998 resultados para BLOOD PARASITES


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This protocol describes a method for obtaining rodent Plasmodium parasite clones with high efficiency, which takes advantage of the normal course of Plasmodium in vitro exoerythrocytic development. At the completion of development, detached cells/merosomes form, which contain hundreds to thousands of merozoites. As all parasites within a single detached cell/merosome derive from the same sporozoite, we predicted them to be genetically identical. To prove this, hepatoma cells were infected simultaneously with a mixture of Plasmodium berghei sporozoites expressing either GFP or mCherry. Subsequently, individual detached cells/merosomes from this mixed population were selected and injected into mice, resulting in clonal blood stage parasite infections. Importantly, as a large majority of mice become successfully infected using this protocol, significantly less mice are necessary than for the widely used technique of limiting dilution cloning. To produce a clonal P. berghei blood stage infection from a non-clonal infection using this procedure requires between 4 and 5 weeks.


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The fatty acid synthesis type II pathway has received considerable interest as a candidate therapeutic target in Plasmodium falciparum asexual blood-stage infections. This apicoplast-resident pathway, distinct from the mammalian type I process, includes FabI. Here, we report synthetic chemistry and transfection studies concluding that Plasmodium FabI is not the target of the antimalarial activity of triclosan, an inhibitor of bacterial FabI. Disruption of fabI in P. falciparum or the rodent parasite P. berghei does not impede blood-stage growth. In contrast, mosquito-derived, FabI-deficient P. berghei sporozoites are markedly less infective for mice and typically fail to complete liver-stage development in vitro. This defect is characterized by an inability to form intrahepatic merosomes that normally initiate blood-stage infections. These data illuminate key differences between liver- and blood-stage parasites in their requirements for host versus de novo synthesized fatty acids, and create new prospects for stage-specific antimalarial interventions.


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Sequestration of red blood cells infected with the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum in organs such as the brain is considered important for pathogenicity. A similar phenomenon has been observed in mouse models of malaria, using the rodent parasite Plasmodium berghei, but it is unclear whether the P. falciparum proteins known to be involved in this process are conserved in the rodent parasite. Here we identify the P. berghei orthologues of two such key factors of P. falciparum, SBP1 and MAHRP1. Red blood cells infected with P. berghei parasites lacking SBP1 or MAHRP1a fail to bind the endothelial receptor CD36 and show reduced sequestration and virulence in mice. Complementation of the mutant P. berghei parasites with the respective P. falciparum SBP1 and MAHRP1 orthologues restores sequestration and virulence. These findings reveal evolutionary conservation of the machinery underlying sequestration of divergent malaria parasites and support the notion that the P. berghei rodent model is an adequate tool for research on malaria virulence.


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Background: There are 600,000 new malaria cases daily worldwide. The gold standard for estimating the parasite burden and the corresponding severity of the disease consists in manually counting the number of parasites in blood smears through a microscope, a process that can take more than 20 minutes of an expert microscopist’s time. Objective: This research tests the feasibility of a crowdsourced approach to malaria image analysis. In particular, we investigated whether anonymous volunteers with no prior experience would be able to count malaria parasites in digitized images of thick blood smears by playing a Web-based game. Methods: The experimental system consisted of a Web-based game where online volunteers were tasked with detecting parasites in digitized blood sample images coupled with a decision algorithm that combined the analyses from several players to produce an improved collective detection outcome. Data were collected through the MalariaSpot website. Random images of thick blood films containing Plasmodium falciparum at medium to low parasitemias, acquired by conventional optical microscopy, were presented to players. In the game, players had to find and tag as many parasites as possible in 1 minute. In the event that players found all the parasites present in the image, they were presented with a new image. In order to combine the choices of different players into a single crowd decision, we implemented an image processing pipeline and a quorum algorithm that judged a parasite tagged when a group of players agreed on its position. Results: Over 1 month, anonymous players from 95 countries played more than 12,000 games and generated a database of more than 270,000 clicks on the test images. Results revealed that combining 22 games from nonexpert players achieved a parasite counting accuracy higher than 99%. This performance could be obtained also by combining 13 games from players trained for 1 minute. Exhaustive computations measured the parasite counting accuracy for all players as a function of the number of games considered and the experience of the players. In addition, we propose a mathematical equation that accurately models the collective parasite counting performance. Conclusions: This research validates the online gaming approach for crowdsourced counting of malaria parasites in images of thick blood films. The findings support the conclusion that nonexperts are able to rapidly learn how to identify the typical features of malaria parasites in digitized thick blood samples and that combining the analyses of several users provides similar parasite counting accuracy rates as those of expert microscopists. This experiment illustrates the potential of the crowdsourced gaming approach for performing routine malaria parasite quantification, and more generally for solving biomedical image analysis problems, with future potential for telediagnosis related to global health challenges.


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Immunization of rodents and humans with irradiation-attenuated malaria sporozoites confers preerythrocytic stage-specific protective immunity to challenge infection. This immunity is directed against intrahepatic parasites and involves T cells and interferon gamma, which prevent development of exoerythrocytic stages and subsequent blood infection. The present study was undertaken to determine how protective immunity is achieved after immunization of rodent hosts with irradiated Plasmodium berghei sporozoites. We present evidence that irradiated parasites persist in hepatocytes of rats and mice for up to 6 months after immunization. A relationship between the persistence of parasites and the maintenance of protective immunity was observed. Protective immunity was abrogated in irradiated-sporozoite-immunized rats following the application of chemotherapy to remove preexisting liver parasites. Additionally, protective immunity against sporozoite challenge was established in rats vaccinated with early and late hepatic stages of irradiated parasites. These results show that irradiation-attenuated sporozoites produce persistent intrahepatic stages in vivo necessary for the induction and maintenance of protective immunity.


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Protein degradation is regulated during the cell cycle of all eukaryotic cells and is mediated by the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. Potent and specific peptide-derived inhibitors of the 20S proteasome have been developed recently as anti-cancer agents, based on their ability to induce apoptosis in rapidly dividing cells. Here, we tested a novel small molecule dipeptidyl boronic acid proteasome inhibitor, named MLN-273 on blood and liver stages of Plasmodium species, both of which undergo active replication, probably requiring extensive proteasome activity. The inhibitor blocked Plasmodium falciparum erythrocytic development at an early ring stage as well as P. berghei exoerythrocytic progression to schizonts. Importantly, neither uninfected erythrocytes nor hepatocytes were affected by the drug. MLN-273 caused an overall reduction in protein degradation in P. falciparum, as demonstrated by immunoblots using anti-ubiquitin antibodies to label ubiquitin-tagged protein conjugates. This led us to conclude that the target of the drug was the parasite proteasome. The fact that proteasome inhibitors are presently used as anti-cancer drugs in humans forms a solid basis for further development and makes them potentially attractive drugs also for malaria chemotherapy.


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The generation of rodent Plasmodium strains expressing fluorescent proteins in all life cycle stages has had a big impact on malaria research. With this tool in hand, for the first time it was possible to follow in real time by in vivo microscopy the infection route of Plasmodium sporozoites transmitted to the mammalian host by Anopheles mosquitoes. Recently, this work has been extended to the analysis of both hepatocyte infection by Plasmodium sporozoites, as well as liver merozoite transport into blood vessels. The stunning results of these studies have considerably changed our understanding of hepatocyte invasion and parasite liberation. Here, we describe the most important findings of the last years and in addition, we elaborate on the molecular events during the intracellular development of Plasmodium exoerythrocytic forms that give rise to erythrocyte infecting merozoites.


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BACKGROUND INFORMATION The Plasmodium parasite, during its life cycle, undergoes three phases of asexual reproduction, these being repeated rounds of erythrocytic schizogony, sporogony within oocysts on the mosquito midgut wall and exo-erythrocytic schizogony within the hepatocyte. During each phase of asexual reproduction, the parasite must ensure that every new daughter cell contains an apicoplast, as this organelle cannot be formed de novo and is essential for parasite survival. To date, studies visualizing the apicoplast in live Plasmodium parasites have been restricted to the blood stages of Plasmodium falciparum. RESULTS In the present study, we have generated Plasmodium berghei parasites in which GFP (green fluorescent protein) is targeted to the apicoplast using the specific targeting sequence of ACP (acyl carrier protein), which has allowed us to visualize this organelle in live Plasmodium parasites. During each phase of asexual reproduction, the apicoplast becomes highly branched, but remains as a single organelle until the completion of nuclear division, whereupon it divides and is rapidly segregated into newly forming daughter cells. We have shown that the antimicrobial agents azithromycin, clindamycin and doxycycline block development of the apicoplast during exo-erythrocytic schizogony in vitro, leading to impaired parasite maturation. CONCLUSIONS Using a range of powerful live microscopy techniques, we show for the first time the development of a Plasmodium organelle through the entire life cycle of the parasite. Evidence is provided that interference with the development of the Plasmodium apicoplast results in the failure to produce red-blood-cell-infective merozoites.


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Fluorescent proteins have proven to be important tools for in vitro live imaging of parasites and for imaging of parasites within the living host by intravital microscopy. We observed that a red fluorescent transgenic malaria parasite of rodents, Plasmodium berghei-RedStar, is suitable for in vitro live imaging experiments but bleaches rapidly upon illumination in intravital imaging experiments using mice. We have therefore generated two additional transgenic parasite lines expressing the novel red fluorescent proteins tdTomato and mCherry, which have been reported to be much more photostable than first- and second-generation red fluorescent proteins including RedStar. We have compared all three red fluorescent parasite lines for their use in in vitro live and intravital imaging of P. berghei blood and liver parasite stages, using both confocal and wide-field microscopy. While tdTomato bleached almost as rapidly as RedStar, mCherry showed improved photostability and was bright in all experiments performed.


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Depending on their developmental stage in the life cycle, malaria parasites develop within or outside host cells, and in extremely diverse contexts such as the vertebrate liver and blood circulation, or the insect midgut and hemocoel. Cellular and molecular mechanisms enabling the parasite to sense and respond to the intra- and the extra-cellular environments are therefore key elements for the proliferation and transmission of Plasmodium, and therefore are, from a public health perspective, strategic targets in the fight against this deadly disease. The MALSIG consortium, which was initiated in February 2009, was designed with the primary objective to integrate research ongoing in Europe and India on i) the properties of Plasmodium signalling molecules, and ii) developmental processes occurring at various points of the parasite life cycle. On one hand, functional studies of individual genes and their products in Plasmodium falciparum (and in the technically more manageable rodent model Plasmodium berghei) are providing information on parasite protein kinases and phosphatases, and of the molecules governing cyclic nucleotide metabolism and calcium signalling. On the other hand, cellular and molecular studies are elucidating key steps of parasite development such as merozoite invasion and egress in blood and liver parasite stages, control of DNA replication in asexual and sexual development, membrane dynamics and trafficking, production of gametocytes in the vertebrate host and further parasite development in the mosquito. This article, which synthetically reviews such signalling molecules and cellular processes, aims to provide a glimpse of the global frame in which the activities of the MALSIG consortium will develop over the next three years.


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Plasmodium parasites, the causative agents of malaria, first invade and develop within hepatocytes before infecting red blood cells and causing symptomatic disease. Because of the low infection rates in vitro and in vivo, the liver stage of Plasmodium infection is not very amenable to biochemical assays, but the large size of the parasite at this stage in comparison with Plasmodium blood stages makes it accessible to microscopic analysis. A variety of imaging techniques has been used to this aim, ranging from electron microscopy to widefield epifluorescence and laser scanning confocal microscopy. High-speed live video microscopy of fluorescent parasites in particular has radically changed our view on key events in Plasmodium liver-stage development. This includes the fate of motile sporozoites inoculated by Anopheles mosquitoes as well as the transport of merozoites within merosomes from the liver tissue into the blood vessel. It is safe to predict that in the near future the application of the latest microscopy techniques in Plasmodium research will bring important insights and allow us spectacular views of parasites during their development in the liver.


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The aim of this study was to develop a simple, field-practical, and effective in vitro method for determining the sensitivity of fresh erythrocytic Plasmodium vivax isolates to a range of antimalarials. The method used is a modification of the standard World Health Organization (WHO) microtest for determination of P.falciparum drug sensitivity. The WHO method was modified by removing leukocytes and using a growth medium supplemented with AB(+) serum. We successfully carried out 34 in vitro drug assays on 39 P. vivax isolates collected from the Mae Sod malaria clinic, Tak Province, Thailand. The mean percentage of parasites maturing to schizonts (six or more merozoites) in control wells was 66.5% +/- 5.9% (standard deviation). This level of growth in the control wells enabled rapid microscopic determination (5 min per isolate per drug) of the MICs of chloroquine, dihydroartemisinin, WR238605 (tafenoquine), and sulfadoxine. P. vivax was relatively sensitive to chloroquine (MIC = 160 ng/ml, 50% inhibitory concentration [IC50] = 49.8 ng/ml) and dihydroartemisinin (MIC = 0.5 ng/ml, IC50 = 0.47 ng/ml). The poor response of P. vivax to both tafenoquine (MIC = 14,000 ng/ml, IC50 = 9,739 ng/ml) and sulfadoxine (MIC = 500,000 ng/ml, IC50 = 249,000 ng/ml) was due to the slow action of these drugs and the innate resistance of P. vivax to sulfadoxine. The in vitro assay developed in our study should be useful both for assessing the antimalarial sensitivity of P. vivax populations and for screening new antimalarials in the absence of long-term P. vivax cultures.


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Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is now recognized as a sensitive and specific method for detecting Plasmodium species in blood. In this Study. we tested 279 blood samples, from patients with Suspected malaria, by a PCR assay utilizing species-specific colorimetric detection. and compared the results to light microscopy. Overall, both assays were in agreement for 270 of the 279 specimens. P. vivax was detected in 131 (47.0%) specimens. P. falciparum in 64 (22.9%) specimens, P. ovale in 6 (2.1%) specimens, and P. malariae in 5 (1.8%) specimens. Both P. falciparum and P. vivax were detected in a further 10 (3.6%) specimens, and 54 (19.3%) specimens were negative by both assays. In the remaining nine specimens, microscopy either failed to detect the parasite or incorrectly identified the species present. In summary, the sensitivity, specificity and simplicity of the PCR assay makes it particularly suitable for use in a diagnostic laboratory. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Proteins secreted by and anchored on the surfaces of parasites are in intimate contact with host tissues. The transcriptome of infective cercariae of the blood fluke, Schistosoma mansoni, was screened using signal sequence trap to isolate cDNAs encoding predicted proteins with an N-terminal signal peptide. Twenty cDNA fragments were identified, most of which contained predicted signal peptides or transmembrane regions, including a novel putative seven-transmembrane receptor and a membrane-associated mitogen-activated protein kinase. The developmental expression pattern within different life-cycle stages ranged from ubiquitous to a transcript that was highly upregulated in the cercaria. A bioinformatics-based comparison of 100 signal peptides from each of schistosomes, humans, a parasitic nematode and Escherichia coli showed that differences in the sequence composition of signal peptides, notably the residues flanking the predicted cleavage site, might account for the negative bias exhibited in the processing of schistosome signal peptides in mammalian cells. (c) 2005 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND: Schistosomes are able to survive for prolonged periods in the blood system, despite continuous contact with coagulatory factors and mediators of the host immune system. Protease inhibitors likely play a critical role in host immune modulation thereby promoting parasite survival in this extremely hostile environment. Even though Kunitz type serine protease inhibitors have been shown to play important physiological functions in a range of organisms these proteins are less well characterised in parasitic helminths.

METHODS: We have cloned one gene sequence from S. mansoni, Smp_147730 (SmKI-1) which is coded for single domain Kunitz type protease inhibitor, E. coli-expressed and purified. Immunolocalisation and western blotting was carried out using affinity purified polyclonal anti-SmKI-1 murine antibodies to determine SmKI-1 expression in the parasite. Protease inhibitor assays and coagulation assays were performed to evaluate the functional roles of SmKI-1.

RESULTS: SmKI-1 is localised in the tegument of adult worms and the sub-shell region of eggs. Furthermore, this Kunitz protein is secreted into the host in the ES products of the adult worm. Recombinant SmKI-1 inhibited mammalian trypsin, chymotrypsin, neutrophil elastase, FXa and plasma kallikrein with IC50 values of 35 nM, 61 nM, 56 nM, 142 nM and 112 nM, respectively. However, no inhibition was detected for pancreatic elastase or cathepsin G. SmKI-1 (4 μM) delayed blood clot formation, reflected in an approximately three fold increase in activated partial thromboplastin time and prothrombin time.

CONCLUSIONS: We have functionally characterised the first Kunitz type protease inhibitor (SmKI-1) from S. mansoni and show that it has anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant properties. SmKI-1 is one of a number of putative Kunitz proteins in schistosomes that have presumably evolved as an adaptation to protect these parasites from the defence mechanisms of their mammalian hosts. As such they may represent novel vaccine candidates and/or drug targets for schistosomiasis control.