974 resultados para Australian Unity Wellbeing Index


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The quality of life of people with end stage kidney disease (ESKD) has traditionally been measured using instruments that emphasise objective health status. The present study validates an alternative measure, the Personal Wellbeing Index (PWI), which measures subjective wellbeing. An Australian ESKD sample (N = 172, Mean age = 64.04, SD = 14.82) completed the PWI as well as health-specific quality of life measures. The PWI was subject to confirmatory factor analysis, and a series of regressions and between-group comparisons were performed to reveal that it is a psychometrically appropriate measure for this sample. The PWI and health-specific measures each yield different and complementary results. Thus, the PWI is proposed as a complement to existing health-related quality of life tools, in order to broaden understanding of the patient’s subjective experience. The resulting profile is argued to better inform targeted interventions to improve the quality of life of people with ESKD.


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Discussion concerning the Wellbeing index and the 'national happiness scorecard' produced by Deakin University.


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Are you feeling happier, safer and are more connected to your community? You should be, if you're living in rural and regional Australia, according to the latest research from Deakin University. Nine of the top ten happiest electorates are in rural Australia, and all of them report feeling safer and having a stronger sense of belonging to their communities, compared to their city counterparts. Rural Social researcher from Charles Sturt University in Wagga, Margaret Alston, says even bad events like drought and bushfires tend to bring people together. "I'd have to agree that there are certain factors that actually lead to people in the country being on average happier than those in cities. The community where I live, we're just recovering from quite a significant bushfire. People have come forward and offered adjistment for stock for the affected farmers, there's been community drives to support the people who've lost their houses, some real moves from the community to make sure the incident didn't scar people unnecessarily." Deakin University researcher, Liz Eckerman, says when it comes to feeling connected to your community, rural and regional people come out on top. She also agrees difficult circumstances like drought often bring out the best sense of community.


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Discussion concerning Deakin University's Wellbeing index.


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Discussion concerning the results of Deakin University's Well being index.


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Discussion concerning Deakin University's Wellbeing index and why Perth residents feel separated from the rest of Australia.


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Discussion concerning Deakin University's Wellbeing index.


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Loneliness and the need to belong are two subjective states that, on the basis of prior research and theory, would appear to be related both to one another and to wellbeing. This study explored these relationships with a sample of 436 volunteer participants drawn from the Australian Unity Wellbeing database. Participants completed a survey that included a measure of satisfaction with personal relationships embedded in the Personal Wellbeing Index, the UCLA Loneliness scale, a measure of life satisfaction, and the Need to Belong Scale. While loneliness was weakly related to need to belong, it was strongly associated with the discrepancy between need to belong and satisfaction with personal relationships, which we used to measure unmet need for belonging. People living alone reported a lower need to belong and less satisfaction with personal relationships than those living with others. However, the discrepancy scores, life satisfaction scores and loneliness scores did not differ between these groups. Loneliness mediated the relationship between unmet need for belonging and wellbeing (life satisfaction). These findings support Baumeister and Leary’s “belongingness hypothesis” and clarify the relationship between these variables.


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The Australian Early Development Index (AEDI) is a teacher-administered measure that indicates if children are starting school with the developmental capacity to take advantage of the school learning environment. A key question that arises for schools, communities, and policy makers is how valid the AEDI is for children from a Language Background Other Than English (LBOTE). This study investigated how adequately the AEDI captures the cultural variety of different behaviours and different ways of learning. The study also examined the cultural inclusivity and relevance of the AEDI materials (e.g., teacher training guidelines; administration manual). Ten focus groups (n=84) and various community consultations were conducted with early childhood education and development professionals, representing key service providers, and school personnel. The findings from these studies led to the following recommendations: For LBOTE children, the AEDI should ideally be completed in collaboration, for example, between the child’s teacher and a multicultural consultant. The teacher guidelines for the AEDI need to be enhanced with respect to issues pertaining to LBOTE children, and the AEDI should include additional domains, such as cultural competence and home based/first language skills. Finally, teacher preparation and the AEDI administration guidelines need to clarify and emphasize the intent of the AEDI.


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Der WHO-5 erfasst mit fünf Items psychisches Wohlbefinden, er dient auch als Screeninginstrument zur Erfassung depressiver Symptomatik. Wenige Studien untersuchten diesen Validitätsaspekt jedoch im klinischen Kontext. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es, die Messinvarianz des WHO-5 zwischen depressiven und nicht-depressiven Stichproben sowie Art und Spezifität des Zusammenhangs mit Skalen zur Erfassung der Depressionsschwere zu überprüfen. Insgesamt 414 Personen füllten den WHO-5 und das BDI-II aus. Aktuell erfüllten 207 Personen die DSM-IV-Kriterien einer Major Depression (SKID-I). Eine Teilstichprobe erhielt zusätzlich das Beck-Anxiety-Inventory (BAI) und wurde auf der Hamilton-Depression-Rating-Scale (HAM-D) und der Hamilton- Anxiety-Rating-Scale (HAM-A) durch trainierte Rater eingeschätzt. Der WHO-5 wies hohe Messinvarianz bezüglich des Vorliegens/Nichtvorliegens einer Major Depression auf. Er zeigte hohe negative Zusammenhänge mit selbst- und fremdeingeschätzter Depressivität (BDI-II, HAM-D), insbesondere bei milderer und moderater Symptomschwere und auch nach Kontrolle gleichzeitig bestehender Angstsymptomatik. Diese Ergebnisse unterstützen die Verwendung des WHO-5 als Depressionsmaß, zumindest im Bereich milder und mittlerer Depressionsschwere.