184 resultados para Automatized cataloguing


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The Central Library of Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) has been automated by proprietary software (Adlib Library) since 2000. After 11 years, in 2011, the university authorities decided to shift to an open source software (OSS), for integrated library management system (ILMS), Koha for automating the library housekeeping operations. In this context, this study attempts to share the experiences in cataloging with both type of software. The features of the cataloging modules of both the software are analysed on the badis of certain check points. It is found that the cataloging module of Koha is almost in par with that of proven proprietary software that has been in market for the past 25 years. Some suggestions made by this study may be incorporated for the further development and perfection of Koha.


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En este trabajo se describe la utilización de herramientas de software libre, básicamente GRASS y R, para obtener una serie de mapas de coberturas del suelo (1976-2006) a partir de imágenes de satélite Landsat MSS y Landsat TM. Se trata de un proyecto concedido a un año, por lo que se requería una metodología que permitiera realizar el análisis de forma rápida y sencilla, aún tratando de aplicar técnicas de clasificación avanzadas. Dada la complejidad del trabajo y la premura de tiempo, se ha tratado de automatizar gran parte del trabajo mediante diversos scripts con BASH y R. (...)


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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Primera conferencia. Bibliotecas y Repositorios Digitales: Gestión del Conocimiento, Acceso Abierto y Visibilidad Latinoamericana. (BIREDIAL) Mayo 9 al 11 de 2011. Bogotá, Colombia.


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El Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia Humana (VIH) y el Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida (SIDA) han tenido a lo largo de los años un comportamiento epidemiológico que muestra la tendencia al aumento, de tal forma que ha llegado a considerarse como un problema de salud pública a nivel mundial. Sin embargo los tratamientos antiretrovirales han permitido que las personas con esta infección tengan una tasa de supervivencia mayor; pero ligado a esto, se han presentado efectos secundarios tales como problemas con la memoria y el funcionamiento cognitivo de estas personas. Además se ha encontrado que las personas con VIH/SIDA tienen algunas alteraciones en su área afectiva y generalmente ven afectada su calidad de vida. Este es un estudio exploratorio descriptivo que tuvo por objeto describir la ansiedad, depresión y percepción de calidad de vida en 35 pacientes con VIH/SIDA con deterioro cognitivo leve, seleccionados por conveniencia. Se aplicaron tres cuestionarios, el BDI-II para evaluar la sintomatología depresiva; el BAI para evaluar la sintomatología ansiosa y el MOS-SF30 para evaluar la calidad de vida. Además, se realizó una entrevista semiestructurada para profundizar en la evaluación de estas tres variables. Dentro de los resultados se evidenció que todos los paciente presentan algún nivel de ansiedad y de depresión, evalúan su calidad de vida en un punto medio; ni óptima ni baja. Se discuten estos y otros resultados.


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Los déficit neurológicos en el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana VIH, específicamente las alteraciones en el funcionamiento cognitivo, han estado presentes desde el inicio de su propagación y han sido una de las principales manifestaciones a lo largo de todas las etapas del virus. No obstante, gracias a los avances de la terapia antirretroviral se ha dado un aumento de la expectativa de vida de los pacientes, dándose de la misma manera un incremento en los déficits anteriormente mencionados. El objetivo del presente estudio es describir el perfil neuropsicológico de los pacientes con VIH y establecer si existen relaciones entre las funciones que se encuentren deterioradas, el tiempo de diagnóstico y la terapia antiretroviral. Para esto se llevo a cabo un estudio descriptivo de tipo exploratorio con el fin de medir las características de las funciones neuropsicológicas en un grupo de 24 pacientes pertenecientes al programa especial B24 del Hospital Universitario Mayor y Hospital de Barrios Unidos MÉDERI en Bogotá, Colombia. Para esto, se utilizó un protocolo de pruebas neuropsicológicas: Mini Mental StateExamination (MMSE), WAIS-III (sub-pruebas dígitos, letras y números, aritmética y semejanzas), Curva de aprendizaje auditivo verbal de Rey (RAVLT), WMS-III (sub-pruebas de recobro de historias y Localización), TMT A y B, Set Test de Isaacs, Figura Compleja de Rey y Test de Stroop. Dentro de los resultados se encontró que la medida de edad fue de 50 con un total de 19 hombres y 5 mujeres. Las funciones con mayor predominio de deterioro fueron la atención sostenida y alternante, la memoria declarativa, las funciones ejecutivas (específicamente en el control inhibitorio) y la velocidad de procesamiento, los pacientes presentan un rango de deterioro cognitivo leve (GDS 3). Se concluyó que el perfil de deterioro es mixto y que es necesario ampliar la muestra para obtener resultados más precisos en cuanto a las diferencias de acuerdo al tiempo de diagnóstico y la terapia antiretroviral.


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La present tesi pretèn ser,tal com el seu mateix nom indica, un estudi de totes aquelles informacions que ens proporcionen les fonts escrites d'època tardoantiga (segles IV-VII)i que fan referència, directament o indirecta, a les terres del nord-est de Catalunya.Fou aquesta àrea geogràfica la que, d'ençà el segle IX, i un cop superada la invasió sarraïna que suposà, entre altres coses, la definitiva desaparició de la seu episcopal emporitana, acabà per convertir-se en el futur territori del bisbat de Girona, una demarcació que englovava els antics dominis eclesiàstics i territorials de les seus visigòtiques de Gerunda i Impurias. És una realitat que l'estudi de la tardoantiguitat al nord-est de Catalunya ha experimentat un important impuls en els darrers anys. Es en aquest marc, que la investigació que presentem, pretén ser una aportació a una millor comprensió d'aquest període, amb la sistematització i catalogació de tots aquells textos, la cronologia dels quals abraça el període comprés entre els segles IV-VII, on es fa menció expressa a l'àrea geogràfica que ens ocupa. Aquest estudi s'estructura en set parts clarament diferenciades encara que interdependents entre si, cadascuna de les quals amb una especificitat i una metodologia pròpia. A la primera d'elles (caps.2-3), i a mode d'introducció, es fixen els límits territorials (marc geogràfic) i cronològics (marc històric) de la investigació, elements del tot indispensables i necessaris per a comprendre millor l'escenari on tenen lloc els fets descrits. Un segon gran apartat està enterament dedicat a l'estudi i anàlisi de les principals aportacions realitzades per la historiografia del nostre país en els darrers segles, del XVII fins a l'actualitat, en l'estudi del tema que ens ocupa. En tercer lloc, es passa a analitzar individualment totes i cadascuna de les referències textuals recollides en aquest estudi. L'anàlisi l'hem divididida en cin grans apartats, atenent i respectant la diversa tipologia de les fonts consultades: 1) els itineraria romana; 2) els textos de la patrologia tardoantiga; 3) les actes conciliars; 4) els textos litúrgics; i 5) l'epigrafia. L'estudi de cada text es realitza d'una manera global i sitemàtica, analitzant l'autor, el text i l'època de composició, i tot això en el marc més ampli de la societat del seu temps. Un apartat certament important és enterament dedicat a l'estudi dels orígens i difusió del culte al màrtir Feliu de Girona durant l'antiguitat tardana, a partir sobretot de la informació proporcionada per les fonts escrites i epigràfiques de l'època. El culte al màrtir gironí del segle IV fou, sense cap mena de dubtes, un dels elements característics i definidors en la vida de la Gerunda tardoantiga i, al mateix temps, un signe del gran prestigi assolit per la seu episcopal gironina a la resta d'Hispània durant l'antiguitat tardana. Finalment, i després de presentar, a tall de síntesi, les principals conclusions d'aquesta investigació, un darrer gran apartat ve constituït per un apèndix documental, en el qual s'hi recullen, seguint un criteri cronològic, tots els textos estudiats, transcrits segons les principals edicions crítiques citades. Val a dir, que en aquesta investigació hem utilitzat en la majoria dels casos les millors edicions crítiques de cadascuna de les obres estudiades, un fet que ha permès, en ocasions, corregir antigues transcripcions molt menys acurades i crítiques que s'havien inclòs en moltes de les obres dels darrers dos-cents anys on s'estudiava el període històric que ens ocupa.


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The Mediterranean region is one of the major centres of origin and diversification of cultivated plants and many crop wild relatives are found there. In addition, many native species are still widely harvested from the wild for food, medicine and other uses and some of these have potential for development as alternative crop especially in marginal zones. While there have been several recent initiatives that address the cataloguing and conservation of these species, such as the Network on Identification, Conservation and Use of Wild Plants in the Mediterranean Region (MEDUSA and the Bioversity International (IPGRI) studies on Underutilized Mediterranean Species (VMS), no comprehensive assessment has yet been made and little work undertaken on their agricultural potential. It has been confidently predicted that consequences of global change in the Mediterranean region - population movements and migrations, changes in disturbance regimes, and climate change - will be serious. One the one hand, this will affect the survival prospects of many of these underutilized species and on the other hand it will enhance their importance as the source of potential new crop germplasm. The conservation and availability of genetic diversity of both crops and underutilized species is essential if we are to be able to meet the increasing demand for food and other crops that will be adapted to the new ecoclimatic envelopes that will develop in the region as a consequence of global change. The rapid rate of climatic and other change that is expected adds urgency to the task of assessing, conserving and sustainably using this rich diversity of wild species of economic value in the region but new strategies will be need to be developed to achieve this. The Mediterranean region has the potential of becoming a major source of new crop development in the coming decades.


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The study examined: (a) the role of phonological, grammatical, and rapid automatized naming (RAN) skills in reading and spelling development; and (b) the component processes of early narrative writing skills. Fifty-seven Turkish-speaking children were followed from Grade 1 to Grade 2. RAN was the most powerful longitudinal predictor of reading speed and its effect was evident even when previous reading skills were taken into account. Broadly, the phonological and grammatical skills made reliable contributions to spelling performance but their effects were completely mediated by previous spelling skills. Different aspects of the narrative writing skills were related to different processing skills. While handwriting speed predicted writing fluency, spelling accuracy predicted spelling error rate. Vocabulary and working memory were the only reliable longitudinal predictors of the quality of composition content. The overall model, however, failed to explain any reliable variance in the structural quality of the compositions


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A study of the concurrent relationships between naming speed, phonological awareness and spelling ability in 146 children in Year 3 and 4 of state funded school in SE England (equivalent to US Grades 2 and 3) is reported. Seventy-two children identified as having normal phonological awareness but reduced rapid automatized naming (RAN) performance (1 standard deviation below the mean) participated in the study. A group of 74 children were further identified. These children were matched on phonological awareness, verbal and non verbal IQ, and visual acuity but all members of this group showed normal rapid automatized naming performance. Rapid automatized naming made a significant unique contribution to spelling performance. Further analyses showed that the participants with low naming performance were significantly poorer spellers overall and had a specific difficulty in spelling irregular words. The findings support the view that rapid automatized naming may be indexing processes that are implicated in the establishment of fully specified orthographic representations.


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This thesis aims to investigate the development and functions of public libraries in Rome and the Roman world. After a preface with maps of libraries in Rome, Section I discusses the precursors for public library provision in the private book collections of Republican Rome, and their transfer into the public domain with the first public libraries of Asinius Pollio and Augustus. Section II contains three 'case studies' of public libraries' different roles. The Augustan library programme is used in Ch.II.l to examine the role of imperial public libraries in literary life and the connections between Rome's libraries and those of Alexandria. Chapter II.2 concentrates on the libraries of Trajan's Forum to explore the intersection of imperial public libraries and monumental public architecture. This chapter responds to an important recent article by arguing for the continued identification of the Forum's libraries with twin brick buildings at its northern end, and suggests a series of correspondences between these libraries and its other monumental components. The conclusions of this chapter are important when considering the public libraries of the wider empire, several of which seem to have been inspired by the Trajanic libraries. Chapter II.3 considers imperial public libraries and leisure by looking at the evidence for libraries within bath-house complexes, concluding that their presence there is consistent with the archaeological and epigraphic evidence and fits in well with what we know of the intellectual and cultural life of these structures. Section III examines various aspects of the practical function of Roman public libraries: their contents (books and archives), division into Latin and Greek sections, provisions for shelving and cataloguing, staff, usership, architectural form, decoration, and housing of works of art. The picture that emerges is of carefully designed and functional buildings intended to sustain public, monumental, and practical functions. Section IV uses a variety of texts to examine the way in which libraries were viewed and used. Ch. IV. 1 discusses the evidence for use of libraries by scholars and authors such as Gellius, Galen, Josephus, and Apuleius. Ch. IV.2 examines parallels between library collections and compendious encyclopaedic elements within Roman literature and considers how library collections came to be canon-forming institutions and vehicles for the expression of imperial approval or disapproval towards authors. The channels through which this imperial influence flowed are investigated in Ch. IV.3, which looks at the directors and staff of the public libraries of Rome. The final section (V) of the thesis concerns public libraries outside the city of Rome. Provincial libraries provide a useful case study in 'Romanisation': they reveal a range of influences and are shown to embody local, personal, and metropolitan imperial identities. There follows a brief conclusion, and a bibliography. There are also five appendices of numismatic and epigraphic material discussed in the text. This material has not been adequately or completely gathered elsewhere and is intended to assist the reader; where appropriate it includes illustrations, transcriptions, and translations.


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A Automação e o processo de Robotização vêm, cada vem mais, se tornando pauta nas discussões de centenas de indústrias brasileiras, onde a tendência clara e identificada é a de investimentos expressivos na melhoria de processos e produtos, por intermédio dessas tecnologias; com foco, sempre que possível, na nacionalização de equipamentos. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o modelo proposto por Paul Kennedy (1993) com relação à tendência de Automação e Robotização nas Indústrias Mundiais, analisando o estudo realizado diante de uma economia emergente como a brasileira. Para tanto, foram pesquisadas empresas no Brasil, em diferentes segmentos industriais, o estado da arte em termos de tecnologia de automação e robótica aplicada a processos industriais, e sugerido um modelo diferente do idealizado originalmente por Kennedy. A análise do autor se baseou no teorema que, na matemática discreta, chamamos de “law of the excluded middle”, ou seja, segundo Kennedy, o Brasil estaria vivendo hoje uma migração gradual das indústrias para os países ricos. O Brasil é um exemplo de país industrializado, de economia emergente, que investe intensamente em processos automatizados, mas que não é classificado dentro do grupo desses países ricos. Através da pesquisa realizada será apresentado um novo modelo, no qual países emergentes como o Brasil têm acesso à tecnologia de ponta em automação e robótica, aplicando a mesma em seus processos industriais.


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Each two years the amount of available information in the world double. This is the Information Age, where the success depends on what one knows, not on what one has. A new economy appears with the capacity to generate, to store, to process and to apply effectively the knowledge, based on information, determining the companies productivity and competitiveness.The objective of this work is to understand the information management model of a technological research institute - CTGÁS (Gas Technology Center). The research has been done focused on the 5 main processes and the 15 support processes of the organization value chain , aiming to understand the information management in the organization based on Davenport´s Information Management model (1998). Therefore, it was necessary to identify how the necessary information for the organizational processes accomplishment are determined, obtained, distributed and used by the organization. The research can be classified as descriptive, regarding to its aims, and as a case study, related to the research ways. Interviews with the managers of the organization value chain processes have been carried through, with the objective to identify how they perceive the Information Management process that circulates in the organizational processes. Complementarily, a documentary research has been carried through, associated to the direct observation and procedures and actions follow up, involving the Information Management. The data treatment and analysis have been done from the authors theoretical support and from the managers interviews analysis, documents and processes observed by the researcher in the organization. It was noticed that the organization has raised its level of information needs that are not difficult to be determined and are satisfactorily obtained and distributed, although the majority of them are not structuralized, automatized or even classified regarding to its confidence. These peaces of information have good quality and are important, however they reflect a medium dependence on external and informal information, besides being used only in its great majority for people to know what and how to do something


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The considered work presents the procedure for evaluation of the uncertainty related to the calibration of flow measurers and to BS&W. It is about a new method of measurement purposed by the conceptual project of the laboratory LAMP, at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, that intends to determine the conventional true value of the BS&W from the total height of the liquid column in the auditor tank, hydrostatic pressure exerted by the liquid column, local gravity, specific mass of the water and the specific mass of the oil, and, to determine the flow, from total height of liquid column and transfer time. The calibration uses a automatized system of monitoration and data acquisition of some necessary largnesses to determine of flow and BS&W, allowing a better trustworthiness of through measurements


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Most methods employed to estimate the height of waves generated by the wind require the surface length over which the wind blows. The choice of method depends on the nature of the water body, being applicable to ocean areas or interior water bodies, such as bays, lakes and reservoirs. One of the usual solutions has been the direct usage of the method validated in ocean waters for interior waters, therefore, not taking into consideration the effect of the restriction imposed by the shores. Nevertheless, the excessive quantity of operations of the method applied to interior water bodies (where the shore is a restraint condition) may not assure a satisfactory precision degree, unless an accurate enough graphic base of the shore with the addition of the operator's subjectivity is used. Thus, this scientific community brings this discussion to light, proposing a classic solution based on the application of the adequate method to interior waters (Saville et al., 1954) via automatized processing. Therefore, a program in AutoLISP, a computational language, has been developed. The application of the program has determined the maximum wind fetches in Ilha Solteira, state of São Paulo, reservoir as being between 9.5 and 12.5 km, in contrast with a previous study which has predicted far longer fetches (factor of three).