970 resultados para Adipose fin


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The goal of this study is the multi-mode structural vibration control in the composite fin-tip of an aircraft. Structural model of the composite fin-tip with surface bonded piezoelectric actuators is developed using the finite element method. The finite element model is updated experimentally to reflect the natural frequencies and mode shapes accurately. A model order reduction technique is employed for reducing the finite element structural matrices before developing the controller. Particle swarm based evolutionary optimization technique is used for optimal placement of piezoelectric patch actuators and accelerometer sensors to suppress vibration. H{infty} based active vibration controllers are designed directly in the discrete domain and implemented using dSpace® (DS-1005) electronic signal processing boards. Significant vibration suppression in the multiple bending modes of interest is experimentally demonstrated for sinusoidal and band limited white noise forcing functions.


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Pro gradu -työni käsittelee ranskalaisen nykykirjallisuuden yhteiskunnallista suuntausta, jota kirjallisuudentutkija Ruth Cruickshank kutsuu fin de millénaire -kirjallisuudeksi. Tutkimani teokset ovat Frédéric Beigbederin Au secours pardon (2007), Marie Darrieussecqin Truismes (1996) ja Michel Houellebecqin La Possibilité d'une île (2005). Pohdin, millaisena ja millaisin keinoin teokset kuvaavat seksuaalisuutta ja sen tulevaisuudennäkymiä kulutusyhteiskunnassa, ja millaisiin yhteiskunnallisiin olosuhteisiin niiden havainnot perustuvat. Hahmottelen reittejä, joita pitkin globaalin mittakaavan yhteiskunnalliset muutokset vaikuttavat ihmisten intiimeihin tunteisiin ja ihmissuhteisiin. Seksuaalisuuden tarkastelun avulla osoitan, että ranskalaisessa nykykirjallisuudessa ilmenee varsin yhteneviä näkemyksiä ja uhkakuvia aikamme sosiaalisesta todellisuudesta. Tällä tavoin tarkennan ja vankennan vielä hajanaista fin de millénaire -käsitettä. Fin de millénaire -kirjallisuuden oma lajityyppi on massakulttuurin, esimerkiksi viihteen ja mainosten, kielestä vaikutteita ammentava dystopian ja satiirin liitto. Kuten Cruickshank kirjoittaa, fin de millénaire -kirjallisuus heijastaa Ranskassa vuosituhannen vaihteessa korostunutta tunnetta käännekohtaan saapumisesta. Dystopian ohella voidaankin puhua myös apokalyptisesta tekstistä, etenkin siksi, että teokset tarjoavat niukasti ratkaisuja kuvaamiinsa ongelmiin. Eritoten Houellebecqin ja Beigbederin teokset käsittelevät tarpeiden luomista kuluttajille seksuaalivietin ja seksuaalisen kilpailun avulla. Kutsun tätä järjestelmää halutaloudeksi, ja käytän sen toiminnan analysoimisessa apuna Michel Foucault'n käsityksiä vallasta ja Jean Baudrillardin käsityksiä kulutusyhteiskunnasta. Halutalouden sosiaalisia seurauksia ovat vieraantuminen, seksuaalisten hierarkioiden jyrkentyminen ja valinnanvapauden kaventuminen. Teosten kuvaamassa yhteiskunnassa erilaiset esimerkiksi sukupuolen, iän ja ulkonäön perusteella rakentuvat seksuaaliset hierarkiat käyvät yhä merkittävämmiksi. Au secours pardon ja La Possibilité d'une île kuvaavat tapahtumaketjua, jossa etenkin heteromiehistä yhä useampi luisuu seksuaaliseen kurjuuteen muun muassa naisten emansipaation sekä yleisen nuoruuden ja kauneuden palvonnan myötä. Truismesissa taas kuvitellaan yhteiskunta, johon feminismi ei ole päässyt vaikuttamaan mutta pornoistuminen on; naisten ruumiista on tullut miesten yhteistä omaisuutta ja seksuaalinen väkivalta on arkipäivää. Sen maailmassa viehättävä ulkonäkö on naisille miltei elinehto. Yleistäen Houellebecqin ja Beigbederin teokset edustavat miesnäkökulmaa ja Darrieussecqin teos naisnäkökulmaa. Teosten näkemyksiä naisten ja miesten välisistä valtasuhteista pohdin naisten seksuaalisesta vallasta kirjoittaneen Henry Laasasen käyttökelpoisten käsitteiden avulla. Kolmea teosta yhdistävät kuvaukset kulttuurista, jossa ihmissuhteet ovat kaupankäyntiä ja seksuaalinen viehätysvoima määrittelee ihmisen arvon. Darrieussecqin teos on lähitulevaisuuteen sijoittuva dystopia, jossa Beigbederin ja Houellebecqin kuvaama arvoliberalismia ja taloudellista liberalismia yhdistävä kulttuuri on vaihtunut uuskonservatiiviseen ja kaksinaismoralistiseen, naisia räikeästi sortavaan yhteiskuntaan. Teoksen kertoja vähättelee itseensä kohdistuvia koskemattomuuden loukkauksia ja pahoittelee kertomuksensa käänteiden säädyttömyyttä varsinkin kuvatessaan omaa haluaan ja seksuaalista subjektiuttaan. Katson teoksen kritisoivan kirjallisuudentutkija Shirley Ann Jordanin termein poliittisen korrektiuden tyranniaa ja peräänkuuluttavan suoraa puhetta pornografiasta ja naisen halusta. Seksuaalisuus toimii tutkimuksessani lähtökohtana, jonka avulla teoksista nousee esiin julma ja rakkaudeton, säälimättömän kilpailun ja väkivallan täyttämä yhteiskunta. Viime kädessä teosten kuvaama maailmanloppu on se, että rakkaus katoaa ihmisten välisistä suhteista, koska rakkaudessa ei ole voiton tavoittelun kannalta mitään järkeä. Satiirin keinojen, kuten päättymättömän ja monikerroksisen ironian, yhdistyminen dystopiaan pelastaa teokset osoittelevalta moralisoinnilta ja tekee niistä toimivaa yhteiskunnallista kirjallisuutta.


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The oxidative activity of mitochondria freshly isolated from brown adipose tissue of rats was stimulated two-fold on the addition of small concentrations of exogenous cytochrome c to the reaction medium. Loss of membrane-bound cytochrome c did not occur during isolation of mitochondria. Estimation of the high-affinity binding sites on the organelle membrane indicated that less than a third of these sites remained saturated with cytochrome c. The pigment is thus shown to be a functionally limiting electron transport component in brown adipose tissue.


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Exposure of cold-acclimatized rats to heat (37 degrees C) for a short period decreased brown adipose tissue (BAT) mitochondrial substrate-dependent oxygen uptake and H2O2 generation. Both the concentration and substrate-dependent rate of cytochrome b reduction decreased as early as 3 h of heat exposure. These results identify cytochrome b as the locus of regulation of electron transport in BAT mitochondria under conditions of heat stress.


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The presence of redox systems in microsomes of brown adipose tissue (BAT) in cold exposed rats was investigated and compared with liver. BAT microsomes showed high activity of lipid peroxidation measured both by the formation of malondialdehyde (MDA) and by oxygen uptake. NADH and NADPH dependent cytochrome c reductase activity were present in both BAT and liver microsomes. Aminopyrine demethylase and aniline hydroxylase activities, the characteristic detoxification enzymes in liver microsomes could not be detected in BAT microsomes. BAT minces showed very poor incorporation of [1-14C]acetate and [2-14C]-mevalonate in unsaponifiable lipid fraction compared to liver. Biosynthesis of cholesterol and ubiquinone, but not fatty acids, and the activity of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl glutaryl CoA reductase appear to be very low in BAT. Examination of difference spectra showed the presence of only cytochrome b 5 in BAT microsomes. In addition to the inability to detect the enzyme activities dependent on cytochrome P-450, a protein with the characteristic spectrum, molecular size in SDS-PAGE and interaction with antibodies in double diffusion test, also could not be detected in BAT microsomes. The high activity of lipid peroxidation in microsomes, being associated with large oxygen uptake and oxidation of NADPH, will also contribute to the energy dissipation as heat in BAT, considered important in thermogenesis.


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Researchers and developers in academia and industry would benefit from a facility that enables them to easily locate, licence and use the kind of empirical data they need for testing and refining their hypotheses and to deposit and disseminate their data e.g. to support replication and validation of reported scientific experiments. To answer these needs initially in Finland, there is an ongoing project at University of Helsinki and its collaborators to create a user-friendly web service for researchers and developers in Finland and other countries. In our talk, we describe ongoing work to create a palette of extensive but easily available Finnish language resources and technologies for the research community, including lexical resources, wordnets, morphologically tagged corpora, dependency syntactic treebanks and parsebanks, open-source finite state toolkits and libraries and language models to support text analysis and processing at customer site. Also first publicly available results are presented.


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The work reported in this thesis is an attempt to enhance heat transfer in electronic devices with the use of impinging air jets on pin-finned heat sinks. The cooling per-formance of electronic devices has attracted increased attention owing to the demand of compact size, higher power densities and demands on system performance and re-liability. Although the technology of cooling has greatly advanced, the main cause of malfunction of the electronic devices remains overheating. The problem arises due to restriction of space and also due to high heat dissipation rates, which have increased from a fraction of a W/cm2to 100s of W /cm2. Although several researchers have at-tempted to address this at the design stage, unfortunately the speed of invention of cooling mechanism has not kept pace with the ever-increasing requirement of heat re- moval from electronic chips. As a result, efficient cooling of electronic chip remains a challenge in thermal engineering. Heat transfer can be enhanced by several ways like air cooling, liquid cooling, phase change cooling etc. However, in certain applications due to limitations on cost and weight, eg. air borne application, air cooling is imperative. The heat transfer can be increased by two ways. First, increasing the heat transfer coefficient (forced convec- tion), and second, increasing the surface area of heat transfer (finned heat sinks). From previous literature it was established that for a given volumetric air flow rate, jet im-pingement is the best option for enhancing heat transfer coefficient and for a given volume of heat sink material pin-finned heat sinks are the best option because of their high surface area to volume ratio. There are certain applications where very high jet velocities cannot be used because of limitations of noise and presence of delicate components. This process can further be improved by pulsating the jet. A steady jet often stabilizes the boundary layer on the surface to be cooled. Enhancement in the convective heat transfer can be achieved if the boundary layer is broken. Disruptions in the boundary layer can be caused by pulsating the impinging jet, i.e., making the jet unsteady. Besides, the pulsations lead to chaotic mixing, i.e., the fluid particles no more follow well defined streamlines but move unpredictably through the stagnation region. Thus the flow mimics turbulence at low Reynolds number. The pulsation should be done in such a way that the boundary layer can be disturbed periodically and yet adequate coolant is made available. So, that there is not much variation in temperature during one pulse cycle. From previous literature it was found that square waveform is most effective in enhancing heat transfer. In the present study the combined effect of pin-finned heat sink and impinging slot jet, both steady and unsteady, has been investigated for both laminar and turbulent flows. The effect of fin height and height of impingement has been studied. The jets have been pulsated in square waveform to study the effect of frequency and duty cycle. This thesis attempts to increase our understanding of the slot jet impingement on pin-finned heat sinks through numerical investigations. A systematic study is carried out using the finite-volume code FLUENT (Version 6.2) to solve the thermal and flow fields. The standard k-ε model for turbulence equations and two layer zonal model in wall function are used in the problem Pressure-velocity coupling is handled using the SIMPLE algorithm with a staggered grid. The parameters that affect the heat transfer coefficient are: height of the fins, total height of impingement, jet exit Reynolds number, frequency of the jet and duty cycle (percentage time the jet is flowing during one complete cycle of the pulse). From the studies carried out it was found that: a) beyond a certain height of the fin the rate of enhancement of heat transfer becomes very low with further increase in height, b) the heat transfer enhancement is much more sensitive to any changes at low Reynolds number than compared to high Reynolds number, c) for a given total height of impingement the use of fins and pulsated jet, increases the effective heat transfer coefficient by almost 200% for the same average Reynolds number, d) for all the cases it was observed that the optimum frequency of impingement is around 50 − 100 Hz and optimum duty cycle around 25-33.33%, e) in the case of turbulent jets the enhancement in heat transfer due to pulsations is very less compared to the enhancement in case of laminar jets.


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The size of the shear transformation zone (STZ) that initiates the elastic to plastic transition in a Zr-based bulk metallic glass was estimated by conducting a statistical analysis of the first pop-in event during spherical nanoindentation. A series of experiments led us to a successful description of the distribution of shear strength for the transition and its dependence on the loading rate. From the activation volume determined by statistical analysis the STZ size was estimated based on a cooperative shearing model. (C) 2012 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Ionic polymer-metal composites are soft artificial muscle-like bending actuators, which can work efficiently in wet environments such as water. Therefore, there is significant motivation for research on the development and design analysis of ionic polymer-metal composite based biomimetic underwater propulsion systems. Among aquatic animals, fishes are efficient swimmers with advantages such as high maneuverability, high cruising speed, noiseless propulsion, and efficient stabilization. Fish swimming mechanisms provide biomimetic inspiration for underwater propulsor design. Fish locomotion can be broadly classified into body and/or caudal fin propulsion and median and/or paired pectoral fin propulsion. In this article, the paired pectoral fin-based oscillatory propulsion using ionic polymer-metal composite for aquatic propulsor applications is studied. Beam theory and the concept of hydrodynamic function are used to describe the interaction between the beam and water. Furthermore, a quasi-steady blade element model that accounts for unsteady phenomena such as added mass effects, dynamic stall, and the cumulative Wagner effect is used to obtain hydrodynamic performance of the ionic polymer-metal composite propulsor. Dynamic characteristics of ionic polymer-metal composite fin are analyzed using numerical simulations. It is shown that the use of optimization methods can lead to significant improvement in performance of the ionic polymer-metal composite fin.


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While keeping the technological evolution and commercialization of FinFET technology in mind, this paper discloses a novel concept that enables area-scaled or vertical tunneling in Fin-based technologies. The concept provides a roadmap for beyond FinFET technologies, while enjoying the advantages of FinFET-like structure without demanding technological abruptness from the existing FinFET technology nodes to beyond FinFET nodes. The proposed device at 10-nm gate length, when compared with the conventional vertical tunneling FET or planar area-scaled device, offers 100% improvement in the ON-current, 15x reduction in the OFF-current, 3x increase in the transconductance, 30% improvement in the output resistance, 55% improvement in the unity gain frequency, and more importantly 6x reduction in the footprint area for a given drive capability. Furthermore, the proposed device brings the average and minimum subthreshold slope down to 40 and 11 mV/decade at 10-nm gate length. This gives a path for beyond FinFET system-on-chip applications, while enjoying the analog, digital, and RF performance improvements.


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Introducción: En la campaña 2012 – 2013, según el Foreign Agricultural Service del United State Departament of Agriculture, Argentina fue el quinto país productor de maíz en el mundo y segundo en Latinoamérica sólo después de Brasil (USDA, 2014) A su vez la región oeste de Buenos Aires y norte de La Pampa, en la cual se sitúa el presente trabajo, es la segunda región del país en área sembrada de Argentina con 424.000 ha para la campaña 2013-2014, situándose detrás de la región centro norte de Córdoba con 580.000 ha (Bolsa de Cereales, 2014). El maíz es un cultivo clave para la rotación agrícola, siendo el cultivo de verano que mayor aporte de carbono hace al suelo (Álvarez, 2006) En la región semiárida pampeana el componente más importante de las condiciones ambientales que limita la productividad de los cultivos es la disponibilidad de agua (Corró Molas, 2012). En las últimas campañas se difundió en la región la práctica de implantar los maíces en fecha tardía. Este cambio modifica las condiciones ambientales que se producen durante el periodo crítico del cultivo. Para la región semiárida pampeana, las siembras tardías determinan condiciones de menor temperatura y radiación durante el periodo crítico del cultivo. Al mismo tiempo, para la mayoría de los años, menor déficit hídrico (Corró Molas, 2012). Para las condiciones de estrés hídrico, el atraso de la fecha de siembra es una estrategia que permite evitar la coincidencia del periodo crítico con los momentos de mayor demanda atmosférica (Andrade y Sadras, 2000). Por otro lado, las siembras tardías pueden incrementar la severidad de algunas enfermedades foliares durante el llenado de granos como Tizón Foliar (Exserohilum turcicum) (Formento, 2010; Couretot, 2010)...


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An experimental study was conducted on shock wave turbulent boundary layer interactions caused by a blunt swept fin-plate configuration at Mach numbers of 5.0, 7.8, 9.9 for a Reynolds number range of (1.0.similar to 4.7) x 10(7)/m. Detailed heat transfer and pressure distributions were measured at fin deflection angles of up to 30 degrees for a sweepback angle of 67.6 degrees. Surface oil flow patterns and liquid crystal thermograms as well as schlieren pictures of fin shock shape were taken. The study shows that the flow was separated at deflection of 10 degrees and secondary separation were detected at deflection of theta greater than or equal to 20 degrees. The heat transfer and pressure distributions on flat plate showed an extensive plateau region followed by a distinct dip and local peak close to the fin foot. Measurements of the plateau pressure and heat transfer were in good agreement with existing prediction methods, but pressure and heating peak measurements at M greater than or equal to 6 were significantly lower than predicted by the simple prediction techniques at lower Mach numbers.