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Cerotoma arcuatus Olivier (Coleoptera:Chrysomelidae) é considerado um dos principais crisomelídeos que causam danos a leguminosas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os danos diretos causados por diferentes densidades de larvas em plantas de soja infestadas em duas fases do desenvolvimento, em casa de vegetação. Não houve interação de época de infestação e número de larvas, porém a infestação aos oito dias após a emergência causou maiores danos do que aos 20 dias. A partir de 30 larvas por planta, houve redução significativa em todos os parâmetros, indicando que o nível de controle está aquém desse valor.


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Foi verificada a dinâmica populacional de Triozoida limbata (Hemiptera: Triozidae) e de Costalimaita ferruginea (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) e suas correlações com a população de seus inimigos naturais em pomar orgânico e pomar convencional de goiaba. Os experimentos foram realizados em dois pomares distintos de goiaba, na safra agrícola de 2010/2011. Para o monitoramento das pragas e dos inimigos naturais, foram instaladas cinco armadilhas adesivas amarelas em cada pomar. Para obter a correlação entre as densidades populacionais das pragas com os inimigos naturais, foram utilizadas análises de correlação linear de Pearson (SAS). A densidade populacional de T. limbata manteve-se baixa, com pico no mês de outubro, em pomar orgânico de goiaba. A principal praga no pomar convencional de goiaba foi T. limbata, com diversos picos populacionais. Os danos ocasionados por T. limbata, em folhas novas da goiabeira, foram mais pronunciados no pomar convencional. Houve baixa densidade populacional de C. ferruginea em ambos os pomares, porém com um pico populacional no mês de outubro, no pomar orgânico. A espécie C. ferruginea ocasionou danos de maiores proporções em folhas novas de goiabeira, no pomar orgânico. A maior densidade populacional de inimigos naturais foi constatada em pomar orgânico de goiaba, que apresentou correlação positiva entre T. limbata e o coccinelídeo predador Scymnus spp.


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Soil organisms play an important role in organic crops of Crotalaria juncea (Fabaceae) and are associated with the natural conservation of the environment. The present study was aimed to investigate the population of soil organisms in the organic culture of C. juncea, as well as its importance as a refuge for natural enemies. Dalbulus maidis (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), Diabrotica sp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), Doru luteipes (Dermaptera: Forficulidae), Gryllus assimilis (Orthoptera: Gryllidae), Lagria villosa (Coleoptera: Lagriidae), Melanotus sp. (Coleoptera: Elateridae), Meloidogyne incognita (Tylenchida: Heteroderidae), Nephila clavipes (Araneae: Nephilidae), Orius insidiosus (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae), Pheidole sp. (Hymenoptera: Myrmicidae), Phyllophaga sp. (Coleoptera: Scarabeidae), Procornitermes sp. (Isoptera: Termitidae), Solenopsis sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), and Utetheisa ornatrix (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) were identified in C. juncea. The organisms that were found during a 3-month period in 144 trenches in C. juncea were pest species (84.47%) and natural enemies (15.53%) as well. Natural enemies had an average of 11.89 individuals per 1.08 m³ of soil cultivated with C. juncea. The abundance of organisms in the pod stage (5.49%) of C. juncea was lower than that in the vegetative (83.50%) and flowering (11.01%) stages. Crotalaria juncea plants can be used as part of a crop system for Integrated Pest Management.


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O melão-de-são-caetano é uma espécie monóica e ruderal de interesse econômico. O conhecimento de seus mecanismos reprodutivos é fundamental para a sua conservação e manejo. Foram estudados a biologia floral, a fenologia reprodutiva, a polinização e o sistema de reprodução da espécie. A espécie possui flores diclinas, com antese diurna. O período de floração dura em torno de 100 dias e seu pico ocorre em outubro. No início da floração a espécie apresenta dicogamia do tipo protandria. As flores femininas não produzem néctar, tendo sido identificado mimetismo das flores masculinas pelas femininas. As flores masculinas produziram néctar durante todo o período de antese. Houve formação de frutos por fecundação cruzada e autopolinização. O número de sementes presentes nos frutos não diferiu (H = 1,13; P > 0,05). A relação sementes/óvulos foi da ordem de 80%. Todos os visitantes florais coletados e observados pertencem à Classe Insecta. Diabrotica speciosa (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) foi a espécie mais abundante (40%) e o principal polinizador de Momordica charantia na área de estudo. Outros insetos, como abelhas (Apoidea) e lepidópteros (Hesperiidae e Pieridae), também visitaram as flores e podem contribuir na polinização.


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Le criocère du lis, Lilioceris lilii (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae), un ravageur de lis et de fritillaires d’origine eurasienne, a été observé pour la première fois en Amérique du Nord en 1943 sur l’Ile de Montréal au Canada. Après y avoir été confiné pendant environ 25 années, ce coléoptère a par la suite progressé rapidement sur le territoire nord-américain. Actuellement, on l’observe dans huit provinces canadiennes et huit états américains. Cette étude a investigué les routes d’invasion utilisées par le criocère du lis au Canada et aux États- Unis avec l’aide de marqueurs génétiques AFLP. Pour ce faire, 516 individus parmi 34 sites en Amérique du Nord et en Europe ont été échantillonnés et analysés. Le premier objectif était de déterminer, en analysant la structure génétique des populations nord-américains, s’il y avait eu une ou plusieurs introductions en provenance d’Europe. Le deuxième objectif était d’identifier l’origine de la ou des populations introduites en Amérique du Nord. Finalement, le troisième objectif consistait à proposer un scénario d’invasion de L. lilii en Amérique du Nord basé sur les données de première mention et de structure génétique des populations échantillonnées. Les résultats démontrent une signature génétique distincte entre les criocères du lis du Canada et ceux des États-Unis, suggérant ainsi deux sources d’introductions indépendantes en Amérique du Nord, soit une première introduction à Montréal, Québec, dans les années 1940 et une seconde aux États-Unis au début des années 1990 à Cambridge, Massachusetts. De plus, les deux populations nord-américaines semblent provenir de différentes régions du nord de l’Europe, ce qui est conséquent avec le scénario suggérant deux sources d’introductions indépendantes. Chacune des populations aurait par la suite progressé respectivement dans leur pays d’introduction selon une dispersion de type stratifiée. En effet, la progression continue de L. lilii dans certaines régions suggère une dispersion naturelle de l’espèce sur le territoire nord-américain, alors que la progression rapide sur de longues distances semble être causée par le transport anthropique de lis contaminés.


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Although adult Rumex obtusifolius are problematic weeds, their seedlings are poor competitors against Lolium perenne, particularly in established swards. We investigated the possibility of using this weakness to augment control of R. obtusifolius seedlings with combinations of Gastrophysa viridula (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and the rust fungus Uromyces rumicis. Rumex obtusifolius seedlings were grown in competition with L. perenne sown at different rates and times after R. obtusifolius: they competed successfully with L. perenne when sown 21 days before the grass. Sowing both species at the same time resulted in a dominant grass sward, with R. obtusifolius becoming dominant when sown 42 days prior to L. perenne. Grass sowing rate had no effect on R. obtusifolius growth or biomass. A second experiment investigated how competition from L. perenne sown 21 days after R. obtusifolius combined with damage from G. viridula and/or U. rumicis (applied at either the 3-4- or 10-13-leaf stage, or at both stages) affected the growth and final biomass of R. obtusifolius. Beetle grazing at the latter leaf stage was the only treatment that reduced R. obtusifolius biomass, although rust infection at the earlier application led to an increase in shoot and root weight. The results are discussed in terms of the potential for use of these agents in the field.


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We investigated the population dynamics of Triozoida limbata (Hemiptera: Triozidae) and Costalimaita ferruginea (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and its correlation with the population of natural enemies in organic and conventional orchard of guava. The experiments were performed in two distinct orchards of guava in the 2010/2011 harvest. For monitoring pests and natural enemies, we installed five yellow sticky traps in each orchard. To obtain the correlation between population densities of pests with natural enemies, we used Pearson linear correlation analysis (SAS). The population density of T. limbata remained low, and reaches the top in October in organic orchard of guava. The main pest in conventional orchard of guava was T. limbata and population reaches the top several times. The damage caused by T. limbata in new leaves of guava was more pronounced in conventional orchard. There was a low population density of C. ferruginea in both orchards; however we observed that the population reaches the top in November in organic orchard. The species C. ferruginea caused higher damage in young leaves of guava tree in organic orchard. The highest population density of natural enemies was observed in organic orchard, which presented positive correlation between T. limbata and the coccinellid predator Scymnus spp.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA


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Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) è una specie esotica invasiva di origine centro americana e introdotta in Europa agli inizi degli anni ’90, in Italia nel 1998. Considerata negli Stati Uniti la principale avversità del mais (Zea mais L.), è oggi presente in quasi tutti i Paesi europei dove è presente tale coltura. Poiché il mais risulta l’ospite prioritario di Diabrotica, attualmente il principale metodo di contenimento consiste nella rotazione con una coltura non ospite. L’obiettivo del lavoro è stato quello di indagare sulle piante ospiti alternative al mais nel nostro ambiente, accertando il ruolo che possono avere le infestanti o altre Poaceae coltivate nella biologia della Diabrotica. Tali essenze sono state scelte tra specie mai sottoposte a sperimentazione e tra quelli già oggetto di indagini, ma su cui si sono ottenuti esiti discordi o non soddisfacenti. Sono state allestite prove con infestazione artificiale in ambiente controllato e prove in campo per valutare la sopravvivenza larvale e il completamento del ciclo, nonché le prestazioni biologiche degli individui ottenuti. Le ricerche hanno permesso di osservare sopravvivenza di Diabrotica su numerose graminacee, in particolare cereali. Tale capacità è confermata dalla presenza di larve di diversa età e in alcuni casi di pupe sulle specie ospiti alternative, sia con infestazione artificiale che in campo. Tuttavia crescita e sviluppo su queste piante sono stati più lenti del mais e gli stadi giovanili trovati hanno mostrato caratteristiche morfometriche inferiori rispetto a quelli del mais. Adulti non sono mai stati raccolti in campo, mentre questo si è verificato in condizioni controllate. Le specie che meritano maggior attenzione sono i cereali Triticum spelta e Panicum miliaceum e l’infestante Sorghum halepense. Si potrebbe dunque ipotizzare che alcune specie vegetali possano fungere da ospite secondario quando non è presente il mais riducendo l’efficacia dell’avvicendamento.


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Plants can tolerate leaf-herbivore attack through metabolic reconfigurations that allow for the rapid regrowth of lost leaves. Several studies indicate that root-attacked plants can re-allocate resources to the aboveground parts. However, the connection between tolerance and root regrowth remains poorly understood. We investigated the timing and extent of root regrowth of tolerant and susceptible lines of maize, Zea mays L. (Poaceae), attacked by the western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), in the laboratory and the field. Infested tolerant maize plants produced more root biomass and even overcompensated for the lost roots, whereas this effect was absent in susceptible lines. Furthermore, the tolerant plants slowed growth of new roots in the greenhouse and in the field 4–8 days after infestation, whereas susceptible plants slowed growth of new roots only in the field and only after 12 days of infestation. The quick response of tolerant lines may have enabled them to escape root attack by starving the herbivores and by saving resources for regrowth after the attack had ceased. We conclude that both timing and the extent of regrowth may determine plant tolerance to root herbivory.


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There is a long tradition of river monitoring using macroinvertebrate communities to assess environmental quality in Europe. A promising alternative is the use of species life-history traits. Both methods, however, have relied on the time-consuming identification of taxa. River biotopes, 1-100 m**2 'habitats' with associated species assemblages, have long been seen as a useful and meaningful way of linking the ecology of macroinvertebrates and river hydro-morphology and can be used to assess hydro-morphological degradation in rivers. Taxonomic differences, however, between different rivers had prevented a general test of this concept until now. The species trait approach may overcome this obstacle across broad geographical areas, using biotopes as the hydro-morphological units which have characteristic species trait assemblages. We collected macroinvertebrate data from 512 discrete patches, comprising 13 river biotopes, from seven rivers in England and Wales. The aim was to test whether river biotopes were better predictors of macroinvertebrate trait profiles than taxonomic composition (genera, families, orders) in rivers, independently of the phylogenetic effects and catchment scale characteristics (i.e. hydrology, geography and land cover). We also tested whether species richness and diversity were better related to biotopes than to rivers. River biotopes explained 40% of the variance in macroinvertebrate trait profiles across the rivers, largely independently of catchment characteristics. There was a strong phylogenetic signature, however. River biotopes were about 50% better at predicting macroinvertebrate trait profiles than taxonomic composition across rivers, no matter which taxonomic resolution was used. River biotopes were better than river identity at explaining the variability in taxonomic richness and diversity (40% and <=10%, respectively). Detailed trait-biotope associations agreed with independent a priori predictions relating trait categories to near river bed flows. Hence, species traits provided a much needed mechanistic understanding and predictive ability across a broad geographical area. We show that integration of the multiple biological trait approach with river biotopes at the interface between ecology and hydro-morphology provides a wealth of new information and potential applications for river science and management.


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A ocorrência do besouro-amarelo-do-eucalipto, Costalimaita ferruginea (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), foi confirmada em plantio de Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell, Eucalyptus urophylla S. T. Blake e Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn., no município de Senador Guiomard, Acre. O ataque foi constatado com maior intensidade em E. pellita, seguido por E. urophylla e E. camaldulensis em menor intensidade. Este é o primeiro registro dessa espécie de besouro desfolhador, em eucaliptais cultivados no Estado, contribuindo assim para o aumento do conhecimento sobre a distribuição geográfica desse inseto na região amazônica, bem como no Brasil.


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Two-year field trials were conducted in northern Italy with the aim of developing a trapcrop-based agroecological approach for the control of flea beetles (Chaetocnema tibialis (Illiger), Phyllotreta spp. (Chevrolat) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)) and Lygus rugulipennis Poppius (Hemiptera: Miridae), key pests of sugar beet and lettuce, respectively. Flea beetle damage trials compared a trap cropping treatment, i.e., a sugar beet plot with a border of Sinapis alba (L.) and Brassica juncea (L.) with a control treatment, i.e., a sugar beet plot with bare soil as field border. Sugar beets grown near trap crops showed a significant decrease (≈40%) in flea beetle damage compared to control. Moreover, flea beetle damage varied with distance from the edge of the trap plants, being highest at 2 m from the edge, then decreasing at higher distances. Regarding L. rugulipennis on lettuce two experiments were conducted. A semiochemical-assisted trap cropping trial was supported by another test evaluating the efficacy of pheromones and trap placement. In this trial, it was found that pheromone baited traps caught significantly more specimens of L. rugulipennis than unbaited traps. It was also found that traps placed at ground level produced larger catches than traps placed at the height of 70 cm. In the semiochemical-assisted trap cropping experiment, a treatment where lettuce was grown next to two Alfa-Alfa borders containing pheromone baited traps was compared with a control treatment, where lettuce was grown near bare soil. This experiment showed that the above-mentioned strategy managed to reduce L. rugulipennis damage to lettuce by ≈30%. From these studies, it appears that trap crop-based strategy, alone or with baited traps, made it possible to reduce crop damage to economically acceptable levels and to minimize the need for insecticide treatments, showing that those strategy could be implemented in organic farming as a means of controlling insect pests.