925 resultados para Al 2O 3
Partiendo de la base que las actividades de extensión de los Institutos y Universidades, son el conjunto de acciones que los/as mismas realizan más allá del desenvolvimiento de las carreras de grado y de posgrado y de la investigación; en esta particular ponencia desarrollamos una Liga de Handbol destinada a adultos mayores. La vinculación con la vida cultural y productiva local, regional y provincial en un contexto deportivo, será su característica. El Profesorado, en tanto institución generadora de cultura a través de la formación de recursos humanos específicos, brinda las herramientas, los escenarios y las situaciones apropiadas para que el sujeto en formación genere en sí mismo la conciencia del rol que ocupa y ocupara en la sociedad. En el marco de la cátedra "Didáctica de las Prácticas Deportivas I Handbol" correspondiente al 2o año de la carrera del Profesorado en Educación Física, se argumentaron los medios, recursos y estrategias necesarias para llevar adelante esta Actividad de Extensión Comunitaria que implicaría no sólo el acercamiento concreto y real del alumnado del PEF a la actividad con impacto en la comunidad como evento en sí sino, además, a vivenciar, relacionar y adquirir un enorme bagaje de conocimientos desde la gestión, la administración y la conducción de diferentes roles y funciones en la creación de la Liga de Handbol para adultos (1a división) de ambos géneros en el Partido de Pehuajó, Provincia de Buenos Aires. La iniciativa de cátedra pensada para una inicial y modesta Liga de 3 equipos de ambos géneros para el Distrito de Pehuajó, superó con enorme amplitud las expectativas originales, llegando a involucrar, en la actualidad 2 (dos) provincias (Pcia de Bs.As y La Pampa) y 5 (cinco) distritos de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. La iniciativa prevista fijaba una meta de 6 (seis) equipos (3 de cada género), con un volumen de jugadores destinatarios directos, estimada entre 60 y 80 personas; valores que a la postre se dimensionaron a 16 equipos (8 de cada género) y un estimado de 270 personas en forma directa (jugadores/as) y mucho más en forma indirecta (entre personal de clubes, administrativos, porteros, planilleros, cronometristas, etc). La presente ponencia intenta socializar con pares docentes e instituciones de formación de formadores, una experiencia de actividad de extensión que se presume inicialmente como de apropiación del hecho deportivo, pero que en la realidad va más allá, al generar una mejora de calidad de vida al reactivar en una enorme población adulta la necesidad e inquietud de practicar nuevamente deporte, entrenar, mejorar sus capacidades condicionales, coordinativas y porque no también relacionales
Partiendo de la base que las actividades de extensión de los Institutos y Universidades, son el conjunto de acciones que los/as mismas realizan más allá del desenvolvimiento de las carreras de grado y de posgrado y de la investigación; en esta particular ponencia desarrollamos una Liga de Handbol destinada a adultos mayores. La vinculación con la vida cultural y productiva local, regional y provincial en un contexto deportivo, será su característica. El Profesorado, en tanto institución generadora de cultura a través de la formación de recursos humanos específicos, brinda las herramientas, los escenarios y las situaciones apropiadas para que el sujeto en formación genere en sí mismo la conciencia del rol que ocupa y ocupara en la sociedad. En el marco de la cátedra "Didáctica de las Prácticas Deportivas I Handbol" correspondiente al 2o año de la carrera del Profesorado en Educación Física, se argumentaron los medios, recursos y estrategias necesarias para llevar adelante esta Actividad de Extensión Comunitaria que implicaría no sólo el acercamiento concreto y real del alumnado del PEF a la actividad con impacto en la comunidad como evento en sí sino, además, a vivenciar, relacionar y adquirir un enorme bagaje de conocimientos desde la gestión, la administración y la conducción de diferentes roles y funciones en la creación de la Liga de Handbol para adultos (1a división) de ambos géneros en el Partido de Pehuajó, Provincia de Buenos Aires. La iniciativa de cátedra pensada para una inicial y modesta Liga de 3 equipos de ambos géneros para el Distrito de Pehuajó, superó con enorme amplitud las expectativas originales, llegando a involucrar, en la actualidad 2 (dos) provincias (Pcia de Bs.As y La Pampa) y 5 (cinco) distritos de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. La iniciativa prevista fijaba una meta de 6 (seis) equipos (3 de cada género), con un volumen de jugadores destinatarios directos, estimada entre 60 y 80 personas; valores que a la postre se dimensionaron a 16 equipos (8 de cada género) y un estimado de 270 personas en forma directa (jugadores/as) y mucho más en forma indirecta (entre personal de clubes, administrativos, porteros, planilleros, cronometristas, etc). La presente ponencia intenta socializar con pares docentes e instituciones de formación de formadores, una experiencia de actividad de extensión que se presume inicialmente como de apropiación del hecho deportivo, pero que en la realidad va más allá, al generar una mejora de calidad de vida al reactivar en una enorme población adulta la necesidad e inquietud de practicar nuevamente deporte, entrenar, mejorar sus capacidades condicionales, coordinativas y porque no también relacionales
En la actualidad se estudia en numerosos campos cómo automatizar distintas tareas ejecutadas por aeronaves con tripulación humana. Estas tareas son en todos los casos muy costosos, debido al gran consumo de combustible, gran coste de adquisición y mantenimiento de la propia aeronave, todo ello sin contar el riesgo para los mismos tripulantes. Como ejemplo de estas tareas se puede incluir la vigilancia policial y fronteriza, revisiones de tendidos de alta tensión, la alerta temprana de incendios forestales y la medición de parámetros contaminantes. El objetivo de este proyecto es el diseño y la construcción de un prototipo electrónico empotrado basado en microcontrolador con núcleo C8051 de Silicon labs, que sea capaz de gobernar una aeronave de radiocontrol de forma transparente, de manera que en un futuro se pueda sustituir el propio aeromodelo, con la modificación de algunos parámetros, para poder incorporar sistemas de video o distintos medios de detección de variables. El prototipo seguirá una ruta confeccionada y transferida como un archivo de texto con un formato determinado que contendrá los datos necesarios para poder navegar mediante GPS. El trabajo con los modelos de motorización térmica (motores de combustión interna tipo glow, en este caso) resulta peligroso debido a la gran energía que son capaces de alcanzar. A fin de mantener la máxima seguridad durante la evolución del proyecto, se ha diseñado un proceso de tres partes independientes que permitan la correcta familiarización de los distintos componentes que se emplearán. Las fases son las siguientes: 1. Test y modelado de todos los componentes mediante pequeños montajes con protoboard de inserción y programas individuales. Se realizará mediante una tarjeta multipropósito que contendrá un microcontrolador similar en características, aunque de menor complejidad, al del prototipo final. 2. Integración de todos los componentes mediante una tarjeta especialmente diseñada que servirá de interfaz entre la tarjeta multipropósito y todo el hardware necesario para el control de un vehículo terrestre de iguales características (actuadores y motorización) al aeromodelo. 3. Diseño de un sistema embebido que concentre todos los subsistemas desarrollados en las fases anteriores y que integre todos los componentes necesarios para el gobierno de una aeronave de ala fija. ABSTRACT. Nowadays, the way of automating different tasks done by manned vehicles is studied. These tasks are any case very expensive, due to large fuel consumption, costs of aircraft buying, without taking into account the risk for human crew. As an example of these tasks, we can include policing or border surveillance, maintenance of high voltage lines, early warning of forest fire and measuring of pollution parameters. The target of this project is the design and construction of an embedded electronic prototype, based on a microcontroller with C8051 core from Silicon labs, and it will be able to controlling an aircraft transparently, in order that in the future the flying model could be changed with the modification of some parameters, and video or any variables detection systems could be added. The prototype will follow a designed and transferred path as an plain text file with a given format, that will contain all the necessary data for GPS navigation. Working with heat engine models (internal combustion engine, glow type, in this case) becomes dangerous due to the large energy that can be able to acquire. In order to keep the maximum safety level during the project evolution a three independent stages process have been designed, this allows familiarizing properly with the parts that will be used. The stages are as follows: 1. Test and modeling of all of the parts by little assemblies with through-hole protoboard and stand alone programs. It will be done with a multipurpose card which contains a microcontroller of similar characteristics, although less complex, of the final prototype. 2. Integrating of all of parts through a dedicated design card that will serve as interface between multipurpose card and all the necessary hardware for controlling a ground vehicle with the same characteristics (actuators and engine) of the flying model. 3. Embedded system designing that contains all the developed subsystems in the previous stages and integrates all the necessary parts for controlling a fixed-wing aircraft.
Al llarg d’aquesta pràctica pretenem conèixer els aspectes fonamentals del desenvolupament psicomotor dels xiquets i xiquetes de 3 a 6 anys a partir de l’anàlisi i l’estudi de diferents enfocaments d’ensenyament-aprenentatge, centrant-nos fonamentalment en l’enfocament de la psicomotricitat relacional, per a conèixer les possibilitats que té per a la contribució al desenvolupament global d’aquests.
1. Risālah fī al-khulūw wa-wujūhihi ʻinda al-Miṣrīyīn wa-al-Maghāribah / li-Ismāʻīl al-Tamīmī -- 2. Suʼāl wa-fatāwá ʻanh / li-Ibrāhīm al-Riyāḥī -- 3. Asʼilah wa-ajwibah fī masāʼil al-kardār / li-Aḥmad ibn al-Khūjah -- 4. Faṣl fī ʻĀrīyat al-khulūw wa-faṣl fī al-inzālāt min Manẓūmat Laqṭ al-durar / li-Muḥammad al-Sanūsī -- 5. Jumlat Taqārīr wa-fatāwá fī al-khalawāt wa-al-inzālāt / li-Muḥammad Bayram wa-al-Shādhilī ibn Ṣāliḥ -- 6. Risālah fī Taḥqīq masʼalat al-khulūw ʻinda al-Mālikīyah / li-Aḥmad al-Fayyūmī al-Farqāwī al-Miṣrī -- 7. Risālah fī al-Kalām ʻalá bayʻ al-waqf idhā khariba wa-mā li-ahl al-madhhab min al-kalām fī dhālik / li-Yaḥyá ibn Muḥammad al-Ḥaṭṭāb.
Da qualche anno gli standard di posti letto ospedalieri tendono a ridursi. È in corso un processo di ristrutturazione e riorganizzazione dell’azione ospedaliera che trova le sue ragioni nella necessità di calare la spesa del servizio sanitario. Questo fatto porta alla conclusione che la risorsa “posti letto” stia diventando sempre di più una risorsa limitata, che necessiti di una gestione attenta, precisa e ponderata. Da un punto di vista manageriale, capire le inefficienze e i modi in cui questa risorsa si interfaccia con la restante realtà ospedaliera è cruciale per poter attuare giuste politiche sanitarie. L’obiettivo di questa tesi consiste nella valutazione delle specifiche per la costruzione di un modello da applicare al sistema sanitario emiliano-romagnolo, compiendo una gap analysis su dati ufficiali forniti direttamente dal SS dell’Emilia-Romagna. Per la creazione del modello applicato ai posti letto ospedalieri il lavoro è proceduto prendendo in considerazione l’attuale modello in uso in regione [3] “Pianificazione tattica delle sale operatorie: un modello di ottimizzazione in ambito regionale. Margherita Vitali. 2014”. La creazione del modello oggetto di questa tesi è avvenuta attraverso l’ampliamento del modello [3]. Le modifiche proposte hanno avuto come scopo l’ottenimento di un modello dipendente dalla risorsa posti letto a valle delle sale operatorie. I vincoli aggiuntivi conferiscono una maggiore completezza al modello [3] ampliandone le vedute sulla filiera ospedaliera.
On a balmy summer morning a small group of us gathered for breakfast at the China National Convention Centre in Beijing during the 2010 ISME World Conference. As the cafe started to fill up with delegates from around the globe, we sat intently discussing our grand plan. Quite simply, we wanted to develop a network of community music practitioners and scholars in the Asia Pacific region. Inspired by the Community Music Activity (CMA) Commission we had just attended in Hangzhou the week before, we felt a pressing need to keep the seminar’s momentum going. During the seminar we had heard many stories and examples of musical practices, community contexts, pedagogical approaches and research ethics; however, set against the backdrop of this Chinese context, these familiar topics seemed to take on a new meaning (see Bartleet 2011). As we experienced the local culture and interacted with some of our Chinese colleagues, we were reminded that the concept of community is always contextual, contingent and contested(see Elliott et al. 2008: 3). We were also reminded that notions of what community music is and its social and educational functions are always fluid and varied depending on where you are in the world. After the seminar, our sense was that there are new voices and ideas relating to community music coming from this region that need to be heard. We hoped that this network would serve as a vehicle for activating relationships between these practitioners and scholars, as well as a channel for developing cross cultural partnerships, and disseminating research about community music in this region. On the surface this goal seemed quite straightforward...
Background Nursing perspectives play an important role in addressing the health priorities of today’s society. The Australian College of Nursing (ACN) acknowledges the significant contribution that nursing research has made since the first nurse researcher, Florence Nightingale, documented the factors that affected the morbidity and mortality of soldiers wounded in the Crimean war in the 1800s. The nursing profession continues to celebrate the significant contribution nursing research made to improving nursing practice and health outcomes. These significant contributions over recent years include, but are not limited to: 1. Health services research that has demonstrated the importance of nursing services and how such services are designed/organised to ensure safety and quality of care (Duffield, et al., 2011; Fernandez, et al., 2012; Middleton, et al., 2011); 2. Clinical research that has demonstrated the value of specific nursing interventions to improved health outcomes, including enhanced survival, reduced morbidity, and improved quality of life and consumer engagement (Cancer Australia and Cancer Voices Australia, 2011; Kitson, et al., 2013; Middleton, et al., 2012; Rickard, et al., 2012; Zeitz, et al., 2011); 3. Basic science research that has advanced discoveries in terms of understanding the biological mechanisms underpinning nursing interventions (Illi, et al., 2012; Kim, et al., 2012; Miaskowski, et al., 2010; Simonova, et al., 2012); 4. Epidemiological research that has advanced understanding about how individuals and populations respond to health problems (Carrington, et al., 2012); 5. Qualitative research that has advanced understanding about experiences of and responses to health and illness and the processes of care that are important to optimal outcomes (Schulman-Green, et al., 2012; Scott, et al., 2011).
This investigation used a combination of techniques, such as X-ray diffraction, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy, to determine the dissolution mechanisms of the Bayer precipitate and the associated rate of dissolution in acetic, citric and oxalic acid environments. The Bayer precipitate is a mixture of hydrotalcite, calcium carbonate and sodium chloride that forms during the seawater neutralisation of Bayer liquors (waste residue of the alumina industry). The dissolution rate of a Bayer precipitate is found to be dependent on (1) the strength of the organic acid and (2) the number of donating H+ ions. The dissolution mechanism for a Bayer precipitate consists of several steps involving: (1) the dissolution of CaCO3, (2) formation of whewellite (calcium oxalate) when oxalic acid is used and (3) multiple dissolution steps for hydrotalcite that are highly dependent on the pH of solution. The decomposition of the Al–OH hydrotalcite layers resulted in the immediate formation of Al(OH)3, which is stable until the pH decreases below 5.5. This investigation has found that the Bayer precipitate is stable across a wide pH range in the presence of common organic acids found in the rhizosphere, and that initial decomposition steps are likely to be beneficial in supporting plant growth through the release of nutrients such as Ca2þ and Mg2þ.
An innovative approach to precise tailoring of surface density, shapes, and sizes of single-crystalline α-Fe 2O 3 nanowires and nanobelts by controlling interactions of reactive oxygen plasma-generated species with the Fe surface is proposed. This strongly nonequilibrium, rapid, almost incubation-free, high-rate growth directly from the solid-solid interface can also be applied to other oxide materials and is based on deterministic control of the density of oxygen species and the surface conditions, which determine the nanostructure nucleation and growth.
This work explored the applicability of electrocoagulation (EC) using aluminium electrodes for the removal of contaminants which can scale and foul reverse osmosis membranes from a coal seam (CS) water sample, predominantly comprising sodium chloride, and sodium bicarbonate. In general, the removal efficiency of species responsible for scaling and fouling was enhanced by increasing the applied current density/voltage and contact times (30–60 s) in the EC chamber. High removal efficiencies of species potentially responsible for scale formation in reverse osmosis units such as calcium (100%), magnesium (87.9%), strontium (99.3%), barium (100%) and silicates (98.3%) were achieved. Boron was more difficult to eliminate (13.3%) and this was postulated to be due to the elevated solution pH. Similarly, fluoride removal from solution (44%) was also inhibited by the presence of hydroxide ions in the pH range 9–10. Analysis of produced flocs suggested the dominant presence of relatively amorphous boehmite (AlOOH), albeit the formation of Al(OH)3 was not ruled out as the drying process employed may have converted aluminium hydroxide to aluminium oxyhydroxide species. Evidence for adsorption of contaminants on floc surface sites was determined from FTIR studies. The quantity of aluminium released during the electrocoagulation process was higher than the Faradaic amount which suggested that the high salt concentrations in the coal seam water had chemically reacted with the aluminium electrodes.
Thermal decomposition of Ca(OH)2 with and without additives has been experimentally investigated for its application as a thermochemical energy storage system. The homogeneous reaction model gives a satisfactory fit for the kinetic data on pure and Ni(OH)2---, Zn(OH)2--- and Al(OH)3---doped Ca(OH)2 and the order of reaction is 0.76 in all cases except for the Al(OH)3-doped sample for which the decomposition is zero order. These additives are shown not only to enhance the reaction rate but also to reduce the decomposition temperature significantly. Some models for solid decomposition reactions, and possible mechanisms in the decomposition of solids containing additives, are also discussed.
Although BaZr 0.8Y 0.2O 3-δ(BZY) possesses large bulk proton conductivity and excellent chemical stability, its poor sinterability and grain boundaries block proton conduction. In this work, the effect of Ca as a co-dopant and as a sintering aid (as CaO), on the sinterability, proton conductivity, and fuel cell performance of BZY was investigated. The addition of 4 mol% CaO significantly improved the BZY sinterability: BZY pellets with densities of 92.7% and 97.5% with respect to the theoretical density were obtained after sintering at 1500°C and 1600°C, respectively. The improved BZY sinterability by CaO addition resulted also in a large proton conductivity; at 600°C, the total conductivity of BZY-CaO was 2.14 × 10 -3 S/cm, in wet Ar. Anode-supported fuel cells with 25 μm-thick BZY-CaO electrolyte membranes were fabricated by a dual-layer co-firing technique. The peak power density of the fuel cell with a BZY-Ni/BZY-4CaO/BZY-LSCF (La 0.6Sr 0.4Fe 0.8Co 0.2O 3-δ) configuration was 141 mW/cm 2 at 700°C, several times larger than the reported values of BZY electrolyte membrane fuel cells sintered with the addition of CuO or ZnO, demonstrating promising features for practical fuel cell applications.
The difficult sintering of BaZr0.8Y0.2O 3-δ (BZY20) powders makes the fabrication of anode-supported BZY20 electrolyte films complex. Dense BZY20 membranes were successfully fabricated on anode substrates made of sinteractive NiO-BZY20 powders, prepared by a combustion method. With respect to traditional anode substrates made of powders prepared by mechanical mixing, the anode substrates made of the wet-chemically synthesized composite NiO-BZY20 powders significantly promoted the densification of BZY20 membranes: dense BZY20 films were obtained after co-pressing and co-firing at 1300 °C, a much lower temperature than those usually needed for densifying BZY20 membranes. Improved electrochemical performance was also observed: the supported BZY20 films maintained a high proton conductivity, up to 5.4 × 10-3 S cm-1 at 700 °C. Moreover, an anode-supported fuel cell with a 30 m thick BZY20 electrolyte film fabricated at 1400 °C on the anode made of the wet-chemically synthesized NiO-BZY20 powder showed a peak power density of 172 mW cm-2 at 700 °C, using La0.6Sr0.4Co 0.2Fe0.8O3-δ-BaZr0.7Y 0.2Pr0.1O3-δ as the cathode material, with a remarkable performance for proton-conducting solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) applications.