144 resultados para Attalea speciosa
描述了半翅目蝽科曼蝽属一新种--华美曼蝽Menida speciosa Zheng & Xiong, sp. nov.,模式产地为云南思茅菜阳河保护区倮倮新寨山;以及根据模式标本重新描述了Menida salvazana Distant 1921。
以长俊木瓜为材料,研究了其体细胞胚胎诱导过程中各个环节的影响因素。结果表明:愈伤组织诱导的适宜外植体是叶片,培养基为MS+6-BA1.0 mg.L-1+2,4-D0.2 mg.L-1,黑暗培养;非胚性愈伤组织向胚性愈伤组织转化的适宜培养基是MS+6-BA1.0 mg.L-1+NAA1.0 mg.L-1;胚性愈伤组织的保持与增殖应在黑暗条件下进行,培养基为MS+6-BA1.0 mg.L-1+2,4-D0.2 mg.L-1;长俊木瓜叶片体胚的发生以加入ABA2.0 mg.L-1的MS培养基最为有利。
Acesso em: 04 nov. 2003.
O controle da vaquinha é difícil por ser um inseto que se alimenta de muitas plantas e apresenta grande mobilidade. No entanto, a aplicação de produtos a base de Tricloform ou Carbaril, principalmente nos foliolos jovens, diminui os prejuízos causados pelo ataque da praga.
En zonas áridas y semiáridas, las estrategias evolutivas de uso del agua determinan la posibilidad de coexistencia, entre especies vegetales. El objetivo propuesto de evaluar si existen diferencias en los niveles de tolerancia a sequía entre pastos que coexisten en un sistema semiárido patagónico, y si dichas diferencias determinan su capacidad de competir por el agua y el resultado de esa competencia a largo plazo. Se estudiaron 4 especies de pastos: Bromus pictus, Poa ligularis, Pappostipa speciosa y Festuca pallescens. En dos experimentos controlados P. speciosa fue la especie más tolerante (menor efecto de la sequía sobre la biomasa), la menos plástica y la de menor crecimiento potencial. En el otro extremo, B. pictus fue la menos tolerante, más plástica y con mayor crecimiento potencial. P. ligularis junto con F. pallescens, esta última proveniente de un ambiente con mayor productividad, resultaron ser especies de plasticidad y crecimiento potencial intermedios. En un experimento de dos años de duración en el campo, la especie menos tolerante (B. pictus) mostró menor habilidad competitiva que la más tolerante (P. speciosa) solamente cuando la disponobilidad de agua era baja y su competidora era de mayor tamaño. Mediante modelos de Markov, basados en mapas sucesivos de vegetación, de parcelas permamentes clausuradas al pastoreo, se observó para una ventana temporal de 7 años que la especie más representada en la comunidad climáxica no era ni la más tolerante ni la de mayor crecimiento potencial. Las especies mostraron diferencias claras de dinámica: la menos frecuente (B. pictus) persiste gracias a su permanencia en cada sitio ocupado; la más frecuente (P. ligularis), en cambio, mediante una elevada movilidad (colonizando suelo desnudo y reemplazando a vecinas), mientras que P. speciosa, de frecuencia intermedia, presentó una combinación entre permanencia y movilidad. Estos pastos mostraron diferencias funcionales en el uso del agua, señalando al gremio de los pastos perennes patagónicos como un grupo más heterogéneo de lo que pensaba. Las diferencias en el uso del agua implicarían una diferenciación funcional de los nichos de las especies posibilitando su coexistencia.
En zonas áridas y semiáridas, las estrategias evolutivas de uso del agua determinan la posibilidad de coexistencia, entre especies vegetales. El objetivo propuesto de evaluar si existen diferencias en los niveles de tolerancia a sequía entre pastos que coexisten en un sistema semiárido patagónico, y si dichas diferencias determinan su capacidad de competir por el agua y el resultado de esa competencia a largo plazo. Se estudiaron 4 especies de pastos: Bromus pictus, Poa ligularis, Pappostipa speciosa y Festuca pallescens. En dos experimentos controlados P. speciosa fue la especie más tolerante (menor efecto de la sequía sobre la biomasa), la menos plástica y la de menor crecimiento potencial. En el otro extremo, B. pictus fue la menos tolerante, más plástica y con mayor crecimiento potencial. P. ligularis junto con F. pallescens, esta última proveniente de un ambiente con mayor productividad, resultaron ser especies de plasticidad y crecimiento potencial intermedios. En un experimento de dos años de duración en el campo, la especie menos tolerante (B. pictus)mostró menor habilidad competitiva que la más tolerante (P. speciosa)solamente cuando la disponobilidad de agua era baja y su competidora era de mayor tamaño. Mediante modelos de Markov, basados en mapas sucesivos de vegetación, de parcelas permamentes clausuradas al pastoreo, se observó para una ventana temporal de 7 años que la especie más representada en la comunidad climáxica no era ni la más tolerante ni la de mayor crecimiento potencial. Las especies mostraron diferencias claras de dinámica: la menos frecuente (B. pictus)persiste gracias a su permanencia en cada sitio ocupado; la más frecuente (P. ligularis), en cambio, mediante una elevada movilidad (colonizando suelo desnudo y reemplazando a vecinas), mientras que P. speciosa, de frecuencia intermedia, presentó una combinación entre permanencia y movilidad. Estos pastos mostraron diferencias funcionales en el uso del agua, señalando al gremio de los pastos perennes patagónicos como un grupo más heterogéneo de lo que pensaba. Las diferencias en el uso del agua implicarían una diferenciación funcional de los nichos de las especies posibilitando su coexistencia.
Understanding the effect of habitat fragmentation is a fundamental yet complicated aim of many ecological studies. Beni savanna is a naturally fragmented forest habitat, where forest islands exhibit variation in resources and threats. To understand how the availability of resources and threats affect the use of forest islands by parrots, we applied occupancy modeling to quantify use and detection probabilities for 12 parrot species on 60 forest islands. The presence of urucuri (Attalea phalerata) and macaw (Acrocomia aculeata) palms, the number of tree cavities on the islands, and the presence of selective logging,and fire were included as covariates associated with availability of resources and threats. The model-selection analysis indicated that both resources and threats variables explained the use of forest islands by parrots. For most species, the best models confirmed predictions. The number of cavities was positively associated with use of forest islands by 11 species. The area of the island and the presence of macaw palm showed a positive association with the probability of use by seven and five species, respectively, while selective logging and fire showed a negative association with five and six species, respectively. The Blue-throated Macaw (Ara glaucogularis), the critically endangered parrot species endemic to our study area, was the only species that showed a negative association with both threats. Monitoring continues to be essential to evaluate conservation and management actions of parrot populations. Understanding of how species are using this natural fragmented habitat will help determine which fragments should be preserved and which conservation actions are needed.
Seed storage behaviour of 5 1 native and 9 introduced tree species in Vietnam was investigated using a brief protocol developed to aid biodiversity conservation in circumstances where little is known about the seeds. Of the 60 species, 34 appeared to show orthodox (Acacia auriculaeformis, Adenanthera pavonina, Afzelia xylocarpa, Bauhinia purpurea, Callistemon lanceolatus, Cananga odorata, Canarium nigrum, Cassia fistula, Cassia javanica, Cassia splendida, Chukrasia tabularis, Dalbergia bariaensis, Dialium cochinchinensis, Diospyros mollis, Diospyros mun, Dracuntomelon duperreanum, Erythrophleum fordii, Khaya senegalensis, Lagerstroemia speciosa, Leucaena leucocephala, Livistona cochinchinensis, Markhamia stipulata, Melaleuca cajuputi, Millettia ichthyotona, Peltophorum pterocarpum, Peltophorum tonkinensis, Pinus khasya, Pinus massoniana, Pinus merkusii, Pterocarpus macrocarpus, Sindora siamensis, Sophora tonkinense, Sterculia foetida, Swietenia macrophylla), 13 recalcitrant (Avicennia alba, Beilschmiedia roxburghiana, Caryota mitis, Dimocarpus sp., Diospyros malabarica, Dipterocarpus chartaceus, Dypsis pinnatifrons, Hopea odorata, Lithocarpus gigantophylla, Machilus odoratissimus, Melanorrhoea laccifera, Melanorrhea usitata, Syzygium cinereum) and 13 intermediate (Anisoptera cochinchinensis, Aphanamixis polystachya, Averrhoa carambola, Carissa carandas, Chrysopylum cainito, Cinnamomum camphora, Citrofortunella microcarpa, Citrus grandis var. grandis, Elaeis guineensis, Hydnocarpus anthelmintica, Madhuca floribunda, Manilkara achras, Mimusops elengi) seed storage behaviour. A double-criteria key to estimate likely seed storage behaviour showed good agreement with the above: the key can reduce the workload of seed storage behaviour identification considerably.
Habitually, capuchin monkeys access encased hard foods by using their canines and premolars and/or by pounding the food on hard surfaces. Instead, the wild bearded capuchins (Cebus libidinosus) of Boa Vista (Brazil) routinely crack palm fruits with tools. We measured size, weight, structure, and peak-force-at-failure of the four palm fruit species most frequently processed with tools by wild capuchin monkeys living in Boa Vista. Moreover, for each nut species we identify whether peak-force-at-failure was consistently associated with greater weight/volume, endocarp, thickness, and structural complexity. The goals of this study were (a) to investigate whether these palm fruits are difficult, or impossible, to access other than with tools and (b) to collect data on the physical properties of palm fruits that are comparable to those available for the nuts cracked open with tools by wild chimpanzees. Results showed that the four nut species differ in terms of peak-force-at-failure and that peak-force-at-failure is positively associated with greater weight (and consequently volume) and apparently with structural complexity (i.e. more kernels and thus more partitions); finally for three out of four nut species shell thickness is also positively associated with greater volume. The finding that the nuts exploited by capuchins with tools have very high resistance values support the idea that tool use is indeed mandatory to crack them open. Finally, the peak-force-at-failure of the piassava nuts is similar to that reported for the very tough panda nuts cracked open by wild chimpanzees; this highlights the ecological importance of tool use for exploiting high resistance foods in this capuchin species.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
The antioxidant activity of aqueous extracts of five edible tropical fruits (Spondias lutea, Hancornia speciosa, Spondias purpurea, Manilkara zapota and Averrhoa carambola) was investigated using different methods. The amount of phenolic compounds was determined by the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent. The M. zapota had Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC) higher than the other fruits. Extracts showed neither reducing power nor iron chelation (between 0.01 and 2.0 mg/mL). H. speciosa exhibited the highest superoxide scavenging activity (80%, 0.5 mg/mL). However, at high concentrations (8.0 mg/mL) only A. carambola, S. purpurea and S. lutea scavenging 100% of radicals formed. M. zapota and S. purpurea had higher phenolic compound levels and greater OH radical scavenging activity (92 %, 2.0 mg/mL). Antiproliferative activity was assessed with 3T3 fibroblasts and cervical tumor cells (HeLa). The most potent extract was S. purpurea (0.5 mg/mL), which inhibited HeLa cell proliferation by 52%. The most fruits showed antioxidant and antiproliferative properties, characterizing them as functional foods.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O estudo foi desenvolvido para se determinar o efeito da adubação fosfatada-potássica da soja sobre a ocorrência de insetos-praga. Os tratamentos constituíram um fatorial 4 x 4 (quatro doses de fósforo e quatro doses de potássio) com três repetições. Os níveis de fósforo utilizados foram, respectivamente (0, 80, 120 e 160 kg/ha) de P2O5 e (0, 40, 60 e 80 kg/ha) de K2O. Foram realizadas amostragens semanais a partir do estádio V2 da cultura, utilizando-se pano de amostragem. Os resultados indicaram uma tendência de aumento populacional de Piezodorus guildinii (Westwood) para as maiores doses dos nutrientes. A ocorrência de Diabrotica speciosa (Germar) foi correlacionada com alguns nutrientes das folhas.
As part of a larger study evaluating several silvicultural techniques for restoring tropical moist forests on abandoned agricultural lands in southeastern Brazil, direct seeding with five early-successional Atlantic forest species was tested at three degraded sites, characterized by different soil types and land-use histories, within the Environmental Protection Area at Botucatu, SP. The species used in this study were Chorisia speciosa, Croton floribundus, Enterolobium contorstisiliquum, Mimosa scabrella, and Schizolobium parahyba. Scarified seeds of each of these species were sown in prepared seed spots in replicated, 0.25 ha mixed-species plots at an initial espacement of 1 m x 1 m at each site. of the five species planted, only two, Enterolobium and Schizolobium, showed good seed germination, seedling survival, and early growth rates, averaging 4.1-4.6 cm stem diameter and 1.5-1.7 m height growth during the first 2 years after sowing. These two species constituted 88-100% of the total stand density, which ranged from 1050 to 1790 stems ha(-1) at 2 years. Despite the poor performance of the other species tested, we observed that the natural regeneration of native forest species originating from remnant forests in the general vicinity of our study sites was significantly greater within the direct-seeded plots than in unplanted control plots that were protected from fire and other disturbances. Published by Elsevier B.V. B.V.
In order to determine the potential of Cerrado plants as sources of antimicrobial activity, the phytochemical screening of ethanol extracts from Virola surinamensis, Qualea grandiflora, Alchornea castaneifolia, Hancornia speciosa and Curatella americana traditionally used in folk medicine are reported. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.