch Adsorption und mildes Eintrocknen an verschiedenen Oberflächen immobilisiert werden. Mittels Atomarer Kraft-Mikroskopie (AFM) ließen sich individuelle Hämocyanine abgebilden, wobei Details der Quarärstruktur aufgelöst werden konnten.
Core-shell macromolecules with dendritic polyphenylene core and polymer shell Zusammenfassung / Abstract Core-shell macromolecular structures have become of great interest in materials science because they gave an opportunity to combine a large variety of chemical and physical properties in the single molecule, by combination of different (in terms of chemistry and physics) cores and shells. The interest in such complex structures was provoked by their potential applications in the coating and painting industry (latexes), as supports for catalysts in polymer industry, or as nano-containers and transporters for genes or drug delivery. The aim of this study was the synthesis, characterization and further application of core-shell macromolecules possessing a hydrophobic stiff core (polyphenylene dendrimers) surrounded with a hydrophilic, soft, covalently bonded polymer shell (poly(ethylene oxide) and its copolymers). The requirements for such complex substances were that they should be well-defined in terms of molecular weight (narrow molecular weight distribution) and in molecular structure. The preparation of core-shell molecules containing dendrimer as a core was possible via two synthetic routs: “grafting-onto” and “grafting-from”. The resulting core-shell macromolecules possessed narrow polydispersity as guaranteed by the excellent structural and functional definition of the dendrimer and the narrow polydispersity of the PEO, PS-b-PEO and PI-b-PEO attached to the dendrimer surface. Additional investigation of the size of the particles indicated a relation between both the length and the number of the polymer chains and the hydrodynamic radius determined by Dynamic Light Scattering and Fluorescent Correlation Spectroscopy. Core-shell nano-particles were applied as metallocene supports in heterogeneous olefin polymerizations. Our results indicate that such catalyst systems, that have a size of at least one order of magnitude smaller than the used by now organic supports, could be very useful as model compounds for investigations on catalyst fragmentation and its influence on the product parameters.
Il presente lavoro ha avuto lo scopo di identificare le caratteristiche di filtrabilità della birra attraverso lo svolgimento di prove tecnologiche di filtrazione in scala di laboratorio e su scala pilota, utilizzando diverse tipologie di sistemi filtranti e sperimentando diversi materiali di membrana. La fase preliminare della caratterizzazione della filtrabilità della birra è stata condotta presso i laboratori del Campden-BRI – The Brewing Research International, Inghilterra, mentre le prove tecnologiche su scala pilota si sono svolte presso il CERB – Centro di Eccellenza per la Ricerca sulla Birra. Le prove di filtrazione e le analisi sui campioni hanno permesso di verificare le performance delle diverse membrane utilizzate in risposta alla variazione dei principali parametri del processo di filtrazione tangenziale. Sono stati analizzati diversi parametri di qualità della birra filtrata attraverso il monitoraggio del processo e lo svolgimento di prove analitiche sul prodotto volte ad evidenziare gli effetti delle differenti tecnologie adottate. Per quanto riguarda le prove di laboratorio per la caratterizzazione della filtrabilità della birra, l’analisi della PCS (Photon Correlation Spectroscopy) è stata utilizzata per verificare l’influenza di diversi trattamenti enzimatici sulla efficienza del processo di filtrazione e la loro influenza sulla stabilità colloidale della birra filtrata. Dai risultati ottenuti è emerso che il PCS è un valido strumento per determinare la distribuzione in classi di diametro e il diametro medio effettivo delle particelle solide in sospensione nella birra e può essere utilizzato sia per predire la stabilità della birra filtrata, sia per monitorare il processo di filtrazione in tempo reale.
DNA block copolymer, a new class of hybrid material composed of a synthetic polymer and an oligodeoxynucleotide segment, owns unique properties which can not be achieved by only one of the two polymers. Among amphiphilic DNA block copolymers, DNA-b-polypropylene oxide (PPO) was chosen as a model system, because PPO is biocompatible and has a Tg < 0 °C. Both properties might be essential for future applications in living systems. During my PhD study, I focused on the properties and the structures of DNA-b-PPO molecules. First, DNA-b-PPO micelles were studied by scanning force microscopy (SFM) and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS). In order to control the size of micelles without re-synthesis, micelles were incubated with template-independent DNA polymerase TdT and deoxynucleotide triphosphates in reaction buffer solution. By carrying out ex-situ experiments, the growth of micelles was visualized by imaging in liquid with AFM. Complementary measurements with FCS and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) confirmed the increase in size. Furthermore, the growing process was studied with AFM in-situ at 37 °C. Hereby the growth of individual micelles could be observed. In contrast to ex-situ reactions, the growth of micelles adsorbed on mica surface for in-situ experiments terminated about one hour after the reaction was initiated. Two reasons were identified for the termination: (i) block of catalytic sites by interaction with the substrate and (ii) reduced exchange of molecules between micelles and the liquid environment. In addition, a geometrical model for AFM imaging was developed which allowed deriving the average number of mononucleotides added to DNA-b-PPO molecules in dependence on the enzymatic reaction time (chapter 3). Second, a prototype of a macroscopic DNA machine made of DNA-b-PPO was investigated. As DNA-b-PPO molecules were amphiphilic, they could form a monolayer at the air-water interface. Using a Langmuir film balance, the energy released owing to DNA hybridization was converted into macroscopic movements of the barriers in the Langmuir trough. A specially adapted Langmuir trough was build to exchange the subphase without changing the water level significantly. Upon exchanging the subphase with complementary DNA containing buffer solution, an increase of lateral pressure was observed which could be attributed to hybridization of single stranded DNA-b-PPO. The pressure versus area/molecule isotherms were recorded before and after hybridization. I also carried out a series of control experiments, in order to identify the best conditions of realizing a DNA machine with DNA-b-PPO. To relate the lateral pressure with molecular structures, Langmuir Blodgett (LB) films were transferred to highly ordered pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) and mica substrates at different pressures. These films were then investigated with AFM (chapter 4). At last, this thesis includes studies of DNA and DNA block copolymer assemblies with AFM, which were performed in cooperation with different group of the Sonderforschungsbereich 625 “From Single Molecules to Nanoscopically Structured Materials”. AFM was proven to be an important method to confirm the formation of multiblock copolymers and DNA networks (chapter 5).
Polymere Vesikel, gebildet durch Selbstorganisation des amphiphilen Blockcopolymers Polybutadien-b-Polyethylenoxid in Wasser, wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit erfolgreich mit hydrophoben und hydrophilen Substraten beladen und detailliert charakterisiert. Über verschiedene Präparationsmethoden sind unilamellare PB130-PEO66-Vesikel unterschiedlicher Größen und Verteilungsbreiten zugänglich, die aber alle eine konstante hydrophobe Schalendicke von etwa 15nm aufweisen, wie aus TEM-Messungen hervorgeht. Die hydrophoben Farbstoffe Oil Red EGN, Oil Blue N, Nilrot sowie ein Perylen-Derivat wurden in diese hydrophobe Schale eingelagert. Durch Absorptions-, Emissions-, (cryo)TEM- und Fluoreszenzmikroskopie-Messungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass die selbstorganisierte Struktur durch die Einlagerung der hydrophoben Farbstoffe in die Schale nicht beeinflusst wird. Als zusätzliche hydrophobe Modell-Substrate wurden Halbleiter-Nanokristalle, sogenannte Quantum Dots (QDs, d=5.7nm), erfolgreich in die polymere Vesikelschale eingelagert und durch Fluoreszenz-Korrelations-Spektroskopie (FCS) in Kombination mit dynamischer Lichtstreuung (DLS) nachgewiesen. Die Position der QDs in der Mitte der polymeren Doppelmembran konnte durch cryogene TEM-Abbildungen aufgezeigt werden. Darüber hinaus wurde die hydrophile Beladung des Vesikelkerns mit dem wasserlöslichen Farbstoff Phloxin B erfolgreich realisiert.
The goal of this thesis was to increase the functionality of pristine DNA scaffolds by functionalizing them with fluorescent dyes and hydrophobic moieties. Two important steps were necessary to realize this aim successfully. First, nucleic acids needed to be synthesized making use of multidisciplinary toolbox for the generation and manipulation of polynucleic acids. The most important techniques were the solid phase synthesis involving the incorporation of standard and modified phosphoramidite building blocks as well as molecular biology procedures like the polymerase chain reaction, the bacterial amplification of plasmids and the enzymatic digestion of circular vectors. Second, and evenly important, was the characterization of the novel bioorganic hybrid structures by a multitude of techniques, especially optical measurements. For studying DNA-dye conjugates methods like UV/Vis and photoluminescence spectroscopy as well as time resolved luminescence spectroscopy were utilized. While these measurements characterized the bulk behavior of an ensemble of DNA-dye hybrids it was necessary for a complete understanding of the systems to look at single structures. This was done by single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. For complete analysis the optical experiments were complemented by direct visualization techniques, i.e. high resolution transmission electron microscopy and scanning force microscopy.
Hydrogels are used in a variety of applications in daily life, such as super absorbers, contact lenses and in drug delivery. Functional hydrogels that allow the incorporation of additional functionalities have enormous potential for future development. The properties of such hydrogels can be diversified by introducing responsiveness to external stimuli. These crosslinked polymers are known to respond to changes in temperature, pH and pressure, as well as chemical and electrical stimuli, magnetic fields and irradiation. From this responsive behavior possible applications arise in many fields like drug delivery, tissue engineering, purification and implementation as actuators, biosensors or for medical coatings. However, their interaction with biomaterial and way of functioning are yet not fully understood. Therefore, thorough investigations regarding their optical, mechanical and chemical nature have to be conducted. A UV-crosslinkable polymer, consisting of N-isopropylacrylamide, methacrylic acid and the UV-crosslinker 4-benzoylphenyl methacrylate was synthesized. Its composition, determined by a comprehensive NMR study, is equivalent to the composition of the monomer mixture. The chemical characteristics were preserved during the subsequently formation of hydrogel films by photo-crosslinking as proved by XPS. For the optical characterization, e.g. the degree of swelling of very thin films, the spectroscopy of coupled long range surface plasmons is introduced. Thicker films, able to guide light waves were analyzed with combined surface plasmon and optical waveguide mode spectroscopy (SPR/OWS). The evaluation of the data was facilitated by the reverse Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) approximation. The meshsize and proper motion of the surface anchored hydrogels were investigated by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), micro photon correlation spectroscopy (µPCS) and SPR/OWS. The studied gels exhibit a meshsize that allowed for the diffusion of small biomolecules inside their network. For future enhancement of probing diffusants, a dye that enables FRET in FCS was immobilized in the gel and the diffusion of gold-nanoparticles embedded in the polymer solution was studied by PCS. These properties can be conveniently tuned by the crosslinking density, which depends on the irradiation dose. Additionally, protocols and components for polymer analogous reactions based on active ester chemistry of the hydrogel were developed. Based on these syntheses and investigations, the hydrogel films are applied in the fields of medical coatings as well as in biosensing as matrix and biomimetic cushion. Their non-adhesive properties were proved in cell experiments, SPR/OWS and ToF-SIMS studies. The functionality and non-fouling property of the prepared hydrogels allowed for adaption to the needs of the respective application.
The interplay of hydrodynamic and electrostatic forces is of great importance for the understanding of colloidal dispersions. Theoretical descriptions are often based on the so called standard electrokinetic model. This Mean Field approach combines the Stokes equation for the hydrodynamic flow field, the Poisson equation for electrostatics and a continuity equation describing the evolution of the ion concentration fields. In the first part of this thesis a new lattice method is presented in order to efficiently solve the set of non-linear equations for a charge-stabilized colloidal dispersion in the presence of an external electric field. Within this framework, the research is mainly focused on the calculation of the electrophoretic mobility. Since this transport coefficient is independent of the electric field only for small driving, the algorithm is based upon a linearization of the governing equations. The zeroth order is the well known Poisson-Boltzmann theory and the first order is a coupled set of linear equations. Furthermore, this set of equations is divided into several subproblems. A specialized solver for each subproblem is developed, and various tests and applications are discussed for every particular method. Finally, all solvers are combined in an iterative procedure and applied to several interesting questions, for example, the effect of the screening mechanism on the electrophoretic mobility or the charge dependence of the field-induced dipole moment and ion clouds surrounding a weakly charged sphere. In the second part a quantitative data analysis method is developed for a new experimental approach, known as "Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Cross-Correlation Spectroscopy" (TIR-FCCS). The TIR-FCCS setup is an optical method using fluorescent colloidal particles to analyze the flow field close to a solid-fluid interface. The interpretation of the experimental results requires a theoretical model, which is usually the solution of a convection-diffusion equation. Since an analytic solution is not available due to the form of the flow field and the boundary conditions, an alternative numerical approach is presented. It is based on stochastic methods, i. e. a combination of a Brownian Dynamics algorithm and Monte Carlo techniques. Finally, experimental measurements for a hydrophilic surface are analyzed using this new numerical approach.
A unique characteristic of soft matter is its ability to self-assemble into larger structures. Characterizing these structures is crucial for their applications. In the first part of this work, I investigated DNA-organic hybrid material by means of Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) and Fluorescence Cross-Correlation Spectroscopy (FCCS). DNA-organic hybrid materials, a novel class of hybrid materials composed of synthetic macromolecules and oligodeoxynucleotide segmenta, are mostly amphiphilic and can self-assemble into supramolecular structures in aqueous solution. A hybrid material of a fluorophore, perylenediimide (PDI), and a DNA segment (DNA-PDI) has been developed in Prof. A. Hermann’s group (University of Groningen). This novel material has the ability to form aggregates through pi-pi stacking between planar PDIs and can be traced in solution due to the fluorescence of PDI. I have determined the diffusion coefficient of DNA-PDI conjugates in aqueous solution by means of FCS. In addition, I investigated whether such DNA-PDIs form aggregates with certain structure, for instance dimers. rnOnce the DNA hybrid material self-assemble into supermolecular structures for instance into micelles, the single molecules do not necessarily stay in one specific micelle. Actually, a single molecule may enter and leave micelles constantly. The average residence time of a single molecule in a certain micelle depends on the nature of the molecule. I have chosen DNA-b-polypropylene oxide (PPO) as model molecules and investigated the residence time of DNA-b-PPO molecules in their according micelles by means of FCCS.rnBesides the DNA hybrid materials, polymeric colloids can also form ordered structures once they are brought to an air/water interface. Here, hexagonally densely packed monolayers can be generated. These monolayers can be deposited onto different surfaces as coating layers. In the second part of this work, I investigated the mechanical properties of such colloidal monolayers using micromechanical cantilevers. When a coating layer is deposited on a cantilever, it can modify the elasticity of the cantilever. This variation can be reflected either by a deflection or by a resonance frequency shift of the cantilever. In turn, detecting these changes provides information about the mechanical properties of the coating layer. rnIn the second part of this work, polymeric colloidal monolayers were coated on a cantilever and homogenous polymer films of a few hundred nanometers in thickness were generated from these colloidal monolayers by thermal annealing or organic vapor annealing. Both the film formation process and the mechanical properties of these resulting homogenous films were investigated by means of cantilever. rnElastic property changes of the coating film, for example upon absorption of organic vapors, induce a deflection of the cantilever. This effect enables a cantilever to detect target molecules, when the cantilever is coated with an active layer with specific affinity to target molecules. In the last part of this thesis, I investigated the applicability of suitably functionalized micromechanical cantilevers as sensors. In particular, glucose sensitive polymer brushes were grafted on a cantilever and the deflection of this cantilever was measured during exposure to glucose solution. rn
In Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein neuartiger Zugang zu einer Vielzahl von Polymerstrukturen auf Basis des klinisch zugelassenen Polymers Poly(N-(2-Hydroxypropyl)-methacrylamide) (PHPMA) entwickelt. Der synthetische Zugang beruht zum einen auf der Verwendung von Reaktivesterpolymeren und zum anderen auf der Reversible Addition Fragmentation Chain Transfer (RAFT) Polymerisationsmethode. Diese Form einer kontrollierten radikalischen Polymerisation ermöglichte es, neben der Synthese von besser definierten Homopolymeren auch statistische und Blockcopolymere herzustellen. Die Reaktivesterpolymere können durch einfache Aminolyse in HPMA-basierte Systeme überführt werden. Somit können sie als eine vielversprechende Basis zur Synthese von umfangreichen Polymerbibliotheken angesehen werden. Die hergestellten Polymere kombinieren verschiedene Funktionalitäten bei konstantem Polymerisationsgrad. Dies ermöglicht eine Optimierung auf eine gezielte Anwendung hin ohne den Parameter der Kettenlänge zu verändern.rnIm weiteren war es durch Verwendung der RAFT Polymerisation möglich partiell bioabbaubare Blockcopolymere auf Basis von Polylactiden und HPMA herzustellen, in dem ein Kettentransferreagenz (CTA) an ein wohl definiertes Polylactid Homopolymer gekoppelt wurde. Diese Strukturen wurden in ihrer Zusammensetzung variiert und mit Erkennungsstrukturen (Folaten) und markierenden Elementen (Fluoreszenzfarbstoffe und +-emittierenden Radionukleide) versehen und im weiteren in vitro und in vivo evaluiert.rnAuf Grund dieser Errungenschaften war es möglich den Einfluss der Polymermikrostruktur auf das Aggregationsverhalten hin mittel Lichtstreuung und Fluoreszenzkorrelationsspektroskopie zu untersuchen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass erst diese Informationen über die Überstrukturbildung die Kinetik der Zellaufnahme erklären können. Somit wurde die wichtige Rolle von Strukturwirkungsbeziehungen nachgewiesen.rnSomit konnte neben der Synthese, Charakterisierung und ersten biologischen Evaluierungen ein Beitrag zum besseres Verständnis zur Interaktion von polymeren Partikeln mit biologischen Systemen geleistet werden.
Poly(lactide): from hyperbranched copolyesters to new block copolymers with functional methacrylates
The prologue of this thesis (Chapter 1.0) gives a general overview on lactone based poly(ester) chemistry with a focus on advanced synthetic strategies for ring-opening polymerization, including the emerging field of organo catalysis. This section is followed by a presentation of the state-of the art regarding the two central fields of the thesis: (i) polyfunctional and branched poly(ester)s in Chapter 1.1 as well as (ii) the development of new poly(ester) based block copolymers with functional methacrylates (Chapter 1.2). Chapter 2 deals with the synthesis of new, non-linear poly(ester) structures. In Chapter 2.1, the synthesis of poly(lactide)-based multiarm stars, prepared via a grafting-from method, is described. The hyperbranched poly(ether)-poly(ol) poly(glycerol) is employed as a hydrophilic core molecule. The resulting star block copolymers exhibit potential as phase transfer agents and can stabilize hydrophilic dyes in a hydrophobic environment. In Chapter 2.2, this approach is expanded to poly(glycolide) multiarm star polymers. The problem of the poor solubility of linear poly(glycolide)s in common organic solvents combined with an improvement of the thermal properties has been approached by the reduction of the total chain length. In Chapter 2.3, the first successful synthesis of hyperbranched poly(lactide)s is presented. The ring-opening, multibranching copolymerization of lactide with the “inimer” 5HDON (a hydroxyl-functional lactone monomer) was carefully examined. Besides a precise molecular characterization involving the determination of the degree of branching, we were able to put forward a reaction model for the formation of branching during polymerization. Several innovative approaches to amphiphilic poly(ester)/poly(methacrylate)-based block copolymers are presented in the third part of the thesis (Chapter 3). Block copolymer build-up especially relies on the combination of ring-opening and living radical polymerization. Atom transfer radical polymerization has been successfully combined with lactide ring-opening, using a “double headed” initiator. This strategy allowed for the realization of poly(lactide)-block-poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) copolymers, which represent promising materials for tissue engineering scaffolds with anti-fouling properties (Chapter 3.1). The two-step/one-pot approach forgoes the use of protecting groups for HEMA by a careful selection of the reaction conditions. A series of potentially biocompatible and partially biodegradable homo- and block copolymers is described in Chapter 3.2. In order to create a block copolymer with a comparably strong hydrophilic character, a new acetal-protected glycerol monomethacrylate monomer (cis-1,3- benzylidene glycerol methacrylate/BGMA) was designed. The hydrophobic poly(BGMA) could be readily transformed into the hydrophilic and water-soluble poly(iso-glycerol methacrylate) (PIGMA) by mild acidic hydrolysis. Block copolymers of PIGMA and poly(lactide) exhibited interesting spherical aggregates in aqueous environment which could be significantly influenced by variation of the poly(lactide)s stereo-structure. In Chapter 3.3, pH-sensitive poly(ethylene glycol)-b-PBGMA copolymers are described. At slightly acidic pH values (pH 4/37°C), they decompose due to a polarity change of the BGMA block caused by progressing acetal cleavage. This stimuli-responsive behavior renders the system highly attractive for the targeted delivery of anti-cancer drugs. In Chapter 3.4, which was realized in cooperation, the concept of biocompatible, amphiphilic poly(lactide) based polymer drug conjugates, was pursued. This was accomplished in the form of fluorescently labeled poly(HPMA)-b-poly(lactide) copolymers. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) of partially biodegradable block copolymer aggregates exhibited fast cellular uptake by human cervix adenocarcinoma cells without showing toxic effects in the examined concentration range (Chapter 4.1). The current state of further projects which will be pursued in future studies is addressed in Chapter 4. This covers the synthesis of biocompatible star block copolymers (Chapter 4.2) and the development of new methacrylate monomers for biomedical applications (Chapters 4.3 and 4.4). Finally, the further investigation of hydroxyl-functional lactones and carbonates which are promising candidates for the synthesis of new hydrophilic linear or hyperbranched biopolymers, is addressed in Chapter 4.5.