Tese de Doutoramento em Ciência e Engenharia de Polímeros e Compósitos
This paper reports the fabrication process and characterization of a flexible pressure sensor based on polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (CNT-PDMS). The proposed approach relies on patterned CNT-PDMS nanocomposite strain gauges fabricated with SU-8 microstructures (with the micropatterns) in a low‑cost and simple fabrication process. This nanocomposite polymer is mounted over a PDMS membrane, which, in turn, lies on top of a PDMS diaphragm like structure. This configuration enables the PDMS membrane to bend when pressure is applied, thereby affecting the nanocomposite strain gauges, effectively changing their electrical resistance. Carbon nanotubes have several advantages such as excellent mechanical properties, high electrical conductivity and thermal stability. Furthermore, the measurement range of the proposed sensor can be adapted according to the application by varying the CNTs content and geometry of microstructure. In addition, the sensor’s biocompatibility, low cost and simple fabrication makes it very appealing for biomechanical strain sensing. The sensor’s sensitivity was about 0.073%ΔR/mmHg.
Due to the eye's specific anatomical and physiological conformation, the treatment of eye diseases is a real challenge for pharmaceutical therapy. The presence of efficient protective barriers (i.e., the conjunctival and corneal membranes) and protective mechanisms (i.e., blinking and nasolachrymal drainage) makes this organ particularly impervious to local drug therapy. To overcome these issues, numerous strategies have been envisioned using pharmaceutical technology. Many formulations currently on the market or still under development are emulsions or colloidal systems intended to enhance precorneal residence time and corneal penetration, causing a consequent increase in drug bioavailability after instillation. After a review of some recent developments in the field of cyclosporin A formulations for the eye, a novel micellar formulation of cyclosporine A based on a diblock methoxy-poly(ethylene glycol)-hexysubstituted poly(lactides) (MPEG-hexPLA) is described.
This work is part of a continuing goal to improve the multimetal deposition technique (MMD), as well as the single-metal deposition (SMD), to make them more robust, more user-friendly, and less labour-intensive. Indeed, two major limitations of the MMD/SMD were identified: (1) the synthesis of colloidal gold, which is quite labour-intensive, and (2) the sharp decrease in efficiency observed when the pH of the working solution is increased above pH 3. About the synthesis protocol, it has been simplified so that there is no more need to monitor the temperature during the synthesis. The efficiency has also been improved by adding aspartic acid, conjointly with sodium citrate, during the synthesis of colloidal gold. This extends the range of pH for which it is possible to detect fingermarks in the frame of the MMD/SMD. The operational range is now extended from 2 to 6.7, compared to 2-3 for the previous formulations. The increased robustness of the working solution may improve the ability of the technique to process substrates that tend to increase the pH of the solution after their immersion.
Estudi realitzat a partir d’una estada a l’ Institut für Komplexe Materialien, Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung Dresden, entre 2010 i 2011. S'ha explorat l'efecte de les condicions i influència dels elements d'aleació en la capacitat de formació de vidre, l'estructura i les propietats tèrmiques i magnètiques de vidres metàl•lics massissos i materials nanocristal•lins en base Fe. La producció d'aquests materials en forma de cintes de unes 20 micres de gruix ha estat àmpliament estudiada i s'ha vist que presenten unes propietats excel•lents com a materials magnètics tous. El propòsit general d'aquest projecte era l'obtenció de composicions òptimes amb alta capacitat de formar vidre i amb excel•lents propietats magnètiques com a materials magnètics tous combinat amb bones propietats mecàniques. El projecte prenia com a punt de partida l'aliatge [FeCoBSi]96Nb4 ja que és el que presenta millor capacitat de formar vidre i presenta una alta imantació de saturació i baix camp coercitiu. S'ha fet un estudi dels factors fonamentals que intervenen en la formació de l'estat vitri. La composició abans esmentada ha estat variada amb l'addició d'altres elements per estudiar com afecten aquests nous elements a les propietats, la formació de vidre i l'estructura dels aliatges resultants amb l'objectiu de millorar-ne les propietats magnètiques i la capacitat de formació de vidre. Entre altres s'ha usat el Zr, Mo, Y i el Gd per millorar la formació de vidre; i el Co i el Ni per millorar les propietats magnètiques a alta temperatura. S'han estudiat les relacions entre la capacitat de formació de vidre i la seva estabilitat tèrmica, la resistència a la cristal•lització i la estructura de l'aliatge resultant després del procés de solidificació. Per aquest estudi s'han determinat els mecanismes que controlen la transformació i la seva cinètica així com les fases que es formen durant el tractament tèrmic permetent la formulació de models predictius.
We present a new class of sequential adsorption models in which the adsorbing particles reach the surface following an inclined direction (shadow models). Capillary electrophoresis, adsorption in the presence of a shear, and adsorption on an inclined substrate are physical manifestations of these models. Numerical simulations are carried out to show how the new adsorption mechanisms are responsible for the formation of more ordered adsorbed layers and have important implications in the kinetics, in particular, modifying the jamming limit.
We investigate the collective organization of paramagnetic colloidal particles externally driven above the periodic stripes of a uniaxial ferrimagnetic garnet film. An external field modulation induces vibration of the stripe walls and produces random motion of the particles. Defects in the stripe pattern break the symmetry of the potential and favor particle nucleation into large clusters above a critical density. Mismatch between particle size and pattern wavelength generates assemblies with different morphological order. At even higher field strengths, repulsive dipolar interactions between the particles induce cluster melting. We propose a novel approach to generate and externally control a variety of colloidal assemblies.
We present a theoretical study of the recently observed dynamical regimes of paramagnetic colloidal particles externally driven above a regular lattice of magnetic bubbles [P. Tierno, T. H. Johansen, and T. M. Fischer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 038303 (2007)]. An external precessing magnetic field alters the potential generated by the surface of the film in such a way to either drive the particle circularly around one bubble, ballistically through the array, or in triangular orbits on the interstitial regions between the bubbles. In the ballistic regime, we observe different trajectories performed by the particles phase locked with the external driving. Superdiffusive motion, which was experimentally found bridging the localized and delocalized dynamics, emerge only by introducing a certain degree of randomness into the bubbles size distribution.
We analyze the short-time dynamical behavior of a colloidal suspension in a confined geometry. We analyze the relevant dynamical response of the solvent, and derive the temporal behavior of the velocity autocorrelation function, which exhibits an asymptotic negative algebraic decay. We are able to compare quantitatively with theoretical expressions, and analyze the effects of confinement on the diffusive behavior of the suspension.
Monodispersed colloidal crystals based on silica sub-micrometric particles were synthesized using the Stöber-Fink-Bohn process. The control of nucleation and coalescence result in improved characteristics such as high sphericity and very low size dispersion. The resulting silica particles show characteristics suitable for self-assembling across large areas of closely-packed 2D crystal monolayers by an accurate Langmuir-Blodgett deposition process on glass, fused silica and silicon substrates. Due to their special optical properties, colloidal films have potential applications in fields including photonics, electronics, electro-optics, medicine (detectors and sensors), membrane filters and surface devices. The deposited monolayers of silica particles were characterized by means of FESEM, AFM and optical transmittance measurements in order to analyze their specific properties and characteristics. We propose a theoretical calculation for the photonic band gaps in 2D systems using an extrapolation of the photonic behavior of the crystal from 3D to 2D. In this work we show that the methodology used and the conditions in self-assembly processes are decisive for producing high-quality two-dimensional colloidal crystals by the Langmuir-Blodgett technique.
We have studied the structural and magnetic properties of colloids consisting of different concentrations of magnetite particles dispersed in kerosene. Our data for the temperature dependence of the low field magnetization and the saturation coercive force of the samples evidenced the occurrence, in different temperature ranges, of Neel- and Brown-type relaxation processes whose characteristics were largely influenced by strong dipolar interparticle interactions.
Bionanocomposites derived from poly(L-Lactide) (PLLA) were reinforced with chemically modified cellulose nanocrystals (m-CNCs). The effects of these modified cellulose nanoparticles on the mechanical and hydrolytic degradation behavior of polylactide were studied. The m-CNCs were prepared by a method in which hydrolysis of cellulose chains is performed simultaneously with the esterification of hydroxyl groups to produce modified nanocrystals with ester groups. FTIR, elemental analysis, TEM, XRD and contact angle measurements were used to confirm and characterize the chemical modifications of the m-CNCs. These bionanocomposites gave considerably better mechanical properties than neat PLLA based on an approximately 100% increase in tensile strength. Due to the hydrophobic properties of the esterified nanocrystals incorporated into a polymer matrix, it was also demonstrated that a small amount of m-CNCs could lead to a remarkable decrease in the hydrolytic degradation rate of the biopolymer. In addition, the m-CNCs considerably delay the degradation of the nanocomposite by providing a physical barrier that prevents the permeation of water, which thus hinders the overall absorption of water into the matrix. The results obtained in this study show the nanocrystals can be used to reinforce polylactides and fine-tune their degradation rates in moist or physiological environments.
Cellulose fiber-silica nanocomposites with novel mechanical, chemical and thermal properties have potential to be widely applied in different area. Monodispered silica nanoparticles play an important role in enhancing hybrids properties of hardness, strength, thermal stability etc. On the other hand, cellulose is one of the world’s most abundant and renewable polymers and possesses several unique properties required in many areas and biomedicine. The aim of this master thesis is to study if silica particles from reaction of sodium silicate and sulphuric acid can be adsorbed onto cellulose fiber surfaces via in situ growth. First, nanosilica particles were synthesized. Effect of pH and silica contents were tested. In theoretical part, introduction of silica, methods of preparation of nanosilica from sodium silicate, effect factors and additives were discussed. Then, cellulose fiber-silica nanocomposites were synthesis via route from sodium silicate and route silicic acid. In the experiment of route from sodium silicate, the effects of types of sodium silicate, pH and target ratio of silica to fiber were investigated. From another aspect, the effects of types of sodium silicate, fiber concentration in mixture solution and target ratio of silica to fiber were tested in the experiment of route from silicic acid. Samples were investigated via zeta potential measurement, particle size distribution, ash content measurement and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The Results of the experiment of preparing silica sol were that the particle size of silica sol was smaller prepared in pH 11.7 than that prepared in pH 9.3. Then in the experiment of synthesis of cellulose fiber-silica nanocomposites, it was concluded that the zeta potential of all the samples were around -16 mV and the highest ash content of all the samples was only 1.4%. The results of SEM images showed only a few of silica particles could be observed on the fiber surface, which corresponded to the value of ash content measurement.