99 resultados para CAPTAINS
Sir George Yonge (1732-1812) was a baronet, politician and colonial governor. He was a Member of Parliament for Honiton from 1754-1761 and 1763-1796, British Secretary at War from 1782-1783 and 1783-1794, and Governor of the Cape colony from 1799-1801.
A List of Officers of the reduced Independent Companies who are to receive half pay from the days hereafter mentioned, to the 24th of December 1791, both days inclusive, or to the days of their death or Provision respectively. The document includes 153 names of Captains, Lieutenants, and Ensigns. Among the names are Isaac Brock and his brother Irwin Brock. It is signed by George Yonge.
Letter to J.P. Bradley from B.C.A. Gogy in the Office of the Adjutant General of Militia, Montreal regarding procedures for applying for a captain’s commission in the militia (2 ½ pages, handwritten), Dec. 23, 1845.
En 1683, la monarchie française expédie en Nouvelle-France trois compagnies d’infanterie de la Marine afin de mettre un terme à la guerre contre les Iroquois qui menace la colonie sous juridiction de la Marine. Ce premier contingent se montrant incapable de mater l’ennemi, le roi envoie d’autres compagnies dirigées par des officiers qui détiennent soit une expérience dans le service de la Marine ou dans les régiments d’infanterie. La guerre dorénavant ouverte avec les colonies britanniques, force l’enracinement de ce corps d’armée au Canada. Les administrateurs vont l’appeler troupes de la Marine. Un autre facteur d’enracinement est la permission que les autorités royales accordent aux nobles de la colonie canadienne de s’engager dans le corps d’officiers. Les Canadiens y deviennent majoritaires quelques décennies plus tard. Plusieurs de ces officiers, notamment nés en colonie ont fait l’objet de biographies. Quelques études se sont penchées sur le corps d’officiers en tant qu’acteur social. Cependant, l’ensemble de la carrière militaire d’un officier des troupes de la Marine en Nouvelle-France n’a jamais été abordé. Les capitaines, étant parvenus au sommet de la hiérarchie des troupes de la Marine avant 1739, constituent le sujet de cette recherche. Ce sera donc les grandes étapes de leur expérience militaire coloniale que l’on tentera d’approfondir tout en prenant en considération le lieu de naissance de l’officier, ce qui nous permet dégager certaines tendances relatives à la carrière d’officiers militaires dans la société d’Ancien Régime.
Die fliegerische Tätigkeit auf der Kurzstrecke in der zivilen Luftfahrt unterliegt arbeitsspezifischen Belastungsfaktoren, die sich in wesentlichen Punkten von denen auf der Langstrecke unterscheiden. Eine hohe Arbeitsbelastung auf der Kurzstrecke ist mit vielen Starts und Landungen am Tag verbunden. Neben der Anzahl der Flugabschnitte können auch lange Flugdienstzeiten und/oder unregelmäßige Arbeitszeiten sowie der Zeitdruck während der Einsätze auf der Kurzstrecke zur Belastung für Cockpitbesatzungsmitglieder werden und zu Ermüdungserscheinungen führen. Bisher wurden flugmedizinische und -psychologische Daten hauptsächlich auf der Langstrecke in Bezug auf die Auswirkungen der Jet-Leg Symptomatik und kaum auf der Kurzstrecke erhoben. Deshalb wurde im Rahmen des DLR- Projekts „Untersuchungen zu kumulativen psychischen und physiologischen Effekten des fliegenden Personals auf der Kurzstrecke“ eine Langzeituntersuchung zur Belastung/Beanspruchung, Ermüdung sowie Erholung des Cockpitpersonals auf der Kurzstrecke über jeweils 56 Tage durchgeführt. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Deutschen Lufthansa AG dauerte die Untersuchung zu den Auswirkungen arbeitsspezifischer Belastungsfaktoren auf die Cockpitbesatzungsmitglieder der Boeing 737-Flotte von 2003 bis 2006. ZIEL: Unter Berücksichtigung theoretisch fundierter arbeitspsychologischer Konzepte war das Ziel der Studie, kumulative und akute Effekte auf das Schlaf-Wach-Verhalten, auf die Belastung/Beanspruchung sowie auf die Müdigkeit zu identifizieren, die durch aufeinander folgende Einsätze auf der Kurzstrecke innerhalb eines Zeitraums von acht Wochen auftreten können. Hierfür wurden Daten von 29 Piloten (N=13 Kapitäne; N=16 Erste Offiziere) aufgezeichnet. Das Durchschnittsalter lag bei 33,8 ± 7,9 Jahren (Kapitäne: 42,0 ± 3,8 Jahre; Erste Offiziere: 27,4 ± 2,2 Jahre). METHODEN: Über ein Handheld PC konnten effizient Fragebögen bearbeitet und das Sleep Log sowie das Flight Log geführt werden. Die subjektive Ermüdung und Arbeitsbeanspruchung wurden durch standardisierte Fragebögen (z.B. Ermüdungsskala von Samn & Perelli (1982), NASA-TLX) operationalisiert. Im Sleep Log und im Flight Log wurden das Schlaf-Wach-Verhalten sowie flugspezifische Daten dokumentiert (z.B. Dienstbeginn, Dienstende, Flugabschnitte, Zielorte, etc.). Der Schlaf-Wach-Zyklus wurde mittels der Aktimetrie während des gesamten Messverlaufs aufgezeichnet. Die objektive Leistungsfähigkeit wurde täglich morgens und abends mit Hilfe einer computergestützten Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT) nach Dinges & Powell (1985) erfasst. Die Leistung in der PVT diente als Indikator für die Ermüdung eines Piloten. Zusätzliche Befragungen mit Paper-Pencil-Fragebögen sollten Aufschluss über relevante, psychosoziale Randbedingungen geben, die bei den täglichen Erhebungen nicht berücksichtigt wurden (z.B. Arbeitszufriedenheit; Essgewohnheiten; Kollegenbeziehungen). ERGEBNISSE: Unter Beachtung kumulativer Effekte wurde über die Studiendauer keine Veränderung in der Schlafqualität und im Schlafbedürfnis festgestellt. Die Müdigkeit nahm dagegen während der achtwöchigen Untersuchung zu. Die Reaktionszeit in der PVT zeigte an Flugdiensttagen eine Verschlechterung über die Zeit. Insgesamt wurden keine kritischen längerfristigen Effekte analysiert. Akute signifikante Effekte wurden bei der Ermüdung, der Gesamtbelastung und der Leistungsfähigkeit an Flugdiensttagen gefunden. Die Ermüdung als auch die Gesamtbelastung stiegen bei zunehmender Flugdienstdauer und Leganzahl und die Leistung nahm in der PVT ab. Der „time on task“ Effekt zeigte sich besonders in der Ermüdung durch die fliegerische Tätigkeit ab einer Flugdienstzeit von > 10 Stunden und > 4 Legs pro Tag. SCHLUSSFOLGERUNG: Mit diesen Ergebnissen konnte eine wissenschaftliche Datenbasis geschaffen werden aus der Empfehlungen resultieren, wie die Einsatzplanung für das Cockpitpersonal auf der Kurzstrecke unter flugmedizinischen und flugpsychologischen Gesichtspunkten optimiert werden kann. Zudem kann ein sachgerechter Beitrag im Rahmen der Diskussion zur Flugdienst- und Ruhezeitenregelung auf europäischer Ebene geleistet werden.
Este trabajo hace parte del proyecto de investigación de Thanatos Empresarial, el propósito del tema fue seleccionado con el fin de encontrar un factor o patrón común existente entre las empresas del sector minero colombiano, teniendo en cuenta aquellas que hayan sido liquidadas, estén cursando un proceso de liquidación obligatoria o aun estén desarrollando actividades. El trabajo fue dividido en tres partes principales. En la primera expresamos la problemática que cursa el país por la mortalidad prematura de empresas en el país, problemática que en lugar de disminuir sigue aumentando, pese a que desde hace más de cuatro décadas se han venido creando y modernizando leyes que buscan fomentar la creación de empresas sostenibles y de la misma manera ayudar a aquellas que se vean en la necesidad de entrar en un proceso de liquidación. La segunda parte de la investigación esta nutrida de datos recogidos por entidades, principalmente del estado, durante los últimos 15 años, por medio de los cuales se puede ver detalladamente las cifras de empresas que han venido entrando a procesos de liquidación, concordato, reorganización etc. y como pese a las leyes, muy pocas son las que logran sobrevivir a este proceso. Los resultados obtenidos mediante el análisis de estos datos corroboran de manera precisa esta premisa, las leyes existentes no están siendo suficientes para frenar la mortalidad de empresas en lo que respecta al sector minero nacional. Las empresas no toman decisiones por si solas, al mando de ellas están diferentes personas que como capitanes de un barco dirigen el rumbo de la misma, dependiendo de qué decisiones se tomen desde la dirección y la gerencia la empresa lograra recorrer el camino del éxito o del fracaso. Lamentablemente muchos de los emprendedores colombianos deciden dirigir su compañía sin buscar ayuda de algunos estamentos que fueron creados para ayudarlos y evitar la crisis de las empresas, tales como las cámaras de comercio, y por lo mismo debido a su inexperiencia o al abuso de toma de decisiones arriesgadas terminan por echar por la borda la empresa y poniendo en dificultades a todos los que de una u otra forma interactuaban con esta. Esta investigación cobra importancia cuando aquellas personas que desean crear empresa, buscan informarse con anterioridad sobre los problemas pueden cursar cuando entren en el mercado, encontrando en este trabajo una herramienta valiosísima en la gestión de la crisis la cual hace las veces de guía para evitar repetir el patrón que causa la muerte prematura de muchas empresas en el sector minero y en general en la economía Colombiana.
Durante la década de 1930 el capitalismo industrial organizó diferentes espacios de la política y la cultura en Colombia. A través del estudio de caso de Coltabaco, se caracterizan tres momentos de los vínculos del capitalismo industrial con la sociedad colombiana. En el primer momento, se la describen los vínculos políticos que hicieron visible diferentes formas de participación política del sector industrial y su relación con las regiones, las instituciones (públicas y privadas) y las elites dominantes, así como se subraya la importancia del mercado interno para la industria del tabaco. En el segundo momento, se caracterizan los vínculos entre Coltabaco y el sector rural a partir de la labor pedagógica de Coltabaco para la producción de la hoja, así mismo, se describen las representaciones del cultivador vinculado a la industria que fueron difundidas en el sector rural; finalmente, los vínculos entre Coltabaco y el sector urbano se analizan en la tensión por la relación mujer-cigarrillo. En el consumo del cigarrillo, el placer femenino se desligó de condicionantes morales e higiénicos, ganando, a través del gusto, una nueva circunstancia para experimentar la subjetividad de la mujer moderna. Los Problemas del Tabaco no se limitaron exclusivamente al espacio de la política económica, también fueron las costumbres campesinas desvinculadas del ritmo de la industria, y las ideas morales e higiénicas que organizaban la costumbre en la relación mujer-cigarrillo.
O 25 de Abril de 1974 foi um dos mais importantes acontecimentos que ocorreram em Portugal durante o século XX. Como tal, entende-se útil efectuar uma observação às circunstâncias em que o país vivia na parte final do regime durante o qual o Governo foi chefiado por Marcello Caetano. Entre 1968 e 1974, verificaram-se significativas mudanças na conjuntura internacional, tanto no que concerne à economia, como a nível social e militar. Também a nível interno, a instituição militar começou a ser agitada pelos efeitos da saturação que a guerra estava a causar e que levou o Governo a tomar medidas políticas que tinham por objectivo a eternização do conflito. Nesse contexto, um grupo de oficiais, essencialmente capitães, começou a reunirse clandestinamente para encontrar formas de ultrapassar o impasse político em que o país se encontrava. A partir do momento em que esse grupo considerou que a solução do problema era o derrube do regime, iniciou uma dinâmica de planeamento que culminou com um golpe de estado militar. Este projecto faz uma observação desse período, desde que Caetano chegou ao poder até que foi derrubado, com especial enfoque na evolução da contestação dos capitães que desencadearam o golpe.
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo realizar uma análise da atuação de um grupo de instrutores na Escola Militar do Realengo no período compreendido entre os anos de 1919 e 1922, tomando por objeto as representações feitas por esses sujeitos, do que foi por eles atribuída como Missão Indígena. Os efeitos de sua atuação foram marcantes e se fizeram sentir por toda uma geração de oficiais do Exército Brasileiro, que ficou conhecida como a “geração do Realengo”. Embora constantemente lembrada pela historiografia militar, a Missão Indígena ainda foi muito pouco explorada em trabalhos acadêmicos, no que tange ao seu surgimento, à sua atuação na Escola Militar e ao envolvimento de alguns de seus membros no movimento tenentista. Dessa forma, o foco da pesquisa se concentrou na maneira como esse grupo de instrutores atuou e nas mudanças provocadas e percebidas pelos alunos em função dessa atuação, tanto na instrução como no regime militar diário da Escola Militar, estabelecimento de ensino que pretendia formar oficias “apolíticos” e que serviu de laboratório do Exército para experiências acerca de qual educação militar seria a ideal para a formação de seus quadros. A escolha do tema repousa no fato de a Missão ter sido constituída por um grupo de jovens oficiais subalternos e intermediários do Exército, dotados de elevada capacidade técnico-profissional e cujo perfil psicológico lhes conduziam a atuar em consonância com o ensino prático de caráter militar, inteiramente de acordo com as normas e regulamentos do Exército, sob a influência do rígido modelo alemão de instrução. Como instrumentos metodológicos foram utilizados os trabalhos de Michael Pollak, no que se refere à construção da memória e à institucionalização de determinadas narrativas, e de Maurice Halbwachs, no tocante à relação existente entre memória coletiva e espaço. Uma pesquisa realizada nos acervos documentais da Escola Militar do Realengo, pertencentes ao Arquivo Histórico do Exército, e nos arquivos pessoais e acervos de história oral do Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação História Contemporânea do Brasil, da Fundação Getúlio Vargas, possibilitou o acesso às fontes. Conclui-se que o esforço da Missão Indígena, voltado para a formação profissional da oficialidade do Exército Brasileiro, não esteve dissociado das inclinações para agir politicamente da geração que passou pela Escola do Realengo na década de 1920.
This work of research presents an investigation into the knowledge related to the ostensive policing activities of a group of the Rio Grande do Norte State Military Police Captains. This knowledge, which is decisive and part of Brazilian Military Police Constitutional matters, must be taken into consideration when it comes down to planning and putting into force the services related to ostensive public security. Thus, a historical and social analysis about the formation of the police by starting from foreigner experiences down to Rio Grande do Norte s reality, led by such knowledge, was made. Further, studying Brazilian and local scene, this knowledge was analyzed on the ostensive policing activities as for the principles of the Brazilian National Public Security Plan, Brazilian Classification of Occupations / CBO 2002, the reference documents and studies for police graduation Curricular Basis and Matrix; the Variables of Ostensive Policing, as well as some important competences of police service. Arguing that this knowledge is somehow related to what is presented in this work as Orientation Axis to Military Police Service , research tools such as Critical Case Solution and the answers to the Questionnaire on Fundamental Areas of Military Police Service , having in the end six knowledge models related to ostensive policing activities were used within that group. This knowledge can be classified in three distinct categories of connotations within the military police activity: one with reactive/repressive characteristics being the most predominant; the second as preventive; and another one that revealed that the military police activity is being misused for actions and/or missions outside the scope of action of military police
A partir du XVIe siècle, le Brésil surgit comme l'un des éléments centraux du surgissement d'un ordre économique et social dans lequel le navire apparaît comme un espace de luttes et de contradictions entre gouvernements, commandants et marins. Nous examinerons ici le processus de prolétarisation, au Brésil au cours de la premier moitié du XIXe siècle, qui a transformé en main d' uvre de travail maritime des indiens, des petits agriculteurs, des noirs libres et des esclaves.
Ships’ protests have been used for centuries as legal documents to record and detail damages and indemnify Captains from fault. We use them in this article, along with data extracted through forensic synoptic analysis (McNally, 1994, 2004) to identify a tropical or subtropical system in the North Atlantic Ocean in 1785. They are shown to be viable sources of meteorological information. By comparing a damaging storm in New England in 1996, which included an offshore tropical system, with one reconstructed in 1785, we demonstrate that the tropical system identified in a ship’s protest played a significant role in the 1785 storm. With both forensic reconstruction and anecdotal evidence, we are able to assess that these storms are remarkably identical. The recurrence rate calculated in previous studies of the 1996 storm is 400–500 years. We suggest that reconstruction of additional years in the 1700s would provide the basis for a reanalysis of recurrence rates, with implications for future insurance and reinsurance rates. The application of the methodology to this new data source can also be used for extension of the hurricane database in the North Atlantic basin, and elsewhere, much further back into history than is currently available.
Since the mid-1980s, migrants from North African and sub-Saharan countries have irregularly crossed the Strait of Gibraltar, in the hope of a better future for themselves and their families. Travelling in small, poorly equipped boats without experienced captains has cost the lives of myriad border crossers. Many of these bodies will never be recovered and the bereaved will never know whether their relatives and friends are alive or not. The bereaved are thus condemned to a state of not knowing and uncertainty. Exploring the junction of death and belonging, I firstly open a discussion about the enigmatic relation between a dead body and a dead person and argue for the importance of the physical presence of the body for mourning. Secondly, I show how the anonymity of dead border crossers and their uncertain belongings are generated, concealed, or rewritten. Following the story of an undertaker, I thirdly examine post-mortem border crossings. Depicting the power relations within identification processes, I outline the ambiguity of the term belonging by emphasising the constitutive significance of personal belongings such as clothes to restore a person’s identity. Reflecting on the ethical relationships which different actors (including the researcher) undertake with the deceased, I aim at gaining a better understanding of the multiple belonging of dead border crossers found on Spanish shores.
Old captains at the helm: Chairman age and firm performance Urs Waelchli and Jonas Zeller December, 2012 This paper examines whether the chairmen of the board (COBs) impose their life-cycles on the firms over which they preside. Using a large sample of unlisted firms we find a robust negative relation between COB age and firm performance. COBs age much like ‘ordinary’ people. Their cognitive abilities deteriorate and they experience significant shifts in motivation. Deteriorating cognitive abilities are the main driver of the performance effect that we observe. The results imply that succession planning problems in unlisted firms are real. Mandatory retirement age clauses cannot solve these problems. Corporate Aging around the World Jonas Zeller January, 2014 This paper examines whether firms internationally age as US firms do (Loderer, Stulz, and Wälchli, 2013). Using a large panel, I find that Tobin’s Q monotonically falls with firm Age across all nineteen countries in the sample. The decrease varies across countries but is generally extremely robust and economically significant. ROA, sales growth, and market share decrease over a firm’s lifetime in most countries as well. Furthermore, older firms reduce their capital expenditures and R&D outlays. Instead, they distribute more cash to their shareholders. Overall, the results suggest that corporate aging is not confined to the US but is a genuine phenomenon that affects listed firms worldwide. This evidence supports the hypothesis that corporate aging is driven by managers who optimally focus on managing their assets in place and neglect the development of growth opportunities. I finally ask whether the managers’ choice and with it the magnitude of the decline in Tobin’s Q is a function of country-level institutional settings. I find that most notably firms age faster in countries where employees are relatively well protected by labor regulation. Is employment protection the fountain of corporate youth? Claudio Loderer, Urs Wälchli, Jonas Zeller* September 2014 Acharya, Baghai, and Subramanian (2012, 2013) find that employment protection legislation (EPL) encourages innovation. We argue that this effect should be particularly strong in mature firms. We would therefore also expect EPL to boost growth opportunities. Using the natural Experiment created by the staggered passage of changes in EPL across seventeen countries, we find evidence that employment protection legislation does indeed stimulate Innovation efforts, especially in mature firms. The effect is stronger in countries in which patents are owned by the firm and in the context of regular contracts. Consistent with that, EPL encourages risk taking. Overall, however, there is Little evidence that the effect of EPL on innovation effort translates into higher firm value, not even in mature firms. EPL does motivate employees in those firms to put in a greater effort, as evidenced by stronger sales growth. Yet it also increases costs, reduces profitability, and depresses Tobin’s Q ratios in all firms, especially the mature ones, possibly because of the rigidities that characterize these firms [Loderer, Stulz, and Waelchli (2014)].
Four letters from the Boston merchant relaying news about mutual friends and associates, including John Quincy Adams, details about Amory’s real estate losses, and thoughts on Yankee sea captains.