163 resultados para Allegory


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Die Dissertation leistet einen Beitrag zur Konstruktion von Geschlechterverhältnissen in der Ehe vor der Reformation. Untersucht werden zwei Texte des 15. Jahrhunderts: Die sogenannte Erste deutsche Bibel (EDB) und die Dichtung Der Ackermann aus Böhmen von Johannes von Tepl. Die Wort-für-Wort-Analyse beider Texte hat aus der zeitgebundenen deutschen Sprachgestalt spezifi-sche Denkfiguren erschlossen. Zentral ist die Gestaltung des Verhältnisses zwischen Gott und Menschen als Rechtsbeziehung Lehen. Das erste Kapitel analysiert und interpretiert die für Ehe- und Geschlechterkonzepte grund-legenden Aussagen von Genesis 1 - 4,1 und den Kanon der fünf Weisheitsbücher der EDB mit folgenden Ergebnissen: 1. Die EDB ist als Rechtsbuch zu lesen, dessen Zentrum die göttliche Herrschaft mit ihrer Rechts-ordnung ist. In diesem Rahmen wird für Mann und Frau die Ordnung Paar definiert. 2. Beide Geschlechter sind gleichwertig. Das kommt in ihren jeweiligen Handlungsfeldern (Werkordnungen) zum Ausdruck. 3. Der Begriff hilffen für die Ehefrau bedeutet Hilfe zum Heil ihres Mannes und eine spezifische Gottesnähe. Dies ist ein entscheidender Unterschied zu Luthers Bibelübersetzung, welche die Frau als untergeordnete Gehilfin des Mannes gestaltet. (Anhang III stellt die EDB-Verse der Lu-therübersetzung von 1545 gegenüber.) 4. Der Sündenfall wird als Rechtsbruch beschrieben, der den Wechsel von der Schöpfungsord-nung im Paradies zur Weltordnung auslöst, die mit den Urteilen Gottes über Frau und Mann beginnt (Genesis 3). Die Urteile fassen die Ehe in einem Diagonalkreuz, welches vier Faktoren untrennbar verbindet: Herrschaft mit Unterordnung sowie hilffen (Gebären) mit Tod. Die Ge-schlechterunterschiede sind konstituierend für die Ehe im Diagonalkreuz. In der EDB lassen sich drei Paarkonstellationen unterscheiden: die Ehe im Diagonalkreuz zwischen dem guten weib und dem weisen Mann, die Ehe ohne Diagonalkreuz zwischen dem un-weib und dem unweisen Mann und die nichteheliche Geschlechterbeziehung zwischen dem gemeinem weib und dem ee-brecher. Das zweite Kapitel der Dissertation vergleicht die alttestamentarischen Ehekonzepte der EDB mit denen der Dichtung Ackermann aus Böhmen. Die rhetorische Form des Streitgesprächs zwischen Witwer und hern Tot zeigt die Struktur eines deutschrechtlichen Prozesses. In diesem Rahmen gewinnen die gegensätzlichen Aussagen über die Ehe die Bedeutung von Rechtspositionen, die in konträren göttlichen Herrschaftsordnungen verortet werden. Die vom Witwer vertretene Herrschaftsordnung beruht auf der alttestamentarischen Rechtsordnung der EDB, während die Positionen des hern Tot diese Rechtsordnung verkehren, indem er die Herrschaftsordnung der Welt als sein Eigen definiert. Ein weiteres Ergebnis des Vergleichs zwischen der EDB und dem Ackermann aus Böhmen ist, dass sowohl die alttestamentarischen Bücher als auch die Dichtung Rechtsfiguren präsentieren. Entscheidend sind in beiden Texten die Urteile Gottes, die jeweils einen Paradigmenwechsel kon-stituieren. In der EDB wird nach dem Sündenfall die (paradiesische) Rechtsordnung in die Rechtsordnung ee gewandelt. Im Ackermann wird die alttestamentarische Rechtsordnung ee der EDB durch die ordenung Tod ersetzt, mit der zugleich die Ordnung Paar nicht mehr gilt. Die Urtei-le Gottes in der EDB definieren das Paar als zweigeschlechtlichen Menschen, das Urteil im Ackermann charakterisiert zwei Einzelmenschen: Mann oder Frau. Damit wird die zentrale Bedeutung der Ehefrau als hilffen zum Heil ihres Mannes aufgehoben, weil die wechselseitige Angewiesenheit von Mann und Frau nicht mehr gegeben ist. Insofern ist hier ein wichtiger Schritt zum reformatorischen Eheverständnis zu erkennen.


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El autor estudia La hoguera bárbara como texto inscrito en una doble tradición de la literatura latinoamericana, vigente hasta los años 60: reconstruye la vida de un caudillo, aspirando a refundar el sentido de lo nacional, y, por otro lado, problematiza los límites entre historia y literatura, en tanto el texto es alegoría de lo nacional y narrativa biográfica. La hoguera bárbara plantea una visión histórica en la que el héroe ocupa el lugar central, tiene un claro carácter nacionalista, lo que permite comprender la recuperación de este personaje histórico después del conflicto con el Perú de 1941. Más allá de su valor literario, el autor propone que La hoguera bárbara sea leída como un texto histórico.


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In Constructing Melchior Lorichs's Panorama of Constantinople, Nigel Westbrook, Kenneth Rainsbury Dark, and Rene Van Meeuwen propose that Melchior Lorichs's 1559 Panorama of Constantinople was created by using a viewing grid. The panorama is thus a reliable graphic source for the lost or since-altered Ottoman and Byzantine buildings of the city. The panorama appears to lie outside the conventional symbolic mode of topographical depiction common for its period and constitutes a rare "scientific" record of an encounter of a perspicacious observer with a vast subject. The drawing combines elements of allegory with extensive empirical observation. Several unknown structures, shown on the drawing, have been located in relation to the present-day topography of Istanbul, as a test-case for further research.


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This Chapter looks at two political films, Land in Trance (Glauber Rocha, 1967) and I Am Cuba (Mikhail Kalatozov, 1964), which address the subject of the nation through the enactment of trance. Rejecting all forms of naturalistic account, both films adopt a series of anti-realist devices, such as poetic language, synecdoche, personification, parable and allegory, as a means of expanding the concept of the nation beyond territorial borders and conveying the meaning of revolution through the film form rather than its content.


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This article examines the astonishing similarities between two political films, Land in Trance (Glauber Rocha, 1967) and I Am Cuba (Mikhail Kalatozov, 1964). Both address the subject of revolution through the enactment of trance. Both reject all forms of naturalistic account, adopting a series of anti-realist devices, such as poetic language, synecdoche, personification, parable and allegory, as a means of expanding the concept of the nation beyond territorial borders and conveying the meaning of revolution through the film form, rather than its content. Because there is no evidence that Glauber Rocha had seen I Am Cuba before he shot Land in Trance, these coincidences are treated as an intellectual 'transit' between film-makers whose art was fuelled by cinephilia and the belief in the reality of the film medium.


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This chapter aims to discuss the relationship between femininity and representations of women involved in violence, focussing on visual representations. Miranda Alison has made the point that the repeated necessity to qualify the term 'combatant' with the descriptor 'female' draws attention to how women soldiers, female freedom fighters, female suicide bombers and female terrorists are exceptional figures. That the female combatant or the female terrorist is an aberration or a deviation from a masculine norm is undermined by the lengthy history of women as warriors, fighters, and terrorists. In that sense it is not so much that fighting women are rare but that there is amnesia within cultural memories concerning the woman fighter. However, in representations of conflict, the dominant image associated with femininity is passive; that is as the defenceless and the defended, or as the allegory of peace. Moreover, representations of men in wars as defeated or wounded means feminising such figures. Miriam Cooke, in her Women and the War Story, 1996, points out how a mythic war story provides men with political roles, in the politikon or public arena, whereas women are domesticated in the space of the oikon. In the mythic war story women may function as Mater Dolorosa, Patriotic Mother or Spartan Mother. It follows then that there are conditions in which it is permissible to represent women fighting on behalf of their children or in defence of the home, and in the absence of men. These images are also found in wider culture: Sarah Connor in Terminator or Ripley in Alien, for example. Images of the female terrorist raise new issues but I want to argue that it is also the case that discussing femininity and the terrorist must involve relating such imagery to representations of the female warrior over a longer timespan. Some questions have shifted since the late twentieth century. Dating from the early 1990s, most Western nations increasingly incorporated women into combat roles within their armed forces. This paper will aim to unpick some of the intricate connections between the increasing presence of women in the armed forces, what relationship this has to emancipation and the participation of women in violence classed as terrorist.


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Ngugi wa Thiong’o’s Devil on the Cross represents both an insightful interpretation and a scathing critique of Kenyan politics and society during the period of neo-colonialism. The present thesis aims to explore, with the help of Marxist ideology and criticism, the relevance of the issues of class struggle, elitism and social collectivism in the novel. At the same time, this study will attempt to define Devil on the Cross as a "national allegory" depicting situations that are common to almost all post-colonial societies, and in particular, how the novel's ideological and political commitment is an important feature as it reflects Ngugi’s effort to draw attention to how Kenya and Africa as a whole suffered from imperialism, neo-colonialism, and a corrupt and greedy capitalist society.


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It remains one of the great ironies of American literary history that Melville's Moby-Dick struggled so long for critical and popular recognition. It is a peculiar text (but, then, so are Hawthorne's novels), a romance of the whale fishery that involves such explorations of language itself, of words, metaphor, symbol, allegory and the processes (and significance) of narrative construction. This article analyses its 'peculiarities' as fundamental indicators of Melville's 'playful art' to argue the usefulness of a concept of 'play' to its appreciation. That Moby-Dick is allusive and multi-layered is well known. But for what apparent purpose and to what effect? Here, a claim is made that Melville simultaneously constructs and deconstructs meaning by demonstrating that things ('in complex subjects') never come simply or singly. The later Barthes and Derrida become part of this ship's crew and Moby-Dick is a postmodernist novel avant la lettre.


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My thesis tilled Feminist Poetics: Symbolism in an Emblematic Journey Reflecting Self and Vision, consists of thirty oil paintings on canvas, several preparatory sketches and drawings in different media on paper, and is supported and elucidated by an exegesis. The paintings on unframed canvases reveal mise en scčnes and emblems that present to the viewer a drama about links between identities, differences, relationships and vision. Images of my daughter, friends and myself fill single canvases, suites of paintings, diptyches and triptychs. The impetus behind my research derives from my recognition of the cultural means by which women's experience is excluded from a representational norm or ideal. I use time-honoured devices, such as, illusionist imagery, aspects of portraiture, complex fractured atmospheric space, paintings and drawings within paintings, mirrors and reflective surfaces, shadows and architectural devices. They structure my compositions in a way that envelops the viewer in my internal world of ideas. Some of these features function symbolically, as emblems. A small part of the imagery relies on verisimilitude, such as my hands and their shadow and my single observing eye enclosed by my glasses. What remains is a fantasy world, ‘seen’ by the image of my other eye, or ‘faction’, based on memories and texts explaining the significance of ancient Minoan symbols. In my paintings, I base the subjects of this fantasy on my memories of the Knossos Labyrinth and matristic symbols, such as the pillar, snake, blood, eye and horn. They suggest the presence of a ritual where initiates descended into the adyton (holy of holies) or sunken areas in the labyrinth. The paintings attempt a ‘rewriting’ of sacrality and gender by adopting the symbolism of death, transformation and resurrection in the adyton. The significance of my emblematic imagery is that it constructs a foundation narrative about vision and insight. I sought symbolic attributes shared by European oil painting and Minoan antiquity. Both traditions share symbolic attributes with male dying gods in Greek myths and Medusa plays a central part in this linkage. I argue that her attributes seem identical to both those of the dying gods and Minoan goddesses. In the Minoan context these symbols suggest metaphors for the female body and the mother and daughter blood line. When the symbols align with the beheaded Medusa in a patriarchal context, both her image and her attributes represent cautionary tales about female sexuality that have repercussions for aspects of vision. In Renaissance and Baroque oil painting Medusa's image served as a vehicle for an allegory that personified the triumph of reason over the senses. In the twentieth century, the vagina dentata suggests her image, a personified image of irrational emotion that some male Surrealists celebrated as a muse. She is implicated in the male gaze as a site of castration and her representation suggests a symbolic form pertaining to perspective. Medusa's image, its negative sexual and violent connotations, seemed like a keystone linking iconographic codes in European oil painting to Minoan antiquity. I fused aspects of matristic Minoan antiquity with elements of European oil paintings in the form of disguised attribute gestures, objects and architectural environments. I selected three paintings, Dürer's Setf-Portrait, 1500, Gentileschi's Self-Portrait as the Allegory of Painting, 1630 and Velazquez's Las Meniruis, 1656 as models because 1 detected echoes of Minoan symbolism in the attributes of their subjects and backgrounds. My revision of Medusa's image by connecting it to Minoan antiquity established a feminist means of representation in the largely male-dominated tradition of oil painting. These paintings also suggested painting techniques that were useful to me. Through my representations of my emblematic journey I questioned the narrow focus placed on phallic symbols when I explored how their meanings may have been formed within a matricentric culture. I retained the key symbols of the patriarchal foundation narratives about vision but removed images of violence and their link to desire and replaced it with a ritual form of symbolic death. I challenged the binary oppositional defined Self as opposed to Other by constructing a complex, fluid Self that interacts with others. A multi-directional gaze between subjects, viewers and artist replaces the male gaze. Different qualities of paint, coagulation and random flow form a blood symbolism. Many layers of paint retaining some aspects of the Gaze and Glance, fuse and separate intermittently to construct and define form. The sense of motion and fluidity constructs a form of multi-faceted selves. The supporting document, the exegesis is in two parts. In the first part, I discuss the Minoan sources of my iconography and the symbolic gender specific meanings suggested by particular symbols and their changed meanings in European oil painting, I explain how I integrate Minoan symbols into European oil paintings as a form of disguised symbolism. In the second part I explain how my alternative use of symbolism and paint alludes to a feminist poetic.


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This installation work sets out a number of proposals for future collaborations with the Southwest Victoria regions communities. Through a series of drawings/ diagram that focus on particular aspects of the region: stone walls, eel weirs. The concept for the work is taken from the folktale of travelers who come to a village asking for food and when denied, they make a magical stone soup which only need a few garnishes. in the end the traveler have enough soup for the entire village. this stands as a allegory of the way artist engage with community and induce cooperative activities a through the trickery of art practices by which all can partake and produce common, mutually beneficial experience.


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This paper investigates the way in which Indonesian literature has reflected violations of human rights in Indonesia in the last decade of the New Order (1990-1998). The regime was authoritarian and responded harshly to any challenge which could cause trouble to national stability. Some writers, such as Seno Gumira Ajidarma, used the power of allegory to resist this oppression. The three works examined here – ‘Saksi Mata’, ‘Pelajaran Sejarah’, and ‘Misteri Kota Ninggi’ – can be considered as a form of resistance literature.


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Using Harold Bloom s methodology known as dialectical revisionism we undertake the task of misreading of Vinícius de Moraes (1913- 1980) poems Poética (1950), Operário em construção (1955), Poética II (1960) against Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) and his poem A Song: Men of England, suggesting that the Brazilian poet trammeled a battle with his poetic triad, in which Operário em Construção is Vinicius s main weapon. It is suggested here that each one of Vinícius´poem represents a step of what Bloom calls anxiety of influence . The misreading proposed confronts the themes and the imagery of the poems, arguing that Shelley and Vinícius are similar when they approach exploitation and working class consciousness according to the Dialectic Marxism pattern, and that Vinícius´s poem was not only inspired by Shelley s, but using one of the strategies suggested by Bloom, he corrects the ideological flaws of Shelley s poem. It is also discussed the possibility that both poems are inspired by Plato´s (428-7 a 348-7 a.C.) allegory of the cave, his concept of justice and the moral construction of the polis defended in A República. Thus, considering the process of misreading, these five poems constitute what Bloom calls a family romance , which is characterizes the phenomenon of melancholy of creativity


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"Looking at earth from blind: travel in the visuality of the test on Blindness" is a literary Essay resulted from the experience of different points of view regarding the Essay on Blindness (1996), not only showing a Modern aesthetical tendency in dialog with the Baroque one, but also discussing subjects related to the History of Mentalities. The chapters are disposed as follows: The first one presents a short Excursus about the author and his work; the second one introduces the concept of Allegory exemplifying it with representative images of Romance; the third one presents tragic elements in dialog with the Bataille Eroticism in an Allegory of Feeling; the fourth one shows Stylistic Features used as a display mean of Comedy in Romance going towards the musicalness, being the features used to provoke laugh; the fifth and last one discusses about the study pertinence. To conclude, in favor of a Sight Education, the study considered authors such as: Ariès (1977), Bataille (2003), Bakhtin (2002, 2000, 1999), Benjamin (2000, 1996), Chauí (2005, 2000), Foucault (2006, 2005, 2004, 2002), Freud (1970), Hansen (2006), Lino (2004), Sartre (2005), Vovelle (1996)


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This study is connected to the research line Poéticas da Modernidade e Pós -Modernidade, of the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Linguagem, in the subarea: Comparative Literature - CCHLA/UFRN. Its main goal is to see fragmentation of writing as an aesthetic resource highlighted in the work of Tutaméia by Guimarães Rosa (1908-1967), and in Livro sobre nada by Manoel de Barros (1916). We undertake as a starting point the view that these works are allegorical expressions. We have as a basis the German philosopher Walter Benjamin (1984) conception about baroque allegory, that uses amorphous fragment and constitutes a dialectical expression, in which each person, each thing, each relation, may mean any other one (1984, p. 196). We see the stylistic features as used by Guimarães Rosa and by Manoel de Barros in the construction of poetics capable of breaking the boundaries between artistic genres, literary and discursive, adding oral, musical and plastic elements to writing. We also analyze the development of fragmentary poetics, in which the voice of the narrator/lyrical I, the characters, space, plot and time exhibit the fragment as a factor that contributes to the great ambiguity of the two works and to create a new language, performative and vibrant, rich in alluring images, allegories


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The actual study proposes Raul d‟Ávila Pompéia‟s O Ateneu (1888) among the most significant works in Brazilian Literature panorama, according to the perspective of verbal materiality of the Romanesque genre under a form nostalgia sign that, in its turn, ascends to the archaic origin poetry of fable. Along with large rereading of pertinent bibliography, it is gone here toward narrator Sergio‟s crônica de saudades on pursuit of showing it, firstly, as poetic language allegory updated in the novel technique; secondly, as radical metalanguage that still renders problematic several aspects of modern fictional prose