970 resultados para BACTERIAL LIPASES
Objective. In this study, presence of dentin infection in root canals, obturated with 4 techniques submitted to the bacterial leakage test, was evaluated using histologic methods. Study design. The canals of palatal roots of 160 molars were instrumented and divided into different groups, according to the obturation technique used (lateral condensation, MicroSeal system, Touch `n Heat + Ultrafil, and Tagger`s hybrid technique) and extent of the remaining obturation material (5 mm and 10 mm). Ten additional roots were used as control samples. The roots were sterilized in ethylene oxide and mounted on a device for evaluation of bacterial leakage using the bacteria Enterococcus faecalis for 120 days. After the leakage test, roots were microscopically analyzed for the presence of dentin infection in the root canals and dentinal tubules. Results. A total of 154 specimens were analyzed using both methodologies in the experimental groups; 50 root canals (32.4%) showed bacterial leakage at the end of the experimental period, and 118 (76.6%) showed the presence of bacteria in the root canals using the histologic criteria. The lateral condensation technique allowed lower penetration of bacteria in the root canals and dentinal tubules, followed by Touch `n Heat + Ultrafil, MicroSeal, and Tagger`s hybrid technique, which allowed significantly greater penetration of bacteria. Root canals with 10 mm of remaining obturation material presented similar bacterial penetration as root canals with 5 mm. Conclusions. Even when an adequate seal of the apical foramen was shown by the absence of turbidity in the bacterial leakage test, E. faecalis dentin infection was present in a high percentage of the root canals after 120 days of root filling exposure to the bacteria. Tagger`s hybrid technique presented greater quantity of bacteria in histologic sections than root canals obturated with the other techniques. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010; 109: 788-794)
Bacterial leakage in root canals obturated by different techniques. Part 1: microbiologic evaluation
Objective. This study compared the coronal bacterial leakage of root canals obturated by different techniques and with different lengths of obturation. Study design. The canals of palatal roots of 160 maxillary molars were instrumented and divided into different groups according to the obturation technique used (lateral condensation, Microseal system, Touch `n Heat + Ultrafil system, or Tagger`s hybrid technique) and the length of obturation (5 mm or 10 mm). The roots were impermeabilized, sterilized in ethylene oxide, and mounted on a device for evaluation of the bacterial leakage. Results. Tagger`s hybrid technique produced a statistically greater number of specimens with coronal leakage than the other techniques. There was no statistically significant difference between the lateral condensation, Touch `n Heat + Ultrafil, and Microseal groups. Root canals with 10 mm of obturation produced a statistically significantly smaller number of specimens with leakage than root canals with 5 mm of obturation. Conclusion. Tagger`s hybrid technique produced a greater number of specimens with coronal leakage than the other techniques, and a greater number of root canals with 5 mm of obturation leaked than root canals with 10 mm of obturation.
The organisation of cells of the planctomycete species Pirellula marina, Isosphaera pallida, Gemmata obscuriglobus, Planctomyces mat-is and Candidatus Brocadia anammoxidans was investigated based on ultrastructure derived from thin-sections of cryosubstituted cells, freeze-fracture replicas, and in the case of Gemmata obscuriglobus and Pirellllla marina, computer-aided 3-D reconstructions from serial sections of cryosubstituted cells. All planctomycete cells display a peripheral ribosome-free region, termed here the paryphoplasm, surrounding the perimeter of the cell, and an interior region including any nucleoid regions as well as ribosome-like particles, bounded by a single intracytoplasmic membrane (ICM), and termed the pirellulosome in Pirellula species. Immunogold labelling and RNase-gold cytochemistry indicates that in planctomycetes all the cell DNA is contained wholly within the interior region bounded by the ICM, and the paryphoplasm contains no DNA but at least some of the cell's RNA. The ICM in Isosphaera pallida and Planctomyces mat-is is invaginated such that the paryphoplasm forms a major portion of the cell interior in sections, but in other planctomycetes it remains as a peripheral zone. In the anaerobic ammonium-oxidising (anammox process) chemoautotroph Candidatus Brocadia anammoxidans the interior region bounded by ICM contains a further internal single-membrane-bounded region, the anam-moxosome. In Gemmata obscuriglobus. the interior ICM-bounded region contains the nuclear body, a double-membrane-bounded region containing the cell's nucleoid and all genomic DNA in addition to some RNA. Shared features of cell compartmentalisation in different planctomycetes are consistent with the monophyletic nature of the planctomycetes as a distinct division of the Bacteria. The shared organisational plan for the planctomycete cell constitutes a new type not known in cells of other bacteria.
Objective. The objective of this study was to evaluate the sealing ability of AH Plus, Epiphany, Acroseal, Endofill, and Polifil after active lateral condensation technique, by using a bacterial test, during 64 days. Study design. One hundred bovine incisors were cleaned and shaped; then they were filled with the endodontic sealers and adapted into a microcentrifuge tube. The setup root/microcentrifuge tube was added to glass flasks containing Brain Heart Infusion broth. A culture of Enterococcus faecalis was inserted into the upper chamber of each assembly. Daily leakage was evaluated through the broth turbidity. Results. The results were submitted to statistical analysis (Kaplan-Meier method, Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests). Conclusions. AH Plus and Endofill had the worst sealing ability when compared with Polifil, which showed the least leakage. Acroseal and Epiphany showed a tendency toward having an intermediate behavior; however, there was no significant difference among Acroseal, Epiphany, and the other sealers. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2009; 108: e56-e60)
The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate bacterial leakage along the implant-abutment interface under unloaded conditions. Twelve premachined abutments with plastic sleeves and 12 dental implants were used in this study. Prior to tests of bacterial leakage, samples from the inner parts of the implants were collected with sterile microbrushes to serve as negative controls for contamination. After casting, the abutments were tightened to 32 Ncm on the implants. The assemblies were immersed in 2.0 mL of human saliva and incubated for 7 days. After this period, possible contamination of the internal parts of the implants was evaluated using the DNA Checkerboard method. Microorganisms were found in the internal surfaces of all the implants evaluated. Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans and Capnocytophaga gingivalis were the most incident species. No microorganisms were found in the samples recovered from the implants before contamination testing (negative control). Bacterial species from human saliva may penetrate the implant-abutment interface under unloaded conditions. INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2011;26:782-787
Objectives Bacterial penetration along the implant-abutment interface as a consequence of abutment screw loosening has been reported in a number of recent studies. The aim of this in vitro study was to investigate the influence of repeated tightening of the abutment screw on leakage of Streptococcus mutans along the interface between implants and pre-machined abutments. Materials and methods Twenty pre-machined abutments with a plastic sleeve were used. The abutment screws were tightened to 32 N cm in group 1 (n=10 - control) and to 32 N cm, loosened and re-tightened with the same torque twice in group 2 (n=10). The assemblies were completely immersed in 5 ml of Tryptic Soy Broth medium inoculated with S. mutans and incubated for 14 days. After this period, contamination of the implant internal threaded chamber was evaluated using the DNA Checkerboard method. Results Microorganisms were found on the internal surfaces of both groups evaluated. However, bacterial counts in group 2 were significantly higher than that in the control group (P < 0.05). Conclusion These results suggest that bacterial leakage between implants and abutments occurs even under unloaded conditions and at a higher intensity when the abutment screw is tightened and loosened repeatedly. To cite this article:do Nascimento C, Pedrazzi V, Kirsten Miani P, Daher Moreira L, de Albuquerque Junior RF. Influence of repeated screw tightening on bacterial leakage along the implant-abutment interface.Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 20, 2009; 1394-1397.doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2009.01769.x.
We constructed a BAC library of the model legume Lotus japonicus with a 6-to 7-fold genome coverage. We used vector PCLD04541, which allows direct plant transformation by BACs. The average insert size is 94 kb. Clones were stable in Escherichia coli and Agrobacterium tumefaciens.
Utilizing an in vitro laminitis explant model, we have investigated how bacterial broth cultures and purified bacterial proteases activate matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and alter structural integrity of cultured equine lamellar hoof explants. Four Gram-positive Streptococcus spp. and three Gram-negative bacteria all induced a dose-dependent activation of MMP-2 and MMP-9 and caused lamellar explants to separate. MMP activation was deemed to have occurred if a specific MMP inhibitor, batimastat, blocked MMP activity and prevented lamellar separation. Thermolysin and streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin B (SpeB) both separated explants dose-dependently but only thermolysin was inhibitable by batimastat or induced MMP activation equivalent to that seen with bacterial broths. Additionally, thermolysin and broth MMP activation appeared to be cell dependent as MMP activation did not occur in isolation. These results suggest the rapid increase in streptococcal species in the caecum and colon observed in parallel with carbohydrate induced equine laminitis may directly cause laminitis via production of exotoxin(s) capable of activating resident MMPs within the lamellar structure. Once activated, these MMPs can degrade key components of the basement membrane (BM) hemidesmosome complex, ultimately separating the BM from the epidermal basal cells resulting in the characteristic laminitis histopathology of hoof lamellae. While many different causative agents have been evaluated in the past, the results of this study provide a unifying aetiological mechanism for the development of carbohydrate induced equine laminitis. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
We investigated roles of different forms of cytochrome P450 (P450 or CYP) in the metabolic activation of heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and other procarcinogens to genotoxic metabolite(s) in the newly developed umu tester strains Salmonella typhimurium (S. typhimurium) OY1002/1A1, OY1002/1A2, OY1002/1B1, OY1002/2C9, OY1002/2D6, OY1002/2E1 and OY 1002/3A4. which express respective human P450 enzymes and NADPH-cytochrome P350 reductase (reductase) and bacterial O-acetyltransferase (O-AT). These strains were established by introducing two plasmids into S. typhimurium TA 1535, one carrying both P450 and the reductase cDNA in a bicistronic construct under control of an IPTG-inducible double me promoter and the other, pOA 102, carrying O-AT and umuClacZ fusion genes. Expression levels of CYP were found to range between 35 to 550 nmol/l cell culture in the strains tested. O-AT activities in different strains ranged from 52 to 135 nmol isoniazid acetylated/min/mg protein. All HCAs tested, and 2-aminoanthracene and 2-aminofluorene exhibited high genotoxicity in the OY1002/1A2 strain, and genotoxicity of 2-amino-3-methylimidazo [4,5-f]quinoline was detected in both the OY1002/1A1 and OY1002/1A2 strains. 1-Amino-1,4-dimethyl-5H-pyrido[4.3-b]-indole and 3-amino-1-methyl-5H-pyrido[4,3-b]-indole were activated in the OY1002/1A1, OY1002/1B1, OY1002/1A2, and OY1002/3A4 strains. Aflatoxin B-1 exhibited genotoxicity in the OY1002/1A2, OY1002/1A1, and OY1002/3A4 strains. beta -Naphthylamine and benzo[a]pyrene did not exhibit genotoxicity in any of the strains. These results suggest that CYP1A2 is the major cytochrom P450 enzyme involved in bioactivation of HCAs. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Diseases and insect pests are major causes of low yields of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Latin America and Africa. Anthracnose, angular leaf spot and common bacterial blight are widespread foliar diseases of common bean that also infect pods and seeds. One thousand and eighty-two accessions from a common bean core collection from the primary centres of origin were investigated for reaction to these three diseases. Angular leaf spot and common bacterial blight were evaluated in the field at Santander de Quilichao, Colombia, and anthracnose was evaluated in a screenhouse in Popayan, Colombia. By using the 15-group level from a hierarchical clustering procedure, it was found that 7 groups were formed with mainly Andean common bean accessions (Andean gene pool), 7 groups with mainly Middle American accessions (Middle American gene pool), while 1 group contained mixed accessions. Consistent with the theory of co-evolution, it was generally observed that accessions from the Andean gene pool were resistant to Middle American pathogen isolates causing anthracnoxe, while the Middle American accessions were resistant to pathogen isolates from the Andes. Different combinations of resistance patterns were found, and breeders can use this information to select a specific group of accessions on the basis of their need.
If open reading frames (ORFs) have been transmitted primarily by vertical descent, the distributional profile of orthologues of each ORF should be congruent with the organismal tree or a subtree thereof. Distributional patterns not reconciled parsimoniously with tree-like descent and loss are prima facie evidence of lateral gene transfer. Herein, a rigorous criterion for recognizing ORF distributions is described and implemented; it does not require the inference of phylogenetic trees, nor does it assume any specific tree. Because lineage-specific differences in rates of sequence change can also generate unexpected distributional patterns, rate artefacts, were controlled for by requiring pairwise matches between ORFs to exceed a rigorous inclusion threshold, but absence of a match was assessed against a more-permissive exclusion threshold. Applying this dual-threshold criterion to cross-domain and cross-phylum distributional patterns for ORFs in 23 bacterial genomes, a relative abundance of ORFs was observed that find a match in exactly seven other bacterial phyla; 94-99% of these ORFs also find matches among the Archaea and/or Eukarya. In the larger (and some smaller) bacterial genomes, ORFs that find matches in exactly one other bacterial phylum are also relatively abundant, but fewer of these have non-bacterial homologues; most of their matches within the Bacteria are to the Proteobacteria and/or Firmicutes, which cannot be sister lineages to all bacteria. ORFs that are neither distributed universally among the Bacteria, nor necessarily shared with topologically adjacent lineages, are preferentially enriched in large bacterial genomes.
We isolated bacteria from ticks, lice and fleas. Partial small subunit rRNA sequences were obtained for each isolate and the closest matches in the FastA database were determined. These bacteria were mostly Gram-positive (Firmicutes), although representatives from the Proteobacteria (alpha, beta, gamma subdivisions) and CFB group were also isolated. Most of the isolates we found were from genera that were present in most of the ectoparasites studied, but a few genera were restricted to one species of ectoparasite. The most commonly isolated genera were Stenotrophomonas, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter and Bacillus. Species of Bacillus and Proteus, which have biopesticide potential, were found in some of these ectoparasites. Overall, the communities of bacteria were similar to those found in other studies of parasitic arthropods.
Sulfite dehydrogenase from Starkeya novella is an alphabeta heterodimer comprising a 40.6 kDa subunit (containing the Mo cofactor) and a smaller 8.8 kDa heme c subunit. The enzyme catalyses the oxidation of sulfite to sulfate with the natural electron acceptor being cytochrome c(550). Its catalytic mechanism is thought to resemble that found in eukaryotic sulfite oxiclases. Using protein film voltammetry and redox potentiometry, we have identified both Mo- and heme-centered redox responses from the enzyme immobilized on a pyrolytic graphite working electrode: E-m,E-8 (Fe-III/II) +177 mV; E-m,E-8 (Mo-VI/V) +211 mV and E(m,)8 (Mo-V/IV) -118 mV vs NHE; Upon addition of sulfite to the electrochemical cell a steady-state voltammogram is observed and an apparent Michaelis constant (K-m) of 26(l) muM was determined for the enzyme immobilized on the working electrode surface, which is comparable with the value obtained from solution assays.
Sulfite dehydrogenase (SDH) from Starkeya novella, a sulfite-oxidizing molybdenum-containing enzyme, has a novel tightly bound αβ-heterodimeric structure in which the Mo cofactor and the c-type heme are located on different subunits. Flash photolysis studies of intramolecular electron transfer (IET) in SDH show that the process is first-order, independent of solution viscosity, and not inhibited by sulfate, which strongly indicates that IET in SDH proceeds directly through the protein medium and does not involve substantial movement of the two subunits relative to each other. The IET results for SDH contrast with those for chicken and human sulfite oxidase (SO) in which the molybdenum domain is linked to a b-type heme domain through a flexible loop, and IET shows a remarkable dependence on sulfate concentration and viscosity that has been ascribed to interdomain docking. The results for SDH provide additional support for the interdomain docking hypothesis in animal SO and clearly demonstrate that dependence of IET on viscosity and sulfate is not an inherent property of all sulfite-oxidizing molybdenum enzymes.