76 resultados para Automates
Organizing and archiving statistical results and processing a subset of those results for publication are important and often underestimated issues in conducting statistical analyses. Because automation of these tasks is often poor, processing results produced by statistical packages is quite laborious and vulnerable to error. I will therefore present a new package called estout that facilitates and automates some of these tasks. This new command can be used to produce regression tables for use with spreadsheets, LaTeX, HTML, or word processors. For example, the results for multiple models can be organized in spreadsheets and can thus be archived in an orderly manner. Alternatively, the results can be directly saved as a publication-ready table for inclusion in, for example, a LaTeX document. estout is implemented as a wrapper for estimates table but has many additional features, such as support for mfx. However, despite its flexibility, estout is—I believe—still very straightforward and easy to use. Furthermore, estout can be customized via so-called defaults files. A tool to make available supplementary statistics called estadd is also provided.
In this paper the authors present an approach for the semantic annotation of RESTful services in the geospatial domain. Their approach automates some stages of the annotation process, by using a combination of resources and services: a cross-domain knowledge base like DBpedia, two domain ontologies like GeoNames and the WGS84 vocabulary, and suggestion and synonym services. The authors’ approach has been successfully evaluated with a set of geospatial RESTful services obtained from ProgrammableWeb.com, where geospatial services account for a third of the total amount of services available in this registry.
A l'origine nous nous avions proposé programmer sur CAB-5DO la méthode de synthèse de Gloushkov pour la classe des automates asynchrones du type machine transfert, d'où le titre de la thèse. A sa place nous avons resous le même problême â l'aide d'une méthode algorihmique originale» Après une introduction on définit la nouvelle méthode, valable pour les machines asynchrones, ainsi que quelques propriétés intéréssantés des expressions itérées ( en particulier de l'événement universel )» Dans la suite on établit les organigrammes générales de synthèse et l'organisation du travail sur machine. Après la conclusion, où l'on résume les avantages de nôtre méthode, il y a txoisPnnexes, dans le premier desquels on fait d'une façon pratique le point sur ces avantages par rapport à la méthode de Gloushkov f dans.le deuxième on groupe des organigrammes très détaillés, les programmes correspondants et quelques résultats > et dans le troisième le programme traduit en fortran IV qui a été mis au point sur le calculateur IBM 360/44 du l . E. R. A. ( Centre d'Etudes et Récherches en Automatisme).
Actualmente, la Web provee un inmenso conjunto de servicios (WS-*, RESTful, OGC WFS), los cuales están normalmente expuestos a través de diferentes estándares que permiten localizar e invocar a estos servicios. Estos servicios están, generalmente, descritos utilizando información textual, sin una descripción formal, es decir, la descripción de los servicios es únicamente sintáctica. Para facilitar el uso y entendimiento de estos servicios, es necesario anotarlos de manera formal a través de la descripción de los metadatos. El objetivo de esta tesis es proponer un enfoque para la anotación semántica de servicios Web en el dominio geoespacial. Este enfoque permite automatizar algunas de las etapas del proceso de anotación, mediante el uso combinado de recursos ontológicos y servicios externos. Este proceso ha sido evaluado satisfactoriamente con un conjunto de servicios en el dominio geoespacial. La contribución principal de este trabajo es la automatización parcial del proceso de anotación semántica de los servicios RESTful y WFS, lo cual mejora el estado del arte en esta área. Una lista detallada de las contribuciones son: • Un modelo para representar servicios Web desde el punto de vista sintáctico y semántico, teniendo en cuenta el esquema y las instancias. • Un método para anotar servicios Web utilizando ontologías y recursos externos. • Un sistema que implementa el proceso de anotación propuesto. • Un banco de pruebas para la anotación semántica de servicios RESTful y OGC WFS. Abstract The Web contains an immense collection of Web services (WS-*, RESTful, OGC WFS), normally exposed through standards that tell us how to locate and invocate them. These services are usually described using mostly textual information and without proper formal descriptions, that is, existing service descriptions mostly stay on a syntactic level. If we want to make such services potentially easier to understand and use, we may want to annotate them formally, by means of descriptive metadata. The objective of this thesis is to propose an approach for the semantic annotation of services in the geospatial domain. Our approach automates some stages of the annotation process, by using a combination of thirdparty resources and services. It has been successfully evaluated with a set of geospatial services. The main contribution of this work is the partial automation of the process of RESTful and WFS semantic annotation services, what improves the current state of the art in this area. The more detailed list of contributions are: • A model for representing Web services. • A method for annotating Web services using ontological and external resources. • A system that implements the proposed annotation process. • A gold standard for the semantic annotation of RESTful and OGC WFS services, and algorithms for evaluating the annotations.
Real-world experimentation facilities accelerate the development of Future Internet technologies and services, advance the market for smart infrastructures, and increase the effectiveness of business processes through the Internet. The federation of facilities fosters the experimentation and innovation with larger and more powerful environment, increases the number and variety of the offered services and brings forth possibilities for new experimentation scenarios. This paper introduces a management solution for cloud federation that automates service provisioning to the largest possible extent, relieves the developers from time-consuming configuration settings, and caters for real-time information of all information related to the whole lifecycle of the provisioned services. This is achieved by proposing solutions to achieve the seamless deployment of services across the federation and ability of services to span across different infrastructures of the federation, as well as monitoring of the resources and data which can be aggregated with a common structure, offered as an open ecosystem for innovation at the developers' disposal. This solution consists of several federation management tools and components that are part of the work on Cloud Federation conducted within XIFI project to build the federation of cloud infrastructures for the Future Internet Lab (FIWARE Lab). We present the design and implementation of the solution-concerned FIWARE Lab management tools and components that are deployed within a federation of 17 cloud infrastructures distributed across Europe.
La presente tesis doctoral contribuye al problema del diagnóstico autonómico de fallos en redes de telecomunicación. En las redes de telecomunicación actuales, las operadoras realizan tareas de diagnóstico de forma manual. Dichas operaciones deben ser llevadas a cabo por ingenieros altamente cualificados que cada vez tienen más dificultades a la hora de gestionar debidamente el crecimiento exponencial de la red tanto en tamaño, complejidad y heterogeneidad. Además, el advenimiento del Internet del Futuro hace que la demanda de sistemas que simplifiquen y automaticen la gestión de las redes de telecomunicación se haya incrementado en los últimos años. Para extraer el conocimiento necesario para desarrollar las soluciones propuestas y facilitar su adopción por los operadores de red, se propone una metodología de pruebas de aceptación para sistemas multi-agente enfocada en simplificar la comunicación entre los diferentes grupos de trabajo involucrados en todo proyecto de desarrollo software: clientes y desarrolladores. Para contribuir a la solución del problema del diagnóstico autonómico de fallos, se propone una arquitectura de agente capaz de diagnosticar fallos en redes de telecomunicación de manera autónoma. Dicha arquitectura extiende el modelo de agente Belief-Desire- Intention (BDI) con diferentes modelos de diagnóstico que gestionan las diferentes sub-tareas del proceso. La arquitectura propuesta combina diferentes técnicas de razonamiento para alcanzar su propósito gracias a un modelo estructural de la red, que usa razonamiento basado en ontologías, y un modelo causal de fallos, que usa razonamiento Bayesiano para gestionar debidamente la incertidumbre del proceso de diagnóstico. Para asegurar la adecuación de la arquitectura propuesta en situaciones de gran complejidad y heterogeneidad, se propone un marco de argumentación que permite diagnosticar a agentes que estén ejecutando en dominios federados. Para la aplicación de este marco en un sistema multi-agente, se propone un protocolo de coordinación en el que los agentes dialogan hasta alcanzar una conclusión para un caso de diagnóstico concreto. Como trabajos futuros, se consideran la extensión de la arquitectura para abordar otros problemas de gestión como el auto-descubrimiento o la auto-optimización, el uso de técnicas de reputación dentro del marco de argumentación para mejorar la extensibilidad del sistema de diagnóstico en entornos federados y la aplicación de las arquitecturas propuestas en las arquitecturas de red emergentes, como SDN, que ofrecen mayor capacidad de interacción con la red. ABSTRACT This PhD thesis contributes to the problem of autonomic fault diagnosis of telecommunication networks. Nowadays, in telecommunication networks, operators perform manual diagnosis tasks. Those operations must be carried out by high skilled network engineers which have increasing difficulties to properly manage the growing of those networks, both in size, complexity and heterogeneity. Moreover, the advent of the Future Internet makes the demand of solutions which simplifies and automates the telecommunication network management has been increased in recent years. To collect the domain knowledge required to developed the proposed solutions and to simplify its adoption by the operators, an agile testing methodology is defined for multiagent systems. This methodology is focused on the communication gap between the different work groups involved in any software development project, stakeholders and developers. To contribute to overcoming the problem of autonomic fault diagnosis, an agent architecture for fault diagnosis of telecommunication networks is defined. That architecture extends the Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) agent model with different diagnostic models which handle the different subtasks of the process. The proposed architecture combines different reasoning techniques to achieve its objective using a structural model of the network, which uses ontology-based reasoning, and a causal model, which uses Bayesian reasoning to properly handle the uncertainty of the diagnosis process. To ensure the suitability of the proposed architecture in complex and heterogeneous environments, an argumentation framework is defined. This framework allows agents to perform fault diagnosis in federated domains. To apply this framework in a multi-agent system, a coordination protocol is defined. This protocol is used by agents to dialogue until a reliable conclusion for a specific diagnosis case is reached. Future work comprises the further extension of the agent architecture to approach other managements problems, such as self-discovery or self-optimisation; the application of reputation techniques in the argumentation framework to improve the extensibility of the diagnostic system in federated domains; and the application of the proposed agent architecture in emergent networking architectures, such as SDN, which offers new capabilities of control for the network.
Structure from Motion (SfM) is a new form of photogrammetry that automates the rendering of georeferenced 3D models of objects using digital photographs and independently surveyed Ground Control Points (GCPs). This project seeks to quantify the error found in Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) produced using SfM. I modeled a rockslide found at the Cadman Quarry (Monroe, Washington) because the surface is vegetation-free, which is ideal for SfM and Terrestrial LiDAR Scanner (TLS) surveys. By using SfM, TLS, and GPS positioning at the same time, I attempted to find the deviation in the SfM model from the TLS model and GPS points. Using the deviation, I found the Root-Mean-Square Error (RMSE) between the SfM DEM and GPS positions. The RMSE of the SfM model when compared to surveyed GPS points is 17cm. I propagated the uncertainty of the GPS points with the RMSE of the SfM model to find the uncertainty of the SfM model compared to the NAD 1984 datum. The uncertainty of the SfM model compared to the NAD 1984 is 27cm. This study did not produce a model from the TLS that had sufficient resolution on horizontal surfaces to compare to surveyed GPS points.
The Swinfen Charitable Trust has used email for some years as a low-cost telemedicine medium to provide consultant support for doctors in developing countries. A scalable, automatic message-routing system was constructed which automates many of the tasks involved in message handling. During the first 12 months of its use, 1510 messages were processed automatically. There were 128 referrals from 18 hospitals in nine countries. Of these 128 queries, 89 (70%) were replied to within 72 h; the median delay was 1.1 day. The 39 unanswered queries were sent to backup specialists for reply and 36 of them (92%) were replied to within 72 h. In the remaining three cases, a second-line (backup) specialist was required. The referrals were handled by 54 volunteer specialists from a panel of over 70. Two system operators, located 10 time zones apart, managed the system. The median time from receipt of a new referral to its allocation to a specialist was 0.2 days (interquartile range, IQR, 0.1-0.8). The median interval between receipt of a new referral and first reply was 2.6 days (IQR 0.8-5.9). Automatic message handling solves many of the problems of manual email telemedicine systems and represents a potentially scalable way of doing low-cost telemedicine in the developing world.
Formal methods have significant benefits for developing safety critical systems, in that they allow for correctness proofs, model checking safety and liveness properties, deadlock checking, etc. However, formal methods do not scale very well and demand specialist skills, when developing real-world systems. For these reasons, development and analysis of large-scale safety critical systems will require effective integration of formal and informal methods. In this paper, we use such an integrative approach to automate Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA), a widely used system safety analysis technique, using a high-level graphical modelling notation (Behavior Trees) and model checking. We inject component failure modes into the Behavior Trees and translate the resulting Behavior Trees to SAL code. This enables us to model check if the system in the presence of these faults satisfies its safety properties, specified by temporal logic formulas. The benefit of this process is tool support that automates the tedious and error-prone aspects of FMEA.
Email has been used for some years as a low-cost telemedicine medium to provide support for developing countries. However, all operations have been relatively small scale and fairly labour intensive to administer. A scalable, automatic message-routing system was constructed which automates many of the tasks. During a four-month study period in 2002, 485 messages were processed automatically. There were 31 referrals from eight hospitals in three countries. These referrals were handled by 25 volunteer specialists from a panel of 42. Two system operators, located 10 time zones apart, managed the system. The median time from receipt of a new referral to its allocation to a specialist was 1.0 days (interquartile range 0.7-2.4). The median interval between allocation and first reply was 0.7 days (interquartile range 0.3-2.3). Automatic message handling solves many of the problems of manual email telemedicine systems and represents a potentially scalable way of doing low-cost telemedicine in the developing world.
Automatic ontology building is a vital issue in many fields where they are currently built manually. This paper presents a user-centred methodology for ontology construction based on the use of Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing. In our approach, the user selects a corpus of texts and sketches a preliminary ontology (or selects an existing one) for a domain with a preliminary vocabulary associated to the elements in the ontology (lexicalisations). Examples of sentences involving such lexicalisation (e.g. ISA relation) in the corpus are automatically retrieved by the system. Retrieved examples are validated by the user and used by an adaptive Information Extraction system to generate patterns that discover other lexicalisations of the same objects in the ontology, possibly identifying new concepts or relations. New instances are added to the existing ontology or used to tune it. This process is repeated until a satisfactory ontology is obtained. The methodology largely automates the ontology construction process and the output is an ontology with an associated trained leaner to be used for further ontology modifications.
We present the prototype tool CADS* for the computer-aided development of an important class of self-* systems, namely systems whose components can be modelled as Markov chains. Given a Markov chain representation of the IT components to be included into a self-* system, CADS* automates or aids (a) the development of the artifacts necessary to build the self-* system; and (b) their integration into a fully-operational self-* solution. This is achieved through a combination of formal software development techniques including model transformation, model-driven code generation and dynamic software reconfiguration.
Electronic Publishing -- Origination, Dissemination and Design (EP-odd) is an academic journal which publishes refereed papers in the subject area of electronic publishing. The authors of the present paper are, respectively, editor-in-chief, system software consultant and senior production manager for the journal. EP-odd's policy is that editors, authors, referees and production staff will work closely together using electronic mail. Authors are also encouraged to originate their papers using one of the approved text-processing packages together with the appropriate set of macros which enforce the layout style for the journal. This same software will then be used by the publisher in the production phase. Our experiences with these strategies are presented, and two recently developed suites of software are described: one of these makes the macro sets available over electronic mail and the other automates the flow of papers through the refereeing process. The decision to produce EP-odd in this way means that the publisher has to adopt production procedures which differ markedly from those employed for a conventional journal.
A methodology has been developed and presented to enable the use of small to medium scale acoustic hover facilities for the quantitative measurement of rotor impulsive noise. The methodology was applied to the University of Maryland Acoustic Chamber resulting in accurate measurements of High Speed Impulsive (HSI) noise for rotors running at tip Mach numbers between 0.65 and 0.85 – with accuracy increasing as the tip Mach number was increased. Several factors contributed to the success of this methodology including: • High Speed Impulsive (HSI) noise is characterized by very distinct pulses radiated from the rotor. The pulses radiate high frequency energy – but the energy is contained in short duration time pulses. • The first reflections from these pulses can be tracked (using ray theory) and, through adjustment of the microphone position and suitably applied acoustic treatment at the reflected surface, reduced to small levels. A computer code was developed that automates this process. The code also tracks first bounce reflection timing, making it possible to position the first bounce reflections outside of a measurement window. • Using a rotor with a small number of blades (preferably one) reduces the number of interfering first bounce reflections and generally improves the measured signal fidelity. The methodology will help the gathering of quantitative hovering rotor noise data in less than optimal acoustic facilities and thus enable basic rotorcraft research and rotor blade acoustic design.
Bilinear pairings can be used to construct cryptographic systems with very desirable properties. A pairing performs a mapping on members of groups on elliptic and genus 2 hyperelliptic curves to an extension of the finite field on which the curves are defined. The finite fields must, however, be large to ensure adequate security. The complicated group structure of the curves and the expensive field operations result in time consuming computations that are an impediment to the practicality of pairing-based systems. The Tate pairing can be computed efficiently using the ɳT method. Hardware architectures can be used to accelerate the required operations by exploiting the parallelism inherent to the algorithmic and finite field calculations. The Tate pairing can be performed on elliptic curves of characteristic 2 and 3 and on genus 2 hyperelliptic curves of characteristic 2. Curve selection is dependent on several factors including desired computational speed, the area constraints of the target device and the required security level. In this thesis, custom hardware processors for the acceleration of the Tate pairing are presented and implemented on an FPGA. The underlying hardware architectures are designed with care to exploit available parallelism while ensuring resource efficiency. The characteristic 2 elliptic curve processor contains novel units that return a pairing result in a very low number of clock cycles. Despite the more complicated computational algorithm, the speed of the genus 2 processor is comparable. Pairing computation on each of these curves can be appealing in applications with various attributes. A flexible processor that can perform pairing computation on elliptic curves of characteristic 2 and 3 has also been designed. An integrated hardware/software design and verification environment has been developed. This system automates the procedures required for robust processor creation and enables the rapid provision of solutions for a wide range of cryptographic applications.