993 resultados para CARRIER DYNAMICS
This paper describes the application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to simulate the macroscopic bulk motion of solder paste ahead of a moving squeegee blade in the stencil printing process during the manufacture of electronic components. The successful outcome of the stencil printing process is dependent on the interaction of numerous process parameters. A better understanding of these parameters is required to determine their relation to print quality and improve guidelines for process optimization. Various modelling techniques have arisen to analyse the flow behaviour of solder paste, including macroscopic studies of the whole mass of paste as well as microstructural analyses of the motion of individual solder particles suspended in the carrier fluid. This work builds on the knowledge gained to date from earlier analytical models and CFD investigations by considering the important non-Newtonian rheological properties of solder pastes which have been neglected in previous macroscopic studies. Pressure and velocity distributions are obtained from both Newtonian and non-Newtonian CFD simulations and evaluated against each other as well as existing established analytical models. Significant differences between the results are observed, which demonstrate the importance of modelling non-Newtonian properties for realistic representation of the flow behaviour of solder paste.
The dissociation dynamics of heteronuclear diatomic molecules induced by infrared laser pulses is investigated within the framework of the classical driven Morse oscillator. The interaction between the molecule and the laser field described in the dipole formulation is given by the product of a time-dependent external field with a position-dependent permanent dipole function. The effects of changing the spatial range of the dipole function in the classical dissociation dynamics of large ensembles of trajectories are studied. Numerical calculations have been performed for distinct amplitudes and carrier frequencies of the external pulses and also for ensembles with different initial energies. It is found that there exist a set of values of the dipole range for which the dissociation probability can be completely suppressed. The dependence of the dissociation on the dipole range is explained through the examination of the Fourier series coefficients of the dipole function in the angle variable of the free system. In particular, the suppression of dissociation corresponds to dipole ranges for which the Fourier coefficients associated with nonlinear resonances are null and the chaotic region in the phase space is reduced to thin layers. In this context, it is shown that the suppression of dissociation of heteronuclear molecules for certain frequencies of the external field is a consequence of the finite range of the corresponding permanent dipole. © 2013 American Physical Society.
The increasing contamination of aquatic environments motivates studies on the interactions among natural dissolved organic matter, metals, and the biota. This investigation focused on the organic exudates of the toxic cyanobacteria Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii as a Cu carrier through a three-level aquatic trophic chain (bacteria, protozoa, and copepod). The effects of bacteria activity and growth on the metal-organic complexes were evaluated through changes in free Cu2+ ions, total dissolved, and total particulate Cu. To be sure that the added copper would be complexed to the exudates, its complexing properties were previously determined. The cyanobacteria exudate-Cu complexes were furnished to bacteria that were further used as a food source to the protozoan Paramercium caudatum. This was then furnished as food to the copepod Mesocyclops sp. The results showed that, in general, the cyanobacterial exudates decreased Cu bioavailability and toxicity to the first trophic level (bacteria), but because the heterotrophic bacteria accumulated Cu, they were responsible for the transference for the otherwise low availability metal form. Both the bacteria and protozoan organisms accumulated Cu, but no metal accumulation was detected in the copepods.
This paper uses Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) techniques to study the molecular relaxations and phase transitions in poly(9,9-di-n-octylfluorene-alt-benzothiadiazole) (F8BT), which has been extensively studied as the active thin film in organic devices. Besides the identification of the glass transition, beta relaxation and crystal-to-crystal phase transition, we correlate such phenomena with dielectric and transport mechanisms in diodes with F8BT as the active layer. The beta relaxation has been assigned to a transition at about 210 K measured by H-1 and C-13 solid state NMR, and can be attributed to local motions in the side chains. The glass transition has been detected by DSC and H-1 NMR. Dielectric spectroscopy (DS) carried out at low frequencies on diodes made from F8BT show two peaks which are coincident with the above transitions. This allowed us to correlate the electrical changes in the film with the onset of specific molecular motions. In addition, DS indicates a third peak related with a crystal-to-crystal phase transition. Finally, these transitions were correlated with changes in the carrier mobility recorded in thin films and published recently.
The goal of this thesis was the investigation of the structure, conformation, supramolecular order and molecular dynamics of different classes of functional materials (phthalocyanine, perylene and hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene derivatives and mixtures of those), all having planar aromatic cores modified with various types of alkyl chains. The planar aromatic systems are known to stack in the solid and the liquid-crystalline state due to p-p interactions forming columnar superstructures with high one-dimensional charge carrier mobility and potential application in photovoltaic devices. The different functionalities attached to the aromatic cores significantly influence the behavior of these systems allowing the experimentalists to modify the structures to fine-tune the desired thermotropic properties or charge carrier mobility. The aim of the presented studies was to understand the interplay between the driving forces causing self-assembly by relating the structural and dynamic information about the investigated systems. The supramolecular organization is investigated by applying 1H solid state NMR recoupling techniques. The results are related with DSC and X-ray scattering data. Detailed information about the site-specific molecular dynamics is gained by recording spinning sideband patterns using 1H-1H and 13C-1H solid state NMR recoupling techniques. The determined dipole-dipole coupling constants are then related with the coupling constants of the respective rigid pairs, thus providing local dynamic order parameters for the respective moieties. The investigations presented reveal that in the crystalline state the preferred arrangement in the columnar stack of discotic molecules modified with alkyl chains is tilted. This leads to characteristic differences in the 1H chemical shifts of otherwise chemically equivalent protons. Introducing branches and increasing the length of the alkyl chains results in lower mesophase transitions and disordered columnar stacks. In the liquid-crystalline state some of the discs lose the tilted orientation, others do not, but all start a rapid rotation about the columnar axis.
Functional materials have great importance due to their many important applications. The characterization of supramolecular architectures which are held together by non-covalent interactions is of most importance to understand their properties. Solid-state NMR methods have recently been proven to be able to unravel such structure-property relations with the help of fast magic-angle spinning and advanced pulse sequences. The aim of the current work is to understand the structure and dynamics of functional supramolecular materials which are potentially important for fuel-cell (proton conducting membrane materials) and solar-cell or plastic-electronic applications (photo-reactive aromatic materials). In particular, hydrogen-bonding networks, local proton mobility, molecular packing arrangements, and local dynamics will be studied by the use of advanced solid-state NMR methods. The first class of materials studied in this work is proton conducting polymers which also form hydrogen-bonding network. Different materials, which are prepared for high 1H conduction by different approaches are studied: PAA-P4VP, PVPA-ABPBI, Tz5Si, and Triazole-functional systems. The materials are examples of the following major groups; - Homopolymers with specific functional groups (Triazole functional polysiloxanes). - Acid-base polymer blends approach (PAA-P4VP, PVPA-ABPBI). - Acid-base copolymer approach (Triazole-PVPA). - Acid doped polymers (Triazole functional polymer doped with H3PO4). Perylenebisimide (PBI) derivatives, a second type of important functional supramolecular materials with potent applications in plastic electronics, were also investigated by means of solid-state NMR. The preparation of conducting nanoscopic fibers based on the self-assembling functional units is an appealing aim as they may be incorporated in molecular electronic devices. In this category, perylene derivatives have attracted great attention due to their high charge carrier mobility. A detailed knowledge about their supramolecular structure and molecular dynamics is crucial for the understanding of their electronic properties. The aim is to understand the structure, dynamics and packing arrangements which lead to high electron conductivity in PBI derivatives.
In dieser Arbeit werden die Dynamiken angeregter Zustände in Donor-Akzeptorsystemen für Energieumwandlungsprozesse mit ultraschneller zeitaufgelöster optischer Spektroskopie behandelt. Der Hauptteil dieser Arbeit legt den Fokus auf die Erforschung der Photophysik organischer Solarzellen, deren aktive Schichten aus diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) basierten Polymeren mit kleiner Bandlücke als Elektronendonatoren und Fullerenen als Elektronenakzeptoren bestehen. rnEin zweiter Teil widmet sich der Erforschung von künstlichen primären Photosynthesereaktionszentren, basierend auf Porphyrinen, Quinonen und Ferrocenen, die jeweils als Lichtsammeleinheit, Elektronenakzeptor beziehungsweise als Elektronendonatoren eingesetzt werden, um langlebige ladungsgetrennte Zustände zu erzeugen.rnrnZeitaufgelöste Photolumineszenzspektroskopie und transiente Absorptionsspektroskopie haben gezeigt, dass Singulettexzitonenlebenszeiten in den Polymeren PTDPP-TT und PFDPP-TT Polymeren kurz sind (< 20 ps) und dass in Mischungen der Polymere mit PC71BM geminale Rekombination von gebundenen Ladungstransferzuständen ein Hauptverlustkanal ist. Zudem wurde in beiden Systemen schnelle nichtgeminale Rekombination freier Ladungen zu Triplettzuständen auf dem Polymer beobachtet. Für das Donor-Akzeptor System PDPP5T:PC71BM wurde nachgewiesen, dass die Zugabe eines Lösungsmittels mit hohem Siedepunkt, und zwar ortho-Dichlorbenzol, die Morphologie der aktiven Schicht stark beeinflusst und die Solarzelleneffizienz verbessert. Der Grund hierfür ist, dass die Donator- und Akzeptormaterialien besser durchmischt sind und sich Perkolationswege zu den Elektroden ausgebildet haben, was zu einer verbesserten Ladungsträgergeneration und Extraktion führt. Schnelle Bildung des Triplettzustands wurde in beiden PDPP5T:PC71BM Systemen beobachtet, da der Triplettzustand des Polymers über Laungstransferzustände mit Triplettcharakter populiert werden kann. "Multivariate curve resolution" (MCR) Analyse hat eine starke Intensitätsabhängigkeit gezeigt, was auf nichtgeminale Ladungsträgerrekombination in den Triplettzustand hinweist.rnrnIn den künstlichen primären Photosynthesereaktionszentren hat transiente Absorptionsspektroskopie bestätigt, dass photoinduzierter Ladungstransfer in Quinon-Porphyrin (Q-P) und Porphyrin-Ferrocen (P-Fc) Diaden sowie in Quinon-Porphyrin-Ferrocen (Q-P-Fc) Triaden effizient ist. Es wurde jedoch auch gezeigt, dass in den P-Fc unf Q-P-Fc Systemen die ladungsgetrennten Zustände in den Triplettzustand der jeweiligen Porphyrine rekombinieren. Der ladungsgetrennte Zustand konnte in der Q-P Diade durch Zugabe einer Lewissäure signifikant stabilisiert werden.
The behavior of sample components whose pI values are outside the pH gradient established by 101 hypothetical biprotic carrier ampholytes covering a pH 6-8 range was investigated by computer simulation under constant current conditions with concomitant constant electroosmosis toward the cathode. Data obtained with the sample being applied between zones of carrier ampholytes and on the anodic side of the carrier ampholytes were studied and found to evolve into zone structures comprising three regions between anolyte and catholyte. The focusing region with the pH gradient is bracketed by two isotachopheretic zone structures comprising selected sample and carrier components as isotachophoretic zones. The isotachophoretic structures electrophoretically migrate in opposite direction and their lengths increase with time due to the gradual isotachophoretic decay at the pH gradient edges. Due to electroosmosis, however, the overall pattern is being transported toward the cathode. Sample components whose pI values are outside the established pH gradient are demonstrated to form isotachophoretic zones behind the leading cation of the catholyte (components with pI values larger than 8) and the leading anion of the anolyte (components with pI values smaller than 6). Amphoteric compounds with appropriate pI values or nonamphoteric components can act as isotachophoretic spacer compounds between sample compounds or between the leader and the sample with the highest mobility. The simulation data obtained provide for the first time insight into the dynamics of amphoteric sample components that do not focus within the established pH gradient.
In this work, electrophoretic preconcentration of protein and peptide samples in microchannels was studied theoretically using the 1D dynamic simulator GENTRANS, and experimentally combined with MS. In all configurations studied, the sample was uniformly distributed throughout the channel before power application, and driving electrodes were used as microchannel ends. In the first part, previously obtained experimental results from carrier-free systems are compared to simulation results, and the effects of atmospheric carbon dioxide and impurities in the sample solution are examined. Simulation provided insight into the dynamics of the transport of all components under the applied electric field and revealed the formation of a pure water zone in the channel center. In the second part, the use of an IEF procedure with simple well defined amphoteric carrier components, i.e. amino acids, for concentration and fractionation of peptides was investigated. By performing simulations a qualitative description of the analyte behavior in this system was obtained. Neurotensin and [Glu1]-Fibrinopeptide B were separated by IEF in microchannels featuring a liquid lid for simple sample handling and placement of the driving electrodes. Component distributions in the channel were detected using MALDI- and nano-ESI-MS and data were in agreement with those obtained by simulation. Dynamic simulations are demonstrated to represent an effective tool to investigate the electrophoretic behavior of all components in the microchannel.
In this work, educational software for intuitive understanding of the basic dynamic processes of semiconductor lasers is presented. The proposed tool is addressed to the students of optical communication courses, encouraging self consolidation of the subjects learned in lectures. The semiconductor laser model is based on the well known rate equations for the carrier density, photon density and optical phase. The direct modulation of the laser is considered with input parameters which can be selected by the user. Different options for the waveform, amplitude and frequency of thpoint. Simulation results are plotted for carrier density and output power versus time. Instantaneous frequency variations of the laser output are numerically shifted to the audible frequency range and sent to the computer loudspeakers. This results in an intuitive description of the “chirp” phenomenon due to amplitude-phase coupling, typical of directly modulated semiconductor lasers. In this way, the student can actually listen to the time resolved spectral content of the laser output. By changing the laser parameters and/or the modulation parameters,consequent variation of the laser output can be appreciated in intuitive manner. The proposed educational tool has been previously implemented by the same authors with locally executable software. In the present manuscript, we extend our previous work to a web based platform, offering improved distribution and allowing its use to the wide audience of the web.
Conditions are identified under which analyses of laminar mixing layers can shed light on aspects of turbulent spray combustion. With this in mind, laminar spray-combustion models are formulated for both non-premixed and partially premixed systems. The laminar mixing layer separating a hot-air stream from a monodisperse spray carried by either an inert gas or air is investigated numerically and analytically in an effort to increase understanding of the ignition process leading to stabilization of high-speed spray combustion. The problem is formulated in an Eulerian framework, with the conservation equations written in the boundary-layer approximation and with a one-step Arrhenius model adopted for the chemistry description. The numerical integrations unveil two different types of ignition behaviour depending on the fuel availability in the reaction kernel, which in turn depends on the rates of droplet vaporization and fuel-vapour diffusion. When sufficient fuel is available near the hot boundary, as occurs when the thermochemical properties of heptane are employed for the fuel in the integrations, combustion is established through a precipitous temperature increase at a well-defined thermal-runaway location, a phenomenon that is amenable to a theoretical analysis based on activation-energy asymptotics, presented here, following earlier ideas developed in describing unsteady gaseous ignition in mixing layers. By way of contrast, when the amount of fuel vapour reaching the hot boundary is small, as is observed in the computations employing the thermochemical properties of methanol, the incipient chemical reaction gives rise to a slowly developing lean deflagration that consumes the available fuel as it propagates across the mixing layer towards the spray. The flame structure that develops downstream from the ignition point depends on the fuel considered and also on the spray carrier gas, with fuel sprays carried by air displaying either a lean deflagration bounding a region of distributed reaction or a distinct double-flame structure with a rich premixed flame on the spray side and a diffusion flame on the air side. Results are calculated for the distributions of mixture fraction and scalar dissipation rate across the mixing layer that reveal complexities that serve to identify differences between spray-flamelet and gaseous-flamelet problems.
Since concomitant release of structurally related peptide hormones with apparently similar functions seems to be a general concept in endocrinology, we have studied the dynamics of the lifetime of the three known adipokinetic hormones (AKHs) of the migratory locust, which control flight-directed mobilization of carbohydrate and lipid from fat body stores. Although the structure of the first member of the AKHs has been known for 20 years, until now, reliable data on their inactivation and removal from the hemolymph are lacking, because measurement requires AKHs with high specific radioactivity. Employing tritiated AKHs with high specific radioactivity, obtained by catalytic reduction with tritium gas of the dehydroLeu2 analogues of the AKHs synthesized by the solid-phase procedure, studies with physiological doses of as low as 1.0 pmol per locust could be conducted. The AKHs appear to be transported in the hemolymph in their free forms and not associated with a carrier protein, despite their strong hydrophobicity. Application of AKHs in their free form in in vivo and in vitro studies therefore now has been justified. We have studied the degradation of the three AKHs during rest and flight. The first cleavage step by an endopeptidase is crucial, since the resulting degradation products lack any adipokinetic activity. Half-lives for AKH-I, -II and -III were 51, 40, and 5 min, respectively, for rest conditions and 35, 37, and 3 min, respectively, during flight. The rapid and differential degradation of structurally related hormones leads to changes in the ratio in which they are released and therefore will have important consequences for concerted hormone action at the level of the target organ or organs, suggesting that each of the known AKHs may play its own biological role in the overall syndrome of insect flight.
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We investigate the emission of multimodal polarized light from light emitting devices due to spin-aligned carrier injection. The results are derived through operator Langevin equations, which include thermal and carrier-injection fluctuations, as well as nonradiative recombination and electronic g-factor temperature dependence. We study the dynamics of the optoelectronic processes and show how the temperature-dependent g factor and magnetic field affect the degree of polarization of the emitted light. In addition, at high temperatures, thermal fluctuation reduces the efficiency of the optoelectronic detection method for measuring the degree of spin polarization of carrier injection into nonmagnetic semicondutors.
Structure, dynamics, and energetics of siRNA-cationic vector complexation:a molecular dynamics study
The design and synthesis of safe and efficient nonviral vectors for gene delivery has attracted significant attention in recent years. Previous experiments have revealed that the charge density of a polycation (the carrier) plays a crucial role in complexation and the release of the gene from the complex in the cytosol. In this work, we adopt an atomistic molecular dynamics simulation approach to study the complexation of short strand duplex RNA with six cationic carrier systems of varying charge and surface topology. The simulations reveal detailed molecular-level pictures of the structures and dynamics of the RNA-polycation complexes. Estimates for the binding free energy indicate that electrostatic contributions are dominant followed by van der Waals interactions. The binding free energy between the 8(+)polymers and the RNA is found to be larger than that of the 4(+)polymers, in general agreement with previously published data. Because reliable binding free energies provide an effective index of the ability of the polycationic carrier to bind the nucleic acid and also carry implications for the process of gene release within the cytosol, these novel simulations have the potential to provide us with a much better understanding of key mechanistic aspects of gene-polycation complexation and thereby advance the rational design of nonviral gene delivery systems.