979 resultados para Behavioral factors
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Head and neck tumors are a major health concern worldwide, due to their high incidence and mortality rates, particularly in developing countries. In Brazil, this type of cancer is commonly diagnosed and studies suggested that it may be the leading cause of mortality in the country. The increase in life expectancy worldwide, as well as environmental and behavioral factors, are related to carcinogenesis. Therefore, an understanding of basic epidemiology and statistical methods is critical, in order to promote early diagnosis and cancer prevention. Cancer patients with an indication for prosthesis were selected from the medical records of the Oral Oncology Center, School of Dentistry, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Araçatuba, between 1991 and 2010. The following variables were recorded: gender, age, type and location of the lesion, radiation dose and dental prosthesis. The majority of the patients were male (74.15%) and >60 years of age (53.37%). Tumors were most commonly located in the floor of the mouth (11.1%) and squamous cell carcinoma was the most prevalent type (72.8%). This study provides the profiles of patients who attended the Oral Oncology Center and the results may aid in the creation of cancer prevention programs.
Dental erosion is a multifactorial condition. The consideration of chemical, biological and behavioral factors is fundamental for its prevention and therapy. Among the biological factors, saliva is one of the most important parameters in the protection against erosive wear. Objective: This review discusses the role of salivary factors on the development of dental erosion. Material and Methods: A search was undertaken on MeDLINe website for papers from 1969 to 2010. The keywords used in the research were "saliva", "acquired pellicle", "salivary flow", "salivary buffering capacity" and "dental erosion". Inclusion of studies, data extraction and quality assessment were undertaken independently and in duplicate by two members of the review team. Disagreements were solved by discussion and consensus or by a third party. Results: Several characteristics and properties of saliva play an important role in dental erosion. Salivary clearance gradually eliminates the acids through swallowing and saliva presents buffering capacity causing neutralization and buffering of dietary acids. Salivary flow allows dilution of the acids. In addition, saliva is supersaturated with respect to tooth mineral, providing calcium, phosphate and fluoride necessary for remineralization after an erosive challenge. Furthermore, many proteins present in saliva and acquired pellicle play an important role in dental erosion. Conclusions: Saliva is the most important biological factor affecting the progression of dental erosion. Knowledge of its components and properties involved in this protective role can drive the development of preventive measures targeting to enhance its known beneficial effects.
Abstract Background Disparities in utilization of oral healthcare services have been attributed to socioeconomic and individual behavioral factors. Parents’ socioeconomic status, demographics, schooling, and perceptions of oral health may influence their children’s use of dental services. This cross-sectional study assessed the relationships between socioeconomic and psychosocial factors and the utilization of dental health services by children aged 1–5 years. Methods Data were collected through clinical exams and a structured questionnaire administered during the National Day of Children’s Vaccination. A Poisson regression model was used to estimate prevalence ratios and 95% confidence intervals. Results Data were collected from a total of 478 children. Only 112 (23.68%) were found to have visited a dentist; 67.77% of those had seen the dentist for preventive care. Most (63.11%) used public rather than private services. The use of dental services varied according to parental socioeconomic status; children from low socioeconomic backgrounds and those whose parents rated their oral health as “poor” used dental services less frequently. The reason for visiting the dentist also varied with socioeconomic status, in that children of parents with poor socioeconomic status and who reported their child’s oral health as “fair/poor” were less likely to have visited the dentist for preventive care. Conclusion This study demonstrated that psychosocial and socioeconomic factors are important predictors of the utilization of dental care services.
The present research aims at shedding light on the demanding puzzle characterizing the issue of child undernutrition in India. Indeed, the so called ‘Indian development paradox’ identifies the phenomenon according to which higher level of income per capita is recorded alongside a lethargic reduction in the proportion of underweight children aged below three years. Thus, in the time period occurring from 2000 to 2005, real Gross Domestic Production per capita has annually grown at 5.4%, whereas the proportion of children who are underweight has declined from 47% to 46%, a mere one point percent. Such trend opens up the space for discussing the traditionally assumed linkage between income-poverty and undernutrition as well as food intervention as the main focus of policies designed to fight child hunger. Also, it unlocks doors for evaluating the role of an alternative economic approach aiming at explaining undernutrition, such as the Capability Approach. The Capability Approach argues for widening the informational basis to account not only for resources, but also for variables related to liberties, opportunities and autonomy in pursuing what individuals value.The econometric analysis highlights the relevance of including behavioral factors when explaining child undernutrition. In particular, the ability of the mother to move freely in the community without the need of asking permission to her husband or mother-in-law is statistically significant when included in the model, which accounts also for confounding traditional variables, such as economic wealth and food security. Also, focusing on agency, results indicates the necessity of measuring autonomy in different domains and the need of improving the measurement scale for agency data, especially with regards the domain of household duties. Finally, future research is required to investigate policy venues for increasing agency in women and in the communities they live in as viable strategy for reducing the plague of child undernutrition in India.
Erosive tooth wear in children is a common condition. The overlapping of erosion with mechanical forces like attrition or abrasion is probably in deciduous teeth more pronounced than in permanent teeth. Early erosive damage to the permanent teeth may compromise the dentition for the entire lifetime and require extensive restorative procedures. Therefore, early diagnosis of the condition and adequate preventive measures are of importance. Knowledge of the etiological factors for erosive tooth wear is a prerequisite for such measures. In children and adolescents (like in adults) extrinsic and intrinsic factors or a combination of them are possible reasons for the condition. Such factors are frequent and extensive consumption of erosive foodstuffs and drinks, the intake of medicaments (asthma), gastro-esophageal reflux (a case history is discussed) or vomiting. But also behavioral factors like unusual eating and drinking habits, the consumption of designer drugs and socio-economic aspects are of importance.
A cohort study study design was used to study the relationship of maternal low birthweight and infant low birthweight among African American women delivering full term infants. The cohort consisted of 3,157 mother-infant pairs drawn from the 1988 National Maternal and Infant Health Survey conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics. The objectives of the study were (1) to determine if low birthweight, African American mothers delivering term infants experienced higher rates of infant low birthweight and (2) to examine the role of selected contributory variables in the relationship of maternal low birthweight and infant low birthweight. Contributory risk factors examined included maternal marital status, maternal age, maternal education, maternal height, maternal prepregnant weight, birth order, history of a prior low birthweight delivery, timing of prenatal care, number of prenatal visits, gestational length, infant gender, and behavioral factors of smoking, alcohol, and illicit drug use during pregnancy.^ Using logistic regression analysis, risk of infant low birthweight among maternal low birthweight mothers increased after controlling for less than a high school education, less than 20 years of age, prepregnant weight less than 100 lbs, history of a prior low birthweight delivery, birth order, smoking during pregnancy, and use of alcohol and illicit drugs during pregnancy, but was not statistically significant. Loss of statistical significance was attributed to a large reduction in cases available for analysis after including illicit drug use in the model.^ This study demonstrated a consistent pattern of increased rates of infant low birthweight among low birthweight mothers. The force of history remains, hence women with this trait should be carefully monitored and advised during pregnancy to decrease risk of a low birthweight infant, in order to decrease the chain of events leading to future generations of low birthweight mothers. ^
The preterm birth rate has been increasing over time in the United States, causing a large social and individual financial burden. Though the cause of preterm birth is now known, risk factors such as a previous preterm birth and a short cervical length have been identified as possible predictors. There are many contributing social and behavioral factors that play a role was well as medical problems that occur before and during pregnancy. Though there have been prevention methods identified, such as prenatal care, tocolytic therapy and cervical cerclage, none of these methods have shown to definitively prevent preterm birth over a long period of time. 17 alpha hydroxyprogesterone has been recognized as a possible prevention method for women at high risk for preterm birth. Three out of the five studies assessed in this review showed a significant reduction in preterm birth with administration of progesterone, both for women with a previous preterm birth and with a short cervical length. Currently there is no standard of care for those at high risk for preterm birth. More large clinical trials need to be conducted to determine if this progesterone for the prevention of preterm birth is effective. ^
Viral hepatitis is a significant public health problem worldwide and is due to viral infections that are classified as Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. Hepatitis B is one of the five known hepatic viruses. A safe and effective vaccine for Hepatitis B was first developed in 1981, and became adopted into national immunization programs targeting infants since 1990 and adolescents since 1995. In the U.S., this vaccination schedule has led to an 82% reduction in incidence from 8.5 cases per 100,000 in 1990 to 1.5 cases per 100,000 in 2007. Although there has been a decline in infection among adolescents, there is still a large burden of hepatitis B infection among adults and minorities. There is very little research in regards to vaccination gaps among adults. Using the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) question "{Have you/Has SP (Study Participant)} ever received the 3-dose series of the hepatitis B vaccine?" the existence of racial/ethnic gaps using a cross-sectional study design was explored. In this study, other variables such as age, gender, socioeconomic variables (federal poverty line, educational attainment), and behavioral factors (sexual practices, self-report of men having sex with men, and intravenous drug use) were examined. We found that the current vaccination programs and policies for Hepatitis B had eliminated racial and ethnic disparities in Hepatitis B vaccination, but that a low coverage exists particularly for adults who engage in high risk behaviors. This study found a statistically significant 10% gap in Hepatitis B vaccination between those who have and those who do not have access to health insurance.^
The study purpose was to analyze the effects Integrated Health Solutions (IHS), an employee wellness program that has been implemented for one year on the corporate campus of a major private sector petrochemical company in Houston, TX, has on employee health. ^ Chronic diseases are the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the United States and are the most preventable of all health problems. The costs of chronic diseases in the working-age adult population include not only health problems and a decrease in quality of life, but also an increase the cost of health care and costs to businesses and employers, both directly and indirectly. These emerging costs to employers as well as the fact that adults now spend the majority of waking hours at the office have increased the interest in worksite health promotion programs that address many of the behavioral factors that lead to chronic conditions. Therefore, implementing and evaluating programs that are aimed at promoting health and decreasing the prevalence of chronic diseases at worksites is very important. ^ Data came from existing data that were collected by IHS staff during employee biometric screenings at the company in 2010 and 2011. Data from employees who participated in screenings in both 2010 and 2011 were grouped into a cohort by IHS staff. ^ One-tailed t-tests were conducted to determine if there were significant improvements in the biometric measures of body fat percentage, BMI, waist circumference, systolic and diastolic blood pressures, total, HDL, and LDL cholesterol levels, triglycerides, blood glucose levels, and cardiac risk ratios. Sensitivity analysis was conducted to determine if there were differences in program outcomes when stratified by age, gender, job type, and time between screenings. ^ Mean differences for the variables from 2010 to 2011 were small and not always in the desired direction for health improvement indicators. Through conducting t-tests, it was found that there were significant improvements in HDL, cardiac risk ratio, and glucose levels. There were significant increases in cholesterol, LDL, and diastolic blood pressures. For the IHS program, it appears that gender, job type, and time between screenings were possible modifiers of program effectiveness. When program outcome measures were stratified by these factors, results suggest that corporate employees had better outcomes than field employees, males had better outcomes overall than females, and more positive program effects were seen for employees with less time between their two screenings. ^ Recommendations for the program based on the results include ensuring validity of instruments and initial and periodic training of measurement procedures and equipment handling, using normative data or benchmarks to decrease chances for biased estimates of program effectiveness, measuring behaviors as well as biometric and physiologic statuses and changes, and collecting level of engagement data.^
The proportion of elderly people in the population has increased rapidly in the last century and consequently "healthy aging" is expected to become a critical area of research in neuroscience. Evidence reveals how healthy aging depends on three main behavioral factors: social lifestyle, cognitive activity and physical activity. In this study, we focused on the role of cognitive activity, concentrating specifically on educational and occupational attainment factors, which were considered two of the main pillars of cognitive reserve. 21 subjects with similar rates of social lifestyle, physical and cognitive activity were selected from a sample of 55 healthy adults. These subjects were divided into two groups according to their level of cognitive reserve; one group comprised subjects with high cognitive reserve (9 members) and the other contained those with low cognitive reserve (12 members). To evaluate the cortical brain connectivity network, all participants were recorded by Magnetoencephalography (MEG) while they performed a memory task (modified version of the Sternberg¿s Task). We then applied two algorithms (Phase Locking Value & Phase-Lag Index) to study the dynamics of functional connectivity. In response to the same task, the subjects with lower cognitive reserve presented higher functional connectivity than those with higher cognitive reserve. These results may indicate that participants with low cognitive reserve needed a greater 'effort' than those with high cognitive reserve to achieve the same level of cognitive performance. Therefore, we conclude that cognitive reserve contributes to the modulation of the functional connectivity patterns of the aging brain.
A saliva é um fluido biológico com importante papel nos fenômenos que ocorrem na cavidade bucal. O efeito da sua composição sobre as perdas de estruturas dentais de origem não cariosa, como o desgaste dental, tem sido estudado. No entanto, há conflitos nos resultados apresentados por esses estudos, mostrando uma dificuldade em identificar os fatores salivares que possam proteger ou intensificar a evolução do processo. Assim, o presente estudo se propôs a analisar as características clínicas, comportamentais e de alguns parâmetros salivares em dois grupos experimentais: pacientes que apresentam lesões cervicais não cariosas (LCNCs) (n=20) e um grupo controle (n=20). Foram coletados dados clínicos e comportamentais através de um exame clínico e de uma entrevista, a seguir amostras de saliva estimulada e não-estimulada foram coletadas e analisados: pH, capacidade tampão, fluxo salivar, concentração de proteínas totais, atividade da amilase salivar, concentração de ureia salivar e a concentração dos íons sódio, fósforo, potássio, magnésio e cálcio. A capacidade tampão foi medida pela titulação da saliva com uma solução de HCL 0,01N; o fluxo salivar se deu pela relação entre o volume de saliva e o tempo de coleta (ml/min); as concentrações de proteínas totais, ureia e a atividade da amilase foram determinadas por método colorimétrico; as concentrações dos íons cálcio, fósforo, magnésio, potássio e sódio foram determinadas por espectrometria de emissão óptica com plasma acoplado indutivamente (ICP-OES). Os resultados foram submetidos aos testes Qui-quadrado, teste t e Mann-Whitney (p<0,05). As características relacionadas aos hábitos de higiene dental, dieta ácida, hábitos parafuncionais, presença de distúrbios gástricos, secura bucal e prévio tratamento periodontal, não mostraram relação com a presença de lesões cervicais não cariosas. Os pacientes portadores de LCNCs se queixaram mais de sensibilidade dental (p=0,0014). Foi observado um maior número de lesões cervicais de pequena profundidade (79%), em formato de cunha (72%), apresentando hipersensibilidade dentinária (HD) (86%), localizados nos dentes posteriores (88,18%) e na maxila (66,14%), sendo os pré-molares os dentes mais afetados (56,69%). Os níveis de cálcio na saliva não-estimulada do grupo de pacientes com LCNCs foi significativamente maior em relação ao controle (p=0,041). A concentração de potássio na saliva estimulada foi significativamente maior no grupo controle (p=0,028). As variáveis fluxo salivar, pH, capacidade tampão, concentração de proteínas totais, ureia, amilase, sódio, magnésio e fósforo não mostraram diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os dois grupos. Conclui-se que os fatores comportamentais não interferiram no aparecimento das lesões cervicais não cariosas. As LCNCs são pouco profundas, em formato de cunha, acometem mais dentes superiores e pré-molares e são acompanhadas de HD. As concentrações de cálcio e potássio podem interferir na formação das LCNCs.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
The removal of trade impediments is expected to cause companies to integrate more of their operations among countries; however, experience shows that behavioral factors often impede the requisite cooperation and commitment among managers from different countries. This paper discusses these behavioral problems from a national perspective and examines an approach to integration, value networks, which is not bounded by nation-states and their differences or similarities.