984 resultados para Agendas


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This article synthesizes the main themes and research agendas that have been explored in studies of sports-associated drinking. It identifies four themes in which sport and alcohol come together: (a) the commercial economy; (b) social practices and cultural identities; (c) crime and violence; and (d) health behaviors. The article highlights the paradoxical and contradictory nature of the sport-alcohol nexus, especially in relation to health behaviors and crime and violence, where sport is both a context for and a “solution” to health damaging and criminal behavior. The article also argues for the contribution that studies of sports-based drinking can make to the sociology of sport and alcohol use more broadly, particularly with regard to applying new theoretical perspectives such as “calculated hedonism” and “casual leisure” to drinking in sporting contexts. It also extends our analysis of the beer-sport-gender “holy trinity” to considering drinking by women as well as among less traditional forms of masculine identities.


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Renewing engagement with literature and integrating technologies in order to address the needs of an increasingly diverse student cohort are some of the challenges confronting 21st century English teachers as they go about implementing the Australian Curriculum: English. This chapter reports on an action research cycle of classroom inquiry into the interpretation and creation of poetry, drawing on both multimodal and traditional poetic forms. Three middle school teachers, in partnership with three university-based researchers, sought to explore the possibilities of one-to-one computing for creating differentiated literacy curriculum based on personalised learning goals and harnessing the affordances of multimodal literacy pedagogies. The learning gains achieved through this collaboration exceeded the expectations of all concerned: teachers, students and researchers. Student achievement was shown by their enhanced knowledge and creativity when interpreting and composing poetry. Furthermore, students increased their capacities in other ways, through collaborating and problem-solving, as well as increased technological mastery, meta-cognition and self-assessment. Such transformations in student learning challenge standardised notions of accomplishment in English and the kinds of pedagogy necessary to support their learning. The teachers involved in this research engaged in rich forms of collaboration, engaging in professional learning that matched the learning of their students. For academics, the co-creation of professional praxis with middle years teachers and students reaffirmed their sense of the value of generating literacy pedagogies through reflective dialogue within local, situated knowledge communities


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As noted in Universities Australia’s (2011a, 2011b) investigations into Indigenous Cultural Competency, most universities have struggled with successfully devising and achieving a translation of Indigenous protocols into their curricula. Walliss & Grant (2000: 65) have also concluded that, given the nature of the built environment disciplines, including planning, and their professional practice activities, there is a “need for specific cultural awareness education” to service these disciplines and not just attempts to insert Indigenous perspectives into their curricula. Bradley’s policy initiative at the University of South Australia (1997-2007), “has not achieved its goal of incorporation of Indigenous perspectives into all its undergraduate programs by 2010, it has achieved an incorporation rate of 61%” (Universities Australia 2011a: 9; http://www.unisa.edu.au/ducier/icup/default.asp).

Contextually, Bradley’s strategic educational aim at University of South Australia led a social reformist agenda, which has been continued in Universities Australia’s release of Indigenous Cultural Competency (2011a; 2011b) reports that has attracted mixed media criticism (Trounson 2012a: 5, 2012b: 5) and concerns that it represents “social engineering” rather than enhancing “criticism as a pedagogical tool ... as a means of advancing knowledge” (Melleuish 2012: 10). While the Planning Institute of Australia’s (PIA) Indigenous Planning Policy Working Party has observed that fundamental changes are needed to the way Australian planning education addresses Indigenous perspectives and interests, it has concluded that planners “! perceptual limitations of their own discipline and the particular discourse of our own craft” were hindering enhanced learning outcomes (Wensing 2007: 2). Gurran (PIA 2007) has noted that the core curriculum in planning includes an expectation of “knowledge of ! Indigenous Australian cultures, including relationships between their physical environment and associated social and economic systems” but that it has not been addressed. This paper critiques these discourses and offers an Indigenous perspective of the debate.


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Under the influence of the external policy pressure of donors such as the World Bank, higher education in Ethiopia has witnessed a series of institutional and system-wide reforms. This article reviews selected policy documents to show key neo-liberal policy agendas endorsed in the reforms and explicate how they have affected social equity in the subsystem. The analysis shows that higher education reforms in Ethiopia, primarily framed by concerns of economic efficiency, have constrained social equity in two important ways. First, at a discursive level, the problem of inequality is represented as a lack of access and a disadvantage in the human capital formation of the nation. Second, the drive for greater efficiency and reduced costs in the educational provision embedded in the reforms is inconsistent with the need for the financial and political commitments required to benefit marginalised members of the society through relevant equity instruments. If the equity policy provisions should be instrumental in ensuring participation, retention and successful completion, and thereby supporting the social mobility of disadvantaged groups, they need to draw on a broad social justice perspective.


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O objetivo da presente tese é analisar a política de Segurança Pública do Estado de São Paulo entre os anos de 1995 e 2006 – gestões, respectivamente, de Mario Covas, Geraldo Alckmin e Cláudio Lembo –, sob a ótica da formação de agenda. Não se trata aqui apenas da elaboração inicial da agenda de políticas públicas de uma determinada área; tal arcabouço analítico trata de todo o “ciclo de gestão” de uma política pública, envolvendo planejamento das ações, sua implementação, a avaliação e posterior correção de rumos. Buscou-se mapear os atores relevantes da área de segurança pública, identificando suas preferências frente aos problemas da área e suas alternativas de resposta e suas posições relativas; as interações entre estes atores, identificando os momentos de conflito e de cooperação; os resultados e a aprendizagem dos atores, o que tende a mudar a dinâmica de interação novamente nos momentos subseqüentes. Conclui que as diferentes posições dos atores implicam diferentes naturezas de influência na condução da agenda da segurança pública, variando entre as mudanças na gestão da segurança pública e as mudanças na operação da polícia. Esta é alterada, ainda, pelas crises de segurança (mega-rebeliões no sistema penitenciário, crimes bárbaros etc.), o que pode tanto provocar constrangimento político no nível estratégico do governo (governador, secretário) quanto um constrangimento moral nos operadores da segurança pública (ex.: casos de corrupção ou de abuso policial). Os três secretários da pasta no período analisado representaram três momentos distintos da política de segurança pública, corroborando a hipótese das “três agendas”. Apesar disto, foram observadas continuidades importantes, aprendizado dos atores e incrementalismo das políticas. Quanto ao poder Legislativo, a Assembléia estadual desempenha um papel quase nulo, enquanto que o Congresso Nacional cumpre um papel apenas marginal na formulação e alteração da agenda de segurança pública, contribuindo com iniciativas pontuais, casuísticas e, invariavelmente, reativas ao problema, ajudando a agravar mais do que a resolver os problemas da área.


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Terminada a mais acirrada disputa presidencial desde a redemocratização, a presidente Dilma Rousseff — reconduzida ao cargo por estreita margem de votos válidos — a partir de agora terá de enfrentar um desafio talvez maior que o das urnas: buscar a conciliação das duas agendas públicas colocadas pela sociedade brasileira.


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Terminada a mais acirrada disputa presidencial desde a redemocratização, a presidente Dilma Rousseff — reconduzida ao cargo por estreita margem de votos válidos — agora terá de enfrentar um desafio talvez maior que o das urnas: buscar a conciliação das duas agendas públicas colocadas pela sociedade brasileira. As diferenças entre elas, ancoradas em demandas sociais distintas, se expressaram não somente em termos regionais ou de renda, como tem sido discutido desde o resultado da eleição, mas também no debate público travado nas ruas e de maneira mais enfática nas redes, opondo claramente dois campos políticos. A análise foi divulgada no dia 2 de novembro no jornal O Globo.


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